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Oi!plJ:Y Agenoy Clerk
O.E Evoh L.Aw1ol'r-P((lc.tQr
Oato 3/14/2011
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Petitioner, Depo1rtment of B1.1s Regulation (Petitioner), files this before th<a Department of Business and
case No. 2010-016728
ness and Professional Administrative Complaint Professional Reg1.1lation
against David Raposo(Respondent), and alleges:
Petitioner is the state agenc the practice of community association Section 20.165, Florida Statutes (2009 and 468, Florida Statutes (2009-2010).
charged with regulating management pursuant to 2010), and Chapters 455
At all times material to th· s complaint, Respondent
was licensed a:;; a Community A.ssociati State of Florida, holding license number
Respondent's address of recor
Miami, l:1 33138.
n Manager (CAM) in the CAM 25370.
is 763 NE 75 Street,
Respondent is the owner a d operator of Royal Management Group, LLC (RMG).
()';\OGc\C Erica W!"iih,\CAMS\C£W'S CASES\20IO,Cus ll\M ■ Z\2010-016728 .• Riipolio, i:ivid\2010-016728-· RJi.po!:io, D.:1.vittAC.dw
EO 39\/d \190 d&IQ
90:8 TTOC L Jd
At all times material to t is Complaint, Respondent
and RMG provided CAM
services a
Monterrey Condominium
Association (Association).
RMG's contract for C.I\M servi es with Association began
on October 1, 2008, and continues throu h September 30, 2011.
RMG was not licensed as a .AM Firm in the State of
Florida until June 22, 2010.
During his performance of failed to address certain electrical
services, Respondent violations found by the
City of Miami Beach against Assoc.iat ·on, causing fees in the
amount of at least $35,149.01 to be 1 by the City.of Miami Beach.
vied against Association
Petitioner reincorporates pa agraphs one ( 1 I through
eight (8) above as if fully set forth.
Section 468.432(2), Florida statutes
(2009-2010) I
provides that of January 1, 2009, management firm or other similar orga
community association ization responsible for
the management of more than 10 units or a budget of $100,000 or
greater shall not engage or hold itse being able to engage in the business
f out to the public as f cornmuni ty association
management in this state unless it is 1·censed by the department
0;\0GC\C Eri11n Whitt1\CAMS\CEW'S CASES\2010 Ca11ca\M -Z\2010.01'5728H R.aposo, David\2010,0!612 -- )Oso, Davjd_AC.do1e
. 2 •
PO 39\/d \190 d&IQ
as a community association management firm in accordance with the provisions of this part.
ll. Section 455.227(j), Florida Statutes (2009-2010),
provides that a licensee to discipline for aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any unlicensed person or entity to practice a profession contrary to the chapter regulating the profession or the rules of the department or the board.
Based upon the facts set forth above, Respondent violated Section 468. 432(2), Florida Statutes {2009-2010), through a violation of Section 455.227 (1) (j), Florida Statutes (2009-2010), when he .assisted RMG in providing CAM Firm services while RMG was not licensed by the Department.
Respondent violated Section 468.432(2), Florida Statutes (2009-2010), through a violation of Section
455.227 (lJ (j), Florida Statute.s (2009-2010), by assisting in the unlicensed practice of a profession.
Petitioner reincorporates paragraphs one (1) through eight (8) above .as if fully set forth.
15. section 468.436(2) (b)2, Florida Statutes (2009-2010), provides that a licensee may be disciplined for a violation of
G!\OOC\C Erii;a Wbilt:\CAMS\CBW'S CASESl.2010 .ll\M -Z\2010-016728 --R.i.poso, Di!.vid\2010-0lQ7Z8-.Raposo, vid AC,doi;;
~ -3.
SO 39\/d \190 d&!G
any lawful order or rule rendered or adopted by the department or council.
Rul<a 61El4-2.00l(4) (a), Florida Administrative Code,
states that a licensee or registrant shall exercise due professional care in the performance of comrnuni ty association mi;l.nagement services.
