Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Clearwater, Florida
Filed: Aug. 06, 2001
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, October 8, 2001.
Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2025
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Petitioner, , DBPR Case No: 98-23107
. 98-23443
v. , 99-01637
("Petitioner"), files this Administrative Complaint before the Construction Industry Licensing
1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of contracting
pursuant to Section 20.165, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 455 and 489, Florida Statutes.
Board agains: SIMON ANDREW AGER, (“Respondent”), and says:
2. ‘Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, a Certified G
Contractor in the State of Florida, having been issued license number CG C056685.
3. Respondent's last known address is 2820 Hibiscus Drive West, Largo, Florida
4. At all times material hereto, Respondent was the licensed qualifier for
Donaldson Home Corporation (QB 0001945).
5. Section 489.1195(1)(a), Florida Statutes, provides that all primary qualifying
agents for a business organization are jointly and equally responsible for supervision of all
operations of the business organization; for all field work at all sites; and for financial matters,
both for the organization in general and for each specific job.
Facts Pertaining to Case Number 98-23107
6. On or about January 5, 1997, Les and Ingrid Davidson ("Davidson") entered
into a written contractual agreement with Donaldson Homes Corporation for the purchase of a
lot and construction of a two-story block home at 1500 Alexander Way, Largo, Florida.
7. The total contract price was one hundred fifty-one thousand eight hundred
dollars ($151,800.00).
8. . The contract failed to contain a written statement explaining the consumer's
rights under the Construction Industries Recovery Fund as required by Section 489.1425(1),
“Florida Statutes.
9. The contract failed to contain Respondent's license number as required by
Section 489.119(6)(b), Florida Statutes.
10. On or about March 27, 1998, Respondent obtained permit number 51728 from
the City of Largo Building Department and work commenced on the project.
11. On or about October 10, 1998, Respondent ceased performing construction on
the project.
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12, Respondent failed to perform any additional work on the project for a period of
greater than ninety (90) days and on or about October 30, 1998, the permit was voided and a
new permit was issued to Davidson making Davidson the contractor of record.
13. At the time construction ceased, Respondent had accepted approximately ninety-
one thousand two hundred ninety-six dollars ($91,296.00) on the contract.
14. On or about September 2, 1998, a valid claim of lien was filed by C Sterling
Quality Roofing, Inc. for services and/or goods supplied to Donaldson Home Corporation for
this project.
15. Respondent and/or Donaldson Home Corporation failed to have the claim of lien
removed from the property within seventy-five (75) days of the date of the lien.
16. On or about September 29, 1998, the Davidsons paid two thousand three
hundred seventy-six dollars ($2,376.00) to have the lien removed from their property.
“17. Petitioner realleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in paragraphs one
through sixteen as though fully set forth herein.
18. _ Section 489. 119(6)(b), “Florida Statutes, provides that the registration, or
oo o certifi ication | number of each contractor or certificate of. authority: number for each busines .
advertisement, vegas of medium, as defined byt board mule, used by that contractor or
business organization j in ‘the p: © Practice eof c contracting.
, business. propose, ‘bid, contract, or
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19. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 489.129(1)(@), Florida
Statutes, by failing in any material respect to comply with the provisions of this part or
violating a tule or lawful order of the board.
20. Petitioner realleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in paragraphs ¢ one
through sixteen as though fully set forth herein.
21. Section 489.1425, Florida Statutes, provides that any agreement or contract for
repair, restoration, improvement, or construction to residential real property must contain a
written statement explaining the consumer’s rights under the Construction Industries Recovery
Fund, except where the value of all labor and materials does not exceed $2,500.00.
22.- Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 489.129(1)(@j), Florida
Statutes, by failing in any material respect to comply with the provisions of this part or
violating ’a rule or lawful order of the board.
. 23. Petitioner Tealleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in paragraphs one -
through sixteen as thou
in 24, Based upon the foregoing, _ Respondent violated Section 489. 1290), Florida
Stats, by abandoning a construction project in which the contractor is engaged o or ‘under
Contract as a contractor. A Project may be presumed abandoned after 90 days i if the contractor
terminates the project without Just cause or without proper notification to the owner, “including
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the reason for termination, ‘or fails to perform work without j just ¢ cause for 90, consecutive days.
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25. Petitioner realleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in paragraphs one
through sixteen as though fully set forth herein.
26. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 489. 129(1)(h)1., Florida
Statutes, by committing mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that
causes financial harm to a customer. Financial mismanagement or misconduct occurs when
valid liens have been recorded against the property of a contractor’s customer for supplies or
services ordered by the contractor for.the customer’s job; the contractor has received funds
from the customer to pay for the supplies or services; and the contractor has not had the liens
removed from the property, by payment or by bond, within 75 days after the date of such
liens. |
Facts Pertaining to Case Number 98-23443
27. On or about July 17, 1998, Kirk and Kimberly Dixon contracted with
Donaldson Home Corporation for the purchase of a lot and construction of a single family
residence at 1240 Alexander Ways Largo, Florida.
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28. The tora contract price was one = hundred. ‘thiry-nine thousand nine hundre:
nineteen dollars and sixty cents ($139,919.60). —
rights under the Construction Industries Recovery Fund as required by Section 489.1425(1),
Florida Statutes.
30. The contract t failed to contain 1 Respondent’ s “Ticense number as s Tequired by
Section 489. 119(6)(b), Florida Statutes.
The contract failed to contain a written statement explaining the consumer's ;
fener eR
31. Respondent accepted six thousand nine hundred ninety-five dollars ($6,995.00)
as a down payment on the contract. ; -
32. Respondent failed to pull a permit for the contracted work.
33. To date, Respondent has not commenced the contracted work,
34. To date, Respondent has not returned any of the money paid by the Donaldsons
pursuant to the contract.
35. Petitioner realleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in paragraphs one
through five and twenty-seven through thirty-four as though fully set forth herein.
36. Based upon the foregoing, the Respondent violated Section 489.129(1)(k),
Florida Statutes, by abandoning a construction project in which the contractor is engaged or
under contract as a contractor. A project may be presumed abandoned after 90 days if the a
Contractor terminates the project without just cause or without proper notification to the owner,
including the reason for termination, or fails to perform work without Just cause for 90
consecutive days.
a 37. Petitioner T Tealleges and incorporates ‘the allegations s set forth j in ‘paragraphs one
through five : and twenty-seven through thiny- four as though fully set forth herein. —
_ 38. " Secti n 489. 19(6)(b),. “Florida ‘Statutes, provides that the registration or
certification number of each contractor or certificate of authority number for each business _
organization shall appear in each offer of services, business proposal, bid, contract, or
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causes financial harm to a customer. Financial mismanagement or Misconduct occurs when the
advertisement, regardless of medium, as defined by board tule, used by that contractor or
business organization in the practice of contracting.
39. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 489.129(1)(j), Florida
Statutes, by failing in any material respect to comply with the Provisions of this part or
violating a rule or lawful order of the board.
40. Petitioner realleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in paragraphs one
through five and twenty-seven through thirty-four as though fully set forth herein.
41. Section 489.1425, Florida Statutes, provides that any agreement or contract for
tepair, restoration, improvement, or construction to residential real property must contain a
written statement explaining the consumer’s rights under the Construction Industries Recovery
Fund, except where the value of all labor and materials does not exceed $2,500.00.
42. . Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 489.129(1)(j), Florida
Statutes, by failing in any material Tespect to comply with the provisions of this part or
violating a rule or awful order of the board.
through five a and owenty- seven through thirty-four as though fully set forth herein.
44. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent : violated Section 489. 129(1)(h)2.., Florida
Statutes, by commiting mismanagement or misconduct in 1 the practice of contracting that
contractor has abandoned a customer’s job and the percentage of completion i is less than the
= : 4B. Pe i ioner relleges and j Incorporates the allegations set, forth i in paragraphs o one
percentage of the total contract price paid to the contractor as of the time of abandonment,
unless the contractor is entitled to retain such funds under the terms of the contract or refunds
the excess funds within 30 days after the date the job is abandoned.
Facts Pertaining to Case Number 99-01637
45.° On or about November 30, 1997, Royd and Marilyn Sealy ("Sealy") contracted
with Donaldson Home Corporation for the purchase of a lot and construction of a single family
residence at 1271 Alexander Way, Largo, Florida.
46. The total contract price was one hundred thirty-nine thousand fifty dollars
47. The contract failed to contain a written statement explaining the consumer's
Tights under the Construction Industries Recovery Fund as required by Section 489.1425(1),
Florida Statutes. , . oe |
48. The contract failed to contain Respondent's license number as required by
Section 489.119(6)(b), Florida Statutes.
