Agency: Department of Financial Services
Locations: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Filed: Dec. 15, 2015
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, February 19, 2016.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
_ NOV 1 6 2015
CASE NO. 170662-15-AG
TO: ‘Francisco C. Dossantos _
22763 State Road 7
Boca Raton, FL 33428
Francisco C. Dossantos is hereby notified that pursuant to chapter 626, Florida Statutes,
the Chief Financial Officer of the State of Florida has caused to be made an investigation of his
activities while licensed as an insurance agent in this state, as a result of which it is alleged; |
1, Francisco C, Dossantos is currently licensed in the State as a general lines (2-20)
insurance agent and is therefore required to “keep and make available to the department or office
books, accounts, and records as will enable the department or office to determine whether such
licensee is complying with the provisions of this code,” §626,561(2), Fla: Stat,
2. At all times pertinent to the dates and occurrences referred to in this
Administrativé Complaint Francisco C. Dossantos was licensed as an insurance agent in this
3. At all times pertinent to the dates and occurrences referred to in this
Administrative Complaint Francisco C. Dossantos owned S.F. Seguros Corporation (“Seguros”
or “the agency”), a Florida licensed insurance agency, serving as president of Seguros and as the
agent in charge of the agency until February 2015,
4. At all times relevant to the dates and occurrences referenced herein and pursuant
to section, 626.795, Florida Statutes, Francisco C, Dossantos was personally liable for any
wrongful acts, misconduct, or violation of any provision of the Florida Insurance Code
committed by him or anyone under his direct supervision and control while acting on behalf of
the agency.
5, On June 3, 2003, an Order of Revocation was filed against Francisco C.
Dossantos for his failure to respond to a five-count Administrative Complaint that was issued on
January 23, 2003, wherein it was alleged that Dossantos made material misstatements on his
application for licensure, failed to submit his business address, conducted insurance transactions
in Florida while holding a non-resident license, failed to designate a primary agent and failed to
remit a total of $1,989.91 in insurance premiums to The Hartford. .
6. On August 21, 2014, the Department issued a consent order directing Francisco
C. Dossantos to pay an administrative penalty in the amount of $1,500.00 and to be placed on
probation for one year. A condition of the probation was that Dossantos would strictly adhere to
all provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and rules promulgated by the Department.
7. Pursuant to Rule 69B-231.160, Florida Administrative Code, the Department will
seek to aggravate any license disciplinary penalty imposed in this matter, by reason of the above-
listed prior disciplinary orders against Francisco C. Dossantos,
8. Pursuant to chapter 626, Florida Statutes, the Chief Financial Officer of the State
of Florida and the Department of Financial Services has jurisdiction over Dossantos’s insurance
licenses and eligibility for licensure and appointment as well as that of the agency.
9, The above General Allegations numbered one through eight are hereby realleged
and fully incorporated herein by reference.
10, On September 24, 2012, Ms. Albina Hucochea Hernandez of Coral Springs,
Florida, purchased what she believed to be a Progressive Insurance Company (“Progressive”)
automobile insurance policy on her 1995 Honda from Francisco C, Dossantos. Francisco C.
Dossantos presented Ms, Hernandez with a proof of insurance card ending with the numbers 51
P 51”),
11. Ms, Hernandez was charged $318,00 as a down payment on the policy. One
month later Ms. Hernandez attempted to make an additional payment on the policy and then
discovered that Progressive did not have her listed as an insured and that the Policy number that
Francisco C. Dossantos placed on the automobile i insurance card did not belong to Progressive
and was fraudulent, .
12, When Ms. Fernandez confronted Francisco C. Dossantos with the above
information, Dossantos presented her with an additional fraudulent document, an invoice, listing
“Adriatic” as the insurance company.
13. Francisco C. Dossantos knew or should have known that his appointment as a
Progressive agent had been cancelled in J: anuary 2011. Dossantos failed to remit the Hernandez
premium payment to any insurance company with whom he was appointed in September 2012.
14. The funds given to Dossantos by Ms, Hernandez represented a premium payment
for an insurance policy which Francisco C, Dossantos failed to remit to Progressive or to any
other company so entitled.
