Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Lauderdale Lakes, Florida
Filed: Jun. 10, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, November 15, 2010.
Latest Update: Feb. 24, 2025
Jun 10 2010 12:40
Jun 10 2010 12:37 PLO?
v. CASE NOS. 2
COMES NOW Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through its
undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint: before the Board of
Osteopathic Medicine against Respondent, Alfred Eversley Boyce, D.0., and in
support thereof alleges: |
i. Petitioner is the state department charged with regutating the
Practice of osteopathic medicine pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes;
Chapter 456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 459, Florida Statutes, ,
2, At all times material to this Order, Respondent was iicensed to
practice as an ostedpathi¢ physician having been issued license number OS 5977
on about March 26, 1979, During all times relevant to this order, Respondent
Was. practicing pain management at Broward Chronic Pain and Recovery Center
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Jun 10 2010 12:38 P. 08
Respondent is. not board-certified in pain management,
3, Respondent’s address of record Is 1007 West ‘Commercial
Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309. |
4, From ‘about July 23, 2009 through December 11, 2009, the
Department of Health received five separate complaints that Respondent
appeared to be prescribing excessive quantities of controlled substances, The
allegations were supported by pharmacy records indicating out-of-state patients
attempted to fill prescriptions for controlled substances written by Resvondent in
Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
5. Reasonable cause subpoenas. were issued, ‘in accordance with
Section 456.057(9)(a}1, Florida Statutes (2009), to obtain the medical records of
six. (6) patients who ‘were being prescribed high dosages of controlied ses
Such as oxycodone, Percocet and Xanax.
6 Opioid, or opiate, drugs have similar actions as the drug opium and
are typically prescribed to treat pain. Opioid drugs. are synthetically
manufactured, while opiate drugs are naturally occurring, but the tems opioid
and opiate are often used interchangeably. Opioid drugs are uti and
subject to abuse.
7. Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs that cause sedation and can
be habit forming. Benzodiazepines are typically prescribed to treat anxiety or
8. Oxycodone fs a semi-synthetic opioid that Is prescribed to treat
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pain. According to: Section 893.03(2), Florida Statutes, oxycodone Is. a Schedule
H controlled substance. that has a high potential for abuse and has'a currently
accepted but severely restricted medical use in treatment in the United States,
ard abuse of oxycodone may lead to severe psychological or physical
dependence. . |
9, OxyContin is the brand name for a drug that contains oxycodone,
which Is described above, |
10, Percocet is the brand frame for a drug that contains oxyeotione,
Which is:described above. Percocet also contains acetaminophen, or Tylenol .
11. Xanax is the brand name for alprazolam ard is prescribed to treat
anxiety. According to Section 693.03(4), Florida Statutes, alprazolam Is a
Schedule TV controlled substance that has.a low potential for abuse relative to
the substances in Schedule Ili and has a currently accepted medical use in
treatment in the United States, and abuse of alprazolam may lead to limited
physical or psychological dependence relative to the substances in Stet It.
Alprazoiam is a benzodiazepine. |
11.. ‘The investigation prompted a Department. osteopathic medicine
expert review of the records for patients DT, JC, RD, WM, JF, arid JL ,
12. Of the six (6) patients, two (2) are residents of Kentucky, tee (3)
ate residents of West Virginia, and one (1) is a resident of Tennessee,
13. The expert's medical opinion for each of these six (6) patients
confirmed: the allegations. of inappropriete prescribing of excessive and
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Jun 10 2010 12:41
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inappropriate quantities and combinations of controlled -substan¢es without
medical records justifying these prescriptions. |
14. During the course of approximately ten (10) months, for the si (6)
patients described above, Respondent prescribed a total of about 10,800 tablets
of controlled substarices. |
Faets Specific to Patient DT
15, Framon or about August 14, 2009, through on or about September
17, 2009, patient DT presented to Respondent. with complaints of tower back
pain. :
16. Respondent's medical records show that he prescribed multiple
prescriptions for large amounts of oxycodone and Xanax for patient: DT on the
dates, dosages, and in the quantities described in the following table:
240 tablets —
17, The above chart represents a total of 900 tablets of controlled
substances prescribed to patient DT over the course of an approximately one (1)
Fronth period, !
18. On or about August 14, 2009, Respondent documented petfortning
@ Cursory physical. examination revealing. only “exaggerated lordosis, normal
reflexes.” Lordosis is-an increased curving of the spine.
