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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000034 Visitors: 20
Agency: Department of Financial Services
Latest Update: Apr. 18, 1991
Summary: The new branch bank proposed by Petitioner has reasonable chance for success and is in the convenience and advantage of public.



IN RE: Application of First )

American Bank of ) CASE NO. 82-034

Martin County )



Pursuant to notice, this cause came on for formal hearing before P. Michael Ruff, duly designated Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings on October 19 and 20, 1982, in Stuart, Martin County, Florida.


For Applicant, C. Gary Williams, Esquire First American Bank Michael J. Glazer, Esquire of Martin County: Post Office Box 391

Tallahassee, Florida 32302

For Protestant, Noel Bobko, Esquire American Bank of Post Office Drawer 2315 Martin County: Stuart, Florida 33495

For Protestant, James L. S. Bowdish, Esquire First National Bank & Post Office Drawer 24

Trust Co. of Stuart: Stuart, Florida 33494

For the Department of Walter W. Wood, Esquire Banking and Finance: Office of the Comptroller

The Capitol, Room 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

This cause was initiated on July 6, 1981, when the Applicant, First American Bank of Martin County, submitted to the Department of Banking and Finance its application pursuant to Chapter 659, Florida Statutes, for authority to organize a corporation for the purpose of conducting a banking business to be located at 1000 Massey Boulevard, Stuart, Martin County, Florida. Protests to the application were filed by First National Bank and Trust Company of Stuart, Florida National Bank of Martin County, American Bank of Martin County and Central Savings and Loan Association.

Extensive discovery was engaged in by the parties subsequent to the filing of the last protest on December 30, 1981. During the first half of 1982, various efforts were made to set the cause for hearing, but the Applicant filed two Motions for Continuance, which were ultimately agreed upon by all parties and granted. The Protestant, Central Savings and Loan Association, filed a Motion for Continuance, which was heard in conjunction with a pre-hearing conference on May 6, 1982, and which was joined in by the other protestant banks. That motion was denied because other continuances had been granted only because all oarties had agreed. The hearing scheduled May 13 and 14, 1982, was ultimately continued, however, because of unresolved pre-hearing discovery matters during the course of which the Applicant requested and received a grant

of a continuance, whereby the Applicant requested that the cause be delayed at least until September, 1982. The undersigned Hearing Officer attempted to set the cause for hearing in September of 1982, but the Applicant and a number of the other parties were unable to resolve calendar conflicts in order to schedule a hearing in this cause and ultimately the cause was set for hearing and heard on the dates referenced above. In the meantime, by notice dated September 27, 1982, the Florida National Bank of Martin County withdrew its protest and on October 1, 1982, the duly required Notice of Hearing appeared in The Stuart News, a newspaper of general circulation in Martin County and primary service area.

The Petitioner presented 13 witnesses at the hearing and 12 exhibits, all of which were admitted into evidence. The Protestant, banks and savings and loan association, presented 5 witnesses and 3 exhibits, all exhibits being admitted into evidence. Subsequent to the hearing, the parties requested the benefit of a transcript of the proceedings and availed themselves of their right to submit proposed findings of fact and memoranda of law, all of which were timely filed on or before December 27, 1982. Those memoranda of law should be considered by the Comptroller in any final order rendered in this proceeding.

The proposed findings of fact contained in the parties' submissions have been fully considered by the Hearing Officer and portions of those findings of fact have been adopted and incorporated into the Findings of Fact herein. To the extent that certain of the proposed findings of fact have not been incorporated herein, they are considered and found to be either irrelevant, immaterial, unnecessary, or not warranted by the evidence adduced at the hearing.

The Protestants offered as an expert witness Robert DeSantis Mr. DeSantis' name did not appear on any witness lists which were ordered furnished to the Petitioners as the result of rulings on pre-hearing discovery motions and as a result of the pre-hearing conference of May 6, 1982. He was not accepted by the undersigned as an expert witness because his expertise was not proven and further because he was not, as required by pre-hearing rulings, listed on any expert witness lists as a witness and furthermore he was not listed as an expert witness. The Protestants were allowed to place his testimony in the record in the form of a proffer, however, which was done in normal direct and cross- examination format. Additionally, the files pertaining to this proceeding and application of the Department of Banking and Finance were officially noticed by agreement of the parties and the Hearing Officer.


  1. On July 6, 1981, the Applicant submitted to the Department of Banking and Finance (Department) an application pursuant to Section 658.19, Florida Statutes (Supp. 1980), for authority to organize a corporation for the purpose of conducting a general banking business to be located at 1000 Massey Boulevard, unincorporated Palm City, Martin County, Florida. Notice of receipt of the application was published in the Florida Administrative Weekly on December 11, 1981. Protests and requests for hearing were filed by American Bank of Martin County (American), Central Savings and Loan Association (Central), Florida National Bank of Martin County (Florida National), and First National Bank and Trust Company of Stuart (First National) on or before December 30, 1981. On September 27, 1982, Florida National withdrew its protest. Publication of the Notice of Hearing in this cause appeared in The Stuart News on October 1, 1982. A hearing was held in this cause on October 19 through 20, 1982, in Stuart, Martin County, Florida.

  2. The pronosed bank will occupy 3,300 square feet of an existing single- story structure located at the west end of the Villa Plaza Shopping Center fronting on Massey Boulevard, also known as Martin Downs Building. The proposed bank will have visibility and access to Massey Boulevard and also to First Street along the rear (south side) of the Villa Plaza Shopping Center, through use of the ingress and egress facilities of the shopping center. (View by Hearing Officer) The site has facilities for three drive-in lanes. The plan of the proposed bank will include a teller line, lobby area, private offices, teller work area, coupon booth area, vault, restrooms and an employee lounge. Adequate parking facilities already exist and there is room for expansion. (T. 48-50; View by Hearing Officer) The facility is adequate to handle the projected business of the bank for a reasonable period of time and is of such a nature to warrant customer confidence in the security, stability and permanence of the bank.

