Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Pensacola, Florida
Filed: Aug. 13, 2001
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, December 18, 2002.
Latest Update: Jan. 20, 2025
pteteshh Gal
vs. ARCA NO; 01-01-0110-NH
——— /
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that after twenty-one (21) days from
receipt of this Complaint, the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care
Administration (“Agency”) intends to impose an administrative fine in the
amount of $11,000.00 upon Cross Creek Nursing & Convalescent Center
(“Respondent” or “Cross Creek”). As grounds for the imposition of this
administrative fine, the Agency alleges as follows: |
L. The Agency has jurisdiction over the Respondent pursuant
vo Chapter 400 Part U, Florida Statutes.
2. Respondent, Cross Creek Nursing & Convalescent Center, is
icensed by the Agency to operate a nursing home at 10040 Hillview
Road, Pensacola, Florida 32514 and is obligated to operate the nursing
rome in compliance with Chapter 400 Part Il, Florida Statutes, and Rule
59A-4, Florida Administrative Code.
TH AT) RY AU ih aT Tar lia Wr
On June 19-21, 2000 a survey;t from the Agency’s Area
1 Office conducted a survey and the following Class [I deficiencies were
F224 |
Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.15(a), the facility must promote
care for residents in a manner and in an environment that maintains or
enhances each resident’s dignity and respect in full recognition of his or
her individuality. This requirement was not met as evidenced by the
following observations:
ne ree ce
(1) Interview with a sampled résident on June 20, 2000 at
approximately 10:30 a.m. réyealed that the 1 ident was at
thmes required to wait for sta tance after using his/her
call bell, resulting in the resi thaving to "wet him/her-
self." The resident expressed barrassment over these
incontinent episodes. :
(2) 10 of 15 residents during. the group interview on June
20, 2000 at 11:00 a.m. revealed call bells are not answered
in a timely manner. They related at times they have to wait
45 minutes and the situation is worse on weekends and on
the 3 to 11 P.M. shift.
(3) During observations of skin care and positioning on
June 20, 2000, at 2:10 p.m., resident #3 was observed in
bed, covered with a light blanket and a sheet. Two staff
members repositioned the resident for observation of skin
and positioning devices. The resident's feet and buttocks
were the areas of concern, therefore the observation required
uncovering the resident from the waist down. The outdoor
window curtain was completely open and neither staff
member attempted to close the curtain before or during the
observation and repositioning.
(4) On June 21, 2000, at approximately 7:50 a.m., one
unsampled resident was observed lying in bed with only a
hospital gown on, clearly visible from the hall outside the
room. The gown was up around the resident's waist,
exposing the resident from the midriff down. The top sheet
was at the foot of the bed, out of the resident's reach. A
SMa Pt ee TM me
large, formed bowel mover, oted on the resident's
buttocks and bed pad.
_m., the resident was
uulled up around his/her
‘surveyor, a nurse entered
ent, and observed the
é nurse then requested
(a) At approximate
observed with the sheet”
hips. At the request of th
the room, spoke to th
feces still on the bed p
assistance from the floor s
(5) On June 20, 2000 at 9:30 a.m., during interview, a
sampled resident stated that on June 19, 2000, at
Approximately 11:00 p.m., two staff members awakened the
sampled resident and the unsampled roommate by entering
their room and turning on the overhead light. The resident
further stated that the staff members were in the room
approximately one hour laughing, talking loudly and using
profanity. The residents indicated a lack of understanding
as to why the staff members were present and stated that
they should have been "in the woods" because of the
language that they were using. Both residents were offended
by the treatment of the staff members.
idual interviews and
at the facility violated
(6) Based on observations
group interview, it was deternt
42? CFR 483.15(aj, Federal Regu and Rule 59A-4.1288,
F.A.C., for failing to promote ca an environment which
maintains and enbances each’“residents dignity for 4
sampled residents, 2 unsampled “residents and 10 of 15
residents in the group interview. (Tag F241, Original Cite).
3B. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.15(h)(2), the facility must provide
housekeeping and maintenance services necessary to maintain a
sanitary, orderly, and comfortable interior. This requirement was not
met as evidenced by the following observations:
(1) During the initial tour of the facility on June 19, 2000,
at approximately 10:30 a.m., very Strong, offensive odors
were noted throughout the 120 hall of the facility. The
bathroom in room 122, had a very strong foul odor, the
floors of rooms 122, 129, and 126 had large grey streaks and
WA Tle HTH Aa lh aT
scuff marks, debris of small paper bits, sand and dirt were
noted throughout the 120 hall.
(2) The bathroom in room 151 had a very strong urine
odor and brown splatters on the wall around the sink during
(3} Several rooms on the 150 and 120 halls had scrapes
on the walls, and were in need of repair or painting.
(4) During tour, the bathroom'faucet in 124 had a steady
dribble, and the lavatory in 125).contained at least 2-inch
deep standing water, A b m plunger was noted
standing in the corner in the b
(5) During an individual int
sampled resident stated that
The resident stated that t
sweep, but instead uses a_
and uses dirty mop water.
