AUDREY B. COLLINS, District Judge.
This action came on regularly for a jury trial commencing on May 27, 2014, in Courtroom 680 of the United States District Court, the Honorable Audrey B. Collins presiding. Plaintiff was represented by Daniel Palay and Brian Hefelfinger, and defendant was represented by Michael Purcell and Antonio Valla.
A jury of eight (8) persons was impaneled and sworn. After hearing the evidence and arguments of counsel, and after the jury was instructed by the Court, the claims were submitted to the jury with instructions to return a special verdict.
The jury deliberated and thereafter returned into Court with its special verdict consisting of questions submitted to the jury and the answers given thereto by the jury, which said verdict was in words and figures as follows, to wit:
"We, the jury, answer the questions submitted to us as follows:
1. Has Plaintiff Kevin Monaghan proven by a preponderance of the evidence that Defendant TISNA owes him wages or benefits that it has not paid?
If your answer to Question 1 is YES, answer Questions 2 and 3. If your answer to Question 1 is No, skip Questions 2, 3, and 4 and answer Question 5.
2. What amount of unpaid wages and benefits, if any, did Plaintiff Kevin Monaghan prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, Defendant TISNA owes him?
3. Has Plaintiff Kevin Monaghan proven by a preponderance of the evidence that Defendant TISNA willfully failed to pay any of these wages owed at the time of his termination?
_______Yes ___
If you answer to Question 3 is YES, Answer Question 4. If your answer to Question 3 is NO skip Qustion 4 and Answer Question 5.
4. What amount of penalties do you award Plaintiff Kevin Monaghan (up to thirty days' wages) for Defendant TISNA's failure to pay?
$_______________________ (intentionally unanswered)
5. Has Plaintiff Kevin Monaghan proven by a preponderance of the evidence that TISNA willfully misclassified Monaghan as an "independent contractor?"
If your answer to Question 5 is YES, Answer Question 6. If you answer to Question 5 is NO, skip Question 6 and answer Question 7.
6. What amount of penalties do you award to the State of California Workforce Development agency as a result of this willful misclassification?
7. Has Plaintiff Kevin Monaghan proven by a preponderance of the evidence that there was a causal link between Monaghan's complaints of illegal conduct (i.e. misclassification and the failure to pay wages owed) and his termination from TISNA?
If your answer to Question 7 is YES, Answer Question 8. If your answer to Question 7 is NO skip the remaining questions and please sign and return the verdict form.
8. Has DEfendant TISNA proven, by clear and convincing evidence, that it would have terminated Kevin Monaghan on or about June 7, 2012 for legitimate, independent reasons even if he had not made the complaints of misclassification or the failure to pay wages?
_____Yes ____
If your answser to Question 8 is YES, please sign and return this verdict form. If your answer to Question 8 is NO, please answewr Questions 9 and 10.
9. What amount of damages, if any, did Plaintiff Kevin Monaghan prove by a preponderance of the evidence as a result of this wrongful termination?
10. Has Plaintiff Kevin Monaghan proven by clear and convincing evidence that TISNA, through its agents, Roberto Migliozzi or Joseph Rubino or Vincent Suppa, terminated or ratified the termination of Mr. Monaghan with malice, oppression, or fraud?
In addition to the special verdict of the jury, on July 22, 2013 the Court partially granted Plaintiff's motion for summary judgment and awarded Plaintiff the following damages:
In addition, and as the jury has determined that Defendant has engaged in the willful misclassification of the Plaintiff, California Labor Code section 226.8(e) requires this Court to issue an order that the Defendant display prominently on its Internet website, in an area which is accessible to all employees and the general public, a notice that sets forth the following:
Pursuant to Labor Code section 226.8, the Defendant is ordered to comply with this order immediately, and to provide proof to the court of its compliance within thirty (30) days of this order.
WHEREFORE, and by virtue of the law, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that Plaintiff KEVIN MONAGHAN shall recover the total sum of