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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 11-003147TTS Visitors: 91
Agency: County School Boards
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Jun. 22, 2011
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, February 8, 2012.

Latest Update: Mar. 14, 2025

June 14, 2011 MEMORANDUM







Frances Valerio

Attached is a complaint regarding Frances Valerio, who I am charging with failure to meet academic standards during employment with the School Board of Orange County, Florida.

Attached you will find a copy of those charges. Pursuant to Florida Statutes 1012.33 and 1012.34, if the School Board accepts my recommendation, the employee has the right to request an administrative hearing within 15 calendar days of your action. If no request for hearing is received within the time limit, the termination of the teacher's contract is final. During the 15 calendar day period referenced above, the teacher will be placed on suspension without pay in accordance with the negotiated agreement between the Classroom Teachers Association and Florida law. I am also recommending that you approve John C. Palmerini to act as my representative in this matter.

Please recall that we routinely refer these matters to the Division of Administrative Hearings if a hearing is requested by the teacher.


I move that Frances Valerio be suspended without pay and terminated 15 days from receipt of the attached charges if no hearing is requested. I further move that John C. Palmerini, Esq. be appointed to represent the Superintendent in this matter.


Filed June 22, 2011 2:17 PM Division of Administrative Hearings



vs. Frances Valerio



RONALD BLOCKER, as Superintendent of schools, for and on behalf of the School Board of Orange County, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner"), files this Administrative Complaint against Frances Valerio (hereinafter referred to as "Respondent").

Petitioner seeks the severance of Respondent's professional service contract with Petitioner pursuant to Section 1012.33 and 1012.34, Florida Statutes.

The Petitioner alleges:

  1. The Respondent, at all times material to this Complaint, was employed as a classroom teacher by the Petitioner, the School Board of Orange County, Florida.

  2. The Respondent holds a professional service contract of employment with the School Board of Orange County, Florida.

  3. That in April, 2010, the Respondent received her 2009-2010 Assessment reflecting an overall Unsatisfactory (U) rating. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment A is a copy of the 2009- 2010 Final Assessment.

  4. That on January 5, 2011, the Respondent was issued a Probationary Performance notice by the principal. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment B is a copy of the 90-day notice to the Respondent.

  5. That on May 4, 2011, the Principal met with the Respondent and reviewed the 90-day Probationary Performance Plan results and shared

    with the Respondent that she had not made adequate improvement and issued her a letter reflecting such results. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment C is a copy of the letter and the Plan.

  6. That on February 11, 2011, Respondent was issued a written reprimand for failure to follow proper Severe Weather Drills. A copy of the reprimand is attached as Attachment D.

  7. That on April 8, 2010, Respondent was issued a written reprimand for insubordination. A copy of the reprimand is attached as Attachment E.

  8. Such actions by the Respondent are in violation of School Board Policies and the Superintendent's Instructional Goals, demonstrates incompetence, and constitutes willful neglect of duty, and a breach of Respondent's employment agreement with School Board.

  9. Said violations are sufficient grounds to sever the professional service contract with Respondent for incompetence.


    THEREFORE, the Superintendent of Schools for the School Board of Orange County, Florida, recommends that the Board sever its professional service contract relationship with the Respondent and terminate immediately the employment of Respondent, Frances Valerio, and authorize John C. Palmerini to act as counsel in this matter.

    ,J ,JA,i?

    Dated this £day of-Mey, 2011.

    John C. Palmerini, Esq. Florida Bar No. 571709 Attorney for Ronald Blocker,

    Superintendent, The School Board of Orange County, Florida

    445 W. Amelia Street Orlando, Florida



    t Name:


    School Year:


    Teaching Assignment:

    Certification Held: Contract:


    ...,..._ ,.....-.c, .._,\..#'U.l.'t .1. .I rUD.L.ll., i:>C.t::t.UUL,;:;


    Frances Bezanson Ellerbe Valerio





    Final Assessment Report

    E=Effective ER=Effective with Recommendations *Nl=Needs Improvement *U=Unsatisfactory **NA=Not


    Directions: Using the rating code above, place the appropriate code in the box next to the criterion named. Definitions of rating

    codes are printed on the last page of this form.

