Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Jacksonville, Florida
Filed: Jul. 30, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, April 27, 2011.
Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
vs. , AHCA Nos. 2016006285 (Fines)
2010006287 (Cond.)
d/b/a Glenwood Nursing Center,
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration (hereinafter “Agency”), by
and through the undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint against
RIVERWOOD NURSING CENTER, LLC, d/b/a Glenwood Nursing Center (hereinafter
“Respondent”), pursuant to §§120.569 and 120.57 Florida Statutes (2009), and alleges:
This is an action to revoke Respondent’s license to operate a nursing home in the State of
Florida pursuant to §§ 400.121G)(d) and 408.815(1), Florida Statutes (2009), impose an
administrative fine of one-hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($175,000) and a survey fee of
six thousand dollars ($6,000), for a total assessment of one-hundred eighty-one thousand dollars
($181,000.00), based upon the citation of seven (7) Class I deficiencies pursuant to §400.23(8)(a),
Florida Statutes (2009) and one (1) Class IT deficiency pursuant to §400.23(8)(b), Florida Statutes
(2009). Additionally, this is an action to change Respondent’s licensure status from Standard to
Conditional commencing April 16, 2010 and ending June 5, 2010.
1. The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to §§ 120.60, Florida Statutes, Chapter 400,
. J
Filed July 30, 2010 10:20 AM Division of Administrative Hearings.
Part Il and Chapter 408, Part Il, Florida Statutes (2009), and Chapter 59A-4, Florida
Administrative Code.
2. Venue lies pursuant to Rule 28-106.207, Florida Administrative Code.
3. The Agency is the regulatory authority responsible for licensure of nursing homes
and enforcement of applicable federal regulations, state statutes and rules governing skilled
nursing facilities pursuant to the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987, Title IV, Subtitle C (as
amended), Chapters 400, Part Il, and 408, Part IJ, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 59A-4, Florida
Administrative Code.
4. Respondent operates a 119-bed nursing home, located at 40 Acme Street,
Jacksonville, Florida 32211, and is licensed as a skilled nursing facility (license number
5. Respondent was at all times material hereto, a licensed. nursing facility under the
licensing authority of the Agency, and was required to comply with all applicable rules, and
COUNT I (Tag N048)
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5), as if
fully set forth herein. |
7. Pursuant to Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A-4.1075(2)(d)-5, Florida law provides the
following: The facility shall appoint a Medical Director who shall visit the facility at least once a
month, The Medical Director shall review all new policies and procedures; review all new
incident and new accident reports frorn the facility to identify clinical risk and safety hazards. The
Medical Director shall review the most recent grievance logs for any complaints or concerns
related to clinical issues. Each visit must be documented in writing by the Medical Director.
(3) A physician may be Medical Director of a maximum of 10 nursing homes at any one
time. The Medical Director, in an emergency where the health of a resident is in jeopardy
and the attending physician or covering physician cannot be located, may assume
temporary responsibility of the care of the resident and provide the care deemed necessary.
(4) The Medical Director appointed by the facility shall meet at least quarterly with the
quality assessment and assurance committee of the facility.
(S) The Medical Director appointed by the facility shall participate in the development of
the comprehensive care plan for the resident when he/she is also the attending physician of
the resident.
8. The Agency conducted an unannounced licensure survey starting April 12, 2010
and ending April 16, 2010.
9. That based on record review and interview, the facility failed to ensure the medical
director was responsible for the coordination of care in the facility through development of the
residents’ plans of care.
10. That resident received laceration above his/her left eye. Resident fell 4 more times
during the same month and sustained injuries to the head, the face and had a broken nose.
Cross Referemce to NO54:
11. That based on record review and staff interview, the facility failed to follow
physician orders for 1 of 7 sampled residents reviewed for falls that resulted in harm to Resident
Cross Reference to NO71:
12. Based on observations, resident record reviews, facility provided documentation,
and staff and resident interview, the facility failed to accurately assess and reassess the needs for 5
of 7 residents reviewed for being at risk for falls.
13. That Residents #74, #76, #96, #45, and #91 who had each fallen at least once, did
not have fall assessments and/or post fall assessments that would identify the potential causes and
interventions in place to prevent a reoccurrence of falls.
14. That three residents, Resident #74, #76 and #96 had a reoccurrence of falls since
December, 2009.
. Cross Reference to NO74:
15. That based on record review, staff interview and resident interviews, the facility
failed to revised the care plans for residents who were at risk for falls, 3 of 7 sampled residents
(Residents #76, #45, and #96) and revise the care plan for 2 of 27 sampled residents (Residents
#90 and #135) reviewed for weight loss ensuring that staff are aware of the resident's current
Cross Reference to N201:
16. That based on observations, record review, resident and staff interviews, the
facility neglected to provide care and services to residents identified as "at risk for falls" and
injury, develop successful interventions to prevent occurrence and reoccurrence of the falls and to
adequately monitor the residents who were at high risk for falls by implementing the written
policy and procedures for assessing for falls and their causes for 5 of 7 sampled residents,
Residents #74, #76, #45, #96 and #125, who fell at least once, if not repeatedly, in the facility.
Resident #76 fell and broke their hip and the facility failed to provide appropriate emergency
Cross Reference to N216;
17. That based on observations, record review, resident and staff interviews, the
facility neglected to provide care and services to residents identified as "at risk for falls" and
injury, develop successful interventions to. prevent occurrence and reoccurrence of neglect and to
adequately monitor the residents who were at high risk for falls by implementing the written
policy and procedures for assessing for falls and their causes for 5 of 7 sampled residents,
Residents #74, #76, #45, #96 and #125, who fell at least once, if not repeatedly, in the facility.
18. That Resident #76 fell and broke their hip and the facility failed to provide
appropriate emergency services.
Cross Reference to N906:
19. That based upon record review, interview, observation, and a review of the
facility's Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) meeting roster, the facility failed to identify and
or recognize quality of life and quality of care deficient practices taking place in the facility and
they failed to develop and implement plans of action to correct these deficient practices.
20. That this placed all residents at risk for abuse and/or neglect and created a situation
that is likely to result in serious injury, harm, impairment, or death requiring immediate corrective
action on the part of the facility.
21, That the facility neglected to provide care and services to residents identified as “at
tisk for falls" and injury, develop successful interventions to prevent occurrence and reoccurrence
of neglect and to adequately monitor the residents who were at high risk for falls by implementing
the written policy and procedures for assessing for falls and their causes for 5 of 7 sampled
residents, Residents #74, #76, #45, #96 and #125, who fell at least once, if not repeatedly, in the .
facility. Resident #76 fell and broke their hip and the facility failed to provide appropriate
emergency services.
22.. The above findings reflect Respondent’s failure to provide necessary care and
services to avoid physical harm, thus the Respondent’s actions constituted a pattern Class I
deficiency, pursuant of § 400.23(8)(a), Florida Statutes(2009).
23. That the Agency provided the Respondent with a mandatory correction date of
May 5, 2010.
24. That a Class I deficiency is a deficiency that the agency determines presents a
situation in which immediate corrective action is necessary because the facility's noncompliance
has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving
care in a facility. The condition or practice constituting a class I violation shall be abated or
eliminated immediately, unless a fixed period of time, as determined by the agency, is required
for correction. A class I deficiency is subject to a civil penalty of $10,000 for an isolated
deficiency, $12,500 for a patterned deficiency, and $15,000 for a widespread deficiency. The fine
amount shall be doubled for each deficiency if the facility was previously cited for one or more
class I or class II deficiencies during the last licensure inspection or any inspection or complaint
investigation since the last licensure inspection. A fine must be levied notwithstanding the
correction of the deficiency.
25. That Respondent had been cited for two (2) Class ‘I deficiencies following an
unannounced complaint survey CCR #20100001200 on February 5, 2010.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$25,000.00 against Respondent, a nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §
400.23(8)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
COUNT Il (Tag N54)
26. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) of this
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
27. Pursuant to Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A-4.107(5), Florida law provides the
following: (5) All physician orders shall be followed as prescribed, and if not followed, the
reason shall be recorded on the resident’s medical record during that shift.
28. The Agency conducted an unannounced licensure survey starting April 12, 2010
and ending April 16, 2010.
29. That based on record review and staff interview, the facility failed to follow
physician orders for 1 of 7 sampled residents reviewed for falls that resulted in harm to Resident
30. . That a record review of the medical record for Resident #76 on 4/13/10 at 2:08 PM
revealed that he/she had a history of glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, seizure disorder, anxiety
‘syndrome, psychosis and falls. The resident was disoriented to place and time and ambulated
throughout the facility at will. The resident was globally confused with poverty of speech. On
2/24/10 at 5:30 PM the resident "tripped and fell" in the reception area with no injuries related to
the fall.
31. That a review of the nurse's notes dated 2/27/10 at 12:50 PM revealed that on
2/27/10 at 9:15 am, another resident had theit legs out and Resident #76 "tripped" over their legs
and fell with no injuries. On 2/27/10 at 11:00 am, the resident was ambulating down the hallway
when another resident was being placed into a wheelchair. Resident #76 was trying to move out
of the way; took a wrong turn and fell with no injuries reported.
32. That the nurse’s notes of 3/2/10 stated that the resident was not in pain. However,
there were no notes until 3/13/10 at 4 PM when the resident was noted as limping and an X-ray
was ordered.
33. That an interview with the staff nurse on 4/13/10 at 1:58 PM revealed that the
resident had numerous falls. |
34, That she stated that the resident had three falls without injury and that the resident
was now on a soft belt restraint.
35. That she stated that the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) rounded every 2-3
hours to make sure of the location of the resident.
36. That an interview with the CNA on 4/15/10 at 8:01 am revealed that the resident
constantly walked back and forth; that he/she will walk over anything since they did not have any
safety awareness.
37. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall .
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
38. That on 3/13/10 at 4:00 PM, the staff nurse documented that the resident was
ambulating in the hallways and- was limping.
39. That the staff nurse documented that "this time complains of (the resident's) leg but
cannot identify which leg."
40, That x-Rays of the left hip was done and at 7:30 PM on 3/13/10 it showed a
“unilateral osteoporotic subtle almost invisible impacted fracture of the femoral neck with no
dislocation to the joint",
41. That at 7:30 PM the physician was called and the nurse received orders to send the
resident to the emergency room. The resident was sent to the emergency room (ER) by stretcher
ambulance service. | ‘
42. That the resident's power of attorney was notified on 3/13/10 and she refused to
have the resident seen in the emergency room (ER) without her presence and demanded that the
resident be returned to the facility.
43. That the transporting vehicle turned around and brought the resident back to the
facility. This procedure was not in keeping with the physician's order to send the resident for
emergency treatment.
44. That the POA informed the facility that she would come to the facility the next day
(3/14/10) to take the resident to the doctor.
45. That a review of the resident's clinical record, including the social worker's
progress notes, did not reveal any documentation of education by the facility staff that indicated
they addressed the concerns with the resident and/or the power of attorney regarding the
immediate need for an evaluation at the emergency room (ER). The resident remained in the
facility on 3/14/10 without being evaluated for the left hip fracture.
46. That the power of attorney (POA) did return to the facility on 3/15/10 and took the
resident for medical services. However, there was no doctor's order at that time. The resident
was admitted to a local hospital on. 3/15/10 due to the hip fracture.
47. That an interview with the power of attorney (POA) on 4/15/10 at 7:55 PM
revealed that she was aware of the left hip fracture and she refused to have the resident seen in the
ER because the resident could not speak for herself and that she wanted to be there with the
48. That an interview with the Medical Director on 4/15/10 at 2:48 PM revealed that
he wrote an order for the resident to go to the emergency room and that the niece should not have
" interfered with what they wanted to do. The medical director stated that they only knew when the
resident returned to the facility. |
49. Interview with the Director of Nurses (DON) and Administrator on 4/16/10 at 8:20
am revealed that with the family member, having power of attorney, she can at any time take the
resident to the emergency room (ER).