15. The above-mentioned funds are e trust funds that were received by Francisco Cc,
Dossantos in a fiduciary capacity for an insurer,
16. Francisco C. Dossantos has converted, misappropriated, or wrongfully withheld
those fiduciary funds,
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that Francisco C, Dossantos has violated or is
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Statutes and/or the Florida
Administrative Code, which constitutes sufficient grounds for suspension or revocation of his
license(s) or appointment(s) as an insurance agent in this state:
(a) Section 626.561(1), Florida Statutes, which provides that all premiums, return
premiums, or other funds belonging to insurers or others received by an agent, solicitor, or
adjuster in transactions under his license shall be trust funds so received by the licensee in a
fiduciary capacity; and the licensee in the applicable regular course of business shall account for
and pay the same to the insurer, insured, or other person entitled thereto;
(b) Section 626.61 1(5), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to willfully misrepresent any insurance policy or annuity contract or to
willfully deceive with regard to any such policy or contract, done either in person or by any
form of dissemination of information or advertising;
(c) Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the
business of insurance;
(dq) Section 626.61 1(9), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to exhibit fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business
under the license or appointment;
() Section 626.611(10), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any -
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer Tepresentative, service representative, or
managing general agent to misappropriate, convert, or unlawfully withhold moneys belonging
to insurers or insureds or beneficiaries or to others and received in the conduct of business under
the license.
1 7. The above General Allegations numbered ‘one through eight are hereby realleged
and fully incorporated herein by reference,
18. On June 5, 2014, Pedro H. Deliberais used his Visa debit card to pay the agency
$710.00 to provide commercial general liability insurance coverage for his business, Pioto & Son
Painting, LLC (“Pioto”).
19, On October 22, 2014, Mr. Deliberais provided Francisco C. Dossantos with'an
additional debit card payment of $630.00 to add worker’s compensation coverage for Pioto.
20. Francisco C. Dossantos received these funds and deposited them into his business
bank account,
21. The above-mentioned funds are trust funds that were received by Francisco C,
Dossantos, in a fiduciary capacity for an insurer.
22. Francisco C. Dossantos has converted, misappropriated, or wrongfully withheld
those fiduciary funds,
23. Francisco C. Dossantos failed to remit these funds on behalf of Mr. Deliberalis to
Canopius or AM Trust or any other company or individual so entitled and failed to return the
funds to Mr. Deliberais or otherwise account for the funds, As a result, Mr. Deliberalis was put at
risk of losing insurance coverage and suffered a financial loss,
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that Francisco C. Dossantos has violated or is
accountable under the provisions of the Florida Statutes listed under Count I above, which
constitutes sufficient grounds for suspension or revocation of his license(s) or appointment(s) as
an insurance agent in this state,
24, — The above General Allegations numbered one through eight are hereby realleged
and fully incorporated herein by reference,
25. On October 16, 2014, Ms. Viviane Andrade gave Francisco C. Dossantos a down
payment of $630.00 drawn on her checking account debit card for the purchase of worker’s
compensation and commercial general liability insurance for her business, S.J, General Services,
26. Also on October 16, 2014, Francisco C. Dossantos gave Ms. Andrade a certificate
of liability insurance dated October 16, 2014, showing that SJ . General Services, Inc. was
covered for both worker’s compensation and commercial general liability insurance with Seneca
Specialty Insurance Company (“Seneca”) for the commercial general Hability§ insurance and AW
Trust Insurance Company (“AW”) for worker’s compensation coverage,
27. Ms. Andrade later discovered that there was no such company as AW. She never
received a policy for either worker’s compensation or general liability insurance. The certificate
numbers she was given by Francisco C, Dossantos for the “policies” were both fraudulent.
28. Ms. Carly Noel Bittlingmeyer, office manager for Hartzell Construction, received
these fraudulent certificates from S.J. General Services, as a sub-contractor for Hartzell
Construction. The fraudulent certificates had the potential of exposing Hartzell Construction to
liability claims,
29. The above-mentioned funds are trust funds that were received by Francisco C,
Dossantos in a fiduciary capacity for an insurer.
