Agency: Department of Education
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: May 10, 2001
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, September 28, 2001.
Latest Update: Mar. 04, 2025
as ak
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March 28, 2001. = =.
Mr. Lawrence Crawford
730 Northwest 187th Drive
Miami, Florida 33169 os CERTIFIED MAIL
RE: Finding of Probable Cause
SSN: 266-04-8254
Dear Mr. Crawford:
Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 231.262 and 231.2615, Florida Statutes, and Rule
6A-4.037, Florida Administrative Code (Rules of the State Board of Education), I find that
probable cause exists to justify sanctions against your certificate as provided in Sections
___231.262(6) and 231.2615(1), Florida Statutes, which penalties may include Teprimand, aaa
“probation, restriction of the scope of practice, suspension not to exceed three years, revocation “~
not to exceed ten years or the permanent revocation of your teaching certificate.
“An Administrative Complaint, Explanation and Election of Rights forms have been
enclosed. ° Should you have any questions regarding this maiter, contact the Office of
Professional Practices Services, Florida Education Center, Suite 224-E, Tallahassee, Florida
32399, (850) 488-2481.
Please govern yourself accordingly.
Sincerely, Gt
Charlie Crist
Tre Carton
Florioa Arannic University Tower Puaza Lever O8 University OF SouTH Fiorina, St.PetersaurG Ce?-!
220 S.E. 2np Avenue, #726 Tauanasste, Fiorpa 32399-0400 POY 248, 140 71H Avenue SouTH
Fr. Lauperoate, Frortoa 33301 (850) 487-1785 * SC 277-1785 St. Petersaurc, Frorios 33701
(954) 762-5322 Fax (850) 413-0378 ¢ SC 993-0378 (727) 553-3730
Fax (954) 762-5197 Fax (727) 553-1033
an oe ras
Commissioner of Education,
vs. ® ie
Petitioner, CHARLIE CRIST, as Commissioner of Education, files this
Administrative Complaint against LAWRENCE H. CRAWFORD. The Petitioner seeks the .
appropriate disciplinary sanctions of the Respondent’s Educator’s Certificate pursuant to
Sections *231:262 and 231.261 5;-Florida Statutes and. :Rule.6B-1.006, Florida 2
Administrative Code, Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in —
Florida, saidl ‘sanctions specifically set forth in sections 231.262(6) and 231.2615(1), Florida
Statutes. The Petitioner alleges: .
1. The Respondent holds Florida Educator’s Certificate no, 281836, covering the
areas of Elementary Education and School Principal, which are valid through June 30, 2004.
2. At all times pertinent hereto, the Respondent was employed as a Principal at
Carol City Elementary School, in the Miami-Dade County School District.
ta) , po Lawrence H. Crawford
Administrative Complaint
_ Case. No. 001- O168-V .
3, . During the period beginning 1998 and through 01 ° bout March of 1999,
the Respondent sexually harassed Idania Diaz, a teacher under his Supervision at Carol City
_ Elementary | School. On one occasion, the Respondent asked Ms. Diaz to stand “, and
when she declined, the Respondent got closer to her and yan his hand from below her knee
up to her mid: high, On another o the Resp dent touched Ms Dize’s arm, -
following this. contact with a sexual comment. | On several cerasions,' the Respondent looked
at Ms. Diaz in an unprofessional maimer in front of other teachers at the teacher’s lounge,
making her feel embarrassed. On or about March of 1998, the Respondent sexually harassed
Ms. Diaz when he told her that she smelled good, and then approached her from behind and
kissed her in the neck. .
4, During the same time period of 1998 through on or about March of 1999, the
“Respondent ‘Sexually harassed “Millie Capo, a teacher under his supervision at Carol -Gity- *
Elementary School. On one occasion, the Respondent entered Ms. Capo’s classroom and
asked her, *Do you know what Tm looking at?”, to which Ms. Capo replied “No.” The
Respondent stated, “Your lips,” to which Ms. Capo replied, “Why? Is there something on
them?” The Respondent replied, “No, I’m wondering how good they are.” On another
occasion the Respondent was greeted byMs, Idania Diaz and Ms. Millie Capo, while walking ,
ina hallway with the statement, “What’s up?” to which the Respondent replied, “Nothing
yet,” while holding his hands over his genital area.
5 On or about the period of 1998 through on or about March, 1999, Ms. Jean
Murray, a teacher under the supervision of Respondent at Carol City Elementary School,
’ in fa Lawrence H. Crawford
Administrative Complaint
Case No. 001-0168-V
stated that she witnessed how the Respondent would look at Ms. Idania Diaz up and down
in the hallways . .