    *Specific recommendations for improvement must be included.

    **All indicators may not be applicable to your teaching assignment.

    1. Observation Mode:

    c(· 2. U Overall Assessment Rating

    t>, COMMENTS:

    Ms. Valerio was placed on a Professional Improvement Plan and did not

    make Adequate Improvement.

    1. u Classroom Management and Discipline

      . .Promotes self-expression by student.. and enables them to contnOute through discussion and activities

      . Provides for the health and safety of students while maintaining flexibility to meet their needs

      . Aids students in managing time


      . Uses physical facilities and equipment

      to the best advantage


      . Maintains instructional momentum

      . Begins auction promptly

      . Handles material in an orderly manner

      . Promotes effective classroom interaction, communication and mutual

      respect while working independently or in

      a group

      Creates an atmosphere of mutual respect between sn.tdents and teacher

      . Stops misconduct

      . Develops high expectations for student achievement and behavior and clearly conveys them to all students in a positive, consistent, calm, and fair manner

      . Positively reinforces appropriar.e student behavior

      Students are off task and not engaged. Please work to create an alJnosphere of mutual respect.

    2. NI Cunicul!llll Knowledge

      . Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate technology (i.e. rnanipulatives, hardware, software, etc.) l!.S it relates co the curriculum

      . Relates the curriculum to students in a meaningful manner by

      utilizing real-world applications


      . Plans for integration of curriculum as appropriate

      . Presents concepts, principles, and rules effectively

      . Presents evidence for value judgment

      ·: You need to follow the READ 180 curriculum with fidelity.

    3. u Planning and Delivering Instruction

      . Facilitates classroom discussion

      . Uses evaluative techniques to improve teaching-learning experiences

      . Establishes long-range and immediate objectives and strategies for instruction activites in accordance with the clistrict curriculum and mission statement

      . Defines instructional goals dearly

      Plans for individual differences by individualizing instruction as far as possible to the level of each student in his/her learning style

      . Plans an appropriate sequence of sldlls

      Collects information about each student (cumulative records diagnostic test scores, etc.) and maintains the confidentiality of that information

      . Expresses enthusiasm verbally, challenges students and uses body behavior to show interest in students

      . Uses a variety of instructional materials and resources

      . Gives directions, assigns/checks comprehension of homework/seatwork/assignments, gives feedback

      . Presents an objective, purpose or anticipatory set for each new


      . Gives clear directions and procedures for all student assignments and activities

      . Orients students to activities at hand as frequently as necessary

      to allow for maximum on-task learning


      . Checks for student unden;tanding throughout the lesson presentation and in all types of learning activities

      . Manages time efficiently and organizes work

      . Uses a variety of classroom activities and instructional materials

      which are challenging to students

      Orients students to classwork/maintains academic focus Conducts beginning/ending reviews and emphasizes important points

      . Recognizes response/amplifies/gives correct feedback

      . Maintains accurate student records

      . Provides students with an opportunity for independent and

      guided practice of n w learning

      . Clarifies and when necessary, presents·instruction in more

      than one modality

      . Provides a review of closure activity in all new learning activities

      . Circulates and assists students and dignifies all reponses

      . Provides activities which encourage students to think

      . Utilizes questions to build academic comprehension/lesson development

      . Provides opportunities for outside participation and utilization of community resources

      . Reviews test items/gives reasons for answers

      Curriculum is not followed, students are unclear of goals. Does not give clear. clirections for student assignments and activities. Please give students clear clirections and objectives for their learning.

    4. NI Assessment of Student Performance & IPDP

      . Records student grading/progress to reflect reasonable progress

      . Shows that planning and records reflect movement on continuation of skills

      . Refer students with special needs for appropriate assistance

      _ Provides appropriate course modifications

      . Demonstrates sensitivity towards multi-cultural diversity

      _ Responds to the individual needs, aptitudes, talents and learning styles of students by using a variety of assessment techniques

      . Reviews multiple student performance data including both st.ate and local required assessments and gives input into the

      . Individual Professional Development Plan process based on the



      . Uses appropriate skills and strategies that promote creative/critical thinking capabilites of studenrs

      . Assesses students' readiness at the beginning of the school year

      . Uses skills gained from the Individual Professional Development Plan process to make instructional decisions

      . Balances formative and sumrnative assessment th.at measure and support student progress

      Completes the Individual Professional Development Plan process including examination of student data related to AYP status

      and subgroups

      . Documents student performance in a variety of appropriate ways

      . Provides data which reflect overall improvement in students' performance

      Please use READ 180 curriculum to assess student performance.