(6} Observations on June 21, 2000, at approximately 7:00
a.m., revealed a housekeeper outside the day room of the
120 hall mopping up debris with a damp mop. The mop
water in the pail was very muddy and had a strong, dirty
odor. Another housekeeper was observed using the same
process to clean the floor around the nursing station, at the
same time.
(7) During an interview with a sampled resident at 3:00
p.m., on June 19, 2000, the .resident complained that
his/her room was not clean. The resident stated that the
staff did not use a broom to sweep, instead used a mop to
sweep up trash, resulting in floors that were not always
clean, and at times the room had an odor.
(8) On June 19, 2000, during. the life safety tour at 1:30
p-m., it was noted that a wall“in the activities room had
severe water damage and was mildewed. Also at 2:15 p.m,
it was noted that the wallpaper.ifi-the rehab ladies room was
pecling from the wall.
(9). During random observatioris throughout the facility on
all days of the survey, transient offensive odors were
feet pio
Seo Meas ot
interviews, it was
(10) Based on observat: Sl
42 CFR 483.15(h)(2},
determined that the facili
Federal Regulations and Ru 4.122(2)(a), F.A.C., for
failing to provide housekeeping” and maimtenance services
necessary to maintain a sanitary, orderly and comfortable
interior. (Tag F253, Original Cite).
3C, Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.20(k), the facility must develop a
comprehensive care plan for each resident that includes measurable
objectives and time-tables to meet a resident’s medical, nursing, and
mental and psychosocial needs that are identified in the comprehensive
assessment. The care plan must describe the following: (i) the services
that are to be furnished to attain or maintain the resident’s highest
practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being as required
under §483.25; and: (ii) any services that id otherwise be required
under §483.25 but are not provided d resident’s exercise of
rights under §483.10, including the rig. use treatment under
§483.10(b)(4). This requirement was not met as evidenced by the
following observations:
(1) Resident #4 was observed on June 20, 2000, in her
room in bed for breakfast and lunch meals. During
breakfast, served at 9:00 a.m., the resident was in bed with
her breakfast tray to her left and staff was observed feeding
the resident. Staff revealed at that time that the resident
could not feed herself. During the noon meal served at 1:45
p.m., staff was again attempting to feed the resident with the
resident resisting and refusing.
(2) Review of the residents’ current care plan regarding
nutrition, revealed it states "To main dining room for
breakfast and/or lunch daily. Set up tray for ease of left
hand feeding, cue her to eat, repeating as often as needed to
promote self-feeding. Feed her remainder of meal praising
her accomplishments each meal."
(3) Interview with staff on June: 20, 2000 at 3:55 p.m.,
revealed staff agreed the caré/plan,.did not describe the
resident's current nutritional ne r dining. The resident
entered the facility obese a ‘pidly lost weight. Some
weight loss was desirable, ‘ff verbalized concerns
with the resident refusin eel she needs much
more assistance at this tim 3-to-he fed.
ected that resident #9,
25, 2000 from a local
asa result of a head
rinary catheter was
(4) Review of the clinical
was adrnitted to the facility
hospital, with a diagnosi
injury. At that time an
(a) Admission Minima ata. Set (MDS) was
completed on February 1,°°2000, and the Resident
Assessment Protocol (RAP) summary indicated that
care planning for the catheter was triggered; however a
decision not to proceed with care planning was
(b} Care-planning note on February 4, 2000,
indicated that because the catheter was present and
there was no urinary incontinence, a care plan was not
(c) Nursing note on May 14, 2000, at 9:45 a.m.,
indicated that resident was hot and clammy and had a
blood pressure of 112/50, pulse of 150, respirations of
32 and a rectal temperature, of 104.2;
(d) Urinalysis ordered at that time reflected high red
and white blood cell countsjand many bacteria,
{e) The urine cultu ts from this specimen
revealed greater than 1 colonies of e-col,
(9 The resident was % d to the hospital with a
diagnosis of sepsis;
(g) Failure to plan for-caré ef the indwelling catheter
and potential for urinary tract infection (UTI) could
have contributed to this resident's subsequent illness.
(5) Through observation, record review and staff interview,
it was determined that the facility violated 42 CFR 483.20(k),
Federal Regulations: Rule 59A-4.109(1}(2)(3), F.A.C., and
Chapter 400.2(3)(1)(1), FS. for failing to develop
comprehensive care plans that described the services to be
ae eT Om Toe TU Ce TTT ca
sevmmtarcria it
furnished in accordance with'tJ
sampled residents. (Tag 279,
3D. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.20(k 103) ) i), as services provided or
arranged by the facility must meet professional standards of quality.
Also pursuant to 59A-4.107(5), F.A.C., all physician orders shall be
followed as prescribed, and if not followed, the # reason shall be recorded
on the resident’s medical record during that shift This requirement was
not met as evidenced by the following observations:
(1} During observations of resid nt #10, on every. day of
the survey, June 19-21, 2000, noted that the resident
had a groshong catheter site he dressing dated une
16, 2000, 8:00 p.m. as beity date that the dressing
had been changed. The residé confirmed this as
the last time of a dressing ch cord-review revealed a
physician's order on May 3 © to change groshong-
dressing site every 3 days. vo
(2) Based on observation, intery and record review, it
was determined that the facility violated 42 CFR
483. 20(k)(3)(i), Federal Regulations: and Rule 59A-4.107(5),
F.A.C., for failing to. provide services that meet professional ©
standards of quality for 1 of 25 sampled residents by not
following physicians orders. (Tag F281, Original Cite}.