50. That she stated that the family member took the resident in her personal car to the
emergency room and that the family members has taken the resident out of the facility many
times before. However, the resident needed immediate medical attention and the facility did not
ensure that the resident received it.
51. That an interview with the Director of Nurses (DON) and Administrator on
4/16/10 at 8:20 am revealed that with the niece having power of attorney, she can at any time take
the resident to the ER.
52. That the DON stated that the niece took the resident in her personal car to the
emergency room and that those occasions occurred all of the time in the facility.
53, The above findings reflect Respondent’s failure to identify concerns and develop
plans of action to address care and service issues that impacted the health and safety of residents,
thus the Respondent’s actions constituted an isolated Class I deficiency, pursuant of §
400.23(8)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
54. That the Agency provided the Respondent with a mandatory correction date of
May 5, 2010.
55. That a Class I deficiency is a deficiency that the agency determines presents a
situation in which immediate corrective action is necessary because the facility's noncompliance
has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving
care in a facility. The condition or practice constituting a class I violation shall be abated or
eliminated immediately, unless a fixed period of time, as determined by the agency, is required
for correction. A class I deficiency is subject to a civil penalty of $10,000 for an isolated
deficiency, $12,500 for a patterned deficiency, and $15,000 for a widespread deficiency. The fine
amount shall be doubled for each deficiency if the facility was previously cited for one or more
class 1 or class Ii deficiencies during the last licensure inspection or any inspection or complaint
investigation since the last licensure inspection. A fine must be levied notwithstanding the
correction of the deficiency.
56. That Respondent had been cited for two (2) Class I deficiencies following an
unannounced complaint survey CCR #20100001200 on February 5, 2010.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$20,000.00 against Respondent, a nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §
400,23(8)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
COUNT Ul (Tag NO71)
57. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) of this
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
58. Pursuant to Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A-4.109(1), Florida law provides the
following: each resident admitted to the nursing home facility shall have a plan of care. The plan
of care shall consist of:
(a) Physician’s orders, diagnosis, medical history, physical exam and rehabilitative or
restorative potential.
(b) A. preliminary nursing evaluation with physician’s orders for immediate care,
completed on admission.
(c) A complete, comprehensive, accurate and reproducible assessment of each resident’s
functional capacity which is standardized in the facility, and is completed within 14 days
of the resident’s admission to the facility and every twelve months, thereafter. The
assessment shal] be:
1. Reviewed no less than once every 3 months,
2. Reviewed promptly after a significant change in the resident’s physical or mental
3. Revised as appropriate to assure the continued accuracy of the assessment.
59. The Agency conducted an unannounced licensure survey starting April 12, 2010 _
and ending April 16, 2010.
60, That based on observations, resident record reviews, facility provided
documentation, and staff and resident interview, the facility failed to accurately assess and
reassess the needs for 5 of 7 residents reviewed for being at risk for falls.
61. That Residents #74, #76; #96, #45, and #91 who had each fallen at least once, did
not have fall assessments and/or post fall assessments that would identify the potential causes and
interventions in place to prevent a reoccurrence of falls.
62. That three residents, Resident #74, #76 and #96 had a reoccurrence of falls since
December, 2009.
63, That this resulted in placing all residents at risk for future occurrences of neglect
and created a situation that is likely to result in serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to
residents and requires immediate corrective action on the part of the facility.
Resident #74
That during the initial tour of the facility on 4/12/ 10 at 10 am, Resident #74, a 76
year old weighing 79.8 lbs, was observed self propelling their wheelchair along the South wing
hallway with a visible bruised upper cheek and nose.
That an interview with a staff member on 4/12/10 at 10:05 am revealed that the
resident had fallen over the weekend but staff did not have any further details.
Resident #74 was observed on 4/13/10 in the hallway with the bruise more pronounced on both
cheeks, forehead and nose, revealing larger bruised areas from the day before.
That observations on 4/14/10 revealed the following:
. At 9:30 am the resident was not observed in their room. The resident's bed was
observed at the lowest height and there were 2 full side rails present which were
not raised.
. At9:35 am a CNA assigned to the resident was interviewed and revealed that the
resident had fallen over the weekend from their bed. She stated that Resident #74
always crawled out of bed at night and had fallen numerous times and enumerated
the resident's behavior to include aggressiveness, and scratching staff. When
asked how often did the resident exhibit such behavior, the staff stated that it was
not daily but the resident did exhibit the behavior sometimes, other times the
resident was pleasant. The staff identified the resident as one that needed total
care. The staff added that the resident was "all over the facility". The staff also
stated that the resident would crawl out of their waist restraint at times.
. At 9:40 am the resident was observed in the hallway, self-propelling their
wheelchair, with a blue waist restraint tied to the back of the chair.
. At 9:40 am in Resident #74's room the CNA showed the surveyor how the resident
fell out of bed. The mattress was observed to be shorter than the bed but a filler
pad was in place. There was no bed alarm observed on the bed at that time. When
asked whether the resident had a bed alarm, the staff said that the resident used to
have one but the resident would turn off the device and/or take the device off such
that the device would not alarm. The staff confirmed at that time that the resident
never had mats at bedside.
At 9:45 am the MDS coordinator was interviewed at the South wing nurses’ station
regarding what kind of system was in place to prevent falls and injury for Resident
#74, The MDS coordinator picked up Resident #74's medical chart and reviewed
the "Falls" care plan. The staff revealed that the resident had a bed alarm instituted
on 3/11/10 and a soft waist belt restraint on 3/19/10. She said that resident “always
crawled over the bed side rails at night". She was asked why resident needed 2 full
side rails when. she had the behavior of crawling over the bed rails. She did not
respond. Observation with the staff in the resident's room at that time did not
reveal the presence of a bed alarm. The staff could not find the alarm. Further
interview with the MDS coordinator at this time concerning the most recent fall
per the CNA interview and observation of the resident on 4/12/10, the MDS
coordinator said that the resident fell on March 19, 2010. When asked if staff was
aware that resident had fallen again over this past weekend, the staff said that she
was not aware of it, That a review of the nurse’s notes dated 4/11/10 at 11:15 PM
confirmed that resident fell forward in their wheelchair in the main dining room
and had a bruised forehead and a crooked nose, bleeding from the left nostril. The
notes also noted that the Physician was called and an order to transfer to a local
hospital was received. Family was notified by phone (answering machine). A
request was made for the corresponding incident report. The MDS coordinator said
that the Risk manager kept incident reports.
At 9:50 am an interview with the Risk manager at the South Hall nurses station
revealed that staff was not aware of the 4/11/10 fall until the surveyor asked to see
the incident report. The staff revealed that an adverse incident report had not been
filed. The staff denied any information from nursing staff about the incident, yet
she was able to produce the incident report filed in her mail box from the 3-11 PM
nurse after the incident, The risk manager said that she relied on staff reporting
any adverse events to her. The staff said that the facility did not have a morning
meeting where care issues were discussed. The facility did have a QCI meeting
which was held on Wednesdays.
67. That observations in the main dining room was conducted on Monday, 4/12/10
between 11:30 am and 12:30 PM when Resident #74 was eating lunch. Facility staff were present
including restorative aides, direct care staff and facility management team. Resident #74 was in
full view of all residents and staff present in the dining room at that time. However the staff did
not recognize the Caucasian resident with a blue/black bruised face while she was eating.
68. That a review of the incident report completed by the nurse on duty revealed that a
CNA going to the "time clock" witnessed the fall. The report revealed that the resident flipped
over in the main dining room onto their face while restrained in wheelchair, Crooked bloody nose
and bruise to fore head were sustained as documented on the "diagram location of injury". The
report further stated that the staff asked the resident what happened and the resident indicated that
they were trying to "get up from the wheelchair".
69. That Resident #74 was first admitted to the facility on 3/15/2007 with diagnoses
of: UTI, Sepsis; Dementia; Depression; and Hypokalemia.
70. ‘That a review of the most recent annual MDS assessment dated 2/3/10 coded
Resident #74, under section G5b and G5d, as using a wheelchair as a primary mode of
locomotion and self-wheeled. Section J4a and J4b coded the resident as having a history of falls,
within past 30 days and also within past 31-180 days.
71. That the RAP (Resident Assessment Protocol) summary dated 2/5/10 noted that
the resident "triggered for falls". The RAP Falls decision summary noted: "Resident at risk for
falls, has a history of falls and has impaired safety awareness along with cognition, resident is in a
wheelchair at this time, receives daily psych meds, is not displaying any drug related side effects
but remains at risk, will proceed to care plan".
That a review of the facility's form titled Fall Risk Assessment dated 1/27/10 noted
the resident scored 16. A total score of 10 or above placed the resident at a "High Risk" for falls.
That the facility did have a plan of care dated 2/9/10 identifying that the resident
was at risk for falls related to unsteady gait, impaired bed mobility, and cognition, use of
psychoactive medications and attempts to transfer from chair to bed and bed to chair with
supervision. A review of the Incident Reports for Resident #74 supplied by the Risk manager
revealed that the resident had reported falls as follows:
On 2/23/10 at 9:30 PM the resident was "found sitting on the floor beside bed,
attempting to transfer without assistance. CNA assisting another resident.
(Prevention: remind the resident to ask for help.) Investigation report dated for
2/23/10, risk mgr signed (no injury)". According to the Incident Log for February
2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
On 3/1/10 at 10 PM the resident was "found sitting on the floor beside bed,
attempting to transfer without assistance. CNA assisting a resident in rm 123.
(Prevention: constantly remind her to call for assistance when she needs to
transfer) Investigation report dated for 3/1/10, signed by risk manager (no injury)".
According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
On 3/4/10 at 7 PM the resident "fell from shower chair while getting bath, resident
being physically aggressive. Laceration above the left eye (have 2 CINA assist with
bath when resident is aggressive). Investigation report dated for 3/4/10, signed by
risk manager (no adverse incident report filed)(first aid applied at NH)".
According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
On. 3/8/10 at 11 PM observed "resident sitting on the floor beside their wheelchair
(w/c) by the bedside. SWB (soft waist belt) not on at time of fall. CNA assisting
other residents, nurse in station charting. (Prevention: will discuss in CQI)
Investigation report dated for 3/8/10, signed by risk manager". According to the
Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
There was no evidence that this fall was discussed in the next CQI meeting which
according to facility staff would have taken place on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
f. On 3/10/10 at 9 PM the “resident walked from bed w/o assistance and fell at door,
on ground in supine position. CNA assisting other residents. injury: edema on the
back of the bed. (Prevention: will put bed alarm on resident while she is in bed,
soft waist belt (SWB) was on while in wheelchair. SWB not on at time of fall.
Investigation report dated for 3/10/10, signed by risk manager (first aid only, ice
applied to raised area)". According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall
was unwitnessed.
g. On 3/11/10 at 12:40 am - "Resident tying on floor beside clothes hamper, lying on
back with knees drawn up, noted laceration to right temple. Soft waist belt (SWB )
was not on at the time of fall. (Bed alarm ordered and placed on bed this morning).
Investigation report dated for 3/11/10, signed by risk manager". According to the
Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
h. On 3/19/10 at at 11:10 PM - "Resident was found on the floor in front of
wheelchair at South 2 Nursing station. Resident was not interviewable due to
confusion. Fall occurred during the change of shift. Nose fractured per CT scan.
"Possible cause: Resident is very weak and possibly attempted to stand up un-
i. Injury: bruising to face". (Prevention: SWB while up in w/c, bed alarm when
resident is in bed.) Investigation report dated for 3/19/10, signed by risk manager
(ice applied, resident sent to hospital) (resident actually fell on the 18)",
j. According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
k. On 4/11/10 "the resident flipped over in wheel chair on face while restrained in
wheelchair in dining room. (Witnessed by) CNA going to time clock.
