Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Ocala, Florida
Filed: Aug. 23, 2012
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, November 16, 2012.
Latest Update: Feb. 08, 2025
see tle ta ey casas
. Case No.: 2012005201
vs. : 2012005202
COMES NOW the Agency For Health Care Administration (the .
. “Agency”) and files this administrative complaint against
Andrada Sunshine Corporation d/b/a Good Samaritan Retirement
Home, (“Respondent” or “Respondent Facility”), pursuant to SS
120.569, and 120.57, Fla, Stat., and alleges:
This is an action to impose an administrative fine in the
amount of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) and for such
other relief as this tribunal may determine, including a survey
fee, pursuant to Chapters 408, Part II, and 429, part I, Fla.
Stat, .
1. The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to Sections
20.42, 120.60, and 429.07, and Chapters 408, Part TI, and 429,
Page 1 of 28
ini i ings
d At st 23, 2012 9:11 AM Division of Administrative Hearing:
File ugu: , :
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Part I, Florida Statutes,
. 2. Venue lies Pursuant to Fla. Admin. Code R. 28-106. 207,
3. The Agency licenses all assisted living facilities and
enforces all applicable Florida statutes and rules governing
assisted living facilities pursuant to Chapter 408, Part II, and
Chapter 429, Part I, Florida Statutes, and: Chapter S8A-5,
Florida Administrative Code.
4. Respondent operates a 65-bed assisted living facility
located at 507 S.E. 1st Avenue, Williston, Florida 32696, and is
licensed as an assisted living facility, license number 25,
5, At all times material to this complaint, Respondent
was licensed by the Agency and was required to comply with all
applicable rules and statutes,
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates Paragraphs 1
through 5, as if fully set forth in this count.
7. Rule 58A-5.0181, Florida Administrative Code,
1. If the individual needs assistance with self-
administration the facility must inform the resident
Page 2 of 28
of the professional qualifications of facility staff
who will be providing this assistance, and if
unlicensed staff will be providing such assistance,
obtain the resident's or the resident's surrogate,
guardian, or attorney-in-fact’s written informed
consent to provide such assistance as required under
Section 429.256, F.s,
2. The facility may accept a resident who requires the
administration of medication, if the facility has a
nurse to provide this service, or the resident or the
-tesident’s legal representative, désignee, surrogate,
guardian, or attorney in fact contracts with a
licensed third party to provide this service to the
(f) Any special dietary needs can be met by the
facility. .
(k) Not require any of the following nursing services:
1. Oral, nasopharyngeal, or tracheotomy suctioning;
2. Assistance with tube feeding;
3. Monitoring of blood gases;
4. Intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy;
5. Treatment of surgical incisions or wounds, unless
the surgical incision or wound and the condition which
Caused it have been stabilized and a plan of care
developed, .
(1) Not require 24-hour nursing supervision,
(n) Have been determined by the facility administrator
to be appropriate for admission to the facility. The
administrator shall base the decision on:
1. An assessment of the strengths, needs, and
preferences of the individual, and the medical
examination report required by Section 429.26, F.S.,
and subsection (2) of this rule;
2. The facility’s admission policy, and the services
the facility is prepared to provide or arrange for to
meet resident needs; and
(2) HEALTH ASSESSMENT, As part of the admission
criteria, an individual must undergo a face-to-face
medical examination completed by a licensed health
care provider, as specified in either paragraph (a) or
(6) of this subsection.
(a) A medical examination completed within 60 calendar
days prior to the individual’s admission to a facility
Page 3 of 28
pursuant to Section 429.26(4); Fig, The examination
must address the following: -
1. The physical and mental status of the resident,
including the identification of any health-related
problems and functional limitations;
2. An evaluation of whether the individual will
require supervision or assistance with the activities
of daily living; . .
3. Any nursing or therapy services required by the
individual; :
7. A statement: on the day of the examination that, in
the opinion of the examining licensed health care
provider, the individual's needs can be met in an
assisted living facility; and
8. The date of the examination, and the name,
signature, address, phone number, and license number
of the examining licensed health care provider. The
medical examination may be conducted by a currently
licensed health care provider from another state,
(b) A medical examination completed after the
' resident’s admission to the facility within 30
Calendar days of the admission date, The examination
must be recorded. on AHCA Form 1823, Resident Health
Assessment for Assisted Living Facilities, October
2010. The form is hereby incorporated by reference. A
faxed copy of the completed form is acceptable. A copy
of AHCA Form 1823 May be obtained from the Agency
Central Office or its website at
Age feche: State. £ Term Care/
assisted _living/pdt/AHCA_Form 18238 pdf. The form must
be completed as follows:
1. The resident's licensed health care provider must
complete all of the required information in Sections
1, Health Assessment, and 2, Self-Care and General
Oversight Assessment,
a. Items on the form that may: have been omitted by the
Page 4 of 28
either verbally or in writing from the licensed health
care provider. ; ,
c, Omitted information received verbally must be
documented in. the resident's record, including the
"name of the licensed health care provider, the name of
the facility staff recording the information and the
date the information was provided. .
