Respondent: MICHAEL I. ROSE, M.D.
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: Jan. 18, 2011
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, March 31, 2011.
Latest Update: Jan. 02, 2025
Jan 18 2011 10:24
Jan 18 2011) 11:23 — P.05
CASE NO. 2009-06687
Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through undersigned
counsel, files this Administrative Complaint before the Board of Medicine
against Respondent, Michael I. Rose, M.D., and in support thereof alleges:
1. Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the
‘practice of medicine pursuant to section 20.43, Florida Statutes; Chapter
456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes.
2. At all times -material to this Complaint, Respondent was a
licensed physician within the state of Florida, having, been issued license
number ME 10792.
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3. Respondent's address of records is 2001 Secoffee Street,
Coconut Grove, Florida 33133.
4. Respondent is a dispensing practitioner in the State of Florida,
pursuant to Section 465.0276, Florida Statutes. |
5. Respondent is board certified in psychiatry and in forensic
psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. |
6. Respondent is the director of the 163” $treet Pain Clinic, Inc,,
located at 1131 NE 163% Street, North Miami, Florida 33162.
7, Respondent prescribed inappropriate or excessive doses of
controlled substances for two of his patients, B.D. and R.F. |
8. Respondent prescribed the following controlled substances in
high doses to B.D.: Xanax, Oxycontin, Roxicddone and Percocet.
Respondent prescribed the following controlled substances in high doses to
R.F.: Oxycontin, Roxicodone, Endocet and Percocet. |
a. Xanax is the brand name for alprazolam, which is
prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders as well as
depression caused by anxiety, According to Section
893.03(4)(a), Florida Statutes, alprazolam is a Schedule IV
controlled substance that has a low potential for abuse relative
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to the substances in Schedule III; has' a currently accepted
medical use in treatment in the United ‘States; and abuse of
alprazolam may lead to limited physical or psychological
dependence relative to the substances in Schedule It.
b. Oxycontin and Roxicodone are the brand names of a drug
that contains oxycodone hydrochloride. Oxycodone is
prescribed to treat pain. . | |
C. Percocet and Endocet are the brand names of a drug that
contains oxycodone hydrochloride and acetaminophen.
d. According to Section 893.03(2)(a), Florida | Statutes,
oxycodone, or any salt, compound, derivative, or preparation of
oxycodone, is a Schedule II controlled substance that has a
high potential for abuse; has a currently accepted but severely
restricted medical use in treatment in the United States; and
abuse: of oxycodone may lead to severe psychological or
physical dependence. |
e. Oxycodone is also referred to as ani opioid. Opioids are
Similar to opium, but are synthetically manufactured. Opioid
drugs are addictive and subject to abuse.
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9. The Board of Medicine has addressed’ ithe use of controlled
substances, including opioids, for pain relief when it set out the Standards
for the Use of Controlled Substances for the Treatment of Pain in Chapter
64B8-9.013, Florida Administrative Code. :
10. Chapter 64B8-9.013, F.A.C., reads in part:
(3) Standards. The Board has adopted the following standards
for the use of controlled substances for pain cantrol:
(a) Evaluation of the Patient. A complete medical history ‘and
physical examination must be conducted and documented in
the medical record. The medical record should document the
nature and intensity of the pain, current and ipast treatments
for pain, underlying or coexisting diseases or conditions, the
effect of the pain on physical and psychological function,; and
history of substance abuse, The medical record also should
document the presence of one or more recognized medical
indications for the use of a controlled substance.