  3. The Applicant intends to lease the facilities from R&S Equities, a Florida partnership whose partners are John C. Robinson and Woodrow J. Smoak. The lease terms include a five year term with annual rent of $36,000 payable in monthly installments of $3,000. The lease also provides for renewal options every five years for a maximum of thirty (30) years with specified annual rental payments to be used during each of the five year terms. Applicant anticipates an investment of $174,500 in fixed assets, including $49,500 for leasehold improvements and $125,000 for furniture, fixtures and bank machinery. Temporary quarters for the bank are not anticipated as the existing structure is ready and the planned improvements can be completed quickly. Applicant has no plans to purchase or lease any land, buildings, improvements to be made thereon, or equipment, furniture, or fixtures to be installed therein, from a director, officer or stockholder who owns 5 percent or more of the capital stock of the Applicant or any controlled company of any officer, director or stockholder.

  4. The Applicant's primary service area incorporates portions of the City of Stuart, unincorporated Martin County and a portion of unincorporated Martin County known as Palm City. The PSA is a "bedroom community" with shopping, recreational and public school facilities. Included within the PSA are U.S. Census Enumeration Districts 11, 12, 32, 33, 61, 65, 66, 67 and a portion of 10. The PSA's northern, eastern, southern and western boundaries are the St. Lucie County/Martin County Line (along with the St. Lucie River and Frazier Creek), Colorado Avenue (State Road 76), Indian Street, extended to Florida's Turnpike, and Florida's Turnpike respectively, and are located 2.4 road miles, 0.9 miles,

    1.8 miles and 2.5 miles respectively from the proposed site.

  5. The south fork of the St. Lucie River runs north and south through the eastern protion of the PSA. The Palm City Bridge, a modern fixed span bridge, crosses the river and connects the larger portion of the PSA west of the river with the eastern portion and the City of Stuart. The bridge's western end is approximately 0.2 miles from the Applicant's proposed site. The delineation of the boundaries of the PSA took into consideration the locations of the offices of existing financial institutions, along with the other economic and demographic factors. The ability of PSA residents to reach the proposed site in a convenient and timely manner was likewise a factor considered in delineating the boundaries of the PSA. The northern boundary of the PSA, consisting primarily of the St. Lucie County/Martin County Line, presents a logical and political northern boundary. The eastern boundary, Colorado Avenue, is a major north/south thoroughfare chosen primarily because of its proximity to existing financial institutions.

  6. The southern boundary, Indian Street, extended to the Florida Turnpike and the western boundary, the Florida Turnpike, were chosen because they are areas beyond which population concentrations are limited. Also, Florida's Turnpike is a significant man-made barrier. There are no other significant natural or man-made barriers which would restrict the flow of traffic within the PSA. The PSA's major north/south arteries are 18th Avenue, Mapp Road, Palm City Avenue and Colorado Avenue. The PSA's primary east/west arteries are Highway 714, Massey Boulevard, a/k/a Martin Downs Boulevard and Murphy Road.

  7. The 1970-1980 population trends for the City of Stuart, Martin County, the State of Florida, and the Applicant's designated PSA were considered. This data was provided by the Applicant and the Department from census data and from data published by the University of Florida's Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR).

  8. The PSA population grew from 3,300 in 1970 to 6,350 in 1980 for an average annual increase of 9.2 percent. The City of Stuart grew from 4,820 in 1970 to 9,467 in 1980 for an average annual increase of 9.6 percent. The population of Martin County went from 28,035 in 1970 to 64,014 in 1980 for an average annual increase of 12.8 percent. Over the same ten year period, Florida's population increased an average of 4.4 percent annually from 6,791,418 to 9,746,324.

  9. The BEBR projected 1983 Martin County population at 70,600 by its low projection, at 74,600 by its medium projection and at 75,300 by its high projection. For Florida's 1983 population, the BEBR estimated 10,352,200 as its low projection, 10,595,100 as its medium projection and 10,757,200 as its high projection. The average annual 1980-1983 population growth rate projections for Martin County are 3.43 percent, 5.20 percent and 5.88 percent as calculated from the low, medium and high 1983 projections respectively. For Florida, tide average annual 1980-1983 population growth rate projections are 2.07 percent,

    2.90 percent and 3.46 percent as calculated for the low, medium and high projections respectively. See "Data Source Packet" of Department's Official File (DSP).

  10. One hundred percent of the County's 1970-1980 population growth resulted from immigration, a proportion above the state's 91.97 percent. (DPS)

  11. Over the 1970-1979 period, the Martin County population aged somewhat, with the population proportion below age 15 having decreased from 23.8 percent to 18.6 percent; the population proportion within the working age group (15 to

    64) increased from 54.9 percent to 56.3 percent; and the population aged 65 years and above increased from 21.3 percent to 25.1 percent. Florida population during the same period decreased from 25.8 percent to 20.4 percent for the group below age 15; increased from 59.6 percent to 61.9 percent in the working age group and increased from 14.6 percent to 17.7 percent for those 65 and over. (DPS)

  12. In April, 1980, the Martin County population was older than the Florida population. Martin County's population under age 15 was 16.4 percent; with 59.1 percent in the working age group; and 24.5 percent over age 65. In April, 1980, 19.3 percent of Florida's population was below age 15; 63.4 percent were in the working age group; and 17.3 percent were aged 65 or over. With a higher percentage of people over age 15, there is a relatively higher number of people in Martin County of an age to utilize banking services than exists on the average statewide.

  13. The rate of growth in the number of households in Martin County exceeded the rate of growth in the State of Florida during the 1970-1980 period. The BEBR estimated the number of Martin County households in 1980 at 25,863, having reflected at 155.5 percent increase above the 1970 level of 10,122 households. The number of state households increased 63.8 percent during the same period from 2,284,786 to 3,841,356. County and state average household sizes declined 11.8 percent and 12.1 percent, respectively, over the 1970-1980 period with the Martin County average household size having declined from 2.72 to 2.40 persons, and the state average declined from 2.90 to 2.55 persons.

