Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Tallahassee, Florida
Filed: Apr. 27, 2001
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, June 29, 2001.
Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
etd ee tdi
Mar-19-2001.°02:33pm = From-
T-104 P.002/018 Fel
UM ¥E WAR TS 2051
Petitioner, LEGAL DEPT.
vs. AHCA NO: 02-01-0084-NH
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that after twenity-one (21) days from
receipt of this Complaint, the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care
Administration (‘Agency’) intends to impose an adininistrative fine in the
amount of $3,500.00 upon Heritage Health Care Center. As grounds for
the imposition of this administrative fine, the Agency alleges as follows:
L The Agency has jurisdiction over the Respondent pursuant
“to Chapter 400 Part II, Florida Statutes.
2. "Respondent, Heritage Health Care Center, is Hcensed by the
Agency to operate a nursing home at 1815 Ginger Drive, Tallahassee,
. Florida “39308 ‘and js obligated to operate the nursing home in
compliance with Chapter 400 Part Il, Florida Statutes, and Rule 594-4,
Florida Administrative Code.
3. On May 1-4, 2000, a survey ream from the Agency’s Area 2
Office conducted a recertification survey and the following Class III
deficiency was cited.
Ware18-2001; 02:33pm = From=
T-104 P.003/015
3A. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.75(1)(), the facility must maintain
clinical records on each resident in accordance with accepted
professional standards and practices that are complete; accurately
documented; - readily accessible; and systematically organized. ‘This
requirement was not met as evidenced by the following observations:
(1) ~~ Review of clinical records showed that the consultant
psychiatrist recommended Depakote for resident #20 in
November 1999 to address. her manic and psychotic
behavior, but was never implemented by the facility, as
confirmed by the staff. Progress notes written by the
ye VAN psychiatrist from December 1999 to April 2000 indicate,
for however, that the resident has been taking Depakote, and
° recommend for present medications to continue.
(2) Based on record review and staff interview, it was
determined that the facility violated 5C\A-¢.1288, F.A.C., for
failing to ensure accurate clinical information for | of 27
sampled residents.
4.. On June 13, 2000 a survey team from the Agency’s Area 2
Office conducted a follow-up survey and the following uncorrected Class
Ill deficiency was cited.
aA. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.75(1)(), the facility must maintain
clinical records on each resident in accordance with accepted
professional standards and practices that are complete; accurately
documented; readily accessible; and systematically organized. This
requirement was not met as evidenced by the following observations:
(1) Record review of resident #1 revealed that resident
SK " #l’s treatment record contained a May 2000 and June 2000
£ fr treatment entries for which there were no physician’s orders.
. ™ Additionally, these Q treatment entries specify different
treatments for the same right heel wound condition.
- Wigrt9-2001,° 02:33pm From Tied p.004/018-
: “104 P. F119
(2) Record review of the physician’s orders for resident #1
reflect a third different treatment for resident #1’s right heel
even _ though this third treatment was indicated as
discontinued effective May 30, 2000 on resident #1’s May
2000 treatment record.
(3) Record review of resident #5 ard #14 revealed that
these residents were missing quarterly Minimum Data Sets
(MDS). During surveyor interview, the Director of Nursing
(DON) indicated that the MDSs for these residents had been
coded incorrectly.
(4) Chart review of residents #5 and #12 revealed
quarterly MDS not on chart. DON waable to produce the
missing MDS quarterly reports for these residents.
(5) Inan interview with the DON on June 13, 2000 at
3:30 p.m., the DON stated that quarterly MDS is the same as
90 day billing MDS. DON told that MDS must be coded for
quarterly as well as coded for billing.
{6} Based on record review and interview, it was
determined that the facility violated Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C.,
for again failing to ensure that maintenance of clinical
records on each resident is in accordance with accepted
professional standards and practices.
5. On July 18, 2000 a survey team from the Agency’s Area 2
Office conducted a second follow-up survely and the following
- uncorrected Class Ul deficiency was cited.
SA. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.75(1)(l), the facility must maintain
clinical records on each resident in accordance with accepted
professional standards and practices that are complete; accurately
documented; readily accessible; and systematically organized. This
requirement was not met as evidenced by the following observations:
(4) . Upon chart review July 17, 2000, surveyor found that
resident #5 was ordered nothing past oral per doctors order
oh be and all medications and nutritional supplements were to be
Mare1a-2001. 02:34pm = From
T-104 = P.O05/015
administered via gastrostomy ‘ibe due to the resident
having recurrent pneumonitis from aspiration of food. Care
plan indicated plans to enhance residents oral mealtime and
intake with positioning and resident: food preferences.
