Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Boca Raton, Florida
Filed: Jul. 16, 2001
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, August 2, 2001.
Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2025
vs. AHCA 09-01-0004 ALF
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that after Twenty One (21) days from the receipt of
this Complaint, the Agency for Health Care Administration (hereinafter referred to as the
"Agency") intends to impose a civil penalty in the amount of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred
(11,500) Dollars upon The Elysium of Boca Raton, Incorporated, d/b/a The Elysium of Boca
Raton (hereinafter referred to as "Respondent"). As grounds for this civil penalty the Agency
alleges as follows:
1. The Agency has jurisdiction over Respondent by virtue of the provisions of
Chapter 400, Part III, Florida Statutes (F.S.).
2. Respondent is licensed to operate at 2600 NW Fifth Avenue, Boca Raton, Florida
33431 Florida 33308, as an assisted living facility in compliance with Chapter 400, Part III,
F.S., and Chapter 58A-5, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).
3. The Respondent has violated the provisions of Chapter 400, Part II, F.S., and the
provisions of Chapter 58A-5, F.A.C., in that it failed to correct within the mandated time
frame of May 3, 2000 (Section 400.419(3)(c)) F.S., (1) Class I, (3) Class II, (3) Class IH, and
(1) Class IV deficiencies cited during the survey of April 3, 2000.
These deficiencies set forth below were still uncorrected when a follow-up visit was
made on May 4, 2000.
(a) Tag 700. Based on interviews and observation the facility did not
provide appropriate personal supervision to meet the individual resident’s ‘needs; did not note
deviations in the resident’s normal appearance and state of well being; and did not contact the
resident’s guardian in an emergency.
(1) On 3/21/00 at approximately 8:00 a.m. when Resident #1’s private
duty CNA reported to the facility that the resident stated she/he was sexually assaulted “last
night” (sometime between 8:45 p.m. on 3/20/00 and 8:00 a.m. on 3/21/00). The facility
administrator wrote an incomplete incident report, a copy of which was in the resident’s
clinical record. The administrator did not notify the resident’s guardian, case manager,
family, physicians, abuse hot line, or local law enforcement.
(2) | When the guardian and case manager learned of the incident, they
immediately contacted the local police who began an investigation on 3/21/00. They also
arranged to have private duty help with the resident 24 hours a day until the resident could be
transferred out of the facility.
(3) The surveyor first saw the resident on 3/22/00 at approximately 6:00
p.m. The resident was in his/her room in bed. The resident grabbed the surveyor’s hand and
in a shaky, tearful voice asked, “are you here to protect me?”
(4) When the surveyor asked the resident what had happened, the resident
stated that a tall black female, possibly called “mama”, had come into the room sometime
during the night, lifted up the nightgown and fondled the resident. The resident also reported
wearing different adult briefs and different nightclothes the next morning. The resident also
stated that the brother-in-law of the man who cleans came to his/her room at the end of this
shift and told the resident to leave the door oper! and he would come back to visit later. The
resident stated that she/he was very nervous about this remark. During an interview with the
private duty CNA the CNA stated that the resident was dressed in evening adult briefs and
the top of a sleep wear set. Interviews with all staff present on all shifts between 8:00 p.m.
on 3/20/00 and 8:00 a.m. on 3/21/00 failed to find anyorie who knew anything about who
changed the resident and when. The private duty found the first nightgown in the laundry.
The surveyor was able to identify 3 staff members on duty that fit the description of a tall
black female. The resident’s case manager and private duty and some staff members
identified the employee called “mama”. This individual stated to the surveyor that the
resident calls everyone “mama”. During an individual interview with each staff member,
they all denied being in the resident’s room and/or changing the resident.
(5) During interview on 3/22/00 the resident also told the surveyor that a
male who cleans the rooms had stopped by before leaving work on 3/20/00 and told the
resident to “leave the door open tonight so I can come to visit you”. The resident stated that
this made him/her very nervous. During an interview with this employee on 3/23/00, he
denied coming up at night to see the resident and did not know how the resident got changed.
(2a) This deficiency remained out of compliance during the 5/04/00 revisit, based
on the following information:
(1) During interview, the facility administrator was not able to explain to
the surveyor the proper procedure for reporting abuse.
(2) The facility policy and procedure for reporting incidents did not state
- that it is to be coinpletéd by the Person having first
administrator i in all cases.