  14. Statewide unemployment rates have significantly exceeded those of Martin County for all periods since 1974. During 1975, Florida's 10.7 percent unemployed rate exceeded Martin County's 8.7 percent rate. In 1976, Florida's 9 percent unemployment rate exceeded the 7.7 percent rate in Martin County. Florida's 8.2 percent unemployment rate exceeded the Martin County 6.9 percent rate in 1977. In 1978, Florida's unemployment rate was 6.6 percent which was also well above the 5.5 percent rate in Martin County. In 1979, the margin was even larger with Florida's unemployment rate at 6 percent and Martin County's unemployment rate at 4.8 percent. The margin continued to grow in 1980 with the Florida unemployment rate still at 6 percent but the Martin County unemployment rate having dropped to 4.4 percent. In 1981, Florida and Martin County's unemployment rates were 6.8 percent and 5.6 percent respectively. In 1981, the Florida unemployment rate remained well above the unemployment rate in Martin County. (T. 181)

  15. Between 1979 and 1981, average household effective buying income (HEBI) in Martin County grew from $16,339 to $20,119. In 1979, Florida HEBI was

    $18,613 and in 1981, was $21,301. The increase between 1979 and 1981 was much more significant in Martin County than in the State of Florida overall. HEBI increased 23.1 percent or $3,780 in Martin County while increasing only 14.4 percent or $2,688 in Florida between 1979 and 1981. Net income figures show an even more significant increase in Martin County. Between 1979 and 1981, net income in Martin County increased 73.3 percent from $336,574,000 to $583,448,00. During the same period, net income in Florida increased by only 34.2 percent from $63,889,652,000 to $85,768,756,000.

  16. Per capita personal income data (PPI) formulated for the state and county by the United States Department of Commerce, and reprinted by the University of Florida, was in evidence and considered. This data appears in the following table:







    Martin Co.


















    Martin Co.












  17. PPI level in Martin County exceeded Florida PPI levels throughout the 1970-1979 period. Between 1975 and 1979, PPI in Martin County increased by

    $3,344 or 57.3 percent while per capita income in the State of Florida increased by only $2,887 or 51.2 percent. In addition, PPI in Martin County in 1979 exceeded the statewide figure by 7.7 percent.

  18. The Applicant submitted data on estimated retail sales in Martin County and Florida for 1975 through 1981. At the time the application was filed, the latest available figures were for 1979. Between 1979 and 1981, estimated retail sales increased 32.3 percent in Martin County while the State of Florida increased by only 28 percent.

  19. Five operating commercial bank offices are located in or within one mile of the PSA. Florida National operates a branch office 0.8 miles northeast of the proposed opened 0.2 miles west of the proposed site. The two branches are the only bank offices in the PSA. The following three bank offices are located within one mile of the PSA: Florida National's main office, operating

    2.7 miles northeast of the proposed site; First National's main office, operating 2.1 miles northeast of the proposed site; and First National's branch office, operating 1.8 miles northeast of the proposed site. These five bank offices are operated by only two bank institutions, neither of which is a state chartered institution nor has its main office in the PSA. Florida National, the only bank operating in the PSA, withdrew its protest to this application.

  20. Seven savings and loan association (association) facilities were cited as operating in or within one mile of the PSA. These seven association facilities include two main offices in operation and five association branch offices. Two offices operate within the PSA: Harbor Federal Savings and Loan Association (formerly First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Ft. Pierce) operates a branch office 0.9 miles northeast of the proposed site. First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Martin County operates a branch office

    0.9 miles northeast of the pronosed site.. The following facilities are within one mile of the PSA: Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association operates a branch office 2.2 miles northeast of the proposed site; Community Federal Savings and Loan Association operates a branch office 2.7 miles northeast of the proposed site; First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Martin County has its home office 2.2 miles northeast of the proposed site; Home Federal Savings and Loan Association has a branch office 2.1 miles northeast of the proposed site; and the recently opened main office of Central Savings and Loan Association is one mile northeast of the proposed site.

  21. A period's inflation is most commonly estimated by the period's corresponding change in the consumer price index, which is the only method of record in this proceeding. Each month, changes in the consumer price index from the previous month and for the previous 12 months are published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. For the year ending September 30, 1981, the rate of inflation was 11.0 percent. For the year ending December 31, 1981, the rate of inflation was 8.9 percent. For the year ending March 31, 1982, the rate of inflation was 6.8 percent. (DSP)

  22. Only one bank office (a branch office) was in operation within the PSA in March, 1982. During the year ending March 31, 1982, the Florida National Bank of Martin County branch office within the PSA increased its total deposits from $12,638,000 to $16,307,000 or an increase of 29 percent, a rate more than four times that of the 6.8 percent rate of inflation that existed during the year ending March, 1982.

  23. Data is also available for the bank offices operating within one mile of the PSA. The main office of First National increased its total deposits during the period of March, 1981, to March, 1982, from $149,296,000 to

    $153,845,000 for a yearly increase of 3.0 percent. The branch office of First National close to the PSA increased deposits during the same period from

    $3,144,000 to $3,587,000 or an increase of 14.1 percent. The Florida National

    main office had a decrease in deposits from $89,806,000 to $3,587,000 or a loss of 2.0 percent during the year ending March 31, 1982. Total Martin County deposits for the period increased from $402,666,000 to $423,762,000 or a 5.2 percent increase. During the period from March 31, 1981, to March 31, 1982, bank deposits within the State of Florida increased from $41,478,327,000 to

    $43,933,129,000 or an increase of approximately 5.9 percent.

  24. In summation, the rate of growth in deposits within the PSA exceeded the rate of growth in deposits in Martin County and the rate of deposit growth was bore than four times greater than the rate of inflation for the same period.

  25. For the period between September 30, 1980, and September 30, 1981, the savings and loan association offices operating in the PSA showed increases in the volume of savings accounts as follows: Harbor Federal increased from

    $12,287,000 to $14,997,000 or a yearly increase of 22.1 percent; First Federal of Martin County (opened in March, 1980) increased from $2,194,000 to $6,033,000 or a total increase of 175.0 percent in one year. Thus, the increase in the two savings and loan offices in the PSA showed a combined one year gain of

    $6,549,000 or 45.2 percent. In Martin County as a whole, savings increased from September 30, 1980, to September 30, 1981, from $352,735,000 to $381,625,000 or a yearly increase of 8.2 percent. In the State of Florida as a whole, savings during the same period went from $42,560,303,000 to $45,332,969,000 or a yearly increase of only 6.5 percent.

  26. In summary, association deposits at offices in the PSA increased at a rate far in excess of those in Martin County as a whole, and in the State of Florida. In addition, the 45.2 percent increase of association deposits in the PSA during the reporting period was more than four times the 11 percent rate of inflation for the year ending September 30, 1981.

  27. The Applicant proposes to offer the full range of banking service offered by full-service commercial banks. No deficiencies in the proposed services were established by any Protestant.

