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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 10-002108PL Visitors: 23
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Weston, Florida
Filed: Apr. 19, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, April 27, 2010.

Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024
j0- 2103 P- ¢ “en oe DEPP 19 a STATE OF FLORIDA ne DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FLORIDA REAL ESTATE COMMISSION 3 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE, Petitioner, v. DBPR Case NO. 2008017286 VICENTE BORELLY, Respondent. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate (“Petitioner”) files this Administrative Complaint against Vicente Borelly (“Respondent”) and alleges: ESSENTIAL ALLEGATIONS OF MATERIAL FACT 1. Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the responsibility and duty to prosecute Administrative Complaints pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, in particular Section 20.165 and Chapters 120, 455 and 475, of the Florida Statutes and the rules promulgated pursuant thereto. 2. Respondent is and was at all times material hereto a licensed Florida real estate sales associate, issued license number H:\ac\borelly.doc FDBPR v. Vicente Borelly Case No. 2008017286 Administrative Complaint 3032868 in accordance with Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes. 3. The last license issued was as an inactive sales associate at 276 Bedford Avenue, Weston, Florida 33326. 4. At al times material, Respondent was a licensed real estate sales associate licensed with Franklin Realty Consultants, Inc. 5. On or about August 25, 2006, Respondent, as agent for Jorge Bencomo (Buyer), negotiated a sales and purchase contract for a property located at 2009-2011 Washington Ave., Opa Locka, Florida, 33054 (Subject Property) owned by Irlande Joseph (Seller) for $180,000 with a $1,000 deposit placed with Consumer Title. A copy of the contract is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 1. 6. On or about September 19, 2006, Respondent faxed to Seller agent, Ricardo De La Pena, Jr., a letter confirming Buyer's deposit was held in escrow with Consumer Title, LLC, (Escrow Agent) for $1,000 for the purchase of the Subject Property. A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 2. 7. Respondent knew or should have known that the spelling of the name of the Escrow Agent was incorrect in the letter dated September 19, 2006. H:\ac\borelly.doc 2 FDBPR v. Vicente Borelly Case No. 2008017286 Administrative Complaint ’ 8. Respondent knew or should have known that the letter dated September 19, 2006 faxed to Ricardo De La Pena was a fraudulent document. 9. At all times material, Respondent was instructed by Respondent’s broker of record, Stephen Levine to deliver to broker the transaction file for the Subject Property. 10. Respondent delivered the transaction file for the Subject Property to Attorney Paul B. Wood. 11. Respondent was instructed by Investigator Arthur Soule to deliver to Investigator Soule, as agent for Petitioner, the transaction file for the Subject Property. 12. Respondent has failed to deliver the transaction file to his broker of record. 13. Respondent failed to deliver the transaction file for the Subject Property to Petitioner’s representative, Investigator Soule. COUNT ONE Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, false promises, false pretenses, dishonest dealing by trick, scheme or device, culpable negligence, or breach of trust in any business transaction in violation of Section 475.25(1) (b), Florida Statutes. H:\ac\borelly.doc 3 FDBPR v. Vicente Borelly Case No. 2008017286 Administrative Complaint COUNT TWO Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of having obstructed or hindered in any manner the enforcement of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes or the performance of any lawful duty by any person acting under the authority of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes in violation of Section 475.42(1) (i), Florida Statutes and, therefore, in violation of Section 475.25(1)(e), Florida Statutes. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Florida Real Estate Commission, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as may be appropriate, to issue a Final Order as final agency action finding the Respondent(s) guilty as charged. The penalties which may be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of the offense(s), include: revocation of the license or registration or permit; suspension of the license, registration or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, imposition of an administrative fine of up to $5,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance of a reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee, registrant or permittee to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; or any H.\ac\borelly.doc 4 FDBPR v. Vicente Borelly Case No. 2008017286 Administrative Complaint combination of the foregoing which may apply. See Section 475.25(1), Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J32-24.001. The penalties which may be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 455 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of the offense(s), include: revocation of the license, registration, or permit; suspension of the license, registration, or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years; imposition of an administrative fine of up to $5,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance of a reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee, registrant, or permittee to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; restriction of practice; injunctive or mandamus relief; imposition of a cease and desist notice; or any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See Section 455.227, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6132-24.001. H:\ae\borelly.doc . 5 FDBPR v. Vicente Borelly Case No. 2008017286 Administrative Complaint Signed this il day of Max , 2009. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Pat Patrick James Cunningham Senior Attorney Florida Bar No. 469221 Division of Real Estate Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Legal Section - Suite N 801 Hurston Bldg. North Tower 400 West Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801-1757 (407) 481-5632 (407) 317-7260 FAX /k PCP: MG/MV 4/09 H:\ac\borelly.doc 6 FDBPR v. Vicente Borelly Case No. 2008017286 Administrative Complaint NOTICE TO RESPONDENTS PLEASE BE ADVISED that mediation under Section 120.573 of the Florida Statutes, is not available for administrative disputes involving this type of agency action. PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that pursuant to this Administrative Complaint you may request, within the time allowed by law, a hearing to be conducted in this matter in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes; that you have the right, at your option and expense, to be represented by counsel or other qualified representative in this matter; and that you have the right, at your option and expense, to take testimony, to call and cross-examine witnesses, and to have subpoena and subpoena duces tecum issued on your behalf if a formal hearing is requested. PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that if you do not file an Election of Rights form or some other responsive pleading with the Petitioner within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of this Administrative Complaint, the Petitioner will file with the Florida Real Estate Commission a motion requesting an informal hearing and entry of an appropriate Final Order which may result in the suspension or revocation of your real estate license or registration. Please see the enclosed Explanation of Rights and Election of Rights form. H:\ac\borelly.doc 7 Aug-28-2006 04:03pm = From-FIRST SERVICE REALTY 3055514965 T-008 =P.002/018 = F878 veg Apatite a SS Josex and Pye Ae carter aggee to sail and ou on afer d carditis S Spepiiag below the prupeny descrined as: Adarss: ZO“ ALI MLA YE YW vo Spa pa a Taga Daceaption: LIGA AONE sik PdC) -ROl A pe nn . fogamer win all Improvementa