(b) Treatment Plan. The written treatment plan should state
objectives that will be used to determine tréatment SUCCESS,
such as pain relief and improved physical and’ psychosocial
function, and should indicate if any further diagnostic
evaluations or other treatments are planned. ‘After treatment
begins, the physician should adjust drug ‘therapy to the
individual medical needs of each patient. Other treatment
modalities or a rehabilitation program may be necessary
depending on the etiology of the pain and theiextent to which
the pain .is associated with physical and psychosocial
(c) Informed Consent and Agreement for Treatment. The
physician should discuss the risks and benefi its of the use of
controlled substances with the patient, persons designated by
the patient, or with the patient’s surrogate or guardian if: the
patient is incompetent. The patient should receive prescriptions
from one physician and one pharmacy where’ possible. If’ the
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patient is determined to be at high risk for medication abuse or
have a history of substance abuse, the physician should employ
the use of a written agreement between physician and patient
outlining patient responsibilities, including, but not limited to:
1. Urine/serum medication levels screening when requested:
2. Number and frequency of all prescription refills: and
3. Reasons for which drug therapy may be discontinued (i.e.,
violation of agreement). ;
(d) Periodic Review. At reasonable intervals based onthe
individual circumstances of the patient, the physician should
review the course of treatment and any new information about
the etiology of the pain. Continuation or modification of therapy
should depend on the physician’s evaluation ‘of the patient’s
progress. If treatment goals are not being achieved, despite
medication adjustments, the physician should reevaluate the
appropriateness of continued treatment. The physician should
‘monitor patient compliance in medication usage and related
treatment plans.
(e) Consultation. The physician should be willing to refer the
patient as necessary for additional evaluation and treatment in
order to achieve treatment objectives. Special attention should
be given to those pain patients who are at risk for misusing
their medications and those whose living arrangements pose a
risk for medication misuse or diversion. The management of
pain in patients with a history of substance abuse or with a
comorbid psychiatric disorder requires extra care, monitoring,
and documentation, and may require consultation with: or
referral to an expert in the management of such patients.
(f) Medical Records. The physician is required ta keep accurate
and complete records to include, but not be limited to:
1. The medical history and physical examination, including
history of drug abuse or dependence, as appropriate; :
2. Diagnostic, therapeutic, and laboratory results}
3. Evaluations and consultations;
4, Treatment objectives;
5. Tiscussion of risks and benefits; [sic]
6. Treatments;
7. Medications (including date, type, dosage, and quantity
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8, Instructions and agreements; and
9. Periodic: reviews. Records must remain current and’ be
maintained in an accessible manner and readily available: for
review. Records must remain current and be riaintained in an
accessible manner and readily available for review. :
Facts Related to Patient B.D.
11. Respondent treated patient B.D. on or about the following
dates: October 20, 2008, November 17, 2008, and December 16, 2008.
12. B.D. was a 50 year-old man and a roofer at the time of his first
13, B.D. presented to Respondent for pain in the center of his back
and down his right side. |
14. Respondent did not complete an adequate evaluation of the
patient as outlined in Chapter 6488-9.013(3)(a), F.A.C.
a. Respondent did not adequately document BD's medical
history. | : .
| b. Respondent never attempted to get BD. medica]
records from any previous health care provider. :
c. Respondent did not adequately document if B.D. had any
previous treatment for pain.
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d. Respondent failed to perform a complete physical on B.D.
Respondent did not perform a direct examination of the
physical spine or muscle system. :
15. According to the form titled “Pain Disability Index”, B.D. scored
“0” disability due to his pain, The scale is “0” for “no:disability” to “10” for
“Worst Disability.”
16. According to the B.D.’s medical records, Respondent also
performed a psychiatric examination of B.D, completed a treatment plan,
as well examination of the “neurological examination-cranial neves” and
“spinal cord levels.”
17. The. — psychiatric examination result$ appear | generic.
Respondent did not diagnose B.D. with any psychdlogical or psychiatric
18. The treatment plan is generic and not specific to the patient
B.D. |
19. Respondent did not evaluate B.D. for substance abuse.
20. Respondent ordered no diagnostic tests for B.D. Respondent
did not order baseline liver function tests and follow- up tests. Respondent
therefore fell below the standard of care.
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21. On or about October 20, 2008, Respondent prescribéd B.D. 60
pills of Xanax (2 mg), 240 pills of Raxicodone (30 mg) and 90 pills of
Oxycontin (80 mg). | |
22. On or about November 17, 2008, Respondent prescribed B.D.
60 pills of Xanax (2 mg), 240 pills of Roxicodone (30 mg) and 180 pills of
Percocet (10/650). !
23. On or about December 16, 2008, Respondent prescribed B.D.
60 pills of Xanax (2 mg), 240 pills of Roxicodone (30 mg) and 60 pills of
Oxycontin (80 mg).