1. Injury: bloody nose, bruise to forehead and crooked nose".
74, Despite all these documented falls and the 3/19/10 trip to the hospital, a review of
the resident's record revealed that no post fall evaluation/assessment (per facility provided
protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was performed and no revision to the resident's
fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
75. That the facility did not have any system in place to adequately care for this
resident and to prevent further falls until the survey team identified on-going immediate jeopardy
on 4/14/10. The facility instituted a One on One staff monitoring for Resident #74 at 4:30 PM on
4/14/10. The One on One monitoring was due to the survey team identifying the immediate
jeopardy situations in regards to this resident having repeated falls without reassessing the
resident's condition post falls.
76. ° That areview of the Adverse incident log book revealed that there was not a single
adverse investigation filed with the State of Florida on Resident #74. Per facility policy,
neurological assessments are completed for 72 hrs after each fall. Review of the neurological flow
sheets revealed completed for the following dates only: 3/4/10, 3/5/10, 3/10/10, 3/11/10, 3/12/10
and 3/19/10.
Residemt #76
77. That a record review of the medical record for Resident #76 on 4/13/10 at 2:08 PM
revealed that he/she had a history of glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, seizure disorder, anxiety
syndrome, psychosis and falls. The resident was disoriented to place and time and ambulated
throughout the facility at will. The resident was globally confused with poverty of speech. On
2/24/10 at 5:30 PM the resident "tripped and fell" in the reception area with no injuries related to
the fall.
78. That a review of the nurse's notes dated 2/27/10 at 12:50 PM revealed that on
2/27/10 at 9:15 am, another resident had their legs out and Resident #76 "tripped" over their legs
and fell with no injuries. On 2/27/10 at 11:00 am, the resident was ambulating down the hallway
when another resident was being placed into a wheelchair. Resident #76 was trying to move out
of the way; took a wrong turn and fell with no injuries reported.
79. That the nurse’s notes of 3/2/10 stated that the resident was not in pain. However,
there were no notes until 3/13/10 at 4 PM when the resident was noted as limping and an X-ray
was ordered.
80. That an interview with the staff nurse on 4/13/10 at 1:58 PM revealed that the
resident had numerous falls. She stated that the resident had three falls without injury and that the
resident was now on a soft belt restraint. She stated that the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
rounded every 2-3 hours to make sure of the location of the resident.
81. That an interview with the CNA on 4/15/10 at 8:01 am revealed that the resident
constantly walked back and forth; that he/she will walk over anything since they did not have any
safety awareness.
82. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
83, That on 3/13/10 at 4:00 PM, the staff nurse documented that the resident was
ambulating in the hallways and was limping. The staff nurse documented that "this time
complains of (the resident's) leg but cannot identify which leg." X-Rays of the left hip was done
and at 7:30 PM on 3/13/10 it showed a "unilateral osteoporotic subtle almost invisible impacted
fracture of the femoral neck with no dislocation to the joint". :
84. That at 7:30 PM the physician was called and the nurse received orders to send the
resident to the emergency room. The resident was sent to the emergency room (ER) by stretcher
ambulance service.
85. That the resident's power of attorney was notified on 3/ 13/10 and she refused to
have the resident seen in the emergency room (ER) without her presence and demanded that the
_fesident be returned to the facility. The transporting vehicle turned around and brought the
resident back to the facility.
86. That this procedure was not in keepirig with the physician's order to send the
resident for emergency treatment. The POA informed the facility that she would come to the
facility the next day (3/14/10) to take the resident to the doctor.
87. That a review of the resident's clinical record, including the social worker's
progress notes, did not reveal any documentation of education by the facility staff that indicated
they addressed the concerns with the resident and/or the power of attorney regarding the
immediate need for an evaluation at the emergency room (ER). The resident remained in the
facility on 3/14/10 without being evaluated for the left hip fracture.
88. That the power of attorney (POA) did return to the facility on 3/15/10 and took the
resident for medical services. However, there was no doctor's order at that time. The resident |
was admitted to a local hospital on 3/15/10 due to the hip fracture.
89, That an interview with the power of attorney (POA) on 4/15/10 at 7:55 PM
revealed that she was aware of the left hip fracture and she refused to have the resident seen in the
ER because the resident could not speak for herself and that she wanted to be there with the
90. That an interview with the Medical Director on 4/15/10 at 2:48 PM revealed that
he wrote an order for the resident to go to the emergency room and that the niece should not have
interfered with what they wanted to do. The medical director stated that they only knew when the
resident returned to the facility.
Resident #45
91. That a review of Resident #45's medical record revealed a nurse's note dated
4/1/2010 at 12:30 PM which read “writer was notified that pt (resident) was playing around in
dining room lost (their) balance and fell over a chair and tried to grab ahold of another resident
and pulled (another resident) down with (him/her). Slight bruising and swelling noted to right
middle finger, Tylenol given for pain. meds effective 30 min past admin, res (resident) able to
bend and move finger." A nurse's noted written on 4/1/2010 at 1:30 PM read" Critical
Phenobarbital level of 50.2, called Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) order to hold
Phenobarbital for two days then resume and report lab in two weeks." A therapeutic
anticonvulsant level of phenobarbital in serum is 10 to 25 g/mL. .
92, That a review of adverse reactions for Phenobarbital users includes unsteady gait,
slurred speech, fainting, drowsiness, dizziness, restless muscle movement, excitement, irritability,
aggression and confusion especially in the elderly.
93, That a review of the Risk Manager's investigation report for the 4/1/2010 fall, she
wrote the possible cause of the fall was that the resident was playing around in the dining room
when he/she tripped and fell. She lists actions to be taken as "remind the resident to be careful in
the dining room, keep hallways and dining room clear and clutter free". The facility had
repeatedly assessed the resident as alert with confusion in the medical record, so that the
interventions were inappropriate for this resident. They also did not place appropriate intervention
on the resident's care plan to implemented.
94. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
95. That a nurse’s note on 4/14/2010 at 2:00 PM read "pt complained of left hand.
pain. swollen. pt stated "I fell yesterday" pt Stated (he/she) had pain in left hand. Pt noted to have
swelling in left forearm also, Dr order for x-ray. risk manager informed. Tylenol given for pain.
pt has confusion and oriented X 1. No signs or symptoms of change in mental status. Pt states
(he/she) doesn't know what time, but that (he/she) fell in the dining room. "Resident sent to
hospital on 4/15/2010 at 9:45 am. A nurse's note written on 4/15/10 read "called for update,
resident admitted with left radial fx and phenobarbital intoxication. "
96. That on 4/14/2010 at 12:59 PM an interview was conducted with the MDS
Coordinator. She stated that she only makes care plan changes at time of quarterly review and that
the nurses and unit managers were responsible for making changes at all other times. She stated
that the Risk Manager was in charge of coming up with new intervention in a fall situation.
97. That on 4/16/2010 at 11:15 am an interview was conducted with the Risk
Manager. She agreed that she should have considered the resident's high phenobarbital level
reported on 4/1/2010, which can cause slowing of body systems, as a possible cause of the
resident's fall and not just that the resident's "fooling around" caused it. She stated she should
have taken further action to prevent the resident from falling again until their phenobarbital level
was back within normal range.
Resident #96
98. That a review of Resident #96's medical record revealed he/she has dementia,
glaucoma, was legally blind, and had an extensive history of falls. The resident had had ten falls
since December of 2008, two of them with injury.
99. That on 12/12/09 at 6:30 am a nurse's note was written that read "walking in hall
and heard housekeeper say the resident was on the floor, small laceration on forehead area was
cleansed with normal Saline and applied triple antibiotic ointment and bandage. "
100. That on 4/15/2010 at 10:25 am, an interview was conducted with the Risk
Manager. She stated the facility had no reports for a incident on 12/12/09 for Resident #96. She
stated the facility only had one for 11/12/09, that was for a finding of old bruising. She looked
through her log during the interview and stated that it would be listed there if an investigation was
done, she stated that no one must have filled out an incident report.
101. That on 4/14/2010 at 1:20 PM an interview was conducted with the Risk Manager
when she stated they had "exhausted interventions" for this resident in regards to preventing
future falls. However there was no evidence that the facility had tried some of the latest
equipment that may have prevented the resident from falling or alerted the staff to the possibility
that the resident was in the process of falling.
102. That a record review revealed a nurse's note written 1/28/10 that read "resident
found on floor next to bed, unaware of how it happened. Abrasions to RLE (right lower
extremities) no other injuries noted." A review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
103. That during multiple observations of the the resident's room during the survey
revealed the resident's door was closed and his/her curtain was pulled which would prevent the
staff from observing the resident.
104. That on 4/15/2010 at 12:23 PM, in an interview with the resident's LPN (Licensed
Practical Nurse), she stated that the resident's door was always closed because his/her roommate
closed the door. She agreed that she would not be able to hear the newly placed pressure released
bed alarm with the door closed. She said they will just open the door.
105. That on 4/15/2010 at 1:28 PM, an interview was conducted with the MDS
coordinator, with the Risk Manager present. She stated that the resident was never evaluated for a
One on One monitoring for falls, they only assessed behavior residents for One on One
Resident #91
106. That a clinical record review of the annual Minimum Data Set (MDS) dated
8/2009 revealed that Resident #91 had fallen within the last 30 days. Review of the quarterly
MDS dated 11/2009 and 2/2010 revealed that the resident had fallen within the last 30 days.
Clinical record review revealed that Resident #91 fell in April of 2009 and on September 4, 2009.
107. That an interview with the MDS coordinator on 4/15/2010 at 10:45 am revealed
that the MDS information for accidents was correct for Resident #91. The quarterly MDS dated
2/22/2010 and 11/2009 and the 8/2009 annual MDS contained documentation of falls within the
last 30 days. The MDS coordinator stated that the accident information was normally gathered
from research of the nurses' notes, staff interviews and risk manager notes.
108. That an interview with the Risk Manager on 4/15/2010 at 10:50 am revealed that
there was one report of a fall for Resident #91 available in the incident log book. Review of the
incident report dated 9/04/2009 revealed that Resident #91 fell in the bathroom and sustained an
abrasion. There was an investigation by the facility on the same day. There were no incident
reports available for the observation periods indicated in the MDS reports for Resident #91.
109. That an interview with the MDS coordinator on 4/15/2010 12:31 PM revealed that
there was no documentation of falls for Resident #91 to collaborate the MDS accident
information. The MDS coordinator stated that he/she would re-submit the MDS's.
110. That the Agency provided the Respondent with a mandatory correction date of
May 5, 2010.
111. That a Class I deficiency is a deficiency that the agency determines presents a
situation in which immediate corrective action is necessary because the facility's noncompliance
has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving |
care in a facility. The condition or practice constituting a class I violation shall be abated or
eliminated immediately, unless a fixed period of time, as determined by the agency, is required
for correction. A class I deficiency is subject to a civil penalty of $10,000 for an isolated
deficiency, $12,500 for a patterned deficiency, and $15,000 for a widespread deficiency. The fine
amount shall be doubled for each deficiency if the facility was previously cited for one or more
class I or class II deficiencies during the last licensure inspection or any inspection or complaint
investigation since the last licensure inspection.. A fine must be levied notwithstanding the
correction of the deficiency. .
112. That Respondent had been cited for two (2) Class I deficiencies following an
unannounced complaint survey CCR #20100001200 on February 5, 2010.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$25,000.00 against Respondent, a nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §
400.23(8)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
113. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) of this
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
114. Pursuant to Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A-4.109(4), Florida law provides the
following: All staff personnel who provide care, and at the resident’s option, private duty nurses
or non employees of the facility, shall be knowledgeable of, and have access to, the resident’s
plan of care.
115. That based on record review, staff interview and resident interviews, the facility
failed to revised the care plans for residents who were at risk for falls, 3 of 7 sampled residents
(Residents #76, #45, and #96) and revise the care plan for 2 of 27 sampled residents (Residents
#90 and #135) reviewed for weight loss ensuring that staff are aware of the resident's current
116. That this resulted in placing all residents at risk for future occurrences of neglect
and created a situation that is likely to result in serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to
residents and requires immediate corrective action on the part of the facility.
