Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Pensacola, Florida
Filed: Dec. 15, 2011
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, June 14, 2012.
Latest Update: Feb. 28, 2025
vs. CASE NUMBER: 2008-19142
COMES NOW, Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through its
undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint before the
, Board of Dentistry against the Respondent, Charles Stamitoles, D.D.S., and
in support thereof alleges:
1. Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the
practice of Dentistry pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes; Chapter
456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 466, Florida Statutes.
2. At all times material to this Complaint, Respondent was a
licensed dentist within the State of Florida, having been issued license
number DN 10168.
Filed December 15, 2011 9:32 AM Division of Administrative Hearings
3. Respondent's current address of record is 1025 Creighton Road,
Pensacola, Florida 32504.
4. The Respondent provided dental care and treatment to Patient
M.L., an 82 year old female, from on or about June 6, 2005, through on or
about October 17, 2007. Patient M.L. first presented to Respondent on or
about June 6, 2005, with a broken tooth number 8. Respondent
performed a limited exam and took a periapical x-ray.
Respondent's office for a comprehensive exam and full mouth x-rays.
Respondent's treatment notes for the June 27, 2005 visit record “Perio
Recommended—STM (soft tissue management)” note that Patient M.L.
broke tooth number 17 at Red Lobster and conclude with “she is not
concerned about the fact that the mand anterior crowns (lower front
crowns existing at teeth numbers 23-26) are ground down to the metal—
probe today.” Respondent failed to justify his recommendation for perio-
STM as written in the treatment note, with either a diagnosis and/or exam
6. During the Respondent’s exam and diagnosis of Patient M.L. on
or about June 27, 2005, radiographs were taken, but Respondent failed to
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fully examine and document the general condition of Patient M.L.’s teeth,
gums and mouth. There is no documentation of periodontal depth probe,
and/or of tooth charting, or of the results of Respondent’s purported
comprehensive exam of Patient M.L. Respondent billed Patient M.L. for a
comprehensive exam, but woefully failed to fully diagnose overall
conditions present in Patient M.L.’s mouth and/or record the results of the
exam, and failed to formulate and record an appropriate comprehensive
treatment plan for Patient MLL.
7. Respondent apparently presented a limited treatment plan for
teeth numbers 5, 20, 29 and 17, consisting of post/core build ups and PFM
crowns at teeth numbers 5 and 20, to place a composite restoration at
tooth number 17, and to watch the bridge existing at teeth sites 29-31. A
later notation to the June 27, 2005, treatment plan notes include prep and
placement of PFM crowns at teeth sites 23-26. Respondent failed to
perform and/or provide a diagnosis to support the written treatment plans,
and there is no record of alternate treatment options with risks/benefits of
each explained to the patient.
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Failure to Treat or Refer for Perio Condition
8. Respondent during his entire course of treatment failed to
adequately diagnose, treat or refer Patient M.L. for treatment of existing
periodontal pathology prior to embarking upon any of his restorative
treatment regimens.
9, There is evidence that Patient M.L. presented with periodontal
problems when she was first seen by Respondent. As noted above,
Resnondent's treatment note for June 27, 2005, cites “Perio recommended
~ STM.” Nothing else is recorded about the periodontium while this terse
note indicates that there was some level of periodontal disease or
pathology present and observed on June 27, 2005. Respondent failed to
perform and/or failed to record the results of a complete periodontal
examination of Patient M.L., including periodontal pocket depth charting.
10. A patient presenting with periodontal disease can have either
“gingivitis” or “periodontitis.” Periodontal disease can be both acute
(gingivitis) and/or chronic (periodontitis), and can affect both the gingiva
(the gums) around the teeth and the supporting bone around the teeth
(alveolar bone). Gingivitis, which typically involves only the gingiva, causes
the gingiva to typically become puffy, red, inflamed and to bleed easily.
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Gingivitis is treatable, but left untreated, it can advance to periodontitis,
which causes the loss of the supporting alveolar bone that surrounds each
tooth root, while it simultaneously leads to increased periodontal pocket
11. A periodontal pocket is the distance that is measured from the
height of the marginal gingiva that surrounds a tooth to the lower level
attachment of the gingiva to the cementum of the tooth root. Periodontal
surfaces on the front (facial or buccal) of a tooth and three surfaces on the
back (lingual) of a tooth — for a total of six periodontal pocket depth
measurements for each tooth.
12. A patient with pocket depths of no more than 3-4 millimeters
should be monitored and advised by a treating dentist that he/she should
be able to clean out intra-oral bacteria to the depths of those periodontal
pockets using good oral hygiene — tooth brushing and flossing. A patient
with pocket depths of greater than 3-4 mm, especially 5-8 mm or more,
would not be able to self-clean to those increased periodontal pocket
depths and the incipient bacteria therein would continue to release toxins
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and most likely cause the continuance and/or advancement of chronic
13. A patient with pocket depths of greater than 3-4 mm generally
has more advanced periodontal disease that is affecting both the gingiva
around the teeth, and the level of the attachment of the gingiva to the
cementum of each affected tooth root (the periodontal pocket depth) and
likely is experiencing ongoing resorption of the alveolar bone that support
the teeth.
14. As part of a patient's initial comprehensive oral examination, a
dentist should perform a comprehensive periodontal examination, including
diagnosis of the condition of the gingiva, tooth mobility testing and full-
mouth periodontal pocket depth probing. These diagnoses should be fully
and accurately recorded in treatment notes and/or charted when the exam
is performed, and updated regularly on periodontal depth probe teeth
15. A dentist should also correlate periodontal pocket depth
findings with a careful review of diagnostic x-rays to determine if there is
any bone loss around teeth where pocketing is noted. If the periodontal
pocket depths are greater that 3-4 millimeters and the x-rays show loss of
JAPSU\Medicaliwayne mitchel]\! -09f. DntlAC's\Stam itolesO8-19142(m)(x)(therwnbrdgfraud.nowrk.doc
periodontal bone, a dentist should immediately and adequately diagnose
the severity of the patient's periodontal condition, fully inform the patient, -
and develop an effective treatment plan to treat the periodontal disease.