' 24, Respondent had no evidence of B.D.’s drug tolerance when he
prescribed the amount of opiates described above. B.D. was iat risk of
death from overdose if he took the opiates and Xanax as prescribed and he
did not have insufficient tolerance. Respondent thereby fell below the
standard of care.
25. Respondent also fell below the standard of care by prescribing
B.D. Xanax without any indication or any diagnosis. |
26. R.F, sought treatment at the 163% Street Pain Clinic from
November 3, 2008, through July 14, 2009.
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27, Respondent treated R.F., a 45 year-oldifemale initially, on or
about the following dates: November 3, 2008, December 2, 2008, January
30, 2009, April 21, 2009, May 19, 2009, June 16, 2009, and on her fast
visit on or about July 14, 2009. oe
28. Other doctors at the 163 Street Pain Management Clinic
treated R.F. on December 29, 2008, February 27, 2009, and March 24,
2009, | Do
29. RF. presented with a constant, sharp, burning pain. The
medical records indicate that R.F. had experienced pain for 15-16 years.
30, R.F.'s medical records indicate that she had the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C,
31. Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver ‘and characterized. by
jaundice, fever, liver enlargement and abdominal pain. Hepatitis Cisa
type of hepatitis caused by a virus that tends to persist in the blood serum
and is usually transmitted by infected blood (as by injection of an illicit
drug, blood transfusion, or exposure to blood or blood products) and that
accounts for most cases of non-A, non-B hepatitis, ,
32. The form titled “Initial Pain Assessment” indicates that RF. had
“blood work” and received antibiotics from her previous physicidns. The
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only medical records R.F. brought with her appear to be a phartnacy print
out of the drugs that she was prescribed from November 5, 2007; to
January 14, 2008: The doctors named in the initial assessment are not: the
same physicians named on the pharmacy printout. |
33. Respondent appears to have made only one attempt to :get
medical records; it was a fax dated November 3,:2008, and requested
R.F.’S MRI. The fax did not name a health care provider, nor was there a
confirmation sheet indicating that the fax was successfully received. There
are no MRI or MRI reports in the patient’s records. |
34. Other than the pharmacy print out, Respondent did not get any
other medical records, from R.F. or her previous physicians before’ he
began treating her. |
35. R.F. also had a computerized tomography (C.T.) scan
performed on her lower extremities on or about January 6, 2009. The'CT
showed no significant findings and therefore the CT did not provide
medical justification for the drugs which R.F. prescribed.
36. Respondent did not complete an adequate evaluation of the
patient as outlined in Chapter 64B8-9.013(3), F.A.C. Respondent failed to
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meet the standards of Chapter 64B8-9.013(3)(a), F.A.C. in one or more of
the following ways: |
a. Respondent did not document R.F.’s medical ‘history or
- her pain treatment history;
b. Respondent did not perform a complete physical
examination that established the patient’s symptoms and
c. Respondent did not perform a direct examination of ‘the
physica spine or of the muscle system; | |
d. RFs medical records reflect a generic treatment plan
and a generic psychiatric evaluation. . : ,
37, Despite the lack of medical history, ‘medical justification,
investigations of other possible medical conditions, Respondent prescribed
the following medication to R.F.:
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Date Drug and Dosage : :
November 3, 2008 | 240 pills of Roxicodone | 60 pills of Oxycontin 120 pills of Endocet
January 30, 2009
30 mg) 80m
December 2, 2008 | 240 pills of Roxicodone | 60 pills of Oxycontin
30 mq) | (80 mg)
180 pills of Endocet
240 pills of Roxicodone
| April 21, 2009
:| 240 pills of Roxicodone
(30 mg)
60 pills of Oxytontin
80 m
60 pills of Oxyrontin
May 19, 2009
June 16, 2009
‘| 240 pills of Roxicodone
240 pills of Roxicodone
(30 mg)
60 pills of Oxycontin
(80 m
240 pills of Roxicodone | 60 pills of Oxycontin
80 mq)
.180 pills of Percocet
90 pills of Percocet
90 pills of Percocet
90 pills of Percocet
_ {10/650
60 pills of Oxycontin
| (80 mg)
90 pills of Percocet
July 14, 2009
Respondent fell below the standard of care because he ordered
no diagnostic tests, Respondent prescribed R.F. 3 tng of acetaminophen
daily and Respondent should have ordered a baseline liver function test, as
well as follow up liver function tests because she had a history of hepatitis
39. Respondent did not evaluate R.F. for: ‘substance abuse in
contravention of Chapter 64B8-9.013(3), FAC. RF. hada history of HIV
and hepatitis C; both of these conditions are associated with substance
abuse. |
40. Respondent did not consult with a pain management expert in
contravention of Chapter 64B8-9.013(3)(e), F.A.C. RE. suffered from pain
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for 15-16 years. Respondent made no determination about the source of
her pain or refer ‘her to a pain management expert.