2. The facility administrator, or designee, must
complete Section 3 of the form, Services Offered or
Arranged by the Facility, or may use electronic
documentation, which at a minimum includes the
elements in Section 3. This requirement does not apply
for residents receiving: :
a. Extended congregate care (ECC) services in
facilities holding an ECC license;
b. Services under community living support plans in
facilities holding limited mental health licenses;
Cc. Medicaid assistive care services; and
d. Medicaid waiver services, , ;
(c) Any information required by paragraph (a) that is
not contained in the medical examination report
conducted prior to the individual's admission to the
facility must be obtained by the administrator within
30 days after admission using AHCA Form 1823.
(f) Any orders for medications, nursing, - therapeutic
diets, or other services to be provided or supervised
by the facility issued. by the licensed health care
‘provider conducting the medical examination may be
attached to the health assessment, A licensed health
Care provider may attach a do-not-resuscitate order
for residents who do not wish cardiopulmonary
resuscitation to be administered in the case of
cardiac or respiratory arrest.
(4) CONTINUED RESIDENCY. Except as follows in
Paragraphs (a) through (e) of this subsection,
criteria for continued residency in any licensed
facility shall be the same as the criteria for
admission. As part of the continued residency
criteria, a resident must have a face-to-face medical
examination by a licensed health care provider at
least every 3 years after the initial assessment, or
after a significant change, whichever comes first. A
significant change is defined in Rule 58A-5.0131,
F.A.C, The results of the examination must be recorded
on AHCA Form 1823, which is incorporated by reference
Page 5 of 28
ce eee
in. paragraph (2) (b) of this rule. The form must be
completed in accordance with that paragraph. After the
effective date of this rule, providers shall have up
to 12 months to comply with this requirement.
(d) The administrator is responsible for monitoring
the continued appropriateness of placement of a
_vesident in the facility.
(5) DISCHARGE. If the resident no longer meets the
criteria for continued residency, or the facility is
unable to meet the resident's needs, as determined by
the facility administrator or licensed health care
provider, the resident shall be. discharged in
accordance with Section 429,28 (1), F.S.
8. Rule 58A-5.030, Florida Administrative Code, requires:
(a) An individual must meet the following minimum
criteria in order to be admitted to an extended
congregate care program.
1, Be at least 18 years of age.
2. Be free from signs and symptoms of a communicable
disease which is likely to be transmitted to other
residents or staff; however, a person who has human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection may be admitted
to a facility, provided that he would otherwise be
eligible for admission according to this rule.
_3. Be able to transfer, with assistance if necessary.
The assistance of more than one person is permitted.
4, Not be a danger to self or others as determined by .
a health care provider, or mental health practitioner
licensed under Chapters 490 or 491, F,S,
5. Not be bedridden.
- Not have any stage 3 or 4 pressure sores.
Not require any of the following nursing services:
» Oral or nasopharyngeal suctioning;
Nasogastric tube feeding;
Monitoring of blood gases;
Intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy;
€. Skilled rehabilitative services as described in
Rule 59G-4.290, F.A.C.; or
£. Treatment of a surgical incision, unless the
surgical incision and the condition which caused it
have been stabilized and a plan of care developed.
8. Not require 24-hour nursing supervision.
Page 6 of 28
9. Have been determined to be appropriate for
admission to the facility by the facility
administrator. The administrator shall base his/her
decision on: :
a. An assessment of the strengths, needs, and
preferences of the individual, the health assessment
required by subsection (6) of this rule, and the
preliminary service plan developed under subsection
(1) ,
b. The facility’s residency criteria, and services
offered or arranged for by the facility to meet
resident needs; and
c. The ability of the.facility to meet the uniform
fire safety standards for assisted living facilities
established under Section 429.41, F.S., and Rule
Chapter 69A-40, F.A.c,
(b) Criteria for continued residency in an ECC program
shall be the same as the criteria for admission,
except as follows:
1. A resident may be bedridden for up to 14.
consecutive days.
2. A terminally ill resident who no longer meets the
criteria for continued residency may continue to
reside in the facility if the following conditions are
a. The resident qualifies for, is admitted to, and
consents to the services of a licensed hospice which
coordinates and ensures the provision of any
additional care and services that may be needed;
b. Continued residency is agreeable to the resident
and the facility;
c. An interdisciplinary care plan is developed and
implemented by a licensed hospice in consultation with
the facility. Facility staff may provide any nursing
service within the scope of their license including
24-hour nursing supervision, and total help with the
activities of daily living; and
d. Documentation of the requirements of this
subparagraph is maintained in the resident's file.
