Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: Mar. 04, 2016
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, April 27, 2016.
Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2025
Florida Engineers Management
SEP 15 206
Deputy Agency Clerk
Evette Lawson-Proctor
v. FEMC Case No. 2014031694
COMES NOW the Florida Engineers Management Corporation on behalf of Petitioner,
Florida Board of Professional Engineers, and files this Administrative Complaint (“Complaint”)
against CHARLES C. MITCHELL, P.E. This Complaint is issued pursuant to Sections 120.60
and 471.038, Florida Statutes. Any proceeding concerning this Complaint shall be conducted
pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. In support of this Complaint, Petitioner alleges the
1. Florida Board of Professional Engineers (“Board,” “FBPE,” or “Petitioner”), is
charged with regulating the practice of engineering pursuant to Chapter 455, Florida Statutes.
This Complaint is filed by the Florida Engineers Management Corporation (“FEMC”) on behalf
of Petitioner. FEMC is charged with providing administrative, investigative, and prosecutorial
services to the Florida Board of Professional Engineers pursuant to Section 471.038, Florida
Statutes (1997).
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Filed March 4, 2016 9:32 AM Division of Administrative Hearings
2. CHARLES C. MITCHELL, P.E. (“Respondent”) is, and has been at all times
material hereto, a licensed professional engineer in the State of Florida, having been issued
license number PE 11127. Respondent’s last known and Address of Record is 3351 NW 182
Street, Miami Gardens, Florida 33056.
3. On or about May 21, 2014 Respondent sealed and signed electrical, plumbing,
and structural engineering documents for construction of a remodeled single family residence for
Roberta Modena at 1029 SE 13th Court, Deerfield Beach, FL’ (“Modena Residence Project”).
The electrical and plumbing drawings were two electrical sheets and two plumbing sheets. The
structural drawings were contained in six sheets (A1-A6).
4. Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, provides that an engineer is subject to
discipline for engaging in negligence in the practice of engineering. Rule 61G15-19.001(4), Fla.
Admin. Code, provides that negligence constitutes “failure by a professional engineer to utilize
due care in performing in an engineering capacity or failing to have due regard for acceptable
standards of engineering principles.” Rule 61G15-19.001(4), Fla. Admin. Code, also provides
that “[fjailure to comply with the procedures set forth in the Responsibility Rules as adopted by
the Board of Professional Engineers shall be considered as non-compliance with this section
unless the deviation or departures therefrom are justified by the specific circumstances of the
project in question and the sound professional judgment of the professional engineer.”
5. The Board has adopted Responsibility Rules of Professional Engineers
(“Responsibility Rules”). These Rules are contained in Chapter 61G15-30 to Chapter 61G15-36,
Fla. Admin. Code. Professional Engineers who perform services covered by the Responsibility
Rules are required to comply with the Rules. Included in the Responsibility Rules are Rules
governing Structural (Rule 61G15-31, Fla. Admin. Code), Electrical (Rule 61G15-33, Fla.
FEMC v. Charles C. Mitchell, P.E.; Case No: 2014031694 Page 2 of 12
Administrative Complaint
Admin, Code) and Mechanical (Rule 61G15-34, Fla. Admin. Code) Enginecring Documents
produced by a Professional Engineer.
6. Respondent acted as Electrical and Mechanical Engineer of Record for the
Modena Residence Project as that term is defined in Rule 61G15-30.002(1), Fla. Admin. Code.
As such, all engineering documents prepared, signed, sealed, and dated by Respondent must
contain the information set out in Rule 61G15-30.003(1), Fla. Admin. Code:
(1) Engineering Documents are prepared in the course of performing
engineering services. When prepared for inclusion with an application for a
general building permit, the Documents shall meet all Engineer’s Responsibility
Rules, set forth in Chapters 61G15-31, 61G15-32, 61G15-33, and 61G15-34,
F.A.C., and be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of
the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of the
Florida Building Code, adopted in Section 553.73, F.S., and applicable laws,
ordinances, rules and regulations, as determined by the AHJ. The Documents
shall include:
(a) Information that provides material specifications required for the safe
operation of the system that is a result of engineering calculations, knowledge and
(b) List Federal, State, Municipal, and County standards, codes, ordinances,
laws, and rules, with their effective dates, that the Engineering Documents are
intended to conform to.