Residemt #76
117. That a record review of the medical record for Resident #76 on 4/13/ 10 at 2:08 PM
revealed that he/she had a history of glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, seizure disorder, anxiety
syndrome, psychosis and falls. The resident was disoriented to place and time and ambulated
throughout the facility at will. The resident was globally confused with poverty of speech. On
2/24/10 at 5:30 PM the resident "tripped and fell" in the reception area with no injuries related to
the fall,
118. That a review of the nurse's notes dated 2/27/10 at 12:50 PM revealed that on
_ 2/27/10 at 9:15 am, another resident had their legs out and Resident #76 "tripped” over their legs
and fell with no injuries. On 2/27/10 at 11:00 am, the resident was ambulating down the hallway
when another resident was being placed into a wheelchair. Resident #76 was trying to move out
of the way; took a wrong turn and fell with no injuries reported. The nurse’s notes of 3/2/10
stated that the resident was not in pain. However, there were no notes until 3/13/10 at 4 PM when
the resident was noted as limping and an X-ray was ordered.
119. That an interview with the staff nurse on 4/13/10 at 1:58 PM revealed that the
resident had numerous falls. She stated that the resident had three falls without injury and that the
resident was now on a soft belt restraint. She stated that the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
rounded every 2-3 hours to make sure of the location of the resident.
120. That Resident #76 fell three times in the same month and the facility did not
update the care plan to evaluate nursing interventions or to place new interventions in place to
prevent further falls in a resident with global confusion and no safety awareness.
121. That an interview with the CNA on 4/15/10 at 8:01 am revealed that the resident
constantly walked back and forth; that he/she will walk over anything since they did not have any
safety awareness.
122. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
123. That on 3/13/10 at 4:00 PM, the staff nurse documented that the resident was
ambulating in the hallways and was limping. The staff nurse documented that "this time
complains of (the resident's) leg but cannot identify which leg." X-Rays of the left hip was done
and at 7:30 PM on 3/13/10 it showed a "unilateral osteoporotic subtle almost invisible impacted
fracture of the femoral neck with no dislocation to the joint". At 7:30 PM the physician was
called and the nurse received orders to send the resident to the emergency room. The resident was
sent to the emergency room (ER) by stretcher ambulance service. The resident's power of
attorney was notified on 3/13/10 and she refused to have the resident seen in the emergency room
(ER) without her presence and demanded that the resident be returned to the facility. The
transporting vehicle turned around and brought the resident back to the facility. This procedure
was not in keeping with the physician's order to send the resident for emergency treatment. The
POA informed the facility that she would come to the facility the next day (3/14/10) to take the
resident to the doctor.
124. That a review of the resident's clinical record, including the social worker's
progress notes, did not reveal any documentation of education by the facility staff that indicated
they addressed the concerns with the resident and/or the power of attomey regarding the
immediate need for an evaluation at the emergency room (ER). The resident remained in the
facility on 3/14/10 without being evaluated for the left hip fracture.
125. That the power of attorney (POA) did return to the facility on 3/15/10 and took the
resident for medical services. However, there was no doctor's order at that time. The resident
was admitted to a local hospital on 3/15/10 due to the hip fracture.
126. That an interview with the power of attorney (POA) on 4/15/10 at 7:55 PM
revealed that she was aware of the left hip fracture and she refused to have the resident seen in the
ER because the resident could not speak for herself and that she wanted to be there with the
resident. .
127. That an interview with the Medical Director on 4/15/10 at 2:48 PM revealed that
he wrote an order for the resident to go to the emergency room and that the niece should not have
interfered with what they wanted to do. The medical director stated that they only knew when the
resident returned to the facility.
128. That an interview with the Risk Manager and the MDS Care Coordinator on
4/15/10 at 10:35 am revealed that it was everybody ' s responsibility to update the care plan.
Resident #45
129. That a review of Resident #45's medical record revealed a nurse's note dated
4/1/2010 at 12:30 PM which read "writer was notified that pt (resident) was playing around in
dining room lost (their) balance and fell over a chair and tried to grab ahold of another resident
and pulled (another resident) down with (him/her). Slight bruising and swelling noted to right
middle finger, Tylenol given for pain. meds effective 30 min past admin, res (resident) able to
bend and move finger." A nurse 's noted written on 4/1/2010 at 1:30 PM read" Critical
Phenobarbital level of 50.2, called Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) order to hold
Phenobarbital for two days then resume and report lab in two weeks. " A therapeutic
anticonvulsant level of phenobarbital in serum is 10 to 25 pg/mL.
130, That a review of adverse reactions for Phenobarbital users includes unsteady gait,
slurred speech, fainting, drowsiness, dizziness, restless muscle movement, excitement, irritability,
aggression and confusion especially in the elderly.
131. That a review of the Risk Manager's investigation report for the 4/1/2010 fall, she
wrote the possible cause of the fall was that the resident was playing around in the dining room
when he/she tripped and fell. She lists actions to be taken as "remind the resident to be careful in
the dining room, keep hallways and dining room clear and clutter free". The facility had
repeatedly assessed the resident as alert with confusion in the medical record, so that the
interventions were inappropriate for this resident. They also did not place appropriate intervention
on the resident's care plan to implemented.
132. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
133, That a nurse’s note on 4/14/2010 at 2:00 PM read "pt complained of left hand
pain. swollen. pt stated "I fell yesterday" pt Stated (he/she) had pain in left hand. Pt noted to have
swelling in left forearm also. Dr order for x-ray. risk manager informed. Tylenol given for pain.
pt has confusion and oriented X 1. No signs or symptoms of change in mental status. Pt states
(he/she) doesn't know what time, but that (he/she) fell in the dining room. "Resident sent to
hospital on 4/15/2010 at 9:45 am. A nurse's note written on 4/15/10 read “called for update,
resident admitted with left radial fx and phenobarbital intoxication. “
134. That on 4/14/2010 at 12:59 PM an interview was conducted with the MDS
Coordinator. She stated that she only makes care plan changes at time of quarterly review and that
the nurses and unit managers were responsible for making changes at all other times. She stated
that the Risk Manager was in charge of coming up with new intervention in a fall situation.
135. That on 4/16/2010 at 11:15 am an interview was conducted with the Risk
Manager. She agreed that she should have considered the resident's high phenobarbital level
reported on 4/1/2010, which can cause slowing of body systems, as a possible cause of the
resident's fall and not just that the resident's "fooling around" caused it. She stated she should
have taken further action to prevent the resident from falling again until their phenobarbital level
was back within normal range.
Resident #96
136. That a review of Resident #96's medical record revealed he/she has dementia,
glaucoma, was legally blind, and had an extensive history of falls. The resident had had ten falls
since December of 2008, two of them with injury.
137. That on 12/12/09 at 6:30 am a nurse's note was written that read "walking in hall
and heard housekeeper say the resident was on the floor, small laceration on forehead area was
cleansed with normal Saline and applied triple antibiotic ointment and bandage. "
138. That on 4/15/2010 at 10:25 am, an interview was conducted with the Risk
Manager: She stated the facility had no reports for a incident on 12/12/09 for Resident #96. She
stated the facility only had one for 11/12/09, that was for a finding of old bruising. She looked
through her log during the interview and stated that it would be listed there if an investigation was
done, she stated that no one must have filled out an incident report.
139. That on 4/14/2010 at 1:20 PM an interview was conducted with the Risk Manager
when she stated they had “exhausted interventions” for this resident in regards to preventing
future falls. However there was no evidence that the facility had tried some of the latest
equipment that may have prevented the resident from falling or alerted the staff to the possibility
that the resident was in the process of falling.
140. That a record review revealed a nurse's note written 1/28/10 that read "resident
found on floor next to bed, unaware of how it happened. Abrasions to RLE (right lower
extremities) no other injuries noted." A review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
141. That during multiple observations of the the resident's room during the survey
revealed the resident's door was closed and his/her curtain was pulled which would prevent the
staff from observing the resident.
142. That on 4/15/2010 at 12:23 PM, in an interview with the Resident '.s LPN
(Licensed Practical Nurse), she stated that the resident ' s door was always closed because his/her
roommate closed the door. She agreed that she would not be able to hear the newly placed
pressure released bed alarm with the door closed. She said they will just open the door.
143. That on 4/15/2010 at 1:28 PM, an interview was conducted with the MDS
coordinator, with the Risk Manager present. She stated that the resident was never evaluated for a
One on One monitoring for falls, they only assessed behavior residents for One on One
Resident #90
144. That Resident #90 was observed in their room at 8:30 am 4/14/10 eating breakfast.
The resident was served 4 half pieces of toast with butter and jelly, scrambled eggs with ham, 4oz
grits, 40z orange juice, 80z regular milk and a cup of coffee. The resident ate about 50% of the
145. That a review of admitting diagnosis for Resident #90 revealed diagnoses,
Dementia and Bipolar.
146. A review of the facility's weight record revealed the following documented
12/3/09 - 122.4 Ibs
1/2/10 - 136 Ibs
2/4/10 - 134.2 Ibs
3/1/10 - 125 Ibs
4/3/10 122.8 Ibs.
147. That the quarterly MDS dated 3/8/10 coded section K2 with the resident's height as
66 ins and weighing 125 Ibs. K3 coded as the resident having a significant weight loss.
148. That there were no dietary notes until 4/16/10 about the significant weight loss of
149. That an interview with the dietitian on 4/16/10 at 11 am revealed that the resident
took VHC daily with Medpass, Diet was regular with large portions. The dietary manager said at
11:30 am on 4/16/10 that bedtime snacks were offered daily but this was not observed.
150. That, the dietitian reviewed the resident's clinical record on 4/16/10 recognizing the
lack of intervention to care for the resident who had had a significant weight loss 3/8/10.
151. That a care plan dated 12/16/09 revealed the problem stated "resident at risk for
weight loss".
¢ Goal: will maintain present weight +/- 3% thru next review.
° Admission weight was 122 lbs.
o Goal:Provide diet;
® Provide snack that complies with diet restrictions;
© Monitor intake, offer alternate;
o Monitor weight at least monthly; and
e. Assist with meals as needed.
152. That the care plan dated 12/16/09 was not updated to reflect knowledge of the
significant weight loss and to initiate new interventions to prevent further weight loss.
153. That an interview with the dietitian at 3 PM on 4/16/10 revealed that she was not
responsible to develop care plans on the residents.
Residemt #135
154. That on 4/14/10 at 8:40 am Resident #135 was observed in room, just finishing
their breakfast. The resident stated that they had 4 pes toast, scrambled eggs and grits; 1 carton
whole milk, 40z orange juice and a cup of coffee. The resident ate 100%.
155. That on 4/ 14) 10 at 12:45 PM the résident was observed having lunch in their room,
1 piece of country fried steak, succotash, mashed potatoes and apple slices. The resident had a
cup of water, a cup of iced tea and a cup of black coffee. The resident ate 100%.
156. That the initial MDS dated 12/17/09 coded resident section K2 with a height of 60
inches and a weight of 197 Ibs. Section K3 did not code resident with any significant weight
loss. K5c coded received mechanically altered diet and section K5e noted a therapeutic diet.
157. That a quarterly MDS assessment dated 3/16/2010 coded the resident in Section
K2 with a height of 60 inches and a weight of 180 lbs which was a 8.5% weight loss in 3 months.
Review of the monthly weights revealed:
1/10 - 184.8 Ibs
2/10 - 186.2 lbs
3/10 - 180.4 Ibs and
4/10 - resident refused to be weighed.
158. That on 4/9/10 the physician discontinued mechanical diet and instituted regular
consistency diet with NCS and NAS diet.
159. That a review of the care plans revealed that the plans of care for Resident #135,
that were written 12/24/09, had not been updated to reflect the steady weight loss that resident had
incurred. There was no new intervention to address the resident's weight loss or to address it for
intended weight loss.
160. That the current care plan dated 12/24/09 revealed the problem, the resident
received a Mechanical altered diet with no gravy or fried foods.