  28. However, it should also be noted that there are, at present, only two branches of one multi-bank holding company (Florida National) located within the PSA. No other bank is presently represented in the PSA. No bank is headquartered in the PSA, nor is there a facility of a state chartered bank in the PSA. Also, only Florida National Bank and one other banking organization maintain bank offices in or within one mile of the PSA. Consequently, alternative or competitive choices are limited in the PSA and within one mile of its boundaries at the present time.

  29. Applicant projected total deposits of $5,000,000, $9,000,000 and

    $13,000,000 at the end of the proposed banks' first three years of operation respectively. It also projected a $22,381 net operating loss during the proposed bank's first operating year, and pre-tax net operating income levels of

    $257,715 and $466,208 during the bank's second and third operating years respectively. These deposit and increase projections were formulated under the assumption that the proposed bank would have: $2,750,000 in total time and savings deposits and $2,250,000 in total demand deposits at the end of the first operating year; $5,400,000 in total time and savings deposits and $3,600,000 in total demand deposits at the end of the second operating year; and $8,450,000 in total time and savings deposits and $4,550,000 in total demand deposits at the end of the third operating year. Applicant's projections are conservative, were unrefuted by the Protestants and are likely achievable.

  30. The Applicant's testimony and evidence established that there are nine active residential subdivisions in the PSA totaling 6,576 units of which 416 or

    6.3 percent were cited as completed. Home prices range from between $65,500 and

    $580,000. Five areas are planned for single family units accounting for 95 percent of the total units planned. Prices for the single family units range between $75,000 and $580,000, while prices for condominium units range between

    $65,500 and $87,900. The single family subdivisions are Canoe Creek, Martin Downs, Mid-Rivers, Pipers Landing and Westgate. Utilities are being installed for 70 new lots in the PSA and there are 15 new rental units recently opened and under construction.

  31. Extensive testimony was presented about the Martin Downs project located within the PSA. Martin Downs is a 2,400 acre planned residential development which will contain 5,500 residential units. It will also contain two golf courses, racquet club, resort center, retail shopping center, office park, industrial park, government service center, schools, yacht club, parks and a utility plant. Road improvements have already been made in and around Martin Downs. Further, during 1983, major improvements will be made to Martin Downs Boulevard, the major east/west artery through the PSA. These improvements include widening that portion of Martin Downs Boulevard that runs past the proposed site of the Applicant bank. (T. 23-26) Martin Downs will be built in phases with a final population of 12,000 to 13,000 people. (T. 23) The builders of Martin Downs already have approximately $20 million invested in the project.

  32. The Crane Creek area of Martin Downs is one of the most exclusive residential sections in the PSA. (View by Hearing Officer) It consists of 346 lots of which approximately 300 are sold and approximately 150 lots are occupied or have homes under construction. The lots sell for $35,000 to $60,000. Homes sell from around $150,000 to $400,000. Crane Creek also contains a championship golf course, clubhouse and racquet club with thirteen tennis courts. (T. 15)

  33. Four condominium projects are presently under construction: Country Meadows, Mapletree Villas, The Crossings, and The Townhomes at Poppleton Creek. Prices range between $49,900 and $87,900. These four projects have 306 total units planned of which 60 were completed in October, 1982, and another 72 under construction.

  34. Residents living in all of the single family subdivisions cited and at Mapletree Villas and the Crossings must, as a practical matter, pass the Applicant's proposed site on their way to and from the City of Stuart. In addition to the developments cited, there are a large number of existing residences within the PSA. Many of these are located west of the South Fork of the St. Lucie River and these residents must also pass the Applicant's proposed site when going to and from Stuart. (View by Hearing Officer)

  35. Commercial activity in the PSA is primarily centered along Massey Boulevard and Mapo Road in close proximity to the subject site. Downtown Stuart lies approximately 2.5 miles northeast of the proposed site. As of May, 1981,

    35 businesses were established within one-half mile of the proposed site. In addition, the Monterey Plaza, a large, modern shopping center within one mile of the proposed site, contained 44 businesses in August, 1981. There are 43 businesses within one-half mile of the site.

  36. Manufacturing is limited in Martin County. However, the county's largest manufacturer, Grumman Aerospace Corporation, is located at Witham Field, approximately 2.7 miles east of the proposed site. In addition, there are two

    areas established for industrial development in the PSA itself. One is a planned industrial park to be located in Martin Downs. The other is a ten acre industrial park known as Heritage Square, located at Palm City School Road and State Road 714, approximately 1.7 miles southwest of the proposed site. There are approximately three acres currently developed in the park which opened in 1978. At the time the application was filed, it had 12 tenants, 11 of which are small manufacturing firms.

  37. The proposed bank will be capitalized with a total of $1,500,000. The capital will be divided into common capital of $1,000,000, surplus of $300,000, and undivided profits of $200,000. The bank will issue 100,000 shares of stock, with a par value of $10 and a selling price of $15 plus $.50 per share assessed for the Organizational Expense Fund.

  38. All 100,000 shares have been subscribed to. The proposed directors have personally subscribed to 30,000 shares as follows: Herbert-Biggs, 5,000 shares; Stephen Frasier, 5,000 shares; Richard Jemison, 5,000 shares; Charles Pope, 5,000 shares; Donald Ricci, 5,000 shares; and Roy Talmo, 5,000 shares.

  39. The proposed Board of Directors is composed of six members with diverse business backgrounds, some of whom have had prior banking experience.

  40. Herbert Biggs is an 11 year Florida resident living in Jupiter, Florida. Mr. Biggs has a B.S. degree from Mississippi State University and a

    J.D. from the University of Mississippi. After a short period as a professional basketball player, Mr. Biggs came to Martin County to practice law. He has since left the practice of law to pursue a career as a general contractor and developer. He is currently the president of Suncastle Homes, Inc., a construction and development corporation. Mr. Biggs holds professional licenses as a realtor, general contractor and attorney. Mr. Biggs is a U.S. citizen.

    Mr. Biggs has a reputation evidencing honesty and integrity and has an employment and business history demonstrating his responsibility in financial affairs.