(c) Information, as determined by the Engineer of Record, needed for the safe
and efficient operation of the system.
(d) List engineering design criteria; reference project specific studies, reports,
and delegated Engineering Documents.
(e) Identify clearly elements of the design that vary from the governing
standards and depict/identify the alternate method used to ensure compliance with
the stated purpose of these Responsibility Rules.
7. The Florida Building Code (2010) — Building (“FBC-B”) Section 107.2.1
“Information on construction documents” states:
.. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location,
nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to
the provisions of this code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations,...
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Administrative Complaint
8. Rule 61G15-33.001, Fla. Admin. Code, “Responsibility Rules of Professional
Engineers ‘Concerning the Design of Electrical Systems” “General Responsibility” states in
material part that:
Electrical Engineering documents shall be prepared in accordance with applicable
technology and with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. The
documents shall identify the Engineer of record for the electrical systems project.
Electrical Engineering documents shall demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of the applicable codes and standards ... .
FBC-B Section 2701.1 “Scope” states:
This chapter governs the electrical components, equipment and systems used in
buildings and structures covered by this code. Electrical components, equipment
and systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions
of the NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.
9. Rule 61G15-34.001, Fla. Admin. Code, “Mechanical Systems” “General
Responsibility” states in material part:
Mechanical Engineering Documents shall be accordance with the
applicable technology and with the requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction. The documents shall identify the Engincer of Record for the
mechanical systems project. | Mechanical Engineering documents shall
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the applicable codes and
standards ... .
FBC-B Section 2901.1 Scope, states: “Plumbing systems and equipment shall be
constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Plumbing
10. Rule 61G15-33.003(2), Fla. Admin. Code, “Design of Power Systems,” requires
in material part that:
(2) Electrical Engineering Documents applicable to the design of electrical power
systems shall, at a minimum, indicate the following:
(a) Power Distribution Riser Diagram with short circuit values;
(b) Conductor Ampacities (sizes) and insulation type;
(d) Location and characteristics of surge protective devices;
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(e) Main and distribution equipment, control devices, locations and sizes;
(f) Voltage drop calculations for the feeders and customer-owned service
conductors ... ;
(g) Circuitry of all outlets, equipment and devices;
(h) Load computations;
(j) Grounding and Bonding.
11. Rule 61G15-33.004(2), Fla. Admin. Code, “Design of Lighting Systems,”
requires in material part that:
(2) Electrical Engineering Documents applicable to the design of lighting systems
shall, at a minimum, indicate the following:
(a) Lighting fixture performance specifications and arrangements;
(b) Emergency Lighting, egress and exit lighting.
12. Respondent’s electrical engineering documents for the Modena Residence Project
are materially deficient as follows:
A. The drawings contain an Electrical Riser Diagram, but no short circuit
values and no voltage drop calculations for the feeders and customer-owned service
conductors. These omissions constitute violations of Rule 61G15-33.003(2)(a and f), Fla.
Admin. Code.
B. The drawings contain panel schedules for Panels A, B and C, with volt-
amps (“VA”) and circuit breaker sizes. However, there are numerous errors in those
panel schedules, such as single pole breakers for Dryer (A-17), Water Heater (A-21), Air
Handler (B-36), and Air Condensing Unit (B-40). All four of these loads require 240
volt, 2-pole circuits where the panel schedules show single-pole breakers. Insulation
types are not mentioned in the drawings. These errors constitute a violation of Rule
61G15-33.003(2)(b), Fla. Admin. Code.
Cc. No surge protective devices are shown on the drawings. This constitutes a
violation of Rule 61G15-33.003(2)(d), Fla. Admin. Code.