(3) ‘The facility did not prepare a plan of correction for this tag. The
Statements made and submitted as a plan of correction were only statements contradicting the
survey findings. The facility did not have documentation to support statements.
4 ‘The facility had not taken any action to ensure the residents’ health,
safety, physical and emotional well being now and in the future.
This is in violation of Rule S8A- >: 01821Xb-), F A.C. Class I deficiency. $7,500 -
civil penalty.
d knowledge of the incident, not the
(b) Tag 206. Based on record review, the facility incident reports were
inaccurate and incomplete:
qd) The clinical record for Resident #1 contains an incident report of
possible rape dated 3/21/00 prepared by the facility administrator. The incident report did
not contain a clear description of the incident; any medical services provided, and steps taken
to prevent recurrence. Additionally, there were many items on the form that have been left
blank including: was the person a resident, employee, or visitor; resident’s condition before
the incident; physician and family notified; person seen by a physician or taken to a hospital;
names of witnesses; and follow-up. The narrative portion of the incident report is not
consistent with the information provided to the surveyor by witnesses.
(la) The facility incident report states that the incident happened at 8:30
p.m. The nurse on duty told the surveyor that she gave the resident the evening medication at
approximately 8:45 p.m. and did not notice anything unusual. The resident stated to the
surveyor that the incident happened sometime after the private aid left after the evening
medication was given.
(1b) The incident report stated hat the private aide came back to the facility
at 8:30 p.m. Interviews with the resident, private aide, and guardian revealed that the private
aide worked a later shift that day and finished work sometime between 8 & 8:30 p.m. after
getting the resident ready for bed by putting on the night-time adult brief and nightgown.
(ic) The incident report stated that the private aide examined the resident
on 3/21 and found no evidence of abuse. When the resident reported the incident to the
private aide and case manager on the morning of 3/21, the case manager called the police.
The private aide and a female police officer examined the resident. There was no mention of
the police in the incident report. During interviews, staff stated that the police did not leave a
card and told them that there would not be a police report because the case was closed.
During an interview on 3/26/00 with the detective, she/he stated that she/he left a card with
the nurse on duty and would be able to make a positive identification of the nurse. The
detective also stated that the case was not closed. On 3/26/00 the officers had not completed
the investigation.
(1d) During interview, the resident, private aide, and case manager stated
that the next morning (3/21/00) the resident was wearing different adult briefs and the top of
a 2-piece sleepwear set with the top partially pulled up, exposing the resident. During further
interviews with all the staff on duty on the 3-11 and 11-7 shifts on 3/20 and 3/21, no one
knew anything about how, when, and who changed the resident’s briefs and clothing. The
private aide Jater found the nightgown in the laundry.
(le) During interviews with the resident, the resident stated that the facility
has been repeatedly telling him/her that it was all a bad dream and to forget about it.
(1f) The facility did not notify the resident’s physician, guardian, family, or
the abuse hot line (1-800-96-ABUSE)
(lg) The incident report stated that the resident had made many remarks
about sex, but there was no documentation of this i in the resident’s clinical record.
one Q) The clinical record for Resident #1 contained an incident report date
3/10/00 prepared by the facility administrator. The incident report did not include prevent
recurrence. Additionally, there were many items on the form that have been left blank
including was the person a resident or visitor; location of incident; condition of the resident;
property/equipment involved; witnesses; and follow-up.
3) During interviews with Resident #1, the resident’ s guardian, and the
~ resident’s- case manager, all stated to the- ‘surveyor that the resident had had 2 telephones,
pieces of costume jewelry, and cases of adult briefs missing from the resident’s room.
Review of the resident clinical record revealed that there were no incident reports in the
resident records and staff interviewed was not aware if any incident reports were available for
these incidents/missing items.
(2b) Based on record review, it was determined that the facility incident reports
were inaccurate and incomplete. Findings include:
(1) The facility policy and procedure for reporting incidents did not state
that the incident report was made by the individuals having first hand knowledge of the
(2) During interview, the facility administrator was not able to relate to the
surveyor what types of incidents were abuses and what the proper procedure is for reporting
suspected cases.
(3) “The facility did not prepare a plan of correction and had not taken
steps to ensure that this type of incident did not occur again. The facility submitted as a plan
of correction statements contradicting the survey findings, but had no documentation to
support these statements. .
This is in violation of Rule 58A-5.024(1)(d), F.A.C., Class II deficiency. $1,000 civil
(c) Tag 214 On 4/03/00, based on interview, the facility did not have background
screening on two contract employees who have direct contact with residents.
