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United States v. Castro, 97-1684 (1997)

Court: Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Number: 97-1684 Visitors: 27
Filed: Nov. 20, 1997
Latest Update: Mar. 02, 2020
Summary: United States v. Johnson, 488 F.2d 1206, 1209 (1st Cir.bar the witness's testimony altogether.after Lagasse claimed his Fifth Amendment privilege in respect to, a question, the court, if the basis for the assertion was not, transparently clear, made due inquiry of Lagasse's counsel.defense theory.
USCA1 Opinion



No. 97-1684





Defendant, Appellant.




[Hon. D. Brock Hornby, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



Selya, Circuit Judge, _____________

Coffin, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________

and Stahl, Circuit Judge. _____________


Dana A. Curhan on brief for appellant. ______________
Jay P. McCloskey, United States Attorney, Margaret D. __________________ ____________
McGaughey and George T. Dilworth, Assistant United States _________ ____________________
Attorneys, on brief for appellee.


November 18, 1997


SELYA, Circuit Judge. In this criminal appeal, SELYA, Circuit Judge. _______________

defendant-appellant Christian Castro argues that the district

court erred when it excluded the testimony of two prospective

defense witnesses on the ground that each of them, if called to

the witness stand, could and would invoke his Fifth Amendment

privilege against self-incrimination. In addition, Castro

asseverates that the prosecution's role in keeping one of these

witnesses from testifying distorted the factfinding process and

denied him a fair trial. Discerning no error, we affirm the

judgment of conviction.

I. I. __

Background Background __________

A federal grand jury indicted the appellant on a charge

of conspiring to possess cocaine base (crack cocaine) with intent

to distribute. See 21 U.S.C. 841(a)(1) & (b)(1)(B), 846. The ___

charge arose out of the appellant's supposed involvement in a

multi-faceted drug trafficking ring. The evidence at trial,

viewed in the light most favorable to the government, see United ___ ______

States v. Maraj, 947 F.2d 520, 522 (1st Cir. 1991), showed that ______ _____

the conspiracy flourished in mid-1994. The appellant's role was

to deliver crack cocaine between Lawrence, Massachusetts and

Lewiston, Maine. Upon arriving in Lewiston, the appellant would

stay at one of several dwellings in which other coconspirators

resided and would supervise the ensuing "retail" sales. The

coconspirators were geographically dispersed and communicated

largely by telephone. Many of the telephone numbers that they


used were listed under false names.

At trial, the government presented a very strong case

against the appellant. Among other things, several self-styled

members of the conspiracy testified for the prosecution and

inculpated the appellant. Faced with this array of turncoat

witnesses, the appellant sought to call his brother, Manuel

Enr que "Ricky" Castro, and a previously convicted coconspirator,

Melvin "Bubba" Lagasse, as defense witnesses. Both men informed

the district court that they intended to invoke the Fifth

Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.

After the government rested, the court convened a voir

dire hearing out of the presence of the jury. The court

prudently required the parties to proceed in a question-and-

answer format. Each witness was represented by an attorney.

Defense counsel's questions to Ricky Castro focused on Ricky's

knowledge anent (1) the appellant's relationship to numerous

addresses, and his involvement with a particular dwelling (which

the government contended was a "crack house"), and (2) various

telephone numbers that other witnesses had said they used in the

course of the conspiracy.

Ricky Castro invoked his Fifth Amendment privilege

against self-incrimination and refused to testify concerning

these matters. Defense counsel objected and asked the district

court to compel responsive answers. Counsel argued that Ricky

Castro's testimony would help establish salient points (e.g.,

that the appellant did not reside at the specified addresses;


that he allowed friends to install a telephone under his name

which he, himself, did not use; and that he had a different

telephone number not associated with the felonious activities

which he did use) without in any way incriminating the witness.

Ricky's lawyer took a different view.

