Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Tampa, Florida
Filed: Dec. 17, 2012
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, March 29, 2013.
Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
vs. : VERSA No. 2012010800
COMES NOW the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for
Health Care Administration (the “Agency”) and files this
Administrative Complaint against the Respondent, MD Plus Clinic,
LLC (the “Respondent” or “MD Plus”), pursuant to Sections
120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and alleges as follows:
This is an action against a health care clinic to revoke
the License of the health care clinic, to impose an’
administrative fine in the amount of three thousand dollars
($3,000.00), and to recover the Agency’s costs of investigation,
pursuant to Chapter 400, Part X, and Chapter 408, Part II,
Florida Statutes.
1. This tribunal has jurisdiction over the subject matter
pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes.
Page 1 of 15
Filed December 17, 2012 12:34 PM Division of Administrative Hearings
2. ‘The Agency has jurisdiction over the Respondent
pursuant to Sections 20.42 and 120.60, and Chapters 408, Part
II, and 400, Part X, Florida statutes, and Chapter 59A-25,
Florida Administrative Code. ) )
3. Venue lies pursuant to Rule 28-106.207, Florida
Administrative Code.
4. The Agency is the licensing and regulatory authority
‘that oversees health care clinics in Plorida and enforces the
applicable state statutes and rules governing such facilities.
Chapts. 408, Part II, and 400, Part X, Fla. Stat.; Chapt. 59A-
33, Fla. Admin. Code.
5. The Respondent holds a health care clinic license
, issued by the Agency, number 8939, for business premises located.
at 2039 East Edgewood Drive, Suite 110B, Lakeland, Florida
6. At all times material to the allegations of this
administrative complaint, Respondent was required to comply with
-all applicable state statutes and rules governing health care
7. On September 20, 2012, the Agency's surveyor conducted
a complaint investigation of the Respondent.
Page 2 of 15
8. BACKGROUND SCREENING: On September 20, 2012, the
Agency’s surveyor reviewed Respondent’s records. The Agency’s
surveyor’s review found that the MD Plus Clinic Log of Screened
Persons had only two names on it, the owner and the medical
8.a. In an interview with MD Plus’s manager on 9/20/12 at
approximately 10:35 a.m., the Agency’s surveyor was told
that there were an additional five staff members of MD Plus
- Employees #1, #2,.#3, #4 and #5.- who provide personal
care or services directly to clients or have access to
client funds, personal property, or living areas.
°8.b. When the Agency’s surveyor reviewed the five staff
members’ files, all five were missing documentation of
Level II background screening.
8.c. Under § 400.991, Fla. Stat., a health care clinic must
comply with the requirements of Part II of Chapter 408,
Fla. Stat.:
(1) (a) The requirements of part II of chapter 408
apply to the provision of services that require
licensure pursuant to this part.and part II of chapter
408 and to entities licensed by or applying for such
licensure from the agency pursuant to this part...
(S) (a). .
(b) The agency shall require level 2 background
screening for applicants and personnel as required in
s, 408.809(1) (e) pursuant to chapter 435 and. s.
408.809. ,
8.d, Section 408.809, Fla. Stat., requires:
Page 3 of 15
(1) Level 2 background screening pursuant to chapter
435 must be conducted through the agency on each of the
following persons, who are considered employees for the
purposes of conducting screening under chapter 435:
-(a) The licensee, if an individual. :
(b) The administrator or a similarly titled person who
is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the
provider. .
(c) The financial officer or similarly titled
_ individual who is responsible for the financial
operation of the licensee. or provider.
(d}) Any person who is a controlling interest if the
agency has reason to believe that such person has been
convicted of any offense prohibited by s. 435.04. For
each controlling interest who has been convicted of any
such offense, the licensee shall submit to the agency a
description and explanation of the conviction at the
time of license application.
(e) Any person, as required by authorizing statutes,
seeking employment with.a licensee’or provider who is
expected to, or whose responsibilities may require him
or her to, provide personal care or services directly
to clients or have access to client funds, personal
property, or living areas; and any person, as required
by authorizing statutes, contracting with a licensee or
provider whose responsibilities require him or her to.
provide personal care or personal services directly to
Clients. Evidence of contractor screening may be
retained by the contractor's employer or the licensee.