This should include expeditiously providing appropriate clinical treatments,
instruction on home hygiene to enhance the patient’s periodontal health,
regular monitoring and cleanings with notations re: the periodontal
condition, and/or referral to a specialist for appropriate treatment before
performing further restorative treatment in the patient's mouth.
Respondent failed to meet any of these standards, from the initial visit of
Patient M.L. forward.
16. Despite writing on June 27, 2005, that the patient needed
some sort of periodontal therapy (STM-soft tissue management) there is no
indication that the periodontium was ever treated by Respondent or that
Patient M.L. was referred to a specialist for periodontal treatment. The
Respondent treatment planned and performed multiple crown and fixed
prosthetic treatments without adequately diagnosing, treating, and/or
referring Patient M.L. to a specialist for adequate treatment of the existing
periodontal pathology prior to embarking upon a two year restorative
course of treatment.
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17. Notwithstanding Respondent's inadequate comprehensive perio
exam diagnoses, Patient M.L. presented to Respondent for several years
with sustained and worsening periodontal pathology. A comprehensive
periodontal treatment plan was never recommended by Respondent and
fully explained to Patient M.L. during his course of treatment, nor did
Respondent ever note a proactive referral of Patient M.L. to a periodontist
for treatment of sustained periodontal pathology prior to continuing with
his restorative course of dental treatment.
i8. The prevailing standard of care requires a dentist to timely
determine and/or diagnose, if a patient presents with any compromised
periodontal pathology, and to treatment plan, then treat such pathology
before embarking upon other restorative treatments in a patient's mouth.
If sustainecl treatment by the dentist fails to ameliorate or cure the
pathology, the dentist should refer the patient to a periodontist within a
reasonable time before proceeding with further restorative treatments.
Respondent failed to meet this standard by failing to adequately diagnose,
and/or treat Patient M.L’s periodontal pathology, while embarking upon
multiple restorative treatments in Patient M.L.’s mouth without referring
Patient M.L. to a periodontist for resolution of the periodontal! pathology.
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19. Based on post-operative radiographs taken by a subsequent
treater (Exhibit 1A, Page 90 Large Envelope) as well as on a clinical exam
performed in March 2009, it is dear that Patient M.L. had periodontal
problems of various degrees in October 2007 when Respondent performed
multiple crown and bridge treatments on her. A post-operative full mouth x-
ray (FMX) taken November 21, 2007, reveals some bone loss in all four
quacirants on Patient M.L., particularly at teeth numbers 5, 7, 10, 19, 30
and 31. A clinical exam conducted on or about March 31, 2009, by a
department retained expert, also revealed moderate to heavy bleeding in
all four quadrants, with pockets of 4 to 6mm.
Subsequent Restorative Treatment
20. On or about August 23, 2005, Patient M.L. returned to the
Respondent's office. Respondent’s progress note records that an occlusal
facial (OF) restoration was placed, along with an indirect pulp cap on tooth
number 17. This entry concludes with “Patient did great, if she has any
more problems we will ext it.” Nothing was recorded regarding the
anesthetic used, the type of restoration material used and/or the reason a
restoration was indicated.
21. On or about January 5, 2006, Patient M.L. presented to
Respondent for a periodic oral exam. Respondent’s treatment notes for
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that visit do not contain any findings or results of that exam, except a terse
note that “#31? Maybe looser.” A limited treatment plan was apparently
generated during this visit to place restorations at teeth numbers 2-3, and
for build ups and seating of PFM. crowns at teeth numbers 4-5. The
Respondent failed to perform or provide a diagnosis or radiographic
findings to support any of these treatments. There was no updated
periodontal charting, and there was no written justification for this
22, On or about January 9, 2006, Respondent commenced with
treatment of the four teeth (#’s 2, 3, 4 and 5). Respondent failed to record
the type of restoration material used, and/or the type and amount of
anesthetic used. Teeth numbers 2 and 3 had indirect pulp caps placed
along with composites. Teeth numbers 4 and 5 were recorded as being
built up/prepped for crowns, along with a pulp cap on tooth number 5.
There was no recorded diagnosis anywhere in the chart to justify any of
the treatment performed on these teeth. Respondent’s treatment notes for
a follow-up visit on January 25, 2006, indicate that the final PFM crowns
were delivered that day, but Respondent failed to record the type cement
used and/or if the final fit was checked for marginal integrity.
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23. On or about October 30, 2006, Patient M.L. presented again to
Respondent for a limited oral exam. Respondent's treatment notes for that
visit do not contain any findings or results of that exam, except a terse
note that a PA x-ray was taken of teeth numbers 28-29-30, and next visit
root canal therapy would commence on tooth number 29, tooth number 17
would be extracted, and a post and core done. Respondent apparently
formulated a treatment plan for root canal therapy, and cast post/core with
M.L. was billed for in December 2006. There is no diagnosis or exam
results recorded to justify any of these proposed treatments.
24, On or about November 14, 2006, Patient M.L. returned to
Respondent's office after a crown at tooth number 8 came off. During that
visit Respondent treatment planned, and performed a_ previously
unscheduleci root canal therapy on tooth number 8. Respondent failed to
note any diagnosis or exam results to justify this root canal therapy,
including, thermal sensitivity, percussion and/or radiographic exam.
Respondent failed to note any post-op exam regarding length of the fill,
and/or fill material used in which canal(s).
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Improper Upcoding
25. On or about November 15, 2006, Patient M.L. returned to the
Respondent's office. Respondent's progress notes for this visit read “Cast
Post_and Core, Dr. Prep tooth # 8 etch tenure A&B (red post) Geristore
amount, patient pre-med today”. The note reflects that Respondent
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 8 during this visit and the
patient was billed for a cast post and core. An impression for a new PFM
26. A “cast post and core” is billed and coded as a higher charge
than a prefabricated post. A subsequent radiograph taken by the
Respondent (disc labeled picture # “49.TIF) shows a serrated prefabricated
post was placed at tooth number 8. Two different radiographs (Panorex
Exhibit 7, Page 113 Case File envelope)(FMX Exhibit 1A, Page 90 Case File
envelope) taken by two subsequent treating dentists also reveal that the
post placed by Respondent in tooth number 8 is a serrated prefabricated
27. Respondent failed to perform and/or record, delivery and
seating of the final PFM crown for tooth number &, as it is nowhere
described in the November 2006 treatment notes for Patient M.L.
