Florida Department<!
Rick Scot!, Governor Ken Lawson, Secretary
RE: CASE NUMBER 2012016965
Comes now, the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, herein after referred to as "petitioner," and files this administrative complaint against DIVA WINES LLC herein after referred to as "respondent," and alleges:
Petitioner is the state agency charged with supervising businesses licensed under the Florida beverage, tobacco and tax, and tobacco products permit laws pursuant to sections 559.061, 561.07, 561.15, 561.19, 561.29, 561.501, 210.15, 210.16, 210.45, 210.50, 569.003, and 569.006, Florida Statutes.
Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, the holder of a valid license/permit, issued in the State of Florida, by the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco. Respondent's last known mailing address is as follows:
And the division has not been notified of any other designated person or address for the service of process and notices authorized by Rule 61A-2.012, Florida Administrative Code.
Petitioner intends torevoke; suspend; annul; impose civil penalties, investigative costs, and late penalties; or any combination of these authorized penalties. This intended action is based ori the below described facts or conduct.
407.245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N. Tower
www.MyFloridaLicense.com License Efficiently. Regulate Fairly.
Florida Department'!!
Busines(l'Qi Professi0>:r.ial
Rick Scott, Governor
Ken Lawson, Secretary
RE: CASE NUMBER 2012016965
You, DIVA WINES LLC, D/B/A DIVA WINES & DESSERTS, are charged with the following count(s):
On or about 6/21/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic
· beverages from, to wit:
Tramoniti Distributors WSL 6903080 Invoice Number 197:
Fattoria L'Ottavo Chianti Classico Riserva 2006 750ml, 12 Qty.· Fattoria L'Ottavo Chianti Classico Riserva 2007 750ml, 12 Qty.· L'Ottavo Chianti 2008 750ml, 12 Qty.
Fattoria L'Ottavo Ottavio 2008 750ml, 12 Qty. Fattoria L'Ottavo Bianco Toscana 750ml, 12 Qty. L'Ottavo Pino! Grigio 2010 750ml, 12 Qty.
L'Ottavo Brune/lo di Montalcino 2005, 750ml, 12 Qty. L'Ottavo Chardonnay 2010, 750ml, 12 Qty.
.. . - . --- . -b'.Ottavo-Gr-vieto-Classico-DGC-7'.50ml-20t0;-1-2-Qty.-.. ----···- - L'ottavo Vino Nobile di Montepuliciano750ml DOCG 2006, 12 Qti L'ottavo Toscana White 1GT 2009 750ml, 12 Qty.
L'ottavo Toscana Red 1GT 2009 750ml, 12 Qty.
On or about 11/23/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Florida Wine Importers, Inc. WSL7405788 . Invoice Number: 1087
Maestri Pastai: 668211 Strozzapreti, 12 Qty.
Maestri Pastai: 668131 Orecchiette, -12 Qty. Maestri Pastai: 668011 Bucatini al Bronzo, 12 Qty. Maestri Pastai: 668501 Penne Candela, 12 Qty.
Maestri Pastai: 668521 Penne Zita, 12 Qty.
Maestri Pastai: 668101 Fusi/Ii Ave/linesi 5 Colori, 12 Qty.
Invoice Number:1088
2008 Grey Wolf Alpha, 12Qty. 2005 Red Rover Mer/at, 12 Qty.
407,245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N. Tower
www MyFloridaUcense.com License Efficiently. Regulate Fairly.
Florida Department'!.'
Busines1/Qi Professi<':>rraI
Rick Scott, Governor
Ken Lawson, Secretary
On or about 11/22/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit: ·
Florida Wine Importers, Inc. WSL7405788
Invoice Number: 1086
2010 Cabernet NSA, 12 Qty.
On or about 09/29/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s),.to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Florida Wine Importers, Inc. WSL7405788
Invoice Number:1056
2008 Jada Vineyard Jack of Hearts, 30 Qty.
-2008 Jada Vineyard Jersey Girl, 30 Qty. 2008 Jada Vineyard Mirror, 30 Qty.
On or about 04/12/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic
•-:· - •--- bever.ages-fr-0m1 t0-wit -- - - - - - - · --··- •-------- --·----------------··-·--·--··- •- --· ·--·--·-
Micro man Distributors, Inc. WSL6208894
Stieg! Pils 16.9oz, 20 Qty. Stieg! Radler 16.9oz., 20 Qty.