3B. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483. Q5(c aye based on the
‘comprehensive assessment of a resident, the facility must ensure that a—
resident who enters the facility without pressure sores does not develop
pressure sores unless the individual’s clinical condition demonstrates ©
that they were unavoidable; and a resident having pressure sores
receives necessary treatment and services to promote healing, prevent
TH TAI) HERA SI bia Ge saT TMF cm Wwir
infection and prevent new sores from developing. This requirement was
not met as evidenced by the following observations:
comprehensive assessment, the facility mu
3k. .
(1) Resident #14 was admitted to the facility on February
3, 2000 after falling at home and breaking her right hip.
(a) Her initial assessment determined the resident
to be at risk for pressure sore development due to her
decreased mobility and weight bearing ability;
(b) Facility staff, however!:chose not to develop a
care plan at that time for jurpose of prevention of
pressure sore developm eause the resident had
“no breakdown present: time. Not at high nsk
presently"; : ; ;
{c) No interventi
the resident's skin cc
(a) On February
her right hip and had:,ta
re-alignment of the fract
(e} She returned to‘ cility on February 21,
2000, with continued limitation in her mobility and by
March 22, 2000, the resident:had developed a Stage I]
breakdown on her right heel;
blished for monitoring
surgical intervention for
(f The facility developed a plan of care for the ©
treatment of the pressure sore after it developed. They
did not, however, provide aggressive preventive
measures and care to prevent the breakdown from
occurring for this resident who was determined by
assessment to be at risk for the development of
breakdown. :
(2). Based on interview and record review, it was
determined that the facility violated 42 CFR 483.25(c)(1)(2),
Federal Regulations: and Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C., for failing
to ensure that 1 of 25 sampled. residents who entered the
facility without pressure sores did’ not develop a pressure
sore, (Tag F314, Original Cite)
. aro
based on a resident’s
Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.251
ensure that a resident
receives a therapeutic diet when there is a nutritional problem. This
requirement was not met as evidenced by the following observations:
CTR moo
sthe resident re-injured-
eT TT a tes Pee RMS ee a
Sed ald
(1) Record review of resident #4 revealed a diet order of 4
gram Sodium with chopped meat.” ,
(a) Observations .at the,.noon meal on June 21,
2000, as well as interview With the resident, revealed
that the facility served chopped ham to the resident for
(b) The resident was complaining of how “salty” the
ham was;
(c} Review of the facility menu for that meal
revealed that the 2-gram Sodium and No Added Salt
(4-5 gram Sodium) diets were to receive Roast Pork, a
much lower sodium content entree, for the noon meal;
(a) Review with dietary staff revealed that the pork
had been substituted. with:.chicken and that the
appropriate item to be served to this resident would
have been chopped chicken;
it the resident received
‘noon meal on June
(2) ‘The facility did not
the appropriate therape
21, 2000.
w, and record review, it
ted 42 CFR 483.25(i}(2),
1288, F.A.C., for failing
dered. (Tag F326,
(3) Based on observation
was determined that the fac
Federal Regulations: and R
to provide a therapeutic d
Original Cite).
Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.65(a)(1-3),° the facility must
establish an infection control program under which it investigates,
controls, and prevents infections in the facility; decides what procedures,
such as isolation, should be. applied to an individual resident; and
maintains a record of incidents and corrective actions related to
infections. This requirement was not met as evidenced by the following
on June 19, 2000, at 2:00
-.10:45 am., revealed a
edside table completely
(1) Observations of resident #
p.m., and on June 20, 200
respiratory suction catheter 1
uncovered and attached to the suction machine. This
resident breathes through a tracheotomy, is totally
dependent on staff for all care; and has had numerous upper
respiratory infections, including an admission to the hospital
on May 29, 2000, with pneumonia. .
(2) During the initial tour
at approximately 9:45.. t
observations were made.
ility on June 10, 2000,, the following
(a) Toothbrushes: 4 labeled on backs of
toilets in rooms 125:
(b) A bedpan and
in 126; °
(c) Wet, soiled wa
bathroom in 125;
(d) An open urinal s
room 131; .
(e) A contaminated urinary catheter bag with tubing
draped over the handrail of the bathroom in room 109;
(f A half-full urinal standing on the bedside table
of one unsampled resident on the 200 hall.
on the bathroom floor
“on the floor of the
ing on the bedside table in
(3) Based on observations, it. was determined that the
facility violated 42 CFR 483.65(a){1-3), Federal Regulations:
and Rule 59A-4.106(3)(4)(I), F-A.C.,.for failing to provide and
follow care procedures to prevent infections for 1 of 25
sampled residents, and 5 unsampled residents. {Tag F441,
Original Cite).