(6) HEALTH ASSESSMENT. Prior to admission to an ECC
program, all persons. including residents transferring
within the same facility to that portion of the
facility licensed to provide extended congregate care
services, must be examined by a physician or advanced
registered nurse practitioner pursuant to Rule 58A-
5.0181, F.A.C. A health assessment conducted within 60
days prior to admission to the ECC program shall meet
Page 7 of 28
this requirement. Once admitted, a new health
assessment must be obtained at least annually.
(a) Prior to admission the extended congregate care
‘ supervisor shall develop a preliminary service plan
which includes an assessment of whether the resident
meets the facility’s residency criteria, an appraisal
of the resident’s unique physical and psycho social
needs and preferences, and an evaluation of the
facility’s ability to meet the resident's needs.
(bo) Within 14 days of admission the congregate care
supervisor shall coordinate the development of a
written service plan which takes into account the
resident’s health assessment obtained pursuant to
subsection (6); the resident's unique physical and
psycho social needs and preferences; and how the
facility will meet the resident’s needs including the
following if required:
Health monitoring; ;
Assistance with personal care services; _
Nursing services; :
. Special diets;
Ancillary services;
The provision of other services such as
transportation and supportive services; and
8. The manner of service provision, and identification
of service providers, including family and friends, in.
keeping with resident preferences.
(c) Pursuant to the definitions of “shared
responsibility” and “managed risk” as provided in
Section 429.02, F.S., the service plan shall be
developed and agreed upon by the resident or the
resident's representative or designee, surrogate,
guardian, or attorney-in-fact, the facility designee,
and shall reflect the responsibility and right of the
resident to consider options and assume risks when
making choices pertaining to the resident’s. service
needs and preferences.
(d) The service plan shall be reviewed and updated
quarterly to reflect any changes in the manner of
service provision, accommodate any changes in the
resident’s physical or mental status, or pursuant to
recommendations for modifications in the resident's
care as documented in the nursing assessment.
9, Rule 58A-5,0131(33), Florida Administrative Code,
Page 8 of 28
cee mt
(33) “Significant change” means a sudden or major
shift in behavior or mood, or a deterioration in
health status such as unplanned weight change, stroke,
heart condition, or stage 2, 3, or 4 pressure sore.
Ordinary day-to~day fluctuations in functioning and
behavior, a short-term illness such as a cold, or the
gradual deterioration in the ability to carry out the
activities of daily living that accompanies the aging
process are not considered significant changes.
10. The Agency conducted a revisit to the Agency's
February 3, 2012, survey of the Respondent's assisted living
facility on March 26, 2012.
11. Based on the Agency’s surveyors’ review of
Respondent’ s records, observations and interviews, the Agency
concluded that the Respondent facility retained two residents,
Residents #1 and #2, who did not meet the criteria for continued
- residency.
12. On March 26, 2012, at 12:10 PM, the Agency’s surveyor
‘observed Resident #1 in Room B-9, In the room were an oxygen
concentrator and eight (8) unsecured oxygen tanks standing in
various locations in the room. The Agency’s surveyor observed a
note on the wall of the room, reading: "When Ms, Dorothy is in
the wheelchair using portable oxygen please put the 'CF2" on the
dial. When returning to room, out of wheelchair please turn
dial to 'Off' to save oxygen. Thank you management."
13. On 3/26/12 at 12:15 PM, the Agency’s surveyor observed
Resident #2 in Room B-16. ‘The Agency’s surveyor saw an oxygen
Page 9 of 28
concentrator with un-bagged nasal cannula hanging on the wall.
The Agency’s surveyor observed a note on the wall of the room
reading: "When Ms. Edna is in wheelchair using portable oxygen
please put the number 2 on the dial. When not in use please
turn’ dial to '0' (zero) to save oxygen. Thank you management."
14. The Agency’s sSurveyor’s review of Respondent’s records
for, Resident #1 found a Health Assessment, Agency form 1823,
dated 12/26/11 which specifies that Resident #1 "Needs
Medication Administration." Page 5 of the health assessment
form; in column 1, for "Needs identified from sections 1 & 2,"
line 5 states "medication" and in column 4 "Service Provider
Name" it states "Med tech [medication technician] ."
15, Review of the Medication Observation Record (MOR)
revealed that the facility uses a Medication Technician to
distribute medications to the residents.
16. The Agency’s surveyor’s review of Respondent’s records
for Resident #2 found a Health Assessment, Agency form 1823,
dated 10/31/2011, indicating Resident #2's diagnoses of
Dementia, Chronic Kidney Disease, Hyperthyroidism; Cognitive |
status of "confused" on Hospice. The 1823 also specifies that
Resident #2 "Needs Total Assistance with Administration of
Meds." Review of page 5 of this health assessment revealed in
line 2 that Column 1 states "medication" and column 5 states
that the service will be provided by a "med tech."
Page 10 of 28
seers eee bee
17. When interviewed by the Agency’s surveyor on 3/26/12
at 1:35 PM, Resident #1 stated that the Respondent's staff turn
her oxygen on and off for her, When asked if she could turn it
on and off by herself she responded, "No," that nobody ever
showed her how to do it.