8.e. Rule 59A-33,012(5), Fla. Admin. Code, specifies: .
(5) To facilitate a licensure survey, the health care
clinic shall have the following material's readily
available for review at the time of the survey:
(h) Personnel files.
(xr) Log of all natural persons required and who have
been screened under Level 2 criteria of Chapter 435
and Section 400.991, F.S.
8.f. By not having documentation of background screening of
Employees #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5, Respondent engaged ina
Page 4 of 15
pattern of violations of Rule 59A-33.002(1)(e), Fla. Admin.
: 9, MEDICAL DIRECTOR: Section 400.9905, Fla. Stat.,
| defines: )
(5) “Medical director” means a physician who is
employed or under contract with a clinic and who
maintains a full and unencumbered physician license in
accordance with chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460,
4 or chapter 461, However, if the clinic does not provide
services pursuant to the respective physician practices
acts listed in this subsection, it may appoint a
Florida-licensed health care practitioner who does not
provide services pursuant to the respective physician
practices acts listed in this subsection to serve as a
clinic director who is responsible for the clinic’s
activities. A health care practitioner may not serve as
the clinic director if the services provided at the
clinic are beyond the scope of that practitioner's
license, except that a licensee specified in s.
456.053(3) (b) who provides only services authorized
pursuant to s. 456.053(3) (b) may serve as clinic
director of an entity providing services as specified
in s. 456.053(3) (b).
te ates vente
‘ 9.a. Rule’ 59A-33.008, Fla. Admin. Code, requires:
59A-33.008 Medical or Clinic Director, .
: (1) A licensed health care clinic may not operate or be
a maintained without the day-to-day supervision of a
single medical or clinic director as defined in Section
400.9905(5), F.S. The health care clinic
responsibilities under Sections 400.9935 (1) (a)-(g),
F.S., cannot be met without an active, appointed
medical or clinic director. Failure of an appointed
medical or clinic director to substantially comply with
health care clinic responsibilities under Rule 59A~
33.012, F.A.C., and Sections 400.9935(1) (a)-(g), F.S.,
shall be grounds for the revocation or suspension of
the license and assessment of a fine pursuant to
Section 400.995(1), F.S.
(2) By statutory definition in Section 400.9905(5),
F.S., a medical director is a health care practitioner
that holds an active and unencumbered Florida
Page 5 of 15
pas pene
physician’s license in accordance with Chapters 458
(medical physician), 459 (osteopathic physician), 460
{chiropractic physician) or 461 (podiatric physician),
F.S. A suspended or non-renewed license is considered
an encumbered license, as is a license that restricts
- the License holder from performing health care services
‘in a manner or under supervision different from a
license holder without board or Department of Health
(3) The Agency shall emergency order
suspending the license of any health care clinic
operated or maintained without a medical or clinic
director as required by the Act and this rule for such
period of time as the health care clinic is without a
medical or clinic director. ‘The Agency shall assess a
civil fine of up to $5,000 for operating or maintaining
a health care clinic without a medical or clinic
director. Each day of operation following receipt of
Agency. notice is considered a separate offense.
Operation and maintenance of a health care clinic
without a medical or clinic director shall be grounds
for revocation of the license in. addition to the
assessment of fines pursuant to Section 400.995 (1),
9.b. Section 400.9935, Fla. Stat., requires:
400.9935 Clinic responsibilities.—
(1) Each clinic shall. appoint a medical director or
clinic.director who shall agree in writing to accept
legal responsibility for the following activities on
behalf of the clinic. The medical director or the
clinic director shall:
(a) Have signs identifying the medical director or
clinic director posted in a conspicuous location within
the clinic readily visible to all patients.
(bo) Ensure that all practitioners providing health care
services or supplies to patients maintain a current
active and unencumbered Florida license.
(c) Review any patient referral contracts or agreements
executed by the clinic.
(d) Ensure that all health care practitioners at the
clinic have active appropriate certification or
licensure for the level of care being provided.
{e) Serve as the clinic records owner as defined in s.
(£) Ensure compliance with the recordkeeping, office
Page 6 of 15
surgery, and adverse incident reporting requirements of
chapter 456, the respective practice acts, and rules
adopted under this part and part II of chapter 408.