  41. Stephen Frasier is a 12 year resident of Martin County. He holds a

    B.S. degree from Florida State University and J.D. from the University of Florida. Mr. Frasier served in the Navy as a Flight Officer and is presently a Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve. He served as the Assistant City and County Attorney in Martin County and is presently engaged in the private practice of law in Martin County as a partner in the firm of Frasier and Bateman, P.A. Mr. Frasier is a member of the Civitan Club, the Masonic Temple, the Elks Club, Martin County Bar Association, on the Board of Directors of the Visiting Nurses Association, Florida Bar, on the Board of Directors for the Paradise Ranch for Boys, and is the Chairman of the Board for the Sailfish District of the Boy Scouts of America. (T. 122) Mr. Frasier is a U.S. citizen. (T. 121) Mr. Frasier has a reputation evidencing honesty demonstrating his responsibility in financial affairs. (T. 80, 113; Exs. 1, 5)

  42. Richard Jemison has been a Florida resident since 1939, and presently lives in Stuart, Florida. (T. 102; Ex. 1) He has a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida. (T. 103) Mr. Jemison was in the printing business in St. Petersburg, Florida, for 13 years and is now the president of Seabridge Associates, Inc. (T. 104) He holds licenses as a real estate broker, mortgage broker, and contractor. (T. 103) Mr. Jemison is a member of the Palm City Chamber of Commerce, Stuart Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis Club. Mr. Jemison has substantial banking experience in that he served on the Board of Directors of the First State Charter Bank in St. Petersburg from

    1968 through 1974. (T. 106; Ex. 1) He is a U.S. Citizen. (T. 102) Mr. Jemison has a reputation evidencing honesty and integrity and has an employment and business history demonstrating his responsibility in financial affairs. (T. 83, 115-116; Exs. 1, 4)

  43. Charles Pope has lived in Florida since 1951 and presently lives within the PSA of the proposed bank. He received a B.S. degree from the University of Florida and has completed all of the course work for an M.B.A at the Florida Institute of Technology. Mr. Pope has direct banking experience from his past employment with First National Bank and Trust Company of Stuart, Atlantic Bank Corporation, and First American Bank and Trust Company (formerly First American Bank of Palm Beach) Mr. Pope is the president of Charles Pope & Associates, Inc., an investment banking firm. He holds a mortgage brokers license from the State of Florida, is a Certified Commercial Lender and a Certified Review Appraiser. He is a member of the American Bankers Association, American Institute of Banking and the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Pope is a citizen of the United States. He has a reputation evidencing honesty and integrity and has an employment and business history demonstrating his responsibility in financial affairs.

  44. Donald Ricci has lived in Florida since 1975, and in Martin County for the past five years. After being honorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force, Mr. Ricci was a part owner and general manager of an automobile dealership. Mr. Ricci became interested in the real estate business and worked as the Marketing Director for First Southern Holding Company, the developers of Martin Downs. As Marketing Director, he was in charge of sales and marketing for Martin Downs. Mr. Ricci is a 50 percent partner and manager of Seabridge Associates, Inc., a real estate development firm whose offices are located in the PSA and close to the proposed site of the Applicant bank. Mr. Ricci is a licensed real estate broker and a member of the Palm City Chamber of Commerce and the Stuart/Martin County Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Ricci is a U.S. citizen. He has a reputation evidencing honesty and integrity and has an employment and business history demonstrating his responsibility in financial affairs.

  45. Roy W. Talmo has lived in Palm Beach County, Florida, since 1964. He received a B.B.A. and M.B.A from the University of Minnesota. Mr. Talmo has extensive direct banking experience, having been employed as a banker since 1959. Mr. Talmo has been employed by the Continental Bank in Chicago and the First National Bank of St. Petersburg, and is the past Chairman of the Board of Miami National Bank. Mr. Talmo is presently Chairman of the Board of First National Bank and Trust Company in Palm Beach, and has directed its growth from an $11 million bank to its present size of just under $500 million. Mr. Talmo also serves as a Director of First American Bank of Broward County, First City Bank of Dade County, and First State Bank of Broward County. He is a member of the Palm Beach Junior College Foundation, the Palm Beach Festival, and the Tourist Development Committee for Palm Beach County. Mr. Talmo is a U.S. citizen. The Applicant adduced evidence which was not refuted, and which established that Mr. Talmo has a reputation evidencing honesty and integrity and an employment and business history demonstrating his responsibility in financial affairs.

  46. As of the date of the final hearing, the Applicant had not selected a President or Chief Executive Officer, nor a Cashier or Operations Officer.

  47. The Applicant has selected the name First American Bank of Martin County. There are no Florida financial institutions with a name so similar as to cause confusion with the proposed name. Parenthetically, it should be noted

that a cogent discussion and resolution of the issue of "name confusion" is extant in First Bank of Hollywood Beach and Office of the Comptroller vs.

American Bank of Hollywood, DOAH Case No. 80-1581, opinion filed May 13, 1981.

The Applicant has proven that public convenience and advantage will be served by the approval of the application.

The Applicant has proven that local conditions indicate a reasonable promise of successful operation for the new bank.

DONE and ENTERED this 4th day of April, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida.

P. MICHAEL RUFF, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building

2009 Apalachee Parkway

Tallahassee, Florida 32301

(904) 488-9675

Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of March, 1983.


C. Gary Williams, Esquire Michael J. Glazer, Esquire Post Office Box 391 Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Noel Bobko, Esquire Post Office Drawer 2315 Stuart, Florida 33495

James L. S. Bowdish, Esquire Post Office Drawer 24 Stuart, Florida 33494

Walter W. Wood, Esquire Office of the Comptroller The Capitol, Room 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

The Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller

The Capitol

Tallahassee, Florida 32301

================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER




IN RE: Application of First Administrative Proceeding American Bank of No. 83-5-DOB

Martin County DOAH No. 82-034



Pursuant to Notice, an Administrative Hearing was held before P. Michael Ruff, Hearing Officer, with the Division of Administrative Hearings on October

19 and 20, 1982, in Stuart, Martin County, Florida. The purpose of the hearing was to receive evidence concerning the application of First American Bank of Martin County for authority to open a new bank in Stuart, Martin County, Florida. At the hearing, the parties were represented by counsel:

For Applicant, C. Gary Williams, Esquire First American Bank Michael J. Glazer, Esquire of Martin County: Post Office Box 391

Tallahassee, Florida 32302

For Protestant, Noel Bobko, Esquire American Bank of Post Office Drawer 2315 Martin County: Stuart, Florida 33495

For Protestant, James L. S. Bowdish, Esquire First National Bank & Post Office Drawer 24

Trust Co. of Stuart: Stuart, Florida 33494

For the Department of Walter W. Wood, Esquire Banking and Finance: Office of the Comptroller

The Capitol, Suite 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Having fully considered the facts and information contained in the record relating to the application of First American Bank of Martin County for authority to organize a corporation for the purpose of conducting banking business in Stuart, Florida, the Comptroller of the State of Florida, as Head of the Department of Banking and Finance, hereby renders the following FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND FINAL ORDER in the above-styled case.


Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the Report of the Hearing Officer, containing an introduction and findings of fact, dated April 4, 1983, and received by the Department on April

6, 1983, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and is incorporated herein by this reference, is adopted in toto, except for the following points.

On the first page of the Hearing Officer's Report under Appearances the Hearing Officer states that the application was submitted pursuant to Chapter 659, Florida Statutes. Since no Chapter 659, Florida Statutes, exists, it appears this is a typographical mistake and should be Chapter 658, Florida Statutes. In the last paragraph of page 17 of the Hearing Officer's Report he states "Mr. Talmo is presently chairman of the Board of First National Bank and Trust Company in Palm Beach Since there is no such bank as a First National Bank and Trust Company in Palm Beach, Mr. Talmo can never have been chairman of their Board. Although there is a First National Bank in Palm Beach, Mr. Talmo has never been chairman of that Board. Mr. Talmo has been Chairman of the Board of First American Bank of Palm Beach County.


  1. The statutory criteria set forth in Chapter 658, Florida Statutes, which were in effect at the time the application was filed, are the standards which govern this application. Chapter 3C-10, Florida Administrative Code, which was in effect at the time the application was filed, contains the rules under which this application was considered. As set forth in Rule 3C-10.051, Florida Administrative Code, when an application for authority to organize and operate a new state bank is filed, it is the applicant's responsibility to prove that the statutory criteria warranting the grant of authority are met. The Department shall conduct an investigation pursuant to Section 658.20, Florida Statutes, which was done in this case, and then approve or deny the application in its discretion. This discretion is neither absolute nor unqualified, but is instead conditioned by a consideration of the criteria listed in Section 658.21, Florida Statutes, wherein it is provided that:

    The Department shall approve the application if it finds that:

    1. Public convenience and advantage will be promoted by the establishment of the proposed state bank or trust company. In determining whether an applicant meets the requirements

      of this subsection, the department shall consider all materially relevant factors, including:

      1. The location and services offered by existing banks, trust companies, trust departments, and trust service offices in the community.

      2. The general economic and demographic characteristics of the area.

    2. Local conditions indicate reasonable promise of successful operation for the proposed state bank or trust company and those banks, trust companies, trust departments, and trust service offices already established in the primary service area. In determining whether an applicant meets the requirements of this subsection, the department shall consider all materially relevant factors, including:

      1. Current economic conditions and the growth potential of the area in which the proposed state bank or trust company intends to locate.

      2. The growth rate, size, financial strength, and operating characteristics of banks, trust companies, trust departments, and trust

        service offices in the service area of the proposed bank.

    3. The proposed capital structure is in such amount as the department shall deem adequate, but in no case shall the paid-in capital stock be less than $800,000. In addition to the capital required, every state bank or trust company hereafter organized shall establish:

      1. A paid-in surplus equal in amount to not less than 20 percent of its paid-in capital; and

      2. A fund to be designated as undivided profits equal in amount to not less than five percent of its paid-in capital.

    4. The proposed officers have sufficient banking or trust company experience, ability, and standing, and the proposed directors have sufficient business experience, ability and standing, to indicate reasonable promise of successful operation.

    5. The name of the proposed state bank or trust company is not so similar as to cause confusion with the name of an existing financial institution.

    6. Provision has been made for suitable quarters at the location in the application.

  2. If, in the opinion of the Department, any one of the six foregoing criteria has not been met, and cannot be remedied by the Applicant, it cannot approve the application. An Applicant can, however, take corrective action in most circumstances, to meet the criteria set forth in Sections 658.21(3)(4)(5) or (6), Florida Statutes, if any one of these is found to be lacking. For example, if all other statutory criteria are met, the Applicant may increase capital, or make certain changes in the board of directors, or change the name or alter the provisions for suitable banking house quarters, because these factors are, at least to some degree, within its control. It is the Department's policy to allow applicants to make certain changes to meet these criteria if all other criteria are met; to do otherwise would be to subject applicants to unnecessary red tape. However, it is the Department's position that there is little, if anything, that an applicant can do to alter its ability to meet the criteria set forth in Sections 658.21(1) and (2), Florida Statutes, since the applicants cannot easily change the economic and demographic characteristics of an area. Therefore, if either one or both of these criteria are not met, the Department cannot approve the application.

  3. For the purposes of applications for authority to organize and operate a bank, Section 658.12(19), Florida Statutes, defines the primary service area (PSA) as:

    " . . . the smallest geographical area from

    which a bank draws, or a proposed bank expects to draw, approximately 75 percent of its deposits; the term also means the smallest geographic area from which a trust company or the trust department of a bank or association draws, or a proposed trust company or a proposed trust department of a bank or association expects to draw, approximately 75 percent of the assets value of its fiduciary accounts."

    The Applicant's PSA which incorporates portions of the City of Stuart, unincorporated Martin County and a portion of unincorporated Martin County known as Palm City appears to have boundaries delineated around a natural market area. The designated boundaries do not unrealistically exclude competing financial institutions or include areas of concentrated population. The Department concludes that a market exists for the Applicant in the PSA and that the Applicant may reasonably expect approximately 75 percent of its business to arise from the PSA. Consequently, the Department deems that the PSA has been realistically delineated and that the criteria set forth in Section 658.12(19), Florida Statutes, for a realistically delineated PSA has been met.

  4. It is the opinion and conclusion of the Department that public convenience and advantage will be promoted by the proposed bank's establishment. Therefore, the criterion in Section 658.21(1), Florida Statutes, is met.