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Respondent's billing ledger shows Patient M.L.’s account billed for the final
PFM crown on or about November 29, 2006, but there is-no visit recorded
to that effect in the treatment notes reflecting that final delivery of the PFM
crown at tooth number 8 was performed as charged by Respondent.
Other Billed Procedures Never Provided
28. On or about December 14, 2006, Patient M.L. returned to the
Respondent's office, ostensibly for a limited exam. Respondent failed to
Respondent apparently performed root canal therapy that day for tooth
number 29, which was previously treatment planned on or about October
30, 2006. There were no diagnosis or exam results recorded to justify any
of the treatrnent performed on tooth number 29.
29. During the December 14, 2006 visit, Respondent formulated a
proposed treatment pian without any justification from exam results and/or
the treatment records to place a cast post and core and seat a PFM crown
at tooth nurnber 29. Respondent also proposed to place pulp caps, crown
build ups and seat PFM crowns at teeth numbers 31-32, then to seat a new
four unit bridge between teeth numbers 29 to 32 in the lower right
quadrant of Patient M.L.’s mouth. In fact, this four-unit bridge was billed
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for by Respondent on this day, as noted in the financial ledger for that day
of service. Respondent never fabricated or delivered the lower four-unit
bridge to Patient M.L. Moreover, Respondent’s progress notes for Patient
M.L. do not record that any aspect of this bridge was performed between
December 14, 2006, and October 5, 2007. The patient was billed for
another bridge between teeth numbers 28 to 32 in this exact same area on
or about October 5, 2007, (see below, par. 38). The patient never
30. On or about December 18, 2006, Respondent performed a
previously unscheduled root canal on Patient M.L.’s tooth number 28.
Respondent failed to provide or record any diagnosis or exam results to
justify any of this treatment on tooth number 28. On or about April 25,
2007, Patient M.L. returned to the Respondent, who recorded in the
treatment note for that visit that he placed a “Cast Post and Core” for
teeth numbers 28 and 29. Patient M.L. was charged by Respondent for
the cast post and core at tooth number 28 accordingly, which is charged at
a higher rate than use of prefabricated post/cores. This was clearly
reflected in the Respondent's financial ledger for this visit. (Page 260 Case
File). A subsequent radiograph taken by the Respondent (disc labeled
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\} -09f. DntiAC's\StamitolesO8-19 142(m)(x)(t)erwnbrdg fraud nowrk.doc
picture # “ 51TIF) shows a serrated prefabricated post was placed at tooth
number 28. Two different radiographs (Panorex Exhibit 7, Page 113 Case
“File envelope)(FMX Exhibit 1A, Page 90 Case File envelope) taken by two
subsequent treating dentists also reveal that the post placed by
Respondent in tooth number 28 is a serrated prefabricated post.
31. On or about June 13, 2007, Patient M.L. returned to
Respondent, who then extracted tooth number 17, Respondent failed to
extraction of tooth number 17 at this visit.
32. On or about October 5, 2007, Patient M.L. returned to
Respondent who recorded in his treatment notes that-he performed pulp
cap, build ups and contouring for crown prep/placement at tooth numbers
7 and 10. Respondent's progress notes for this day also record that: “#28
to 32, prepped #28, 31 32 abutments #29 30 ponitcs”. There is no
evidence that any crown preparations were ever done by Respondent on
teeth numbers 7, 10, 23, 24, 25, or 26, as reflected on two post-operative
radiographs taken by two subsequent treating dentists.
33. Respondent's billing ledger for the October 5, 2007, visit clearly
shows he charged Patient M.L. for pulp caps, crown build ups, and
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temporary and permanent crowns at teeth numbers 7-10. Subsequent
treater radiographs and a subsequent clinical exam indicated that crown
prep, build ups and crowns were never done at teeth numbers, 7, 9 and/or
10 as falsely recorded and billed by Respondent. Moreover, Patient M.L.’s
tooth number 8 had purportedly previously been crowned by Respondent
in November 2006 (paragraph 25 above) according to his billing financial
ledger records (November 14-29, 2006 for crown build ups, prep,
temporary and PFM crown delivery at tooth number 8). This crown was still
present in subsequent treater radiographs and present at the clinical
examination of Patient M.L. on March 31, 2009. However, the Respondent
falsely recorded that he provided and/or billed the patient for a new crown
at tooth number 8 about a year iater, on or about October 5, 2007.
34, The same progress note entry for October 5, 2007, records that
the following eight procedures were performed by Respondent on four
teeth that could not possibly have been done. Respondent recorded that
he did a “pulp cap” (PC) and a buildup (BU) on all four lower incisors:
“#23 “PC BU” , #24 “PC BU”, #25 “PC BU”, #26 “PC BU.” Patient M.L.’s
account was charged accordingly, along with charges for
fabrication/seating of both temporary and permanent PFM crowns at each
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\! -09f. DntlA C's\StamitolesO8- 19142(m)(x)Herwnbrdgfraud. nowrk.doc
of those teeth, as well as charges for new PFM crowns at teeth numbers
35. Based upon subsequent treaters’ x-rays, and upon a
subsequent clinical exam of Patient M.L. performed on or about March 31,
2009, by an agency expert, it was determined that each of the four incisors
(teeth numbers 23-26) had the original permanent crowns present that
were present when Dr. Stamitoles first examined Patient M.L on June 7,
36. In order to do the procedures that Respondent recorded he did
(and billed for) at teeth numbers 23-26 on October 5, 2007, it would have
required that the existing permanent crowns be removed. There was no
sign that these crowns had ever been removed from teeth numbers 23-26
by Respondent during any of his course of treatment for Patient M.L.
Respondent fraudulently recorded and stated that he provided this
treatment, and billed for treatment never performed.
37. Moreover, a four-unit bridge, including PFM crowns, spanning
from teeth numbers 28 to 31 was again billed for by Respondent on
October 5, 2007. Respondent’s progress notes for this visit record that:
“#28 to 32, prepped #28, 31 32 abutments #29 30 ponitcs”. This is the
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same area that Respondent had billed Patient M.L. for on or about
December 14, 2006, for the same type bridge which Respondent never
fabricated and/or delivered (see paragraph 29 above).
