In these consolidated appeals, plaintiff Jennifer Moore (Moore) appeals two orders of the trial court in her ongoing case against Richard Hatfield (Hatfield), financial corporations controlled by Hatfield, and numerous persons holding promissory notes issued by those corporations. In case No. A117526, Moore appeals the judgment entered in favor of respondents, Tomas Hill and E.J. Pean (jointly Hill and Pean), on Moore's derivative causes of action after the trial court granted Hill and Pean's motion for judgment on the pleadings. In case No. A118678, Moore appeals the trial court's order finding that a settlement agreement between respondents and other promissory noteholders, and Hatfield, was entered in good faith pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 877.6
Jennifer Moore and Richard Hatfield were involved in an intimate relationship that lasted approximately 13 years. During the course of their relationship, a company named Alliance Financial Capital, Inc., was founded in 1994 with Richard Hatfield as its president. AFC engaged in the business of factoring receivables, i.e., purchasing accounts receivable from its customers at a discount, collecting the receivables, and making a profit on the difference between the discounted rate paid and the receivables collected.
To finance the operations of AFC, Hatfield borrowed large sums of money from numerous individual lenders (collectively, Lenders) against promissory notes (the Notes) signed by Hatfield as president of AFC. The Notes were secured against the assets of AFC and personally guaranteed by Hatfield. A majority of the Lenders were elderly persons who loaned portions of their retirement funds to AFC in return for the Notes. Hatfield offered the Lenders very attractive rates of interest: Respondents Hill and Pean, for example, loaned AFC $200,000 and over $750,000 on promissory notes bearing interest rates of 10 percent and 11 percent, respectively.
In 2004, Hatfield informed Lenders that AFC could not remain competitive if it continued to raise capital by issuing the Notes to individual lenders at rates of previously offered interest. To maintain profitability, AFC would need
Hatfield also owned or controlled other business entities, including Industry Funding Corporation (IFC). IFC held a lending license issued by the State of California but the license lapsed because Hatfield did not renew it. IFC has been suspended for failure to pay the minimum California corporate franchise tax. In addition, Hatfield formed Alliance Business Capital, Inc. (ABC), as a vehicle for making asset-based loans. Hatfield owns a portion of the stock in ABC and the remaining stock is held by Robert Brophy, who managed the company's asset-based lending operations.
After the relationship between Moore and Hatfield ended, Moore filed a Marvin
On July 26, 2006, Moore filed a third amended complaint (complaint) against Hatfield, the above-described corporations and all the Lenders, including respondents Hill and Pean. The first cause of action in the complaint alleged that the promissory notes held by the Lenders "are usurious and in violation of the California Constitution, Article XV, Section 1(2)." On behalf of AFC, Moore sought to recover all payments made to the Lenders as interest on the promissory notes, to reduce the amount claimed by the Lenders as principal "by all interest credited as increased principal," and damages in the form of three times the amount of all interest payments to
In the complaint, Moore also alleges several other causes of action against Hatfield. As pertinent here, Moore alleges in her sixth cause of action that she is the holder of at least one-third of AFC's outstanding shares and that Hatfield, "who is in control of AFC, has been guilty of persistent fraud . . . and unfairness toward Moore by treating AFC as his alter ego in violation [of] corporate statutes and for his exclusive benefit, thereby depriving Moore of her rights as a shareholder to share in the profits and earnings of AFC, while retaining such earnings and profits for his exclusive use and benefit." For relief on the sixth cause of action, Moore sought a court order winding up and dissolving AFC and its related financial corporations.
On June 28, 2006, respondents Hill and Pean filed a cross-complaint against Hatfield and his financial corporations.
On September 29, 2006, John Culver, a Lender and noteholder, individually and as trustee of the John Culver 401k Plan, filed a cross-complaint (Culver cross-complaint) against Hatfield, Moore, and Hatfield's financial companies. In his cross-complaint, Culver alleged that Hatfield owns shares of stock in the named companies and that Moore claims to own one-half of Hatfield's interest in the companies. Culver also alleged that the promissory notes issued to Culver were fully secured by the assets of AFC and that Hatfield and Moore executed unconditional guarantees obligating each of them, jointly and severally, to pay all indebtedness to Culver under the terms of the promissory notes. Culver asserts several causes of action against all defendants, including unjust enrichment, money had and received, conversion and alter ego liability, and prays, inter alia, for "damages in the principal amount of $1,150,000 plus unpaid lawful interest against Hatfield, Moore, IFC, AFC and ABC."