4. On March 5-8, 2001 a survey rom the Agency’s Area 1
Office conducted a re-certification and lic survey and the following
repeat Class III deficiencies were cited, alor th one Class Il deficiency
(previously consicered Class IT). ces
4A. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.15(a); the facility must promote
care for residents in a manner and in an environment that maintains or
enhances each resident’s dignity and respect in full recognition of his or
SpTomR OTe cet STH Tae LTD TL eT
following observations:
2001, revealed resident #C
one hour, from 2:40 p.m.
please help me - I'm just
sased Practical Nurse) was
ie without assisting or
nt was not assisted until
other staff member, at
tank you."
(1) Observations on March.
standing at Nursing Station
to 3:40 p.m. crying off and
gonna sit on this floor.” A LP
sitting at the desk the,
addressing the resident. J
the surveyor got the atte
which time the resident ¢
(2) On March 6, 2001 at m., a Certified Nursing
Assistant (CNA) was observ ring down resident A#'s
pants checking for incontinence'in the middle of the main
hallway near the Crosswalk Dining room,
(3) On March 6, 2001, at 2:30 p.m., and again on March
7, 2001, at 10:30 a.m., CNA's were observed entering the
rooms of residents #9 & #17 without knocking on the door
before entering.
(4) Based on observation, it was determined that the
facility violated 42 CFR 483.15(a), Federal Regulations and
Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C., for failing to promote care for 2 of
25 (#9, 17) sampled residents and 3 unsampled residents
(#A, B, C) in a manner and environment that maintained the
resident's dignity. (Tag F241, Repeat).
the facility must provide
4B. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.15(5
housekeeping and maintenance services. necessary to maintain a
sanitary, orderly, and comfortable interior.. This requirement was not
met as evidenced by the following observations:
(1) Observations during the initial tour on March 5, 2001,
beginning at 9:50 a.m., revealed the following:
{a) Bathroom in room 124 had a leaking faucet in
the sink, which could not be turned off,
OTe TT mem es Te ce
ST Tr ec Te TRH) Ii erat
(b) Positioning devices (arm bolsters) in. a
wheelchair in room 122 were dirty and covered with
dried food/liquid. Also dirty, stained hand splints were
sitting on the bedside table of the resident in the "B"
(2) On March 5, 2001, at 3:30 p.m., observation revealed
the commode in room 101 not anchored to the floor. Upon
pushing on the commode it moved away from the wall.
(3) On March 6, 2001, at 4:45 p.m., observations in the
clean utility room on Hall B revealed the water running
continuously from the faucet in, the sink when it was turned
off. The clean utility room ‘o: all A revealed equipment
stuffed into the area includini oxygen concentrators, 8
oxygen tanks, 3 of:which were.
safely secured in a,stand.,
this room and thé
this equipment.
to. accommodate all of
(4) On March 7, 2001, ‘at 2: 45°pam., observations in room
120A revealed a bed with no ge ch to raise and lower the
bed. The 120B bed did have a: raising and lowering gatch,
however, it was very difficult to.turn and did not work.
Resident room 126B had no string or line attached to pull
the over bed light in order to turn it on. .
(5) On March 5, 2001, at 8:30 a.m., surveyor observed the
baseboard molding missing in the dirty utility room. Room
106 had a leaking hot water faucet, which could not be
turned off.
(6) On March 5, 2001, at 9:15 a.m., on March 6, 2001, at
“12:45 p.m., and on March 7, 2001 at 8:15 a.m., the toilet in
Room 107 was noted to be continuously running.
(7) A crash cart stored in the clean utility room on the A
hall was first observed as dirty and in need of cleaning on
March 5, 2001, at approximately 11:00 a.m.. There was no
evidence of it being cleaned throughout the remainder of the
survey, March 6-8, 2001. Labs
(8} Resident #8's foot splint was first observed soiled and
dirty on March 5, 2001, at 9:00. a.m., and again on March 6,
2001, at 8:15 a.m., on March 7, 2001 at 1:15 p.m., and on
March 8, 2001, at 4:40 p.m.
stérmined that the
éderal Regulations and
(9) Based on observations:
facility violated: 42.,CFR 483.19
Rule S9A-4,122(2)(a), FACS ain” failing to provide
housekeeping and mainterfance, Services. necessary to
maintain a sanitary, orderly and comfortable interior, in that
it failed to assure resident care equipment was maintained in
sanitary and safe working conditions. (Tag F253, Repeat).
4C. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.20(k); the facility must develop a
comprehensive care plan for each resident that includes measurable
objectives and time-tables to meet a resident’s medical, nursing, and
mental and psychosocial needs that are identified in the comprehensive
assessment. The care plan must describe the following: (i) the services
that are to be furnished to attain or maintain the resident’s highest
practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being as required
under §483.25; and: (ii) any services that would otherwise be required
under §483.25 but are not provided du sident’s exercise of
rights under §483.10, including the right to, refuse treatment under
§483.10(b)(4). This requirement was not met as evidenced by the
following observations:
(1) Review of the clinical record of resident #10 revealed
the resident was readmitted to the facility in January of
2000 with a stage III pressure sore to the left heel. Orders
for treatrment were obtained and a care plan was developed
for this resident placing him/her at risk for the development
of skin breakdown. The resident was non-ambulatory,
incontinent and had limited mobility in bed.