(g) Conduct systematic reviews of clinic billings to
ensure that the billings are not fraudulent or
unlawful. Upon discovery of an unlawful charge, the
medical director or clinic director shall take
immediate corrective action. If the clinic performs
only the technical component of magnetic resonance
imaging, static radiographs, computed tomography, or
' positron emission tomography, and provides the
professional interpretation of such services, in a
fixed facility that is accredited by the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
or the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health
Care, and the American College of Radiology; and if, in
the preceding quarter, the percentage of ‘scans
performed by that clinic which was billed to all
personal injury protection insurance carriers was less
-than 15 percent, the chief financial officer of the
clinic may, in a written acknowledgment provided to the
agency, assume the responsibility for the conduct of
the systematic reviews of clinic billings to ensure
that the billings are not fraudulent or unlawful.
9.c. Rule 59A-33.012, Fla. Admin. Code, requires:
(3). . .. The medical or clinic director must attend
the survey entrance conference and be available when
the survey is conducted for the surveyor to determine
compliance with minimum standards. Other key personnel
required include the financial director, a
representative of management or ownership and persons
responsible for patient records and billing.
(5) To facilitate a licensure survey, the health care
clinic shall have the following materials readily
available for review at the time of the survey:
(h) Personnel files.
(i) Logs, charts or notes demonstrating day-to-day
oversight of health care clinic activities by the
medical or clinic director. .
(j) Copies of professional licenses issued by the
respective boards and the Department of Health under
the several practice acts.
(k) Any patient referral contracts or agreements of the
Page 7 of 15
health care clinic that are in writing and a disclosure
to the- surveyor of any such agreements that are not in
writing including the names of the parties to the
agreement, the date. and the essential terms of
(1) For health care clinics that are in operation at
the time of the survey, the surveyor will select a
sample of at least five (5) patient medical records
from the previous 6 months of operation with at least
one Medicaid file, if certified as a Medicaid provider,
plus the five (5) billing records that correspond with
. the five patient records.
(m) Description of means by which the health care
clinic conducts a systematic review of billings that
ensures billings are not fraudulent or unlawful. .A
sample must be reviewed by the medical. director or
clinic director at least once every 30 days and a
record maintained by the health care clinic for at
least three years identifying the records reviewed and
when and what action was taken to correct fraudulent or
unlawful billings. A log of systematic reviews shall
be. kept and maintained in a discrete file at the health
care clinic for review on request of the Agency during
the retention period.
(n) List of services provided or a general descriptor
of scope, level and complexity of care for services
(o) Current diagnostic and treatment equipment records
showing equipment certification when such equipment
must have regulatory certification. This requirement is
‘met with presentation of a current maintenance
(p) An organizational flow chart with lines of :
authority and names of key individuals and positions.
(q) An all-inclusive and up to date listing of original
signatures and initials of all persons entering
information on billing and patient records, the printed
name and medical designation, if any, such as PA, RN,
MD, etc. The log shall be kept and concurrently
‘maintained at the health care clinic. Information
required by this rule shall be stored and maintained by
the health care clinic for a period of 5 years.
(xr) Log of all natural persons required and who have
been screened under Level 2 criteria of Chapter 435 and
Section 400.991, F.S.
(8s) Documentation for the past two years or from the
date of licensure, whichever is earlier, demonstrating
Page 8 of 15
in writing compliance, when, and what action was taken
by the medical or clinic director to perform the
functions, duties and clinic responsibilities under
Sections 400.9935(1) (a)-(g), F.S. Such documentation
shall be made available to authorized agency personnel
upon request.
Plus’s medical director, who was on-site treating patients at the
time of the Agency’s survey, refused to attend the survey
entrance conference and refused to participate in the survey
10.a. During a telephone interview with MD Plus’s
attorney on 9/20/12 at approximately 10:00 a.m., the
Agéncy’s surveyor was told that the attorney would not
allow MD Plus’s medical director to be interviewed by the
surveyor or be present for any part of the survey.
10.b. ‘The Agency’s surveyor advised MS Plus’s attorney
that the Agency has the right under’ 59A-33.012(3) F.A.C. ‘to
require the medical director to be available for the
entrance conference and when the survey is conducted.