and attached ftems, including tures, buil-in furnishings, bul-n appliances, celing fans, Tigi fixtures, amached wall-to-wall carpeting, rags pegs and omer window coverings. The only siher items included in me me ae fake Pa mPa ygy, eas 1s° The folowing attached tems are axciuped rom the purcnase: pe LR 18 The real and personal propeny described above as included in Ine purchase is rafarrad to 8s Ine “Propentk” Personal propery fisted 48 inthis Ganract fs ipeuded in the prea, hag no co value and @ bend lef for Sefier’s convenience. ~ —_—— Z/ GD LLP - * v _— 4 PRICE AND FINANCING PR +eavama.: 1 2. PUR ICE: greene __payahle by Buyer in .S. currency aa tolows: ? Belem = — — Deposn received (checks ara aupject qo clearance) ay fo DLO re ene (‘Escrow Agen’? CLE. rane Nave of ConoaTy . Adaniona 10 ha caivered 1a Fscrow Agent by Ps] . —_—— trom Eflective Bate. (10 days if left blarid Os. Total financing (see Paragrapn 3 baka) (express 8s a Qollar amount or percertage) _wittan Ainaneing comeitment or approval fatter ¢Cammiment”) within days fram Effective Dare (a caye It teit bianiq (Commitment Periad. Buyer will keap Seller ang Broker fully informed about inan épplicatian Starug, progress and partlas cannot agree 0n.4 New purchase price or Buyer elects not to pracesd, or (2) another provision af thie Conyact requires a deposite 1a na ratumed. Wf Buyer, using diligence and good fatn, Sannet provide the Commitment witnin the Cammiment sa Period, his Contact will be terminated and Buyer's deposits ratundad. E) CLOSING wo 4, Ne TE; OCCUPANCY: Uniess extended by other provisions af this Contract, tnia Contract will be closed on at {4 . (Ciosing Date?) at me time emabianes by ina closing agant, hy wnicn ume Seller wit (aj Nave removed at “2 parsonal tems and fresh from ine Property and swent the Property claan and fh) defer me deed, occupancy and possession, gang win ra) al keys, gariga daot openars and access ondes, 9 Buyer. fon Osng Date insuranps undenwitting & suspended, Buyer may 4 postpone Closing up fo § days after the insurance suspension ig Siac. If nis wensaction cloes pot class far any raason, Buyer wil 46 fimedataly retm i Seller-frovded Tile evidence, SUTVay8, association documents and ether an. 4. 9. GLOBING PROCEDURE; COSTS: Casing wil Take placa in the county wrera the Property is locaad and may be cancuciad by mal or eecronie mans. if tite meuranea insures Buyer for titfe dajscts arging between ihe tile binder effective dale anc recor; 4a of Guyer's deag, closing agert wil Gisaume at closing the nét sale pmesads 1 Sefer and brokerage fags ta roi a8 par 4a Paragraph 19. In action to other expenses provided in this Comract. Sailer and Buyer wil pay the casts indicated petcn 50 sig) Seles Casta: Seller wil pay and surtaxes on tne deer! and recording fees for documents needed 10 cure tiie; up to sr Ge Se (1.55% if left nlanid of he purchase pros fer mepars to warrantied Iams (Rapair Limit’); ae pum a J (__Jecknowecige recape ofa copy of ris pega. Which is Page 1 of 7 Pages. 8 FARA jane @ 2004 fa at Rewer” AN Ragtes Rixwrved , ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT fr i Fe ane mama re eR Aug-2B-200@ O4:Géem = From-FIRST SERVICE REALTY 3055514968 T-108 =P.003/0!8 F-578 Ga HYPAVAAITHR RRP SRFRRSLERS BERSRERRIBRRYER FRR and up ta $_______ ort 3% (1.8% #f left blank) of the purchase prion for wood-deswoying organsin (1) The tite exndence will bs.a Paragraph 70/ai¢1) owners tie insurance comment. O Seller Q Buyer will eatect the fitle agent Q Seller G Buyer willpay for the awnars tite policy, search, exarmnation and related ehanges. Fach party wal clogingfesa. -. Er} Seller wail previce an ebawract 28 specited in Paragraph 1O1z\2) as thie evidence, Oh Seller f wil pay for Ihe owner's {Mt policy and select the title agent. Sielter wil pay fees for titia Searches prior ta dosing, including tax search and fen search fees, and Guyer wit pay fees for tiie searches after dasing Gf any), Tile examinadon fees and cinsing fees. {d) Prorations: Ths following tems wil be mecie current Gf applicable) and prorated a§ of the cay before Casing Dane: ral SsUItE taxes, jpMAMst, OoNdR, aasemanems, association fess, neurance, rants and cthar current experrses and revenues 1 the Property, If taxes and assessments for the curremt year cannot ba cefermined, the previous year’s rates wil be used wh iat Besessment by Paaslic imposed by a punic amount of fens inal are certified, confimac and mtifed tefora closing and (j the amount of the laer estimate of tha assessment I ater amounts. 