EDWARD J. DAVILA, District Judge.
Plaintiff Daniel Ramirez brings this action on behalf of a putative class of employees of United Rentals Northwest, Inc.
United Rentals is an industrial equipment rental company with 106 branch offices in California.
Daniel Ramirez was hired by United Rentals in February 2005.
Ramirez alleges that United Rentals failed to provide him and the putative class members with meal and rest breaks or to compensate them for missed breaks. Ramirez seeks relief under the California Labor Code, California's Unfair Competition Law, and for unjust enrichment.
California Labor Code § 512 requires United Rentals to provide its employees with the opportunity to take an uninterrupted, unpaid 30-minute meal break during any shift that lasts five hours or more.
Owing to erratic delivery schedules, United Rentals does not schedule specific times during the day for its drivers to take meal and rest breaks.
During the putative class period, United Rentals had no uniform, company-wide procedure for keeping track of its drivers' meal and rest breaks.
Plaintiff submits declarations from 18 drivers indicating that their delivery schedules were often too busy to allow for full, duty-free meal and rest breaks.
Daniel Ramirez worked as a driver for a San Jose branch of United Rentals for a little more than four years.
To certify a class, a plaintiff must first show that four threshold requirements are met:
Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a).
Additionally, the proposed class must be defined so that its members are ascertainable and clearly identifiable.
Rule 23 is not merely a pleading standard.
Ramirez seeks to maintain this action on behalf of the class of "all current and former delivery drivers of Defendants employed in the State of California during all applicable statutes of limitations (the `Class Period')."
United Rentals contends that Ramirez has failed to meet its burden to establish ascertainability, typicality, and commonality. As will be discussed below, the court agrees with United Rentals that Ramirez fails to establish that there are common issues that will advance the resolution of the litigation. Accordingly, certification will be denied.
United Rentals challenges the ascertainability of Ramirez's proposed class on the basis that it employs drivers at several different kinds of branches, the branches are managed differently, and some of its drivers admit to receiving all required breaks.
A class must be defined so that it is clear exactly who will be included.
Although the relevant time period ("during all applicable statutes of limitations") is not defined in absolute terms, any ambiguity necessarily will be resolved by this Court's determination of which claims, if any, can proceed on a class-wide basis. The class definition was presumably drafted with this procedure in mind. In any event, United Rentals does not argue that the class period is not ascertainable.
Thus, the class definition does not itself pose any obstacle to certification.
United Rentals does not challenge Ramirez's showings of numerosity and adequacy of representation. The proposed class contains 490 members, many more than could be feasibly joined as parties to this case.
Typicality and commonality are disputed, and are discussed in turn.
"The test of typicality is whether other members have the same or similar injury, whether the action is based on conduct which is not unique to the named plaintiffs, and whether other class members have been injured by the same course of conduct."
The only argument advanced by United Rentals against typicality is that, during the class period, it operated three different types of branches that rented different kinds of equipment, and each branch can employ drivers at any of three different levels of commercial licensure. But having different duties, delivering different equipment, and exerting varying degrees of labor are not relevant differences with regard to whether United Rentals paid for missed meal breaks. The policies and practices of the company did vary, as will be seen below, but none of the variability was dependent on the type of branch or class of driver.
Accordingly, Ramirez has met his burden of showing that his claims and defenses are typical of the claims and defenses of the class.
A prerequisite to certification is the existence of "questions of law or fact common to the class." Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a). "Even a single common question will do."
"Dissimilarities within the proposed class are what have the potential to impede the generation of common answers."
Ramirez presents a long list of issues that he claims are common to the putative class members. Some representative questions include: (1) Whether Defendant routinely and intentionally discouraged or prevented Plaintiff and other drivers from taking duty free meal [or rest] periods as required by law; (2) Whether Defendant paid one hour extra pay for each day that Plaintiff or other drivers did not take one or more duty free meal breaks [or rest periods] as provided by law; (3) Whether Defendant automatically deducted thirty minute meal periods from time entries for Plaintiff and other drivers without regard to actual times that duty free meal breaks were provided in contravention of California law; and (4) Whether Defendant automatically deducted thirty minute meal periods from time entries for Plaintiff and other drivers even when Plaintiff and other drivers were not provided or permitted one or more duty free thirty minute meal breaks.