() During an interview with the bookkeeper, the surveyor was informed
that the Facility had not conducted background screening on 2 contract employees who clean
the common areas of the facility as well as the resident rooms a ad bathrooms.
(2c) On 05/04/00, based on interview, the facility did not have background
Screening 0 on vall contract employees who have direct contact with residents.
“() i “A housekeeper ‘who. ‘has started working in ‘the ‘facility after the
complaint investigation conducted on 4/03/2000 did not have a background screening. The
facility Stated that the inf rmation had not been submitted.
sctio 1 400.4: 4275(2), F. S., and Rules SBA. 0190), and S8A-
5: onsniays FAC. _Class Il deficiency. $300 civil penalty
(ad) Tag 512. On 4/03/00 the facility did not have sufficient staff to provide
the required level of care offered and to evacuate residents in case of emergency.
(1) When the surveyor arrived at the facility on 3/27/00 at 9:45 p.m. a
person later identified as the CNA for the 2™ floor locked unit was sitting in his/her car in the
parking lot. The CNA retumed to the facility approximately 10:00 p.m. The surveyor went
to the 2™ floor at 10:20 p.m. and entered the locked unit. The surveyor was not able to locate
the CNA on the unit.
(2) On 3/27/00 at approximately 10:20 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. the surveyor
spoke with a male resident wandering the halls on the unlocked portion of the 2™ floor. The |
male resident stated that it was 10:00 a.m. and he wanted to know where breakfast was. .
There was no nurse or CNA on duty on this part of the 2™ floor.
(3) There were 2 staff members at the 1“ floor nurses’ Station on 3/27/00
when the surveyor arrived at approximately 10:00 p.m. until they went off duty at
approximately 11:15 p.m. One of the nurses identified him/herself as the second floor nurse.
(4) The surveyor observed the 2™ floor locked unit CNA get off the .
_ elevator at the 1* floor at approximately 10:40 p.m. and wait by the nurse time clock visiting
with the next shift until it was time for the shift change. The nurses were both at the 1" floor
nurses” station, leaving the entire a floor, including the locked ‘unit, _ Unsupervised for
approximately 20 minutes. — cet
(5) When the surveyor arrived at the facility on 3/27/00, the bell to the
emergency entrance was not working. The surveyor walked around the outside of the kek
building and tried the door at the far south end. The door was unlocked, but an alarm, . . ;
, sounded when the ‘surveyor opened the door. ‘The alarm was silenced, but no one came to a t
check the door. The surveyor entered the facility and located the hallway Jeading to the: 7
nurses” s $ not yisible from the urses’ station. The surveyor walked to
the nurses’ Station and informed the 2 nurses that the south door was just been used as an
entrance. _ One nurse stated, “You can’t come in that door, is locked”. When the surveyor
asked if the nurses had heart and silenced the alarm. They stated, “Yes, we thought it went
off by mistake.” The surveyor took the nurses down the hall to show them that the door
was not locked.
(2d) The facility did not have sufficient staff to provide or arrange services for
residents as required. The findings were as follows:
(1) During the tour of the facility, the surveyor did not observe a nurse or
CAN on the unlocked portion of the second floor.
This is in violation of Rules 58A-5.0182(1), and 58A-5.019, F.A.C. Class II
deficiency. $1,000 civil penalty.
(e) Tag 610. On 3/27/00 at approximately 10:30 p.m. and 10.50 p.m. the
surveyor observed that the door to the medication room was left half open. The surveyor
entered the medication room at 10:30 p.m. when there were no nurses within sight and found
that the refrigerator contained opened cans of soda in addition to medications. There was a
box of bubble pack medications on the counter, the treatment cart was unlocked, and the
medication drawer was open. The surveyor found the same conditions at 10:50 p.m. when 2
nurses were sitting at the nurses’ station in front of the medication room. When the first floor
nurse saw the surveyor leave the medication room, the nurse closed the door slightly more,
but not enough to lock it. i
“Qe) On 5/04/00 the medications were not stored properly. The findings were as '
: qd) "The cover letter with the statement of deficiencies stated that asa - ‘
result of this tag cited as a Class II, the facility was required t: to have a consultant Pharmacist
"do an on- ‘site ‘consultation visit within 71 ‘working days and a ‘get a corrective plan of action . ,
Prepared, signed and dat d by the pharmacy consultant and submitted to: the area Office. The scent puattn vn ;
have a plan of correction.