41. Petitioner realleges and incorporates - paragraphs one | (1)
through forty (40) as if fully set forth herein. :
42. Section 458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009),
subjects a licensee to discipline for failing to keep legible, as defined by
department rule in consultation with the board, medical records that
identify the licensed physician or the physician extinder and supervising
physician by name and professional title who is ar are respdnsible. for
rendering, ordering, supervising, or billing for each diagnostic or treatment
Procedure and that justify the course of treatment of the patient, including,
but not limited to, patient histories; examination. results; test results;
records of drugs prescribed, dispensed, or administered; and reports of
consultations and hospitalizations. , |
43. Respondent failed to keep medical records that justify ‘the
course of treatment including patient histories; examination results; test
results; records of drugs prescribed, dispensed, or administéred; and
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reports of consultations and hospitalizations in one or more of the following
ways: |
a. __ by failing to document B.D. or R.F.’s medical histories;
b. __ by failing to obtain B.D. or R.F.'s médical records;
c. by failing to document full physical examinations of 8.D.
or R.F,; . 2
d. by failing to record all of the drugs that were prescribed,
dispensed or administered to B.D. or R.F.;, |
e. by failing to document an indication or diagndsis which
justified prescribing the types, dosages and quantities of drugs
to B.D. or R.F.; . . |
f. __ by failing to evaluate B.D. or R.F. fot substance abuse;
g. _ by failing to document relevant treatment plans for B.D.
or R.F.; or |
_ h. by failing to justify the course of treatment for B.D.’ or
RF. : |
44. Based: on the foregoing, Respondent has Violated Section
458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009), :'for failing ‘to keep
legible, as defined by department rule in consultation with the board,
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medical records that identify the licensed physician or the physitian
extender and supervising physician by name and professional title who is
or are responsible for rendering, ordering, supervising, or bling for each
diagnostic or treatment procedure and that justify the course of treatment
of the patient, including, but not limited to, patient ‘histories; examination
. results; test results; records of drugs prescribed, dispensed, or
administered; and reports of consultations and hospitalizations.
45. Petitioner realleges and _ incorporates paragraphs: one ‘(1)
through forty (40) as if fully set forth herein. : !
46. Section 458.331(1)(q), Florida Statutes (2008 and - 2009),
subjects a licensee to discipline for prescribing, dispansing, administering,
mixing, or otherwise preparing a legend drug, including any controlled
substance, other than in the course of the physician's professional practice.
For purposes of this paragraph, it shall be legally presumed that
prescribing, dispensing, administering, mixing, or ‘ otherwise preparing.
‘legend drugs, including all controlled substances, inappropriately or: in
excessive or inappropriate quantities is not in the best interest of the
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patient and is not in the course of the physician's: professional practice,
without regard to his or her intent.
