Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Aug. 18, 1993 |
Final Order filed. |
Jul. 30, 1993 |
Order Dismissing and Closing File sent out. CASE CLOSED, Notice of withdrawal of permit application. |
Jul. 29, 1993 |
(Respondent) Notice of Withdrawal of Permit Application and Petition for Relinquishment of Jurisdiction filed. |
Jul. 22, 1993 |
(10) Subpoena Ad Testificandum & Cover Letter from J. Moore filed. |
Jul. 21, 1993 |
(2) Affidavit of Service & Cover Letter from E. Cotton filed. |
Jul. 20, 1993 |
Order of Prehearing Instructions sent out. |
Jul. 20, 1993 |
Order to Sever and Dismiss sent out. (for 92-3592) |
Jul. 20, 1993 |
Order to Sever and Dismiss sent out. (for 92-3589) |
Jul. 14, 1993 |
(2) Subpoena Ad Testificandum filed. (From Cecelia Bulter) |
Jul. 14, 1993 |
Letter to SDC from Jerome P. Lake (re: request name to be removed from Petition) filed. |
Jul. 14, 1993 |
Letter to SDC from Michael J. Conway (re: withdrawal of name from Petition) filed. |
Jul. 14, 1993 |
(Respondent`s) Motion for Prehearing Conference filed. |
Jul. 09, 1993 |
Corrected Order Granting Continuance and Notice of Hearing sent out. (Set for 7/29-30/93; 9:30am; Shalimar) |
Jul. 06, 1993 |
Order Granting Continuance sent out. (hearing rescheduled for July 29 and 30, 1993; 9:30am; Pensacola) |
Jun. 23, 1993 |
Response to Ernest L. Cotton`s, Motion to Dismiss Petitions and Petitioners` Motion for Continuance filed. |
Jun. 22, 1993 |
(Respondent) Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for Continuance filed. |
Jun. 21, 1993 |
(Petitioners) Motion for Continuance filed. |
Jun. 21, 1993 |
(Respondent) Motion to Dismiss Petitions and for Other Appropriate Sanctions filed. |
Jun. 17, 1993 |
(Petitioner) Notice of Deposition w/attached Subpoenas filed. |
Jun. 17, 1993 |
Notice of Deposition filed. (From Cecelia Butler) |
May 25, 1993 |
Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 8/3-4/93; 9:30am CST; Shalimar) |
May 18, 1993 |
(Respondent) Case Status Report filed. |
Apr. 26, 1993 |
(Petitioner) Notice of Deposition filed. |
Apr. 26, 1993 |
Subpoena Ad Testificandum w/cover ltr filed. (From Cecelia Butler) |
Apr. 23, 1993 |
Petitioners` Response to Respondent`s Case Status Report filed. |
Apr. 19, 1993 |
(Petitioners) Case Status Report; Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed. |
Apr. 16, 1993 |
(Respondent) Status Report filed. |
Apr. 15, 1993 |
(Petitioners) Notice of Filing filed. |
Apr. 13, 1993 |
Department of Environmental Regulation`s First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner (31) filed. |
Apr. 02, 1993 |
(Petitioners) Notice of Taking Deposition filed. |
Mar. 26, 1993 |
(DER) Notice and Certificate of Service of Interrogatories filed. |
Feb. 15, 1993 |
Order of Abeyance sent out. (Parties to file status report no later than 90 days from the date of this Order) |
Feb. 12, 1993 |
(DER) Notice of Unavailability of Counsel for Department filed. |
Feb. 09, 1993 |
(Respondent`s) Motion to Set Matter for Final Hearing and Supporting Memorandum of Law filed. |
Nov. 24, 1992 |
Subpoena Ad Testificandum w/Affidavit of Service filed. (From Cecelia Butler) |
Nov. 18, 1992 |
Stipulation Re Withdrawal of Pending Motions filed. |
Nov. 16, 1992 |
Addendum to Second Set of Interrogatories Propounded to Petitioners by Earnest L. Cotton filed. |
Nov. 10, 1992 |
(Respondent) Ernest L. Cotton`s Notice of Taking; Petitioners Expert Witness Testimony and Subpoena Ad Testificandum filed. |
Nov. 09, 1992 |
Letter to SDC from William J. Ritchie & Sandra L. Femia (re: The ongoing abusive and unprofessional attitude exhibited on the part of Hearing Officer`s secretary Gail Posey) filed. |
Nov. 05, 1992 |
Notice of Amended Telephone Hearing (set for 11/9/92); Motion to Compel Answers to Second Set of Interrogatories Propounded to Petitioners by Ernest L. Cotton and Supporting Memorandum of Law filed. (from J. Moore) |
Nov. 04, 1992 |
CC Notice of Telephone Hearing filed. (From James E. Moore) |
Nov. 03, 1992 |
Notice of Telephone Hearing filed. (From James E. Moore) |
Nov. 02, 1992 |
Second Set of Interrogatories Propounded to Petitioners by Ernest L. Cotton filed. |
Nov. 02, 1992 |
