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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 10-010818PL Visitors: 23
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Tampa, Florida
Filed: Dec. 20, 2010
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, January 10, 2011.

Latest Update: Jan. 31, 2025




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v. Case No. 2009057406





Petitioner, Department Of Business and Professional Regulation ("Petitioner") files this Administrative Complaint

before the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board, Respondent, Maria E. Silverio("Respondent"), and alleges:


  1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of real estate pursuant to Section 20.165, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 120, 455, and 475 of the Florida Statutes.

  2. Chapter 475.612(1), Florida Statutes provides, in relevant part:

    A person may not use the title "certified real estate appraiser," "licensed real estate appraiser," or "registered trainee real estate appraiser," or any abbreviation or words to that effect, or issue an appraisal report, unless such person is certified, licensed, or registered by the department under this

    FDBPR v. Aaron Kohn, Jr. Administrative Complaint


    part. However, the work upon which an appraisal report is based may be performed by a person who is not a certified or licensed appraiser or registered trainee appraiser if the work is supervised and approved, and the report is signed, by a certified or licensed appraiser who has full responsibility for all requirements of the report and valuation service.

    Only a certified or licensed appraiser may issue an appraisal report and receive direct compensation for providing valuation services for the appraisal report. A registered trainee appraiser may only receive compensation for appraisal services from her or his authorized certified or licensed appraiser.

  3. Chapter 475.611(1)(c), Florida Statutes, provides, in relevant part:

    "Appraisal report" means any communication, written or oral, of an appraisal, appraisal review, appraisal, consulting service, analysis, opinion, or conclusion relating to the nature, quality, value or utility of a specified interest in, or aspect of, identified real property, and includes any report communicating an appraisal analysis, opinion, or conclusion of value, regardless of title. However, in order to be recognized in a federally related transaction, an appraisal report must be written.

    1. On or about September 12, 2009, Respondent developed and communicated an appraisal report ("Report") for a property commonly known as 2460 Orangepointe Avenue, Palm Harbor, Florida 34683 ("Subject Property"), estimating its value at $138,000. The effective date of the Report was September 29, 2009. A copy of the Report is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 1.

    2. Respondent signed and dated the Report.

      FDBPR v. Aaron Kohn, Jr. Administrative Complaint


    3. Respondent is not now, nor was at any time material herein, a licensed general or residential real estate appraiser in the state of Florida.

    4. Respondent is not now, nor was at any time material herein, a certified general or residential real estate appraiser in the state of Florida.

    5. Respondent is not now, nor was at any time material herein, a registered trainee real estate appraiser in the state of Florida.

    6. At the time Respondent developed and communicated the Report, her work was not supervised or approved by a certified or licensed appraiser.


    7. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in paragraphs one (1) through eight

      (8) as set forth herein.

    8. Section 475.626(1)(a), Florida Statutes, states that "no person shall operate or attempt to operate as a registered trainee appraiser or licensed or certified appraiser without being the holder of a valid and current registration, license or certification.

    9. Section 455.228, Florida Statutes, subjects a person

      not licensed by the department to discipline for violating any provision of Chapter 475.

      FDBPR v. Aaron Kohn, Jr. Administrative Complaint


    10. As. set forth above, Respondent violated Section 475.626(1)(a), and consequently Section 455.228, by any and all of the following:

      a. By developing and communicating an appraisal, while unlicensed, without having his work supervised by a certified or licensed appraiser.

    11. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 475.626(1)(a) and, consequently, Section 455.228.

WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Board of Real Estate Appraisal enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties: permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's license, restriction of practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand, placement of Respondent on probation, assessment of costs, corrective action and/or any other relief that the Board deems appropriate.

FDBPR v. Aaron Kohn, Jr. Administrative Complaint

Signed this 't=--=:, day of -- .



, 2010.

CHARLIE LIEM, Secretary Department of Business

Professio al Regu tion



D.tffE -----------. -·-- _ _J

Jen er Leigh Blakeman S ior Attorney

Florida Bar No. 0506877 Department of Business and

Professional Regulation Division of Real Estate

400 W. Robinson Street Suite 801-N

Orlando, FL 32801

(407) 481-5632 Telephone

(407) 317-7260 Facsimile

PCP Date:

PCP Members: i:.=--- -=---=-   ·----

i i

\ ij

i "iJ






k:. f.J






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'flze /21P/o                 


FDBPR v. Aaron Kohn, Jr. Administrative Complaint



PLEASE BE ADVISED that mediation under Section 120.573 of the Florida Statutes is not available for administrative disputes involving this type of agency action.

PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that pursuant to this Administrative Complaint you may request, within the time allowed by law, a hearing to be conducted in this matter in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the,Florida Statutes; that you have the right, at your option and expense, to be represented by counsel or other qualified representative in this matter; and that you have the right, at your option and expense, to take testimony, to call and cross-examine witnesses, and to have subpoena and subpoena duces tecum issued on your behalf if a formal hearing is requested.

PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that if you do not file an Election of Rights form or some other responsive pleading with the Petitioner within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of this Administrative Complaint, the Petitioner will file with the Florida Real Estate Commission a motion requesting an informal hearing and entry of an appropriate Final Order which may result in the suspension or revocation of your real estate license or registration. Please see the enclosed Explanation of Rights and Election of Rights form.

10/09/2009 02:51 1 PAGE 06



:2460 On,ngepolnte Ave

Beai;:on Grows Unll 1 Lot 51

Palm Harbor, FL 34683-3146

&iihLa:i & J3t;;l'.j.JS)(r?: S-ar:dov

201:14 Or;;ngepolnlt< Ave ,Palm Harbor.FL 34683




· M$ria el9r1'1 Silverio

Rsal Ee tate .Ast;Qeiale


Ferm GA1 - 'WinTUTIIL• ippral;.l,or.wsre i,n i lS. bt/E




10/09/2009 02:51 1 PAGE 07

!Main File No. MS092 Q9QJ l. P.. W:#.

Merla Elena STiverio

Dream Hom!;! Really

1201 W, HIilsborough Avenue T;impa. Fi_ 33603

Samuel & Jacquenne Sandoval

2064 Orangepointe Ave ,Palm Harbor.FL 34683

Re: Property: 2460 Orangepointe Ave

Palm Harbor, FL 34683·3146 Borrower: Samuel & Jacqueline Sandoval File No.: MS09.290901 .

In eiccordanc:e wlth your request. we have appraised thfi! above referenced property. The report of that appraisal i:s


The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of the property described in this appraisal report, as improved, in unencumbered fee simple tl!le of ownership.

This repat1 is based on a physical analysui of the site end improvements. a locational analysis of the nelghbomood and city, and an economic 1;1nalysls of the markel for properties such as the subject. The appraisal was developed and the report was prepared in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practlce.

The veluP. conclu$ions reported are as of the effective date stated In the body of the report and contingent upon the certification and fimiling conditions attached.

11 has been a pleasure to assist you. Please do no! hesitate to contact me or any of my staff if we ean be of additional service to you.

10/09/2009 02:51 1 PAGE 08

/Mpll!Fli§'('lg.JiHZGQJ I eiJim

601T""""" »ant Samuvl & J"""'uellne Sa...,_..,

'1>rnnor111 Address 2460 OranaeJXJinle Ave

. l'llo Nn MS!ll!2!!0901

Cilv Palm Hamor r"'111111 Pineftas Stato FL liD Code .34138 "146

S!..-.-.b- a. .J•--",_ s:i..naa.,,..r


This ippralnl cotlfonrn; lo nne. of 1hs foiklwina deflnlllons:

Complete Appnil11al [The act or prDCl!$9 Ill Dstlmatlng vafut, ot an ollk!lon gt value. µl!lfanned WltlloU1 Invoking Iii Oepar1Ura Ruis.)

[] Umhell Appral.sal (The act or tJroctts ot eSllmatinQ v iue. or an opinion ar valut, perrormeo under and resumno rrom invoking ltle Departure R11te,)

This report Is Qn, QI the fnllowtn11 typ11$:

u Sell Collt3tned (A written repQ!t prepall!d under standards Rule 2-2(a) o1 a ComplBIB or Umtte(I Appraisal petformed ultder STANDARD ;1.) IX] Summary (A wrttten report prepared under SISndani& Flule 2-2(b) ctl a Camplll\W or Limited Appraisal pmorm!Jd under STANOARO 1.) L .l AestrictM (A written report prep red under Standards Rule 2-2(c) of$ Complete or umnea Appraisal p11rtcrmed under STANtl.11.RO 1,

restrtcleU ta th, s1ii1l:d inrenoea ll!!B by Ille specltJed cllem ar intended user.)

Comments on Standards Rule 2-3

I cenity !hat to the best of my lmowledge anti belief:

1 Tll!!lstemenro of laei eon!Blned In !tis repon all!l!Us and cu et

!. The ,.,Pllrte<I imatysl!!, opinion,, ant! conc\muns are limned only by ie fell0118d as&111111lficnt ant! nml!lng coniflliml$, • ar& my pmonal, irnpM!al, and uitlltUl!ll

profrt$ional lly$1!!, opinion; tna tllflCilllions.

: I haw rm pl'BSl!ll or l,ll'O!lpet:tfv!I intl!ftlll in1he pmpmty i1al is ,Ubfl/Ct of tl'e repon, and rm ptmJl!al st wl!ll lliPCt:I to

!18rtles lnvotvl!d.

·: I Mve no bias with tesi,er'.1 ID Jim property tbal Is1ha subjtct Of tti! raper! or the inwlYld wl1h mt mJgnmBnt.

i My t110311ent!lltIn this mivnmenl was n0t contingent llJICll1 dMIOPlng or l!!JllrllnV D llill

I My colltl)ensffl!On tor completing 1111s asgjllf)ment 1$ not cont1ng111l lJl)Qn the dtvdoflml!lt or111poi1mg or a Jndetnmnad 'lilut or fflreeUlm In YBius that favors !he taus=

ol tne cthrnt, the amount al the nlue opinion, 11111 allainl'lleflt or I stlJJUimll r!!Ul or !Iiiocaiminee ot a !WllsBql/l!llt event dtractly 11lale!I u, tt1e lnternJed use ot \Ill! a1111ramaL

1: My mly . opinions and eonetusJons Wille de'retopeo and !hi ieoor, ll1!s bm prepa . Ill conformity witli OnHorm Slandal'd: Of PrQ!l!!!!llonar Appraisal Practic:e,

; I h!Vll m:idc a 01\.S ! arn,ly!iS O! tile pmp111y 111M lt !hesubfect Di tJt1s

! No one Pfl)Vlllsd signifitllnt real prapirty 301)1Jl!!II assistante to tne pemm lignlng !his cstitk:alion.


