Respondent: JOSE CELPA, A.P.
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Tampa, Florida
Filed: Apr. 01, 2014
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, April 24, 2014.
Latest Update: Mar. 04, 2025
Vv. CASE NO. 2010-04278
Jose Celpa, A.P,
COMES NOW, Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through its
undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint before the
Board of Acupuncture against the Respondent, Jose Celpa, A.P, and in
support thereof alleges:
1. . Petitioner: is the state department charged with regulating the
practice of acupuncture pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes; Chapter
456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 457, Florida Statutes.
2. At all times material to this Complaint, the Respondent was
registered with the Board of Acupuncture as an acupuncturist, having been
issued license number AP 519.
3, | Respondent's address of record is 12016 Mountbatten Drive,
Tampa, FL 33626.
4. On-or about. August 22, 2003, the Respondent presented a
fraudulent prescription to a pharmacy for 90 Dilaudid using the name of
“Jose Poncr.” The prescription was written using Dr. O.'s name and DEA
number. Investigation revealed that the doctor did not authorize the
prescription and no longer practiced in the Tampa area. The pharmacy tech
identified the Respondent from a line up as the person who had picked up
the fraudulent prescription.
5. Dilaudid is a Schedule IT controlled Substance.
6. Obtaining a controlled substance by fraud is a third degree
felony punishable by $5,000 fine. and up to 5 years in prison.
7...On or about October 2, 2003, Respondent was charged by
criminal. information. in the Circuit Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in
and for the county of Hillsborough, State of Florida, Tampa District Case
Number 2003-CF-015672 with obtaining a controlled substance by fraud, in
violation of Section 893,13 (7)(a)9, Florida Statutes.
8. On or about October 28, 2003, Respondent was charged by
criminal information in the Circuit Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in
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ner ES
and for the county of Hillsborough, State of Florida, Tampa District Case
Number 2003-CF-016664 with obtaining a controlled substance by fraud, in
violation of Section 893.13 (7)(a)9, Florida Statutes.
9. The information in case 2003-CF-016664 alleged that on August
21, 2003, the Respondent unlawfully obtained or attempted to obtain
Hydromorphone, a controlled substance by fraud.
10. The Respondent passed a fraudulent prescription for 90 Dilaudid
to a pharmacy in the name of “Blanca Poncr” using the name and DEA
number of Dr.O. Dr.O. stated that he did not have a patient by that name
and the prescription was fraudulent. The pharmacy tech identified the
Respondent from a line up as the person who had presented the fraudulent
11... The information in case 2003-CF-015672 alleged that on August
22, 2003, the Respondent: did unlawfully and feloniously acquire or obtain
or attempt to acquire or obtain possession of a controlled substance, to wit:
Pethidine (Meperdine), as named or described in Section 893.03 (2)(b),
Florida Statutes by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception or
J:\PSU\Medical\Dentistry\Patricia Smith\Acupuncture\PCP documents\Celpa 201004278.doc 3
12. On or about May 31, 2005, the Respondent entered a plea of
guilty. in case 2003-CF-015672 and 2003-CF-016664 to obtaining a
controlled substance by fraud. The Respondent received a withhold of
adjudication and was sentenced to 24 months of probation.
13. On or about May 31, 2005, the Respondent entered a plea of
guilty in case 2003-CF-009469 to carrying a concealed firearm, driving with
license cancelled, suspended or revoked and operating unregistered vehicle.
14. Carrying a concealed firearm is a third degree felony punishable
by up to 5 years in prison. Driving with license cancelled, suspended or
revoked and operating unregistered vehicle are second degree
misdemeanors punishable: by up to 60 days in the county jail.
15. The Respondent received a withhold of adjudication and was
sentenced to 24 months of probation on the felony, carrying a concealed
firearm and 6 months probation on the misdemeanor charges. The
probation sentences in case numbers 2003-CF-15672, 2003-CF-16664 and
2003-CF-009469 all ran concurrent with each other.
16. Respondent's conviction for obtaining a controlled substance by
fraud, directly relates to Respondent's practice of acupuncture or to
Respondent’s abilily to practice acupuncture.
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17. The Respondent failed to report his convictions in case numbers
2003-CF-156724, 2003-CF-16664 and/or 2003-CF-009469 to the Board of
18. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through seventeen (17) as if fully set forth herein.
19. Section 457.109(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2004), subjects a
licensee to discipline for violating being convicted or found guilty, regardless
of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of a crime which directly relates to the
practice of acupuncture or to the ability to practice acupuncture.