The trial judge upheld the claim of privilege. He

found, first, that the requested information might tend to

incriminate the witness, and second, that the government's cross-

examination would likely delve into the scope and degree of the

witness's knowledge of his brother's activities and could thus

lead to inculpatory information.1

From Lagasse, defense counsel attempted to elicit a

statement that the appellant was not involved in the drug

trafficking operation. Counsel also sought to ask Lagasse about

divers coconspirators' reputations for truthfulness. Lagasse

invoked his Fifth Amendment privilege as to these questions. The

district court rebuffed the appellant's argument that Lagasse did

not face any real threat of incrimination because he already had

been convicted on the conspiracy charge, finding that Lagasse had


1In this regard, Judge Hornby stated:

Certainly, there are plenty of innocent
explanations why somebody might know the
residence of a family member, but by the same
token, if you don't know their residence,
that might afford you a defense under certain
criminal charges. And I take it, [counsel's]
argument therefore is by admitting to
knowledge, he has thereby lost that potential
defense of lack of knowledge concerning the


valid Fifth Amendment concerns in two respects: (1) his exposure

to prosecution for one or more robberies which may have occurred

in the same time frame as, and in relation to, the drug

conspiracy, and (2) his exposure to prosecution for substantive

drug offenses committed during and in the course of the


The trial concluded without testimony from either Ricky

Castro or Bubba Lagasse. The jury found the appellant guilty as

charged and Judge Hornby imposed sentence. This appeal followed.

II. II. ___

Discussion Discussion __________

A. A. __

Standard of Review Standard of Review __________________

In challenging the district court's determination that

these witnesses invoked the Fifth Amendment privilege

appropriately and in good faith, the appellant invites us to

subject that determination to plenary review. We decline the

invitation. The proper standard for appellate review of a trial

court's determination that a witness validly invoked his Fifth

Amendment privilege is abuse of discretion. See United States v. ___ _____________

Gary, 74 F.3d 304, 310 (1st Cir. 1996); United States v. Pratt, ____ ______________ _____

913 F.2d 982, 990 (1st Cir. 1990); see also Hoffman v. United ___ ____ _______ ______

States, 341 U.S. 479, 488 (1951) (explaining that the court of ______

appeals should reverse such a determination only when it is

"perfectly clear from a careful consideration of all the

circumstances in the case" that the witness's testimony "cannot


possibly have such tendency to incriminate").

Of course, abuse of discretion itself breaks down into

different components. Within it, factual findings are often

subjected to clear-error review, see, e.g., United States v. ___ ____ _____________

Perry, 116 F.3d 952, 977 (1st Cir. 1997), whereas material errors _____

of law constitute per se abuses of judicial discretion, see, ___ __ ___

e.g., Koon v. United States, 116 S. Ct. 2035, 2047 (1996). Put ____ ____ _____________

another way, it is never within a trial court's discretion to

make a determination that is premised on an incorrect legal


B. B. __

The Fifth Amendment The Fifth Amendment ___________________

The Fifth Amendment privilege against self-

incrimination is an essential constitutional protection that is

widely regarded as a cornerstone of our adversarial system of

criminal justice. See Michigan v. Tucker, 417 U.S. 433, 439 ___ ________ ______

(1974). The privilege must not be given a crabbed construction.

See In Re Kave, 760 F.2d 343, 354 (1st Cir. 1985) (collecting ___ ___________


Withal, the Fifth Amendment's prophylaxis is not

available to all comers in all circumstances merely because they

have the presence of mind to chant the accepted constitutional

liturgy. To the contrary, the prospective witness must show at

the very least that he is faced with some authentic danger of

incrimination. See Hoffman, 341 U.S. at 486-87; Pratt, 913 F.2d ___ _______ _____

at 990; In Re Brogna, 589 F.2d 24, 27 (1st Cir. 1978). This is ____________


not a particularly onerous burden. While chimerical fears will

not suffice, the prospective witness need only limn some

reasonable possibility that, by testifying, he may open himself

to prosecution. See In Re Kave, 760 F.2d at 354. ___ __________

The privilege cannot be invoked on a blanket basis.