Comrncmts on Appraisal and Report ldsntiflcatlon

Note any departures from Slandards Rules 1-3 and 1-4, plus an)' USPAP-related Issue$ relJllirlnG disclosure:

i-I!i,e 2000 UnK2rm Standard5 5!f Protasslomit P iee deiirl<!! Ille maric!!_I v.atue conclus!E!J as an QQlnion IJf rnan:et value end not an estimate

.,_Ol m1!Jlt t va&, . · ·

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Sit)11albte: .,

HZ;Ma - Name

,ill! Stare Canmt3Uon 11:                                     

OIIP. Slgnl!a: li!!Dtemb ,29,2009 DaleSignei;t:

C8rtJ11CatJQn 8: _Real Est31e AsSocii1 --··                           

. .,.       , ....

S\llll!:                      . ·--

or St.lte UCIYISB tr. .SL-3120B85 or Stale Lieense tr. " ...

Stft1e: FL          ,,

exi,..tiim n.1e D1 Cs i\: llon or Lietll!II: ".1@11

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Expiration ORts of CetlificaJ!tm or L nss:··.

Q'" Ohl [J OidNot lll$jlttl PlopBrty

10/09/2009 02:51 1

Maria E. Silverio Licerise


!!Om!wer/CJent Samuel & Jar:tlt""line Sand val ·-----

Pram Arldress 2A60 Oramennlnt!! Ave·


-- ·-.


Pi!la!!!!. . -~---..


Sl!te i:L

ZIP Code 34663-3146

Lender Samv,,t & Jacouenne S;ant!oval



l)' ?.r..R --- 'tls.tirnsi';um Pi! - ,,-.M:'IQ.lll"

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10/09/2009 02:51 1

fiiii...EiitlaJisijjj29119n11 mE.l

Uniform Residential Appraisal Report Flu MS00200001


rnere ara 427 cnrmarab» oron!Jfles aitr!!llllv Dffffl Im sail iff me slillect IBlhllm!Xlod l2llllim in Drice from $ 24 ooo tos aes ooo

There are 1 416 romrit13ble saleS. In Ile Sllblect llfiahb 1he riest \ml'le malltlis r.moin:I ln saE 1rom $ 20.900 to$ 2.300.000.ao

ftATUAE SUBJl!CT F SAi.!; f 1 Cot,lf'AAAl!Lf SAU: IF t r;QMPAMBI.E SALE# 3

l\llrlrasl; 2460 Orat'l9epolnh!! Ave 1948 CltMI Mill Lane 2839 Knall Sln!el 1511,! Pennsylv&11ill nue

P•lm l-4a,rbor Fl 34""3-3148 Pall'II Ha.+v-., Fl -..!883 Palm H11ri,or Fl 863 Palm M:ilrtiot f'L 1 83

ta SUl>l!ct O.BO MIIA5 SW 1.15 _,._ W 1.30 mies SW

SatsPri S NIil ·, · ,. $ 1-u nno . ... $_ ,. 14°, otlO ··· · 1$. 1.o111000

SM Prlte'bHlv. s ia.n. $ 94.!13 &11,lt. : . --· ··. ·.: .. s 114 02 $0.ft.J· ,.,,, ... · . •-··.••.. s 100.?s m.11.1 .

DataSr,utet!s) ...• " ., . Public RIIC0rd£/ M S DOM: 320 PubfteRllC0nla I MI.S DOM: 326 Public Recorm/MLS OOM: B

R !telBJ , OllP: 18869"""57 OBP:  81Sil172S OBP: 168""' 7 "" 4

TMeNtS OESCRlf'TION    OESCRlf'llON +l·l $.Adiustmen! 05CRll'f10N    +r.1 $ Ad•- DESCRIPTION   +(•IS ArJ•-

ng ;... · Typical: Tyr,1r;tJC Norte R rted

Coru:miant ........,, · Nona N,:,led Noni:, Noted None Noted

t).ate af S le!Tlfl'I! 06/2WD09 /08/20"'0f)Q 107124/2009

Localto" A11era0• Averac,e Awraa• AV91110e teeS!llol Simple w-- F!!; Simole . Fee Slmoie· F"" Simole F..., Sil'l't<>/e Sile ---+B10$0Q.f'l. 1a 300 !'!a.Ft. 7 300 Sc  FLT/6 900 Sc  F• +

View · · ..•. R e;;;j•I/Ava Re:old..,,..tiaUAvc Resic!ant.....a. Residenllsl/A\IC

