The parties in this case, the Ravenswood City School District ("District") and the California Department of Education (CDE) and their respective related defendants, and the Plaintiffs (collectively, "the Parties") wish to update the Court on the status of their work to finalize a stipulation to conclude the Ravenswood Self Improvement Plan ("RSIP") and a transition plan for the District's ultimate dismissal from the case. The most recent version of the stipulation was circulated on Friday, May 26, 2017. In order to allow sufficient time for the Parties to consider the May 26, 2017 stipulation, the Parties respectfully advise the Court that additional time will be needed.
The Parties remain confident in their ability to reach a final stipulation for submission to the Court, and therefore ask the Court to further extend the current suspension of the deadline for issuance of the Court Monitoring Report, currently set for June 19, 2017, to July 27, 2017. During such time period, all applicable RSIP monitoring deadlines remain suspended until further Order of this Court.
The Court has reviewed the parties' Joint Stipulation regarding extending the deadline for issuance of the Court Monitor's 2016-17 Q3 RSIP Monitoring Report and suspending his monitoring activities.
For good cause shown, the parties' request to approve the agreements contained herein and order the parties' Joint Stipulation concerning further extension of the deadline for issuance of the Court Monitor's 2016-17 Q3 RSIP Monitoring Report and suspending related deadlines as forth herein is GRANTED.
The Court further finds that, should the parties fail to submit a proposed joint stipulation regarding the resolution of remaining monitoring items under the RSIP to the Court by July 27, 2017, the deadline for issuance of the Court Monitor's 2016-17 Q3 RSIP Monitoring Report shall be reset for a date thereafter to be determined.