° Goal: will maintain present weight +/- 3% thru next review.
o Approach:
o Provide diet per MD orders;
© Provide snack that complies with diet restrictions;
e Monitor weight at least monthly;
° Notify MD and dietitian if significant weight loss or gain is noted;
° Assist with meals as needed;
° Monitor labs, report abnormal to MD/RD; and
© Plate guard for all meals. This was not observed on any days of the survey.
161, That the Agency provided the Respondent with a mandatory correction date of
May 5, 2010.
162, That a Class I deficiency is a deficiency that the agency determines presents a
situation in which immediate corrective action is necessary because the facility's noncompliance
has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving
care in a facility. The condition or practice constituting a class I violation shall be abated or
eliminated immediately, unless a fixed period of time, as determined by the agency, is required
for correction. A class 1 deficiency is subject to a civil penalty of $10,000 for an isolated
deficiency, $12,500 for a patterned deficiency, and $15,000 for a widespread deficiency. The fine
amount shall be doubled for each deficiency if the facility was previously cited for one or more
class I or class II deficiencies during the last licensure inspection or any inspection or complaint
investigation since the last licensure inspection. A fine must be levied notwithstanding the
correction of the deficiency.
163. That Respondent had been cited for two (2) Class I deficiencies following an
unannounced complaint survey CCR #20100001200 on February 5, 2010.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$25,000.00 against Respondent, a nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §
400.23(8)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
COUNT V (Tag N201)
164. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) of this
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
165. Pursuant to §400.022(1)(), Florida Statutes (2009), Florida law provides the
following: all licensees of nursing home facilities shall adopt and make public a statement of the
rights and responsibilities of the residents of such facilities and shall treat such residents in
accordance with the provisions of that statement. The statement shall assure each resident the
following: (1) The right to receive adequate and appropriate health care and protective and support
services, including social services; mental health services, if available; planned recreational
activities; and therapeutic and rehabilitative services consistent with the resident care plan, with
established and recognized practice standards within the community, and with rules as adopted by
the agency.
166. That based on observations, record review, resident and staff interviews, the
facility neglected to provide care and services to residents identified as "at risk for falls" and
injury, develop successful interventions to prevent occurrence and reoccurrence of the falls and to
adequately monitor the residents who were at high risk for falls by implementing the written
policy and procedures for assessing for falls and their causes for 5 of 7 sampled residents,
Residents #74, #76, #45, #96 and #125, who fell at least once, if not repeatedly, in the facility.
Resident #76 fell and broke their hip and the facility failed to provide appropriate emergency
167. That this situation which placed the health and safety of the residents at risk for
falling has occurred in the past, is occurring in the present and is likely to occur in the very near
future as a result of the jeopardy situation.
Resident # 74
168. That during the initial tour of the facility on 4/12/10 at 10 am, Resident #74, a 76
year old weighing 79.8 Ibs, was observed self propelling their wheelchair along the South wing
hallway with a visible bruised upper cheek and nose.
169. That an interview with a staff member on 4/12/10 at 10:05 am revealed that the
resident had fallen over the weekend but staff did not have any further details.
170. That Resident #74 was observed on 4/13/10 in the hallway with the bruise more
pronounced on both cheeks, forehead and nose, revealing larger bruised areas from the day
171. That observations on 4/14/10 revealed the following:
a. At 9:30 am the resident was not observed in their room. The resident's bed was
observed at the lowest height and there were 2 full side rails present which were
not raised.
b. At 9:35 am a CNA assigned to the resident was interviewed and revealed that the
resident had fallen over the weekend from their bed. She stated that Resident #74
always crawled out of bed at night and had fallen numerous times and enumerated
the resident's behavior to include aggressiveness, and scratching staff. When
asked how often did the resident exhibit such behavior, the staff stated that it was
not daily but the resident did exhibit the behavior sometimes, other times the
resident was pleasant. The staff identified the resident as one that needed total
care. The staff added that the resident was "all over the facility". The staff also
stated that the resident would crawl out of their waist restraint at times.
At 9:40 am the resident was observed in the hallway, self-propelling their
wheelchair, with a blue waist restraint tied to the back of the chair.
. At 9:40 am in Resident #74's room the CNA showed the surveyor how the resident
fell out of bed. The mattress was observed to be shorter than the bed but a filler
pad was in place. There was no bed alarm observed on the bed at that time. When
asked whether the resident had a bed alarm, the staff said that the resident used to
have one but the resident would turn off the device and/or take the device off such
that the device would not alarm. The staff confirmed at that time that the resident
never had mats at bedside.
. At 9:45 am the MDS coordinator was interviewed at the South wing nurses station
regarding what kind of system was in place to prevent falls and injury for Resident
#74, The MDS coordinator picked up Resident #74's medical chart and reviewed
the "Falls" care plan. The staff revealed that the resident had a bed alarm instituted
on 3/11/10 and a soft waist belt restraint on 3/19/10. She said that resident "always
crawled over the bed side rails at night". She was asked why resident needed 2 full
side rails when she had the behavior of crawling over the bed rails. She did not
respond, Observation with the staff in the resident's room at that time did not
reveal the presence of a bed alarm. The staff could not find the alarm.
Further interview with the MDS coordinator at this time concerning the most
recent fall per the CNA interview and observation of the resident on 4/12/10, the
MDS coordinator said that the resident fell on March 19, 2010. When asked if
staff was aware that resident had fallen again over this past weekend, the staff said
that she was not aware of it.
. Areview of the nurses notes dated 4/11/10 at 11:15 PM confirmed that resident
fell forward in their wheelchair in the main dining room and had a bruised
forehead and a crooked nose, bleeding from the left nostril. The notes also noted
that the Physician was called and an order to transfer to a local hospital was
received. Family was notified by phone (answering machine).
h. A request was made for the corresponding incident report. The MDS coordinator
said that the Risk manager kept incident reports.
i. At 9:50 am an interview with the Risk manager at the South Hall nurses station
revealed that staff was not aware of the 4/11/10 fall until the surveyor asked to see
the incident report. The staff revealed that an adverse incident report had not been
filed. The staff denied any information from nursing staff about the incident, yet
she was able to produce the incident report filed in her mail box from the 3-11 PM
nurse after the incident. The risk manager said that she relied on staff reporting
any adverse events to her. The staff said that the facility did not have a morning
meeting where care issues were discussed. The facility did have a QCI meeting
which was held on Wednesdays.
172. That observations in the main dining room was conducted on Monday, 4/12/10
between 11:30 am and 12:30 PM when Resident #74 was eating lunch. Facility staff were present
including restorative aides, direct care staff and facility management team. Resident #74 was in
full view of all residents and staff present in the dining room at that time. However the staff did
not recognize the Caucasian resident with a blue/black bruised face while she was eating.
173. That a review of the incident report completed by the nurse on duty revealed that a
CNA going to the "time clock" witnessed the fall. The report revealed that the resident flipped
over in the main dining room onto their face while restrained in wheelchair. Crooked bloody nose
and bruise to fore head were sustained as documented on the "diagram location of injury". The
report further stated that the staff asked the resident what happened and the resident indicated that
they were trying to "get up from the wheelchair".
174. That Resident #74 was first admitted to the facility on 3/15/2007 with diagnoses
of: UTI; Sepsis; Dementia; Depression; and Hypokalemia. A review of the most recent annual
MDS assessment dated 2/3/10 coded Resident #74, under section G5b and G5d, as using a
wheelchair as a primary mode of locomotion and self-wheeled. Section J4a and J4b coded the
resident as having a history of falls, within past 30 days and also within past 31-180 days. The
RAP (Resident Assessment Protocol) summary dated 2/5/10 noted that the resident "triggered for
falls". The RAP Falls decision summary noted: “Resident at risk for falls, has a history of falls
and has impaired safety awareness along with cognition, resident is in a wheelchair at this time,
receives daily psych meds, is not displaying any drug related side effects but remains at risk, will
proceed to care plan". A review of the facility's form titled Fall Risk Assessment dated 1/27/10
noted the resident scored 16. A total score of 10 or above placed the resident at a "High Risk" for
’ falls.
175. That the facility did have a plan of care dated 2/9/10 identifying that the resident
was at risk for falls related to unsteady gait, impaired bed mobility, and cognition, use of
psychoactive medications and attempts to transfer from chair to bed and bed to chair with
supervision. A review of the Incident Reports for Resident #74 supplied by the Risk manager
revealed that the resident had reported falls as follows:
a. On 2/23/10 at 9:30 PM the resident was "found sitting on. the floor beside bed,
attempting to transfer without assistance. CNA assisting another resident.
(Prevention: remind the resident to ask for help.) Investigation report dated for
2/23/10, risk mgr signed (no injury)". According to the Incident Log for February
2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
b. On 3/1/10 at 10 PM the resident was "found sitting on the floor beside bed,
attempting to transfer without assistance. CNA assisting a resident in rm 123.
(Prevention: constantly remind her to call for assistance when she needs to
transfer) Investigation report dated for 3/1/10, signed by risk manager (no injury)".
According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
c. On 3/4/10 at 7 PM the resident "fell from shower chair while getting bath, resident
being physically aggressive. Laceration above the left eye (have 2 CNA assist with
bath when resident is aggressive) Investigation report dated for 3/4/10, signed by
risk manager (no adverse incident report filed)(first aid applied at NH)".
According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
. On 3/8/10 at 11 PM observed "resident sitting on the floor beside their wheelchair
(w/c) by the bedside. SWB (soft waist belt) not on at time of fall. CNA assisting
other residents, nurse in station charting. (Prevention: will discuss in CQ]
Investigation report dated for 3/8/10, signed by risk manager". According to the
Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
e. There-was no evidence that this fall was discussed in the next CQI meeting which
according to facility staff would have taken place on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
On 3/10/10 at 9 PM the “resident walked from bed w/o assistance and fell at door,
on ground in supine position. CNA assisting other residents. injury: edema on the
back of the bed. (Prevention: will put bed alarm on resident while she is in bed,
soft waist belt (SWB) was on while in wheelchair. SWB not on at time of fall.
Investigation report dated for 3/10/10, signed by risk manager (first aid only, ice
applied to raised area)". According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall
was unwitnessed.
. On 3/11/10 at 12:40 am - "Resident lying on floor beside clothes hamper, lying on
back with knees drawn up, noted laceration to right temple. Soft waist belt (SWB )
was not on at the time of fall. (Bed alarm ordered and placed on bed this morning).
Investigation report dated for 3/11/10, signed by risk manager". According to the
Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
. On 3/19/10 at at 11:10 PM - "Resident was found on the floor in front of
wheelchair at South 2 Nursing station. Resident was not interviewable due to
confusion. Fall occurred during the change of shift. Nose fractured per CT scan.
"Possible cause: Resident is very weak and possibly attempted to stand up un-
Injury: bruising to face". (Prevention: SWB while up in w/c, bed alarm when
resident is in bed.) Investigation report dated for 3/19/10, signed by risk manager
(ice applied, resident sent to hospital) (resident actually fell on the 18")".
According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
k. On 4/11/10 "the resident flipped over in wheel chair on face while restrained in
wheelchair ‘in dining room. (Witnessed by) CNA going to time clock.
1. Injury: bloody nose, bruise to forehead and crooked nose",
176. That despite all these documented falls and the 3/19/10 trip to the hospital, a
review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall evaluation/assessment (per facility
provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was performed and no revision to the
resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls. The facility did not have any system in
place to adequately care for this resident and to prevent further falls until the survey team
identified on-going immediate jeopardy on 4/ 14/10. The facility instituted a One on One staff
monitoring for Resident #74 at 4:30 PM on 4/14/10. The One on Oné monitoring was due to the
survey team identifying the immediate jeopardy situations in regards to this resident having
repeated falls without reassessing the resident's condition post falls.
177. That a review of the Adverse incident log book revealed that there was not a single
adverse investigation filed with the State of Florida on Resident #74. Per facility policy,
neurological assessments are completed for 72 hrs after each fall. Review of the neurological flow
sheets revealed completed for the following dates only: 3/4/10, 3/5/10, 3/10/10, 3/11/10, 3/12/10
and 3/19/10.