49. On or about August 10, 1998, Respondent obtained permit number 53291 from
ign somaecrarocietahars nee nt eset ANS
. the € City of Largo Building De; artment and work | comm nenced on the project, /
50 On or about October 14, 1998, Respondent ceased performing construction on. Z
“the project.
“S1. _ Respondent filed to perfor any additional. work on the ‘Proj t “for
greater than ninety (90) days. : a oo caput eh
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sixty- y-five dollars ($63,605.00) as S payment on the contract.
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as “organization “Shall appear in each ‘offer. of. nie. “business ‘proposal, bid, contract, or
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53. To date, the only work completed by Respondent was the pouring of a concrete
54. Petitioner realleges and incorporates’ the allegations set forth in paragraphs one
through five and forty-five through fifty-three as though fully set forth herein.
55. Based upon the foregoing, the Respondent violated Section 489.129(1)(k),
Florida Statutes, by abandoning a construction project in which the contractor is engaged or
under contract as a contractor. A project may be presumed abandoned after 90° days if the
contractor terminates the project without just cause or without proper notification to the owner,
including the reason for termination, or fails to perform work without just cause for 90
consecutive days.
56. Petitioner realleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in paragraphs one , .
: through five and forty-five through fifty-three as though fully set forth herein.
57. Section 489. 196)(0), Florida Statutes, provides that the registration or
certification number of each contractor or -cenifi icate of authority number for each busi
Statutes, by failing in any material respect 1 to 0 comply with the provisions of this part or
violating a rule or lawful order of the board.
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_ 59. Petitioner realleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in paragraphs one
through five and forty-five through fifty-three as though fully set forth herein.
60. Section 489.1425, Florida Statutes, provides that any agreement or contract for
repair, restoration, improvement, or construction to residential real property must contain a
written statement explaining the consumer’s rights under the Construction Industries Recovery
. Fund, except where the value of all labor and materials does not exceed $2,500.00.
61. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 489.129(1)(j), Florida
Statutes, by failing in any material respect to comply with the provisions of this part or
violating a rule or lawful order of the board.
62. Petitioner realleges and incorporates the allegations set forth in | paragraphs one
through five and forty-five through fifty-three as though fully set forth herein.
63. Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 489. 129(1)¢h)2.. Florida
Statutes, by committing mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of Contracting that
ntage of comp tion is less than the
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Percentage ‘of the tou contract price paid to ‘the ‘contractor 2 as of the time of ‘abandonment,
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unless the contractor is s entitled to Fetain such funds under the terms of the contract or refunds
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reprimand the licensee, revoke, suspend, deny the issuance or renewal of the certificate or
registration, require financial restitution to the consumer, impose an administrative fine not to
exceed $5,000 per violation, require continuing education, assess costs associated with —
investigation and prosecution, impose any or all penalties delineated within Section 455.227(2),
Florida Statutes, and/or any’ other relief that the Board is authorized to impose pursuant to
Chapters 489, 455, Florida Statutes, and/or the rules promulgated thereunder.
Signed this_ & dayof_« Nuv-e_ _, 2000.
fon By Cathleen E. O’Dowd |
Lead Construction Attorney : ; |
COUNSEL FOR DEPARTMENT: + of Businass and Professional Regulation
Robert A. Crabill, Assistant General Counsel
Ellen C. Marino, Assistant General Counsel
Department of Business and
"” Professional Regulation
Northwood Centre _
--1940 North Monroe Street _
“Tallahassee, FL 32399-2202
aR arid IEE SSeS Hep ES
¢ Case #98. 23107, 3. Si hes
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Docket for Case No: 01-003089PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Oct. 08, 2001 |
Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
Oct. 03, 2001 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction Without Prejudice (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Sep. 28, 2001 |
Petitioner`s Proposed Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Sep. 28, 2001 |
Petitioner`s Motion to Deem Matters Admitted filed.
Aug. 16, 2001 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Aug. 16, 2001 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for October 10, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Aug. 13, 2001 |
Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 06, 2001 |
Initial Order issued.
Aug. 06, 2001 |
Election of Rights filed.
Aug. 06, 2001 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Aug. 06, 2001 |
Agency referral filed.