18. When interviewed by the Agency’s surveyor on 3/26/12
at 1:55 PM, Resident #2 was not able to answer the surveyor’s
questions regarding how she was doing today nor if her lunch was
good. Resident #2 is not inter-viewable. A portable oxygen.
tank was observed on Resident #2's wheelchair.
19. A Review of the Respondent’ s records by the Agency's
Surveyor found that Resident #1 is receiving Home Health Agency
services, and Resident #2 is under Hospice Care,
20. The Agency’ s surveyor interviewed an employee of the
"Home Health Agency being utilized by Resident #1 on 04/05/12 at
9:39 AM. Resident #1's registered nurse (“RN”) from the Home
Health Agency stated that the resident is receiving wound care
services and physical therapy. When asked if the Home Health
Agency is providing medications administration or if they are
managing the resident's oxygen, the RN stated that they were
not. Further interview indicated that when a member of the
staff of the Home Health Agency goes to see Resident #1 they
will obtain an oxygen saturation for the resident, and if they
think she needs -her oxygen, they will put it on, but they do not
Page 11 of 28
routinely manage her oxygen, as it is not part of the service
plan for her.
21. On 04/05/12 at 9:45 AM, the Agency’s surveyor
interviewed the Hospice nurse caring for Resident #2. The
Hospice nurse stated that Hospice is not providing the resident
with medication administration .or oxygen administration, as they
are not at the facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
22. The Agency determined that the Respondent’s retaining
as residents two people who require nursing services that are
not being provided for by a third-party nurse is a violation of
law and describes conditions or occurrences related to the
operation and maintenance of a provider or to the care of
residents which the agency determines directly threaten the
physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the
residents, and which the Agency determines to be a class II
violation for the purposes of sections 408.813, 408.815, 429,14
and 429,19, Florida Statutes.
WHEREFORE, the Agericy intends to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of $5,000.00 against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, for the above-described
class II violations, pursuant to Chapters 408, Part II, and 429,
Part I, Florida Statutes, or such further relief as this
tribunal deems just. .
Page 12 of 28
23. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1
through 5, as if fully set forth in this count.
24. Section 429,256, Florida Statutes, requires:
(2) Residents who are capable of self-administering
their own medications without assistance shall be
encouraged and allowed to do so. However, an. unlicensed
person may, consistent with a dispensed prescription’s
label or the package directions of an over-the-counter
medication, assist a resident whose condition is
medically stable with the self~administration of
routine, regularly scheduled medications that are
intended to be self-administered. Assistance with self-
medication by an unlicensed person may occur only upon
a documented request by, and the written informed
consent of, a resident or the resident’s surrogate,
guardian, or attorney in fact. For the purposes of this
section, self~administered medications include both
legend and over-the-counter oral dosage forms, topical
dosage forms and topical ophthalmic,, otic, and nasal
dosage forms including solutions, suspensions, sprays,
and inhalers. .
(3) Assistance with self-administration of medication
includes: : .
(a) Taking the medication, in its previously dispensed,
properly labeled container, from where it is stored,
and bringing it to the resident. .
(b) In the presence of the resident, reading the label,
opening the container, removing a prescribed amount of
medication from the container, and closing the
(c) Placing an oral dosage in the resident's hand or
placing the dosage in another container and helping the
resident by lifting the container to his or her mouth.
(d) Applying topical medications.
(e) Returning the medication container to proper
(£) Keeping a record of when-a resident receives :
assistance with self-administration under this section,
(4) Assistance, with self-administration does not
include: .
(a) Mixing, compounding, converting, or calculating
medication doses, except for measuring a prescribed
amount of liquid medication or breaking a scored tablet
or crushing a tablet as prescribed.
. Page 13 of 28
(b) The preparation of syringes for injection or the
administration of medications by any injectable route.
(c) Administration of medications through intermittent
positive pressure breathing machines or a nebulizer.
(d) Administration of medications by way of a tube
inserted in a cavity of the body.
(e) Administration of parenteral preparations.
(f) Irrigations or debriding agents used in the
treatment of a skin condition,
(g) Rectal, urethral, or vaginal preparations.
(h) Medications ordered by the physician or health care
professional with prescriptive authority to be given
“as needed,” unless the order is written with specific
parameters that preclude independent judgment on the
part of the unlicensed person, and at the request of a
competent resident.
(1) Medications for which the time of administration,
the amount, the strength of dosage, the method of
administration, or the reason for administration
requires judgment or discretion on the part of the
unlicensed person,
25. Rule 58A-5.0185, Florida Administrative Code,
(a) For facilities which provide assistance with self-
administered medication, either: a nurse; or an
unlicensed staff member, who is at least 18 years old,
trained to assist with self-administered medication in
accordance with Rule 58A-5.0191, F.A.C., and able to
demonstrate to the administrator the ability to
accurately read and interpret a prescription label,
must be available to assist residents with self-
administered medications in accordance with procédures
described in Section 429.256, F.S,
(b) Assistance with self-administration of medication
includes verbally prompting a resident to take
medications as prescribed, retrieving and opening a
properly labeled medication container, and providing
assistance as specified in Section 429.256(3), F.S. in
order to facilitate assistance with self-
administration, staff may prepare and make available
Such items as water, juice, cups, and spoons. Staff may
also return unused doses to the medication container.