    5. NI Interpersonal Skills

      Consults with other teachers, team leaders, department heads, . Assists studenrs in the evaluation of their own growth and

      consultant.s and specialists

      . Cooperates in planning special programs and activities during school hours

      . Maintains good rapport with colleagues, staff, and student.s

      • Shares ideas, materials, methods and concerns regarding students with professional colleagues

      . Seeks innovative or best practices for the classroom

      • Shows concern for students, their families and personal problems

      . Is consistent and fair in counseling with students, individually and

      in groups

      . Demonstrates sensitivity to multicultural diversity

      . Helps student.s to develop positive Self-concepts and student behavior patterns



      . Guides students in changing negative attributes into positive and

      constructive ones

      . Interprets and clarifies school policy/programs

      . Uses a variety of methods to communicate with parents/community

      . Clearly conveys to parents their child's academic achievement and classroom behavior

      . Encourages parent/community participation in school activities and conferences

      . Uses a positive approach in parent relations and maintains


      There is concern about your ability to maintain a good rapport with colleagues, staff, and students. Work to build a positive rapport with students and staff.

    6. NI Professional Responsibilities

    . Participates in the development and implementation of school policies and procedures when given the opportunity

    . Supports school and district programs and activities

    . Participates in school and district committees

    . Demonstrates a positive attitude toward the teaching profession

    . Shares in the evaluation and effectiveness of the educational pl'Ogram with the School Advisory Cowicil

    . Abides by state statutes, district policies, and teacher's code of ethics


    . Develops a pernonal professional development plan and demonstrates work toward achieving these goals

    . Demonstrates an awareness and utilization of school re.murces

    . Is appropriately certificated in instructional field(s)

    . Updates knowledge in field by taking additional coUege courses, inservice participation or engaging in other learning activities

    . Meets professional obligations on time

    . Respects the rights of others to express clivergent opinions

    . Remains controlled and effective under pressure

    . Operates as a team member as well as a teacher

    It is important that you meet your professional obligations on time.

    The evaluator and evaluatee electronically signed this document.



    :wi i.ii.iei :Jt!Uf.tt 1.!lfl!lJJ ri,nnl _;)fk?Q.hCT,r)

    2100 Summer.field Road --

    Wmter Park,-Florida 32792-5099.

    Telephone: (407) 622-3200

    Fax: (407) 975-2434


      PSC Probationary Performance Notice January 4, 2011


      Frances Ellerbe Valerio (employee #24555)

      Winter Park High School Dear Ms. Valerio;

      Pursuant to Section 1012.34 Florida Statues, you are being placed on a ninety (90) calendar

      ·day perfonnance probationary period (excluding school holidays and school vacation days), effective from the receipt of .the notice of unsatisfactory perfonnance to demonstrate corrective action, which notice has been served upon you this 4th·day of January, 2011.

      . You are hereby notified of the following Florida Statue 1012.34 procedural requirements:

      1. Upon delivery of a notice of unsatisfactory perfonnance, the evaluator must confer with the employee, make recommendations with respect to specific areas of unsatisfactory perfonnance and provide assistance in helping to correct deficiencies within a prescribed period of time.