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Jun 10 2010 12:39 P.11
19. A reasonably prudent osteopathic physician would not consider the
August 14, 2009, physical examination minimally adequate for the condition
complained of by patient DT. |
20. Neither prior to nor while prescribing these drugs on or about
September 17, 2009, did Respondent perform and/or document the performance
of a minimally adequate physical examination appropriate for the condition
complained of by the patient. |
21. According to the expert, Respondent’s medical records a not
contain medical justification for the frequency and simultaneous peso of
such large quantities of oxycodone together with Xanax.
22. According to the expert, the medications prescribed to patient DT
Were excessive and Inappropriate. |
23, A reasonably prudent osteopathic physician would not ! have
simultaneously prescribed such large quantities of oxycodone together with
Xanax and would have performed at least. minimally adequate physical
examinations appropriate for the condition complained of by the patient. ,
Facts Specific to Patient JC
24. From: on of about February 12, 2009, through: on or about October
1, 2009, patient JC presented to. Respondent with complaints of lowef back pain,
25. Respondent’s medical records show that he prescribed multiple
simultaneous prescriptions for large amounts of oxycodone and Xanax for patient
J:\PSU\Medical\Tobey (Ostend AGs\Roys, Alfred midtinie casesepain managemunt.ddc. 5
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JC’ on the dates. and in the quantities and dosages described in the following
240 tablets 1
240 tablets
240 tablets
26. The above chart represents a total of 1,290 tablets of controlled
Substances prescribed to patient JC over the course of approximately eight (8)
27. Neither prior to nor while prescribing these drugs, did Respondent
perform and/or documient the performance of a minimally. adequate physical
éxamination appropriate for the condition complained of by the patient. !
28. According to the expert, Respondent's medical records do not
contain: medical justification for the high frequency and simultaneous prescription
of such large quantities of oxycodone together with Xanax. !
28. According to the expert, the medications prescribed to: patient Ic
were excessive and inappropriate. |
30. A reasonably prudent osteopathic physician would _ not have
simultaneously prescribed such Jarge quantities of oxycodone: together wth
2:\F5U\Madical\ Tobey\Oste0\Abe\Boyes, Alfred muitipie cases-pain management.doc 6
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Jun 10 2010 12:39 P.13
Yanax and would have performed a minimally adequate physical examination
appropriate for the condition complained of by the. patient. |
Facts Specific to Patient RD |
‘31, Fromon or about February 17, 2009 through on or about April 9,
2009, patlent RIS presented to Respondent with complairits of lower back pain,
32, Respondent’s medical records show that he prescribed 240 30mg
oxycodone tablets for patient RD on both February 17, 2009, and April 9, 2009.
33. This represents a total of 480 tablets of controlled substances
prescribed to patient RD over the course of approximately two months. ,
34. ‘Neither prior to nor while prescribing these drugs, did Respondent
perform. and/or document the performance of a minimally adequate physical
exariination appropriate for the condition complained of by the patient. |
35, According to the expert, Respondent's medical records do not
contain meciical justification. for the quantity of oxycodone provided to patient
36, According to the expert, the madications prescribed to patient RD
were excessive and inappropriate. |
37. A reasonably prudent osteopathic physidan would not have
prescribed such large quantities of oxycodone and would have pérformed at least
& minirially adequate physical exartination “appropriate for the contition
complained of by the patient. |
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Jun 10 2010 12:42
Jun 10 2010 12:40 P14
Facts Specific to Patient WM |
38. From.on or about February 10, 2009, through an or about July 28,
2009, patient WM presented to Respondent with complaints of lower back pan,
39. Respondent’s medical records show that he’ prescribed multiple
simultaneous. prescriptions for large amounts of oxycodone arid Xanax for patient
WM on the dates and in the quantities and dosages described in the following
3Q tablets
| 30 tablets
30 tablets
30:tablets _
30 tablets
Jun 10 2010 12:42
Jun 10 2010 12:40 P.15
40. ‘The above. chart represents a total of 2,040 ‘tablets of controlled
substances prescribed to patient WM over the course of approximately six (6)
months. 7 |
41. Neither prior to nor while prescribing these-drugs,. did Respondent
perform and/or document the performance of a minimally adequate physical
examination appropriate for the condition complained of by the patierit. :
42. According to the expert, Respondent's medical reccrds do not
contain medical justification for the frequency and simultaneous prescription of
such large quantities of oxycodone together with Xanax to patient WM. :
43, According to the expert, the medications prescribed to patient WM
were excessive and inapprapriate. 4
44, A reasonably prudent osteopathic physician would: not ‘have
simuttaneously prescribed such large quantities of oxycodone together with
Xanax. and would have performed a minimally adequate physical examination
appropriate for the condition complained of by’the patient.