O!!lon /Rtv!<,I R11nch/All!l Rench/Ave' R1111cii/Avo Ranch/Aw

illll!DIV DI Co=etlon Aw"""" Ave- e Ave""'" Avereoe



32 Yaars 28 Years

Condition A,,,.1111Qe Ave=•

30 Years 9 Yt!!ars

I Awr.iaa Avaraa111


+4 480



I IX/ did I J lll(l not rassan:h Ille $219 or tr3.!l!'er hl!!\DIY of t!ie SUbiel:t llmftel1V and c:nnman!ll! uies. ff Ill!.11m/aln

lx1 din ,·1 did not revsa1 air, rmot sales or tra e ot111• cpmpartl.ll!Slll!S tar!ht year pnor10Ill!,datt Of sateot 1111!comiarahl sale.

-D S:!!!Ollll=8l1e1:sl M!!,l.$2,.,!Ptl bfi!!lrie...R. ;:ieco rd s._...,. _,..-,-,.-..,....:-:'.7:- -:--:-. ,-,.-.--== ======;::--::::-:::::-:;.--·­

R n me resuJtl: of 1/11! Mtartn 11!111 anafvl:IS of Ille]lriar i;a/e or tJBn!lfer himrv Ol 111!! l!llblect nmflfflll ffld -ra111e ntes l!ellort adililioffal DrfOr sales on DIii!31.


t-0!!,a _Pllorsal&'t•ar m·mno7 S1J O ,....,.,.1 Sal 0M:18 S 235 500 Oual i! 07/2009 143 000 Ous/ Sal None willl!!:,..\!)e last

f'lfceorPnorSaetrransrer oaP: 1565610001 osi>: 1-499211287 OBP: 113B1912014 36 Montl'I

Ollt8 $(]\!!Ct!(SI PUlll/c_,. _._ ' PUbllc Reco Pubfic:, "'-"n:1S IP, blic R..a,rd$

Ettnctlve Date ol tlalB Sallll:e!SI g 09/29/2009 1 na""'/2009 O!l/2912009

Amllvsls uf nrior sal or!ral!!!fer hislo:T Of tne sub/eot orntnrtv a,ro """""""b/e (;ale=; ThR "ubied and the =r.able seles aooaar 1D be """" k!onolh

-------- ---- ----------- -----------------·-·-

=" !i!'"

Summary ul SalBS Compatisan Ajmrnat:h Sales P'fillRtJ!5'f are in the !8'm"' marltel area have sJn:ibl• f!Tll!nitias and are considered lo be the mes! lo the sublac1;,! th;, lime al visual a1Jafnis arid em co!Ja!m le be !ht!! best guld&fl!W$ !,:,r   rkl!!l118lt1e. Sales were adjust iOr

  GLA end Bmllnitlf$. Sales #1,#2 111g tt m,re adjusted !pr $ale date di.ti> ta   declining ffiilllco!'ldlllons but were used dllB proldmify !g_lhe


_$ubj d   due to BYaflabl• =mpallble slmllarjy .,;,;,,,;1 hOl!'I& aale11 within"   o     mili, radiL.ls 81'1!1 within the  last 90 daYS. at  the, limlle 51I   ctlon. _.

Tole Rri1118tmen• w,,,.delie In resn"""" lo obsarvec! dec/lnfria m .i..,1lt!!tic!encie!I within the lmmOldi•t,, t• ,,..;..,.. nelahbothQod as al lh8 tinir.

r lffi!pectton.

lndlcate!!Valtle bY Sa1e!I Comparison AIHITOaCh$ -1-38-,0-0-0 ,..  ·­

!i,%:. 9!11&Comp !'!.m:h 13e,ooo . .s-·13e;ooz - .=:..:.::..

------------a=t.::'::T:::i::::t::'ET=i::':"'=:::':-.::7"":':""-"."'."'.'",...--::--:-:--:.::--:---:c--::--::------- -..----,..,,,..---,---,,.,..._ l

Indicated Yalu! $· Cn!I! Approsd! ltt d!!Yl!IDpedl -1-1ne Al)f!foactr(lf11eve1QJ!!IJ$··Ni,,;

Gr&atnt W1Jian1 i5 "' c:t!!d on the market d11ta ;1cortcn:h wNch reflects the a.,.;.,..,. cf . •- .and selle In lhe market clace and Is considered t


Tl'is apprii$81 is llllllfe ® "lll118·, l] $11*,:t to COfl'!llel)On par plans and $!1eclliealiol!S on 11,r \mi$ Of a 1typlllll!tlca1 c:onalion that !l11! I 118ve be!n

compk:tr:d. $ubjl,el u, the ro11owlng rBPalr& or altsr OP ba!ls ot a ltyµothe!lcat c:on11111cn thal,tht a:pa!rn or altl:ralian:, hffl' bem camplstml, ar [] subjee110

  • J.'?.. . h       Da eiJ on tne extraordinary ass lhat lhe CQl)(Jfflon or Oeflcienel' aoes_110t ryqwre sll\n on ur rapalr. Sublect to111e attached llm !!:i.i.•• ,,

