JENNIFER A. DORSEY, District Judge.
IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED between Plaintiffs, DENISE CROMPTON and ALAN CROMPTON, by and through their attorneys, DENNIS M. PRINCE, ESQ., TRACY A. EGLET, ESQ., and DANIELLE TARMU, ESQ., of EGLET PRINCE, and Defendant, COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION by and through its attorneys of record, KYM SAMUEL CUSHING, ESQ., and JOSEPH C. CHU, ESQ., of WILSON, ELSER, MOSKOWITZ, EDELMAN & DICKER, LLP, pending the Court's approval, that the date for parties to file their Oppositions to Motions in Limine be extended from February 10, 2016 to February 17, 2016.
The parties make this mutual request because they are in the midst of settlement negotiations and hope to settle this case before incurring the additional time and expense of preparing the Oppositions.
In light of this, pending the Court's approval, the parties have agreed to a short extension until February 17, 2016, to file their Oppositions to Motions in Limine in this matter, and respectfully request this Court to approve the parties' stipulation.
Pursuant to the foregoing stipulation of the parties, it is hereby ordered that the deadline for the parties to file their Oppositions to Motions in Limine shall be extended to February 17, 2016.