Facts Specific to Patient JF
45, From on or about March 23, 2009, through on: or about November
16, 2009, patient JF presented to Respondent with back pain: |
46. Respondent's medical records show that he prescribed multiple
Simultaneous prescriptions for large amounts of oxycodone along with Percocet
OxyContin and Xanax for patient JF on the dates and in the ccsages and
Quantities described {n the following table:
J.\PSU\Medleal Tobey Osteo WiC \Boyee, Alfred multiple eages-patn managemeni.dec i og
Jun 10 2010 12:43
Jun 10 2010 12:40 P.16
cm a Read
pe a 3/23/09 |
120 tablets 2mg 10/325mg
30 tablets ; 126 tablets
4/2209 4/22/09 4/22/09
240 tabiats 2mg 10/325mq
30 tablets 120 tablets
5/27/09 ad 5/27/09
246 tablets 10/325mg
xs 0 able ts 120 tablets
| 6430709 6/30/09 6/30/09
240 tablets amg 10/325mg
30 tablets 120 tablets
tes [Foe | |
tl O ab lets
180 tabiets 240 tablets
8/27/09 8/27/09 8/2 27/08
180 tablets 240 tablets
30 30 ablets ;
9/24/09 9/24/09 9/24/09
180 tablets 240 tablets amq
30 tablets
11/16/08 F LEf 16/09 me 16/05
180 tablets 240 cplets
30 ble |
47. The above chart represents a total of 3,240 tablets of controlied
substances prescribed to patient JF over the course of approximately eight {8}
48. Neither prior to ror while prescribing these drugs, did Respondent
perform and/or document tie performance of a minimally adequate physical
examiation appropriate for the condition complained of by the patient
49, According to the expert, Respondent's medital records dt
contain medical justification for the frequency and simultaneous prescription of
J:\PSU\Mackeal\ Tobey Qeten AC Boyes, Alfred miuttiple cases-pain management.doc 49
Jun 10 2010 12:43
Jun 10 2010 12:41 PL?
stich large quantities of oxycodone together with Percocet, OxyContin and Xanax
to patient JF. |
50. According to the expert, the medications preseribed to patient JF
were excessive and inappropriate. | |
51, A reasonably prudent osteopathic physician would not have
simultaneously prescribed such large quantities of oxycodone together with
Percocet, OxyContin and Xanax and would have performed @ minimally adequate
physical examination appropriate for the condition complained of by the patient.
| Facts Specific to Patient JL |
52. ) From on or about December 36, 2008, throught of or about August
31, 2009, patient JL presented to Respondent with pain "through het back, knee
&-carpal bunriel.” |
53. Respondent's. medical records show that he: prescribed multiple
prescriptions for large amounts of oxycodone along with Perencet and xanax for
patient JL on thé dates and in the dosages. and quantities desctibed in the
following tabie: |
240 tablets
Jun 10 2010 12:43
Jun 10 2010 12:41 P.18
150 tablets
54. The above chart represents a total of 2,850 tablets of controlled
Substances prescribed to patient JL over the course of approximately nine (9)
months, |
56 Neither prior to nor while prescribing these drugs, did’ Respondent
Perforn and/or document the performance of @ minimally adequate physical
examination appropriate for the condition complained of by the patient. |
56. According to the expert, Respondent's medical records donot
contain médical justification for the frequency and simuitaneous prescription of
I:NPSU\Medical Tobey Ostes\ACa Boyce, Alfred muftipie caes-nain management dc ar’)
Jun 10 2010 12:43
Jun 10 2010 12:41 PTS
such large quantities of exycodone together with Percocet, and Xariax to patient
1k ,
57. According. to the expert, the medications prescribed to patient IL
were excessive and inappropriate. | : |
58. Abcording to Respondent's records, Patient JL submitted to a drug
test on January 30, 2009 that was negative for both dpiates and
benzodiazepines. | |
59, According to the expert, the negative drug test is an “overt
indication of drug diversion by JL.”
