DOUGLAS D. DODD, Bankruptcy Judge.
Plaintiffs Martin A. Schott, chapter 7 trustee, the United States of America, Guaranty Bank & Trust Company, Ryland Enterprises, Inc., and American Forestry Service of Miss., Inc., sued to deny a discharge to debtors Peter and Alfreda Williams under 11 U.S.C. § 727(a)(4). Plaintiffs alleged that the debtors knowingly and fraudulently misstated information in, and omitted information from, their schedules of assets and debts and statement of financial affairs; testified falsely at their meeting of creditors; and lied under oath when the creditors examined them pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr.P.2004. The evidence established that the Williamses are not entitled to a discharge.
Peter James Williams and Alfreda Rodney Williams, no strangers to the bankruptcy process, began their fourth bankruptcy case on December 14, 2011 as pro se chapter 12
The plaintiffs complain that the Williamses repeatedly made false statements in their original schedules and statement of financial affairs, three sets of amended schedules and two sets of amended statements of financial affairs given under penalty of perjury, and also in sworn oral testimony at meetings of creditors and during examinations under Fed. R. Bankr. P.2004. Chief among the debtors' allegedly false statements were repeated declarations that they had not transferred anything of value within the year before their bankruptcy filing.
Three months after the case's conversion to a chapter 7 liquidation, but before the chapter 7 meeting of creditors, the Williamses finally retained counsel. Their lawyer filed a number of amendments to the debtors' schedules and statements but none of those amendments disclosed prepetition transfers responsive to Statement of Financial Affairs question 7. At the September 2012 chapter 7 meeting of creditors, the debtors again swore, as they had at their chapter 12 meeting of creditors in January 2012, that they had not transferred or disposed of any property in the year before their bankruptcy filing.
The debtors' lawyer later gave the trustee documents showing that Peter and Alfreda Williams had made substantial payments to or on behalf of their adult children within a year before the bankruptcy, which completely discredited their sworn answers on the Statement of Financial Affairs. The documents established that the debtors gave their adult children cash totaling $26,364.02 within seventy-five days before bankruptcy to pay housing and other expenses, and to make payments on a loan secured by one son's truck.
The other oaths the plaintiffs contend are false and should result in the Williamses' loss of their discharge include:
The evidence established that the debtors omitted the vehicles and inherited immovable property from their original schedules. They compounded their misconduct when they amended the schedules without completely correcting the omissions. First, the debtors did not list the 1967 Pontiac GTO and 1961 Chevrolet Impala on amended schedules filed in January, September and October 2012, even though Peter Williams admitted under oath at the April 2012 Rule 2004 examination that he owned both cars.
Second, Peter Williams's one-half interests in the 2007 Ford F-150 and 2009 Dodge Ram
Finally, the debtors omitted from their schedules Mrs. Williams's inherited interest in land in New Roads, Louisiana until it came to light at the first January 12, 2012 meeting of creditors in response to the trustee's questions.
The Bankruptcy Code denies a discharge to a debtor who "knowingly and fraudulently, in or in connection with the case ... made a false oath or account." 11 U.S.C. § 727(a)(4)(A). To prevail under section 727(a)(4)(A), the plaintiffs must prove that:
In re Pratt, 411 F.3d 561, 566 (5th Cir. 2005), quoting In re Beaubouef, 966 F.2d 174, 178 (5th Cir.1992).
A false oath that will cost a debtor his discharge includes "(1) a false statement
Bankruptcy Code section 727(a)(4)(A) is intended to ensure that debtors provide complete information about their financial affairs and assets to those interested in the administration of the bankruptcy estate, to spare them the need for the further examinations or investigation to determine whether the debtors have provided truthful and accurate information. Oldendorf v. Buckman, 173 B.R. 99, 104 (E.D.La.1994). Even if a debtor believes that his assets are worthless or of minimal value to creditors, the debtor must disclose all his assets fully and accurately. Id. at 105. Furthermore, testimony, sworn schedules and statements of financial affairs comprising more than one falsehood, together with a failure to clear up all inconsistencies when filing amended schedules, may constitute reckless indifference to the truth, and support a finding that a debtor intended to deceive the court, trustee and creditors. Id. (Emphasis added).
The evidence established that debtors failed to disclose that they gave or paid for the benefit of their children nearly $23,000 within two months before their December 2011 bankruptcy filing, money they had received from a church member only two months earlier. Moreover, the debtors failed to reveal in their bankruptcy filings that they'd disposed of two valuable classic cars in 2010, or their interest in trucks their adult sons drove, or Alfreda Williams's interest in inherited property. That information came to light only after parties in interest unearthed them over a prolonged time and sometimes only then in response to specific questioning of the debtors. The evidence does not support a finding that the debtors' omissions were inadvertent or immaterial.
The plaintiffs have proven that the Williamses made multiple false oaths in their schedules, statements of financial affairs, as well as in their sworn testimony at meetings of creditors and a Rule 2004 examination. The false oaths were material because they related to the debtors' assets and their disposition of property before bankruptcy. The debtors' many misstatements and omissions were not completely corrected or explained until they filed their second amended schedules and statements, ten months after they commenced their bankruptcy, despite examination by two trustees and more than one creditor. The bankruptcy process cannot condone debtors' resistance to full and accurate disclosure in the manner of the Williamses.
Perhaps a single error in the debtors' schedules, or a modest mistake in the statement of financial affairs, could be attributed to the debtors' initially having taken on their own representation, or to carelessness or confusion. However, even after several amendments and the retention of counsel to assist them, the Williamses continued to omit from their filings valuable assets and other important
The evidence established that debtors Peter and Alfreda Williams made false oaths that must result in loss of their chapter 7 discharge under 11 U.S.C. § 727(a)(4)(A). The court will by separate judgment deny the debtors' discharge.