0h Tax Withholding: Buyer and Safler wi comply win the Forsion Investment in Ral Property Tax Act, wach may require Seller to provide anoitional cash at closing tf Seller is a “foreign person” as. defined py feders! law. {g} Home Warranty: 0 Buyer 0 Seller Q N/A will pay for s home warranty plan i68ued Dy ena BE cast not to eres! Ss —_. A hema warranty plan providas for repair er replacement af many of a home's mechanical aystems and major Dultan appliances in tha evert of braakciown che ta normal wear and tear during the agreement penad. 6. INSPECTION PERIODS: Buyer wil compte the inspectons in eit 70 aaya from Effectis Dare f ieft blank) (inspection Pericd”); the waec-dastroying organism Inspecncn Dy te (BE JST 5 days prfor fo cneing, if eit bidnid; and tna waillcthrough inspeqvon on tne agy before Closing Date or any other tma agrasabie to the panies; and the survey referenced in Paragraan 10{c} by ________ (at least 5 days priar 1 closing if teft plank). 7. REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURES: Seller represents that Seller dass plot naw of any facts that marenaly affact the value of tne Properry, Indluding laut nat limiad to vislations of gqvarnmernel laws, Mules and regulations, ather tnan thease that Buyer fan readily observe ar that ara known by or hava nes daeclosad to Buyer. Beller wil nave al ppen permits (if any) clasect aur, with final inspections complared, no later tan 5 dava prcr to caving. (@) Energy Efficiency: Buyer acknowledges recnipt of me energy-afficiancy informatian brochure required by Section SB2.886, a Statupss. () Radan Gas: Radon is 8 nenrally secumng racearive gas inet, when It has acounuianed ina pulling in) sufficient quamtites, may present health risks 72 persons who are exposed to I aver time. avels of racion that exceed fesiare ane cbnained fram your county public heath unit. Buyer may, wihin the inspecnon Pericd, have an appropriately licensed person Test the Property for radon. if the radon level exaece acceptable EPA standards, Seley may choose to reduce the radon feel to an ecceptgnia EPA level, falling whicn elmer party may cancel this Cammract, . uy and with appropriate governmart agendies which flacd zona the Property ia in, wnethar flood insurance is required and what manicions tf (Mproving the Property and repuicing in the event of casually. the Property is in a Special Reod Hazard Area or Coastal Hazard Aree and tre buildings are built Delew Ine minimum food elevation, Buyer may cancel tia Conmact by dalvanng wien noice 7 Seller within 20 days fram Effective Data, fakng which Buyer accents tha misting elevation of ine and zone designation af me Praparty. {d) Hamaawnens’ Assaciation: If mambersnip in a homeowners’ ass fs mandatory. an assactafion disclosure summary is attached and incorporated immo this Contract. BUYER SHOULD NOT SIGN THIS CONTRACT UNTIL BUYER HAS ABCEIVER AND READ THE DISCLOSURE SUMMARY. : ie) PROPERTY TAX DISCLOSURE SUMMARY. BUYER SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE SELLER'S CURRENT PROPERTY TAXES AS THE AMGLINT OF PROPERTY TAXES THAT BUYER MAY RE OR IGATED TO PAY IN THE YEAR| SUBSEQUENT TO PURCHASE. A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS TRIGGERS RRASSESSMENTS OF THE PROPERTY THAT COULD RESULT IN HIGHER PROPERTY TAXA. IF YOU HAVE SNY QUESTIONS CONCERNING VALUATION, CONTACT THE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAIGER'S OFFICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 6) Mal ME 8 ne pone or her penne ira. perscns, For more comact tha county indoor air quality specisiat or other appropriate professional. (__} and Seller acknowiedge recapt ofa copy ofthia nage, which is Page 2 of 7 