(a) On November 7, 2000, an update to the care
plan was made indicating that the breakdown to the
heel was now resolved and the resident currently had
a stage Il pressure sore to the coccyx. At that time, the
goals developed regarding further development of skin
breakdown stated the resident "will have no further
breakdown higher than a Stage Il by the next review
date." :
(2) Resident #11 was assessed by facility staff as being at
risk for the development of urinary tract infections due to the
use of an indwelling Foley catheter used to aid in wound
healing. cs a
‘goal was developed for
than two urinary tract
January 5, 2001).”
ssed as being
4 breakdown
the hospital
(a) On October 6, 2000
the resident to “have nom
infections by the next revi
(b) This same residei
at risk for. the de
following readmissig
with a stage Il] pressul
(c) The goal develope
stated that the residen
wound infections %
decrease by .5 cm by ne
db “interdisciplinary teara
more than two
the coccyx will
te (January 5,
(3) Resident #12 was admitted to the facility on
September 14, 2000, and was assessed as being at risk for
falls on September 26, 2000 due to previous falls, resulting
in head injury.
(a) The goals developed for this resident by the
facility interdisciplinary staff were that the resident
would "have no more than two falls by the next review
(4) Resident #25 was admitted to the facility on October 6,
2000, with skin intact; however, he/she was assessed by an
interdisciplinary team on October 25, 2000, as being at risk
for skin breakdown due to "incantinence and immobility
while up in wheelchair and in bed.
(a) The goals developed for the resident related to
the prevention of skin breakdown stated the resident ,
would "have no greater than a stage Il {pressure sore)
by the next review.
(S) Review of the interdisciplinary care plan for resident
#16 revealed that established goals were not met at the time
of the care plan review, the goals were down graded rather
than implementing care plan revision with :"n
interventions. The resident's care plan for the prevention of
weight loss due to poor appetite revealed the following goals
and revisions: : os
(a) October 9, 2000 Goal: "Resident will not lose
below ideal body weight (IBW) of 137's, will rermain
within 2-3 #'s of IBW." ; - ;
On January 17;.°2001 documentatio
ri of 130-135
#5 by the : No new
interventions are. liste
(c) On February 28, 2001, documentation notes
stated: 7 .
1. "goal not met resident declining,” new
goal: "keep resident cornfortable." The care plan
does reflect new interventions for February 25,
92001 of "total assist for all meals" and February
28, 2001 of “weekly weights and speech
therapist to evaluate."
(d) The resident expired on March 1, 2001.
(6) Medical record review for resident #8 revealed a.
physician's order for aspiration precautions on January 30,
2001. The resident's interdisciplinary plan of care was
reviewed and revised on January 30, 2001 i
March 8, 2001, with no evidence. of interventions to prevent
aspiration. A plan of care wa ‘.developed om, Se
2000 due to the resident's risk, omplications due to use
of indwelling Foley catheter. T
these complications was that thy
more than two UTI's (urinary tract infections
date." The resident had 4 UTI's diagnosed between
September 17, 2000 and January 9, 2001. There was no
fee eT TW OPA TI
‘motion of the arm, hand
evidence that the care
since being written /on'S
(7) Review of medical, revealed no
care plan relating to’ as following. a
physician's order. Observations f the resident during meals
on all days of the survey revealed the resident eating alone in
his/her room with no safety precautions used to prevent
aspiration. The resident also had. a physician's order from
June of 2000 to ambulate daily with a cane. “There was no
evidence that daily ambulation had been addressed in
his/her plan of care. ; :
(8) Resident #4 was assessed as having limited range of
motion of the arm, hand, leg and foot, with most of ‘the
limitation on his/her right side. He/she was observed’ on
March 5, 2001 at 12:50 p.m., and noted to have a severely
contracted right hand with no supportive device. Although
the assessment noted the problem, the facility did mot
develop a care plan to address: the medical needs of this
resident so that staff could:,assure his/her highest
practicable physical well-being could be main ined.
9) Resident #22 was: shave !
E. Qbsenvation of the
resident on March 8, 2001 beginning to
develop contracture of the le he.
and no supportive device. The plan only addressed
passive range of motion to the resident's upper and lower
extremities. There was no plan of care to prevent further
contracture or to maintain the resident's highest practicable
- physical well-being.
(10) Based on observation and record review, it was
determined that the facility violated 42 CFR 483.20(),
Federal Regulations: Rule 59A-4.109(1}(2)(3), F-A.C., and
Chapter 400.2(3)(1)(1), F.S., for again failing to develop
comprehensive care plans that described the services to be
furnished in accordance with the resident's needs, in that it
failed to develop resident care plans for the prevention of
avoidable decline with goals and objectives which reflect
current standards of practice and which would enable the
residents to attain their highest level of well being for 9 of 25
sampled residents (#4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, and 25).
(Tag F279, Repeat)
ee oe ee
eS mma eS
4D. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.20(k)(3)(i), the services provided or
arranged by the facility must meet professional standards of quality.
Also pursuant to S9A-4.107{5), FAG,
followed as prescribed, and if not followed
on the resident’s medical record dur ing. that-s)
not mel as evidenced by the followin
(1) Observations of resident #10 ><
12:20 p.m., and again on’March 82001, at 8:00 a.m., while
the resident was being assisted with.meals revealed a pureed
diet served to him/her.