Weihenstephan Original 12.oz, 24 Qty. Jever Pilsener 11.2oz., 24 Qty.
Great Divide Denver Pale Ale 12oz. 24 Qty. Lagunitas IPA 12oz. 24 Qty.
Wittekerke Framboise 11.2oz, 24 Qty. Flensbu'rger Gold 12 oz. 24 Qty.
On or about 04/5/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Micro man Distributors, Inc. WSL6208894
Stieg! Pils 16..9oz, 20 Qty. Zywiec Porter 16.9oz, 20 Qty. Zywiec 11.2oz, 24 Qty.
Tatra 16.9, 20 Qty.
Great Divide Titan IPA 12oz., 24 Qty. Wittekerke 11.oz, 24 Qty.
407.245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N. Tower
License Efficiently. Reg1;1laie Fairly.
Flortda Departme t\
Busines1c 1L1 ProfessiGif'ral
Rick Scott, Governor
Ken Lawson, Secretary
On or about 10/2/2°011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 2876
Big Crush Distribution WSL1801351
2008 Tolosa Pino! Noir Edna Ranch, 12Qty.. 2009 Tolosa "No Oak" Chardonnay, 12 Qty. 2009 Tolosa Chardonnay, 12 Qty.
2007 Tolosa Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles, 12 Qty. 2007 Tolosa Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles, N/C12 Qty.
On or about 12/14/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 3408 .
Big Crush Distribution WSL1801351
2010 Tin Barn RB Cab 750ml, 12 Qty. 2010 Y3 Chardonnay 750ml, 12 Qty.
2009 Y3 Sauvignon Blanc Napa Valley 750ml, 12 Qty.
·---- -- - --2008-Y-3-T-aureau-Naic)a-Valley,1-2-Qty,- --· --- -- - - --- - - -- -
2009 Twenty Rows Cab 750ml, 12 Qty.
2009 Durigutti Malbec Clasico Lujan/La Consulta 750ml, 12 Qty. 2008 Twenty Rows Merlo! 750ml, 12 Qty.
2010 Vilarin, Valtea Albarino, Rias-Baixas, SP 750ml, 12 Qty.
On or about 9/15/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Big Crush Distribution WSL1801351
2010 Tin Barn RB Cab, 48 Qty. 2009 Y3 Chardonnay, 12 Qty.
407.245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N. Tower
www.MyFloridaLicense.com License Efficlenlly. ·Regulate Fairly.
Florida Department
Business?\,) Professi6'ri-aI
Rick Scott, Governor
Ken Lawson, Secretary
On or about 10/12/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holdi_ng a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 2876
Big Crush Distribution WSL1801351
2008 Tolosa Pino! Noir, Edna Ranch, 12 Qty. 2009 Tolosa "No Oak" Chardonnay, 12 Qty. 2009 Tolosa Chardonnay, 12 Qty.
2007 Tolosa Cabernet Sauvignori Pasa Robles, 12 Qty.
2007 Tolosa Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles (N/C), 12 Qty.
On or about 12/14/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holdin'g a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent{s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 3408
Big Crush Distribution WSL1801351
2010 Tin Barn RB Cab, 750ml, 24 Qty. 2010 Y3 Chardonnay, 750ml, 12·Qty.
2009 Y3 Sauvignon Blanc Napa Valley, 750ml, 12 Qty. 2008 Y3 Taureau Napa Valley, 12 Qty.
2009 Twenty Rows Cab 750ml, 12 Qty.
• •-- - -..----2009-Qurigutii-Maltiec-Glasice-bujan/ba-Gensulla,-7'.§Qml,--12-Qt-y.-.-· 2008 Twenty Rows Merlo!, 750ml, 12 Qty.
2010 Vilarin, Valtea Albarino, Rias-Baixas, SP 750ml, 12 Qty.
On or about 3/8/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to Wit:
Invoice: 4208
Big Crush Distribution WSL1801351
2010 Venge Scouts Honor, 750ml, 24 Qty. 2010 Venge Scouts Honor, 750ml, 24 Qty.
On or about 3/1_4/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 4686 Angels' Share South
2005 Shelter "Butcher" Cabernet Sauvignon Special, 12 Qty.
407.245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N, Tower
www.MxFtoridaUcense.com License Efficiently. Regulate Fairly.
