Jan 3 2011 10:14
Jan 3 2011 11:13 P.01
CAS. NO. 2ooe..22B98
COMES NOW Petitioner, Department of He lth, by and through
undersigned counsel, flies this Administrative Cci)mplaint before the
Board of Medicine against Respondent, Keith F. Whitfield Rus II, M.D.,
and in support thereof alleges:
Petitioner is the state department charged with uI lating
' '
the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20:43, Florida Statutes;
Chapter 456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes.
At all times material to this Complaint, Responden was a licensed physician within the state of Florida, having been lssu license number ME 59742.
Jan 3 2011 10:14
Jan 3 2011 11:13 P.02
• Respondent's address of record is 8353 S.W. 12i S t, Suite 105, Miami, Florida 33156.
Respondent's last known address is R8$Jister No. 8lJ446-004,
a Adams County Correctional Institution, PO$t: Office Box 1600,
Washington, Mississippi 39190.
On or about October 7, 2008, Respondent was in lcted on one (1) count of Health care Fraud, in case Nµmber 08-2 895-CR.-
UNGARO in the Southern District of Florida related to his treatment of Patient G.B., a Mecllcare beneficiary.
on or about March 17, 2009, Respondent was found guilty,
by a jury, of one (1) count of Health care Fraud related to his tteatment
of Patient G.B.
On or about October 7, 2008, Respondent was ln cted on one (1) count of Health Care Fraud, in case N(lmber 08-2tjB95-CR UNGARO in the Southern District of Florida related to his trea ment of Patient R.C., a Medicare beneficiary.
J:\PSU\Medic.il\Green\·Board of Medlctne\Cises\Active cases\Medlcal\Rt1ssell1 ZOOS·
22898\Russell AC.doc
Jan 3 2011 10:14
Jan 3 2011 11:13 P.03
,ii ! ·,
' 1 ! :
on or about March 17, 2009, Respond.mt was fou d guilty,
by a jury, of one {1) count of Health Care Fraud related to his t atment
. I: :
of Patient R.C.
On or about October 7, 2008, Respon ent was in ,cted on
one (1) count of Conspiracy to Commit Health: Care Fraud I in case
'' !
Number 08-20895-CR-UNGARO in the Southern District of Florida.
On or about March 17, 2009, Respon nt was found guilty,
by a jury, of one (1) count of Conspiracy to Commit Health Carei Fraud.
' '
Respondent used his position as a ll nsed physician to
commit the crimes of which he was found guilty.
Conspiracy to Commit Health Care Fraµd and Hea,th Care
Fraud are directly related to Respondent's practice of med'cine or Respondent's ability to practice meclicine.
Petitioner realleges the allegations set !forth in par graphs
one (1) through six (6), eleven (11) and twelve (12), as if set forth herein.
J:\PSU\Medlcal\Green\•Board of Medldne\C".ases\Active cases\Medlcal\Russefl, 2008- 22898\Russell AC.doc '
Jan 3 2011 10:14
Jan 3 2011 11:14 P.04
Section 458.331(1}(c), Florida Statu s (2008),
' I
that being convicted or found guilty of, or enterin9 a plea of tuilty or
. . . I .
nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudicatio a crime i in any
: :. I
jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice medicine or to the
ability to practice medicine constitutes grounds for Cllisciplinary a,:tion by the Board of Medicine.
Respondent was found guilty of one (1) count ot Health
care Fraud related to his treatment of Patient G.B..
Based on the foregoing, Respondettt violated 1 Section
' !
458.331{1)(c), Florida Statutes (2008), by being fol.Ind guilty of ia crime
which directly relate to Respondent's practiO! qf medicine or Respondent's ability to practice medicine.
Petitioner realleges the allegations set forth In par graphs
one (1) through four (4), seven (7), eight (8), ele n (11) andi twelve
i i
{12), as if set forth herein. ' I
Section 458.331(l)(c), Florida Statute$ (2008), provides .
that being convicted or found guilty of, or enteringi a plea of guilty or
nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime In any
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22898\Russell AC.doc:
Jan 3 2011 10:15
Jan 3 2011 11:14 P.05
i ;,
d i
jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice of medicine Jr to the
ability to practice medicine constitute grounds tordlsclplinary action by
the Board of Medicine.