Based on the facts set forth ia-bove, Respondent violia-ted Section 468. 436(2) (b)2., Florida Statutes (200$1-2010), through a violation of Rule 61E14-2. 001 ( 4) (a), Florida Administrative Code, by failing to address certain electrical violations which caused fees of at least $35,149.01 to be levied against Association by the City of Miia-mi Beach.
Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
468.436.(2) (bJ2., Florida Statutes (2009-201.0), through a violation of Rule 61El4-2. 001 ( 4) ( <i) , · Florida Administrative Code, when he failed to exercise due professional Csire in his performance of community association management services.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Department enter an order imposing one or more of the following pen<l-1 ties: suspension or permanent revocation of Respondent's license, restriction of Respondent's practice, imposition of an administrative fine riot to exceed $5,000 for each count or separate offense, issuance of a reprimand, placement of
G;\OQC\C Erica White\CAMS\CEW'S CASESl.20J0 Cas.es.\M. Z\JoI0.016728 --Rapo o. Dp.\.1d\Z0IO-0-ll$7:28--.R,apo$ D.a.vid AC.Jo(:
. - ·4-
90 39\/d \/90 d&IQ
Respondent on probation subject to specified conditions, corrective action, assessment of costs related to the investigation and prosecution of the case excluding costs a:;;sociated with an attorney's time, or any other relief that the Department is authorized to impose pursuant to Chapters 455 and
468 Part VIII, Florid1;1 Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder.
Signed this 14th day of March, 2011.
CHARLIE LIEM, Secretary Department of Business and
Professional Regulation
By: By:Cristin P:rica Wfiite Cristin Erica White Assistant General counsel Florida Bar No. 0641340 Department of Business and
Professional Regulation Office of the General Counsel 1940 N. Monroe Street, Ste. 42
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2202
(850) 488-0062 Telephone
(850) 414-6749 Facsimile
PC Found: 3/11/11
PC Found By: Cristin Erica White CEW/jpw
G;\OOC\C Erica Whit \CA.l\4S\CEW.'S CASES\20UJ Cas $\M -Z\2010-016728 H Raposo, Oavid\2010.0167:i!S-- Raposo, Oavi4_AC,doc
LO 39\/d \190 d&IQ
Respondent has the right to request a hearing to be conducted in accordance with sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, to be represented by counsel or other qualified representative, to present evidence and argument, to c_all and cross-examine witnesses and to have subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum issued on his or her behalf if a hearing is requested. Rule 28-106, 111, Florida Administrative Code, provides in part that if Respondent fails to request a hearing within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of an agency pleading, Respondent waives the right to request a hearing on the fa.cts alleged.
Respondent is placed on notice that Petitioner has incurred costs related to the investigation and prosecution of this matter. Pursuant to Section 455.227 (3) (a), Florida Statutes, th_e Board, or the Department when there is no Board, may assess costs related to the investigation and prosecution of the case excluding costs associated. with an attorney's time, against the Respondent in addition to any other discipline imposed.
O,\OOCIC E,ica Whilo\CAMSICEW'S CASES\2010 Ca,a,\M. Z\2010.016728 •• Raposo. Oavid\2010.016728 •• R,poso, t>avid-AC.do<
80 39\/d \190 d&Ia
Issue Date | Proceedings |
Jun. 09, 2011 | Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED. |
Jun. 01, 2011 | Petitioner's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed. |
Apr. 25, 2011 | Response to Amended Initial Order filed. |
Apr. 25, 2011 | Amended Initial Order. |
Apr. 22, 2011 | Notice of Change of Address filed. |
Apr. 19, 2011 | Order of Pre-hearing Instructions. |
Apr. 19, 2011 | Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 15, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL). |
Apr. 18, 2011 | Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office. |
Apr. 14, 2011 | Response to Initial Order filed. |
Apr. 07, 2011 | Initial Order. |
Apr. 07, 2011 | Verified Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed. |
Apr. 07, 2011 | Election of Rights filed. |
Apr. 07, 2011 | Administrative Complaint filed. |
Apr. 07, 2011 | Agency referral filed. |