Medication, which appears to have been contaminated,
shall not be returned to the container.
Page 14 of 28
(c) Staff shall observe the resident take the
medication. Any concerns about the resident’s reaction
to the medication shall be reported to the resident's
health care provider and documented in the resident's
record, .
(d) When a resident who receives assistance with
medication is away from the facility and from facility
staff, the following options are available to enable
the resident to take medication as prescribed:
1. The health care provider may prescribe a medication
schedule which coincides with the resident’s presence
in the facility;: ;
2. The medication container may be given to the
resident or a friend or family member upon leaving the
facility, with this fact noted in the resident's
medication record;
3. The medication may be transferred to a pill
organizer pursuant to the requirements of subsection:
(2), and given to the resident, a friend, or family
member upon leaving the facility, with this fact noted
in the resident’s medication record; or
4. Medications may be separately prescribed and
dispensed in an easier to use form, such as unit dose
(e) Pursuant to Section 429.256(4) (h), F.S., the term
“competent resident” means that the resident is
_ cognizant of when a medication is required and
understands the purpose for taking the medication,
(f£) Pursuant to Section 429.256(4) (i), F.S., the terms
“judgment” and “discretion” mean interpreting vital
signs and evaluating or assessing a resident's
(a) : :
(o) The facility shall maintain a daily medication
observation record (MOR) for each resident who receives
assistance with self-administration of medications or
medication administration. A MOR must include the name
of the resident and any known allergies the resident
may have; the name of the resident’s health care
Provider, the health care provider’s telephone number;
the name, strength, and directions for use of each
medication; and a chart for recording each time the
Medication is taken, any missed dosages, refusals to
take medication as prescribed, or medication errors.
The MOR must be immediately updated each time the
Page 15 of 28
medication is offered or administered.
(c) If the directions for use are “as needed” or “as
directed,” the health care provider shall be contacted
and requested to provide revised instructions. For an
“as needed” prescription, the circumstances under which
it would be appropriate for the resident to request the
medication and any limitations shall be specified; for
example, “as needed for pain, not to exceed 4 tablets
per day.” The revised instructions, including the date
they were obtained from the health care provider and
the signature of the staff who obtained them, shall be
noted in the medication record, or a revised labe
shall be obtained from the pharmacist.
(d) Any change in directions for use of a medication
for which the facility is providing assistance with
self-administration or administering medication must be
accompanied by a written medication order issued and
signed by the resident’s health care provider, or a
faxed copy of such order. The new directions shall
promptly be recorded in the resident's medication
observation record. The facility may then place an
“alert” label on the medication container which directs
staff to examine the revised directions for use in the
MOR, or obtain a revised label from the pharmacist.
(e) A nurse may take a medication order by telephone.
Such order must be promptly documented in the
resident's, medication observation record. The facility
Must obtain a written medication order from the health
care provider within 10 working days. A faxed copy of a
signed. order is acceptable. ;
26. Rule 58A-5.024, Florida Administrative Code, requires:
(3)-RESIDENT RECORDS. Resident records shall be
maintained on the premises and include:
(h) For facilities which manage a pill organizer,
‘assist with self-administration of medications or
administer medications for a resident, the required
medication records maintained pursuant to Rule 58A-
5.0185, F.A.C. ;
27. On February 3, 2012, an unannounced monitoring survey
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chee eee eee eee we tee
was conducted of the Respondent.
28. Based on the Agency’s surveyor'’s review of
Respondent’ s records and interviews, the Agency determined that
the Respondent failed to ensure proper orders for medications
for 5 residents ~ Residents #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6 -- of 39
residents whose care was reviewed. The Respondent also failed
to follow physician’s-orders for medication for 1 resident, .
Resident #7.
29. When the Agency’s surveyor reviewed the Medication
Observation Record (“MOR”) for Resident #2, the MOR indicated
that the resident has an “as-needed” (“PRN”) order for
Hydroxyzine HCL 10 mg Tablet: “Take 1 Tablet by mouth twice a
day as needed, Dx. Anxiety.” There were no orders Clarifying
the appropriate “as-needed” circumstances: for the resident to
take the medication.
30. When the Agency's surveyor reviewed the MOR for
Resident #3, the MOR indicated a PRN order for Tussinl00 mg/5 ml
liquid, Generic for Iophen NR Liq PT Anbr/Raspby: “Take 5 ml by
mouth every 4 hours as needed.” There was no diagnosis listed,
or why to take the medication, nor were the parameters of ‘as-
needed” clarified.