178. That Immediate Jeopardy was identified on 4/14/10 when it was revealed that
Resident #74 fell on 3/4/10 from a shower chair while being bathed by facility staff and received
a laceration: above his/her left eye. The resident fell 4 more times during the same month and
sustained injuries to the head, the face and the nose. The facility failed to provide necessary care
and services to avoid physical harm. The immediate jeopardy is ongoing due to the most recent
fall on Sunday, 4/11/10 when the resident sustained a broken nose.
Resident #76
179. That a record review of the medical record for Resident #76 on 4/13/10 at 2:08 PM
revealed that he/she had a history of glancoma, Alzheimer's disease, seizure disorder, anxiety
syndrome, psychosis and falls. The resident was disoriented to place and time and ambulated
throughout the facility at will. The resident was globally confused with poverty of speech. On
2/24/10 at 5:30 PM the resident “tripped and fell" in the reception area with no injuries related to
the fall.
180. That a review of the nurse's notes dated 2/27/10 at 12:50 PM revealed that on
2/27/10 at 9:15 am, another resident had their legs out and Resident #76 "tripped" over their legs
and fell with no injuries. On 2/27/10 at 11:00 am, the resident was ambulating down the hallway
when another resident was being placed into a wheelchair. Resident #76 was trying to move out
of the way; took a wrong turn and fell with no injuries reported. The nurses notes of 3/2/10 stated
that the resident was not in pain. However, there were no notes until 3/13/10 at 4 PM when the
resident was noted as limping and an X-ray was ordered.
181. .That an interview with the staff nurse on 4/13/10 at 1:58 PM revealed that the
resident had numerous falls. She stated that the resident had three falls without injury and that the
resident was now on.a soft belt restraint. She stated that the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
rounded every 2-3 hours to make sure of the location of the resident.
182. That an interview with the CNA on 4/15/10 at 8:01 am revealed that the resident
constantly walked back and forth; that he/she will walk over anything since they did not have any
safety awareness.
183. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
184. That on 3/13/10 at 4:00 PM, the staff nurse documented that the resident was
ambulating in the hallways and was limping. The staff nurse documented that "this time
complains of (the resident's) leg but cannot identify which leg." X-Rays of the left hip was done
and at 7:30 PM on 3/13/10 it showed a "unilateral osteoporotic subtle almost invisible impacted
fracture of the femoral neck with no dislocation to the joint". At 7:30 PM the physician was
called and the nurse received orders to send the resident to the emergency room. The resident was
sent to the emergency room (ER) by stretcher ambulance service. The resident's power of
attorney was notified on 3/13/10 and she refused to have the resident seen in the emergency room
(ER) without her presence and demanded that the resident be returned to the facility. The
transporting vehicle turned around and brought the resident back to the facility. This procedure
was not in keeping with the physician's order to send the resident for emergency treatment. The
POA informed the facility that she would come to the facility the next day (3/14/10) to take the
resident to the doctor.
185 That a review of the resident's clinical record, including the social worker's
progress notes, did not reveal any documentation of education by the facility staff that indicated
they addressed the concerns with the resident and/or the power of attorney regarding the
immediate need for an evaluation at the emergency room (ER). The resident remained in the
facility on 3/14/10 without being evaluated for the left hip fracture.
186. That the power of attorney (POA) did return to the facility on 3/15/10 and took the
resident for medical services. However, there was no doctor's order at that time. The resident
was admitted to a local hospital on 3/15/10 due to the hip fracture.
187. That an interview with the power of attorney (POA) on 4/15/10 at 7:55 PM
revealed that she was aware of the left hip fracture and she refused to have the resident seen in the
ER because the resident could not speak for herself and that she wanted to be there with the
188. That an interview with the Medical Director on 4/15/10 at 2:48 PM revealed that
he wrote an order for the resident to go to the emergency room and that the niece should not have
interfered with what they wanted to do. The medical director stated that they only knew when the
resident returned to the facility.
Residemt #45
189. Thata review of Resident #45's medical record revealed a nurse's note dated
4/1/2010 at 12:30 PM which read "writer was notified that pt (resident) was playing around in
dining room lost (their) balance and fell over a chair and tried to grab ahold of another resident
and pulled (another resident) down with (him/her). Slight bruising and swelling noted to right
middle finger, Tylenol given for pain. meds effective 30 min past admin, res (resident) able to
bend and move finger." A nurse's noted written on 4/1/2010 at 1:30 PM read" Critical
Phenobarbital level of 50.2, called Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) order to hold
Phenobarbital for two days then resume and report lab in two weeks, " A therapeutic
anticonvulsant level of phenobarbital in serum is 10 to 25 ug/mL.
190. That a review of adverse reactions for Phenobarbital users includes unsteady gait,
slurred speech, fainting, drowsiness, dizziness, restless muscle movement, excitement, irritability,
aggression and confusion especially in the elderly.
191. That a review of the Risk Manager's investigation report for the 4/1/2010 fall, she
wrote the possible cause of the fall was that the resident was playing around in the dining room
when he/she tripped and fell. She lists actions to be taken as "remind the resident to be careful in
the dining room, keep hallways and dining room clear and clutter free". The facility had
repeatedly assessed the resident as alert with confusion in the medical record, so that the
interventions were inappropriate for this resident. They also did not place appropriate intervention
on the resident's care plan to implemented.
192. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was °
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
193. That a nurse’s note on 4/14/2010 at 2:00 PM read "pt complained of left hand
pain. swollen. pt stated "I fell yesterday" pt Stated (he/she) had pain in left hand. Pt noted to have
swelling in left forearm also. Dr order for x-ray. risk manager informed. Tylenol given for pain.
pt has confusion and oriented X 1. No signs or symptoms of change in mental status. Pt states
(he/she) doesn't know what time, but that (he/she) fell in the dining room. "Resident sent to
hospital on 4/15/2010 at 9:45 am. A nurse's note written on 4/15/10 read "called for update,
resident admitted with left radial fx and phenobarbital intoxication. "
194, That on 4/14/2010 at 12:59 PM an interview was conducted with the MDS
Coordinator. She stated that she only makes care plan changes at time of quarterly review and that
the nurses and unit managers were responsible for making changes at all other times. She stated
that the Risk Manager was in charge of coming up with new intervention in a fall situation.
195. That on 4/16/2010 at 11:15 am an interview was conducted with the Risk
Manager. She agreed that she should have considered the resident's high phenobarbital level
reported on 4/1/2010, which can cause slowing of body systems, as a possible cause of the
resident's fall and not just that the resident's "fooling around" caused it. She stated she should
have taken further action to prevent the resident from falling again until their phenobarbital level
was back within normal range.
Resident #96
196. That a review of Resident #96's medical record revealed he/she has dementia,
glaucoma, was legally blind, and had an extensive history of falls. The resident had had ten falls
since December of 2008, two of them with injury.
197. That on 12/12/09 at 6:30 am a nurse's note was written that read "wallcing in hall
and heard housekeeper say the resident was on the floor, small laceration on forehead area was
cleansed with normal Saline and applied triple antibiotic ointment and bandage. "
198. That on 4/15/2010 at 10:25 am, an interview was conducted with the Risk
Manager. She stated the facility had no reports for a incident on 12/12/09 for Resident #96. She
stated the facility only had one for 11/12/09, that was for a finding of old bruising. She looked
through her log during the interview and stated that it would be listed there if an investigation was
done, she stated that no one must have filled out an incident report.
199. That on 4/14/2010 at 1:20 PM an interview was conducted with the Risk Manager
when she stated they had "exhausted interventions" for this resident in regards to preventing
future falls. However there was no evidence that the facility had tried some of the latest
equipment that may have prevented the resident from falling or alerted the staff to the possibility
that the resident was in the process of falling.
200. That a record review revealed a nurse's note written 1/28/10 that read "resident
found on floor next to bed, unaware of how it happened. Abrasions to RLE (right lower
extremities) no other injuries noted." A review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
201. That during multiple observations of the the resident's room during the survey
revealed the resident's door was closed and his/her curtain was pulled which would prevent the
staff from observing the resident.
202. That on 4/15/2010 at 12:23 PM, in an interview with the Resident 's LPN
(Licensed Practical Nurse), she stated that the resident 's door was always closed because his/her
roommate closed the door. She agreed that she would not be able to hear the newly placed
pressure released bed alarm with the door closed. She said they will just open the door.
203. That on 4/15/2010 at 1:28 PM, an interview was conducted with the MDS
coordinator, with the Risk Manager present. She stated that the resident was never evaluated for a
One on One monitoring for falls, they only assessed behavior residents for One on One
monitoring. |
Resident #125
204. That Resident #125 was admitted into the facility on 1/23/2009 with multiple
diagnoses which included Dementia. ‘The resident was also noted on the current MDS as "at risk
for falls".
205. That clinical record review revealed that the resident was placed on One on One
Monitoring on January 25, 2009. A review of the facility's current Nursing Policy and Guidelines
for One on One monitoring with an effective date of 3/21/1020 (revised) revealed that the purpose
of the monitoring was "to reduce the episodes of physical aggression and provide quick
intervention", revealing that the nursing staff were to continuously monitor the residents for
"narticular behaviors". There was no evidence that the facility had a Nursing Policy and
Guidelines for One on One monitoring for residents at risk for falls and falling.
205. That a review of the clinical record revealed a plan of care for Resident #125 dated
2/04/2010 which revealed behaviors such as delusions, pacing, elopement, verbal abuse of staff
and residents, agitation and talking to him/herself. The approaches included One on One with a
staff member and to redirect the resident from exit doors.
206. That a review of the facility's incident/accident report dated 3/23/2010 revealed
that the facility failed to monitor Resident #125 during the nursing assistant's break. Resident
#125 was left unattended on 3/23/2010 at 6:55 am. Resident #125 was found on the floor upon the
nursing assistant's return to the resident's room. A review of the Incident Log Sheet for March
2010 did not reveal that this was a "witnessed fall”.
207. That an interview with the charge nurse for the 200 hall on 4/13/2010 at 2:23 PM
revealed that Resident #125 was on One on One monitoring for elopement precautions, not
behavior precautions.
208. That an interview with the facility risk manager on 4/15/2010 at 2:00 PM revealed
that there was no adverse incident report completed on 3/23/2010 after Resident #125's fall
because the resident was not injured in the fall.
209. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
210. That a review of the facility's form titled "Assessing Falls and Their Causes" which
was currently in use by the facility noted the purpose of this form was "to provide guidelines for
assessing a resident after a fall and to assist staff in identifying causes of the fall". The form
identifies "General Guidelines", Equipment and Supplies", "Resident's Rights Protocol",
"Infection Control Protocol and Safety" and "Steps in the Procedure - After a Fall". The steps
outline what the facility would do "After a Fall", defines "Details of Falls", identifies "Cause of a
Fall or Fall Risk ", “Performing a Post-Fall Evaluation" and "Identifying Complications of Falls".
The form also instructs staff as to what to document and how to report.
211. That a review of the General Guidelines revealed: #1 Falls are a leading cause of
morbidity and mortality among the elderly in nursing homes; #4 Falling can point to underlying
clinical conditions and functional decline, medication side effects, and/or environmental risk
factors; and #5 Residents must be assessed for potential causes of falls immediately.
212. A review of the Steps in the Procedure - After a Fall:
a. If aresident has just fallen, or is found on the floor without a witness to the event,
nursing staff will record vital signs and evaluate for possible injuries to the head,
neck, spine, and extremities.
b. If there is evidence of a significant injury such as a fracture or bleeding, nursing
staff will provide appropriate first aid.
c. (e.) Nursing staff will observe for delayed complications of a fall for
approximately forty-eight (48) hours after an observed or suspected fall, and will
document findings in the medical record.
d. (£.) Documentation will include at least statements about observed signs or
symptoms of pain, swelling, bruising, deformity, and/or decreased mobility. Tt will
note the presence or absence of significant findings.