(2) During the tour of the facility the surveyor observed a covered plastic
container. in the medication refrigerator. The container did not have a label or date and
appeared to contain some type of fruit or coffee beverage.
(3) An unmarked cardboard box was on the counter of the medication
room. It contained several bubble packs of medications. When the surveyor asked why these
medications were left on the counter, the reply was that they were the ones to be Teturned to
the pharmacy. ; |
This is in violation of Rule 58A-5.0185(6)(d)3,a, F.A.C., Class II deficiency. $1,000
civil penalty.
(f) Tag 013. Based on observation, the facility advertised without the ALF
license number. On 4/03/00 during a review of a local newspaper revealed that the facility
had a large advertisement on 2/27/00, 3/12/00, and 3/26/00. None of the advertisements
contained the facility ALF license number.:
(2f) This deficiency remained out of compliance when the 5/04/00 revisit took
place. The facility continued to run newspaper advertisements without the ALF license
number. The administrator stated that the license number was no longer necessary based Lon -
information received in core update training. However, during interview with the
Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA), representative who conducts the training sessions, the
surveyor was informed that the Florida Statutes 400. 441(7) have not t changed and the license ne
‘number i is still required i in all advertising.
‘This is in violation of Section 400. 447(7), F.S., Class IV deficiency. $100 civil .
penalty. ; a
(g) Tag 213. During the survey of 4/03/00 and based on interviews, it was .
determined that the facility did not have personnel records for contract employees providing
services to 0 residents i in their rooms and i m common areas. Findings include: oe at
- (1) “The facility contracts with t two men to clean the - common areas of the .
facility and clean the resident rooms and bathrooms. During an interview with the
bookkeeper, the surveyor learned that the facility did not have any personnel information
such as: references, verification of freedom from communicable disease, verification of
freedom from TB, and no licenses, certification, insurance, or bonding on these 2 contract
(2g) This remained out of compliance during the 5/04/00 revisit, based on the
following information:
qd) The facility had files for 4 contract housekeepers. Review of these
files revealed that one housekeeper who was in the facility at the time of the survey had no
documentation of verification of freedom from TB. .
(2) There is a new housekeeper in the facility whose file had no
documentation of verification of freedom from TB.
This is in violation of rule 58A-5.019(2)(a), F.A.C., Class II deficiency. $300 civil
(h) Tag 902. On the survey of 3/03/99 it was observed that the facility did
not maintain the furnishings in good repair. The findings include:
69) On the first floor, outside of rooms 135, 136 and 137, there i isa chair
with a large stain, almost covering the sitting a area. “Outside of rooms 122, 123 and 124, there
. is a pink upholstered chair with a large brown stain covering all of the seat. The chairs inthe
activity room all had noticeable stains of t varying sizes.
© Qh) “On “4/03/00 and based: on observation, the facility furniture ‘and | furmishings
were not clean and i in good: repair.
(1) On all visits to the facility, the surveyor found it difficult to find a
chair that did not have dried urine spots or noticeable dampness on the seats.
This is in violation of rule 58A-5. 022(1)(C), FA. c. Class III deficiency. $300 civil
4. The above referenced violations constitute ground to levy this civil penalty
pursuant to Section 400.419(3)(c), (F.S.), in that the above referenced conduct of Respondent
constitutes a violation of the minimum standards, rules and regulations for the operation of an
Adult Living Facility.
5. Notice was given in writing to the Respondent of each of the above violations and
the time frame for correction.
6. Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing
pursuant to Section 120.569, &S); to be represented by counsel (at its expense); to take
testimony, to call and cross-examine witnesses, to have subpoenas and/or subpoenas duces
tecum issued, and to present written evidence or argument if it requests a hearing. In order to
obtain a formal proceeding, your request for an administrative hearing must conform to the
requirements in Rule 28- 106. 201, 2 A C. ), and must state which i issues of material fact you
dispute. Failure to dispute material i issues of fact in your request for a hearing may be treated
_ by the Agency as an election by you of an informal proceeding under Section 120.57(2),
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy hereof was sent by U.S. Certified Mail, Retum
Receipt Requested to Claire Bojanoski, Administrator, The Elysium of Boca Raton, 2600
NW 5" Avenue, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, and to John L. Fiorilla, Registered Agent, 2600
NW 5" Avenue, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, on this Lay of , f }