47. Respondent inappropriately or in excessive or inappropriate
quantities prescribed legend drugs to B.D. or R.F., other than in the course
of his professional practice in one or more of the folowing ways: »
a. by prescribing B.D. or R.F. excessive or inappropriate
doses. of controlled substances without adequate medical
histories; : : |
b. by prescribing B.D. or RF. excessive or inappropriate
doses of controlled substances without adequate pain
treatment histories; |
c. by prescribing B.D. or R.F. excessive or inappropriate
doses of controlled substances without “ordering basic
diagnostic tests; :
d. by prescribing B.D. or R.F. excestive or inappropriate
doses of controlled substances without complete physical
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e, by: prescribing B.D. or R.F. excessive or inappropriate
doses of controlled substances without adequate mental health
histories; |
f. by prescribing B.D. or R.F. excessive or inappropriate
doses of controlled substances without: ‘evaluating either of
them for a substance abuse disorders or the potential for drug
‘diversion; !
g. by prescribing B.D. or R.F. excessive or inappropriate
doses of controlled substances without investigating ‘or
diagnosing the source of his or her.pain; |
h. by prescribing B.D. or R.F. excestive or Inappropriate
doses of controlled substances without investigating ‘Or
diagnosing if his or her pain was intractable;
L by prescribing. B.D. or R.F. excessive or Inappropriate
doses of controlled substances without investigating attemative
methods of controlling his or her pain; .
js by prescribing B.D. or R.F. excessive or inappropridte
doses of controlled substances without metiical justification;
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k. by prescribing B.D. excessive or inappropriate doses of
controlled substances without evidence of B.D.'s tolerance to
Opiates and Xanax; | :
|. by inappropriately prescribing B.D. Xanax without a
relevant diagnosis; |
m. by prescribing excessive or inappropriate idoses of
controlled substances without evaluating B.D. or R.F. for
substance abuse; | | |
n, by prescribing excessive or inappropriate doses ' of
contralled substances without attempting !to get all of B.D., or
R.F.’s_ medications prescribed by the, same heath care
professional; , :
0. by prescribing excessive or inajipropriate doses of
controlled substances without attempting to get all of B.D. or
R.F.’s prescriptions filled at the same pharinacy; 3
p. by prescribing excessive or inappropriate doses of
controlled substances to B.D. or R.F.:
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q. by prescribing excessive or inappropriate doses of
controlled substances without monitoring B.D. or R.F. for
substance abuse or drug diversion;
r, by pfescribing excessive or inappropriate doses. of
controlled substances without performing follow up diagnostic
testing of B.D. or R.F.; or |
Ss. by prescribing excessive or inappropriate doses’ of
controlled substances without performing follow up diagnostic
testing of B.D. or RLF. | —
48. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
458.331(1)(q), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009), for prescribing,
dispensing, administering, mixing, or otherwise preparing a legend drug,
including any controlled substance, other than in the course of the
physician's professional practice. For purposes of this paragraph, it shall
be legally presumed that prescribing, dispensing, administering, mixing, or
otherwise preparing legend drugs, including all controlled substances,
inappropriately or in excessive or inappropriate quantities is not in the best
interest of. the patient and is not in the course of the physician’s
professional practice, without regard to his or her intent.
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49. Petitioner .realleges and incorporates "Paragraphs one : (1)
through forty (40) as if fully set forth herein. | |
50. Section 458,331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009),
subjects a licensee to discipline for committing medical malpractice as
defined in Section 456.50. | :
51. Section 456.50(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009), states
' that medical malpractice means the failure to: “practice medicine in
accordance with the level of care, skill, and treatment rectgnized in
general law related to health care licensure.
52. Respondent fell below the standard: of care in one or more of
the following ways: |
a. by failing to get adequate medical histories for B.D, or
ORF; | : |
b. by failing to document adequate medical histories for B.D.
or R.F.; , :
© by failing to record medical histories of ‘the pain
treatments of B.D. or R.F.;
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d. by failing to perform complete physical examinations of
B.D. or R.F.; ;
e. by failing to perform a direct physical examination of the
spine‘on B.D. orR.F.j; :
f. by failing to perform a direct physi¢al examination of the
muscle system on B.D. or R.F.; ; :
@Q. by failing to perform basic baseline p beratiry tests on
B.D. or RF; - PG
h. by prescribing excessive —_s doses of opioids
to B. D. or R.F. without first attempting alternative methods of
treating their pain; |
i. by prescribing excessive or inappropriate doses of opioids
to B.D. or R.F. without establishing that either of ther suffered
from intractable pain; or
j. by prescribing excessive or inappropriate doses of opicids
to B. D. or R. F, without monitoring his or her Safety.