20. Respondent was convicted of a crime which directly relates to
the practice of acupuncture or to: the ability to practice acupuncture, in one
or more of the following ways:
a. By being convicted of obtaining a controlled
substance by fraud in case 2003-CF-015672 ;and/or,
b. Py being convicted of obtaining a controlled
subs'ince by fraud in case 2003-CF-16664.
21. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
457.109(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2004), when Respondent was convicted of
J:\PSU\Medical\Dentistry\Patric'a Smith\Acupuncture\PCP: documents\Celpa 201004278.doc 5
obtaining a contro!led substance by fraud in case numbers 2003-CF-015672
and/or 2003-CF-16664.
22. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through seventeen (17) as if fully set forth herein.
23. Section 455.072(1)(w), Florida Statutes (2005), subjects a
licensee to discipline for failing to report to the Board of Acupuncture, in
writing within 30 clays after the licensee has been convicted or found guilty
of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a
crime in any jurisc ction.
24. Respondent failed to report to the Board of Acupuncture, his
convictions, in one or rnore of the following ways:
a. . By failing to’ report his conviction on May 31, 2005
for obtaining a controlled substance by fraud in case
b. = Py failing to report his conviction on May 31, 2005,
for obtaining a controlled substance by fraud in case
2002 -CF-16664; and/or,
J:\PSU\Medical\Dentistry\’.atvici: Smith\Acupuncture\PCP documents\Celpa 201004278.doc 6
c. Py failing to report his convictions on May 31, 2005,
for cerrying a concealed firearm, driving with license
cancelled, suspended or revoked and “operating
unregistered vehicle.
25: Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
456.072(1)(w), Florida Statutes (2004), by failing to inform the Board of
Acupuncture in writing within 30 days of his May 31, 2005, convictions for
obtaining a prescrotion by fraud, carrying a concealed firearm, driving with
license cancelled, suspended or revoked and operating unregistered vehicle.
WHEREFOR:, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
Acupuncture enter an order imposing one or more of the following
penalties: restric‘ion of practice, imposition of an administrative fine,
issuance of a reprimand, placement of Respondent on probation, corrective
action, refund of ‘ces billed or collected, remedial education and/or any
other relief that the Board deems appropriate.
J:\PSU\Medical\Dentistry’ tics Smith\Acupuncture\PCP documents\Celpa 201004278.doc 7
SIGNED this. 29th day of September, 2010.
Ana M. Viamonte Ros, M.D., M.P.H.
State Surgeon General
G CL \ eal
Patricia Smith
Assistant General Counsel
DOH, Prosecution Services Unit
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3265
PED caren Florida Bar # 728160
ee A EPUTY CLER< (850) 245-4640 - phone
CLERK Stndra Soto (850) 245-4683 - fax
PCP: 9/29/2010
PCP Members: FE & GG
DOH v José Celpa; Case # 2010-04278
J:\PSU\Medical\Dentistry\ Patricia Smith\Acupuncture\PCP documents\Celpa 201004278.doc
Respondent has the right to request a hearing to be conducted in
accordance with Section 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, to be
represented by counsel or other qualified representative, to present
evidence and argument, to call and cross-examine witnesses and to have
subpoena and subpoena duces tecum issued on his or her behalf if a
hearing is requested.
Respondent is placed on notice that Petitioner has incurred costs
related to the investigation and prosecution of this matter. Pursuant to
Section 456.072/"°, F<: ida Statutes, the Board shall assess costs related
to the investigation =: prosecution of a disciplinary matter, which may
include attorney hew and costs, on the Respondent in addition to any
other discipline imoce od.
LOI! v Jose Celpa; Case # 2010-04278
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Docket for Case No: 14-001491PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Apr. 24, 2014 |
Order Closing Files and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Apr. 24, 2014 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction with Leave to Reopen filed.
Apr. 23, 2014 |
Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Apr. 14, 2014 |
Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office (14-1491).
Apr. 14, 2014 |
Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office (14-1490).
Apr. 10, 2014 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Apr. 10, 2014 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 10, 2014; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa and Tallahassee, FL).
Apr. 10, 2014 |
Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 14-1490PL and 14-1491PL).
Apr. 09, 2014 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Apr. 04, 2014 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Request for Production, First Request for Admissions to Respondent and First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Apr. 02, 2014 |
Initial Order.
Apr. 01, 2014 |
Letter to Cecilie Sykes from Ralph Fernandez regarding representation of Counsel for Jose Celpa.
Apr. 01, 2014 |
Election of Rights filed.
Apr. 01, 2014 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Apr. 01, 2014 |
Agency referral filed.