WILLIAM H. ORRICK, District Judge.
Plaintiff Codexis, Inc. ("Codexis"), and Defendants EnzymeWorks, Inc. (U.S.), En-zymeWorks, Inc. (China), Junhua Tao, and Andrew Tao (collectively, "Defendants"), by and through their counsel, hereby agree and stipulate:
WHEREAS, the Court ordered the parties to file omnibus motions to compel discovery by December 13, 2017 and scheduled a hearing for January 17, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. (See D.N. 159, 160.)
WHEREAS Codexis filed its Omnibus Motion to Compel Discovery Pursuant to Rule 37 and Court Orders ("Motion") on December 13, 2017;
WHEREAS, Codexis's lead counsel now have an unavoidable conflict with another hearing that will cause them to be unavailable on January 17, 2018, which necessitates this stipulated request to change the hearing date;
WHEREAS, the parties have met and conferred and mutually agreed to reschedule the hearing, with the Court's permission, on the Court's next available civil law and motion hearing date which is one week later on January 24, 2018;
NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE AND STIPULATE to, and re-quest a Court order allowing, continuing the Motion hearing date to January 24, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.
Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 5-1(i)(3), I hereby attest that the concurrence in the filing of this document has been obtained from the other signatory, which shall serve in lieu of his signa-ture.
PURSUANT TO STIPULATION, IT IS SO ORDERED. The hearing for Codexis's Om-nibus Motion to Compel Discovery Pursuant to Rule 37 and Court Orders (D.N. 166) is hereby reset to January 24, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.