DAVID C. KEESLER, Magistrate Judge.
On September 7, 2016, the undersigned issued an "Order" (Document No. 154) granting "Plaintiff Randolph A. Watterson's Motion To Compel Discovery" (Document No. 150) and requiring Defendant Green to provide complete discovery responses to Plaintiff on or before September 12, 2016. The Court specifically noted that Defendant Jason Green had failed to even respond to the motion to compel. (Document No. 154). In addition, the Court observed that Plaintiff's motion indicated that Defendant Green's counsel had previously represented that discovery responses would be provided no later than August 19, 2016.
By the instant motion for sanctions, Plaintiff now seeks sanctions against Defendant Green for failure to provide responses to Plaintiff's discovery requests and for failure to abide by this Court's "Order" (Document No. 154). (Document No. 157).
Defendant Green, through counsel, filed a "Response In Opposition To Motion For Sanctions" (Document No. 165) on October 10, 2016. Defendant Green's response is not particularly enlightening. Defendant asserts that "there was confusion on counsel's part" regarding "where exactly discovery documents needed to be sent." (Document no. 165, p.2). Defendant then contends that "Defendant has in fact attempted to provide Discovery to the Plaintiff in a timely manner. If the materials never arrived, or perhaps arrived at an incorrect address, Defendant would ask that Plaintiff provide an accurate address." (Document No. 165, p.3). Defendant Green has not indicated any objection to the requested discovery, or that he is otherwise unwilling or unable to provide complete and full responses to the requested discovery — just confusion about where to send it.
Plaintiff filed a reply brief on October 24, 2016, further indicating that Defendant Green has yet to provide discovery responses. (Document No. 174).
The undersigned is deeply concerned about Defendant Green's (and his counsel's) failure to comply with an Order of this Court.
Despite Defendant Green's recent failures, the undersigned will deny the pending motion without prejudice and allow Defendant Green one more opportunity to provide full and complete discovery responses to Plaintiff Randolph A. Watterson. The Court will take Plaintiff's request under advisement and may award sanctions, including reasonable expenses, at a later date. In addition, Defendant Green and his counsel are respectfully advised that additional sanctions are likely if he fails to provide full and complete discovery responses as ordered herein. The Court could render a default judgment and/or treat Defendant's failure as a contempt of court, among other sanctions available.