But while these questions are by formulation common to the class members, Ramirez has not sufficiently shown that any of them can be answered on a class-wide basis. The only affirmative, particularized fact that Ramirez alleges or adduces as applicable uniformly across the class is United Rentals' use of the Workbrain system to track hours and to automatically deduct time for meal breaks. Every other common contention depends on the lack of evidence, such as the lack of a written policy advising employees about their right to breaks, and the lack of a uniform policy about how to document meal breaks.
At the class certification hearing, Ramirez's counsel confirmed that its class contentions are based on the notion that the lack of a policy can itself be a policy. Confronting that very issue, the Supreme Court held in
In the absence of a uniform policy, Ramirez attempts to establish that United Rentals' practices were uniform across the class by introducing declarations from a number of drivers. The declarations are meant to suggest, by their uniformity, that all putative class members-that is, all drivers at every California United Rentals branch-missed breaks pursuant to a uniform practice of overscheduling deliveries and managerial pressure. Ramirez marshals eighteen drivers who recount experiences similar to his own. United Rentals, for its part, presents a number of drivers who affirm that practices at their branches were lawful.
Both parties attack the credibility of the other's declarations. Ramirez submits the testimony from one of United Rentals' declarants that he gave the declaration out of fear that he would be included in layoffs otherwise.
There is no indication that the evidence Ramirez presents can be generalized to the entire class. To the contrary, the weight of the evidence shows that break practices did vary significantly from branch to branch. Some offices carefully kept track of breaks. For example, one San Luis Obispo branch did all timekeeping on paper, and breaks were only ever deducted when specifically listed by the driver.
The facts of the present motion weigh even more heavily against certification than those in
The evidence submitted on this motion shows that United Rentals left meal break compliance up to its branch managers, and that the managers employed different strategies to track wages owed with varying degrees of success. United Rentals' gave the managers this discretion at its own peril, for it does appear that many penalty wages went unpaid. But Ramirez fails to show how any common proof will bring the class members closer to establishing their right to recovery. Following the teaching of
All of the viable claims raised in the complaint will require proof of missed meal or rest breaks. As discussed in the commonality section above, proof will vary from branch to branch, and from driver to driver. Since the truly disputed issues are not amenable to common proof, individual issues predominate.
The only additional basis on which Ramirez moves for certification is United Rentals' practice of rounding clock punches that occur within five minutes of a scheduled start time to the scheduled time. In other words, if a driver was scheduled to begin work at 8:00am, any punch that occurred between 7:55am and 8:05am would register as having occurred at exactly 8:00am. This practice does not independently justify certification for several reasons.
First, the rounding practice is not mentioned anywhere in the complaint. Rather, it was identified for the first time in Ramirez's class certification motion. Second, the rounding practice is plainly legal. Ramirez argues that it deprives drivers of time worked. For example, if a driver clocked in between one and five minutes early, he would not be paid for those minutes of work. But United Rentals shows that the practice works both ways: if a driver clocked in between one and five minutes late, he would be paid for those minutes he did not work.
Ramirez's other claims — his first, second, third, fifth, sixth, and seventh causes of action — are otherwise derivative of the meal and rest break claim, and they stand or fall along with it.
The evidence submitted for this motion suggests, at the very least, that many of United Rentals' drivers did not receive all the pay they were due. The facts in Ramirez's declarations, if proven true, could establish that he is entitled to thousands of dollars in unpaid wages. The same may be true for other drivers. But Ramirez has not shown that any meaningful part of that case can be resolved for all of United Rentals drivers' at once.
Plaintiff's motion to certify the class is therefore DENIED. Pursuant to the court previous order (Docket Item No. 47), the parties shall file a joint case management conference statement within fourteen days of the date this Order is filed.