38. In October 2007, Patient M.L. was again billed for and paid for
a bridge that was never completed. Upon subsequent clinical examination
on or about March 31, 2009, it was determined that Patient M.L. never
received the twice billed for bridge at teeth numbers 28-32, as falsely
recorded and/or billed by Respondent both in December 2006 and again in
October 2007.
39. Patient M.L.’s final visit to Respondent was on or about October
17, 2007, when Respondent recorded simply that he extracted tooth
number 29 root tip and remade temporary crowns at teeth numbers 28-32.
Respondent failed to provide and/or record a diagnosis with exam results
to support this extraction procedure. Respondent failed to record the
type/amount of anesthesia used during this procedure. Respondent also
failed to provide an adequate treatment plan to support this procedure
with consent provided by the patient prior to extraction of the tooth.
40. Respondent during his course of treatment noted in treatment
notes for virtually every vital tooth that he was restoring that indirect pulp
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caps were being placed. It is very unusual for a patient in their 80's to
have a pulp that would be so close to the surface that an Indirect Pulp cap
would be needed on every tooth that was prepped for crowns/restoration.
41. Particularly regarding Patient M.L.’s tooth number 3: a review
of two post-operative bitewing radiographs taken by a subsequent treater
revealed a receded pulp and a restoration that is very shallow. The pulp
and the restoration are over 3mm apart. Thus, an Indirect Pulp cap would
ed in restoring this tooth. Respondent recorded in the
January 9, 2006, treatment note that he placed a pulp cap on tooth
number three regardless. Performing an indirect pulp cap without medical
necessity is practicing below a minimum standard of care.
Disputed Treatment/Charges for Treatment
42. On or about December 4,. 2007, Patient M.L. by and through
her daughter disputed charges for treatment submitted by Respondent to
Patient M.L.’s dental Care Credit financing account. Respondent was asked
by Patient M.L. to fully refund those amounts billed for which were never
done and/or for thase services which were improperly billed twice, as
described above. Formal written dispute was subsequently submitted to
the Care Credit program.
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43. On or about January 7, 2008, Respondent wrote back to Patient
M.L. and her daughter, D.P., refusing any refunds and claiming the
following: “As for refunding her money, most of the preparation work has
been completed and all that remains is impressions. I would recommend
that she come and complete her treatment.”
44. In or about March, 2008, Respondent received a letter from
Care Credit informing him that the October 5, 2007, charges for $6900
Services” and
requesting response to the allegations. Respondent submitted a written
response dated March 18, 2008, to Care Credit claiming inter alia., “90%
work completed” Not our fault she couldn’t return. Offered to go to Nursing
Home. Did not impress, tissues were not healthy. Waiting for them to get
healthy.” In a subsequent letter dated March 19, 2008, Respondent wrote
to Cardholder Disputes Department, “...we have completed 90% of the
work and have made repeated attempts to complete her restorations...”.
45. On or about August 14, 2008, Patient M.L. filed this complaint
with the department, by and through her adult daughter, D.P. On or about
November 24, 2008, Respondent submitted a letter to a Department
investigator again claiming that: “all dental work had been completed
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\|-09f. nti AC's\StamitolesO 8-19 142(m)(x)(ticrwnbrdgfraud nowrk.doc
90%” “it is our office policy that all work is paid in full before crown and
bridge can be cemented, but that on this case M.L. paid ahead of time with
her Care Credit so she could get 0% interest”.
46. In sum, Respondent made at least three different official
misrepresentations that most of the dental treatment that he had charged
Patient M.L. for and that she had paid for, had been completed:
e Ina January 7, 2008, letter to patient’s daughter, D.P., advising
her that “most of the preparation work has been completed and
all that remains is impressions.”
¢ Ina March 18, and 19, 2008, response letter to Care Credit
claiming “90% work completed.”
e In a November 24, 2008, response letter to a Department
investigator, claiming that: “all dental work had been completed
90%” “it is our office policy that all work is paid in full before
crown and bridge can be cemented, but that on this case M.L.
paid ahead of time with her Care Credit so she could get 0%
47, The prevailing standard of dental care in performing
crown/bridge treatment, and other restorative procedures, including root
canal therapy, requires a dentist to fully diagnose conditions in a patient's
mouth requiring such treatment(s) as based upon clinical exam results,
including x-rays, and to fully document the diagnoses in the treatment
records to support any proposed treatment. It is then incumbent upon a
treating dentist to explain diagnoses and exam results to a patient, and to
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formulate and record appropriate treatment plans, to present all proposed
treatment pians along with treatment alternatives, including explanation of
risks/benefits to a patient, and then to obtain informed consent from the
patient. The Respondent failed to meet these standards.
48. The Respondent's treatment records failed to justify the course
of treatment for Patient M.L. in that Respondent failed to provide complete
documentation of his exam results including diagnoses and x-rays to
support treatments provided; and failed to fully document the general
condition of Patient M.L.’s teeth, gums and mouth, including periodontal
pathology requiring treatment, before proceeding with multiple
crown/bridge restorations. Respondent further failed to document in the
treatment records the conditions necessitating the range of treatments
COUNT E-Recordkeeping
49, Petitioner re-alleges the allegations contained in paragraphs
one (1) through forty-nine (49) as if fully incorporated herein.
50. Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2004-2007), as
implemented by Rule 64B5-17.002, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.),
states that failing to keep written dental records and medical history records
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\] -09f DntlA C's\StamitolesO8- 19] 42(m)(x)(tierwnbrdgfraud nowrk.doc
justifying the course of treatment of the patient including, but not limited to,
patient histories, examination results, test results, and x-rays if taken, shall
constitute grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Dentistry.