Florida Departmenmt•
BusinesSt_v1 Professi6) ·al
Rick Scott, Governor
Ken Lawson, Secretary
On or about 9/27/2012, you, the aforementloned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase aicoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: TP01295
Tout-Petit Vih WSL6012930
2007 Terry Boage Vineyards "5 Blacks Cuvee", 13 Qty. 2010 Samsara, santa Rita Hills Pino! Nair, 12 Qty;
09 Broadside Cabernet Sauvignon, Margarita Vineyard, 24 Qty. 2009 Parlay, red, the. Bookmaker", 24 Qty.
2010 Parlay, White, "The Long shot", 12 Qty. 2010 Parlay, White, "The Long shot", 12 Qty. N/C
On or about 3/8/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s),·or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 11497
Vingevity WSL2608179
Cable Car Merlo! 1O Qty. Zamba Malbec, 10 Qty.
- -· 1-e On-0r-ao0ut-1-1./3Q/-20-1-1,-y0u,lhe-aforE;imenlioned-licensee;-holding-a-license-under-the----·
Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21194
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Oltrepo Pavese 2010 Casteggio Moscato, 12 Qty.
.Oltrepo Pavese 2009 Casteggio Sangue di Guida Red Wine, 12 Qty. Vinchio- Vaglia Serra La Passione Sweet Red Wine, 12 Qty.
Lyons 2006 Meritage- Murray Reserve, 12 Qty.
On or about 12/8/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21271
Classicaf Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Lyons 2006 Meritage-Murray Reserve, 12 Qty.
Oltreo Pavese Casteggio 2009 Sangue di Guida Red Wine, 12 Qty Guida Red Wine, 12 Qty.
Vinchio- Vaglia Serra La Passione Sweet Red Wine, 12 Qty.
407.245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N. Tower
www.MyFloridaUcense.com License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly,
· Flortda Department;,
Business?\Ll Professib'rial
Rick Scott, Governor
Ken Lawson, Secretary
Invoice: 21284
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Sapphire Hill 2009 Chardonnay- Russian Valley, 0 Qty. Sapphire Hill 2009 Chardonnay- Russian Valley, 2 Qty. Alconde 2008 Coleccion Rosado Fresco, 12 Qty.
Alconde 2008 Coleccion Rosado Fresco, 2 Qty. Alconde 2005 Seleccion Tempranillo Reserva, 0 Qty. Alconde 2005 Seleccion Tempranillo Reserila, 2 Qty. Sardasol 2009 Tempranillo Merlo!, 2 Qty.
Bressler 2005 Cabernet Sauvignin, 1 Qty.
On or about 12/9/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21294
Classical Wine Distributors
Invoice: 21298
Classical Wine Distributors
Bressler 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5L 1 Case Qty. Bressler 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5L 1 Case Qty . Bressler 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5L 1 Case Qty
Oltrepo Pavese 2010 Casteggio Moscato 750ml 12 Qty.
On or about 12/14/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee,' holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21331
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Oltrepo Pavese 2010 Casteggio Moscato 750ml 24 Qty. Oltrepo Pavese 2009 Casteggio Sangue di Guida Red Wine 750ml 36 Qty.
Vinchio- Vagalisa Serra La Passione Sweet Red Wine 750ml 22 Qty,
Casolari Scintilla d'Amore ·Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC 2009 750ml 12 Qty.
Casolari Scintilla d'Amore Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC 2009 New Placement 750ml 1 Qty.
. DR Zenzen Trockenbeernauslese 2008 Ortega-Gift Pack w/2
glasses 375ml 6 Qty.
DR Zenzen Trockenbeernauslese 2007 Ortega-Gift Pack w/2 glasses New Placement 375ml 1 Qty
Castera Cellars 2008 Muscat Canem750ml 12 Qty.
407,245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N. Tower
License Efficlently. Regulate Fairly.
Florida Oepartmenmt"
Businesri )i
Rick Scott, Governor Ken Lawson, Secretary
On or about 12/30/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21466
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Oltrepo Pavese 2009 Casteggio Sangue•di Guida Red Wine 750ml 36 Qty
Oltrepo Pavese 2010 Casteggio Moscato 750m.I 24 Qty.