Moore, in turn, filed a first amended cross-complaint (Moore cross-complaint) seeking indemnity from Hatfield, his companies and certain individuals associated with his companies for any monies recovered by Culver on his cross-complaint. The Moore cross-complaint alleges Hatfield is the de jure or de facto president or chief executive of the cross-defendant companies and that any damages suffered by Culver as alleged in the Culver cross-complaint were caused by Hatfield's misrepresentations and his misappropriation or other misuse of company funds. In addition, Moore also states derivative claims on behalf of the corporate cross-defendants, alleging that they have been damaged in an amount exceeding $1 million by Hatfield's malfeasance in his management of the corporations.
On July 18, 2006, Hill and Pean filed a notice of motion and motion for judgment on the pleadings, contending that Moore failed to state facts sufficient to sustain her first and second causes of action for usury against Lenders because AFC is exempt from the usury law as a licensed finance lender. Together with their motion, Hill and Pean filed a request for judicial notice of the fact that California's Department of Corporations (Department) issued a license to Allied Financial Capital, Inc., as a California finance lender on or about January 10, 1996. The Request included a "true and correct printed copy" of the license obtained from the Department's Web site, and stated that "a certified copy of the license will be available at the hearing." After a hearing on August 16, 2006, the trial court adopted its tentative ruling and entered an order granting Hill and Pean's request for judicial notice and motion for judgment on the pleadings.
The court found Moore had standing to bring a derivative suit for usury on behalf of AFC only and that AFC is a licensed finance lender in the State of California. Additionally, the court found: "California Constitution Article 15 Section 1(2) exempts from the usury laws `any obligations of, loans made by, or forbearances of, . . . any duly licensed pawnbroker or personal property broker . . . or any other class of persons authorized by statute, or to any
Judgment in favor of Hill and Pean on Moore's first and second causes of action against them was entered on August 31, 2006. Subsequent to entry of judgment, Moore filed a motion pursuant to sections 657, 659 and 662 for a new trial or to vacate the judgment, asserting that as a beneficial owner she had standing to sue on behalf of all Hatfield's financial corporations, and that the loans represented by the Notes held by Hill and Pean were not exempted from the usury law.
In January 2007, Moore filed notice of removal of the actions to federal court after an involuntary bankruptcy petition was filed against AFCH, one of Hatfield's financial corporations. Thereafter, the action was remanded to state court and subsequently the trial court entered an order denying Moore's motion for a new trial and her motion to vacate the judgment. On April 24, 2007, Moore filed a notice of appeal against the August 2006 judgment entered in favor of Hill and Pean. On April 26, 2007, Moore filed an amended notice of appeal to include within her appeal the trial court's grant of demurrers in favor of two other Lenders, Susan Randolph and Jacqueline Jackson, on the same basis as the previous ruling in favor of Hill and Pean.
After the court's ruling on the motion for judgment on the pleadings, Hatfield filed a motion for good faith settlement, seeking an order that a settlement of claims between Hatfield, his corporations and their creditors "is
Further, Hatfield stated that he had arrived at a negotiated settlement with the cross-complaining and other similarly situated creditors to pay them on average about 22 percent of the amounts owing to them as of May 2006. Hatfield also stated that the "relationship between myself and plaintiff Jennifer Moore is very much strained" and that her assertion of an ownership right in his financial corporations is impeding "the corporations from confirming a settlement of plaintiff's derivative claims allegedly brought on behalf of the corporations and dismiss[ing] those derivative actions. For that reason, the instant motion is brought for the court to confirm that the proffered settlement is in the best interests of the corporations and its creditors, approve the same and dismiss the derivative claims so the settlement can be implemented." Respondents Hill and Pean joined in Hatfield's motion to confirm the settlement agreement.
The agreement and mutual release that settled all claims between Hatfield and his corporate entities and the Lenders (collectively referred to as "the Settling Parties"), recites as follows: "The Settling Parties now desire to settle all of their claims and counterclaims against each other as asserted, or which could be asserted, arising out of or in any way related to the Jackson, Moore and Consolidated Actions and/or transactions described within the Jackson, Moore and Consolidated Actions, except for any claims against Jennifer Moore." Exhibit A to the settlement agreement lists the creditors, the amounts owed to them as of May 1, 2006, and the payouts they would receive under the settlement agreement. Exhibit A shows that Culver, the largest creditor, would receive a payout under the settlement agreement of $270,250 on an amount owed of $1.15 million. The settlement agreement provides that Hatfield shall file a motion for approval of a good faith settlement, and shall disburse the payouts shown in exhibit A within 60 days of approval of the motion. It further provides that, effective upon said payouts, the Settling Parties "hereby release and forever discharge each other, . . . of and from any and all claims . . . . Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, as part of the consideration for this Release, Jennifer Moore is not released from any Claims which are being released herein among the Settling Parties or by any Settling Party."