31. Both Residents $2 and #3 reside in the secure unit for
Alzheimer’s patients.
32. The Agency's surveyor’s review of the Medication
Page 17 of 28
ee Seen
Observation Records (“MOR”) -for Resident #4 revealed that the .
resident has diagnosis of DM, Alzheimer's, PUD, Urinary
Incontinence and has PRN orders for APAP Arthritis Pain 650 Ext-
Release Tablet: “Take 1 tablet by mouth every 4 hours. as
needed.” No diagnosis listed or reason for taking the
medication, nor were the parameters of “as-néeded” clarified.
33. The Agency’s surveyor’s review of the Medication
Observation Records (MOR) for Resident #5 revealed that the.
resident has diagnosis of Advanced Dementia, Depression, HTN, Hx
of Psychosis. Resident #5 has PRN orders for the following
medications - APAP 650 mg Suppo 12 CLA, use 1 suppository per
rectum every 4 needed for mild pain or fever - APAP
Arthritis Pain 650 mg Ext-Release Tablet, Take 1 tablet by mouth ,
every 4 hours as needed for pain - Lorazepain 1 mg Tablet
(Generic for Ativan 1 mg tablets), Take 1 tablet by mouth or
crushed under tongue every 4 hours as needed for restlessness.
However, Respondent’s records did not contain a clarifying
orders for these medications such as the maximum number of pills
to be taken within 24 hours.
34. The Agency’s surveyor’s review of the Medication
Observation Records (MOR) for Resident #6 revealed that the
resident has diagnosis of Dementia and Chronic Kidney Disease,
Resident #6 has PRN orders for Albuterol Sulfate 0.083 ml
solution (Generic for Proventil 0.083 ml solution), 1 vial 3
Page 18 of 28
times a day via nebulizer as needed for Dysnéa. However,
Respondent’s records do not contain a clarifying order for any
of these medications such as the maximum daily dosage.
35. The Agency’s surveyor’s review of the Medication
Observation Records (MOR) for Resident #7 revealed that the
resident has diagnosis of Pancreatitis, DM, Atrial Fibrilation,
COPD, HTN and CRF, Resident #7 has medication orders for
Cyanocobalamin 1000 (Generic for Cobal 1000 mcg/ml injection),
Inject 1 ml intra-muscular every month [to be administered by
SHC (a home health agency)] - the record indicates that the
medication has been given.- However, the initials on the MOR are
those of employee #4, an unlicensed person. .
36. On 2/3/12 at 12:50 PM, the Agency’s surveyor
interviewed Respondent's employee #1, who confirmed PRN (as
needed) medications listed for residents having Dementia,
Alzheimer's diagnosis as well as the MOR indicating the
additional dosages of medication given to Resident #7.
37. The Agency determined that Respondent’s medication
administration violations identified during the Agency's
February 3, 2012, survey are conditions or occurrences related
to the operation and maintenance of a provider or to the care of
residents which the agency determined directly threaten the
physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the
residents, and which the Agency determined to be a class II
Page 19 of 28
violation for the purposes of sections 408.813, 408.815, 429.14
and 429.19, Florida Statutes.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of $5,000.00 against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, for the above-described
class II violations observed. on February 3, 2012, pursuant to
Chapters 408, Part II, and 429, Part I, Florida Statutes, or
such further relief as this tribunal deems just.
38. The Agency re-alleges
through 5 and Paragraphs 10 thro
this count.
39, Section 429.256, Flori
(2) Residents who are capab
and incorporates paragraphs 1
ugh 21, as if fully set forth in
da Statutes, requires:
le of self-administering
their own medications without assistance shall be
encouraged and allowed to di
person may, consistent with
label or the package direct
medication, assist a reside
medically stable with the gs
routine, regularly schedule
intended to be self-adminis
medication by an unlicensed
&@ documented request by, an
consent of, a resident or t
guardian, or attorney in fa
section, self-administered
legend and over-the-counter
dosage forms and topical op
dosage forms including solu
and inhalers,
(3) Assistance with self-adi
(a) Taking the medication,
© so. However, an unlicensed
a dispensed prescription’s
ions of an over-the-counter
nt whose condition is
elf-administration of
ad medications that are
tered. Assistance with self-
person may occur only upon
d the written .informed
he resident’s surrogate,
ct. For the purposes of this
medications include both
oral dosage forms, topical
hthalmic, otic, and nasal
tions, suspensions, sprays,
ministration of medication
in its previously dispensed,
Page 20 of 28
properly labeled container, from where it is stored,
arid bringing it to the resident.
(b) In the presence of the resident, reading the label,
opening the container, removing a prescribed amount of
‘ medication from the container, and closing the
container. .
(c) Placing an oral dosage in the resident’s hand or
placing the dosage in another container and helping the
resident by lifting the container to his or her mouth.
(d) Applying topical medications.
(e) Returning the medication container to proper
(£) Keeping a record of when a resident receives
assistance with self-administration under this section.