6. Onor about the period of 1998 through on or about March, 1999, Ms. Erin
Pakula, a teacher under the supervision of Respondent at Carol Gey Elementary School,
stated that the Respondent Jo looks at her and at other female teachers in a way that males her
feel uncomfortable. -
7. On or about the period of 1998 through on or about March, 1999, Ms.
Miriam Holston, a teacher under the supervision of Respondent at Carol City Elementary
"” School, stated that the Respondent tends to make a lot of sexual comments, that everything
he says has a sexual undertone to it.
8. On or about August 22, 2000, the Respondent received a letter of reprimand
and directives from the Miami-Dade County School: District. The Respondent was
~ reassigned to the district office as a staff specialist, where he continues to be employed.
GOUNT I: The Respondent is in violation of Section 231.2615(1)(c), Florida
Statutes, in that Respondent has been guilty of gross immorality or an act involving moral
COUNT I: The Respondent is in violation of Section 231.2615(1)(i), Florida
Statutes, in that Respondent has violated the Principles of Professional Conduct for the
Education Profession prescribed by State Board of Education Rules.
lol ak a Ll,
a) Lawrence H. Crawford
Administrative Complaint
Case No. 001-0168-V..... -
‘COUNT I: The allegations of misconduct. set forth herein a are in 1 violation of Rule
6B-1, 006(4) ©, Florida Administrative Code in that Respondent has used institutional
privileges for personal gain or advantige. .
COUNT IV: The allegations of miscondaet set forth herein a are in violation of Rule
6B-1 cost 4), Florida Administrative Code, i in that Responder has engaged i in harassment
_or discriminatory conduct which unreasonably interfered with a an individuals performance of
professional or work responsibilities or with the orderly processes of education of which
created a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive, or oppressive environment; and, further,
failed to make reasonable efforts to assure that each individual was protected from such
harassment or discrimination.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner recommends that the Education Practices
Commission impose an appropriate penalty pursuant to the authority provided in Sections
231.262(6) and 231.2615(1), Florida Statutes, which penalty may include a reprimand,
probaticn, Zestriction of the authorized scope of practice, administrative fine, suspension of
the teaching certificate not to exceed three (3) years, permanent revocation of the teaching
certificate or combination thereof, for the reasons set forth herein and in accordance with
the Explanation and Election of Rights forms which are attached hereto and made a part
hereof by reference.
Lawrence H. Crawford
Administrative Complaint
Case No. 001-0168-V
EXECUIED on this 2 & dayoh MAROM 2001.
Commissioner of Education,
State of Florida --rc.00.. 4+
Docket for Case No: 01-001824PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Sep. 28, 2001 |
Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
Sep. 26, 2001 |
Affidavit (filed by N. Flaxman via facsimile).
Sep. 26, 2001 |
Letter to G. Dorta from N. Flaxman concerning the voluntary surrender of L. Crawford`s teacher`s certificate (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 24, 2001 |
Respondent`s Amended Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 19, 2001 |
Respondent`s Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 19, 2001 |
Respondent`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 18, 2001 |
Petitioner`s Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 18, 2001 |
Petitioner`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 13, 2001 |
Order Denying Petitioner`s Motion to Continue issued.
Sep. 11, 2001 |
Petitioner`s Motion to Continue the Final Hearing of September 28, 2001 (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 10, 2001 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for September 28, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Aug. 02, 2001 |
Respondent`s Motion to Continue the Final Hearing of August 30, 2001 (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 01, 2001 |
Notice of Taking Deposition S. Kirschenbaum, V. Martinez, K. Roberts filed.
Jul. 30, 2001 |
Notice of Taking Deposition S. Kirschenbaum, V. Martinez, K. Roberts (filed via facsimile).
Jul. 16, 2001 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for August 30, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Jul. 02, 2001 |
Petitioner`s Motion to Continue the Final Hearing of July 20, 2001 (filed via facsimile).
May 18, 2001 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
May 18, 2001 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for July 20, 2001; 9:30 a.m.; Miami, FL).
May 16, 2001 |
Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
May 10, 2001 |
Request for Formal Hearing filed.
May 10, 2001 |
Initial Order issued.
May 10, 2001 |
Election of Rights filed.
May 10, 2001 |
Answer to Administrative Complaint Request for Formal Hearing filed.
May 10, 2001 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
May 10, 2001 |
Agency referral filed.