See In re Grand Jury Matters, 751 F.2d 13, 17 n.4 (1st Cir. ___ __________________________

1984). It operates question by question. Thus, the district

court must conduct a "particularized inquiry." Pratt, 913 F.2d _____

at 990. For the privilege to attach, the questions and answers

need not be directly incriminating. If a reply to a seemingly

innocuous question reasonably will tend to sculpt a rung in the

ladder of evidence leading to prosecution, the privilege

appropriately may be invoked. See Hoffman, 341 U.S. at 486; ___ _______

United States v. Johnson, 488 F.2d 1206, 1209 (1st Cir. 1973). _____________ _______

In other words, testimony which might lead indirectly to evidence

that then could be used in a future criminal prosecution is

eligible for Fifth Amendment protection. See Murphy v. ___ ______

Waterfront Comm'n, 378 U.S. 52, 79 (1964). To like effect, a _________________

court ordinarily should not permit a witness to testify on direct

if the court has adequate reason to believe that the witness

validly will invoke the Fifth Amendment on cross-examination with

regard to matters which are bound up with those discussed on

direct. See Gary, 74 F.3d at 309. ___ ____

In the last analysis, the nisi prius court should make

a particularized finding as to the applicability vel non of the ___ ___

privilege and should elucidate its rationale. In reaching a


decision as to whether a witness's testimony might tend to

incriminate him, the court may of course take into consideration

any personal perceptions gleaned from its observation of the

prospective witness or from its hands-on involvement in the case.

See Hoffman, 341 U.S. at 487; United States v. Zirpolo, 704 F.2d ___ _______ ______________ _______

23, 25 (1st Cir. 1983).

With this backdrop in place, we now consider the lower

court's rulings in respect to each of the proffered witnesses.

C. C. __

Manuel Enr que "Ricky" Castro Manuel Enr que "Ricky" Castro _____________________________

The appellant argues that his brother should have been

compelled to testify because answering questions that concerned

the appellant's places of residence and telephone numbers "[b]y

no stretch of the imagination" would have tended to incriminate

Ricky. Relatedly, the appellant posits that the trial court had

the power indeed, the duty to preclude the government from

cross-examining the witness as to other, more sensitive matters

(such as the basis for the witness's knowledge). The court could

have used this power, he maintains, thereby cabining the

government and restricting it to a "very narrow cross."

We reject this line of reasoning. Here, the trial

court proceeded with commendable caution. It prohibited the

witness from invoking the Fifth Amendment on a wholesale scale.

Then, in an attempt to narrow the assertion of the privilege, the

court compelled the witness during the voir dire hearing to

answer some preliminary questions which it deemed non-



As to the queries involving knowledge of the

appellant's addresses, the court's finding that the witness faced

potential incrimination by admitting to such knowledge is fully

supportable. After all, any knowledge that Ricky Castro might

have had of the activities at the supposed crack house or of his

brother's comings and goings at other places frequented by the

coconspirators might well have furnished important clues

necessary to convict Ricky, were he to be accused of

participation in the drug trafficking ring. See, e.g., In re ___ ____ _____

Kave, 760 F.2d at 354; Johnson, 488 F.2d at 1209; see generally ____ _______ ___ _________

Hoffman, 341 U.S. at 487-88 (emphasizing the district court's _______

superior ability to judge whether information would have been

inculpatory in light of the "peculiarities of the case").

So, too, the court's finding anent the sundry telephone

numbers: since the telephone numbers that the coconspirators

used to contact each other in connection with the drug enterprise

were not associated with the appellant's apparent place of

residence, Ricky's knowledge of those numbers could have

implicated him in the conspiracy. Requiring him to answer

questions concerning the telephone number at the appellant's

actual place of residence and his knowledge as to whether the

appellant had ever had a telephone listing in Massachusetts would

similarly have jeopardized his rights. In the idiocratic

circumstances of this trial in which evidence of telephone

numbers was central to the government's case we cannot say that


the district court abused its discretion in allowing Ricky Castro

to invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege.