 !ltJ!!ll!lliduaU,ne ile.t!Lg! ll!! l!Dfil1.!U;!.l'lit.t:.t$     rellenle onty In conteict Df tnl& 'lull report and would be unrefiabl<!> u tllken out of 8!!!!"!l ons complete ylBUal t l(ln Of 1he inlenor ana extenor Sl!llB of the!DJbf!c! property, dl!fine!l m,pe o1 work, 11aiwment al 11!18Umptlons and limiting eondn!ons. and appnus.ar's cerfiftcillian, my (oui) opinion cl the marke\ value, as delln!!!I,' uf !lie mf property tltld Is Ille sublecl OI th11 report 1$

l S 1 '"' 000 .s of 00/29/09 which I• u,. , Of ln1Ptt!llon 111111 th!: ellecttve ·-• al !his """"''!llll.

Page 2016 Fanore Mae Form 1004 Maren 7.0b

FQm, 1004 --WlnTtJTAI_• aoprali;JI SDhwa/1! DY; motlt, IJIC - 1·600-ALAMC)OE

., '

- I-- ·,------- -, --

10/09/2009 02:51 1

A-lutA!l ni . Inc. (813) 2!10-7908 IMiin Fjj• Ng MSDll2tl09[i t.i!l!IU!6J

UnIfonn ResIdentiaI A1PPralsaIReport AU MSOSa90901



TIie purnose of lllls ,umrnarv eJ!Pralsal report is 10 orovtde llmelfefl8flt wfll! an aCC1Rte, affll eamretv supDDrled ol]ln1on of lire mancet value a1 ttm SU!Ji8CI prollB'tY.

t> Add 12 Qt2n1t•E!!!l!IIA &:tr,.    i,,.1,., 1,1!1!:!><,c . EL 2i! Cod& 34!!§;l:'lli..

l)om!w<I anmu.,I & Jl!lccru&UM SRndova/ Dl'tncf_OI Nll/c fl= ?n,ntv p:.--..-

L... 1 De!ltlill!!on e .. """" Gl'OVff Unit 1 Loi 51

Au=Of'$ Parcel*· l1,27-16-00n11-ooo.os10 T Y 2008 R.£. taxes S l. osn .24

O(!NlllT'I! 9...,,..,,,., Groves Mapfld- 31-27,16 C&IIStll! Tn!ct 0272.06

IXl Owner 1 1 Tanant r ··1 Vacellt SDAr.l I Asses s Ye:; n PUHOA$ 0.00 f l De' \'Sil rl Der month

Pro Alffhls Alln!llislld !xi Rle SlrrmlA r7 Leasl!Wld 1 1 Ol!ler 1aesmbal

AH- Tvae !xi f'UICl!ase1 ellon f l Rmnce TtallSlcllon I 7 Oltte>' erlbel

Lsnder/!:Ulfflt Samuel & J11=ueltnl! 52,...,..,,., Addn:$$ 2064 n,,,,. ,""'inte Ave Palm Harbor FL 34683

IS Ille Sublect nmnallv turrenllv tJlll!l!!d for S3le or hiS it bllt!ll llffffl<l tor sale in ttl!IWlfl'e1110nths oriar tc !he elfeetlve dltte al this aoar.tlUI? [XI Yl!!.I l><l No

   !!>ort!Im Slllll' s) ••     llffsri!lll ncet!l.and dalt!$).     l"ubllc_Er.c0rda 11n MiJ!ie Li!tl!!lga r        lll  foltle IBB!.. !! mclllh& show l'El '.""8 nr

oflerlnCll! for tht- sublact Dl'tlDOrtv,

I ® dlo O did nDI analY2" Hte contlllct for sale tor oie subject pllllha l!lm!act!oo. El<#lalrt Ille al the a !S ot me comract fer $3/e I)( wllY Ille an$)'$1s was net

!!!orm!d. Contract terms end eodltlona a1>12.,;,r ID.be tvocal. ,

C1>n ,Cl Prtce $ NIA Oa!!: llf Contllct NIA 1B lill! Pm!lMY Sefl!lf Int Ollnf;f Of l)tlb/lC reaird7 !)(! Yes r-l !'lo o;:; 5our !Sl l"ubflc R=!!I

IS lflel1! any financial m!Srance (loan i:1l"9!!!, sal ccm=lons. gift or downpa)'1111!1t asst$\l!llee, etc.) 1D be paid by ,ny pany on bel\8l! of the bmrowar? O Yes'r=iNo

- If VII$, report the total dollar amount and dest:ribe Ille Item!Ill Ila patU. NIA


Note:Raw and1he ratlll mDO!JiliOn o!lh• neiehbol'hool!11ranot app al illclols.

I · lllllohboriliia<! . I·. '0rie"lhmtlvlllinc:Jrend$ .. .. .,,,', . .. Odnll!!Mine Pniaant Lind U!e %

I I Urban Ix! Suburtian [,.... FlinJ I P11111ertv Value$ [ I illcmsirlo r ·1 Sfabi& l'xl oecnn11111 PRlet; AGE



1:8) o.e:15li. Z$--mr. I l Unasr 25,:. I DerninuvSuMlv n Sl!rulnm, n In Balance IXl O¥i1Sunnw S 1000) /Vf!U 2-4 Um!