51. Respondent's dental records for Patient M.L. failed to justify the
course of Patient M.L.’s treatment in one or more of the following ways:
a) The Respondent did not record the outcome of his purported
comprehensive exam on or about June 27, 2005, including
exam results, finding of diagnostic x-rays, including fully
documenting the general condition of Patient M.L.‘s teeth,
gums and mouth prior to proceeding with crown
b) Respondent billed Patient M.L. for a comprehensive exam,
but woefully failed to fully diagnose overall conditions
present in Patient M.L.’s mouth and/or record the results of
the exam, and failed to formulate and record an appropriate
comprehensive treatment plan for Patient M.L. during the
June 27, 2005, exam visit;
c) The Respondent also failed to document performing any
periodontal depth probe charting, and/or tooth charting,
and/or any adequate results of Respondent’s purported
comprehensive exam of Patient M.L. at any time during his
course of treatment;
d) The Respondent failed to perform and/or record an adequate
diagnosis to support the written treatment plan(s) initially
formulated October 27, 2005, and there is no record of
alternate treatment options with risks/benefits of each
explained to the patient;
e) The Respondent failed to perform and/or failed to record the
results of a complete periodontal examination of Patient
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M.L., including periodontal pocket depth charting to support
his treatment note for June 27, 2005, which cites “Perio
recommended — STM”:
f) Respondent failed to record an appropriate treatment
regimen for the evident periodontal pathology noted in
Patient M.L.’s mouth on June 27, 2005, prior to embarking
upon his restorative course of treatment, and/or failed to
note why he did not treat this pathology or refer Patient M.L.
to a specialist;
g) Respondent failed to record in August 23, 2005, treatment
notes why a restoration and pulp cap was indicated for tooth
number 17, the amount/type of anesthetic used, and/or the
type of restoration material used;
h) Respondent failed to document any findings or results of a
periodic exam performed January 5, 2006, except a terse
note that “#31? Maybe looser.” A limited treatment plan was
apparently generated during this visit to place restorations at
teeth numbers 2-3, and for build ups and seating of PFM
crowns at teeth numbers 4-5. The Respondent failed to
perform or document a diagnosis or radiographic findings to
support any of these treatments. There was no updated
periodontal charting, and there was no written justification
for this treatment plan;
i) Respondent failed to record the restoration material,
type/amount of anesthetic and why pulp caps/crowns were
indicated during treatment for teeth numbers 2-5 on January
9 and 25, 2006. Respondent also failed to note the type
cement used and if final crown fits were checked properly
for marginal integrity;
j) Respondent's treatment notes for an October 30, 2006, oral
exam do not contain any findings or results of that exam,
except a terse note that a PA x-ray was taken of teeth
numbers 28-29-30, and next visit root canal therapy would
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\!-09f DntlAC's\StamitolesO 8-19 142(m)(x)(therwnbrdgfraud nowrk.doc
commence on tooth number 29, tooth number 17 would be
extracted, and a post and core done. There is no diagnosis
or exam results recorded to justify any of these proposed
I) Respondent failed to note any diagnosis or exam results to
justify a previously unscheduled root canal on tooth number
8 during a November 14, 2006 visit, including thermal
sensitivity, percussion and/or radiographic exam.
Respondent failed to note any post-op exam regarding
length of the fill, and/or fill material used in which canals);
1) Respondent failed to perform and/or record, delivery and
seating of the final PFM crown for tooth number 8, as it is
nowhere described in the November 2006 treatment notes
for Patient M.L. Respondent's billing ledger shows Patient
M.L.’s account billed for the final PFM crown on or about
November 29, 2006, but there is no visit recorded to that
effect in the treatment notes reflecting that final delivery of
the PFM crown at tooth number 8 was performed as charged
by Respondent;
m) Respondent falsely recorded in treatment notes, and in
billing documents for a November 16, 2006, visit that he
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 8 of Patient
M.L., and failed to accurately note he actually placed a
serrated prefabricated post at tooth number 8;
n) Respondent failed to note any diagnosis or exam results of
an exam visit on December 16, 2006, and/or failed to justify
a previously unscheduled root canal on tooth number 29
during the November 14, 2006 visit, including thermal
sensitivity, percussion and/or radiographic exam.
Respondent failed to note any post-op exam regarding
length of the fill, and/or fill material used in which canal(s);
0) Respondent formulated a proposed treatment pian without
any justification from recorded exam results and/or the
J:A\PSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\1-09f. DntlAC's\StamitolesO 8-19 142(m)(x)(t)erwnbrdgfraud.nowrk.doc
treatment records during the December 14, 2006 visit, to
place a cast post and core and seat a PFM crown at tooth
number 29. Respondent also proposed to place pulp caps,
crown build ups and seat PFM crowns at teeth numbers 31-
32, then to seat a new four-unit bridge between teeth
numbers 29 to 32 in the lower right quadrant of Patient
M.L.’s mouth;
p) Respondent failed to document why Patient M.L. was falsely
billed for the proposed lower right bridge twice, on or about
December 14, 2006, and again on October 5, 2007, and the
bridge was never fabricated or delivered by Respondent to
the patient;
Respondent failed to note any diagnosis or exam results of
a visit on December 18, 2006, and/or failed to justify a
previously unscheduled root canal on tooth number 28
during the December 18, 2006 visit, including thermal
sensitivity, percussion and/or radiographic exam.
Respondent failed to note any post-op exam regarding
jength of the fill, and/or fill material used in which canail(s);
r) Respondent falsely recorded in treatment notes, and in
billing documents for an April 25, 2007, visit that he
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 28 of
Patient M.L., and failed to accurately note he actually placed
a serrated prefabricated post at tooth number 28;
s) Respondent failed to provide and/or record adequate exam
results and diagnosis to justify the extraction of tooth
number 17 during a June 13, 2007 visit;
Respondent falsely recorded in treatment notes and charged
falsely in billing documents for an October 5, 2007, visit that
he performed pulp cap, build ups and/or crown preps and
PFM crowns for teeth numbers 7-10 and 23-26, when
Respondent knew or should have known that work was
never provided;
J:\PSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\! -09f. DntiA C's\StamitolesO8-19 1 42(m )(x)(t)erwnbrdgfraud.nowrk.doc
u) Respondent failed to document why Patient M.L. was falsely
billed for a proposed lower right bridge (twice) again during,
the October 5, 2007, visit when Respondent knew or should
have known he never performed any such work at teeth
sites 28-31. Respondent inaccurately noted again that he
did perform crown/bridge work there during this visit when
he did not;
v) Respondent falsely recorded that he remade temporary
crowns at teeth numbers 28-32 during Patient M.L.’s final
visit October 17, 2007, when he knew or should have known
he never did crown replacement/prep work there; and/or,
w) Respondent failed to provide and/or record a diagnosis with
exam results to support an extraction procedure on tooth
number 29 “root tip” he noted performing October 17, 2007.