(4) Assistance with self-administration does not
(a) Mixing, compounding, converting, or calculating
medication doses, except for measuring a prescribed
amount of liquid medication or breaking a scored tablet
or crushing a tablet as prescribed,
(b) The preparation of syringes for injection or the
administration of medications by any injectable route, -
(c) Administration of medications through intermittent
positive pressure breathing machines or a nebulizer.
(d) Administration of medications by way of a tube
inserted in a cavity of the body.
(e) Administration of parenteral preparations.
(£) Irrigations or debriding agents used in the
treatment of a skin condition.
(g) Rectal, urethral, or vaginal preparations. _
(h) Medications ordered by the physician or health care
professional with prescriptive authority to be given
‘as needed,” unless the order is written with specific
Parameters that preclude independent judgment on the :
part of the unlicensed person, and at the request of a
competent resident.
(1).Medications for which the time of administration,
the amount, the strength of dosage, the method of
administration, or the reason for administration
requires judgment or discretion on the part of the
unlicensed person.
40. Rule 58a-5.0182, Florida Administrative Code,
Page 21 of 28
(a) Pursuant to Section 429,255, F.S., the facility may
employ or contract with a nurse to:
1. Take or supervise the taking of vital signs;
2. Manage pill-organizers and administer medications as
described under Rule 58A-5.0185, F.A.C.;
3. Give prepackaged enemas pursuant to a physician’s
order; and
4. Maintain nursing progress notes.
(b) Pursuant to Section 464.022, F.8., the nursing
services listed in paragraph (a) may also be delivered
‘in the facility by family members or friends of the
resident provided the family member or friend does not
receive compensation for such services,
- :41. Rule 58A-5.0185, Florida Administrative Code,
(a) For facilities which provide medication
administration a staff member, who is licensed to
administer medications, must be available to administer
medications in accordance with a health care provider's
order or prescription label,
(b) Unusual reactions or a significant change in the
resident’s health or behavior shall be documented in
the resident’s record and reported immediately to the
resident’s health care provider. The contact with the
health care provider shall also be documented in the
resident’s record.
(c) Medication administration includes the conducting ‘
of any examination or testing such as blood glucose
testing or other procedure necessary for the proper
administration of medication that the resident cannot
conduct himself and that can be performed by licensed
42. On September 22 and 23, 2011, the Agency conducted a
complaint investigation survey of the Respondent.
43. Based on the Agency’s surveyor’s observations, reviews
of Respondent's records, and interviews, the Agency determined
that the Réspondent failed to have licensed personnel provide
administration of injectable medications for 2 of 16 residents,
Page 22 of 28
Residents. #4 and #14.
44. On 9/22/2011 at 12:00 PM, at 1:00 PM and at 1:30 PM,
the Agency’s surveyor observed that Respondent’s unlicensed
medication technicians were preparing to administer insulin to
residents who were incapable of self-administering the
45. The Agency’s surveyor’s review of the medical records’
for Residents #4 and #14, showed a failure to document.
administration of insulin, including dates and times of insulin
injections for the two residents.
46. On 9/22/2011 at 2:00 PM, the Agency's surveyor
observed the owner of Respondent, who is a Registered Nurse
(RN). The owner did not know where the insulin administered to
Respondent’s residents was stored, but Respondent's
Administrator showed him where it wan,
47, The Agency’s surveyor conducted an interview with
Respondent’s Administrator on 9/22/2011 at 3:00 PM. The
Administrator told the Agency’s surveyor that a terminated
Assistant Administrator, who.was a Certified Nursing Assistant,
formerly provided the insulin injections, until 9/13/2011. The
owner of the facility is a Registered Nurse (“RN”), but on
September 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, 2011, other
employees of respondent who are not licensed professionals
provided the residents with their insulin shots. The
Page. 23 of 28
Administrator admitted knowing the Limitations of unlicensec}
staff and medications.
48. The agency determined that Respondent’s allowing
unlicensed professionals to administer injectable medications to
residents is a condition or occurrence related to the operation
and maintenance of a provider or to the care of residents which
the agency determined directly threatens the physical or
emotional health, safety, or security of the residents, and
which the Agency determined to be a class II violation for the
purposes of sections 408.813, 408.815, 429.14 and 429.19,
Florida Statutes,
49. On March 26, 2012, the Agency conducted a revisit
survey to the Agency’s survey of February 3, 2012.
50. Based on the Agency’s surveyor’ s review of
Respondent’s records and on interviews on February 3, 2012, the
Agency determined that the Respondent allowed an unlicensed Med
Tech to administer medications to two (2) residents, Residents
#1 and #2, of ‘sixteen (16) residents whose care was reviewed by
the Agency's surveyor.