.21. On or about 12/22/2011, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21335
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Vinchio-Vaglia Serra 2010 Vigne Rare Moscato (unknown volume) 36 Qty.
On or about 2/3/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to Wit:
Invoice: 21728
···-Glassical-Wine-Gistributors - ·-WSi:;5808676·-· -- · ···· --- - --- -- ....
Quevedo Ruby Port Wine 750ml 12 Qty.
DR Zenzen Trockenbeernauslese 2008 Ortega-Gift Pack w/2 glasses 375ml 6 Qty
On or about 2/7/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic
· beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21728
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Lyons 2006 Meritage Murray Reserve 750ml 12 Qty.
On or about 2/29/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s),.to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21933
Classical Wine Distributors
Oltrepo Pavese 201O Casteggio Moscato 750ml 24 Qty. Oltrepo Pavese 2009 Casteggio Sangue di Guida Red Wine 750ml 12 Qty.
Vina 95 Sweet Red Wine 750ml 12 Qty.
Vina 95 Sweet Red Wine D1 New Placement 750ml 1Qty.
DR Zenzen Trockenbeernauslese 2008 Ortega-Gift Pack w/2 glasse.mo:w' (111/ol;\,.Qi,yst. www.MyFloridaLicense.com
Hurston Bldg,, N, Tower License Efficienlly, Regulate Fairly.
Florida Deparrmem
Businesf;f)1 Professibnal
Rick Scott, Governor
Ken Lawson, Secretary
24. On or about 3/9/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 21990
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676 .
Oltrepo Pavese 2010asteggio Sangue di Guida Red Wine 750ml 12 Qty.
25 On or about 3/9/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, liolding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s}, servant(s), or employee(s}, to purchase alcoholic beverages from,. to wit:
Invoice: 22004
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Stolzle Weinland Cab/Bordeaux 18oz, 4 Qty.
On or about 3/13/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s}, or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 22005
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
---- - ·---- --- •·-·----- - ---·•·--- --Vinehio-Va§lia-Serra-ba-F1assione-Sweet-Red-Wine-i'50ml-12---
On or about 3/13/2012, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage Law as a distributor, or your agent(s}, officer(s)", servant(s}, or employee(s), to purchase alcoholic beverages from, to wit:
Invoice: 22092
Classical Wine Distributors WSL5808676
Vinchio-Vaglia Serra La Passione Sweet Red Wine 750ml 12 Qty.
Vinchio-Vaglia Serra 2010 Vigne Rare Moscato (unknown volume} 12 Qty.
while such vendor was listed on the No Sale List , this act being contrary to and in violation of section 561.42(5), within 561.29(1}(a}, Florida Statutes.
407.245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N. Tower
License Efficiently. Regulate Fairly.
Florida Depanmen t•
Businesr-v Professie>--al
Rick Scott, Oovemor
Ken Lawson, Secretary·
Signed this July 17, 2012
Explanation of Service: Date Served
Robert A. Douglas, Director
Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco
Law Enforcement Captain
Received By _ Personal
Service By
Certified Mail# _ Attach Receipt.if Served by Mail.
407.245.0780 400 West Robinson St.
Hurston Bldg., N. Tower
www MyFloridaUcense.com License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly,
Issue Date | Proceedings |
Dec. 20, 2012 | Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED. |
Dec. 18, 2012 | Unopposed Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed. |
Dec. 04, 2012 | Order of Pre-hearing Instructions. |
Dec. 04, 2012 | Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 11 and 12, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL). |
Dec. 03, 2012 | Joint Response to the Initial Order filed. |
Nov. 27, 2012 | Notice of Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed. |
Nov. 27, 2012 | Notice of Petitioner's First Request for Admissions filed. |
Nov. 27, 2012 | Notice of Petitioner's First Request for Production filed. |
Nov. 26, 2012 | Initial Order. |
Nov. 26, 2012 | Administrative Complaint filed. |
Nov. 26, 2012 | Agency referral filed. |
Nov. 26, 2012 | Request for Administrative Hearing filed. |
Nov. 26, 2012 | Amended Administrative Complaint filed. |