10.c. In a subsequent interview with MD Plus’s manager
on 9/20/12 at approximately 10:10 a.m., MD Plus’s manager
confirmed to the Agency’s surveyor that MD Plus’ medical
director would not participate in the survey process.
Page 9 of 15
~ 10.d. _By not attending the Agency’s survey entrance
conference and by not being available to the Agency’s
- surveyor during the Agency’s survey, MD Plus and MD Plus’s
medical director violated Rule 59A-33.012 (3), Florida
Administrative Code.
LEAST ONCE EVERY THIRTY DAYS. The Agency’s surveyor’s review of
Respondent’s records on September 20, 2012, found that the
health care clinic failed to ensure that ‘the medical director
conducted a monthly record review to ensure that billings are
not fraudulent or unlawful.
ll.a. During record review of the clinic Monthly Record
‘Review on 9/20/12, the Agency’s surveyor found that the
medical director had not. performed a review of clinic
billing for August 2012.
ll.b. The medical director's last billing review
7 completed was dated July 19, 2012, thus exceeding the 30
day requirement.
ll.c. During an interview with MD Plus’s manager on
9/20/12 at approximately 11:35 a.m., the manager admitted
that the medical director was behind in reviewing clinic
billings of MD Plus.
11.d. During record review for Patient #3, the Agency's
surveyor found that billing errors had occurred as it
Page 10 of 15
pertained to lab work ordered on 6/14/12 and prepaid by the
patient, but never completed. Also, an EKG ordered by the
medical director on 7/19/12 was prepaid by the patient and
never completed. The medical director had not conducted a
review of the closed patient record to assure that refunds
were given to patients in a timely manner.
11l.e. In an interview with MD Plus’s Manager on 9/20/12
at approximately 11:45 a.m., MD Plus’s manager confirmed to
the Agency’s surveyor that Patient #3 was owed $100.00 due
to pre-payment of $50.00 for lab work never done and $50
' for EKG that was never performed, as ordered by the medical
director, MD Plus’s manager further stated that the
patient record should have been reviewed for billing errors
and the money should have been refunded.
11.£. By not having conducted systematic reviews of
clinic billings at least once ever thirty (30) days as
required by § 400.9935(1)(g), Fla. Stat., and Rule 59A-
33.012(5) (m), Florida Administrative Code, during the month
of August 2012, Respondent’s Medical Director and
Respondent engaged in a violation of § 400.9935 (1) (g), Fla.
Stat., and Rule 59A-33.012(5) (m), Florida Administrative
12. The above violations entitle the Agency to seek an
Page 11 of 15
administrative fine of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00), costs
of investigation, and revocation of Respondent’s license as a
health care clinic.
-13. Section 400.995, Fla. Stat., provides:
400.995 Agency administrative penalties.—
(1) In addition to the requirements of part II of
chapter 408, the agency may deny the application for a
- license renewal, revoke and suspend the license, and
impose administrative fines of up to $5,000 per
violation for violations of the requirements of this
part or rules of the agency. In determining if a
penalty is to be imposed and in fixing the amount of
the fine, the agency shall consider the following
(a) The gravity of the violation, including the
probability that death or serious physical or emotional
harm to a patient will result or has resulted, the
severity of the action or potential harm, and’ the
extent to which the provisions of the applicable laws
or rules were violated.
(b) Actions taken by the owner, medical director, or
clinic director to correct violations.
‘(c) Any previous violations,
(ad) The financial benefit to the clinic of committing
or continuing the violation.
(2) Bach day of continuing violation after the date
fixed for termination of the violation, as ordered by
the agency, constitutes an additional, separate, and
distinct violation.
14. Section 400.9915, Fla. Stat., provides:
400.9915 Emergency suspension; costs.—
(1) Failure by a clinic to employ a qualified medical
director or clinic director constitutes a ground for
emergency suspension of the license by the agency
pursuant to s. 408.814,
(2) In addition to any administrative fines imposed
pursuant to this part or part II of chapter 408, the
agency may assess a fee equal to the cost of conducting
a complaint investigation.