6D. A reasonably prudent osteopathic physician would have stopped
"(prescribing controlled substances to patient JL in light of the negative drug best.
61. A reasonably prudent osteopathic physician would not have
simultaneously prescribed such large amounts of oxycodone together with
Percocet and Xanax and would have performed a minimally adequate physical
examination appropriate for the condition complained of by the patient.
Count One
62. Petitioner realleges and Incorporates paragraphs one (1) through
sixty-one (61) as if fully set forth herein, |
63. Section 459.015(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2008-2009), provides that
committing medical malpractice constitutes grounds: for disciplinary action by the
Board of Osteopathic Medicine. Medical Malpractice Is definéd in Section 456.5,
Florida. Statutes (2008-2009), as the failure to practice medicine in aocordance
EAPSU\Medical\ Tobey \Osten\aCalBoyce, Alfred muftinte casse-pain management dée | 13
Jun 10 2010 12:44
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with the level of care, skill, and treatment recognized in general law related to
health care iIcensure. For purposes of Section 459. 015(1)(x), Florida Statutes
(2008-2009), the Board shalt give great weight to the provisions of Section
766,102, Florida Statutes (2008-2009), which provides that the prevating
professional standard of care for @ given health care provider shall be that level
of care, skill, and treatment which, In light of all relevant surrounding
dreumstances, is’ recognized as acceptable and appropriate by. reasonably
prudent similar heath care providers, |
64. Respondent failed to practice medicine with that ievel/of cark, skill
and treatment, which Is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physidan as
being acceptable under similar conditions and drcumstances, in the treatment of
patients DT, JC, RD, WM, JF, and JL in one or more of the following ways: by
failing to conduct: appropriate. examinations; by prescribing excessive and/or
inappropriate amounts. of opioids and benzodiazepines; by continuing to
prescribe: narcotics and/or benzodiazepines in light of a negative drug tes; or by
failing to show in the medical record the justification for praseribing oplods or
benzodiazepines in:the dosages prescribed. .
65. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
459.015(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2008-2009), by committing medical malpractice
in treating Patients DT, 1C, RD, WM, JF and eo | |
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Jun 10 2010 12:44
Jun 10 2010 12:42 P. 21
66. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one: 1) through
sixty-one (61).a5 if fully set forth herein.
67. Section 459.015(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2008-2009), subjects a
licensee to discipline, including suspensin, for preseribing, dispensing,
adininisteting, mixing, or otherwise preparing a legend drug, Including any
controlled substance, other than in the course of the osteopathic physician's
professional practios. For purposes of this paragraph, it shall be legally
presumed that: prescribing, dispensing, administering, mbing, or otherwise
preparing legend drugs, including all controlled substances, tnappropriatey or in
excessivé or Inappropriate quantities is not in the best Interest of the patient and
is not in the course of the physiciati’s professional practice, without regard to his
or-her intent. |
68. Respondent prescribed, cisperssed, and/or administered controlled
substances other than in the course of his professional practice by’ prescribing,
dispensing, and/or administering controlled substances inappropriately, without
regard to the patient's best interests or In excessive or inappropriate cuantties
to patients DT, JC, RD, WM JL, and JF on or about the dates. and mn the
quantities and combinations more particularly described above.
69. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Scie
459.015(1xt), Florida Statutes, (2008-2009), by inappropriately prescribing
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excessive and inappropriate quantities of controlled substances to patients DT,
IC, RD, WM, JF and AL.
Count Three |
70. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through
sixty-one (61).as if fully set forth herein.
71, Section 459.015(1)(pp),, Florida Statutes (2008-2009), provides that
Violating any provision of chapters 456 or 459, Florida Statutes, ér any rules
adopted pursuant thereto, is grounds for escpline by the Board of Osteopathic
Medicine. | |
72. Rule '64B15-14.005(3), Florida Administrative Code, provides as
follows: |
The Board has. adopted the following quidelines when evaluating —
the use of controlled substances for pain control:
(@). Evaluation of the Patient. A complete medical history: and
physical examination must be conducted and documented ip the
medical record. The medical retord should document the ngture
and intensity of the pain, current. and past treatments for pain,
underlying: or coexisting diseases or conditions, the ‘effect of the
pain on physical arid psychological function, anti history of
substance abuse. The medical record also should document the
presence of Ohe dr more recognized medical indications for thé use
Of-a controlled substarica.