(Petitioner) Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Motion for Protective Order w/Exhibit-A filed. |
Oct. 30, 1992 |
Notice of Service of Answers to Interrogatories Propounded on Respondent; Notice of Service of Response to Request for Production of Documents filed. |
Oct. 28, 1992 |
(Petitioners) Motion for Protective Order w/(unsigned) Order filed. |
Oct. 27, 1992 |
(Respondent) Motion for Sanctions and Supporting Memorandum of Law w/Exhibit-A filed. |
Oct. 14, 1992 |
Florida Department of Environmental Regulation`s Response to Order to Show Cause Why File Should Not Be Closed w/cover ltr filed. |
Oct. 08, 1992 |
Notice of Telephone Hearing on Motions to Continue filed. (From Lee M. Killinger) |
Oct. 05, 1992 |
Respondent Ernest L. Cotton`s Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioners Motion for Continuance filed. |
Oct. 05, 1992 |
(Petitioner) Motion for Continuance filed. |
Oct. 02, 1992 |
(Respondent) Notice of Taking Petitioners Expert Witness Testimony filed. |
Oct. 02, 1992 |
(Petitioners) Motion for Continuance filed. |
Oct. 01, 1992 |
(Respondent) Answer to Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing filed. |
Oct. 01, 1992 |
Second Set of Interrogatories Propounded to Petitioners by Ernest L. Cotton filed. (From James E. Moore) |
Sep. 30, 1992 |
(Respondent) Supplement to Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed. |
Sep. 28, 1992 |
(DER) Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed. |
Sep. 23, 1992 |
(Petitioners) Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing filed. |
Sep. 04, 1992 |
Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 11/12-13/92; 12:00 noon CST; Ft Walton Beach) |
Sep. 04, 1992 |
Order sent out. (Motion to Dismiss Petition ... denied) |
Aug. 24, 1992 |
Notice of Hearing filed. (From James E. Moore) |
Aug. 14, 1992 |
Motion to Dismiss Petition for Administrative Proceedings and Supporting Memorandum of Law; Notice of Filing of Exhibits filed. (From James E. Moore) |
Aug. 06, 1992 |
Request for Production of Documents to Each Petitioner by Ernest L. Cotton; Respondent, Ernest L. Cotton, Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Petitioners, Howard Gillis, II et al; & Cover Letter from J. Moore filed. |
Jul. 30, 1992 |
(Respondent) Notice of Filing of Exhibits; 3 Pages from Master Declaration of Covenants (Shalimar Pointe) filed. |
Jul. 30, 1992 |
(Petitioners) Initial Order Response filed. |
Jul. 20, 1992 |
Order of Consolidation sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 92-3582, 92-3583, 92-3584, 92-3585, 92-3586, 92-3587, 92-3588, 92-3589, 92-3590,92-3591, 92-3592, 92-3593, 92-3594, 92-3595, 92-3596, 92-3597, 92-3598, 92-3599, 92-3600, 9 2-3601, 92-3602 and 92 |
Jul. 20, 1992 |
Order of Consolidation sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 92-3582, 92-3583, 92-3584, 92-3585, 92-3586, 92-3587, 92-3588, 92-3589, 92-3590,92-3591, 92-3592, 92-3593, 92-3594, 92-3595, 92-3596, 92-3597, 92-3598, 92-3599, 92-3600, 9 2-3601, 92-3602 and 92-3 |
Jul. 14, 1992 |
Initial Order issued. |
Jul. 07, 1992 |
Response of Department of Environmental Regulation to Respondent`s Petition for Emergency Relief filed. |
Jul. 07, 1992 |
(Petitioner) Notice of Appearance filed. |
Jun. 29, 1992 |
(E. Cotton) Petition for Emergency Relief filed. |
Jun. 24, 1992 |
(Respondent) Amended Motion to Dismiss Petition for Administrative Proceedings and Supporting Memorandum of Law; Motion to Dismiss Petition for Administrative Proceedings and Supporting Memorandum of Law filed. |
Jun. 24, 1992 |
First Set of Interrogatories Propounded to Petitioners Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Goodfellow by Ernest L. Cotton filed. |
Jun. 24, 1992 |
First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioners Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Goodfellow by Ernest L. Cotton filed. |
Jun. 16, 1992 |
Petition for An Administrative Proceeding filed. |
Jun. 05, 1992 |
Request for Assignment of Hearing Officer and Notice of Preservation of Record; Notice of Related Case and Motion to Consolidate by Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation; Agency Intent to Issue filed. |
(Petitioners) Motion for Continuance filed. |