53. Respondent fell below the standard of care by failing to comply
with Chapter 64B8-9.013, F.A.C. in one or more of the folowing ways:
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a. by failing to conduct complete ‘medical histories ' or
physical examinations, or documenting them, on B.D. or R.F.;
b. by failing to document B.D. or RiFVs current or past
treatments for pain; |
c. by failing to document B. D. or. R F,'s undering or
coexisting diseases or conditions; .
d. __ by falling to document the effect of the pain on B. D. or
RF. 's physical or psychological function; : |
e. by failing to document the presence of one! or more
recognized medical indications for the use of contre
substances for B.D. or R.F.; ' |
f. by failing to adjust drug therapy toithe ravi medical
needs of B.D. or R.F. after treatment began;
g. _ by failing to address whether othet! treatment roca
or a rehabilitation program may be necessary depending on the
etiology of the pain in the treatment plan for B.D. or RF. ;
h. by failing to state the extent to which B.D. or R's pain
ig associated with physical or psychosocial! impairment;
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i. by failing to address whether R.F. or B.D. were receiving
all their prescriptions from one physician or one pharmacy;
j. by failing to assess whether R.F. or B.D. were at high risk
of substance abuse;
k. by failing to review the course of treatment for B.D. or
l. by failing to refer B.D. or R.F. for additional evaluations or
treatments in order to achieve treatment objectives;
m. — by failing to pay special attention to B.D. or R.F. for
misusing their medications or diversion;
n. by failing to keep accurate or complete medical records
for B.D. or R.F. including:
. medical history;
ii. physical examination;
iti. history of drug abuse or dependence;
iv. diagnostic, therapeutic, or laboratory results; or
Vv. evaluations or consultations.
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54, Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009), for committing medical
malpractice as defined in Section 456.50.
55. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through forty (40) as if fully set forth herein.
56. Section 456.331(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009)
subjects a licensee to discipline for failing to perform any statutory or legal
obligation placed upon a licensed physician.
57. Chapter 64B8-9.013, F.A.C., is titled Standards for the Use of
Controlled Substances for the Treatment of Pain.
58. Respondent failed to meet the legal obligations of Chapter
64B8-9.013, F.A.C., in one or more of the following ways: by failing to
conduct complete medical histories or physical examinations, or
documenting them, on B.D. or RF. ;
a. by failing to document B.D. or R.F.’s current or past
treatments for pain;
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b. by failing to document B.D. or R.F.’s underlying or
coexisting diseases or conditions;
Cc. by failing to document the effect of the pain on B.D. or
R.F.'s physical or psychological function;
d. by failing to document the presence of one or more
recognized medical indications for the use of controlled
substances for B.D. or R.F.;
e. by failing to adjust drug therapy to the individual medical
needs of B.D. or R.F. after treatment began;
f. by failing to address whether other treatment modalities
or a rehabilitation program may be necessary depending on the
etiology of the pain in the treatment plan for B.D. or R.F. ;
g. __ by failing to state the extent to which B.D. or R.F.’s pain
is associated with physical or psychosocial impairment;
h. by failing to address Whether R.F. or B.D. were receiving
all their prescriptions from one physician or one pharmacy;
i. by failing to assess whether R.F. or B.D. were at high risk
of substance abuse;
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j. by failing to review the course of treatment for B.D. or
k. by failing to refer B.D. or R.F. for additional evaluations or
treatments in order to achieve treatment objectives;
I. by failing to pay special attention to B.D. or R.F. for
misusing their medications or diversion;
m. by failing to keep accurate or complete medical records
for B.D. or R.F. including: }
i, medical history;
ii. physical examination;
tii. history of drug abuse or dependence;
iv. diagnostic, therapeutic, or laboratory results; or
v. evaluations or consultations.
59. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
458.331(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009), for failing to perform any
Statutory or legal obligation placed upon a licensed physician.
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60. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through forty (40) as if fully set forth herein.
61. Section 458.331(1)(nn), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009)
subjects a licensee to discipline, for violating any provision of chapter 458
or chapter 456, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto.