(b): Treatment Plan. The written treatment plan should state
Objectives. thet will be used to determine treatment guecess, such
&8 pain relief and improved physical and psychosocial function, and
Should indleate if any further diagnostic evaluatiofis or dther
treatments are planned, After treatment begins, the osteopathic
physician ‘should adjust drug therapy to the individual. medical
needs of each patient, Other treatment modalities, incutfing
osteopathic manipulative treatment and applications, of a
rehabilitation program may be necessary depending on the etiology
‘Of the pain and the extent to which the pain is associated with
physical and psychosocial impairment,
TAPSUAMedicall Tobey Osten Aceoyce, Aiftad multiple Caseispain management doe | 16
Jun 10 2010 12:45
Jun 10 2010 12:43 PL 23
(c) informed Consent and Agreement for Treatment. The
osteopathic physician should discuss the risks and benefits of. the
usé of controled substances with the patient, persons designated
by the patient, or with the patient's surrogate or guardian if the
patient is ireompetent. The patient should receive prescriptions
from one osteopathic physician pharmacy where possible.
If the aap is determined to be at high risk for medication Abuse |
or havea history of substance abuse, the osteopathic physician
tay employ the use of a written agreement between physician and
patient outlining patient responsibilities, includirig, but not limited
to: :
1. Urine/serum medication levels screening when requested; !
2. Number and frequency of all prescription refills; and
3, Reasons: for which drug therapy may be discontinued | (Le., |
violation of agreement), :
(d} Periodic: . At reasonable intervals based on the individual
Circumstances of the patient, the osteopathic physician should
review the course of treatment and any new information about the
@tiology of the pain. Continuation or modification of herapy Id
depend on the osteopathic physician's evaluation of progress
toward stated treatment objectives such as improvemest in
patient's pairt intensity and improved physical and/ot psychosocial
function, i.@., ability to work, need of health care resources,
activities of daily living, and quality of social life, If treatment goals |
are not being achieved, despite medication adjustments, the
‘Osteopathic ‘physician. should reevaluate. the appropriateness of |
continued treatment. The osteopathic physician etd manitor
peer compliance In medication usage and relat teatinent
ans. |
(e) Constitation, ‘The osteopathic physician should he willirig to
refer the patient as necessary for additional evaluation | and
treatment in order to achleye treatment objectives. Special
attention shauld be given to those pain patients who are at risk for
Misusing their medications and. those whose living atrangements
pose a risk for medication misuse or diversion. The management of
pain in patients with a history of substance abuse or with a
comorbid psychiatric disorder may require extra care; monitoring,
documentation, and consultation with or referral to an expert inthe —
Management of such patients.
73. Ono about the dates set forth above, Respondent vidiated Rule
64615-14.005(3), Florida Administrative Code, by prescribing one oF more of the
J: PSU Medical Fobey Osten ACstBoyce, Alfred muliipte cases:pain management.doc , (17
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following controlled substances: oxycodone, Percocet and, Xanax to patients DT,
JC, RO, WM, JF and JL in the quantities and combinations descilbed above,
without conducting or documenting complete physical examinations of DT, JC,
RD, WM, JF or JL.
74, Respondent also violated Rule 64B15-14,005(3), “FAC, by
prescribing these substances without decumenting one or niore of the Following:
written treatment plans that state objectives that will be used to determine
treatment succes or indicate if any further clagnostic evaluations or other
treatments are planned; the nature and intensity of the patients’ pain; current
and past treatments for pain; underlying or coexisting diseases. or conditions; the
effect of the pain on physical and psychosocial function or history of substance
abuser and, the presence of one or more recognized medical indications foe the
use of controlled substance. |
75, Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
459.015(1Xpp), Florida Statutes, (2008-2009), by violating a rule adspted
pursuant to Chapter 459 because he failed to document and adiiere t9 the
Florida Board of Osteopathic. Medicine standards for the use of contoled
substances for pin contol contained within Rule 64615-14.005(3), Frid
Administrative Code, (2008-2009) in his treatment of patients DT, IC, RD, wm,
JF and JL.