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1!i9 """' so CDlllffl8lcial 0511


:: J;:.9J!lJlY.. The,r-,:, are SFR lllttd comm1!1rei11Ler;,C!Pel1y loi;aled on SR-55. 30.170 Pre4, 20-:30 Cllh!r 05 %

!!!i od Description The $ubjeel Is Q cz;, ,;=!6 block h!;!m" comlnlcU:d in 1978 and ;,,!created o " a,1oo A Lot MQI,._ The m O!il)'..$.,.

!.n.ltle ne!ghbomood a"' !imisr In dasill.!J...!se..,_end ,oeceal corit., bt!!t-rien 90(>-1,TOO Sq. Ft. cl !1)!i!ll ares with 2-4 ms. n,.,..,

.!).O obnrvlOCI unlawrabli= lactors affe IQ!l marke1;tb not!!5!. Schools, 11ho11e!lJ!l and em11lo ent centers !!. l0cali!!d naarn .                   Mrrl<a Carnh1iont llnc1udlnq su01lc)n for !he above eo11Clusiom.l _ Gem: marllet cnrdlians In the_&1.1bieet nelghborhOQll are decllnlng;_51?.lllcial lcien dlscountl!_, unUS1.'!'J DW118, and other sr1eei8I concession$ B!!I he'"' been obs.,...ed. §!!!!DI Is coJ1$iell!19d as1"10rm:al to high and demand a             be IOV,'.0 Pron"ttv values ire !!llahtlv ut'!!l<table with some, decn,a$e,t In val\,,, antlclostad for t !or ll1e near Mure In Dl'tlOOrtir;m;; 10 recent trends.

OlmensiDll!I 75 X 108 AllllJ e 100 Sa.Ft Stolllll R6d:arY,ular View Rasla•nlial I A,m

2mrino C!mHllleaon SFR Zllnlnn Ol:$CnPtillll Slnale familv 01 ..,.N              

Zanmc Compiaru,a fxl L.aal I I Lml Noru:onhmnirnl 16randfalhnd U!al I I No z..,.,., f ·1llilmal fd§cnbel

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FEM.A°snettaJ Flood Hazan! A1!B r-l"(e, IX'INQ A Ao0c! x . FEMAMllD• 12103C0078G f!:MA Man Date g/312003

Are the ullflm$ 811(1 ott-sim i!JillM!fllllfl!l;!U11eJI 1Dr the area? IX1 Yet r1No H NO. lltStr1De

/Vil ttme anv adverae si!lt tonllttlon, 01 I factor& le8$emmU enerouchm!llts,!l!Yilllnmanlal eoodlllons. land us= 111e.l?


fxl No ff Yes descrlbs


l'vDlcal ui;ritv -emen!s !or telettt,one electric etc. No """"11!111 edve1$e eaaemenb 01' !lllCIOBchrl'l9nl!I noted tMI llolOUld an""ar to affect market J! I . Subj"'e! EID!!!!ar,; lo lie Flood Zone X b!1!!his 9hould be confirme:d tw a 8119 su,-vev.                                                                                       



. Fou!Klatlon ; ! . . ; l:ltMrltir.tleacrll,lllill·:", ,. ,..,.c:ondlllon

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Bllsam<nt Atea None so.ff



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fxl Concratt Sla 11 C11W! Snatt

Uni!! (xi On, r I One with ACCes!IDIV UA/t


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-1 Outsld'- En!ivlt.llt I I Sllr.'!Jl••

!(qISlvlel R "d\/Aw

ye,r 8ull! 1876

Ettacllvl: Age fYrsJ 20 Years Alfi l'IDIIII

r-J Damvlffl!!ll f ] Setllamdlt


ttea oo IXJ PIIA II I IIW1!8 II I R

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IX! Dtiv!IWall #afCII 2

Cir S•..,., · i I Nalli .• ···-- .

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-....,.,.SUJ1ace COr'lef&!f_

I Cron Slelr s tr. -.

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Oltl!r .IFoal Electric: F!l!Jlllactfsl # - Feoce:

C!mort "or cats

lxf Cl!lltllll Air Cond!tlarino r 1 Pali o Pon:11 OMn

Df!81tae1Urli jseeclBI e!l1clen1 in, !I!:.). Subles;l haf< 8 11l.Jl!5"'d 8"'"' am ii TW'O ,..,., m,moe.                                                                               

1505 Sauare fel!I of Grun lJvir-Q Am AIJQva Grade

2 Bathl&l

3 rooms

4 Rooms.

Finished am iblJve oradi cont,lns:

Apllfiances 11'1 Rebilll'flll0f fXl Rarlll!IOv!!n . [ OlshWilsru:r 17 DisoOMII 1] Microwave IP! WW!er/OIV!I [ l ODler lllesctibel

All r 10et. I I Bllln-ift

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linebll:Jlno IUll!d•d reDalr-$, dlllal'lor,tillll. JtllOfatiDllS rmnocteina. ae.l.