213. That a review of the section of the form subtitled "Performing a Post-Fall
Evaluation" revealed the following instructions as to what the facility staff should do after a
resident fell:
a. After a first fall, a nurse and/or physical therapist will watch the resident rise from
a chair without using his or her arms, walk several paces, and return to sitting, and
will document the results of this effort.
b. Ifthe individual has no difficulty or unsteadiness, no further evaluation is needed
at that time.
c. Ifthe individual has difficulty or is unsteady in performing this test, additional
evaluation may be initiated as warranted.
214. That a review of the section of the form subtitled "Identifying Complications of
Falls" revealed the following instructions as to what the facility staff should do after a resident
a. Staff, with the attending physician's input, will define the complications of a fall such
as bruising, fracture, or increased fear of walking.
b. Additional, the staff and physician will identify significant potential complications of
falling for each resident at risk for falling; (e.g. fracture in someone with osteoporosis
or bleeding in someone receiving anticoagulation).
215. That the Agency provided the Respondent with a mandatory correction date of
May 5, 2010.
216. That a Class I deficiency is a deficiency that ‘the agency determines presents a
situation in which immediate corrective action is necessary because the facility's noncompliance
; has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident receiving
care in a facility. The condition or practice constituting a class I violation shall be abated or
eliminated immediately, unless a fixed period of time, as determined by the agency, is required
for correction. A class I deficiency is subject to a civil penalty of $10,000 for an isolated
deficiency, $12,500 for a patterned deficiency, and $15,000 for a widespread deficiency. The fine
amount shall be doubled for each deficiency if the facility was previously cited for one or more
class 1 or class Il deficiencies during the last licensure inspection or any inspection or complaint
investigation since the last licensure inspection. A fine must be levied notwithstanding the
correction of the deficiency.
217. That Respondent had been cited for two (2) Class I deficiencies following an
unannounced complaint survey CCR #20100001200 on February 5, 2010.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$25,000.00 against Respondent, a nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §
400.23 (8)(a), Florida Statutes (2009).
COUNT VI (Tag N906)
218. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) of this
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
219. Pursuant to §400.147(1)(e), Florida Statutes (2009), Florida law provides the
following: Every facility shall, as part of its administrative functions, establish an internal risk
management and quality assurance program, the purpose of which is to assess resident care
practices; review facility quality indicators, facility incident reports, deficiencies cited by the
agency, and resident grievances; and develop plans of action to correct and respond quickly to
identified quality deficiencies. The program must include: (e) The development of appropriate
measures to minimize the risk of adverse incidents to residents, including, but not limited. to,
education and training in.risk management and risk prevention for all non-physician personnel, as
1. Such education and training of all non-physician personnel must be part of their
initial orientation; and .
2. At least 1 hour of such education and training must be provided annually for all
non-physician personnel of the licensed facility working in clinical areas and
providing resident care.
220. That based upon record review, interview, observation, and a review of the
facility's Continuous Quality Improvement (CQD meeting roster, the facility failed to identify and
or recognize quality of life and quality of care deficient practices taking place in the facility and
they failed to develop and implement plans of action to correct these deficient practices. This
placed. all residents at risk for abuse and/or neglect and created a situation that is likely to result in
serious injury, harm, impairment, or death requiring immediate corrective action on the part of the
221. That the facility neglected to provide care and services to residents identified as “at
tisk for falls" and injury, develop successful interventions to prevent occurrence and reoccurrence
of neglect and to adequately monitor the residents who were at high risk for falls by implementing
the written policy and procedures for assessing for falls and their causes for 5 of 7 sampled
residents, Residents #74, #76, #45, #96 and #125, who fell at least once, if not repeatedly, in the
facility. Resident #76 fell and broke their hip and the facility failed to provide appropriate
emergency services.
| Residemt #74
222. That during the initial tour of the facility on 4/12/10 at 10 am, Resident #74, a 76
year old weighing 79.8 Ibs, was observed self propelling their wheelchair along the South wing
hallway with a visible bruised upper cheek and nose.
That an interview with a staff member on 4/12/10 at 19:05 am revealed that the
resident had fallen over the weekend but staff did not have any further details.
That Resident #74 was observed on 4/13/10 in the hallway with the bruise more
pronounced on both cheeks, forehead and nose, revealing larger bruised areas from the day
That observations on 4/14/10 revealed the following:
a, At 9:30 am the resident was not observed in their room. The resident's bed was
observed at the lowest height and there were 2 full side rails present which were ~
not raised.
b. At 9:35 am a CNA assigned to the resident was interviewed and revealed that
the resident had fallen over the weekend from their bed. She stated that Resident
#74 always crawled out of bed at night and had fallen numerous times and
enumerated the resident's behavior to include aggressiveness, and scratching staff.
When asked how often did the resident exhibit such behavior, the staff stated that it
was not daily but the resident did exhibit the behavior sometimes, other times the
resident was pleasant. The staff identified the resident as one that needed total
care. The staff added that the resident was "all over the facility". The staff also
stated that the resident would crawl out of their waist restraint at times.
c. At 9:40 am the resident was observed in the hallway, self-propelling their
-wheelchair, with a blue waist restraint tied to the back of the chair.
d. At 9:40 am in Resident #74's room the CNA showed the surveyor how the
resident fell out of bed. The mattress was observed to be shorter than the bed but a
filler pad was in place. There was no bed alarm observed on the bed at that time.
When asked whether the resident had a bed alarm, the staff said that the resident
used to have one but the resident would turn off the device and/or take the device
off such that the device would not alarm. The staff confirmed at that time that the’
resident never had mats at bedside.
e. At 9:45 am the MDS coordinator was interviewed at the South wing nurses
) station regarding what kind of system was in place to prevent falls and injury for
Resident #74. The MDS coordinator picked up Resident #74's medical chart and
reviewed the "Falls" care plan. The staff revealed that the resident had a bed alarm
instituted on 3/11/10 and a soft waist belt restraint on 3/19/10. She said that
resident "always crawled over the bed side rails at night". She was asked why
resident needed 2 full side rails when she had the behavior of crawling over the
bed rails. She did not respond, Observation with the staff in the resident's room at
that time did not reveal the presence of a bed alarm. The staff could not find the
Further interview with the MDS coordinator at this time concerning the most
recent fall per the CNA interview and observation of the resident on 4/12/10, the
MDS coordinator said that the resident fell on March 19, 2010. When asked if
staff was aware that resident had fallen again over this past weekend, the staff said
that she was not aware of it.
A review of the nurses notes dated 4/11/10 at 11:15 PM confirmed that resident
fell forward in their wheelchair in the main dining room and had a bruised
forehead and a crooked nose, bleeding from the left nostril. The notes also noted
that the Physician was called and an order to transfer to a local hospital was
received, Family was notified by phone (answering machine),
A request was made for the corresponding incident report. The MDS coordinator
said that the Risk manager kept incident reports.
f. At 9:50 am an interview with the Risk manager at the South Hall nurses station
revealed that staff was not aware of the 4/11/10 fall until the surveyor asked to see
the incident report. The staff revealed that an adverse incident report had not been
filed. The staff denied any information from nursing staff about the incident, yet
she was able to produce the incident report filed in her mail box from the 3-11 PM
nurse after the incident. The risk manager said that she relied on staff reporting
any adverse events to her. The staff said that the facility did not have a morning
meeting where care issues were discussed. The facility did have a QCI meeting
which was held on Wednesdays.
226. That observations in the main dining room was conducted on Monday, 4/12/10
between 11:30 am and 12:30 PM when Resident #74 was eating lunch. Facility staff were present
including restorative aides, direct care staff and facility management team. Resident #74 was in
full view of all residents and staff present in.the dining room at that time. However the staff did
not recognize the Caucasian resident with a blue/black bruised face while she was eating.
227. That a review of the incident report completed by the nurse on duty revealed that a
CNA going to the "time clock" witnessed the fall. The report revealed that the resident flipped
over in the main dining room onto their face while restrained in wheelchair, Crooked bloody nose
and bruise to fore head were sustained as documented on the "diagram location of injury". The
report further stated that the staff asked the resident what happened and the resident indicated that
they were trying to "get up from the wheelchair".
228. That Resident #74 was first admitted to the facility on 3/15/2007 with diagnoses
of: UTI; Sepsis; Dementia; Depression; and Hypokalemia. A review of the most recent annual
MDS assessment dated 2/3/10 coded Resident #74, under section G5b and G5d, as using a
wheelchair as a primary mode of locomotion and self wheeled. Section J4a and J4b coded the
resident as having a history of falls, within past 30 days and also within past 31-180 days. The
RAP (Resident Assessment Protocol) summary dated 2/5/10 noted that the resident "triggered for
falls". The RAP Falls decision summary noted: "Resident at risk for falls, has a history of falls
and has impaired safety awareness along with cognition, resident is in a wheelchair at this time,
receives daily psych meds, is not displaying any drug related side effects but remains at risk, will
proceed to care plan". A review of the facility's form titled Fall Risk Assessment dated 1/27/10
noted the resident scored 16. A total score of 10 or above placed the resident at a "High Risk" for
229. That the facility did have a plan of care dated 2/9/10 identifying that the resident
was at risk for falls related to unsteady gait, impaired bed mobility, and cognition, use of
psychoactive medications and attempts to transfer from chair to bed and bed to chair with
supervision. A review of the Incident Reports for Resident #74 supplied by the Risk manager
revealed that the resident had reported falls as follows:
a. On 2/23/10 at 9:30 PM the resident was "found sitting on the floor
beside bed, attempting to transfer without assistance. CNA assisting
another resident. (Prevention: remind the resident to ask for help.)
Investigation report dated for 2/23/10, risk mgr signed (no injury)".
According to the Incident Log for February 2010, this fall was
b. On 3/1/10 at 10 PM the resident was "found sitting on the floor beside
bed, attempting to transfer without assistance. CNA assisting a resident in
rm 123, (Prevention: constantly remind her to call for assistance when she
needs to transfer) Investigation report dated for 3/1/10, signed by risk
manager (no injury)". According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this
fall was unwitnessed.
c. On 3/4/10 at 7 PM the resident "fell from shower chair while getting
bath, resident being physically aggressive. Laceration above the left eye
(have 2 CNA assist with bath when resident is aggressive) Investigation
report dated for 3/4/10, signed by risk manager (no adverse incident report
filed)(first aid applied at NH)". According to the Incident Log for March
2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
d. On 3/8/10 at 11 PM observed "resident sitting on the floor beside their
wheelchair (w/c) by the bedside. SWB (soft waist belt) not on at time of
fall. CNA assisting other residents, nurse in station charting. (Prevention:
will discuss in CQD) Investigation report dated for 3/8/10, signed by risk
manager". According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was
There was no evidence that this fall was discussed in the next CQI meeting
which according to facility staff would have taken place on Wednesday,
March 10, 2010.
e. On 3/10/10 at 9 PM the "resident walked from bed w/o assistance and
fell at door, on ground in supine position. CNA assisting other residents.
injury: edema on the back. of the bed, (Prevention: will put bed alarm on
resident while she is in bed, soft waist belt (SWB) was on while in
wheelchair. SWB not on at time of fall. Investigation report dated for
3/10/10, signed by risk manager (first aid only, ice applied to raised area)".
According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed,
f. On 3/11/10 at 12:40 am - "Resident lying on floor beside clothes
hamper, lying on back with knees drawn up, noted laceration to right
temple. Soft waist belt (SWB ) was not on at the time of fall. (Bed alarm
ordered and placed on bed this morning). Investigation report dated for
3/11/10, signed by risk manager". According to the Incident Log for
March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
g. On 3/19/10 at at 11:10 PM - "Resident was found on the floor in front of
wheelchair at South 2 Nursing station. Resident was not interviewable due
to confusion. Fall occurred during the change of shift. Nose fractured per
CT scan. "Possible cause: Resident is very weak and possibly attempted to
stand up un-assisted.