    As set forth in Rule 3C-10.051(3)(a)(1), Florida Administrative Code, the location and services offered by existing financial institutions in the service area are indicative of the competitive climate of the market. The traffic patterns in the area, as well as the area's general economic and demographic characteristics shall also be considered. Because it is recognized that the establishment of a new bank or trust company anywhere would promote convenience and advantage for at least a few people, substantial convenience and advantage for a significant number of people must be shown; otherwise, a new bank could be justified for every street corner in the state. Clearly such a result was not the legislative intent in regulating entry into the banking industry, nor is it in the public interest.

    Based upon the facts in the record, the Department has determined that the establishment of the proposed new bank will substantially increase convenience to a significant number of residents and workers of the PSA. The location of the proposed site at a shopping center 0.2 miles from the only bridge from the eastern end of the PSA to the western end makes it convenient to residents, shoppers and commuters. The Department, therefore, concludes that the criteria of public convenience and advantage is met.

  5. It is the opinion and conclusion of the Department that local conditions indicate reasonable promise of successful operation for the proposed bank and those already established in the area. Therefore, the criterion in Section 658.21(2) Florida Statutes, is met.

    As set forth in Section 658.21(2)(a) and (b) , Florida Statutes, and Rule 3C-10.051(3)(b) , Florida Administrative Code, current economic conditions and, to a lesser extent, the growth potential of the area in which the new bank or trust company proposes to locate are important considerations in determining its probable success. Essential to the concept of banking opportunity is that there does and will exist a significant volume of business for which the bank or trust

    company can realistically compete. The growth rate, size, financial strength, and operating characteristics of financial institutions in the primary service area are also important indicators of economic conditions and potential business. It is noted that the statutory standard requires that:

    " . . . local conditions indicate reasonable promise of successful operation for the proposed state bank or trust company

    and those banks . . . already established in the primary service area . . ."

    Banking involves a public trust. Unlike private enterprise generally, banks operate on the public's capital and therefore, the Legislature has vested in the Comptroller the responsibility of protecting the public interest.

    Furthermore, the failure of a bank, as opposed to private enterprise generally, may have an unsettling effect on the overall economic welfare of the community, and that is why the Florida Legislature and the United States Congress have imposed stringent requirements for the industry. This Department is responsible for enforcing this legislative standard.

    Public interest is best served by having a banking system whereby competition is encouraged, where appropriate, yet at the same time, ensuring that the financial resources of the residents of the community are stable and safe. That was the obvious intent of the Legislature in regulating entry into the banking industry.

    The facts in the record show a significant and growing number of residential developments that are not centrally served by any main office, commercial bank, and no state-chartered banks at present. Thus, a significant number of PSA businesses and residents, especially on the western side of the PSA from the St. Lucie River, can be expected to patronize the proposed bank, insuring that there is a reasonable promise of successful operation.

    The facts in the record show that the rate of growth in deposits within the PSA exceeded the rate of growth in deposits in Martin County and the rate of deposit growth was more than four times greater than the rate of inflation for the same period. Based upon the above, the Department concludes that local conditions do indicate a reasonable promise of successful operation for the proposed bank and for those financial institutions already established in the area.

  6. It is the opinion and conclusion of the Department that the proposed capital structure of the proposed new bank is adequate. Therefore, the criteria of Section 658.21(3) Florida Statutes, is met.

    Capital should be adequate to enable the new bank or trust company to provide necessary services . . ., including loans of sufficient size, to meet the needs of prospective customers. Capital should be sufficient to purchase, build, or lease a suitable permanent facility complete with equipment.

    Generally, the initial capital for a new nonmember bank should not be less than

    $1.0 million in non-metropolitan areas and $1.5 million in metropolitan areas. The capital referred to in the Findings of Fact shall be allocated among capital stock, paid-in surplus, and undivided profits in the ratios set forth in Subsection (3) of Section 658.21, Florida Statutes. The proposed capital accounts of $1.5 million are allocated according to the statutory ratios.

  7. It is the opinion and conclusion of the Department that the criteria of Section 658.21(4), Florida Statutes, are met.

    As set forth in Rule 3C-10.051(3)(d), Florida Administrative Code, the organizers, proposed directors, and officers shall have reputations evidencing honesty and integrity. They shall have employment and business histories demonstrating their responsibility In financial affairs. At least one member of a proposed board of directors, other than the chief executive officer, shall have direct banking or trust company experience. In addition, the organizers, proposed directors and officers shall meet the requirements of Section 658.33, Florida Statutes. Officers shall have demonstrated abilities and experience commensurate with the position for which proposed. Members of the initial management group, which includes directors and officers shall require prior approval of the department. Changes of directors or chief executive officer during the first year of operation shall also require prior approval of the department. While it is not necessary that the names of the proposed officers be submitted with an application to organize a new state bank, the chief executive officer and operations officer must be named and approved at least sixty (60) days prior to the bank's opening.

    The Department concludes that the proposed directors have, as a group, good character, sufficient financial standing and business histories demonstrating ability and experience commensurate with the positions for which they are proposed and at least one proposed director (other than the chief executive officer) has direct banking experience.

    It should be noted that interlocking directorships involving existing financial institutions competitively near the proposed site of a new institution are discouraged. Such interlocking directorships could possibly restrict competition and create fiduciary problems. The Department concludes that there is no interlock problem in this instance.

  8. It is the opinion and conclusion of the Department that the name of the proposed new bank, First American Bank of Martin County, would not cause confusion with the name of a Florida financial institution. Therefore, the criterion of Section 658.21(5), Florida Statutes, is met.

  9. It is the opinion and conclusion of the Department that provisions has been made for suitable banking house quarters in the application's specified area. Therefore, the criterion of Section 658.21(6), Florida Statutes, is met.

    As set forth in Rule 3C-10.051(3)(f), Florida Administrative Code, permission to open in temporary quarters may be granted, for good cause shown. Under the rules of the Department, the permanent structure of a new bank should contain a minimum of 2,500 square feet, unless the Applicant satisfactorily shows that smaller quarters are justified due to the performance of certain auxiliary services off-premises. In addition, it shall meet the Federal Bank Protection Act requirements and be of sufficient size to handle the projected business for a reasonable period of time. The banking house . . . facility shall be of a nature to warrant customer confidence in the institution's security, stability and permanence. Other pertinent factors include availability to adequate parking, adequate drive-in facility if such is contemplated, and possibilities for expansion. Temporary quarters are not contemplated and Applicant's permanent quarters meet the above standards.