15. Section 408.815, Fla. Stat., provides:
Page 12 of 15
408.815 License or application denial; revocation.—
(1) In addition to the grounds provided in authorizing
statutes, grounds that may be used by the agency for
denying and revoking a license or change of ownership
application include any of the following actions by a
controlling interest:
(c) A violation of this part, authorizing statutes, or
applicable rules,
(d) A demonstrated pattern of deficient performance.
16. Rule 59A~33.008(1), Fla. Admin. Code, provides:
(1) A licensed health care clinic may not operate or
be maintained without the day-to-day supervision of a
single medical or clinic director as defined in Section
400.9905(5), F.S. The health care clinic
responsibilities under Sections 400.9935(1) (a)-(g),
F.S8., cannot be met without an active, appointed
medical or clinic director. Failure of an appointed
medical or clinic director to substantially comply with
health care clinic responsibilities under Rule 59A-
33.012, F.A.C., and Sections 400.9935(1) (a)-(g), F.S.,
shall be grounds for the revocation or suspension of
the license and assessment of a fine pursuant to
Section 400.995(1), F.S.
17. Hach of the violations set forth in paragraphs 8, 10
and 11 are individually grounds for the imposition of an
administrative fine, as set forth in § 400,995, Fla. Stat.
18, The violations set forth in paragraph 8 are a pattern
of violations which is a ground for license revocation pursuant
to § 408.815, Fla. Stat.
19. Taken together the violations set forth in paragraphs
8,10 and 11 demonstrate a pattern of violations sufficient to
warrant license revocation.
20. Taken together the violations set forth in paragraphs
Page 13 of 15
8, 10 and 11 demonstrate the failure of Respondent’s appointed
medical director to substantially comply with health care clinic
responsibilities under Rule 59A~33.012, Fla. Admin. Code, and
Sections 400.9935(1) (a)~(g), Fla.Stat., and are grounds for the
revocation or suspension of the license and assessment of a fine
pursuant to Section 400.995(1), F.S.
WHEREFORE, the State of Florida’s, Agency for Health Care
Administration, requests that this tribunal revoke the license
of Respondent; impose an administrative fine against the
Respondent, a health care clinic, in the amount of three
thousand dollars ($3,000.00); and impose a fee equal to the cost
of conducting a complaint investigation.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an
administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.569, Florida
Statutes. Respondent has the right to retain, and be
represented by an attorney in this matter. Specific options for
administrative action are set out in the attached Election of
All requests for hearing shall be made to the Agency for Health
Care Administration, and delivered to Agency Clerk, Agency for
Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg #3, MS #3,
Tallahassee, FL 32308; whose telephone number is (850) 412-3630.
Page 14 of 15
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the
foregoing has been served by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt
No. 7012 1010 0000 5357 3450 to Victor Thiagaraj Selvaraj, 2039
East Edgewood Drive, Suite 110B, Lakeland,. FL 33803 and by U.S.
Mail to Robert F. Cohen, CPA, Registered Agent, 2918 Busch Lake
Blvd., Tampa, FL 33614, on October
Copies furnished to:
Pat Caufman, FOM
es H, Harris, Esq.
» Bax. No. 817775
Assistant General Counsel
Agency for Health Care Administration
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330D
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Office: 727-552-1944
Facsimile: 727-552-1440
Page 15 of 15
RE: MD Plus Clinic, LLC . CASE NO, 2012010800
This Election of Rights form is attached to a proposed action by the Agency for Health Care
Administration (AHCA). The title may be Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fee, Notice of
Intent to Impose a Late Fine or Administrative Complaint.
If your Election of Rights with your selected option is not received by AHCA within twenty-
one (21) days from the date you received this notice of proposed action by AHCA, you will have
given up your right to contest the Agency’s proposed action and a final order will be issued.
(Please use this form unless you, your attorney or your representative prefer to reply according to
Chapter120, Florida Statutes (2006) and Rule 28, Florida Administrative Code.)
- Agency for Health Care Administration
Attention: Agency Clerk
2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3
Tallahassee, Florida 32308,
Phone: 850-412-3630 Fax: 850-921-0158.
OPTION ONE (1) I admit to the allegations of facts and law contained in the Notice
of Intent to Impose a Late Fine or Fee, or Administrative Complaint and I waive my right to
object and to have a hearing. I understand that by giving up my right to a hearing, a final order
will be issued that adopts the proposed agency action and imposes the penalty, fine or action.