Respondent failed to record the type/amount of anesthesia
used during this procedure. Respondent also failed to
provide an adequate treatment plan to support this
procedure with consent provided by the patient prior to
extraction of the tooth.
52. Based on the foregoing, the Respondent has violated Section
466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2004-2007), by failing to keep written
dental records justifying the course of treatment of the patient.
COUNT Ii-Standard of Care
53. The Petitioner re-alleges the allegations contained in paragraphs
one (1) through forty-nine (49) as if fully incorporated herein.
54. Section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2004-2007), states that
being guilty of incompetence or negligence by failing to meet the minimum
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\!-09£ DntlAC's\Stamitoles0 8-191 42(m)(x)(Qherwnbrdgfraud nowrk.doc
standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured
against generally prevailing peer performance, including, but not limited to,
the undertaking of diagnosis and treatment for which the dentist is not
qualified by training or experience or being guilty of dental malpractice,
shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Dentistry.
55. The Respondent was negligent and failed to meet minimum
standards of dental performance in diagnosing and treating Patient M.L. in
a) The Respondent failed to provide a comprehensive diagnosis
with adequate exam results including outcome of pre-op and
post-op x-rays, with a comprehensive treatment plan when
initiating and completing crown treatment in Patient M.L.'s
mouth in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007;
b) By failing to perform and/or document the results of a
comprehensive diagnostic examination, including
radiographs, of Patient M.L. when she presented as a new
patient on or about June 5 and/or 27, 2005;
C) By failing to perform a complete periodontal examination of
Patient M.L., including periodontal pocket depth charting,
when she presented as a new patient on or about June 5
and/or 27, 2005;
d) By failing to perform and/or provide an adequate diagnosis
to support treatment plan(s) initially formulated October 27,
2005, and there is no record of alternate treatment options
with risks/benefits of each explained to the patient;
e) The Respondent failed to perform and/or provide a complete
periodontal examination of Patient M.L., including
J:\PSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\] -O9f. DntlAC's\Stamitoles08- 19 142(m)(x)(t)crwnbrdgfraud nowrk.doc
periodontal pocket depth charting to support his treatment
note for June 27, 2005, which cites “Perio recommended —
f} Respondent failed to provide an appropriate treatment
regimen for the evident periodontal pathology noted in
Patient M.L.'s mouth on June 27, 2005, prior to embarking
upon his restorative course of treatment, and/or failed to
note why he did not treat this pathology or refer Patient M.L.
to a specialist;
g) Respondent failed to provide adequate diagnosis during an
August 23, 2005, treatment exam why a restoration and
pulp cap was indicated for tooth number 17;
h) Respondent failed to perform or provide a diagnosis or
radiographic findings to support any of the treatment plans
proposed during a January 5, 2006, visit to place
restorations at teeth numbers 2-3, and for build ups and
seating of PFM crowns at teeth numbers 4-5;
Respondent failed to perform or provide a diagnosis or
radiographic findings to support why pulp caps/crowns were
indicated during treatment for teeth numbers 2-5 on January
9 and 25, 2006. Respondent also failed to note the type
cement used and if final crown fits were checked properly
for marginal integrity;
Respondent indicated in the January 9, 2006, treatment note
that he placed a pulp cap on tooth number 3 when it was
without medical necessity for that vital tooth;
k) Respondent failed to perform or provide adequate diagnosis
or exam results to justify any of the proposed treatments
during an October 30, 2006, exam visit for root canal
therapy on tooth number 29, for tooth number 17 to be
extracted, and a post and core done;
JAPSU\Medicaliwayne mitchell\}-09f. DntlAC's\StamitolesO 8-19 142(m)(x)(crwnbrdgfraud.nowrk.doc
1) Respondent failed to perform or provide any diagnosis or
exam results to justify a previously unscheduled root canal
on tooth number 8 during a November 14, 2006 visit,
including thermal sensitivity, percussion and/or radiographic
exam. Respondent failed to note any post-op exam
regarding length of the fill, and/or fill material used in which
m)Respondent failed to perform and/or provide, delivery and
seating of the final PFM crown for tooth number 8, as it is
nowhere described in the November 2006 treatment notes
for Patient M.L. Respondent's billing ledger shows Patient
M.L.’S account billed for the final PFM crown on or about
November 29, 2006, but there is no visit reflecting that final
delivery of the PFM crown at tooth number 8 was performed
as charged by Respondent;
n) Respondent falsely indicated in treatment notes, and in
billing documents for a November 16, 2006, visit that he
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 8 of Patient
M.L., and failed to accurately note he actually placed a
serrated prefabricated post at tooth number 8;
0) Respondent failed to perform or provide any diagnosis or
exam results of an exam visit on December 16, 2006, and/or
failed to justify a previously unscheduled root canal on tooth
number 29 during the November 14, 2006 visit, including
thermal sensitivity, percussion and/or radiographic exam.
Respondent failed to perform any post-op exam regarding
length of the fill, and/or fill material used in which canal(s);
p) Respondent formulated a proposed treatment plan without
any justification from recorded exam results and/or the
treatment records during the December 14, 2006 visit, to
place a cast post and core and seat a PFM crown at tooth
number 29. Respondent also proposed without adequate
diagnosis to place pulp caps, crown build ups and seat PFM
crowns at teeth numbers 31-32, then to seat a new four-unit
E:\PSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\!-09f. DntlAC’s\Stamitoles08-19142(m)(x)(t)erwnbrdgfraud nowrk.doc
bridge between teeth numbers 29 to 32 in the lower right
quadrant of Patient M.L.’s mouth;
q) Respondent falsely billed Patient M.L. for a proposed lower
right bridge twice, on or about December 14, 2006, and
again on October 5, 2007, and the bridge was never
fabricated or delivered by Respondent to the patient;
r) Respondent failed to provide any diagnosis or exam results
of a visit on December 18, 2006, and/or failed to justify a
previously unscheduled root canal on tooth number 28
during the December 18, 2006 visit, including thermal
sensitivity,. percussion and/or radiographic exam.
