Respondent: HUE NGOC MAI
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Jacksonville, Florida
Filed: Apr. 29, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, June 25, 2010.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
uaparungat of Buetana wid Professional farpulation
Daputy Agency Clark
CLERK Brandan Nichols
Orie 3/5/2009
Vv. Case Na, 2008-023517
REGULATION (“Department”), files ‘this Administrative Complaint
before the Board of Cosmetology, against Hue Ngoc Mai
(“Respondent’), and says:
t. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating
the practice of cosmetology pursuant to Section 20.165, Florida
Statutes, and Chapters 455 and 477, Florida Statutes, and the
rules promulgated thereto.
2. Respondent’s address of record is 2818 Rockmont
Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32207.
3. Respondent is licensed in the State of Florida as a
Full Specialist having license rs §64649.
4, In or about September 2007, the Department of Business
and Professional Reguletion (“Department”) initiated an
investigation into Respondent after receiving information that
Orange Parx Beauty Academy supplied Cosmetology Diplomas and '
cefPa Fd FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
60:ZT oOToz 6Z dy
Certificates to urjicensed persens whe did not attenc the school
in wmchange for money.
5. On or aboul August 10, 2007, Loan Kiem Nguyen paid
Respondent $560 for a Nail Specialist Diploma and Certificate
from the Orange Park Beauty Academy indicating that Loan Kiem
Nguyen completed the necessary hours of course instruction for a
Nail Specialist license.
6. Loan Kiem Nguyen never attended Orange Park Beauty
Academy and did not complete the alleged hours of instruction.
7, On or about August 24, 2007, Respondent submitted
Loan Kiem Nguyen’s application for a Nail Specialist license on
to the Department using the Diploma and Certificate he obtained
from Orange Park Beauty Academy.
By On September 19, 2007, Loan Kiem Nguyen was issued a
Nail Specialist license, license number FV 9558842, from the
Department .
Q. on or about cetober 4, 2007, Ngee Lieng Thi Nguyen
paid Respondent an undisclosed amount of money for a Full
Specialist Diploma and Certificate from the Orange Park Beauty
Academy indicating that Ngee Lieng Thi Nguyen completed the
necessary hours of course instruction for a Facial Specialist
10.° Ngoc Lieng Thi Nguyen never attended Orange Park
Beauty Academy and did not complete the alleged hours of
GaOGC\Professions Boards\Cosmetology\AC\LeChes Parson's Law Clerks\Cherhann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngo 2008-02351 7\AC.doe
2e/G8 Fovd FOO dad 6régp Tress 5:98 @lb2/8e/Pra
60:21. OT0Z 62 dy
Jl. On or about October 4, 2007, Respondent submitted an
Ngoc Lieng Thi Nguyen’s application for a Facial Specialist
license to the Department using the Diploma and Certificate he
obtained from Orange Park Beauty Academy.
12. On November §, 2007, Ngoc Lieng Thi Nguyen was issued
a Facial Specialist license, license number FB 9729367, from the
13. On or about May 21, 2007, Ban Thi Tran paid Respondent _
6450 for a Full Specialist Diploma and Certificate from the
Orange Park Heauty Academy indicating that Ban Thi Tran
completed the necessary hours of course instruction for a Full
Specialist license.
14. Ban Thi Tran never attended Orange Park Beauty Academy
and did not complete the alleged hours of instruction.
15. On or about May 21, 2007, Respondent submitted Ban Thi
Tran’s application for a Full Specialist license ta the
Department using the Diploma and Certificate he obtained from
Orange Park Beauty Academy.
16. On dune §, 2007, Ban Thi Tran was issued a Full
Specialist license, jicense number FS 71836, from the
17. On or about June 6, 2007, Ngo Hanh Thi Thai paid
Respondent $535 for a Nail Specialist Diploma and Certificate
from the Orange Park Beauty Academy indicating that Ngec Hanh
GAOGCMrufessions Bourds\Cosmetology\AC\LeC hea Parson's Law Clerks\(Cheri-annt Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 2008-02351 7\AC doe
ce/9e Fed FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
60:ZT oOToz 6Z dy
Thi Thai cempleted the necessary hours of course instruction far
a Nail Specialist license.
18. Ngec Hanh Thi Thai never attended Orange Park Beauty
Academy and did not complete the alleged hours of instruction.