DesCrlbB lhB colldlllon llf lilt --

i_n- '!f.0L . .!!!!J,bsotescence 'IW.!ra noted at tna time i;,t Ina = Mslntunan..e end uek.,..e are ue le> i:,i,r >¥llh the B_!! ':'ised Bn::8•


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Are t!J.!l)LllJ!l'. !!zslcal di:!icienclas Ot ad'l!!'Sll condlUons Iha! aflte1 1111! liYabf!!)'., !IDUU , 01S1nletural in1!!2 !I ol lhe !!!!13rtY7 I· 1 Yes Ix! Na·- H y _describ• _

-··-·-··-----·---·-... - ...........--- ··•-•-'---------·-.....-- ·--··.--

Does 111!:_PIIJAAIIJl_g•ne1!!Jr.COfllD!111IO ll)lne!Q!lbort\OtlllJ!\mc:tlDllil ll1il'!}' styt,sondltlan,1158,c tlllet!on.slll.)7 t8l YtS O1o1o u No, d,seribe


....... ---- -- -·· ·-·-··· - ---- ,...... ------··· ...

Paoe1orn fannle Mae F0m11004 M;ircti 7.0tt

10/09/2009 02:51 1 PAGE 12

A-Fast AppraisalS, lnc. (813) 290•7908


Pursuant tf) the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, effective July 1, 2001, Appraisers, along with all providers of persor-.al flnanclal services are now required by federal law to Inform their clients of the polfcles of the firm with regard to the privacy of c:Uenf nonpublic personal Information. As professionals, we understand that your priyaey ls very Important to you and are pleased to pro1tJde you with this Information.

TYpes 0.tN.onpubJ.lttP..erunaUri.to.rmmi.m...W.LC..0Jleg

In the course of perlorming appraisals, we may collect what is known as "nonpublic personal information• about you. This information is used to faCJ1itate the services that we provide to you and mey include the information provided to us by you cfirec;:Uy or received by us from others with your authorization.

P-attles..to ..Wh!:m1...mtJUSJdvAC-1nf.Qrmatlml

We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information obtained in the CQUr'Se of our engagement with our clients lo nonaffiliated

third parties. except as necessary or as required by law. By way of example, a necessary discloswe wovld be to our

employees. and in certain situatlor.s, to unrelated third party consultants who need to know that information to assist us in providing appraisal services to you. .AJI of our employees and any thiro party consultants we employ are informed that any inforrnE!tion they see as part of an appraisal assignment Is to be maintained in strict coriflden!r6 within the firm.

A disclosure required by law would be a dl$closure by us that is ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction with regard to a legal acUon to which you are a party.

Co.nfi.d. JJtlaJt.ty .;1n,d_S.GU.tl.b:

We will TP,\ain recoros relatitig7o professional servicas that we have provided to you for a reasonable time so·4hat 11./1:! are

--. better·able·to"assist you"with your needs. In order to protect your rn;,npublic personal infvrmatlon from unauthorized ac s by

third·panies, we maintsin physical, electronic and pro!,edural safegwrds that comply with out professional standards to insure tile security and Integrity of your lnforrnatiOn. ·· ·

Please feel free to call us an any tim If you have any que oris about the corifidentiality of the information !hat you provide to us.

10/09/2009 02:51 1 PAGE 13

lbliiiiJJwiiiJ,l!ioo200001I efaeiii I

                                      Uniform Resitlentlal A

Flle# MS09290901

  1. The lender/client may disclose or distribute this appraisal repor1 to: the bOIT(JWer; another lender at the request ot the oomiwar; the mongagae or Its successors and assigns; mori!ll!.ge lnsurerS: government sporniored crm:rpl'1 U$: ouiar secondary m et participants: data cOlleotlon or reporting $8rvloes: prufe$S:IOnal appn1Is:aI organizations; any department, agency, or ln31rumerrtallty of the United S!iltBs; and any state. 1he District cf Colurnbia. or other jurisdictions: without having to obtain tne appraiser's or supervisory appraiser's (II applicable) consent. Suen conserrt must be obtained before this apprais,1I report may be dll!CIO!!ad or distributed to any other P31'1Y (including, but not llmilt:d to, !he public ttirough advertising, l)UDtlc relattons., news. sales, or other media).

  2. I am aware that any disclosure or distribution of !his appraisal F'l!Pcrt b)' me or t1111 lenoer/cllent may be subject to ci,rtain laws and regulatlom:, Further. I arn also subject to the provisions of the Uniform Standards ot Professional Appraisal Prac\ice thllt partain to disclosute or distribution by me. ·

.13. The borrower, another lender at the request of the borrower, \he mortgauee or Its successors and assigns, mortgage Insurers. govemment sponsored enterprises, and other seconCJary market participants may rely on this apprais;il report as part of any mortgage finance transaction ltlat Involves any one or more of 1helle panles.