      2. The employee shall be placed on perfonnarice probation and governed by the provisions of this section for 90 ·calendar days from the receipt of the notice of unsatisfactory perfonnance to demonstrated corrective action. School holidays _and school vacation periods are not counted when calculating the 90 calendar day period. During the 90 calendar days, the employee must be evalwated periodically and apprised of progress achieved and must be provided assistance and in service training opportunities to help correct the rioted performance deficiencies. At any time during the 90 calendar days, the employee may request a transfer to another appropriate position with different performance deficiencies_

        Orange County Public Schools

        The Orange County School Board isan equal opportunity ngQlcy

      3. Within 14 days after the close of the 90 calendar days, the evaluator must assess whether the performance deficiencies have been corrected and forward a recommendation to the superintendent Within 14 days after receiving the evaluator's recommendation, the superintendent must notify the employee in writing whether the performance deficiencies have been satisfactorily corrected and whether the superintendent will recommend that the school board continue or terminate his or her employment contract. If the employee wishes to contest the superintendent's recommendation, the employee must, within 15 days after receipt of the superintendent's recommendation, submit a written request for a hearing. Such a hearing shall be conducted at the school board's election in accordance with one of the following procedures:

        1. A direct hearing conducted by the school board within 60 days after receipt of the written appeal. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of ss.120.569 and 120.57. A majority vote if the membership of the school board shall be required to sustain the superintendent's recommendation/ the determination of the school board shall be final as to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for termination of employment; or

        2. A hearing conducted by an administrative law judge assigned by the Division of Administrative hearings of the Department of Management Services. The hearing shall be conducted withiri 60 days after receipt of the· written appeal in accordance with Chapter 120. The recommendation of the administrative law judge shall -be made to the school board. A majority vote of the membership of the school board shall be required to sustain or change the administrative law judge's recommendation. The detennination of the school board shall be final as to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for termination of employment.

      4. The superintendent shall notify the department of any instructional personnel who receives two consecutive unsatisfactory evaluations and who have been given written notice by the district that their employment is being terminated or is not being renewed or that the school board intends to terminate, or not renew their employment. The department shall conduct an investigation to determine whether action shall be taken against the certificate holder pursuant to S.1012.795 (1) (b).

      5. The superintendent shall develop a mechanism for evaluating the effective use of assessment criteria and evaluation procedures by administrators who are assigned responsibility of revaluafing the performance of instructional personnel. The use of the assessment and evaluation procedures shall be considered as part of the annual assessment of the administrator's performance. The system must include a mechanism to give parents and teachers an opportuni_ty to provide input into the administrator's performance assessment, when appropriate.

      6. Nothing in the section shall be construed to grant a probationary employee a right to continued employment beyond the term of his or her contract.

      7. The district school board shall establish a procedure annually reviewing instructional personnel assessment systems to determine compliance with this section. Al/ substantial revisions to an approved system must be reviewed and approved_ by the school board before being used to assess instructional personnel.

    Upon request by the school district·, the department shall provide assistance in

    developing improving, or reviewing an assessment.

    The attached Professional Improvement Plan and F.P.M.S observation/assessment farm document the unsatisfactory performance/performance deficiencies, During your ninety (90) calendar day probation period, you will be evaluated periodically and

    · apprised of progress achieved and you will be provided assistance to help correct the

    noted performance deficiencies.

    Failure to correct the performance deficiencies may result in a recommendation to terminate your employment contract with the School Board of Orange County, Florida.

    Should you have any questions, please provide them to me in writing and I will

    provide you a written response.





    Winter Park High School

    C: Attachments Employee Relations Area Superintendent


    l!llJiuf.er Jurk 11figq .§rqnnl

    2 I 00 Summerfield Road Wmter Park, Florida 32792-5099

    Telephone: (407) 622-3200

    Fax: (407) 975-2434

    May 4, 2011


    Ms. Frances Valerio Winter Park High School

    Dear Ms. Valerio:

    Pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statute 1012.34, I am writing to inform you that based upon the final review of your progress, you have failed to correct the performance deficiencies as identified in your ninety (90) days Professional Development Plan.

    Orange County Public Schools

    The Orange County School Bol!.fdis an equal opportunity a,gency

    Should you have any questions regarding this matter you may contact Employee Relations at 317-3239.


    ', ..