15. On or about June 20, 2007, Respondent submitted Ngoc
Hanh Thi Thai’s application for 4 Nail Specialist license to the
Department using the Diploma and Certificate he obtained from
Orange Park Beauty Academy.
20. On July 10, 2007, Ngoc Hanh Thi Thai was issued a Nail
Specialist license, license number FV 9558162, from the
21. On or about May 25, 2007, Sopheap Kim paid Respondent
$560 for a Mail Specialist Diploma and Certificate from the
Orange Park Beauty Academy indicating that Sopheap Kim completed
the necessary hours of course instruction for a Nail Specialist
22, Soheap Kim never attended Orange Park Beauty Academy
and did net complete the alleged hours of instruction.
23. On or about June 20, 2007, Respondent submitted Soheap
Kim’s application for a Nail Specielist license to the
Department using the Diploma and Certificate he obtained from
Orange Park Beauty Academy.
24. On July 10, 2007, Soheap Kim was issued a Nail
Specialist license, license number FV 9558162, from the
GAOGC\Prafessions Bourds\Cosmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's |.aw Clecks'\Cheri-ann Grangron\Mai, Hug Ngoo 2008-0255 17\AC.doc
cefée Fd FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
60:21. OT0Z 62 dy
25. On or about February 17, 2007, Thanh Tra Nhu Le paid
Respondent $560 for a Nail Specialist Diploma and Certificate
from the Orange Park Beauty Academy indicating that Thanh Tra
Nhu Le completed the necessary hours of course instruction for a
Nail Specialist license.
26, Thanh Tra Nhu Le never attended Orange Fark Beauty
Academy and did not complete the alleged hours of instruction.
27. On or about February 17, 2007, Respondent submitted
Than Tra Nhu Le’s application for a Nail Specialist license to
the Department using the Diploma and Certificate he obtained
from Orange Park Beauty Academy.
28, On March 30, 2007, Thanh Tra Nhu Le was issued a Nail
Specialist license, license number EV 9556986, from the
29, On or about July 31, 2007, Huong Thi Nguyen paid
Respondent an undisclosed amount of money for a Nail Specialist
Diploma and Certificate from the Orange Park Beauty Academy
indicating that Huong Thi Nguyen completed the necessary hours
of course instruction for a Nail Specialist license.
30. Huong Thi Nguyen never attended Orange Park Beauty
Academy and did not complete the alleged hours of instruction.
31. On or about August 15, 2007, Respondent submitted
Hueng Thi Nguyen’s application for a4 Nail Specialist license to
the Department using the Diploma and Certificate he obtained
from Orange Park Beauty Academy.
GAOGCAProfessions Boards\Cogmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Cranston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 200802351 7\AC. dae
ce/se Fd FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
60:21. OT0Z 62 dy
32. On September 11, 2007, Hueng Thu Nguyen was issued a4
Nail Specialist license, license numer FY 9558636, from the
33. On or about August 23, 2007, Chunh K. Tran paid
Respondent $560 for a4 Nai] Specialist Piplema and Certificate
from the Orange Park Beauty BReademy indicating that Chunh &.
Tran completed the necessary hours of course instruction for a
Nail Specialist license.
34. Chunh K. Tran never attended Orange Park Beauty
Aeademy and did not complete the alleged hours of instruction.
35. On or about September 24, 2007, Respondent submitted
Chunh K. Tran’s application fer a Nail Specialist license to the
Department using the Diploma and Certificate he obtained from
Qrange Park Beauty Academy.
36. On October 12, 2007, Chunh KX. Tran was issued a Nail
Specialist license, license number FV 9559209, from the
37. On or about September 17, 2007, during an undercover
sting operation, Touckay Laochareun (“Laochareun”), an ABT
undercover agent, paid Hue Nguyen 21,480 in exchange for a Full
Specialist Diploma and Certificate from the Orange Park Beauty
38. Hue Nguyen gave the $1,480 to Respondent and
Respondent obtained a Diploma and Certificate from the Orange
Park Beauty Academy indicating that Laochareun completed the
GAOGC\ Professions Boards\Cosmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 2YO8-0293 TAC doe
ce/6e Fd FOO sda
Ob:Z1 OlOz 62 dy
Bp29P Tress Q5:98 Tae /8e/ra
necessary hours of course instruction for a buil Specialist
49. Laochareun never altended Orange Park Beauty Academy
and did not complete the alleged fheurs of instruction.