We give short shrift to the appellant's contention that

the district court had an obligation to compel answers and then

to forestall self-incrimination by severely limiting the scope of

the government's inquiry on cross-examination. We recognize, as

the appellant asserts, that the Sixth Amendment assures a

criminal defendant of the right to mount a defense but that

right must coexist with the government's right to test the truth

of testimony proffered by the defense through the medium of


This is not to say that the right to cross-examination,

any more than the right to present a defense, is absolute and

unfettered. A trial court sometimes may avoid Fifth Amendment

problems by stopping the cross-examiner from launching a fishing

expedition into collateral matters. See United States v. Berr o- ___ _____________ _______

Londo o, 946 F.2d 158, 161 (1st Cir. 1991); Turner v. Fair, 617 _______ ______ ____

F.2d 7, 10 (1st Cir. 1980). Still, if a jury is to hear a

witness's evidence, it normally should not be told only a part of

the core story. Thus, when honoring the Fifth Amendment

privilege will preclude or unfairly circumscribe cross-

examination as to non-collateral matters and by "non-

collateral matters" we mean matters that are both within the

scope of the direct examination and of consequence to the

resolution of the issues in the case it is fully within the

trial court's discretion to sustain the claim of privilege and


bar the witness's testimony altogether. See Gary, 74 F.3d at ___ ____

310; Zirpolo, 704 F.2d at 25-26. _______

The appellant has one more shot in his sling. He

asseverates that even if the court properly excluded the

testimony, it should have permitted his counsel to pose specific

questions to the witness in front of the jury so that the jury

could see and hear the witness claim his Fifth Amendment

privilege in living color. This is whistling past the graveyard.

At least in the absence of exceptional circumstances and none

are present here trial courts should not permit witnesses who

have indicated that they will refuse to answer questions on

legitimate Fifth Amendment grounds to take the witness stand and

assert the privilege in front of the jury. See Namet v. United ___ _____ ______

States, 373 U.S. 179, 186 (1963); Johnson, 488 F.2d at 1211. We ______ _______

fail to see any hint of discretion abused in Judge Hornby's use

of standard procedure in this wise.

D. D. __

Melvin "Bubba" Lagasse Melvin "Bubba" Lagasse ______________________

The appellant strives to persuade us that the district

court erred in allowing Lagasse to assert his Fifth Amendment

privilege because any questions posed to him either would not

have incriminated him or would have been wholly peripheral to the

issues before the court. We are not convinced.

The inquiry that the appellant wished to undertake vis-

-vis Lagasse was aimed at securing an admission that he (the


appellant) was not involved in the drug ring.2 Because Lagasse

already had been convicted and sentenced for his participation in

the same drug trafficking conspiracy, the appellant reasons that

this testimony was safe in that no further possibility of self-

incrimination remained. See United States v. Pardo, 636 F.2d ___ ______________ _____

535, 543 (D.C. Cir. 1980).

This reasoning is overly simplistic. It ignores the

fact that, on cross-examination, the government most assuredly

would have explored the extent to which Lagasse himself was

involved in the conspiracy in order to test his level of

familiarity with the players. Such cross-examination would have

required Lagasse to testify about any and all narcotics

transactions that occurred in or about the same time frame.

Though Lagasse could not be prosecuted again for the conspiracy,

he was not shielded from criminal liability for any substantive

crimes which may have been the object of, or which were committed

in the course of, that conspiracy. See, e.g., United States v. ___ ____ _____________

Principe, 482 F.2d 60, 63 (1st Cir. 1973); Ottomano v. United ________ ________ ______

States, 468 F.2d 269, 271 (1st Cir. 1972). Nor do the terms of ______

Lagasse's plea bargain mandate a different result; while the plea

bargain may have precluded federal prosecution for some of these _______


2Here again, the district court did not permit the witness
to invoke the Fifth Amendment in a blanket fashion, but required
him to respond on voir dire to specific questions. Moreover,
after Lagasse claimed his Fifth Amendment privilege in respect to
a question, the court, if the basis for the assertion was not
transparently clear, made due inquiry of Lagasse's counsel. This
salutary procedure enabled the court to define the extent of the
witness's legitimate Fifth Amendment interests.


substantive acts, Lagasse nonetheless was wide open to state _____

prosecution on that account. See United States v. Perez-Franco, ___ _____________ ____________

873 F.2d 455, 460-61 (1st Cir. 1989).

Of course, the appellant also wanted to ask Lagasse

about his coconspirators' reputations for truthfulness. This

line of questioning is subject to much the same vice. On cross-

examination, the government certainly would have explored the

degree to which Lagasse was involved in the drug business with

the persons on whose veracity he was presuming to pass judgment.