Interview with the Director of Nursing on July 18, 2000 at
9:30 am. revealed the dietitian should have omitted oral
intake areas from the care plan interventions. Resident
_ expired on July 18, 2000 at 11:05 a.m. and at 11:30 a.m.,
the Director of Nursing brought revised care plan in to put
on resident’s chart and stated that she knew it was after the
fact, but this was the care plan they planned to put on
resident’s chart.
(2) Based on record review and interview, if was
determined that the facility violated Rule 5OA-4.1288, F.A.C.,
for again failing to ensure that maintenance of clinical
records on each resident is in accordance with accepted
professional standards and practices.
a. On June 12-13, 2000, a survey tearm from the Agency’s Area
2 Office conducted a complaint investigation survey in conjunction with
a follow-up survey and the following Class MW deficiency was cited.
6A. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.20{k)(3)ti}, the facility must ensure
that the services provided by the facility meet professional standards of
quality. This requirement was not met as evidenced by the following
(1) | Surveyor record review of resident #1 on June 12-13,
9000 revealed that resident #1 did not receive wound care
sees preventions and treatments as ordered. Record review
EN revealed that resident #1 did not receive seven (7) scheduled
\/ right heel treatments during May, 2000 and forty-three {43)
« scheduled treatments to his suprapubic area from May,
2000 to June, 2000. Additionally, record review on June 12-
13, 2000 revealed that resident #1 was scheduled to receive
monitoring of his lower extremities for pressure areas and
multipadus splints every morning but did-not receive this
pio service on twelve (12) occasions from May, 2000 through
June 12, 2000.
ar=19-2001 02:34pm Fron T-104 P.008/
- 006/015 F119
(2) Surveyor #ecord review of resident #11 on June 12-13,
‘2000 revealed that resident #11 did not receive wound care
preventions and treatments as ordered. Record review
revealed that resident #11 did not receive forty-one (41)
resident #11 was to wear bilateral heel protectors at all
times, every shift, but did not receive this service on forty-
two (42) occasions from April to May, 2000.
(3) Surveyor record review of resident #15 on June 12-13,
5000 revealed that resident #15 did not receive wound care
preventions and treatments 45 ordered. Record review
revealed that resident #15 was to wear heel protectors while
in bed but did not receive this service twenty-one (21) times
on the 3-11 shift, twenty-six (26) times on the 11-7 shift and
seven {7} times on the 7-3 shift during May, 2000.
(4) Surveyor record review of resident #8 on June 12-13,
2000 revealed that resident #8 did not receive wound care
preventions and treatments as ordered on May 12, 2000.
Record review revealed that resident #3 was to receive coccyx
decubitus treatment put did not receive the ordered
treatment on June 4, 2000 and June it, 2000.
(5) Surveyor record review of resident #16 on June 12-13,
2000 revealed that resident #1G was to receive cream
application to his foot twice a day but did not receive this
treatment ten (10) times between June 2-13, 2000.
(6) Review of the ‘Glinical record for resident #2 revealed
an order for Silvadene to coecyx wound every day. Review of
‘the treatment sheet revealed six (6) missed treatments
during the month of May, 2000. The resident also has a
order for Granulex spray to bilateral heels every shift and
prn. Review of the treatment record for May revealed fifteen
(15) missed applications. On May 10, 2000, the order was
written to apply tiple antibiotic ointment to a skin tear on
the left hand and cover with dressing OD; this treatment was
not indicated as done on the treatment record on four (4) of
the eighteen (18) days the order was in effect.
Review of the clinical record for resident #4 revealed
an order for Lotrisome cream and Mycostatin powder around
suprapubic catheter stoma BID (twice daily). The treatment
record for May, 2000 indicates thirty-seven (37) of the sisty-
~ Mar-1-2001) 02:34pm
T-104 = P.007/016
two (62) scheduled treatments were not completed, and eight
(8) of fourteen (14) scheduled treatments were not completed
in June prior to the resident's transfer to the hospital. In
addition, two {2} of five (5) applications of Bactroban
ointment to left posterior knee were not completed in June,
2000 as ordered.
(8) Review of resident 49's chart revealed resident under
hospice care but facility assuming wound care for resident.