24. Jt this app!'alsai report was nnsmi!ted as an. ·electronic record" containing my •electronic signature," as I.hose terms am defined In applicable tetleral anc!/or atate laws (exr;:ludlng audio and video recordings). or II filcslmlle transmission of this appraisal report containing a copy or T11prasmlatlon of my slim11wre, the appraisal teport shall be as ertec1Ive, enforceable and valid as if a paper version of this apprals I report wera delivered contalnin{l my onginlll hand wrftlen ,;ignab,lre.

g5_ Any Intentional or negfigent mlsrepn:isentatlon(s) contained in t11Is appraisal repon may n,sult In clvll liability and/Or crlmlnal penalties Including, but oot limited to. fme or imprisonment or btltlf under the provisions of Title 18, United States Code, S&c!lon 1001, at seq., or $imllar state laws.

SUPERVISORY APPRAISER'S CERnFICATION: The Supervisory Apprai$ar certifies and agrees thllt

  1. I directly superviSl!C! tne appraiser for this appr'alsal ,sslgnment, tfflve F'l!ad tne apml.$21 report, and agl'Qfi! wffll tne appraiser's analysis, opinions, statement$, conclusions, and lhe appraiser's cc!'tlllcatlon.

  2. I accept full rnsponslbfllty for tne conte Of this appraf::iiI report includinc, bUt not limlte<I to, the appra1&11r's analysis, opinions,

    statements, oonoluslon&, pnd tile appr.1i,;ar's certlfic2:tlon.

  3. The appraiser iaentlfled in !his appraisal repor! I$ eltner a sub-contractor or an employee of "the supervisory appraiser (or the appraisal firm). Is qu1;1lifled to perlorm tnls appraii;al, and 1$ acceptable to p!;!rlorm this appraisal under the appficable state law,

  4. Tnls appraisal repon complies with !hi! Unltorm Standards of Prctesslonal Appraisal Practice that were adopted and promulgated l!y the Appralsal Standards Board t The Appra!sal Foundation and that were In placil at tna lime tnls appratsal report was prepared.

  5. It this .ipptalsal report was transmitted as an "electronic record· cont nlng my "electr'Ontc slgnatu ," ;is those terms ani ttenned in applicable ted"'ral and/or stale laws (excluellng atJdlO and video recordings), or a facslmHe tnm$1T!ission or tnls appraisal repor1 containing i; copy or represent.anon or my sl11nat11ra, tne appraisal teport shall be as errectlve. enforceable and valld as II a paper ver;.iOrl of this appralsal report were dellvered containing my original hand written .:iigm.1.\1.Jre.


Narne Ma Jer,;a save

Company ame 0""""1Hom• Realty

Compatl)' A dre.:is .i Ql w. HlJ! .9.,hc.,_,Av.,_,e,.            _



Name - ------- --------

Compi,ny Name                                                                      

Company AddrilSS                                                                  

T n;pa, FL 33603                                                                                                                                                                                  

Telephone Number 111 2s..i121 . -·-·--

Email Md1ess Jl:<,1ae,,nll!ler@gmail.com   ···-·----

Date cf Signawre and Rl!lport September,12,2069

Effective Date of Apprals .:,:OS1""12,.9.,_10,.,e,.. '-        _

State Certfllcation# ,.R,,,e=al""E:"'s,,,tg..,w, -==>c!a=te,                        _

or Stat£ License# -=Sc:.L·..:3""1:j!.,o=a=as=------------

Telephornl NI.Imber ,

F:Y1 H Adi.kess ---·• ·        _

Q ;;; oi Si11na.i,r                                 State Certification fl<                                                       or State Ucenlie -#                                                                               

Stille .._Fl...._                                          ------

or Other (!lescribe)                   Stale#                   _

Stale .fh...

Exolratlon Dat1r ol Certification or License Q;¥3112011


2460 017)ogepolnte Att!

.!; m H111rbr:,r, FL 345""83,. -"-31:...4.6.                                             

-- ----·- - ··· -- · · APPAAISED-VALU£-OF SUBJl:CT l>ROPERTY $




Company Name Samllf:I & Jl!cguer'"" S:1rtLova! ----· ·--

1C4oBm!!;pl;any Address   l.0Jl4 0""(19"P"ln!B  Ave .P.;!"!2_---

Em il Add!'!:SS                                                     

Expiration Date of Certification or License                        


[7 Did not inspect subject propeny


D DI<! Inspect exterior of subject property from street Oa of I11spectlon

Ol!l lnspecl inll!f!or and exh!rior af subject property

·oateor1nsp1;1ction · ··-··------- --- ·· ----·-- ·


Did not Inspect s:irterlor of comparable sales from street

Did Inspect exterior or comparable sales fn;,m street

Date or lnspectJon 09/28/0_!,_           ...

Pageeolti Fallnle Mae form 1004 M rch 2005

R,m, 100• - •Winl1liAt' •roraisal :rottware by a la ntQ<ie, Inc. -1-ll!ID-AtAM0OI:





Docket for Case No: 10-010818PL
Issue Date Proceedings
Jan. 10, 2011 Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jan. 06, 2011 Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Dec. 20, 2010 Response filed.
Dec. 20, 2010 Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 20, 2010 Agency referral filed.
Dec. 20, 2010 Initial Order.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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