30. Francisco C. Dossantos has converted, misappropriated, or wrongfully withheld.
those fiduciary funds, ;
31. Francisco C. Dossantos failed to remit the Ms. Andrade’s funds on behalf of any
. insurance company or individual so entitled and failed to return the funds to Ms. Andrade or
otherwise account for the funds. As a result, Mr. Deliberalis was put at risk of losing insurance
coverage and she suffered a financial loss,
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that Francisco C. Dossantos has violated or is
accountable under the provisions of the Florida Statutes listed under Count I above, which
constitutes sufficient grounds for suspension or revocation of his license(s) or appointment(s) as
an insurance agent in this state,
32. The above General Allegations numbered one through eight are hereby realleged
and fully incorporated herein by reference.
33. On.November 5, 2014, Department Regional Administrator Chris McGuire and
Investigator Mispa “Missy” Garcia-Cooper conducted an inspection of the Seguros agency
located at 22763 State Road 7, Boca Raton, FL 33428,
34. The inspection was precipitated by a consumer complaint alleging that Francisco
C. Dossantos misappropriated the consumer’s auto insurance premium and issued her a
fraudulent insurance card.
35, When asked by a Department investigator where insurance files were located,
Francisco C, Dossantos advised that the agency was paperless and the records were all stored on
a computer. Mr, Dossantos also stated it was too time consuming to:produce the insurance files,
36, The Department investigators then requested that Francisco C, Dossantos provide
them with printouts of three receipt reports for September 2012, September 2014 and October
37, After reviewing the receipt reports, the investigators requested Francisco C,
Dossantos, provide them with applications and declarations pages for the thirty-five customers
listed on the receipts report within a week. You agreed to so comply,
38. A month later, on December 3, 2014, Mr, McGuire returned to the agency to
retrieve the agency documents. Upon review, it was apparent that the records provided were
incomplete, For example, no records were provided for twelve of the thirty-five customers, those
being records for consumers: Lucas Araujo, Sergio Coelho, Maximo Jarrin, Jimenez
Construction Plus, Stone & Design Services, Inc, Two Brothers Flooring, Inc, MA Painting d/b/a
Milton Cordeiro, Andre Prati, SJ General Services, Askk Net, Padua Enterprises and Patricia
39. The documents that were provided were missing declarations pages for the
following insured: Smoke Tile Services, Camilo Araujo, Art Stone Granite Experts LLC, MDA
General Services, Inc, Pioto & Son Painting, PO Services Management, Inc, Reginaldo F elix,
H&S Construction Group, Maria Infante, Innovation Ramirez Painting, Marta Miller, Elisabeth
Nogueira, Silvana Rodrigues, Angelo Lagastikal and Walles Construction,
40. On Decernber 12, 2014, Mr, McGuire sent a priority letter requesting that
‘Francisco C, Dossantos Provide the missing documents within ten working days,
41. On December 23, 2014, Ms Dossantos’s attorney, Lisa Daniels, advised
Department investigators by e-mail that the records would be produced on January 19, 2015.
42. On January 16, 2015, attorney Lisa Daniels requested an extension until January
30, 2015, to produce the documents, She also advised that Mr, Dossantos would be represented
by Attorney Yelena Shneyderman as to this matter,
43, On January 23, 2015, Mr. McGuire and Ms. Garcia-Cooper returned to the
Seguros agency and served an investigative subpoena on Francisco C, Dossantos, Mr. Dossantos
provided some documents pursuant to the subpoena, but not a complete set. For example, Mr.
Dossantos provided copies of declaration pages with United Property & Casualty Insurance
Company for Smoke Tile Services, Camilo Araujo and Maria Infante. Copies of commercial
policies for Andre Prati and Two Brothers Flooring were also provided.
44, Inthe case of Two Brothers Flooring, Department investigators noted that the
consumer paid the premitim on September 30, 2014, but the policy was not bound until
December 29, 2014, nearly three months later, When questioned about this, Francisco C.
Dossantos faulted the company underwriter.
45. Mr. McGuire and Ms, Garcia-Cooper then spoke via telephone with attorney
Yelena Shneyderman. Ms. Shneyderman advised them that the remaining records would be
provided by close of business on January 23, 2015.