(a) The current diet order in the resident's clinical
record was for a Mechanical Soft, No Added Salt Diet;
(b} Interview with the resident on March 7, 2001,
revealed the resident was unaware of why his/her diet
had been changed and was having no difficulties with
chewing or mouth pain;
(c) The resident also stated that he/she did not care
for the pureed diet and was certain the food would be
tastier if it were not pureed;
(d) During interview with the dietary manager on .
March 8, 2001, information was provided indicating
the resident's diet had been changed to puree by a
unit nurse on December: 18, 2000. ("due to sore
mouth and missing teeth.");
(e) There was no evidence: that a physician's order
had been obtained changing:the resident's diet. Review
of the resident's weight history revealed an eleven-
pound weight loss since January |, 2001;
(f) Documentation by the dietary manager and the
facility dietitian on March 2, 2001 stated the resident
was on an Mechanical Soft, No Added Salt Diet,
however, at the time of the survey, the resident was
continuing to receive a Pureed diet.
(2) Review of the clinical record of resident #10 revealed
an order for a Foley catheter. Observation of the resident
and interview with facility staff during the initial tour
revealed the catheter had been removed on February 27,
2001. There was no evidence of a physician order to remove
the catheter. Facility staff interviewed on March 5, 2001 at
approximately 3:00 p.m. revealed that an order had not been
obtained from the resident's health care provider prior to
removing the catheter,
(3} Based on observation, interview and record review, it
was determined that the facility violated:'42 CFR
483.20(k)(3)(), Federal Regulations» and Rule
F.A.C., for again failing to provide services: ‘that meet
professional standards of quality for 2 of
residents (#10, 19) by not following physicians {Tag
F281, Repeat).
4E. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483 13 ehensive
assessment of a resident, the facility ent who
. enters the facility without pressure sores.
unless the individual’s clinical conditioz they were
unavoidable; and a resident having pressure sores receives-necessary
treatment and services to promote healing, prevent infection and prevent
new sores from developing. This requirement was not met as evidenced
by the following observations:
(1) Observation of resident #4-0n March 7, 2001 at 2:00
p.m. revealed the resident lying in bed, There was a skin tear
on the right inner ankle and a blood blister, approximately
.Sem in size, on the lower right leg. He/she had stage II and
Ill pressure sores on the right outer ankle. Record review
revealed the resident had stage IJ pressure areas on the right
heel and outer calf, which were healed when observed by a
nurse surveyor. Interview with facility staff during the initial
tour on March S, 2001 at 10:30 a.m., revealed facility staff
did not really feel these were préssure areas as the resident
moved around so much in the bed and moved his/her legs
back and forth. Observations of the resident on March 5,
2001 at 12:50 p.m. and March 6, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. revealed
the resident, lying in beds wi
(4) “Based on observations resident #8 was lyin
““his/hér left side on the following date and at the follo
- limes:
(5) On March 7, 2001, while touring with a staff nur
‘Pésident #8 Was observed to have stage | pressure areas on
supportive devices or
er legs or feet. The
blems and was totally
there “was no clinical
essure’ sores were
preventive mea
resident had:
dependent 6
condition dermonst
unavoidable and the faci
ihe sites of the pressure i
lying in bed on March 7,
a stage II pressure sore on
pressure area on. his/her
(2) Resident #3 was observ
2001 at 2:15 p.m. He/she h
his/her right ankle andi
left outer coccyx... Th
for all care and had a
daily. Interview with facility ‘st;
p-m. revealed facility staff were not aware the reside
pressure sores. There was ho evidence to support th
that the pressure’sores weré unavoidable. This resides
not identified as having pressure areas on the {
Pressure Sore Report at the time of the survey.
(3) Record review of resident #8 revealed th
September 5, 2000, he/she was assessed as being at ris
skin breakdown related to bowel incontinence and
dependence on staff for turning. Interventions develop
help prevent the development of pressure areas include:
{a} turn and reposition every two hours; a
(b) document on weekly skin reports, out of bed
daily in Geri chair fonspositioning; :
(a) March 6, 2001 at 8:00 am. 8:45 am.
a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:45 p.m., 1:05 p.m
p.m., 4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., and 6:25 p.m.;
the right foot, ankle and heel. The resident did not have
positioning pillows or heel protectors. Review of the facility
Weekly Skin Report did not show documentation of these
pressure areas. Nurse’s notes on March 7, 2001 and March
reas, The resident was
O01 and March 7, 2001.
sistant revealed they did
-because there were "not
8, 2001 did not doer
also observed in bed on |
Interview with. a Certified’
not get the resident out
enough gerichairs" avail
(6) Based on observation, intérview and record review, it
was determined that the, facility violated 42 CFR
483.25(c)(1)(2}, Federal Regulations» and Rule S9A-4.1288,
F.A.C., for again failing to ensure that residents who entered
the facility without pressure sores did not develop a pressure
sore, in that it failed to ensure that 3 of 25 sampled
residents (#3, 4, and 8) did not develop pressure sores.