40. The Diploma - and Certificate reflected Laochareun'’s
undercover fictitious name, Kristy Tal.
41. On or about September 21, 2007, Respondent submitted
Laochareun’s application for a-.Full Specialist license to the
Department using the Diploma and Certificate he obtained from
Orange Park Beauty Academy.
42. On September 27, 2007, the Department received
Lacchareun’s completed application for a Full Specialist license
along with the Diploma and Certificate obtained from Orange Park
Beauty Academy.
43. Jeannie Chin is the owner of Orangé Park Beauty
44. Jeannie Chin provided all the documentation Respondent
submitted to the Department for licensure.
45, Respondent obtained the documentation by forwarding
the funds received from the unlicensed individuals to Jeannie
46. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
GAOGC\ Professions Boards\Cosmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 20080233) VAC. doc
cefET Fed FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
Ob:Z1 OlOz 62 dy
47. Seetion 477.0265(1) (e), Florida Statutes, slates that
it is unlawful for any person to obtein or attempt to obtain a
license or registration for money, other than the required fee,
or any other thing of value or by fraudulent
49. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477.0265(1) (e), Florida Statutes, by using a falsified Diploma
and Certificate to obtain a Nail Specialist license for Loan
Kiem Nguyen in exchange for $560.
49, Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations get forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
50. Section 477.0265(1) (6), Florida Statutes, states that
‘it is unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain a
license or registration for money, other than the required fee,
ar any other thing of value or by fraudulent
51. ‘Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477.0265(1) (e), Florida Statutes, by using a falsified Diploma
and Certificate to obtain a Facial Specialist license for Ngoc
Lieng Thi Nguyen in exchange for an undisclosed amount of money.
GAOGC Professions Boards\Cosmetalogy\AG\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mai, Hue Neer 2008-02351 7\AC doc
cefTT Fed FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
O:ZE oOtoz 6Z dy
52. Patitioner realleges and incorporates by yeference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as theugh fully set forth herein.
53, Section 477.0268(1)(e), Florida Statutes, states that
S$t is unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain a
license or registration for money, other than the required Tee, ~
or any other thing af value ar by fraudulent
54. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477.0265(1) le), Florida Statutes, by using 2 falsified biplome
and Certificate to obtain a Full Specialist license for Ban Thi
Tran in exchange for $450.
55. Patitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein,
56. Section 477.0265(1)(e), Florida Statutes, states that
it ds unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain 4
license or registration for money, other than the required fee,
Gr any other thing of value or by fraudulent
57. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477.0268 (1) (@), Florida Statutes, by using a falsified Diploma
and Certificate to obtain a Naii Specialist license for Ngoc
Hanh Thi Thai in exchange for $435.
GAOGCAProfessions Boards\Cosmelology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 2008-0235 INAC.doe
cefelt Fed FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
O:ZE oOtoz 6Z dy
59. Petitioner realleges end incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
59. Section 477.0265(1) (6), Florida Statutes, states that
“¢t is unlawful for any person te obtain or attempt to obtain a
license or registration for money, other than the required fee,
or any other thing of value Or by fraudulent
60. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477.0265(1) (8), Florida Statutes, by using a falsified Diploma
and Certificate to obtain a Nail Specialist license for Soheap
Kim in exchange for $560.
61. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
62. Section 477.0265(1) (e), Florida Statutes, states that
“it is unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt te obtain a
license or registration for money, other than the required fee,
ar any other thing of value or by fraudulent
63. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477,0265(1)(e), Florida Statutes, by using a falsified Diploma
and Certificate to obtain a Nail Specialist license for Thanh
GA0GC\Professions Boards\Cosmetoloay\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-antt Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 200841235 LAC. doc
Fad FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
TE:Zl otoz 62 dy
Tra Nhu Le in exchange for $560.
64. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
6%. Section 477.0265(1)(e), Florida Statutes, states that
“it is unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain a
license or registration for money, other than the required fee,
or any ather thing of value or by Fraudulent
66. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477.0265t1) te), Florida Statutes, by using a falsified Diploma
and Certificate to obtain a Nail Specialist license for Muong
Thi Nguyen in exchange for an undisclosed amount of money.