    3!l!finter Jark fhiigfy .§rqnnl

    2100 Summerfield Road Winter Park, Florida 32792-5099

    Telephone: (407) 622-3200

    Fax: (407) 975-2434

    Final Summary of 90 Day Probationary Performance Plan for Frances Valerio

    Date: May 4, 2011

    1. Frances Valerio began the 90 Day Performance Probationary Plan on January 5, 2011. (No Final Assessment for the 2008-2009 school year is available since Ms. Valerio was placed on relief of duty from April 21, 2008 to August 12, 2008. She was then suspended without pay from August 13, 2008 to June 30, 2009.) This was after an overall U on her 2009-2010 Final Assessment. Ms. Valerio received an overall U on her 2010-2011 Final Assessment. Ms.Valerio failed to show adequate improvement on two consecutive previous Probationary Improvement Plans during the 2009-2010 school year.

    2. Ms. Valeria's current Probationary Performance Plans address the following areas: Classroom

      Management and Discipline and Planning and Delivering Instruction.

    3. Ms. Valerio was placed by the district at Winter Park High School into a reading position during preplanning in August of 2010. Given concerns with reading instruction and an increase in the number of students attending the school as a result of Opportunity Scholar transfers, Ms. Valerio was re-assigned to teach an elective course in music appreciation in October of201b.

    4. Ms. Valerio received a letter of reprimand on February 22, 2011, for misconduct in failing to follow proper severe weather drill procedures which caused disruption in the classroom and student safety concerns. Ms. Valerio also received directives on February 22, 2011 directing her J to make reasonable efforts to protect students from harmful conditions, to provide adequate supervision of students during all classroom activities and to follow school instructions, policies and procedures.

S. Ms. Valerio's performance, as documented in formal FPMS observations and informal observations by Dr. Gordon and school administrators and as part of classroom visitations (not necessarily the typical classroom walkthroughs in which quick classroom observations are made) is as follows:

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Orange County Public Schools

The Orange CoWJty Sc:bool Bo.ird is an cqunl opponunity agency

Classroom Management and Discipline Indicators to be improved:

  • Develops high expectations for student achievement and behavior and clearly conveys them to all students in a positive, consistent, calm and fair manner.

  • Promotes effective classroom interaction, communication and mutual respect while working independently or in a group.


  • Ms. Valerio is not consistent in implementing discipline and classroom management. As documented in her FPMS observations as well as informal observations, she does not consistently enforce classroom rules; some students receive consequences and other students do not for the same behaviors. When teaching, on average, more than half of her students are not engaged in the lesson. She does not consistently redirect or orient students to the lesson.

  • Ms. Valerio does not reinforce student behavior consistently. Her student behavior plan is not consistently enforced. Most recently, students were sent to grade level administrators with a plastic bag with crumbs or an empty candy wrapper. She has been asked to complete written referrals for students who repeatedly do not adhere to classroom policies. There is little to no improvement seen in student behaviors as measured by the FPMS observation conducted on February 28, 2011, with seven incidents of delays or desists in stopping misconduct for a class with 8 students. The first classroom visitation feedback on January 12, 2011, indicated a "lack of effective implementation of policies and procedures."

Feedback from one of the last classroom visitations conducted on April 6, 2011, indicates that only two of thirteen students were engaged in the lesson and the administrator could not hear the teacher's questions because of the level of excessive student talking.

  • As noted by the Inclusion Coach and her meeting log with Ms. Valerio, the teacher was to utilize clear procedures for tardy students, implement a common board configuration for lessons, and implement daily bellwork activities to engage all students. The last meeting, conducted on April 7, 2011, notes that there was no tardy notebook in place, fifteen minutes of classroom time was spent writing detentions and no bellwork was provided for students.

  • As noted on a Domain 2.0 Management of Student Conduct observation conducted on February 22, 1011, students continued to talk during instruction and twenty observations were made of the teacher not stopping deviant behaviors, three occasions of the teaching ignoring the deviancy and one instance in which the teacher allowed the class to reinforce misconduct.

  • On average, at least half of the students are off-task during formal and informal observations (as documented on the second semester FPMS observation and classroom visitation forms)

  • When teaching, Ms. Valerio often loses instructional momentum by allowing off-topic conversations or by over dwelling on behavioral issues. Rather than using non-verbal cues

    Page2 ofS

    or signals, she often stops the lesson and has a discussion with the student, which in turn

    ( causes her to lose instructional momentum.