51. The Agency determined that Respondent’s failure to
provide residents needing medication administration with
medication administration by a licensed person is a condition or
occurrence related to the operation and maintenance of a
provider or to the care of residents which the Agency determined
Page 24 of 28
directly threatens the physical or emotional health, safety, or
security of the residents, and which the Agency determined to be
a class II violation for the purposes of sections 408.813,
408.815, 429.14 and 429.19, Florida Statutes.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of $5,000.00 against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, for the above-described
class II violation identified during the March 26, 2012, Agency
survey, pursuant to Chapters 408, Part II, and 429, Part I,
Florida Statutes, or such further relief as this tribunal deems
52. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1
through 5, paragraph 8 and paragraphs 10 through 21, as if fully
set forth in this count.
53, On March 26, 2012, the Agency conducted a revisit
survey to the Agency’s survey of February 3, 2012, of the
54. Based on the Agency’s surveyor’s review of
Respondent’s records and on interviews, the Agency determined
that the Respondent provided services beyond those allowed under
Respondent’s assisted living facility license with extended
corigregate care designation, therefore engaging in unlicensed
conduct, pursuant to §§ 408.804 and 408.812, Florida Statutes.
Page 25 of 28
55. The Agency determined that Respondent’s provision of
medication administration by an unlicensed person to residents
. Needing medication administration isa condition or occurrence
related to the operation and maintenance of a provider or to the
care of residents which the Agency determined directly threatens
the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the
_ residents, and which the Agency determined to be a class II
violation for the purposes of sections 408.813, 408.815, 429.14
“and 429,19, Florida Statutes,
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative
'fine in the amount of $5,000.00 against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, for the above-described
class II violation, pursuant to Chapters 408, Part II, and 429,
Part I, Florida Statutes, or such further relief as this
tribunal deems just,
56. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1
through 5 and above Count II.
S7. Section 429.19(7), Florida Statutes, provides:
(7) In addition to any administrative fines imposed,
the agency may assess a survey fee, equal to the
lesser of one half of the facility’s biennial license
and bed fee or $500, to cover the cost of conducting
initial complaint investigations that result in the
finding of a violation that was the subject of the
complaint or monitoring visits conducted under s.
429.28(3) (c) to verify the correction of the
Page 26 of 28
58. The February 3, 2012, Agency survey was a monitoring
survey, at which the Agency’s surveyor’s investigation resulted
in the finding of one or more violations that were the subject
of the monitoring visit.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose a survey fee to be
determined by this tribunal against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, for the above-described
class I violation, pursuant to Chapters 408, Part II, and 429,
Part I, Florida Statutes, or such further relief as this
tribunal deems just.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an
administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.569, Florida
Statutes. Respondent has the right to retain, and be
represented by an attorney in this matter. Specific options for
administrative’ action are set out in the attached Election of
Rights. ‘
All requests for hearing shall be made to the Agency for Health
Care Administration, and delivered to Agency Clerk, Agency for
Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg #3, MS #3,
Tallahassee, FL 32308, whose telephone number is 850-412-3630.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the
foregoing has been served by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt
No. 7010 0780 0001 9836 2855, to Miskel Ortiz, Administrator,
507 S.E. 1°* Avenue, Williston, FL 32696, and by regular U.S,
Page 27 of 28
Mail to Gus R. Benitez, Esq., as attorney for Andrada Sunshine
Corp., 1223 East Concord Street, Orlando, FL 32803, on July
fl. , 2012.
Copies furnished to:
Agsistant General Counsel
Fla’ Bar. No. 817775
Agency for Health Care Admin.
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330D
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
727-552-1944 (office) :
727-552-1440 (facsimile)
‘Anna Lopez, HEE Supervisor, Alachua
Page 28 of 28
wee eee tee
iMiskel Ortiz
507 S.E. 1** Avenue
IMilliston, FL 32696
0780 0001 9836
Docket for Case No: 12-002845
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Nov. 16, 2012 |
Order Closing Files and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Nov. 14, 2012 |
CASE STATUS: Hearing Held. |
Nov. 13, 2012 |
Joint Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Nov. 09, 2012 |
Agency's Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Nov. 01, 2012 |
Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 14 through 16, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Ocala, FL; amended as to Dates only).
Oct. 31, 2012 |
Joint Agreed Submittal in Response to Case Management Meeting of October 31, 2012 filed.
Oct. 30, 2012 |
CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held. |
Oct. 11, 2012 |
Notice of Taking Deposition (of J. Clay) filed.
Oct. 09, 2012 |
Order on Motion to Allow Deposition for Use at Trial.
Oct. 05, 2012 |
Joint Agreed Motion to Allow Deposition and Use at Trial, Fla.R.Civ.P. 1.330 (a) (3) (E) filed.
Sep. 07, 2012 |
Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 12-0896, 12-1134, 12-1164, 12-1165, 12-1505, 12-2272, 12-2842 and 12-2845).
Aug. 23, 2012 |
Initial Order.
Aug. 23, 2012 |
Election of Rights filed.
Aug. 23, 2012 |
Petition for Formal Hearing filed.
Aug. 23, 2012 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Aug. 23, 2012 |
Administrative Complaint filed.