. 46. On January 26, 201 5, attomey Shneyderman sent a letter along with some
additional documents to Investigator Garcia-Cooper. The documents included policies for Lucas
Araujo (auto policy issued by Security National Insurance Company), Sergio Coelho, Maximo
Jarrin, Jimenez Construction and Padua Enterprises. The remaining documents for Stone &
Design Services, MA Painting d/b/a Milton Cordeiro, SJ General Services, Askk Net and Patricia
Marques were not provided.
47, On February 10, 2015, Attorney Shneyderman sent another letter wherein she
admitted that the policies for Askk Net and Patricia Marques were never bound by agent
Dossantos and the premiums were refunded to the consumers, Additionally, Department
investigators noted that the policy for Pioto & Son Painting was placed with Seneca Specialty
Insurance Company, and the effective date was changed to February 2, 2015, eight months later,
The insured maintains that the signature on the application was forged.
48. In order to obtain at least some of the documents, the Department was forced to
49. On August 13, 2015, the court entered a final judgment directing Francisco C.
Dossantos to produce the subpoenaed records by August 28, 201 5, failing which Mr. Dossantos
would be held in contempt of court and subject fo license revocation,
50. On August 27, 2015, Mr. Dossantos’s attorney, Scott W, Sakin, produced
additional records eight months after the Department issued its subpoena,
(a) Sections 624,317 and 624.318, Florida Statutes, which provide that the
Department is required to conduct examinations of the records of insurance agents or insurance
agencies if it has reason to believe that any person has violated or is violating any provision of
the Florida Insurance Code, or upon the written complaint signed by any interested person
indicating that any such violation may exist, Every person being examined ig required to make
freely available to the Department or its investigators the accounts, records, documents, files,
information, assets, and matters in their Possession or control relating to the subject of the
examination or investigation;
(b) Section 624,321 (1)(b), Florida Statutes, which provides that a licensee is required
to produce books, Papers, records, files, correspondence, documents, or other evidence which is
relevant to an inquiry conducted by the Department;
(c) ’ Section 626.601(2), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for a
licensee not to cause his or her books and records to be open for inspection for the purpose of
such inquiries; .
() — Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes (2012), which provides that it is a violation
for any applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative; service representative,
or managing general agent to demonstrate a lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the
business of insurance;
(e) Section 626.611(9), Florida Statutes, which provides that it is a violation for any
applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster, customer representative, service representative, or
managing general agent to exhibit fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business
under the license or appointment, .
WHEREFORE, Francisco C. Dossantos is hereby notified that the Chief Financial
Officer intends to enter an Order suspending or revoking his licenses and appointments as an
insurance agent or to impose such penalties as may be provided under the provisions of sections
626,611, 626.621, 626.681, 626.691, 626.692, and 626.9521, Florida Statutes, and under the
other referenced sections of the Florida Statutes as set out in this Administrative Complaint. Mr.
Dossantos is further notified that any order in this case revoking or suspending any license or
eligibility for licensure held by him shall also.apply to all other licenses and eligibility held by
him under the Florida Insurance Code. .
DATED and SIGNED this lov day of. _Mavember 2015,
Greg Thomas
Director, Agent and Agency Services
You have the right to request a proceeding to contest this action by the Department
pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and chapter 28-106, Florida
Administrative Code. The proceeding request must be in writing, signed by you, and must be
filed with the Department within twenty-one (21) days of your receipt of this notice. Completion
of the attached Election of Proceeding form and a petition fot an administrative hearing are
required, The request must be filed with Julie Jones, DFS Agency Clerk, at the Florida
Department of Financial Services, 612 Larson Building, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee,
Florida 32399-0333. Your written response must be received by the Department no later than
5:00 p.m. on the twenty-first day after your receipt of this notice, Mailing the response on the
twenty-first day will not preserve your right to a hearing,
If you request a proceeding, you must provide information that complies with the
requirements of Rule 28-106.2015, Florida Administrative Code. Specifically, your response
must contain:
(a) The name, address, telephone number, and facsimile number (if any) of the
respondent (for the purpose of requesting a hearing in this matter, you are the "respondent"). -
(6) The name, address, telephone number, and facsimile number of the attorney or
qualified representative of the respondent (if any) upon whom service of pleadings and other
papers shall be made,
{c) A statement requesting an administrative hearing identifying those material facts
that are in dispute. If there are none, the petition must so indicate,
(@)__-A statement of when the respondent received notice of the administrative
' (©) _ Astatement including the file number of the administrative complaint.