Respondent was found guilty of one i{1) count o, Health
care Fraud related to his treatment of Patient R.C.
Based on the foregoing, Responder,t violated i section
458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2008), by being nd guilty of1a crime
' '
which directly relate to Respondent's practi°' of mediqine or Respondent's ability to practice medicine.
Petitioner realleges the allegations set forth in par,graphs
one (1) through four (4), and nine (9) through t,Nelve (12), a if set
forth herein.
Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2008), PrJVldes that being convicted or found guilty of, or entering: a plea of gLilty or
nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime \n any.
jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice of !medicine or'! to the•
ability to practice medicine constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by,
. ' !
the Board of Medicine.
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22898\RusseU AC.doc
Jan 3 2011 10:15
Jan 3 2011 11:14 P.06
;L 't ;
Respondent was found guilty of one (l)i count of CotJspiracy to Commit Health Care Fraud.
Based on the foregoing, Respondemt violated Section
458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2008), by being fotlmd guilty of a crime
which directly relate to Respondent's practi of mecli ine or Respondent's ability to practice medicine.
WHEREFORE Petitioner respectfully requ that the Bpard of
' i
Medicine enter an order imposing one or mo of the fcpllowing
' '
penalties: permanent revocation or suspension of Rie5pondent's !license, restriction of practice, imposition ofan administrative fine, lssua ce of a
reprimand, placement of Respondent on probation, corrective i action,
refund of fees billed or collected, remedial education and/or anry other relief that the Board deems appropriate.
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22898\Russell AC.doe
Jan 3 2011 10:15
Jan 3 2011 11:14 P.07
SIGNED this. :l:) day of
I' .. i
:: 010. i l
M. Viamonte!Ros, M.D., M.P.H. State Surgeon G eral
CLERK @g_el Sanders
DATE 'AUG 3 1 2010
Yo aY.Gieerit'" Assistant Generali Counsel Florida Bar # 073 115 Department of H lth
Prosecution Servlq:es Unit !
4052 Bald Cypre$$ Way, Bin Cr65
Tallahassee, FL 3l399·3265. 850.245.4640 Phqne
850.245.4681 FAX
PCP: August 27, 2010
PCP Members: El Bahri, Tucker & Mullins
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22898\Russell AC.doc
Jan 3 2011 10:15
Jan 3 2011 11:14 P.08
DOH v.KEITH RUSSELL, M,D,, CASE NO, 200 f 22898
Respondent has the right to request a hearln to be con ucted in accordance with Section 120.569 and, 120.57, lorida statutes, to be represented by counsel «.t other q allflecl representative, to present evidence and argup,ent·, to II and
cross-examine witnesses and to have subpoe'1a. and su poena duces tecum issued on his or her behalf I If a hea Ing is requested.
Respondent. is placed on Notice that Peti...:r has. llurredl•.
costs related to the investigation and p · cution thls1 matter, Pursuant to Section 456,072(4), Florlida statu s, the: Board shall assess costs related to the ll!lvestigatloh and: prosecution of a disclpllnary matter, whlt:h may 1,c1ude: attorney hours and costs, on the Respondent addition any1 other discipline imposed.
J:\PSU\Medlcal\Green\·Board of Medlclne\Cases\Actlve Cases\Medlcal\Rui$ell, 2008· 22898\Russell AC.doc ..
Issue Date | Proceedings |
Jul. 13, 2011 | Motion to Continue Hearing and Place Initial Order in Abeyance filed. |
Jan. 12, 2011 | Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED. |
Jan. 10, 2011 | Amended Motion to Place Initial Order in Abeyance filed. |
Jan. 10, 2011 | Motion to Place Initial Order in Abeyance filed. |
Jan. 10, 2011 | Notice of Appearance (filed by C. Montiero). |
Jan. 10, 2011 | Joint Response to Initial Order filed. |
Jan. 07, 2011 | Notice of Appearance as Counsel (filed by Y. Green). |
Jan. 04, 2011 | Initial Order. |
Jan. 03, 2011 | Notice of Appearance of Co-counsel (filed by Y. Green). |
Jan. 03, 2011 | Administrative Complaint filed. |
Dec. 22, 2010 | Election of Rights filed. |
Dec. 22, 2010 | Agency referral filed. |