Injury: bruising to face". (Prevention: SWB while up in w/c, bed alarm
when resident is in bed.) Investigation report dated for 3/19/10, signed by
risk manager (ice applied, resident sent to hospital) (resident actually fell
on the 18")", .
According to the Incident Log for March 2010, this fall was unwitnessed.
h. On 4/11/10 "the resident flipped over in wheel chair on face while
restrained in wheelchair in dining room. (Witnessed by) CNA going to
time clock.
Injury: bloody nose, bruise to forehead and crooked nose".
230. That despite all these documented falls and the 3/19/10 trip to the hospital, a
review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall evaluation/assessment (per facility
provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was performed and no revision to the
resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls. The facility did not have any system in
place to adequately care for this resident and to prevent further falls until the survey team
identified on-going immediate jeopardy on 4/14/10. The facility instituted a One on One staff
monitoring for Resident #74 at 4:30 PM on 4/14/10. The One on One monitoring was due to the
survey team identifying the immediate jeopardy situations in regards to this resident having
repeated falls without reassessing the resident's condition post falls.
231. That a review of the Adverse incident log book revealed that there was not a single
adverse investigation filed with the State of Florida on Resident #74. Per facility policy,
neurological assessments are completed for 72 hrs after each fall. Review of the neurological flow
sheets revealed completed for the following dates only: 3/4/10, 3/5/10, 3/10/10, 3/11/10, 3/12/10
and 3/19/10, |
_ 232. That Immediate Jeopardy was identified on 4/14/10 when it -was revealed that
Resident #74 fell on 3/4/10 from a shower chair while being bathed by facility staff and received
a laceration above his/her left eye. The resident fell 4 more times during the same month and
sustained injuries to the head, the face and the nose. The facility failed to provide necessary care
and services to avoid physical harm. The immediate jeopardy is ongoing due to the most recent
fall on Sunday, 4/11/10 when the resident sustained a broken nose.
Resident #76
234. That arecord review of the medical record for Resident #76 on 4/13/10 at 2:08 PM
revealed that he/she had a history of glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, seizure disorder, anxiety
syndrome, psychosis and falls. The resident was disoriented to place and time and ambulated
throughout the facility at will. The resident was globally confused with poverty of speech. On
2/24/10 at 5:30 PM the resident "tripped and fell" in the reception area with no injuries related to
the fall.
235. That a review of the nurse's notes dated 2/27/10 at 12:50 PM revealed that on
2/27/10 at 9:15 am, another resident had their legs out and Resident #76 "tripped" over their legs |
and fell with no injuries. On 2/27/10 at 11:00 am, the resident was ambulating down the hallway
when. another resident was being placed into a wheelchair. Resident #76 was trying to move out
of the way; took a wrong turn and fell with no injuries reported. The nurses notes of 3/2/10 stated
that the resident was not in pain. However, there were no notes until 3/13/10 at 4 PM when the
resident was noted as limping and an X-ray was ordered.
236. That an interview with the staff nurse on 4/13/10 at 1:58 PM revealed that the
resident had numerous falls. She stated that the resident had three falls without injury and that the
resident was now on a soft belt restraint. She stated that the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
rounded every 2-3 hours to make sure of the location of the resident.
237. That an interview with the CNA on 4/15/10 at 8:01 am revealed that the resident
constantly walked back and forth; that he/she will walk over anything since they did not have any
safety awareness. .
238. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to. prevent further falls.
239. That on 3/13/10 at 4:00 PM, the staff nurse documented that the resident was
ambulating in the hallways and was limping. The staff nurse documented that "this time °
complains of (the resident's) leg but cannot identify which leg." X-Rays of the left hip was done
and at 7:30 PM on 3/13/10 it showed a "unilateral osteoporotic subtle almost invisible impacted
fracture of the femoral neck with no dislocation to the joint". At 7:30 PM the physician was
called and the nurse received orders to send the resident to the emergency room. The resident was
sent to the emergency room (ER) by stretcher ambulance service. The resident's power of
attorney was notified on 3/13/10 and she refused to have the resident seen in the emergency room
(ER) without her presence and demanded that the resident be returned to the facility. The
transporting vehicle turned around and brought the resident back to the facility. This procedure
was not in keeping with the physician's order to send the resident for emergency treatment. The
POA informed the facility that she would come to the facility the next day (3/14/10) to take the
resident to the doctor.
240. That a review of the resident's clinical record, including the social worker's
progress notes, did not reveal any documentation of education by the facility staff that indicated
they addressed the concerns with the resident and/or the power of attorney regarding the
immediate need for an evaluation at the emergency room (ER). The resident remained in the
facility on 3/14/10 without being evaluated for the left hip fracture.
241. That the power of attorney (POA) did return to the facility on 3/15/10 and took the
resident for medical services. However, there was no doctor's order at that time. The resident
was admitted to a local hospital on 3/15/10 due to the hip fracture.
242. That an interview with the power of attorney (POA) on 4/15/10 at 7:55 PM
revealed that she was aware of the left hip fracture and she refused to have the resident seen in the
ER because the resident could not speak for herself and that she wanted to be there with the
243, Interview with the Medical Director on 4/15/10 at 2:48 PM revealed that he wrote
an order for the resident to go to the emergency room and that the niece should not have interfered
with what they wanted to do. The medical director stated that they only knew when the resident
returned to the facility.
Resident #45
244, That a review of Resident #45's medical record revealed a nurse's note dated
4/1/2010 at 12:30 PM which read "writer was notified that pt (resident) was playing around in
dining room Jost (their) balance and fell over a chair and tried to grab ahold of another resident
and pulled (another resident) down with (him/her). Slight bruising and swelling noted to right
middle finger, Tylenol given for pain. meds effective 30 min past admin, res (resident) able to
bend and move finger." A nurse 's noted written on 4/1/2010 at 1:30 PM read" Critical
Phenobarbital level of 50.2, called Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) order to hold
Phenobarbital for two days then resume and report lab in two weeks." A therapeutic
anticonvulsant level of Phenobarbital in serum is 10 to 25 g/mL.
245. That a review of adverse reactions for Phenobarbital users includes unsteady gait,
slurred speech, fainting, drowsiness, dizziness, restless muscle movement, excitement, irritability,
aggression and confusion especially in the elderly.
246. That a review of the Risk Manager's investigation report for the 4/1/2010 fall, she
wrote the possible cause of the fall was that the resident was playing around in the dining room
when he/she tripped and fell. She lists actions to be taken as "remind the resident to be careful in
the dining room, keep hallways and dining room clear and clutter free". The facility had
repeatedly assessed the resident as alert with confusion in the medical record, so that the
interventions were inappropriate for this resident. They also did not place appropriate intervention
on the resident's care plan to implemented. .
247, That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - "Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
248, That a nurse’s note on 4/14/2010 at 2:00 PM read "pt complained of left hand
pain. swollen. pt stated "I fell yesterday" pt Stated (he/she) had pain in left hand. Pt noted to have
swelling in left forearm also. Dr order for x-ray. risk manager informed. Tylenol given for pain.
pt has confusion and oriented X 1. No signs or symptoms of change in mental status, Pt states
(he/she) doesn't know what time, but that (he/she) fell in the dining room. "Resident sent to
hospital on 4/15/2010 at 9:45 am. A nurse's note written on 4/15/10 read "called for update,
resident admitted with left radial fx and phenobarbital intoxication. "
249, That on 4/14/2010 at 12:59 PM an interview was conducted with the MDS
Coordinator. She stated that she only makes care plan changes at time of quarterly review and that
the nurses and unit managers were responsible for making changes at all other times. She stated
that the Risk Manager was in charge of coming up with new intervention in a fall situation.
250. That on 4/16/2010 at 11:15 am an interview was conducted with the Risk
Manager. She agreed that she should have considered the resident's high phenobarbital level
reported on 4/1/2010, which can cause slowing of body systems, as a possible cause of the
resident's fall and not just that the resident's "fooling around" caused it. She stated she should
have taken further action to prevent the resident from falling again until their phenobarbital level
was back within normal range.
Resident #96
251. That areview of Resident #96's medical record revealed he/she has dementia,
glaucoma, was legally blind, and had an extensive history of falls. The resident had had ten falls
since December of 2008, two of them with injury.
252. That on 12/12/09 at 6:30 am a nurse's note was written that read "walking in hall
and heard housekeeper say the resident was on the floor, small laceration on forehead area was
cleansed with normal Saline and applied triple antibiotic ointment and bandage. "
253. That on 4/15/2010 at 10:25 am, an interview was conducted with the Risk
Manager. She stated the facility had no reports for a incident on 12/12/09 for Resident #96. She
stated the facility only had one for 11/12/09, that was for a finding of old bruising. She looked
through her log during the interview and stated that it would be listed there if an investigation was
done, she stated that no one must have filled out an incident report.
254. That on 4/14/2010 at 1:20 PM an interview was conducted with the Risk Manager
when she stated they had "exhausted interventions" for this resident in regards to preventing
future falls. However there was no evidence that the facility had tried some of the latest
equipment that may have prevented the resident from falling or alerted the staff to the possibility
that the resident was in the process of falling.
255. That arecord review revealed a nurse's note written 1/28/10 that read "resident
found on floor next to bed, unaware of how it happened. Abrasions to RLE (ight lower
extremities) no other injuries noted," A review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.
256. That during multiple observations of the the resident ' s room during the survey
revealed the resident's door was closed and his/her curtain was pulled which would prevent the
staff from observing the resident.
257. That on 4/15/2010 at 12:23 PM, in an interview with the Resident 's LPN
(Licensed Practical Nurse), she stated that the resident 's door was always closed because his/her
roommate closed the door. She agreed that she would not be able to hear the newly placed
pressure released bed alarm with the door closed. She said they will just open the door.
258. That on 4/15/2010 at 1:28 PM, an interview was conducted with the MDS
coordinator, with the Risk Manager present. She stated that the resident was never evaluated for a
One on One monitoring for falls, they only assessed behavior residents for One on One
Resident #125
259, That Resident #125 was admitted into the facility on 1/23/2009 with multiple
diagnoses which included Dementia. The resident was also noted on the current MDS as "at risk
for falls".
260. That clinical record review revealed that the resident was placed on One on One
Monitoring on January 25, 2009. A review of the facility's current Nursing Policy and Guidelines
for One on One monitoring with an effective date of 3/21/1020 (revised) revealed that the purpose
of the monitoring was "to reduce the episodes of physical aggression and provide quick
intervention", revealing that the nursing staff were to continuously monitor the residents for
“particular behaviors". There was no evidence that the facility had a Nursing Policy and
Guidelines for One on One monitoring for residents at risk for falls and falling.
261. That a review of the clinical record revealed a plan of care for Resident #125 dated
2/04/2010 which revealed behaviors such as delusions, pacing, elopement, verbal abuse of staff
and residents, agitation and talking to him/herself. The approaches included One on One with a
staff member and to redirect the resident from exit doors.
262, That a review of the facility's incident/accident report dated 3/23/2010 revealed
that the facility failed to monitor Resident #125 during the nursing assistant's break. Resident
#125 was left unattended on 3/23/2010 at 6:55 am. Resident #125 was found on the floor upon the
nursing assistant's return to the resident's room. A review of the Incident Log Sheet for March
2010 did not reveal that this was a “witnessed fall".
263. That an interview with the charge nurse for the 200 hall on 4/13/2010 at 2:23 PM
. revealed that Resident #125 was on One on One monitoring for elopement precautions, not
behavior precautions.
264. That an interview with the facility risk manager on 4/15/2010 at 2:00 PM revealed
that there was no adverse incident report completed on 3/23/2010 after Resident #125's fall
because the resident was not injured-in the fall.
265. That a review of the resident's record revealed that no post fall
evaluation/assessment (per facility provided protocol - " Assessing Falls and Their Causes") was
performed and no revision to the resident's fall care plan were made to prevent further falls.