If a hearing of any type is requested, you have the right to be represented by counsel or
other qualified representative at your expense, to present evidence and argument, to call and
cross-examine witnesses, and to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of .
_ documents by subpoena.
If a proceeding is requested and there is no dispute of material fact, the provisions of
section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, apply. In this regard, you may submit oral or written
evidence in opposition to the action taken by the Department or a written statement challenging
the grounds upon which the Department has relied. While a hearing is normally not required in ©
the absence of a dispute of fact, if you feel that a hearing is necessary, one will be conducted in
Tallahassee, Florida, or by telephonic conference call upon your request.
. However, if you dispute material facts which are the basis for the Department’s action,
you must request an adversarial proceeding pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida
Statutes. These proceedings are held before an administrative law judge of the State of Florida
Division of Administrative Hearings. Unless the majority of witnesses are located elsewhere, the
Department will request that the hearing be conducted in Tallahassee, Florida,
Failure to follow the procedure outlined with regard to your response to this notice may
result in the request being denied. All prior oral communication or correspondence in this matter
shall be considered free form agency action, and no such oral communication or correspondence
shall operate as a valid request for an administrative proceeding. Any request for an
administrative proceeding received before the date of this notice shall be deemed abandoned
_ unless timely renewed in compliance with the guidelines as set out above.
Mediation of this matter pursuant to section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available.
No Department attorney will discuss this matter with you during the time frame in which you
have to request a hearing. .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Administrative
Complaint and Election of Proceeding has been furnished by Certified Mail to: Francisco Cc.
Dossantos, 22763 State Road 7, Boca Raton, FL 33428 and by e-mail: this lo” day of No yem ber » 2015.
DAVID J. BUS es ll
Department of Financial Services
Division of Legal Services
612 Larson Building
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333
(850) 413-4146
CASE NO. 170662-15-AG
T have received and have read the Administrative Complaint filed by the Florida Department of Financial Services
("Department") against me, including the Notice of Rights contained therein, and I understand my options, 1 am requesting
disposition of this matter as indicated below. (CHOOSE ONE)
1.) I do not dispute any of the Department’s factual allegations and I do not desire a hearing. I understand that by
2, T do not dispute any of the Department's factual allegations and I hereby elect-a proceeding to be conducted in
accordance with Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, In this regard, I desire to (CHOOSE ONE):
{] Submit a written statement and documentary evidence in lieu of a hearing; or
{]° Personally attend a hearing conducted by a department hearing officer in Tallahassee; or
[] Attend that same hearing by way of a telephone conference call.
3. {] I do dispute one or more of the Department's factual allegations, I hereby request a hearing pursuant to Section
120.57(1), Florida Statutes, to be held before the Division of Administrative Hearings, I have attached to this
election form the information required by Rule 28-106.2015, Florida Administrative Code, as specified in
subparagraph (c) of the Notice of Rights, Specifically, I have identified the disputed issues of material fact.
The address for filing is; Julie Jones, DFS Agency Clerk, Florida Department of Financial Services, 612 Larson Building, 200
East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0390, .
Signature Print Name
Date: - Address: _
Date Administrative
Complaint Received:
If you are represented by an attorney or qualified Phone No.:
representative, please attach to this election form his
or her name, address, telephone and fax numbers Fax No.:
Docket for Case No: 15-007082PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 01, 2016 |
Return of Service (Viviane Andrade) filed.
Mar. 01, 2016 |
Return of Service (Pedro Dosantos Pioto) filed.
Feb. 19, 2016 |
Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Feb. 12, 2016 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Feb. 01, 2016 |
Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 23 through 25, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL; amended as to hearing location).
Dec. 23, 2015 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Dec. 23, 2015 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 23 through 25, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Dec. 18, 2015 |
Parties' Response to Initial Order filed.
Dec. 16, 2015 |
Initial Order.
Dec. 15, 2015 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 15, 2015 |
Respondent Francisco C. Dos Santos' Response to Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 15, 2015 |
Election of Proceeding filed.
Dec. 15, 2015 |
Agency referral filed.