OPTION TWO (2)____—L admit to the allegations of facts contained in the Notice of Intent
to Impose a Late Fee, tle Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fine, or Administrative
Complaint, but I wish to be heard at an informal proceeding (pursuant to Section 120.57(2),
Florida Statutes) where I may submit testimony and written evidence to the Agency to show that
the proposed administrative action is too severe or that the fine should be reduced.
OPTION THREE (3)___—‘I dispute the allegations of fact contained in the Notice of Intent
to Impose a Late Fee, the Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fine, or Administrative
Complaint, and 1 request a formal hearing (pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes)
before an Administrative Law Judge appointed by the Division of Administrative Hearings,
PLEASE NOTE: Choosing OPTION THREE (3), by itself, is NOT sufficient to obtain a
formal hearing. You also must file a written petition in order to obtain a formal hearing before
the Division of Administrative Hearings under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.
! -
It must be received by the Agency Clerk at the address above within 21 ouys of your receipt of this
proposed administrative action. The request for formal hearing must conform to the requirements
of Rule 28-106.2015, Florida Administrative Code, which requires that it contain:
1. Your name, address, and telephone number, and the name, address, and telephone number of
your representative or lawyer, if any.
2. The file number of the proposed action.
3, A-statement of when you received notice of the Agency’s proposed action.
4. A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, you must state that there
are none. : .
Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, may be available in this matter if the Agency
License type: . (ALF? nursing home? medical equipment? Other type?)
Licensee Name: License number:
Contact person:
: Name ae Title
Street and number City Zip Code
Telephone No. Fax No. Email(optional)
I hereby certify that I am duly authorized to submit this Notice of Election of Rights to the Agency
for Health Care Administration on behalf of the licensee referred to above,
Signed: . Date;
Print Name: Title:
Late fee/fine/AC
Victor Thing
af 2039 East Edgewood Drive
j, Suite 1105"
yo Lakeland, EL 33803
Ol2 1020 00n0 5357 3450
Docket for Case No: 12-004023
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 29, 2013 |
Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 27, 2013 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Feb. 26, 2013 |
Agency's Notice of Supplementary Responses Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Feb. 25, 2013 |
Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Compel Better Answer to First Set of Interrogatories Request No. 6 filed.
Feb. 25, 2013 |
Motion to Compel Better Answer to First Set of Interrogatories Request No. 6 filed.
Feb. 25, 2013 |
Respondent's Notice of Serving Second Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Feb. 12, 2013 |
Agency's Response to Respondent's First Request for Admissions filed.
Feb. 12, 2013 |
Agency's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Feb. 12, 2013 |
Agency's Notice of Service of Agency's Responses to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Feb. 12, 2013 |
Agency's Notice of Service of Agency's Responses to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Feb. 05, 2013 |
Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 4, 2013; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Jan. 31, 2013 |
Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Jan. 22, 2013 |
Notice of Taking Depositions (of P. Aromala and B. Snyder) filed.
Jan. 17, 2013 |
Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by February 1, 2013).
Jan. 16, 2013 |
Unopposed Motion for Continuance of Proceedings filed.
Jan. 16, 2013 |
Agency's Response to and Motion to Strike Respondent's Motion to Shorten Time for Petitioner to Respond to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories, First Request for Production and First Request for Admissions filed.
Jan. 16, 2013 |
Agency's Response to and Motion to Strike Respondent's Motion to Shorten Time for Petitioner to Respond to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories, First Request for Production and First Request for Admissions filed.
Jan. 15, 2013 |
Respondent's Motion to Shorten Time for Petitioner to Respond to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories, First Request for Production and First Request for Admissions filed.
Jan. 15, 2013 |
Respondent's Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories, First Request for Production and First Request for Admissions to Petitioner filed.
Dec. 19, 2012 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Dec. 19, 2012 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 14, 2013; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa and Tallahassee, FL).
Dec. 19, 2012 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Dec. 18, 2012 |
Initial Order.
Dec. 17, 2012 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Dec. 17, 2012 |
Respondent's Petition for Formal Hearing and Answer to Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 17, 2012 |
Administrative Complaint filed.