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Jun 10 2010 12:43 P. 25
Count Four -
76. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through
sixty-one as If fully set forth herein. . : |
77. Section 459.015(1X0), Florida Statutes (2008-2009), subjects a
licansee to discipline for falling to keep legible, as defined by department rule in
consultation with the board, medical records that identify the licensed
osteopathic physician or the osteopathic physician extender and ‘supervising
osteopathic physician by name and professional title who is or are responsible for
rendering, ordering, supervising, or billing for each diagnostic of treatment
procedure and that justify the course of treatment of the patient, including, but
not ‘irhited to, ‘patient histories; examination results; test reaults; records of
drugs prescribed, dispensed, or administered; and reports of consultations and
hospitalizations. 7
78. On or about the dates set forth above, Respondent violated Section
459.015(1)(0), Florida Statutes (2008-2009), by failing to keep medical records
that justified the course of treatment of patients DT, JC, RD, WM, JF and Jk,
79. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
459.015(1)(0), Florida Statutes, (2008- 2009), by falling to keep ‘medical records
that justified the course of treatment of patients DT, JC, RD, WWM, JF and 2.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests tidt the | Board of
Osteapathic Medicine enter an order Imposing one or mare of the follawing
penalties: permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's license,
JAPSU\edtical\ Tobey \Oetio YAce\Boyce, Alfred Multiple cases-palh shanagerientidos | 49
Jun 10 2010 12:45
Jun 10 2010 12:44
restriction of practice, imposition of an administrative fine, Issuance
: |
P. 26
of a
reprimand, placement of the Resporident.on probation, cortective adtion, refund
of fees billed or collected, remedial education and/or any ‘other relief that the
Board deems appropriate,
SIGNED this_(3"__ day of Mo, 2010,
Ana M. Viamonte Rés, M.D., MPH,
State Surgeon General
FILED DOH Proseaution Services Unit
an DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 052 dont Cypress Wey Bin C65 |
RK ethegped dllahasses, FL.32399-3265 :
bare ST ig Florida Bar No. 0542131
10 (850) 245-4640, @xt,.8176
(850) 245-4684 FAX
pop: Slitl!O Andple + Rare
J)\PSU\Medicall Yobey\Osteo\Acs\poyee, Alffed multiple cases-pain manayement.doc
Jun 10 2010 12:45
Jun 10 2010 12:44 P.2?
Respondent has the right to request a oer fe be cond in
accordance with Section 120.569 and 120.57, Flo tes, to be
fepresented by counsel or other qualified rep: te p
evidence and argument, to call and tihed repreed
have subpoena and subpoena duces tecum Issued on his or her
if-a hearing is requested. |
Respondent is placed on notice that Petitioner has ra nro
related to the Investigation and prosecution of
Section 456,072(4), Florida Statutes, the Soar’ 4 "hall aacess costs
related to the investigation arid prosecution of a plinary mbtter,
which may include attomey hours and costs, on the Respondent in
addition to-ary other discipline imposed.
J:APSu\Mettcal\Tobey\steo\ACe\Boyce, Alired muitle céses-pain hanagement.doc oan
Docket for Case No: 10-003167PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Nov. 15, 2010 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Nov. 12, 2010 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Oct. 26, 2010 |
Notice of Appearance of Co-Counsel (filed by Ian Brown).
Oct. 20, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Deposition (of S. Silverman) filed.
Oct. 20, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Deposition (of A. Boyce) filed.
Sep. 03, 2010 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner's Second Request for Production filed.
Aug. 30, 2010 |
Response to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Aug. 30, 2010 |
Petitioner's First Request for Admissions filed.
Aug. 16, 2010 |
Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Aug. 11, 2010 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 23 and 24, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, FL).
Aug. 03, 2010 |
Motion for Continuance filed.
Jun. 30, 2010 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jun. 30, 2010 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 30 and 31, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Jun. 25, 2010 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Jun. 22, 2010 |
Order Enlarging Time.
Jun. 18, 2010 |
Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to the Initial Order filed.
Jun. 10, 2010 |
Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Jun. 10, 2010 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by T. Schultz).
Jun. 10, 2010 |
Election of Rights filed.
Jun. 10, 2010 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jun. 10, 2010 |
Agency referral filed.
Jun. 10, 2010 |
Initial Order.