JEFFREY S. WHITE, District Judge.
Petitioner DARRYL W. BROWN, by and through his counsel FRANK BELL, has submitted an ex parte application for an order issuing a writ of habeas corpus ad testificandum for petitioner, who is confined at the California State Prison-Sacramento. Petitioner represented that his testimony is necessary for and relevant to his presentation at this evidentiary hearing with respect to the above-captioned habeas corpus proceedings, that his presentence is required to assist counsel at said hearing, that his presence is not otherwise reasonably procurable by petitioner and that petitioner's presence is requested in good faith.
GOOD CAUSE APPEARING THEREFOR, and by the Court's authority to control the issuance of writs ad testificandum ad provided in 28 United States Code section 2241 and 2254, and its authority under Rule 17 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure:
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a writ of habeas corpus ad testificandum issue, under the seal of this Court, commanding Tim Virga, Warden of the California State Prison-Sacramento to procure inmate DARRYL W. BROWN, CDCR No. J92658, to testify and be present in the United States District at the time and place above, and from day to day until the completion of court proceedings or as ordered by the court, and thereafter to be returned to the above institution.
IT IS FURTHER ORDRED that the custodian of the above-names inmate notify the Court of any change in the custody of this inmate and is ordered to provide the new custodian with a copy of this writ.