Moreover, because neither Lagasse's conviction nor his plea

agreement shielded him from criminal liability for crimes of

violence, the interrogation that the appellant sought to

undertake would likely have gotten into at least one incident in

which Lagasse allegedly had robbed a coconspirator (and for which

he never had been prosecuted).

E. E. __

The Remaining Claims The Remaining Claims ____________________

The appellant's two final claims boil down to a

suggestion that the government's role in keeping Lagasse from

testifying distorted the factfinding process and denied the

appellant a fair trial. In mounting this offensive, the

appellant in effect merges two loosely related theories the

"effective defense" theory (which derives from the right to

compulsory process) and the "prosecutorial misconduct" theory

(which derives from the right to due process). See United States ___ _____________

v. Angiulo, 897 F.2d 1169, 1190-93 (1st Cir. 1990) (describing _______


both theories). Whether viewed singly or in combination, neither

theory calls the district court's rulings into doubt.

We need not dwell on the late, unlamented effective

defense theory. That theory purports to hold that if a witness

can offer clearly exculpatory testimony indispensable to the

defense and the government has no convincing reason to withhold

immunity, the trial court may bestow use immunity on the witness.

See Government of the Virgin Islands v. Smith, 615 F.2d 964, 974 ___ ________________________________ _____

(3d Cir. 1980). Recognizing that the power to direct witness

immunity customarily is reserved to the Executive Branch, see 18 ___

U.S.C. 6003(b), we recently interred the effective defense

theory. See Curtis v. Duval, 124 F.3d 1, 9 (1st Cir. 1997); ___ ______ _____

United States v. Mackey, 117 F.3d 24, 28 (1st Cir. 1997). It is _____________ ______

not good law in this circuit and the appellant cannot profit by


In contrast, the appellant's due process claim stands

on sound legal footing. It is common ground that "the due

process clause [constrains] the prosecutor to a certain extent in

her decision to grant or not to grant immunity." Curtis, 124 ______

F.3d at 10 (quoting Angiulo, 897 F.2d at 1191). However, this _______

constraint operates at the margins of the prosecutor's discretion

and takes on practical significance only when the prosecutor

deliberately aspires to distort the factfinding process. See id. ___ ___

This type of deliberate distortion can occur in two ways: if the

government attempts to intimidate or harass a potential witness,

or if the prosecutor purposefully withholds use immunity to hide


exculpatory evidence from the jury. See id.; Angiulo, 897 F.2d ___ ___ _______

at 1192. Fortunately, such cases are rare and the record does

not indicate that this case is of that genre.

In the first place, there is absolutely no evidence to

validate the (entirely conclusory) assertion that the government

attempted to harass or intimidate Lagasse. The mere fact that

Lagasse was a federal prisoner at the time of Castro's trial does

not prove the assertion. We likewise are unpersuaded by the

appellant's suggestion that the prosecutor's avowed intention to

cross-examine Lagasse vigorously about the alleged robbery and

other non-collateral points relevant to his proffered testimony

amounted to intimidation. Effective cross-examination is an

essential tool that tests the reliability of a witness's

testimony, and a prosecutor's stated intention to proceed down

that road is no more than an acknowledgment of the obvious.

In the same vein, the record contains no indication

that the prosecutor deliberately withheld immunity from Lagasse

in order to keep exculpatory testimony from the jury. In answer

to the trial court's inquiry, the prosecutor pointed out the

federal government's desire not to hinder "state or federal

charges of possession of controlled drugs and trafficking [that]

could still be brought" against Lagasse, notwithstanding the

federal conspiracy conviction. This perfectly plausible

statement adequately deflects any insinuation that the

government's handling of Lagasse qua witness was motivated by the ___

sole purpose of keeping exculpatory evidence from the jury. See ___


Angiulo, 897 F.2d at 1193. _______

III. III. ____

Conclusion Conclusion __________

We need go no further. From aught that appears, the

appellant was fairly tried and justly convicted. The judgment

below must therefore be

Affirmed. Affirmed. ________


Source:  CourtListener

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