MD order for wound care was "Granulex spray to bilateral
heels every shift’. Review of treatment record for resident
49's wound care for April, May, and June of 2000 revealed
the following missed or unsigned treatments:
a. 703 shift nurse missed/ failed to sign wound
care 5 of 25 days in April, 8 of 31 days in May,
and 3 of 13 days in June.
b. 3 to 11 shift nurse missed, failed to sign wound
care 23 of 25 days in April. 21 of 31 days in
May, and 12 of 13 days in June.
¢c. 11 to 7 shift nurse missed /failed to sign wound
care 25 of 25 days in April, 26 of 31 days in
May, and 10 of 13 days in June.
(9) On June 14, 2000, at 1:30 p.m., interview with wound
care nurse revealed that the facility nurses are providing
wound care as ordered by MD for resiclent #9.
(10) Review of the Physician Orclers for Resident #9
revealed facility had no signed orders from the date of
residents re-admission on April 6, 2000 until survey date on
June 13, 2000. ; :
(11) Review of wound care treatment record for resident
#13 revealed MD order to cleanse right hip wound with
wound cleanser and apply hydrocoloid dressing every three
(3} days and a second MD order to cleanse right hip wound
with wound cleanser and apply hydrocoloid dressing as
needed. Both orders were listed 2s current wound care
orders. No MD order found to discontinue either order. Two
nurses were signing wound care under both orders for
treatment. Nurse one using the first treatment order
ynissed/failed to sign for 6 of 10 scheduled wound care
treatments in May of 2000 and Nurse two using the second
treatment order performed wound care 4 times pr in May of
Mar-18-2001- 02:35pm = From Tri04 P oes/ois =F
- . “119
(12) Based on record review and staff interview, it was
determined that the facility violated 5GA-4.107(2), F.A.C., for
failing to immediately record, date and sign verbal orders,
inchiding telephone orders, by the person receiving the
order. All verbal treatment orders shall be countersigned by
the physician or other health care professional on the next
visit to the facility.
7. On July 18, 2000, a survey team from the Agency’s Area 2
Office conducted a complaint investigation survey in conjunction with a
follow-up survey and the following uncorrected class II! deficiency was
7A. Parsuant to 42 CFR 483.20(k)(3){i}. the facility must ensure
that the services provided by the facility meet pravessional standards of
quality. This requirement was not met as evidenced by the following -
\ (1) Surveyor record review on July 1.7, 2000 of the nurse’s
notes in resident #1’s medical record, revealed that on June
(\ 12, 2000, resident #1 was noted to have a lesion to the right
‘oe temple with a scant amount of dried blood. Surveyor review
of the physician’s orders in residen: #1’s medical record,
revealed a physician’s order, dated June 12, 2000, that
resident #1 should be referred to [lermatology Associates
regarding right temple lesion and bleeding.
(2) Surveyor record review on July 17, 2000, of the
_oitarse’s notes in resident #1’s medicai record, revealed that
on July 17, 2000, resident #1 was noted to have an
enlarging lesion of the right temporal scalp. These same
nurse’s notes also indicated that a ew order confirmation
was completed because contact with Dermatology Associates
“had confirmed that an appointmen:, previously scheduled
for July 18, 2000 on behalf of resident #1, had been
cancelled hy Dermatology Associates. Surveyor review of the
physician’s orders in resident #1’s m edical record, revealed a
physician’s order dated July 7, 2000 that resident #1 should
receive the earliest appointment with Dermatology Associates
because the resident had a “large bleeding lesion” on the
Re osiee
Mar=1 Q-2001- 02:38pm
T-104 = P.010/018
right temporal scalp. Surveyor interview on July 18, 2000 at
9:45 am. with a unit nurse manager and surveyor record
review of resident #1’s nurse’s notes confirmed that the
facility had taken no action to obtain an appointment with
Dermatology Associates on. behalf of resident #1 as ordered
by the physician from Jume 12, 2000 to July 7, 2000.
(3) On July 18, 2000 at 10:40 a.m. during observation of
wound care on resident #3, surveyor abserved physical
therapist perform wound care to Stage IV heel wound
without following wound care orders prescribed by the MD.
The physical therapist failed to cleanse the wound with
wound cleanser and rinse with normal saline as ordered.
During interview on July 18, 2000 at 11:00 a.m., physical
therapist stated that she forgot to cleanse resident’s wound.
(4) On duly 18, 2000 at 10:20 a.m. during observation of
wound care on resident #3, surveyor observed wound care
nurse perform wound care for resident, however, the nurse
failed to measure the depth of the Stage If decubitus ulcer
on resident’s coccy%. Resident’s wounc| was deep and depth
measurement should be done to correctly stage the wound.