Pages. FAR-S Fev. 1004 @ 2006 of Peowors* AR woos COMBLAIS fergn eres” : Augr28-2006 04:04pm = From=FIRST SERVICE REALTY 3055514986 T-008 P.004/018 «= F578 a ta Wearvaney Tnapectio and Plopair: 124 res : ze (1) Warranty: Sellar werrants thar non-lessed major appliances and hesting, coaing, machanical electrical, security, 1a aprinkier, sent and plumbing syeteme, seawall, dock anc pool equipment, f any, ere and wil be maintained in working tz condhion until closing: that the stuctures (neluding rool) and padi, if any. sre smucturally Sound anc watertight: anc 108 that tom or mizsing pool cage and acrasn room screens and missing roof tas wil be repiscad. Seller daes not warrant 128 and is nat required to fepeir cosmetic condmons, unless ihe cosmetic carchtian resulted fram a detect in a wasrarttacd 190 including ittect marcite; missing at tam wirdew screens; fogged windows; tears, waM ects and digcoloration of fipar wt coveringeAwallpaperswindow treatments; nail holes, senafehes, dents, scrapes, chips and caulking in bathroom 192 calling/walls/foaringAilarbturae/mirrars; cracked roof ties, curling of worn shingles; and minor cracks in flaar 13a decka/qarage palo foare. . : 184 @) Professional Inspection: Buyer may, at Buyers expanse, nave warranted items inspected by a person wna 138 Speciaitzsa in anc holds an occupaponal icanse (f required by law) 1 conduct rome Mspecnans or wna 'nskis a Florida 138 foanse to repair and maintain ina items Inspected [ . Buyer must. wimin & days from the end of ie we Inanaction Perlod, dellver written notice of any ems that are nor in tha condition warranted and a copy of the Inspectors 188 writen report, if ary, 14 Seller. f Eager fala fo deliver timaly writtan nofice, Buyer waives Geliar’s warranty and accepts 138 the items {ispeci in subparagraph (a) in thair "as @" Ganditions, excapt that Sailer must meet the maifiienance requirement. Ey:] (2) Repain sedtar wil obtain repair estimates and fa obligated only to maka repaire necassary 70 bring waranted Ems " inta the Gondion warranted, up ta the Rapair Limit. Sailer may, within 5 days tram receipt of Buyer's notice af itera 142 that are nat i) the conditien warranted, neve & sacond near ee by @ profeesional inspector ancd will repart sa Wood-Destreying "NVood-desnying organism” means pawderpost i Pluto achat re ceca re Yor oaagen Heas Sored won id Tekan, ch Sees a6 days fam the dare of the Inspection. if Seder prevoudly treatad the Property for arganiona, Sefler dogs rct 2a -have fo Tear the Property again f f) there is no viable Ie infosxation, and (9 Seder mansfars 3 Current full trearmann To 1870 Bupyer at , Omenwise, Salles wil have 5 days fram racsipt of me inspector's report ta have reported damage estimated by 1! aicensad building or genera cotramtr and corective rreaimert estimated py a fretwed pest corms: pusinass. Geller will have 1a treatrents and repair made hy an appronianaly icengad person at Seller's expanse up fo tha WOO Rapar Lira. If the cost to 1m = Treat and repair the Property axceads the WOO Limit, either party may pay the sacass, failing wich aither party may 1h canes this Carer sect by wainen roi w Ins cme fale fo timely deliver tha inepectors written maar. Buyer scoEpis Te 182 "a5 iS” W eam ji 198 & RISK OF LOSS: ff any portion of the Fropenty Ia damaged by fre or other casughy hefow cinsing and can be restored within 187 48 days from the Closing Data to subslantisily the same condition a it was on Gifective Dats, Seller wil, at Seber's expense. 168 restore tne Properry and the Cloeing Date will be extandad accoraingly. Sefler wil not be obligated ja replace wees. if tite aes regtoraion cannot ba campietad in time, Bayer may accapt the Pripany “as ie” im wnich case with Seller wil crecit tha 190 qeouctbie and assign the insurance procaads, f any, t Buysr at clasing in Such amaunta @8 are () atirputabia To me Property 771 and (i) not yer eapended in making repairs, failing which efther party may cancet this Comtract. If the Property is a We condominium, this paragraph apples onty To the unt and imitea cammen elements appurtenant to the uni; ff tne Property ja In homeowners’ aspaciatian, this waa ph will not apply fo cammoan elements or reorsation or ctner faciities. Ver ett yan 2} anknowiedge recsipt ofa copy of itis page. witch is Paga S of 7 Pages. FARG Re. 1at, ©2004 of Renan Al Fignts Rearrved eu : pes Aug-28-2006 04:06pm = From-FIRST SERVICE REALTY 3055514965 7-008 =P.0R8/o18 = F578 vt guardign dasd as appropriate to Seller’a status. . 