Respondent failed to provide any post-op exam regarding
length of the fill, and/or fill material used in which canai(s);
s) Respondent falsely indicated in treatment notes, and in
billing documents for an April 25, 2007, visit that he
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 28 of
Patient M.L., when he knew or should have known he
actually placed a serrated prefabricated post at tooth
number 28;
t) Respondent failed to provide and/or perform adequate exam
results and diagnosis to justify the extraction of tooth
number 17 during a June 13, 2007 visit;
u) Respondent falsely indicated and charged falsely that he
performed pulp cap, build ups and/or crown preps.and PFM
crowns for teeth numbers 7-10 and 23-26 during an October
5, 2007, visit, when Respondent knew or should have known
that work was never provided;
v) Respondent failed to accurately treat/bill Patient M.L. for a
proposed lower right bridge (twice) again during, the
October 5, 2007, visit when Respondent knew or should
have known he never performed any such work at teeth
sites 28-31. Respondent inaccurately noted again that he
TAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\!-09f. DntlAC's\Stamitoles08-19 142(m)(x)(t)erwnbrdgfraud .nowrk.doc
did perform crown/bridge work there during this visit when
he did not;
w) Respondent falsely indicated that he remade temporary
crowns at teeth numbers 28-32 during Patient M.L.’s final
visit October 17, 2007 when he knew or should have known
he never did crown replacement/prep work there; and/or
x) Respondent failed to provide and/or record a diagnosis with
exam results to support an extraction procedure on tooth
number 29 “root tip” he noted performing October 17, 2007.
Respondent failed to record the type/amount of anesthesia
used during this procedure. Respondent also failed to
provide an adequate treatment plan to support this
procedure with consent provided by the patient prior to
extraction of the tooth.
Based on the foregoing, the Respondent has violated Section
466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2004-2007), by being guilty of incompetence
or negligence by failing to meet the minimum standards of performance in
diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer
performance, including, but not limited to, the undertaking of diagnosis and
treatment for which the dentist is not qualified by training or experience or
being guilty of dental malpractice.
Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through forty-nine (49) as if fully set forth herein.
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\! -09f, DntlAC’s\Stamitoles0 8-19 142(m)(x)(t)crwnbrdgfraud.nowrk.doc
58. Section 466.028(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2004-2007), states that
committing fraud, deceit or misconduct in the practice of dentistry, shall
constitute grounds for discipline by the Board of Dentistry.
59. The Respondent committed fraud, deceit or misconduct in
treating Patient M.L. in one or more of the following ways: .
a) Respondent failed to perform and/or provide, delivery and
seating of the final PFM crown for tooth number 8, as it is
nowhere described in the November 2006 treatment notes
for Patient M.L. Respondent's billing ledger shows Patient
M.L.’s account billed for the final PFM crown on or about
November 29, 2006, but there is no visit reflecting that final
delivery of the PFM crown at tooth number 8 was performed
as charged by Respondent;
b) Respondent falsely indicated in treatment notes, and in
billing documents for a November 16, 2006, visit that he
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 8 of Patient
M.L., and failed to accurately note he actually placed a
serrated prefabricated post at tooth number 8;
c) Respondent falsely billed Patient M.L. for a proposed lower
right bridge twice, on or about December 14, 2006, and
again on October 5, 2007, and the bridge was never
fabricated or delivered by Respondent to the patient;
d) Respondent falsely indicated in treatment notes, and in
billing documents for an April 25, 2007, visit that he
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 28 of
Patient M.L., when he knew or should have known he
actually placed a serrated prefabricated post at tooth
number 28;
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\l-09f.DntiAC's\StamitolesO8-19 142(m)(x)(therwnbrdgfraud.nowrk.doc
@) Respondent falsely indicated and charged falsely that he
performed pulp cap, build ups and/or crown preps and PFM
crowns for teeth numbers 7-10 and 23-26 during an October
5, 2007, visit, when Respondent knew or should have known
that work was never provided;
f) Respondent failed to accurately treat/bill Patient M.L. for a
proposed lower right bridge (twice) again during, the
October 5, 2007, visit when Respondent knew or should
have known he never performed any such work at teeth
sites 28-31. Respondent inaccurately noted again that he
did perform crown/bridge work there during this visit when
he did not; and/or
g) R Respon Want falsely indicated that he remade temporary
crowns at teeth numbers 28-32 during Patient M.L.’s final
visit October 17, 2007, when he knew or should have known
he never. did crown replacement/prep work there.
60. Based on the foregoing, the Respondent has violated
466.028(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2004-2007), by committing fraud, deceit or
misconduct in the practice of dentistry.
61. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through forty-nine (49) as if fully set forth herein.
