The University of Miami, doing business as The University of Miami School of Medicine ("UM"), petitions this Court for certiorari relief from the trial court's order denying its motion for summary judgment on the plaintiff-petitioners' claims for medical malpractice based on UM's contention that it is entitled to immunity from suit under Florida's Birth-Related Neurological Injury Act, § 766.301, Fla. Stat., et seq. (1998) (hereinafter, "NICA"). We hold that the trial court departed from the essential requirements of the law by denying summary judgment as to the portion of the plaintiffs' claims alleging direct liability for medical malpractice, but that it did not depart from the essential requirements of the law by denying UM's motion for summary judgment as to the portion of the malpractice claim based on UM's vicarious liability for its employees. We accordingly grant in part and deny in part UM's petition.
Michael A. Ruiz ("Michael") was born on August 14, 1998, at Jackson North Maternity Center ("Jackson"), a hospital owned by the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County ("the PHT"). Two doctors from UM's OB/GYN practice, Dr. Paul Norris and Dr. Bel Barker, provided obstetrical services to Michael's mother, Juanita Ruiz, during the birth. Tragically, Michael suffered a serious brain injury caused by oxygen deprivation during the course of labor and delivery.
Michael's parents, Miguel and Juanita Ruiz, filed a complaint on behalf of Michael and also on their own behalf (collectively, "the plaintiffs") against UM and the PHT for medical malpractice, alleging that Michael's injuries are a result of negligent medical care provided during the labor and delivery. The plaintiffs asserted that UM and the PHT were directly negligent and also pleaded various theories of vicarious liability based on the actions of their employees, Drs. Norris and Barker.
After the plaintiffs filed suit, the case was abated to allow an administrative law judge ("ALJ") to determine whether the injury was compensable under NICA. The plaintiffs filed a claim with the Division of Administrative Hearings ("DOAH") to receive compensation from the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Association ("the Association"), which was established to provide no-fault compensation to claimants meeting the statutory requirements of NICA.
UM timely appealed the ALJ's finding that its doctors had not given the required notice of NICA participation. This Court, however, affirmed the ALJ's order.
In April 2011, UM filed a motion for summary final judgment claiming immunity from suit under section 766.303 of NICA (hereinafter, "NICA's Immunity Provision"), which mandates compensation from the Association as the exclusive remedy for injuries found to be compensable under NICA. Further, UM argued that because it is not a participating hospital or doctor, it was not required to give notice under section 766.316 and should therefore be immune from suit. The plaintiffs responded by arguing that Drs. Norris and Barker are employed by UM and, because Drs. Norris and Barker failed to give notice, UM is not immune from suit. The trial court denied UM's motion for summary judgment without explanation on August 5, 2014. UM timely filed this petition for writ of certiorari.
This petition for certiorari presents a narrow legal issue. We must determine if and when an entity that is neither a hospital nor a physician participating in the NICA plan may invoke NICA's immunity from suit when its employees are participating doctors who have waived their personal NICA immunity by failing to comply with NICA's Notice Provision. We hold that NICA immunity applies to such entities when the allegations of the complaint indicate that they were "directly involved" in the medical care provided during or immediately after labor and delivery, but that NICA immunity does not apply to allegations based on such entities' vicarious liability for the medical malpractice of their employees. Because the plaintiffs have alleged both direct liability against UM and vicarious liability based on the actions of Drs. Norris and Barker, we grant UM's petition in part and deny UM's petition in part.
Because this issue is before us on UM's petition for certiorari, UM must establish that the trial court's order denying summary judgment departed from the essential requirements of the law in a way that will cause irreparable harm in order to obtain relief.
A party typically cannot invoke an appellate court's certiorari jurisdiction based on the denial of a motion to dismiss or a motion for summary judgment because such orders can be remedied by a final appeal.
Every court that has addressed this issue has construed NICA's Immunity Provision to grant immunity from suit, not immunity from liability.
In determining whether the trial court departed from the essential requirements of the law by denying UM's claim for NICA immunity, we have carefully examined NICA, the case law interpreting NICA's provisions, and the common law doctrines of vicarious liability and respondeat superior.
NICA was passed and the Association was created "to provide a no-fault alternative remedy for a `limited class of catastrophic [birth-related neurological] injuries that result in unusually high costs for custodial care and rehabilitation.'"
NICA's Notice Provision requires participating physicians and hospitals with participating physicians to give patients notice that the doctors and/or hospitals participate in the NICA plan so the patients are aware they may be waiving their right to civil suit in the event of a birth-related neurological injury. NICA's Notice Provision provides in full:
§ 766.316.