  10. Rule 3C-10.051(5), Florida Administrative Code, relating to insider transactions requires that:

Any financial arrangement or transaction involving, directly or indirectly, the organizers, directors, officers and shareholders owning 5 percent or more of the stock, or their relatives, their associates or interests must he fair and reasonable, fully disclosed, and comparable to similar arrangements which could have been made with unrelated parties. Whenever any transaction between the proposed bank or trust company and an insider involves the purchase of real property, appraisals of land and improvement thereon shall be made by an independent qualified appraiser, and be dated no earlier than 6 months from the filing date of the application.

The Department has determined that there is no insider transaction involving the leasing of the proposed bank's office space. Therefore, the criterion in Rule 3C-10.051(5) Florida Administrative Code, is met.


Section 120.57(1)(b)12, Florida Statutes, provides as follows: " . . . The agency shall allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit written exceptions to the report." The Department's procedural Rule 3C-9.11, Florida Administrative Code, Post-Evidentiary Procedures, follows the wording of the statute and provides that "the Department shall allow each party 10 days from the date of the hearing officer's report in which to submit written exceptions thereto pursuant to Section 120.57(1)(h) 12, Florida Statutes."

The Department interprets that the word "submit" means that the Department must receive the exceptions by the 10th day in the same manner as when documents are required to be filed by a date certain. See Sonny's Italian Restaurant v.

State of Florida, 414 So.2d 1156 at 1157. In Sonny's Italian Restaurant v. State, the Third District Court of Appeal in a per curiam decision affirmed a final agency order upon a holding that:

"Any error resulting from the entry of the Final Order on July 2, 1981, prior to receipt of Appellant's exceptions to the recommended order, is not material in light of the fact that the exceptions, dated July 6, 1981, were not filed within the requisite 10-day period of Section 120.57(1)(b)8, Florida Statutes, when measured from either the date the recommended order was entered (June 19), or the date submitted to the agency and parties (June 23)."

The wording in Section 120.57(1)(b)8, Florida Statutes, concerning the time for filing of exceptions is identical to that of Section (1)(b)12 concerning the filing of exceptions for applications for a license or merger pursuant to Title XXXVIII.

The Report of the Hearing Officer, C. Michael Ruff, in this case was done and entered on April 4, 1983, with a cover letter dated April 5, 1983, and was received by the Department on April 6, 1983.

A copy of Protestant American Bank of Martin County's exceptions was received by the Department on April 21, 1983. A copy of Protestant First National Bank and Trust Company of Stuart's exceptions were received by the Department on April 19, 1983.

The Department deems that all exceptions were untimely filed since the last day to file exceptions with the Department was April 15, 1983. Nevertheless, it has been determined that the exceptions that were untimely received would not have had any effect on the final outcome of this matter.


Based upon the Record, Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of Law recited above, it is established that all of the six statutory criteria set forth in Section 658.21, Florida Statutes, specifically those set forth in Sections 658.21(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and (6), Florida Statutes, are met, or can be met by compliance with specific conditions as provided in the Final Order.

It is thereupon

ORDERED that authority to organize and operate a bank at 1000 Massey Boulevard, Stuart, Martin County, Florida, is hereby granted to the Applicant upon the following conditions:

  1. That the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System gives its approval to the application for membership in the Federal Reserve System.

  2. The Board of Directors shall be composed of those members proposed in the application.

    Any changes in the composition of the Board of Directors shall be submitted to the Department for approval.

  3. The President/Chief Executive Officer and the Cashier/Operations Officer shall be selected and their names, addresses, biographical and financial data shall be submitted to the Department for approval in compliance with Section 658.21(4), Florida Statutes, and the appropriate rules of the Florida Administrative Code.

  4. The initial total capital shall not be less than $1,500,000 consisting of 100,000 shares of stock ($10.00 par value).

  5. The name of the proposed bank shall be FIRST AMERICAN BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY.

  6. Investment in fixed assets shall meet the statutory requirements and other reasonable requirements of the Department of Banking and Finance. All leases and leasehold improvements shall be submitted to the Department of Banking and Finance

    for review prior to their execution or purchase.

  7. Within six months after approval by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Applicant shall submit to the Department the original Articles of Incorporation, conformed to the pro forma Articles provided in the application, and duly executed, together with the filing fee due to the Department of State under

    Sections 607.361 and 607.364, Florida Statutes.

  8. The bank shall open within six months after filing of the Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. This requirement may be subject to one six-month extension upon written request to this office.

  9. At such time as subscriptions for stock have been fully paid and stock certificates issued, but no later than 30 days prior to its intended opening date, Applicant shall file with the Department, a final list of stockholders, together with certification that the entire capital, surplus and undivided profits have been fully and unconditionally paid and that valid assets representing such capital, surplus and undivided profits are held by the bank.

  10. Until the conditions herein specified and other reasonable requirements of the Department of Banking and Finance are met, or if any interim development is deemed by the Comptroller to warrant such action, the Comptroller shall have the right to alter, suspend or withdraw this ORDER.

Subsequent to the Applicant's compliance with all of the above conditions and at least 30 days prior to the desired opening date, the Department shall be given notice of the opening date. Upon receipt of such notice, the Department shall take the necessary steps to authorize opening of the bank.

DONE AND ORDERED this 4th day of May, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida.


Comptroller of Florida The Capitol

Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Copies Furnished To:

C. Gary Williams, Esquire Michael J. Glazer, Esquire Post Office Box 391 Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Noel Bobko, Esquire Post Office Drawer 2315 Stuart, Florida 33495

James L. S. Bowdish, Esquire Post Office Drawer 24 Stuart, Florida 33494

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia

Regional Administrator of National Banks, Atlanta, Georgia West Palm Beach Area Bank Examination Supervisor

Walter W. Wood, Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller

Docket for Case No: 82-000034
Issue Date Proceedings
Apr. 18, 1991 Final Order filed.
Apr. 04, 1983 Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED.

Orders for Case No: 82-000034
Issue Date Document Summary
May 04, 1983 Agency Final Order
Apr. 04, 1983 Recommended Order The new branch bank proposed by Petitioner has reasonable chance for success and is in the convenience and advantage of public.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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