    • Ms. Valerio does not develop high expectations for student achieveme.nt nor does she

      convey this to her students in a positive, consistent, and fair manner. She does not review the rules and procedures in the classroom on a regular basis.

    • Ms. Valerio often does not stop misconduct while she is teaching. She often does not see what is occurring in the classroom or chooses to ignore student behaviors and continues to instruct a few students.

  • Ms. Valerio lacks "with-it-ness." She is often unaware of student misbehavior even when misbehavior occurs directly in front of or near her.

  • Students often ignore the teacher's behavior redirections and continue with their misbehaviors,

  • Ms. Valerio completed seven sections of the PD 360 on/ine training in "Classroom Management-How to Win Students Over."

Frances Valerio did not show adequate improvement in the area of Classroom Management and Discipline.

Planning and Delivering Instruction

Indicators to be improved:

  • Gives clear directions and procedures for all student assignments and activities.

  • Orients students to activities at hand as frequently as necessary to allow for maximum on­ task learning.

  • Establishes long-range and immediate objectives and strategies for instruction activities in accordance with the district curriculum.

  • Plans an appropriate sequence of skills.

  • Uses a variety of classroom activities and instructional materials which are challenging to students.


  • Ms. Valerio does not relate the curriculum to students in a meaningful way that they can understand. Based on an observation conducted on January 12, 2011, the lesson objective was not posted and "instruction did not connect well to the objective." It was also noted that there needs to be "purposeful strategy/action to determine whether or not students are learning." Only eight of the twelve students were engaged in the lesson.

  • Ms. Valerio does not plan for the integration of the curriculum. Lessons are disjointed and do not build upon sequential, logical instruction.

    Page 3 of 5

    • Ms. Valerio does not present concepts, principles and rules effectively. Based on a

      (-'. classroom visitation conducted on January 12, 2011, "instruction was low level and not thinking oriented."

      • As noted on a Domain 3.0 Instructional Organization and Development observation conducted on February 17, 2011, the teacher moved from one subject to another without transitioning. The teacher allowed student talk that was off-subject and extended talk or changed topic without checking for student comprehension. Homework or seatwork was assigned four times without directions.

      • Ms. Valerio does not provide rigorous, be/I-to-bell instruction.

      • Ms. Valerio does not use a variety of instructional strategies on a consistent basis to ensure that students understand instruction.

      • Ms. Valerio has been asked repeatedly to provide feedback to students so they understand graded assignments. Student work is often returned with only circles or check marks and no assigned grade.

      • It has been observed by administration that students ignore the teacher's directions and


      • Ms. Valerio does not effectively implement effective teaching strategies.

      • Ms. Valerio often does not review before a lesson or after she finishes teaching a lesson.

      • Ms. Valerio does not consistently provide anticipatory sets when transitioning from one concept to another.

      • Ms. Valerio is unable to effectively re-teach a concept when students do not demonstrate mastery or understanding.

      • Ms. Valerio does not plan for an appropriate sequence of skills.

      • Ms. Valerio often asks multiple questions and allows for unison response.

      • Ms. Valerio does not ask clarifying directions before each independent activity.

      • Ms. Valerio is often unprepared with materials required for a lesson.

      • Ms. Valerio does not effectively re-orient. the students back to the lesson when the

        instructional momentum is compromised.

      • Ms. Valerio is unable to apply differentiated instructional activities to meet students' diverse learning needs.

      • Ms. Valerio's lesson plans seldom reflect what she is actually teaching.

  • Ms. Valerio completed eleven sections of "Classroom Instruction that Works," an online

    course through PD 360.

  • Ms. Valerio provided a written summary of Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All, a resource for instruction provided as part of the Planning and Delivering Instruction Professional Improvement Plan.

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.. - ,

... .,..-..\


Frances Valerio did not show adequate improvement in the area of Planning and Delivering Instruction.

Student Performance Data

Because of a change in teaching assignment for the 2010=2011 school year, student performance data is pending. FCATscores will be used to de_termine learning gains for the currently enrolled music appreciation classes.

Support Provided for the 2010-2011 School Year

  • Bi-weekly meetings with the Inclusion Coach to review classroom management plan, behavior plans and procedural guidelines for student conduct.