FEMC v. Charles C. Mitchell, P.E.; Case No: 2014031694 Page 5 of 12
Administrative Complaint
Dz The main disconnect and distribution panels are shown on the Electrical
Service Riser Diagram, but the riser shows Panel A serving Panel B, and Panel B serving
Panel C. The Panel Schedules show Panel A serving both Panels B and C. Other
distribution errors: The Riser shows Panel C fed from Panel B through an 80 amp
breaker; Panel A shows Panel C fed from Panel A through a 150 amp, 2-pole breaker.
The Riser shows both Air Handling Units (‘AHU”) and both air Condensing (“AC”)
Units fed from Panel A; Panel A Schedule and Panel B Schedule show one AHU and one
AC from each Panels A and B. Panel A schedule shows Panel B being served through a
175 amp, 2-pole breaker in Panel A; The Electrical Riser shows Panel B as 200 amp
panel; Panel B Schedule shows it to be a 250 amp panel. These errors and conflicts
constitute violations of Rule 61G15-33.003(2)(e), Fla. Admin. Code.
E. The drawing contains errors and conflicts in the panels and circuit
breakers. i.e., the circuit breaker (A-18, 20) for a 12 kW stove is shown to be 45/2 (45
amps, 2-pole), which is insufficient to comply with NEC Table 310-16. Additionally,
National Electric Code (“NEC” 210.63 requires a convenience receptacle within 25' of
any air condition equipment. The drawings do not show such requirements at either of
the two outdoor condensing units. In addition, NEC 210.11(c)(3) requires a 20-amp
branch circuit to supply bathroom receptacle(s), and shall serve no other outlets.
Drawing e-1 shows circuit B26 serving a receptacle in Bathroom 2 and an outdoor
receptacle near the front entry door. These errors and inaccuracy of the circuity
constitute a violation of Rule 61G15-33.003(2)(g), Fla. Admin. Code.
F, Load calculations are shown on Sheet e-2; however, these load
calculations are not clear and have many conflicts, errors, and exaggerated loads. If the
FEMC v. Charles C. Mitchell, P.E.; Case No: 2014031694 Page 6 of 12
Administrative Complaint
load calculations had been patterned after NEC Annex D, Example D2(a), the calculated
electrical service size would have been calculated at 113 amps, vs. 268 amps as shown on
Sheet e-2. These erroneous calculations in the load calculations constitute a violation of
Rule 61G15-33.003(2)(h), Fla. Admin. Code.
G. The Riser shows non-grounded service conductors to serve Panel C, but
no ground conductor is shown. This is inconsistent within the riser, which shows a
ground for Panels A and B. The omission of a ground conductor for Panel C constitutes a
violation of Rule 61G15-33.003(2)(j), Fla. Admin. Code.
H.) There are no lighting fixture performance specifications on the drawings.
This constitutes a violation of Rule 61G15-33.004(2)(a), Fla. Admin. Code.
13. Rule 61G15-34.008 Fla. Admin. Code, “Mechanical Systems” states that
construction documents shall ... define the required mechanical systems, including plumbing
components, processes, equipment and material... Rule 61G15-34.007(2), Fla. Admin. Code,
“Design of Plumbing Systems,” requires that:
(2) Mechanical Engineering Documents applicable to plumbing systems shall, when
applicable, include but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Equipment schedules for all plumbing fixtures, water heaters, ...;
(c) Potable Water isometric diagrams with pipe sizes and total water fixture units;
(e) Storm riser diagrams with pipe sizes and cumulative drain area square footages;
(f) Cold water, hot water, sanitary, and storm drainage piping layouts;
(i) List of ASHRAE, ASME, ASPE, ANSI and other applicable codes, design standards
and requirements;
(1) All plumbing fixtures, valves, pumps, tanks, accessories, specialties, enclosures, and
such equipment shall be described and located on the drawings.
