NATHANAEL M. COUSINS, Magistrate Judge.
Plaintiff Susan Sheldon Lee, Defendant denominated "BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., (successor by merger to LaSalle Bank N.A.), as Trustee, on behalf of the holders of the Thornburg Mortgage Securities Trust 2007-4 Mortgage Loan Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-4)," Defendants Thornburg Mortgage Home Loans, Inc., TMST Home Loans, Inc. fka Thornburg Mortgage Home, Inc., Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., Mortgage Registration Systems, Inc., and U.S. Bank National Association (successor to Bank of America, N.A., successor by merger to LaSalle Bank N.A.), as Trustee, on behalf of the holders of the Thornburg Mortgage Securities Trust 2007-4 Mortgage Loan Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-4, and Defendant Quality Loan Services Corporation (collectively, the "Parties") respectfully submit this Joint Stipulation Requesting an Order continuing the June 11, 2014, Case Management Conference in this matter. This Stipulation is submitted pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 6(b) and Civil Local Rules 16-2(d) and (e) and any and all other applicable rules and laws.
The Parties hereby Stipulate and agree as follows:
Whereas, on February 7, 2014, Plaintiff filed this action.
Whereas, on February 7, 2014, the Court entered an Initial Case Management Scheduling Order setting the Case Management Conference in this matter for May 7, 2014.
Whereas, on March 5, 2014, Defendant Quality Loan Services Corp. filed a Motion To Dismiss set for hearing on April 9, 2014.
Whereas, on March 13, 2014, Defendants Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., and US Bank National Association filed a Motion To Dismiss set for hearing on April 23, 2014.
Whereas, on April 4, 2014, the Court entered an Order continuing the Case Management Conference in this matter to June 11, 2014.
Whereas, on April 30, 2014, the Court entered an Order continuing the hearing on Defendants' previously filed Motions To Dismiss to May 28, 2014.
Whereas, on May 21, 2014, the Court entered an Order continuing the hearing on Defendants' previously filed Motions To Dismiss to June 25, 2014.
Whereas, on May 28, 2014, Michael Yesk, Esq. filed a Notice of Limited Scope Representation stating his limited appearance on Plaintiffs behalf at the June 25 hearing on Defendants' motion.
Whereas, in the interest of efficiency the Parties request an Order continuing the June 11, 2014, Case Management Conference in order to continue their deadline to conduct their Rule 26(f) conference (as well as other ADR related dates) to a date after the hearing on Defendants' Motions to Dismiss.
Whereas, the Parties agree that such continuance is in the best interest of all Parties, will not result in any prejudice to any Party, and will result in the efficient use of the Parties' and the Court's resources and time.
Based on the foregoing, the Parties, by and through their undersigned counsel, stipulate and agree to a request for an Order continuing the June 11, 2014, Case Management Conference to a date after the continued hearing on Defendants' pending Motions To Dismiss. Assuming it is convenient for the Court, the Parties respectfully and specifically request that the Case Management Conference be continued to August 20, 2014.
Upon review of the file in this matter, including but not limited to the Parties' Joint Stipulation Requesting an Order continuing the June 11, 2014, Case Management Conference, and for good cause appearing, this Court GRANTS the Parties' request. Pursuant to this Order, the June 11, 2014, Case Management Conference is vacated and the conference reset to _____________, 2014.