The trial court entertained argument from counsel on Hatfield's motion to confirm the settlement at a hearing in May 2007. Moore argued that the settlement was not fair because "Hatfield has used the assets of the corporation.. . to obtain a full release of over eight million in claims he has personally guaranteed, but Moore remains subject to the claims of all lenders, including a guarantee of over a million dollars [regarding the Culver Notes]." Hill and Pean's counsel (who also represent 13 other Lenders) argued the settlement is fair because his clients never sued Moore, Moore's counsel never asked for a release and "chose not to fully participate in the settlement conference," and further that the settlement benefits the corporations in which Moore has a 50 percent share. Counsel for Culver stated that Moore's counsel "never contacted me regarding any release of any claims against Ms. Moore. I've never heard a word about that, never any request, never any contact, never any attempt to settle individually with Mr. Culver."
At the conclusion of the hearing the trial court ruled as follows: "I still think that my tentative ruling
On May 31, 2007, the trial court entered an order, consistent with its oral ruling, stating that "the settlement is in good faith and benefits the corporation and its creditors." The order also dismissed with prejudice "all derivative claims asserted by plaintiff on behalf of Alliance Financial Capital, Inc., Alliance Financial Capital Holdings, Inc., Alliance Business Capital, and Industry Funding Corporation" against all defendants subject to those derivative claims.
On June 15, 2007, the trial court entered an amended order on motion for determination of good faith settlement as requested by counsel for Hill and Pean. Pertinent here, the amended order included the following additional ruling: "The derivative claims asserted by plaintiff on behalf of Alliance Financial Capital, Inc., Alliance Financial Capital Holdings, Inc., Alliance Business Capital, and Industry Funding Corporation against Richard Lee Hatfield in the Second, Third and Fourth Causes of Action of the First Amended Cross-Complaint of Jennifer M. Moore for Indemnity, Etc., are hereby dismissed with prejudice." Notice of the amended order was served on all parties by overnight mail on June 19, 2007.
Moore filed in this court on July 16, 2007, a petition for writ of mandate challenging the trial court's good faith settlement order. This court summarily denied Moore's petition for writ of mandate on July 19, 2007 (Moore v. Superior Court (A118401)).
"On appeal from a motion granting judgment on the pleadings, we accept as true the facts alleged in the complaint and review the legal issues de novo.
Moore acknowledges that AFC is a member of a "class of persons authorized by statute" as exempt from the usury law, namely licensed financial lenders as provided under section 22002 of the Finance Code.
Here, AFC was neither a "necessitous, impecunious borrower" nor a helpless indigent. Rather, AFC was a licensed finance lender specializing in accounts-receivable lending. AFC raised capital by borrowing funds from Lenders secured by promissory notes at rates of interest set by AFC and used that capital to advance loans to companies against eligible accounts receivable under terms defined in a loan document. It makes little sense to us that the Legislature would exempt AFC's accounts-receivable loans to companies from the usury laws, yet at the same time intend that AFC be able to sue its innocent investors under the usury laws for loans they made to AFC at interest rates determined by AFC. Such an outcome would foster injustice
In appeal No. A117526, the trial court's entry of judgment on the pleadings in favor of respondents Hill and Pean is affirmed. In appeal No. 118678, the trial court's determination that the settlement agreement at issue was in good faith within the meaning of section 877.6 is reversed. The parties shall bear their own costs on appeal.
McGuiness, P. J., and Pollak, J., concurred.
The fact that the Legislature distinguished between class-based exemptions and exemptions limited to specific transactions conducted by certain persons or entities, shows that where it exempted a class the Legislature intended to enact a broad, unqualified exemption to members of that class under the usury laws, because it did not limit the exemption to a specific type or category of applicable transaction. Under such a broad, unqualified class-based exemption, all the transactions of class members, whether loans or obligations, are exempt from the usury laws. There is one caveat: "The exempted classes of persons . . . belong to those classes, and qualify for an exemption, by virtue of their licenses," and therefore must act within the scope of that license in order to enjoy the benefit of exemption. (Agapitov v. Lerner (2003) 108 Cal.App.4th 830, 837-838 [133 Cal.Rptr.2d 837] [pawnbroker who makes "nonpawn loans made outside the scope of the pawnbroker license" cannot claim such a loan is exempt from the usury laws].) There is no allegation here that AFC acted outside the scope of its license as a financial lender.
Moore did indeed allege in her complaint that AFCH and IFC were merely alter egos of AFC, and she is bound by those allegations. (Schmidlin v. City of Palo Alto (2007) 157 Cal.App.4th 728, 791 [69 Cal.Rptr.3d 365] [plaintiff "bound by the allegations in [her] verified complaint"].) Accordingly, the issue of Moore's standing to "derivatively assert the rights of AFC to the usury defense on the notes of AFCH and IFC" is moot in light of our foregoing conclusion that AFC's obligations are exempt from the usury law. (See Sonora Diamond Corp. v. Superior Court (2000) 83 Cal.App.4th 523, 538 [99 Cal.Rptr.2d 824].)