14. | Respondent’s mechanical engineering documents (plumbing) for the Modena
Residence Project are materially deficient as follows:
A. The drawings contain fixture equipment to determine total fixture units,
but complete equipment schedules are absent from the drawings. The absence of
FEMC v. Charles C. Mitchell, P.E.; Case No: 2014031694 Page 7 of 12
Administrative Complaint
complete plumbing equipment schedules violates Rule 61G15-34.007(2)(a), Fla. Admin.
Code. .
B. Potable water isometric diagrams are not shown on the drawings. Total
water fixture units are not shown on the drawings. The omission of potable water
isometric diagrams with piping sizes and the omission of total water fixture units
constitutes a violation of Rule 61G15-34.007(2)(c), Fla. Admin. Code.
C. No storm riser diagrams are shown on the drawings. No area drainage
calculations are shown on the drawings. The omission of storm riser diagrams and area
drainage calculations constitutes a violation of Rule 61G15-34.007(2)(e), Fla. Admin.
D. The plumbing drawings show sanitary piping layouts but no cold water,
hot water nor storm drainage piping layouts. These omissions constitute a violation of
Rule 61G15-34.007(2)(f), Fla. Admin. Code.
E. The drawings include applicable Florida Building Codes but do not list
applicable ASHRAE, ASME, ASPE, ANSI codes, design standards or requirements. The
omission of applicable codes, design standards and requirements constitutes a violation of
Rule 61G15-34.007(2)(i), Fla. Admin. Code.
F. The drawings do not contain descriptions of all plumbing fixtures, valves,
accessories, specialties and enclosures. The omission of descriptions of all plumbing
fixtures and plumbing accessories constitutes a violation of Rule 61G15-34.007(2)(1),
Fla. Admin. Code.
15. Respondent acted as Structural Engineer of Record for the Modena Residence
Project as that term is defined in Rules 61G15-30.002(1) and 61G15-31.002(1), Fla. Admin.
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Administrative Complaint
Code. As such, all structural documents prepared, signed, sealed and dated by Respondent must
contain the information required by Rules 61G15-30.003(1) and 61G15-31.002(5), Fla. Admin.
Code. The plans and specifications for the Modena Residence Project fail to contain this
information and thus fail to comply with the Responsibility Rules.
16. | Respondent’s structural engineering documents for the Modena Residence Project
are materially deficient as follows:
A. No demolition information is shown as required by FBC 2010, Section
B. Roof information is missing which is required by FBC 2010, Sections
107.2.1 through 107.2.5.
Cc. The drawings are mislabeled showing main force resisting system using
140 MPH as opposed to the 170 MPH required by the applicable building code.
D. No calculations were submitted on the drawings, or were attached to the
drawings as required by FBC 2010.
17. Petitioner realleges and incorporates Paragraphs One (1) through Eleven (11) as if
fully set forth in this Count One.
18. Respondent’s Electrical Engineering Plans for the Modena Residence Project
contain deficiencies including, but not limited to, those set forth in Paragraphs One (1) through
Twelve (12). Respondent violated the provisions of Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, and
Rule 61G15-19.001(4), Fla. Admin. Code, by signing and sealing engineering documents that
were issued and filed for public record when such documents were materially deficient in that
Respondent: (1) did not exercise due care in the preparation of the final engineering documents
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Administrative Complaint
for the Modena Residence Project and (2) the final engineering documents for the Modena
Residence Project were not issued in compliance with acceptable engineering principles.
19. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, by engaging in negligence in the practice of engineering.
20. Petitioner realleges and incorporates Paragraphs One (1) through Seven (7), and
Twelve (12) through Fourteen (14) as if fully set forth in this Count Two.
21. Respondent’s Mechanical Plumbing Engineering Plans for the Modena Residence
Project contain deficiencies including, but not limited to, those set forth in One (1) through
Seven (7), and Twelve (12) through Fourteen (14) as if fully set forth in this Count Two.