Although NICA's Notice Provision makes no reference to NICA's Immunity Provision or discusses waiver of immunity in the statute itself, it is now well-established Florida law that a party who is required to give notice under NICA's Notice Provision and fails to do so waives its right to assert the exclusivity of remedies in NICA's Immunity Provision.
Because, there appeared to be some confusion regarding the entitlement to immunity and the waiver of immunity at oral argument, we take this opportunity to clarify the issue. Giving a patient notice of NICA participation does not entitle a party to immunity; only a party's direct involvement in the labor and delivery of a child who suffers a NICA-compensable injury entitles that party to invoke NICA's Immunity Provision. § 766.303(2). However, a party's failure to give notice when it is required to do so under NICA's Notice Provision will constitute a waiver of the NICA immunity to which it would otherwise be entitled by virtue of the party's direct involvement in the labor and delivery.
The Florida Supreme Court also held in
Thus, when there is compliance with NICA's Notice Provision by some but not all of the NICA participants, the claimant is faced with the choice of accepting the NICA benefits to the exclusion of any and all civil remedies he or she may have against any entities directly involved in the delivery, or the claimant can eschew the NICA benefits and take his or her chances in a civil suit against the party or parties who have waived NICA immunity by failing to comply with the NICA Notice Provision.
The common law doctrine of respondeat superior provides that an employer may be held liable for the actions of its employee if the employee was acting within the scope of his employment when he committed the tortious act.
1 Modern Tort Law: Liability and Litigation § 7:2 (2d ed.) (footnotes omitted).
The doctrine of respondeat superior is well recognized in Florida law, and our Supreme Court has held:
In such cases, the employer essentially stands in the shoes of the negligent employee for whom it is responsible.
As well-established common law doctrines, vicarious liability and respondeat superior apply to negligence claims for medical malpractice, even those stemming from NICA-compensable injuries, unless NICA "unequivocally states that it changes the common law, or is so repugnant to the common law that the two cannot coexist."
Thus, assuming that any negligent acts occurred within the scope of the employment, an employer will be held liable for the negligence of its employees to the extent those claims rely on vicarious liability through the doctrine of respondeat superior and to the extent the employee is unable to assert a valid defense, including immunity.
With these legal principles in mind, we turn now to the facts of the case before us. In the DOAH administrative proceedings, the ALJ found that the PHT had complied with NICA's Notice Provision but that the individual doctors, Drs. Norris and Barker, had not.
The plaintiffs have filed suit against the doctors' employer, UM, for medical negligence. In their complaint, the plaintiffs allege medical negligence against UM in a single count, in which they plead both that UM has
To the extent the plaintiffs have pled direct liability against UM for actions related to Michael's birth, UM is entitled to immunity. As explained above, NICA's Immunity Provision applies to any person or entity directly involved in the labor and delivery. § 766.303(2). The plaintiffs' direct negligence claims against UM allege that UM is directly responsible for actions related to the birth and delivery of Michael. Because the plaintiffs have alleged that UM is "directly involved" in the labor and delivery, and UM is clearly entitled to immunity under the terms of NICA's Immunity Provision under the plaintiffs' "directly involved" theory, the trial court departed from the essential requirements of law by denying UM immunity from suit for any alleged direct liability.
As previously stated, the only way a party who is otherwise entitled to NICA Immunity can waive its immunity is by failing to comply with NICA's Notice Provision when it is required to do so.
The plaintiffs have also pled that UM is vicariously liable for the medical negligence of its employees, Drs. Norris and Barker, under the theory of respondeat superior. Under this theory of vicarious liability, UM is not being sued for its own negligence, but rather, for the negligence of its employees, Drs. Norris and Barker. Because such a claim is not based on UM's direct involvement in the labor and delivery giving rise to the injury, UM is unable to invoke NICA's Immunity Provision on its own behalf.
This result is a logical consequence of the legal tenet that a claim for vicarious liability rises and falls on the actions and liability of the
Because UM's liability is directly linked to the liability of its employees under a theory of vicarious liability, it follows that UM can invoke NICA's Immunity Provision only to the extent that it could assert NICA immunity on behalf of its employees. If Drs. Norris and Barker had provided the required statutory notice,
Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.
These rulings appear to be premised on the belief that allowing a NICA award to remain in limbo until a plaintiff is able to ultimately determine whether a civil suit will yield a higher award would defeat the legislative purpose of the statute. These cases hold that when an ALJ determines that a claimant's injuries are compensable under NICA and approves an award, the claimant must elect prior to filing suit whether to accept the ALJ's award and forego any rights to a civil suit against those directly involved in the labor and delivery, or expressly waive any rights to the NICA award and proceed with his civil suit against any defendants not subject to immunity. Although this issue was discussed at oral argument, it was not raised or argued in the parties' briefs. We therefore defer resolution of this issue to a time if and when the issue has been fully developed and is properly before us.