17a fal Titia Eayklenec: Tha evidence wil Show legal access in the Property and rratieatable tite of recor! in Seller in accor 8 178 erent tie standaris scopted by.the Plorica Bar, subjéct only to tna falewing thie emeptions, none of which prevent neice 180 se fe Prope: scene, crpomes erotics fcc, ee fF, SOR a a Bayar wl Tights of ¥f thera is na nig 182 Soler vil osenarge at or peibre . Seller wil, at east 2 days prior 19 olasing, dalver to 733 «6 choice of ana Of ine intewing types of tile evidence, which must pa generaly nhs cant wher the Property's lncated tes fapacify 5fc) ine selected type}. Sevier wil use option (1) In Palm Beach 2nd ontien 12) m Mami-Dade County. in Cougtty f . 788 11) 4 Hite Insirance commitment issued by a Rordaicensad tie insurer in ha ameurt of the purchase pce and ‘ts éupject only to {ite exceptions set forth in this Contract. 188 carified 8% carect by an esting Purperting tc be an accurate of the instruments affecting title to the 138 Propeny fecojed in me publ racords of the caumy where the Proparty is located and certfied ta Effective Date ro) However, ff auch an abstract is net avadabie to Setter, then a prior owner's serepiabie to ine proposed 181 inauner as a base for reissuancs of coverage. Salles wil pay for caplas of ali pohiey fons and an update ina furmat vee fo Buyer's closing ager from the policy effective dane and cernfied 10 ¢ or Buyer's closing agent, a fogetner with copies of afl documents rected in tha prior palley and in tha update. a prior palley i nat avallanie 10 eH Seller then (1) above wil be ihe tie evidence. Title evidence will ba dalverad ne latar than 10 days Refore Closing Cente, 1s () Thie Examination: Bayer wil examine the thle evidence and deliver wetter notice 19 Seller, within 5 cays from rece t oF = thla sucsnes but ne jeter man closing, of any defects that make the title uNMareerabia. Seller wil hava SO days are 18 108 200 within the Curstve Period, Seller wil dellver writen nates to Buyer and the parias wil case the transacgon pn Closing Date or within 10 days trom Buyer's mesipt of Sellers notice If Closing Date nas passed. if Seller is unable m cura ie defects within ina Curative Perlog, Seller wil deliver writen notice to Buyer and Buyer wad, widwn 10 daya from receipt of ) — Sellerfs notice, exner cancel this Camtract or accept tile with exating datects and dose the transacton. zoe (@ Survey: Buyer may, at Buyer's expense, have the Property suvyed and delver wittien notoa > Sele, wihin 5 aay from freaginy of au bas ro er than clad, of ary encroecryrenes nthe Propery, eae eo Oe ave sare ener asa a1 mnugnese ay" |s every calendar day except Saturday, Sunday and national legal holidays}. if any desdiina falle on 3 Ganuciay, aia Sunday or remional legal hohaay, pertarmance wal bs due the next business cay. All tine perinde wal end at 6:00 p.m. local ae 12. NOTICES: All notiess will pe made to the parties and Broker by mal, pexeanal dajivery or alactmnic media, Buyer's falure as to dativer imely wittten natica fo Seiler, whan suth notice is required ky this Gontrect, regarding continganctes will agreement between brokerage agreements, no prior or present agreements will bind Buyes, Sefler ar Broker unteas incorparated into this Gamtract. B21 Mexfiications af this Contract will net be finding untess in wating, signed or initialed and delivered by the pany fa he bound. ents referenced jn this and written madificariona communicated electro! 