HAYWOOD S. GILLIAM, Jr., District Judge.
The Stipulated Request to Reschedule Case Management Conference, Pursuant to Civil Local Rules 6-2 and 7-12 ("Stipulated Request"), agreed to by plaintiff North Star Gas Company d/b/a YEP Energy ("YEP") and defendants Pacific Gas and Electric Company ("PG&E"), Albert Torres, Bill Chen and Tanisha Robinson (collectively, the "Individual Defendants," and together with PG&E, the "Defendants"), was submitted for Court approval on September 30, 2016. Having considered the Stipulated Request, and all other pleadings and papers on file in this Action, the Court rules as follows:
WHEREAS, the Court's Order Setting Case Management Conference dated September 26, 2016 (Dkt. 53) set the Case Management Conference for October 11, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., in Courtroom 15, 18th Floor, United States Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA;
WHEREAS, the Court's Order Setting Case Management Conference dated September 26, 2016 (Dkt. 53) sets the Case Management Conference for October 11, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., in Courtroom 15, 18th Floor, United States Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA;
WHEREAS, the Case Management Conference has been scheduled for a date on which Defendants' counsel are unable to appear due to preexisting scheduling conflicts, including a religious holiday observance (Yom Kippur) and a long-standing, annual charity commitment concerning domestic violence;
WHEREAS, the Court's Scheduling Notes indicate civil case management conferences are to be held on Tuesdays only;
WHEREAS, the next Tuesday that Dennis S. Ellis, Esq., lead trial counsel for Defendants Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Albert Torres, William Chen, and Tanisha Robinson (collectively, "Defendants"), is available for a case management conference after October 11, 2016, is November 8, 2016, due to an Arbitration in Hong Kong;
WHEREAS, all parties have agreed that the Case Management Conference should bee rescheduled until November 8, 2016, at which point counsel for Defendants will be able to attend;
WHEREAS, good cause for this extension exists given the progress of the case to date as well as the unavoidable scheduling conflicts of counsel for Defendants;
WHEREAS, the stipulated rescheduling of the Case Management Conference is sought in advance of the expiration of any related deadline;
WHEREAS, the stipulated extension does not affect any other existing dates as the Court has not yet issued a Scheduling Order;
WHEREAS, the extension sought by the Stipuulated Request does not prejudice the parties or the Court;
Good cause appearing therefor,