Respondent violated the provisions of Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, and Rule 61G15-
19,001(4), Fla. Admin. Code, by signing and sealing engineering documents that were issued and
filed for public record when such documents were materially deficient in that Respondent: (1)
did not exercise due care in the preparation of the final engineering documents for the Modena
Residence Project and (2) the final engineering documents for the Modena Residence Project
were not issued in compliance with acceptable engineering principles.
22. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, by engaging in negligence in the practice of engineering.
23. Petitioner realleges and incorporates Paragraphs One (1) through Seven (7) and
Fifteen (15) through Sixteen (16) as if fully set forth in this Count Three.
24. Respondent’s structural engineering drawings for the Modena Residence Project
contain deficiencies including; but not limited to, those set forth in Paragraphs One (1) through
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Administrative Complaint
Seven (7) and Fifteen (15) through Sixteen (16). As a result of those deficiencies, Respondent
violated the provisions of Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, and Rule 61G15-19.001(4),
Fla. Admin. Code, by signing and sealing structural engineering documents that were issued and
filed for public record when such documents were materially deficient in that Respondent: (1)
did not exercise due care in the preparation of the final engineering documents for the Modena
Residence Project and (2) the final engineering documents for the Modena Residence Project
were not issued in compliance with acceptable engineering principles.
25. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is charged with violating Section
471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, by engaging in negligence in the practice of engineering.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner respectfully requests the Board of Professional Engineers
to enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties: permanent revocation or
suspension of the Respondent’s license; restriction of the Respondent’s practice; imposition of an
administrative fine; issuance of a reprimand; placement of the Respondent on probation; the
assessment of costs related to the investigation and prosecution of this case, other than costs
associated with an attorney’s time, as provided for in Section 455.227(3), Florida Statutes; and/or
any other relief that the Board deems appropriate.
ate “ ;
SIGNED this_) “— day of 224 ¢)f-0-/Y7A).C (— , 2015.
Zana Raybon
Executive Director
a “
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BY: John J. Rimes, III
Prosecuting Attorney
FEMC v. Charles C. Mitchell, P.E.; Case No: 2014031694 Page \1 of 12
Administrative Complaint
John J. Rimes, Ill
Prosecuting Attomey
Florida Engineers Management Corporation
2639 North Monroe Street, Suite B-112
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Florida Bar No. 212008
PCP DATE: September 15, 2015
PCP Members: Fiorillo, Matthews & Pepper
I HEREBY CERTIFY a correct copy of the foregoing filed Administrative Complaint
was furnished to Respondent, Charles C. Mitchell, P.E., at his Address of Record with the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation of 3351 yw 182"! Street, Miami Gardens,
FL 33056 by U.S, Certified and First Class Mail, on the AL Hof IA; , 2015.
\ y
CLS fA. i
Trishia Finkey, Paralegal
heim ge IS
FEMC v. Charles C. Mitchell, P.E.; Case No: 2014031694 Page 12 of |2
Administrative Complaint
Docket for Case No: 16-001262PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Apr. 27, 2016 |
Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Apr. 26, 2016 |
Motion for Release of Jurisdiction with Leave for Either Party to Refile at a Later Date filed.
Apr. 26, 2016 |
Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed.
Apr. 20, 2016 |
Petitioner's Motion to Deem Admitted Petitioner's First Requests for Admission to Respondent filed.
Apr. 05, 2016 |
Petitioner's Notice of Taking Video Deposition Duces Tecum of Petitioner's Expert (Homer Ooten) filed.
Mar. 15, 2016 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Mar. 15, 2016 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 3, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Mar. 15, 2016 |
Notice of Service of Petitioner's First Request for Admission to Respondent filed.
Mar. 15, 2016 |
Response to Initial Order filed.
Mar. 08, 2016 |
Amended Initial Order.
Mar. 08, 2016 |
Order Granting Motion to Withdraw Representation.
Mar. 07, 2016 |
Motion to Withdraw filed.
Mar. 04, 2016 |
Initial Order.
Mar. 04, 2016 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Mar. 03, 2016 |
Petition for Formal and Evidentiary Hearing filed.
Mar. 03, 2016 |
Agency referral filed.