THOMAS J. McAVOY, District Judge.
On the summons and complaint filed herein on August 3, 2018 on the notice of pendency filed in the Office of the Jefferson County Clerk on August 21, 2018; on the annexed Affirmation of John Manfredi, attorney for Plaintiff, on the affidavit of Gaylene Fox, sworn to on the 19
This action was brought to foreclose a mortgage on real property located in the County of Jefferson.
The entire balance secured by said mortgage, $188,340.88 includes principal, interest, and service charges due as of March 16
The defendants herein have been duly served with the summons and complaint. The time to answer or move with respect to the complaint has expired and the same has not been extended by consent or by order of this Court. No answer or motion directed to the complaint has been interposed by or on behalf of the defendants. The defendants are not infants, incompetent or absentee. Accordingly, the defendants are in default.
A notice of pendency containing all the particulars required by law has been duly filed as aforesaid in the Jefferson County Clerk's Office on August 21
The mortgaged premises should be sold in one parcel.
The amount computed by the Court to be due to plaintiff on the note and mortgages described in the complaint is $98,094.65 in principal, with interest in the sum of $81,906.13 as of March 16
NOW, on motion of plaintiff United States of America, and the Court having determined that an evidentiary hearing is unnecessary on the issue of damages, in light of the affidavit and documentary evidence submitted by plaintiff, it is
That said Master then deposit the balance of said proceeds of sale in his own name as Master in the
Said Master shall take the receipt of plaintiff or its attorney for the amounts paid as directed in item marked "3
In the event that plaintiff or a governmental agency thereof is the purchaser of said mortgaged premises at said sale, or in the event that the rights of the purchaser at said sale and the terms of sale under this judgment shall be assigned to and be acquired by plaintiff or any such governmental agency, and a valid assignment thereof be filed with said Master, said Master shall not require plaintiff or such governmental agency to pay in cash the amount bid at such sale, but shall execute and deliver to plaintiff or such governmental agency a deed of the premises sold.
Plaintiff or such governmental agency shall pay the amount specified above in items marked "1
Said Master shall make his/her report of such sale and shall file it with the Clerk of the Court with all convenient speed. If the proceeds of such sale be insufficient to pay the amount adjudged due to plaintiff with the expenses, interests and costs as aforesaid, said Master shall specify the amount of such deficiency in his/her report of sale; and it is further
The premises affected by this action are situated entirely within the County of Jefferson and designated as
Together with all right, title and interest of the owner, if any, in and do the land lying in the streets and roads in front of an adjoining said premises, to the center line thereof.
Together with all fixtures and articles of personal property annexed to, installed in, or used in connection with the mortgaged premises, as is more fully set out in said Mortgage.
ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the City of Watertown, County of Jefferson and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron pipe driven into the ground at a point in the easterly margin of Ives Street, as monumented by the Department of Engineering of the City of Watertown, ton York, which bears south 25° 40' nest along said margin 140.74 feet from a monumented angle point in said margin, and which point of beginning is southeasterly along said easterly margin of Ives Street 337.5 feet from an iron corner fence post marking the line between the Ives Street Land Company, known as the Ives Hill Country Club, and the northwesterly corner of the parcel of land conveyed by John D. Harris, Jr. to Edwin H. Adams by deed dated July 19th, 1954 and recorded in the Jefferson County Clerk's office July 22nd, 1954 in Liber 603 of Deeds at page 138;
THENCE, turning to the right 90° and running perpendicular to said street margin south 64° 20' east 175 feet to an iron pipe;
THENCE, turning to the right 90° and running on a line parallel with and 175 feet easterly of the said street margin south 25° 40' west 160 feet to an iron pipe;
THENCE, turning to the right 90° and perpendicular to said street margin north 64° 20' west 175 feet to an iron pipe in said street margin;
THENCE, along said street margin north 25° 40' east 160 feet to the place of beginning.
Containing 0.64 of an acre of land.
Intending to convey hereby a rectangular parcel of land having a frontage on the easterly margin of Ives Street of 160 feet and a width at the rear of 160 feet and a depth of 175 feet at right angles to said easterly margin of Ives Street.
