Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Sep. 15, 1995 |
Final Order filed. |
Jul. 14, 1995 |
Dixie Health Care Centers, L.P.'s Response to Exceptions Filed by Agency for Health Care Administration filed. |
Jun. 29, 1995 |
Dixie Health Care Center, L.P.'s Exceptions to Recommended Order ; Life Care Center's of America, Inc.'s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed. |
Jun. 14, 1995 |
(R. Bruce McKibben, Jr.) Notice of Supplemental Authority filed. |
Jun. 09, 1995 |
Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 01/09-13, 16-20, 25, 30-31/95 & 02/01-03/95. |
Apr. 25, 1995 |
Beverly Enterprises-Florida, Inc.'s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Order; Recommended Order Proposed By Agency for Health Care Administration filed. |
Apr. 25, 1995 |
Unicare Health Facilities, Inc.'s Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Unicare Health Facilities, Inc.'s Memorandum of Law |
Apr. 25, 1995 |
(R. Bruce McKibben, Jr.) (2) Proposed Recommended Order filed. |
Apr. 25, 1995 |
(Theodore E. Mack) Proposed Recommended Order filed. |
Apr. 24, 1995 |
Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time of File Proposed Recommended Orders sent out. (motion granted) |
Apr. 21, 1995 |
Memorandum to EMH from Jay Adams (RE: time for filing proposed recommended orders) filed. |
Apr. 18, 1995 |
Memorandum to HO from Jay Adams Re; District 3 Nursing Home Proposed Recommended Orders filed. |
Apr. 17, 1995 |
Order Rescinding Order Granting Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders sent out. |
Apr. 12, 1995 |
Letter to EMH from Bruce McKibben (RE: request to rescind order dated 4/11/95) filed. |
Apr. 11, 1995 |
Order Granting Agreed Motion for Extension of Time sent out. (motion granted) |
Apr. 05, 1995 |
(Robert S. Cohen) Agreed Motion for Extension of Time filed. |
Mar. 09, 1995 |
Letter to Colleagues from Jay Adams (cc: HO) Re: Date for filing Proposed Recommended Orders filed. |
Feb. 28, 1995 |
Transcript volumes 1 thru 20 filed. |
Feb. 01, 1995 |
Order Closing Files sent out. (94-2461 and 94-2466 ONLY closed per voluntary dismissal.) |
Jan. 31, 1995 |
(Sandra P. Stockwell) Order Closing Files filed. |
Jan. 30, 1995 |
Unicare Health Facilities, Inc.'s Notice of Partial Withdrawal; Life Care Centers of America Inc.'s Notice of Partial Withdrawal; Dixie Health Care Center's Notice of Partial Withdrawal; Hillard Healthcare Inc.'s Notice of Partial Withdrawal filed. |
Jan. 30, 1995 |
(James C. Hauser) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed. |
Jan. 27, 1995 |
(Petitioner) Notice of Canceling Telephonic Deposition filed. |
Jan. 27, 1995 |
Letter to HO from L. Mendelson re: Not attending the telephone deposition of Jerry Walter; (R. Bruce McKibben, Jr.) Notice of Taking Telephone Deposition filed. |
Jan. 25, 1995 |
Subpoena Ad Testificandum; Affidavit of Service filed. |
Jan. 24, 1995 |
Letter to R. Castillo from N. Grantham re: Check in the amount of $116.00 for cost of transcript filed. |
Jan. 19, 1995 |
Order Closing Files sent out. (94-2450, 94-2458, 94-2463 and 94-2970 ONLY closed per voluntary dismissal.) DOAH Case No. 94-2452 is the new lowest consolidated case number. |
Jan. 19, 1995 |
Due to the closing of the lowest consolidated case number, all future pleadings will be docketed and filed in the next to the lowest consolidate DOAH Case No. 94-2452. |
Jun. 06, 1994 |
Prehearing Order and Order of Consolidation sent out. (Case Nos. 94-2969 through 94-2971 are added to the lowest no. 94-2450 group) |
Jun. 02, 1994 |
Notification card sent out. |
May 27, 1994 |
Notice of Related Petitions (94-2450 - 94-2468 and 94-2969 - 94-2971); Notice; Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed. |
May 12, 1994 |
Prehearing Order and Order of Consolidation sent out. (Initial Order; Consolidated cases are: 94-2450, 94-2451, 94-2452, 94-2453, 94-2454, 94-2455, 94-2456, 94-2457, 94-2458, 94-2459, 94-2460, 94-2461, 94-2462, 94-2463, 94-2464, 94-2465, 94-2466, 94-2 |