27 14. ASSIGNABILITY: PERSONS BOUND: Buyer may net assign this Contract winout Sellers winan caneent. The terms zs “Buyer,” “Seller,” and "Broker" May be singular pr plural. This Contract Is binding on ine hers, adminiaraiors, exacutors, 2a perkenal Pepresentdives and assigns fif pernitsec) of Buyer, Seller end Froker. E9) DEFAULT AND DISPLITE RESOLUTION Bs 15. DEFAULT: (a) Saler Default f'for any reason citer Than teture of Gellar to make Sailor's ila marketable iter digent ellen, Seller fais, ralsses or neglects to parfen Contract, Buyer may choops 19 receive a rerum of Rye’ winaut waiving the right to asi seek OF to sonk ape ce as per Paragraph 16. Saker wil also be fadia ta key for te full arriqunt of the ae (Cand Sailer amrqwlecige receipt of @ nopy ofthis pags, which a Page of 7 Pages. FARB Av. 1004 ©2004 Fiona fon of Rewrors' ~All Aignts Revered PYYON SES aE cy cee gee : : OPN nan ang a ee 7 Aug-28-2006 04:07pm = From-FIRST SERVICE REALTY 3055814965 T-008 =P.00B/018 = F-878 236 erckerage fe.) Buyer Detaude tiger fas perm hie Cormac winnie in specie ecg ely aren SO MERE za So ee econ te reli and cofect al daneste pact and agreed 1 be paid 33 fquldated Carnage oF to Sats as war Se a ot Bay wl upon orrand rcohe Sok co oeposts Pat and eps Yo be aks to be SAN eAooty SS 288 properating brokers eva Se eer coos rick oocur due 10 Buyer nt being aie ro sacure Fancing afer proving a Comramert. re TET te perion of me dopocts wa go ciel 1 re ising broker up to he tl arcu che bree fe aan 16 ISPATE AESOLLTION: TiC wb sped un a A args ete Sn A 201 question arising out at ar relating 10 Trangaction or this Commmct or ts Breach wif be earied as folows: (ey De canceming eraiiemant 2g M evcted forn gis Contact. Te award wil be based on the greater weight af ie avenea arc wil stats fringe of Oe aan PE val anthorty on whieh itis basen. ithe parties agree To use discovery, wil be in abcarcance with the BAG See a nuigs af Civ! Proceduye and the arbitrator wil resoive all diecovary-relamsd clapuias. Any eSspuned with & Bead epz estate licensee ar firm nemed in Paragraph § wil ba submited ta arbitrition nly if ine icenses's broker consarts in parties 288 ening R ta 2h impartial mediator who feoihates ine reaniution of the disput but wha Is Not smipawared t© TRS Es Seitiament on ina panies. Mediation wilt be in accordance with the cuiso of the Amaricen Arbitration Association (’AAA" ar eae FEGROW AGENT AND BROKER 208 17. ESCROW AGENT: Buyer and Seijer autnortza Eacraw Agent to recave, depaat and nate funds alc camer dams in escent. 204 seiteor tp Gparance, debursa them unon proper autnavtaaion ana iy accordance wrt Flarka law anki ine tars of ious Oovmece aus Fencing siebufeing brokerage fees. The partes agree nat Escrow Agart wil not be laze to any perwan for riscshory of Seem 2% Teasonabie etomeys! Beery coms 19 ba paid fron the excrowed funds or aquValart and charged and awarcied @s Court casts in 869 fever of the prevailing parry Al clarns against Escrow Agent wil be erbiraTad, so jong as Escrow Agent cansants {o arnitrais. ao 48. PROFESSIONA!, ADVICE; BROKER LIABILITY: Brake acises Buyer anu Selhor to very al facts snd reprasentarions that are an imacrtam ta than endl {2 consuft an epgrapriaa professional fr loge ecica (lor exomale, imepraing cormacts, Satermirng Te a2 Soc of lane an the Propany and transaction, stare af tha, forsign rmusstar reporting requirements, atc.) anc! far tax Presper 278 conditon, envranmertal and ofner epscitized advice, Buyer acknawleages that Broker does not rasica in tre Property and thet all a4 Tonmesernanane (ara, wrflen Or cierwisa) by Greker are bases an Sellar reprasernattons Or pubic racercs, Buyer aarees thy 5 monly on Seller, professional inepectars and goverrsriental agencies far vartication of the Property consitian, anise forage za Sa Se thal rhatmally affect Property value. Buyer anc Seller respecrively wil pay al casts ard expenses, including réasorabie Fe] smorneve’ feed af al levels, ieulTed by Broker and Broker officers, directors, agents and employees in cannacion with oF GieNiG 278 fom Buyers or Seher’s misstatement cr fail to perform comrecual celigations. Buyer arid Seller hoi narmiess and Meats 255 19. BROKERS: Tha lcansee(e} end brokeragefa| named Pelew a oolecivey refered to 8s “Broker” instruction ne Girssing 255 Agent Seller and Buyer direct clesing agert to Gishurse 21 casing the full amount of te brokerage fees as spectiad In separars oy Oeierage sereomens with ina pares and cooperative agreements ewaan the brokers. Except to the extant maker Ms 2a pelpined such fee from tha sserowed funds. In the absence of euch brokerage agmmaments, clasing agent will diab: bo) Drokerage tacs a indicarad Deiow, This paragrapn wil not be used to madiy any MLS or ctner offer of compansanan macs Py za Baller or sting broker 7a ing hrnkers. mn Lana Sefer . acknousadge recapt of @ copy of thie page, whicn & Page 5 of 7 Rages. 