62. Section 466.028(1)(1), Florida Statutes (2004-2007), states that
making, deceptive, untrue or fraudulent representations in or related to the
practice of dentistry, shall constitute grounds for discipline by the Board of
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\! -09f DntlAC's\Stamitoles0 8-19 |42(m)(x)(Q)erwnbrdgfraud nowrk.doc
63. The Respondent made deceptive, untrue or fraudulent
representations in or related to the practice of dentistry in one or more of
the following ways:
a) Respondent failed to perform and/or provide, delivery and
seating of the final PFM crown for tooth number 8, as it is
nowhere described in the November 2006 treatment notes
for Patient M.L. Respondent's billing ledger shows Patient
M.L.’s account billed for the final PFM crown on or about
November 29, 2006, but there is no visit reflecting that final
delivery of the PFM crown at tooth number 8 was performed
as charged by Respondent;
b) Respondent falsely indicated in treatment notes, and in
billing documents for a November 16, 2006, visit that he
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 8 of Patient
M.L., and failed to accurately note he actually placed a
serrated prefabricated post at tooth number 8;
¢) Respondent falsely billed Patient M.L. for a proposed lower
right bridge twice, on or about December 14, 2006, and
again on October 5, 2007, and the bridge was never
fabricated or delivered by Respondent to the patient;
d) Respondent falsely indicated in treatment notes, and in
billing documents for an April 25, 2007, visit that he
performed a cast post and core at tooth number 28 of
Patient M.L., when he knew or should have known he
actually placed a serrated prefabricated post at tooth
number 28°
@) Respondent falsely indicated and charged falsely that he
performed pulp cap, build ups and/or crown preps and PFM
crowns for teeth numbers 7-10 and 23-26 during an October
5, 2007, visit, when Respondent knew or should have known
that work was never provided;
JAPSU\Medical\wayne mitchel\!-09f DntiA C's\Stamitoles08 -19142(m)(x)(Herwnbrdg fraud. nowrk.doc
f) Respondent failed to accurately treat/bill Patient M.L. for a
proposed lower right bridge (twice) again during, the
October 5, 2007, visit when Respondent knew or should
have known he never performed any such work at teeth
sites 28-31. Respondent inaccurately noted again that he
did perform crown/bridge work there during this visit when
he did not;
g) Respondent falsely indicated that he remade temporary
crowns at teeth numbers 28-32 during Patient M.L.’s final
visit October 17, 2007, when he knew or should have known
he never did crown repiacement/prep work there; and/or
h) Respondent made at least three different official
misrepresentations that most of the dental treatment that he
had charged Patient M.L. for and that she had paid for, had
been completed:
« Ina January 7, 2008, letter to patient’s daughter, D.P.,
advising her that “most of the preparation work has
been completed and all that remains is impressions.”
e Ina March 18, and 19, 2008 response letter to Care
Credit claiming “90% work completed.”
e In a November 24, 2008, response letter to a
Department investigator, claiming that: “all dental
work had been completed 90%” “it is our office policy
that all work is paid in full before crown and bridge can
be cemented, but that on this case M.L. paid ahead of
time with her Care Credit so she could get 0%
64. Based on the foregoing, the Respondent has violated
466.028(1)(1), Florida Statutes (2004-2007), by making, deceptive, untrue or
fraudulent representations in or related to the practice of dentistry.
J:APSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\ | -09f.DntlAC's\Stamitoles08-19142(m)(x)(t)erwnbrdgfraud.nowrk.doc
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
Dentistry enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:
revocation or suspension of the Respondent's license, restriction of
practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand,
placement of the Respondent on probation, corrective action, refund of
fees billed or collected, remedial education and/or any other relief that the
Board deems appropriate.
Assistant General Counsel
BEE lice DOH Prosecution Services Unit
WEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 4052 Baid Cypress Way, Bin C-65
os aay, DEPUTY QLERK Tallahassee, FL 32399-3265
SUBRK: Cir, Z Cem lori Bar No, 869414
DATE A-2-C7 850.245.4640 Ext. 8189
850.245.4683 FAX
pce: {2/04 [04
PCP Members: CM, WW Fé
DOH vs. Charles Stamitoles, D.D.&., Case Noa. 2008-19142
J:\PSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\i -09/. DntiAC's\StamitolesO8- 192142(m)(x)(t)crwnbrdgfraud.nowrk.doc
JA\PSU\Medicalhwayne mitchell\l-09f DntlAC's\StamitolesO 8- 19 142(m)t x (erwnbrdgfraud nowrk.doc
Respondent has the right to request a hearing to be
conducted in accordance with Section 120.569 and 120.57,
Florida Statutes, to be represented by counsel or other qualified
representative, to present evidence and argument, to call and
cross-examine witnesses and to have subpoena and subpoena
duces tecum issued on his or her behalf if a hearing is requested.
Respondernit is placed on notice that petitioner has incurred costs
related to the investigation and prosecution of this matter.
Pursuant to Section 456.072(4), Florida Statutes, the Board shall
assess costs related to the investigation and prosecution of a
disciplinary matter, which may include attorney hours and costs,
on the Respondent in addition to any other discipline imposed
DOH vs. Charles Stamitoles, D.D.S., Case No. 2008-19142
J:APSU\Medical\wayne mitchell\! -09f, DntlAC’s\StamitolesO8- 19 142(m)(x)(Qcrwnbrdg fraud. nowrk.doc
Docket for Case No: 11-006411PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 14, 2012 |
Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Jun. 12, 2012 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction with Leave to Reopen filed.
Apr. 13, 2012 |
Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 21 and 22, 2012; 9:00 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL).
Apr. 11, 2012 |
Petitioner's Third Amended Notice of Taking Completion of Deposition Duces Tecum (of C. Stamitoles) filed.
Apr. 05, 2012 |
Petitioner's Second Amended Notice of Taking Completion of Deposition Duces Tecum (of C. Stamitoles) filed.
Mar. 29, 2012 |
Status Report filed.
Mar. 28, 2012 |
Petitioner's Amended Notice of Taking Completion of Deposition Duces Tecum (of C. Stamitoles) filed.
Mar. 23, 2012 |
Status Report filed.
Mar. 13, 2012 |
Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by March 23, 2012).
Mar. 13, 2012 |
Motion for Continuance filed.
Mar. 13, 2012 |
Petitioner's Notice of Taking Completion of Deposition Duces Tecum (of C. Stamitoles) filed.
Jan. 27, 2012 |
Notice of Serving of Response to Petitioner's First Request for Admissions and Response to Expert Interrogatories filed.
Jan. 26, 2012 |
Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Charles Stamitoles, DDS) filed.
Jan. 05, 2012 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jan. 05, 2012 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 20 and 21, 2012; 9:30 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL).
Dec. 27, 2011 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Dec. 21, 2011 |
Petitioner's Notice of Serving Expert Interrogatories filed.
Dec. 21, 2011 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Request for Production, First Request for Interrogatories and First Request for Admissions to Respondent filed.
Dec. 15, 2011 |
Initial Order.
Dec. 15, 2011 |
Notice of Appearance (Geoffrey Rice) filed.
Dec. 15, 2011 |
Agency referral filed.
Dec. 15, 2011 |
Notice of Appearance; Request for Complete Investigative File and Exhibits; Request for Probable Cause Transcript; Request for Opportunity to Discuss a Settlement; and Alternative Petition for Hearing Involving Disputed Issues of Fact filed.
Dec. 15, 2011 |
Administrative Complaint filed.