(Last year in ‘2000’, this tag was a Class III, this year it
is a Class Il; Tag F314, Repeat},
Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.25(i}(2), based on a resident’s
comprehensive assessment, the facility must ensure that a resident
receives a therapeutic diet when there is a nutritional. problem. This
requirement was not met as evidenced by the following observations:
(1} Review of the clinical ‘of resident #2 revealed
he/she was currently receiving hemodialysis treatments
three times a week and was on a Renal diet.
(a) During interview on March 5, 2001 at
approximately 3:30 p.m., the dietary manager stated a
Renal diet ‘included modifications in protein
(increased), sodium (reduced), and potassium
(b} On the morning of March 6, 2001 at 8:40 a.m.,
the resident was observed sitting in his/her wheelchair -
in the lobby awaiting transportation to the dialysis
center. He/she was noted to have a sack lunch
prepared by the dietary department consisting of a
tuna sandwich, graham crackers, and diet soda.
Review of the facility menu for the evening meal on
March 5, 2001 revealed renal diets were to receive a
SF (salt free) Tuna Salad Sandwich;
(c) During kitchen observations of the dry storage
area later that same morning, there was no evidence of
a supply of salt free tuna;
staff revealed the tuna
nehes for resident's on a
egular tuna was all that
and dietary staff would
paring the tuna salad.
f resident #10 revealed a
er documentation in the
s allergic to caffeine.
2:30 p.m., during the
tray being set up by
facility staff. ~ resident's tray stated
he/she was ona y Caffeine. Included as
part of the resident's meal was a glass of iced tea, a beverage
containing caffeine. :
noon meal,
(3) A significant change assessment dated January 4,
2001, revealed resident #1 was experiencing weight loss and
the resident's plan of care was revised to include an order for
a "Pureed diet with a 206 shake" to be provided with all
meals. Observations of the resident were made on March 5,
2001 at lunch, March 6, 2001 at dinner, and again on March
7-8, 2001 at breakfast revealing no shake being provided
with meals. Review of the diet card used to serve the meals
did not list the "206 shake" as ordered.
(4) Resident #14 was admitted on December 12, 2000
with diagnoses of diabetes, urmary tract infection and below
the knee amputation on the right. She was assessed as
being at nutritional risk and was care planned with a diet
order of Mechanical Soft No :Céncentrated Sweets, Low
Potassium diet, No Milk Products (lactose intolerance), along —
“with further interventions of weekly weights, and provide No
Concentrated Sweets snacks. Interview with the resident on
. March 6, 2001 at 3:20 p.m. revealed he/she is not provided ~
with snacks of any kind. The resident indicated a desire to
receive snacks, as he/she is often hungry. Observation of
snacks delivered after hinch each day to the nurses’ station |
revealed no snacks labeled with resident #14's name.
(5) Based on observation, interview, and record review, it
was determined that the facility violated 42 CFR 483.25(i)(2),
Federal Regulations: and Rule S9A-4.1288, F.A.C., for again
failing to provide a therapeutic diet as ordered, in that it
failed to provide for 4 of 25 (#1, 2, 10, and 14) sampled
residents, (Tag F326, Repeat).
mee a ree et TI
4G. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483. 65(a a1 3), the facility must
establish an infection control program ynder which it investigates,
controls, and prevents infections in the acy: decides what procedures,
such as isolation, should be: applied to “an ‘individual resident; and
maintains a record of incidents and ‘ ive actions related to
infections. This requireme: idenced by the following
(1) Observatioris madé, throughout the survey revealed the
(a) March’ 6; 2001" at 5 am. - soiled linen 3
hamper not covered and overflowing with soiled linen : a
in the hallway of the 100 hall. are
(b)} March 6, 2001 at 8:00 a.m. — Hall-A shower
room had resident's personal items present; soiled
linen was left on the shower room floor; the same
observations were again made on March 7-8, 2001.
(c) March S, 2001 at 11:00 a.m. = the facility crash
cart was dirty and a clean suction machine was stored
uncovered in the clean utility room off Hall-A.
(dl) March 6, 2001 at 8:00 a.m. and again on March
7, 2001 ~ Hall-A nourishment pantry microwave was
dirty with dried food; the refrigerator was dirty with
open food containers.
(e) March 7, 2001 at 12:40 p.m. — CNA (Certified
Nursing Assistant) was observed taking a soiled linen
hamper into a resident's room (116).
(f March 7, 2001 at 10:30 a.m. ~ Rooms 117 and
108 had soiled water pitchers.
(g) During the initial tour on March 5S, 2001,
beginning at 9:50 a.m., Rooms 105 and 131 had
urinals at bedside full of urine and without a lid.