  • Bi-weekly meetings with the Reading Coach and/or the Resource Teacher to plan lessons, review curriculum and instruction and to assist with developing appropriate sequence of skills.

  • Bi-weekly meeting with administration to review lessons, classroom management, observations and progress on Probationary Improvement Plans.

  • Ms. Valerio was provided assistance by the Inclusion Coach in redesigning her room to maximize student engagement and learning.

  • Provided staff development and bi-weekly PLCs at the school to address best practices in teaching. (i.e. Webb's Depth of knowledge, benchmark assessments, etc.)

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l!tl1uiii;i:- :Jt!&r1t -w,rgi, r.trn.ol

2100 Summerfield Road Wmter Park, Florida 32792-5099

Telephone: (407) 622-3200 Fax:(407)975-2434

February 22, 2011


Frances Valerio

Winter Park HS Dear Ms. Valerio:

This letter shall serve as a summary of our meeting on February 14, 2011, and as a letter of reprimand. On that date we met at the Educational Leadership Center to discuss allegations of misconduct on your part. Specifically, we discussed your failure to follow proper Severe . Weather Drill procedures, which caused disruption in the classroom and safety concerns.

Following an investigation of this matter and considering all information presented, it is my conclusion that your actions were inappropriate. Such conduct cannot and will not be condoned in the future. I am now advising you that you violated OCPS policies and the Code of Ethics and Principles.

The directives issued to you previously remain in effect. l am advising you that should there be another incident of a similar nature, discipline up to and including dismissal, may be recommended. Provided there are no similar incidents for a period of two (2) years, this letter of reprimand may be appended with a statement that it is no longer valid for the purpose of discipline. Should you need clarification of the concerns addressed herein, you are to advise me.



Tims:?f Principal


Lu /j}lLj_ 01,d)

My signi3!6re indicates only that l have received a copy of tl'iis reprimand. Date c) { ..

oZ.U \, j

C: Employee Relations

Orange County Public Schools

The Orange County School Boasrl is an equal opponunity agency





"A United Community Inspiring Excellence"

Kris S. Viles, Principal Diane Carter, Assistant Principal Kelly Paduano, Assistant Principal Denine Brown, Administrative Dean Francisco Ramirez, Administrative Dean

April 8, 2010


Frances Valerio

Union Park Middle School Ms. Valerio,

This letter shall serve as a summary of our meeting on March 16, 2010, and as a letter of reprimand.

On March 16, 2010, we met to discuss various allegations of misconduct on your part to include: Insubordinate toward School Administration on several occasions.

Based on the investigation into the above incident, it is the conclusion that your conduct was inappropriate and will not be condoned. A directive will be issued to you in a separate correspondence that outlines the district's expectations regarding your conduct in the future.

I am advising you that should there be another incident of a similar nature, discipline up to and including dismissal may be recommended. Provided there are no similar incidents for a period of two (2) years, this letter of reprimand may be appended with a statement that It is no longer valid for the purpose of discipline.

Should you need clarificatfon of the concerns addressed herein, you are to contact your administrator.


Docket for Case No: 11-003147TTS
Issue Date Proceedings
Feb. 08, 2012 Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Feb. 08, 2012 Petitioner's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed.
Jan. 12, 2012 Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by January 31, 2012).
Jan. 11, 2012 Petitioner's Unilateral Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Jan. 11, 2012 Letter to DOAH from F. Valerio requesting a continuance filed.
Jan. 04, 2012 Letter to parties of record from Judge Quattlebaum.
Jan. 04, 2012 Order Granting Motion to Withdraw as Counsel.
Jan. 03, 2012 Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Dec. 27, 2011 Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Frances Valerio filed.
Oct. 12, 2011 Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 18, 2012; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Oct. 07, 2011 Joint Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Jul. 05, 2011 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jul. 05, 2011 Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 8, 2011; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Jul. 01, 2011 Notice of Appearance (Joseph Egan, Jr.) filed.
Jul. 01, 2011 Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Jun. 23, 2011 Initial Order.
Jun. 22, 2011 Agency referral filed.
Jun. 22, 2011 Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Jun. 22, 2011 Administrative Complaint filed.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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