(5) Surveyor record review, on July 18, 2000 of resident
#1’s medical record, revealed a physician’s order dated June
15, 2000 that resident #1’s right lower leg was to be cleansed
with normal saline, steri-strips applied, treated with triple
antibiotic ointment and covered with Telfa every day until
healed. Surveyor review on July 18, 2000 of resident’s
- treatment records dated June, 2000 and July, 2000 revealed
that this physician’s order had been inaccurately transcribed
on both the June, 2000 and July, 2000 treatment records
(omitting the application of triple antibiotic ointment and
Telfa covering) and that nursing staff had documented that
resident #1 had received the inaccurately transcribed
(6) | Based on record review and staff interview, it was
determined that the facility violated §59A-4.112(2), F.A.C., for
again failing to ensure that physician’s orders were followed
in a timely manner and as written fo: two (2) of the nine (9)
sampled residents (#1, #3) resulting in a delayed diagnosis,
treatments and incomplete treatments.
Bl i
Mare 8-206" 02:35pm = From~
T-104 P.009/015
8. Based on the foregoing, Heritage Health Care has violated
the following:
a) Tag F514 incorporates 42 CFR 483.75(1)0) and Rule
4 ,P.AC. The administrative ine imposed for this
uncorrected)violation is $2,500.00.
b) Tag F281 incorporates 42 CFR 483.20(k(3)@) and
Rules 59A-4.107(3): “4-TOOYF.A.C. The administrative
fine imposed for this uncorrected violation is $1,000.00.
9. The above referenced violations constitute grounds to levy
this civil penalty pursuant to Sectio 400.23(9){c), Florida Statutes, in
that the above referenced conduct of Respondent canstitutes a violation
of the minimum standards, rules, and regulations for the operation ofa
Nursing Home.
Respondent is notified that it has a ‘ight ta request an
administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, To
pe represented by counsel (at its expense], to take testimony, to call or
cross-examine witnesses, to have subpoenas and/or subpoenas duces
issued, and to present written evidence or argument if it requests
piain a formal proceeding under Section 120.57(1),
Florida Statutes, Respondent’s request must stare which issues of
material fact are disputed. Failure to dispute material issues of fact in
the request for a hearing, may be treated by the Agency as an election by
Respondent for an informal proceeding under Section 120.57(2}, Flerida
War-19-2001 02:380n From ] 7
Te104 P.OLI/01S. F118
Statutes. All requests for hearing should be made to the Agency for
Health Care Administration, Attention: Sam Power, F gency Clerk, Senior
Attorney, 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.
All payment of fines should be made by check, cashier’s check, or
money order and payable to the Agency for Health Care Administration.
_ All checks, cashier’ 's checks, and money orders should identify the AHCA
number and facility name that is referenced on page 1 of this complaint.
All payment of fines should be sent to the Agency for Health Care
Administration, Attention: Christine T. Messana, 2727 Mahan Drive,
Mail Stop #3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403.
_ Issued nis day of keoniend’ 2001.
Donah Heiberg
Field Office Manger, Area #2
Agency for Health Care
Health Quality Assurance
2639 N: Monroe Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, Mlorida 32303
ol a a
ae = Mell edie nian
teste biclilhedln k. 6
Mar=19-2001 02:36pm = From-
at the original complaint was sent by U.S.
Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to: Administrator, Fleritage Health Care
Ast Gay
Center, 1815 Ginger Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32408 on this
of _| clicads sf , 2001.
Christine T. Messana, Esquire
Office of the General Counsel
Copies furnished to:
- Christine T. Messana—
Attorney 7
Agency for Health Care
(Interoffice Mail)
Pete J - Buigas, Deputy Director —
- Managed Care and Health Quality
“Agency for Health Care Administration
‘(Interoffice Mail)
Area 2 Office ~
Gloria Collins, Finance & Accounting
T-104 = P.O12/018 Fril8
Docket for Case No: 01-001604
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Dec. 24, 2001 |
Final Order, Stipulation filed.
Jun. 29, 2001 |
Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
Jun. 28, 2001 |
Joint Motion for Remand (filed via facsimile).
May 31, 2001 |
Order of Consolidation issued. (consolidated cases are: 01-001604, 01-001980)
May 09, 2001 |
Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
May 01, 2001 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
May 01, 2001 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for July 2, 2001; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Apr. 30, 2001 |
Initial Order issued.
Apr. 27, 2001 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Apr. 27, 2001 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Apr. 27, 2001 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.