62. Chapter 64B8-9.013, F.A.C., is titled Standards for the Use of
Controlled Substances for the Treatment of Pain. Respondent failed to
meet the legal obligations of Chapter 64B8-9.013, F.A.C., in one or more of
the following ways:
a. _ by failing to document B.D. or R.F.’s current or past
treatments for pain;
b. by failing to document B.D. or R.F.’s underlying or
coexisting diseases or conditions;
c. _ by failing to document the effect of the pain on B.D. or
R.F.’s physical or psychological function;
d. by failing to document the presence of one or more
recognized medical indications for the use of controlled
substances for B.D. or R.F.;
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e. by failing to adjust drug therapy to the individual medical
needs of B.D. or R.F. after treatment began;
f. by failing to address whether other treatment modalities
or a rehabilitation program may be necessary depending on the
etiology of the pain in the treatment plan for B.D. or R.F.;
g. _ by failing to state the extent to which B.D. or R.F.'s pain
is associated with physical or psychosocial impairment;
h. by failing to address whether R.F. or B.D. were receiving
all their prescriptions from one physician or one pharmacy;
i. by failing to assess whether R.F. ar B.D. were at high risk
of substance abuse;
j. by failing to review the course of treatment for B.D. or
k. by failing to refer B.D. or R.F. for additional evaluations or
treatments in order to achieve treatment objectives;
I, by failing to pay special attention to B.D. or R.F. for
misusing their medications or diversion;
m. by failing to keep accurate or complete medical records
for B.D. or R.F. including:
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i. medical history;
il. physical examination;
li. history of drug abuse or dependence;
iv. diagnostic, therapeutic, or laboratory results; or
v. evaluations or consultations.
63. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
458.331(1)(nn), Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009), for violating any
provision of chapter 458 or chapter 456, or any rules adopted pursuant
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
Medicine enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:
permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's license, restriction of
Practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand,
placement of Respondent on probation, corrective action, refund of fees
billed or collected, remedial education and/or any other relief that the
Board deems appropriate.
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SIGNED this _/3”" day of ~Zlevemte, , 2009.
Ana M. Viamonte Ros, M.D., M.P.H.
State Surgeon General
Grace Kim
EPARTMENT Gi EALTE: Assistant General Counsel
CLERK: Garton DOH Prosecution Services Unit
DATE ML italog 4052 Baid Cypress Way, Bin C-65
~ Tallahassee, FL. 32399-3265
Florida Bar # 31096
(850) 245-4640, Ext. 8187
(850) 245-4681 FAX
PCP; 11/13/04
PCP Members: % 9m , Jaermaw , Becbce
Michael Rose, M.D. 2009-06687
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MICHAEL I. ROSE M.D. DOH Case number 2009-06687
Respondent has the right to request a hearing to be
conducted in accordance with Section 120.569 and 120.57,
Florida Statutes, to be represented by counsel or other qualified
representative, to present evidence and argument, to call and
cross-examine witnesses and to have subpoena and subpoena
duces tecum issued on his or her behalf if a hearing is requested.
Respondent is placed on notice that Petitioner has incurred
costs related to the investigation and prosecution of this matter.
Pursuant to Section 456.072(4), Florida Statutes, the Board shall
assess costs related to the investigation and prosecution of a
disciplinary matter, which may include attorney hours and costs,
on the Respondent in addition to any other discipline imposed.
J:\PSU\Medical\Grace Kim\Rose, Michael 2009-06687\AC 11.06.09a.doc 31
Docket for Case No: 11-000253PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 31, 2011 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 29, 2011 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Feb. 24, 2011 |
Order on Motion for Pretrial Conference.
Feb. 23, 2011 |
Notice of Hearing on Motion for Pre-trial Conference filed.
Feb. 14, 2011 |
Motion for Pre-Trial Conference filed.
Feb. 02, 2011 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Feb. 02, 2011 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 15, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Jan. 25, 2011 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Jan. 20, 2011 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Request for Production and First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Jan. 18, 2011 |
Initial Order.
Jan. 18, 2011 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 18, 2010 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by G. Kim).
Jan. 18, 2010 |
Election of Rights filed.
Jan. 18, 2010 |
Agency referral filed.