Being a part of the premises conveyed by Ida B. Flower to John B. Harris, et ano, by Warranty Dead dated March 19th, 1915 and recorded in the Jefferson County Clerk's office March 26th, 1915 in Liber 344 of Deeds at page 528, and subsequently devised to John B. Harris, Jr. under paragraph SIXTH (G) of the Will of John B. Harris, Deceased, recorded February 19th, 1952 in Liber 564 of deeds at page 165.
All bearings given are magnetic as per survey made September 6, 1955 by H. R. Dwyer, C.E., Licensed Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No. 2368.
This conveyance is made and accepted upon the express condition, and the part of the second part, covenant for distributees, legal representatives, successors and assigns that:
1. The premises herein conveyed shall not be sub-divided.
2. The premises herein conveyed shall be used for single family residence purposes only.
3. That no building shall ever be erected on said premises within forty (40) feet of any street margin.
4. That the foregoing constitute restrictive covenants which are perpetual and shall run with the land.
5. That these restrictive covenants in their entirety shall be included in any subsequent conveyance of said premises.
BEING the same premises conveyed by John B. Wards, Jr. to George w. Wait by warranty dead dated September 21, 1955 and recorded in the Jefferson County Clerk's Office September 21, 1955 in Liber 620 of deeds at page 628.
ALSO ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the City of Watertown, County of Jefferson and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning, at an iron pipe driven in the ground at the Easternmost corner of a Lot heretofore conveyed by the party of the first part to George W. Wait by warranty deed dated September 21, 1955 and recorded same date in Jefferson County Clerk's Office in Liber 620 of Deeds at Page 628;
Thence running in a straight line Southeasterly on a bearing which shall be an extension of the Northeast boundary of the said lot heretofore conveyed to the said George W. Wait a distance of 25 feet more or less to an iron pipe driven in the ground, which said iron pipe is the Southeasterly corner of a parcel conveyed by the party of the first part to Ellsworth R. and Dorothy C. Haver by warranty deed dated December 5, 1960 and recorded in Jefferson County Clerk's Office on December 7, 1960 in Liber 702 of Deeds at Page 223;
Thence turning 90° to the right on a bearing S. 20°-22' West a distance of 160 feet more or less to an iron pipe driven in the ground at a point which is the Northeasterly corner of a lot heretofore conveyed by the party of the first part to Edith W. Pfaff by warranty deed dated May 3, 1963 and recorded same date in Jefferson County Clerk's Office in Liber 735 of Deeds at Page 12;
Thence turning 90° to the right running a distance of 25 feet more or less to an iron pipe driven in the ground at the Southeasterly corner of the aforesaid lot heretofore conveyed by the party of the first part to George W. Wait; Thence running 90° to the right a distance of 175 feet more or less along the Southeasterly margin of the aforesaid lot of George W. Wait to the place of beginning.
It being the intention herein to convey a rectangular parcel of land approximately 25 feet deep along the rear line of the said lot heretofore conveyed to George W. Wait, which said rectangular parcel shall have a Southeast boundary which shall run along the same line as the Southeast boundary of the adjoining lots.
This conveyance is made and accepted upon the express condition that the party of the second part covenant for her distributees, legal representatives, successors and assigns, that;
1. The premises herein conveyed shall become a part of the herein-above described parcel conveyed by the party of the first part to George W. Wait by warranty deed dated September 21, 1955, and recorded same date in Jefferson County Clerk's Office in Liber 620 of Deeds at Page 628, and subject to the same restriction,: thereof, to wit:
A. The premises herein conveyed shall not be sub-divided.
B. The premises herein conveyed shall be used for single family residence purposes only.
C. That no building shall ever be erected on said premises within forty (40) feet of any street margin.
D. That the foregoing constitute restrictive covenants which are perpetual and shall run with the land.
E. That these restrictive covenants in their entirety shall be included in any subsequent conveyance of said premises.
BEING the same premises conveyed by John B. Harris, Jr. to Betty W. Wait by warranty deed dated April 28th, 1967 and recorded May 2, 1967 in the Jefferson County Clerk's Office in Liber 796 of deeds at page 276.