Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 14, 1995 |
Final Order filed. |
Aug. 18, 1994 |
Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc.`s d/b/a Palm Garden of West Palm Beach Response to Life Care Retirement Communities, Inc.`s First Request for Production of Documents filed. |
Aug. 17, 1994 |
Life Care Retirement Communities, Inc.'s Witness List; Notice of Filing Answers to Interrogatories (filed in 94-2417) filed. |
Aug. 17, 1994 |
Life Care's Motion for Recommended Order Denying the Application of Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc. (FCC) for Con Number 7550 and Dismissing FCC As a Party to This Proceeding, Requesting Official Recognition of Pertinent Agency Files, and Seeking Oral |
Aug. 17, 1994 |
Witness and Exhibit List of Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc., d/b/a Palm Garden of West Palm Garden of West Palm Beach filed. |
Aug. 16, 1994 |
Order Closing File sent out. CASE CLOSED, per Notice of Voluntary Dismissal. |
Aug. 16, 1994 |
Due to the closing of the lowest consolidated case number, all future pleadings will be docketed and filed in the next to the lowest consolidate DOAH Case No. 94-2417. |
Aug. 05, 1994 |
(Petitioner) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed. |
Aug. 04, 1994 |
Order sent out. (dates established in the prehearing order are amended as requested in the motion for order timely exchange of witness list and documents) |
Aug. 04, 1994 |
Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc. Notice of Serving Answers to the Interrogatories of Life Care Retirement Communities, Inc. filed. |
Aug. 03, 1994 |
(Respondent) Motion to Compel and Request for Costs and Attorneys Fees filed. |
Jul. 27, 1994 |
Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc., d/b/a Palm Garden of West Palm Beach's First Request for Production of Documents to Life Care Retirement Communities, Inc., Operating Harbour's Edge Retirement Center and Nursing Facility filed. |
Jul. 22, 1994 |
Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc.'s First Request for Production of Documents to Community Hospital of the Palm Beaches, Inc. filed. |
Jul. 20, 1994 |
(Respondent) Motion for Order Requiring Timely Exchange of Witness Lists and Documents filed. |
Jul. 18, 1994 |
Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc.`s Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to Agency for Health Care Administration filed. |
Jul. 15, 1994 |
Life Care Retirement Communities, Inc., Operating Harbour`s Edge Retirement Center and Nursing Facility`s First Request for Production of Documents to Florida Convalescent Center, Inc. d/b/a Palm Garden of West Palm Beach filed. |
Jul. 15, 1994 |
Life Care Retirement Communities, Inc., Operating Harbour`s Edge Retirement Center and Nursing Facility`s First Request for Production of Documents to Community Hospital of the Palm beaches, Inc., Operating Palm Beaches Medical Center filed. |
Jul. 15, 1994 |
Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc.'s Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to Community Hospital of the Palm Beaches, Operating Palm Beaches Medical Center filed. |
Jul. 15, 1994 |
Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc.'s Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to Life Care Retirement Communities, Inc. Operating Harbour's Edge Retirement Center and Nursing Facility filed. |
Jul. 11, 1994 |
Community Hospital of the Palm Beaches, Inc., Operating Palm Beaches Medical Center's First Request for Production of Documents to Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc. d/b/a Palm Garden of West Palm Beach; Notice of Service of Interrogatories filed. |
Jul. 08, 1994 |
Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for September 26-30, 1994; 10:00am; Tallahassee) |
Jul. 07, 1994 |
(Petitioner) Notice of Service of Interrogatories; Community Hospitalof the Palm Beaches, Inc., Opwerating Palm Beaches Medical Center's First Request for Production of Documents to Life Care Retirement Communities, Inc., Operatin g Harbourt's Edge Retire |
Jul. 06, 1994 |
Letter to EMH from Gerald B. Sternstein (re: setting final hearing) filed. |
Jun. 27, 1994 |
Notice of Status Conference of All Counsel filed. (From Gerald B. Sternstein) |
Jun. 23, 1994 |
(Community Hospital) Notice of Service of Answers to Interrogatories filed. |
Jun. 23, 1994 |
(Florida Convalescent) Notice of Status Conference of All Counsel filed. |
Jun. 10, 1994 |
Order Granting Request for Attorney`s Conference sent out. (counsel for Palm Garden, having conferred with all counsel and established a date and time for a status conference, shall notify the undersigned and issue a written notice to all parties) |
May 26, 1994 |
Response to Prehearing Order and Order of Consolidation filed. (From Thomas W. Konrad) |
May 24, 1994 |
(Petitioners) Notice of Service of Interrogatories filed. |
May 11, 1994 |
Prehearing Order and Order of Consolidation sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 94-2416 & 94-2417) |
May 10, 1994 |
(Respondent) Motion to Consolidate (with DOAH Case No. 94-2417) filed. |
May 09, 1994 |
(Respondents) Notice of Appearance filed. |
May 06, 1994 |
Notification card sent out. |
May 03, 1994 |
Notice; Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed. |