57. Petitioner reslleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one tl) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
68. Section 477.0265(1) (e}, Florida Statutes, states that
“it ig unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain a
license or registration for money, other than the required fee,
or any other thing of value or by fraudulent
69. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477.0265(1) le), Florida Statutes, by using 4 falsified Diploma
GAOGC\Professions Boards\Cosmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 2008-02351 7\AC.doe
cefPT Fed FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
TE:Zl otoz 62 dy
and Certificate to obtain a Nail Specialist license for Chunh KR.
Tran in exchange for $560.
70. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty Tive
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
Fl. Section 477.0265(1)(e), Florida Statutes, states that
“it is unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain a
license or registration for money, other than the required fee,
or any other thing of value or by fraudulent
72. Besed on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
477.0265(1) le), Florida Statutes, by using a falsified Diploma
and Certificate to obtain a Full Specialist license for Touckay
Laochareun in exchange for $1,480.
73. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one ( ) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
74. Section 455.227(1} (4), Flerida Statutes, states that
“aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any
unlicensed person or entity to practice a profession contrary to
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (#)
GACGCA\Professions Boards\Cosmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-aim GranstorsMai, Hue Ngoc 2008-0235 17\AC doc
cef/ST Fed FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
TE:Zl otoz 62 dy
may be taken.”
Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.9297 (1) (4), Florida Statutes, by aiding Loan Kiem Nguyen, 4&n
unlicensed person, in obtaining a Nail Specialist license
contrary to Section 477.0265 (1) (e), Florida Statutes.
76. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
77. Section 455.227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, states that
“aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, ox advising any
unlicensed person or entity to practice a profession contrary to
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitute grounds ‘
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection {2)
may be taken.”
79. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455,.227(1) (3), Florida Statutes, by aiding Ngoc Lieng Toni
Nguyen, an unlicensed person, in obtaining a Facial Specialist
license contrary to Section 477.0265 (1) (€), Florida Statutes.
79, Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
80. Section 455.227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, states that
GAOGC Professions Boards\Gosmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mai, Hue Neoc 2008-02351 7\4C doc
eef9T Fed FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
Th:2l oto 62 4dy
“siding, assisting, procuring, employing, of advising any
unlicensed person or entity to practice a profession contrary To
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
may be taken.”
a1. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455,227(1) (}), Florida Statutes, by aiding Ban Thi Tran, an
unlicensed person, in obtaining a Full Specialist license
contrary to Section 477.0265 (1) (a), Florida Statutes.
32. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth Ferein,
83. Section 455.227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, states that
“aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any
unlicensed parson or entity to practice a profession contrary to
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
may be taken.
84. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455,227(1)(j), Florida Statutes, by aiding Ngoc Hanh Thi Thai,
an unlicensed person, in obtaining a Nail Specialist license
contrary to Section 477.0265(1) (es), Florida Statutes.
GAOGC\Frofessions Boards\Cosmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cherkeann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 2008-02351 AC duc
cefeT Fed FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
TE:Zl otoz 62 dy
Petitioner realleges and incorporates by
reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth he
86. Section 455.227(1) (4),
“aiding, assisting, procuring,
unlicerised person or entity te
this chapter, the chapter regulat
Florida Statutes, states Lhat
or advising any
practice a profession contrary to
ing the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary action
may be taken.”
87. Based on the foregeing,
unlicensed person, in obtaining a
contrary to Section 477.0265 (1) (@
allegations set forth in paragrap
s specified in subsection (2)
Respondent violated Section
.227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, by aiding Sopheap Kim , an
Nail Specialist license
}, Plorida Statutes.
Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
(1) through forty five
ns one
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
89. Section 455.227(1) (9),
Florida Statutes, states that
“aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any
unlicensed person or entity to practice a profession contrary to
this chapter, the chepter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
GAOGC\Professions Buards\Cosmetolugy\AQ\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngag 2008-0235 17\AC.doc
and YOO sddd
ZE:ZTL Otoz 6Z dy
Bp29P Tress QS:98 Tae /8e/ra
may be taken.
90. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.227(1) (7), Florida Statutes, py aiding Thanh Tra Nhu Le, an
unlicensed person, in obtaining @ Nail Specialist license
contrary =o section 477.0265{1) (e), Florida Statutes.
9], Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) ag though fully set forth herein.
go, Section 455.227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, states that
“aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, oF advising any
unlicensed person or entity te practice a profession contrary to
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
may be taken.”
93. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, by aiding Huong Thi Nguyen, an
unlicensed person, in obtaining a Nail Specialist license
contrary to Section 477.0265(1) (e), Florida Statutes.
94, Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations get forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
98. Section 455.227(1) (]), Florida Statutes, states that
GAOGC\Professions Boards\Cosmetology\AtsLeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cherisann Granston\Mai, Hug Ngoc 2008-02351 7.AC.das
éc/6T Javtd YOO sddd
6pé9oPTpags 45:98 GT
ZE:ZTL Otoz 6Z dy Beis
“aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, of advising any
unlicensed persen or entity te practice 4 profession contrary to
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitete grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
may be taken.”
$6. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455,227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, by aiding Chunh K, Tran, an
unlicensed person, in obtaining a Nail Specialist license
contrary to Section 477.0265(1) (@), Florida Statutes.
97. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
98. Section 455.227(1) (5), Florida Statutes, states that
“siding, assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any
unlicensed person or entity te practice a profession contrary to
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shail constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
may be taken.”
99. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, by aiding Touckay Laochareun,
an unlicensed person, in obtaining a Full Specialist license
contrary to Section 477.0265(1) (e), Plorids Statutes.
GAOGC\Professions Boards\Cosmetology\AC\LeC hea Parson's Law Cletks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mui, Hue Ngoc 2008-023517\AC. doe
cefae Fd FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
ZE:ZTL Otoz 6Z dy
oe /TS
“aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any
unlicensed person or entity to practice a profession contrary te
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the beard shall constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
may be taken.”
96, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455,.227(1) (4), Florida Statutes, by aiding Chunh K. Tran, an
unlicensed person, in obtaining a Nail Specialist license
contrary to Section 477.0265(1) (@), Florida Statutes.
a7. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the
allegations set forth an paragraphs one (1) through forty five
(45) as though fully set forth herein.
98. Section 455.227(1) (3), Florida Statutes, states that
“aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any
unlicensed person or entity te practice a profession contrary to
this chapter, the chapter regulating the profession, or the
rules of the department or the board shall constitute grounds
for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
may be taken.”
99. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.227(1) (3), Florida Statutes, by aiding Touckay baochareun,
an unlicensed person, in obtaining a Full Specialist license
contrary to Section 477.0265(1) (e), Florida Statutes.
CAOGC\Prafessions Boards\Cusmetology\ACALeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cherieann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 2008-02351 TAC. doc
Fad FOO sda 6pé9oPTpags 45:98 Tee /82/Pa
ZE:ZTL Otoz 6Z dy
WKERFFORE, Petitioner respectivully requests the Board of
Cosmetology enter 4 Final Order imposing one or more of the
following penalties: imposition of an administrative fine,
revocation or suspension of the Respondent's jicense, issuance
of 4 reprimand, placement of the Respondent on probation,
restriction of Respondent's practice, and or any other relief
which the Board deems appropriate.
Signed this 3 day of “VEN id , 2009,
Department of Business and
professional Regulation
LeChea Parson
Assistant General Counsel
Florida Bar No. 0016869
Department of Business and
Professional Regulation
1940 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FPL 32399-2202
Telephone: (850) 410-1537
Facsimile: (850) 414-6749
PCP Date:
PCP Members:
ePo Be:
GAOCC\Profeysions Boards\Cosmetology\AC\LeChea Parson's Law Clerks\Cheri-ann Granston\Mai, Hue Ngoc 2008-0235) 7\AC.doe
éa/f/ea Fovd YOO sddd
6pé9oPTpags @o:9a
Clizl Ol0Z 62 dy Bree reese
Docket for Case No: 10-002380PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 25, 2010 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jun. 25, 2010 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Jun. 11, 2010 |
Order on Motion to Withdraw.
Jun. 09, 2010 |
Motion to Withdraw filed.
Jun. 02, 2010 |
Order (counsel for Respondent shall file a motion to withdraw).
May 20, 2010 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
May 20, 2010 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 2, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
May 13, 2010 |
Petitioner's Notice of Compliance with Court's Initial Order filed.
May 12, 2010 |
Letter to Jason from B. Haslett requesting to forward all correspondence regarding this matter to Ms. Mai filed.
Apr. 30, 2010 |
Initial Order.
Apr. 29, 2010 |
Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Apr. 29, 2010 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Apr. 29, 2010 |
Agency referral filed.