10704 = BONG ot nara «= Aa Rigmrs Reserved 2) Aug-26-2006 04:08pm © From-FIRST SERVICE REALTY 3058514968 T-008 = P.007/018 F-578 ADDENDA AND ApDITIONAL TERMS tHe was 2a? 20 ADDENDA: The tdlowng terns are incluried in addenda and incorporated into this Canract Wappirable}: zeus (2 A. Cancde. Agsn. hate wihighn to spect Qa. irnorest-Blearing Aoccers / Prop. Dasctoaute SITk zr QB. Homeowners’ Agen. Q)1, Inspections DP. Backup Cantract GW. ARPTA sor QC. Sefer Financing QJ. Insutetion Disclosure TQ. Broer « Pers. int in Prop. fi X. 1081 Excnange smr- QO. Mort. Assuipiyan Pre 1878 Heusing Sumit. LEP] AR. Rentals DY. andiionai Ciaures ez OE. FHA Financing AL insurance QS. Sae/_aase of Buyer's Property aog 2 F. VA Financing QM. Houang Older Persons OT. Reasoning soe G. NawMort.Rame = ON, Unimproved/Ag. Prop. QU. Assignment of pat , to pad ae wr 21, ADDITIONAL TERMS: “2 ENE (ion Ber POS sh ae eS Greg ORO gaat pail Mn ci zr 2 = i =a ; sf ao at SAEZ LL i fine PTE Gy FEA 26 EZ ELLE ne pee ef ee 7 “7 Zi se" (Ly CLI uBebT PAGS . ; a a ; 2 yf DIE Ua DE EE DES TS Cale 0 7 a Jae Ae scr Buyer AL ors ier isi ia blab ial FAR-R Rev. 104 ©2004 Fienge. acinowexige of Reactor” At Prgms Rsmerysn poems Ree ate Es a) Awa-28-2006 04:08pm = From-FIRST SERVICE REALTY 3085514965 T-008 P.008/018 F578 wp ria imancad wa be a legaly binding conact. nat fully neler, seek the advice of an attorney prior to signing. OFFER AND ACGEPTANCE = checitf appficable:C Buyer recaved » writen rec propery Gscstra stasmert ro Sailer efore mak ae CE Er Siyer oti oy purtasa te Propary cf wm sow tar ae coneone, Unies mie Cowart Sor SSRN St 35" dafvetad to Buyer no later than Bm. OP ey this offer will bs revoked ase and Buyer's depasi refunded subjpct 1 claarance of funits. ON car C) Seller cournars Buyer's offer tia accep te countar offer, Buyer must sign or iitel Ina courter offered terms and defer a copy gag ST Ty naan ae 4 Seiler rejects Buyer's offer. nf enna G/DIZEL tmamncninmeey arisen meee | av BuyerSt@ a aan! pokrendacge rect of eapy of is RAGE, wich = PSS 7 Of TAGE didreo cof Res 3049 ra spores 281 eB SA Nt dm A OY NE any pectic eee arpredarcicad fT ACK Te pe Umea I COITIpIS TENAGCOON axtaAo ‘aeeiiansa for 96 By Te 2 rae reny onc Trias tes ieee FE ee a en hc Pape] coed C8 Tray be tad ery Dy Oa Koenaees who Re Terpers ot te ‘Aggccladon cf Reagan and wha B2oEstba fo 1s Cove oi Pyncs. ‘The copyriagre lowe of ra Liman! Bees (17 U.8, Costa) fornia re fre camitrorsost mepeeksciion of Guar ferris by Bry pane Petuelng taesimBa ar corp sana! oT. Far Rew. 104 052004 Ronda Ascocation of Paacrord® Ad Rights Reserved Consmers Title 9300 NW 25 street #201 Miami, Florida 33172 August 31" , 2006 Re: —Irlande Joseph (Seller) Jorge f. Bencomo (Buyer) Property Address: 2009 Washington Avenue Opa-Locka, Florida 33094 To Whom It May Concern: This letter serves to confirm an escrow deposit in the amount of $3,000.00. This money is being held in escrow by Consumers Title, LLC for the above referenced transaction. Note; All checks are subject to clearance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincere] Y, x Yipsis co [5

Docket for Case No: 10-002108PL
Issue Date Proceedings
Apr. 27, 2010 Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Apr. 26, 2010 Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Apr. 19, 2010 Initial Order.
Apr. 19, 2010 Administrative Complaint filed.
Apr. 19, 2010 Election of Rights filed.
Apr. 19, 2010 Agency referral filed.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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