FTSR CLP ASS TH Dee LES rar Boat Tan Lona
Room 106 had a soiled bedpan sitting on
closet. — rn a oo
(h) March §, 2001 - Rooms 105, 107, and 116
soiled over-bed tables. 7 cs
() During the initial tour on March 5, 2001,
beginning at 9:50 a.m. — foam heel protector marked
with resident R's name were being worn by resident
‘50 a.m. +-an oxygen cannula was
i the floor in'Room 110. 7
() ; | “p.m. and again on March
6, 201 Resident #8 was observed with
his/ eter bag. lying.on the floor in his/her
(1) March 5, 2001: at 00 am. - Clean utility
room on Hall-A had a soilédrazor present; On same
day and again on March 6, 2001, the shower room
also had soiled razors presen
(2) Resident #12 was observed during the initial tour of
the facility lying in a low bed with a protective mat on the
floor beside the bed due to his/her high risk of falls and a
previous hip fracture. Additional observations at the time
revealed a staff nurse walk over and across the mat to attend
and re-adjust the resident in bed with no means of protective
covering for his/her shoes or the mat.
(3) Based on observations, it was determined that the
facility violated 42 CFR 483.65(a}(1-3), Federal Regulations»
and Rule 59A-4.106(3)(4)(I), F.A.C., for again failing to
provide and follow care procedures to prevent infections and
to maintain an infection control program which would deliver
care in a sanitary manner for 3 of 25 sarnpled residents (#
8, 9, & 12) and | unsampled residents (R) and provide a
- a sanitary environment for all residents. (Tag F441, Repeat).
ree ec le Oe Bo TT
Office conducted a re-certi n - survey and the following
i> | : ] . . i :
6 jancorrected Class lll deficiencies were cited:
. snacrcemnnvvenne
Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.20(k)(3)(i),’
i Qenices pro
the services provided or
arranged by the facility must be provided by qualified persons in
accordance with each resident’s written plan of care. This requirement
was not met as evidenced by the following observations:
1) Record review revealed resident #22 had a care plan
addressing the care of his/her Peg site (tube feeding . the
resident through her stomach.). ‘The care plan outlined how
staff should clean the site andsto notify M.D. of any S/S
signs and symptoms) of irrita ‘trauma. Observation of
the Peg sit »March 7, 2 revealed the site to be
infected. .In same time revealed this
had not bee 's physician.
use Geri Arm and Geri
3 the resident from skin
fears. Observation of the resident on March 5, 2001 at
12:30 p.m., at 1:05 p.m., and again on March 6, 2001 at
4:00 p.m. revealed the resident to have on a long sleeved
shirt and long pants but not the Geri devices. The resident
had numerous skin tears and bruises.
(3) Resident #19 was assessed by facility staff on as being
"at nutritional risk related to his/her dependence on others
for meals." The resident had Rheumatoid arthritis with
severely contracted hands. Interventions developed by the
multidisciplinary team to prevent decline in the resident's
nutritional status included: "Provide diet per MD order."
Observations of the resident on March 7, 2001 and again on
“March 8, 2001 during meals revealed the resident receiving a
Pureed diet. The resident's current diet order in his/her
clinical record, however, ‘was for a Mechanical Soft, No
“Added Salt diet. The resident was questioned regarding the
change of his/her diet order and replied that he/she was
unsure why he/she was receiving a pureed diet rather than
the diet ordered by his/her physician. Further review of the
‘tevealed no 206. “sh e
changing | from the top of the G
_was sitting. Additional obsé
5 ap Re =
resident! ,
loss since Je
(4) “.Review:of
9, 2000 and Jan
diet 1 a
ith all meals.
dining room
pureed meals
on March 5, 2001 hinch, March’
2001 breakfast. Review of the d rd used to serve
the meals did not list the 206 shake as ordered.
(5) A-care plan for resident 494 written on October 3, 2000
for alteration in activity of daily living (ADL) included an
intervention for mouth care to be done daily. Observations
by the surveyor on all days of survey found the resident's
teeth unbrushed with food particles noted on his/her teeth.
(6) A care plan dated September 5, 2000 was written for
resident #8 and included interventions of. "Keeping Foley
catheter bag below bladder level" and “use ‘privacy bag for
Foley catheter drainage bag." Observations. by the surveyor
on March 7, 2001 at 12:45 p ed.the catheter bag
h the resident
surveyor were
made on March 5, 2001 at 8:0 rch'6, 2001 at 1:00
p.m., and March 7, 2001 at 3: -m. ing the catheter
bag uncovered. The same care plan dated September 5 5, 2000
included instructions for getting’ the resident out of bed
daily. Based on surveyor’s observations, at various times
throughout the day, the resident was left in bed on March 5,
2001 and March 6, 2001. When the surveyor asked staff why
_..the resident was not out of bed daily, a Certified Nursing
«Assistant (CNA) stated the facility "did not have enough Geri-
‘chairs for resident use." A care plan dated October 2, 2000
.dnclided interventions for padding of side rails in the
resident's bed. Based on surveyor observation throughout
the survey, the bed rails were not padded.
(7) Based on observation, interview and record review for
_. 6 (#1,3, 8, 9, 19 and 22) of 25. sampled residents, it was
““determined that the facility violated 42 CFR 483.20(k}(3)(ii),
Federal Regulations: and Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C., for failing
to provide services for each resident in accordance with the
plan of care. (Tag F282, Original Cite).
jeer cate tee ge 8
abo big,
5B. Pursuant to 4
provide services in com
local laws, regulation
standards and principles thi
(1) Review of the personnel. ree
hired within the past six months
{a) Employee hired February '8,
Level II background screen’
requirements did not have a r
submitted by March 7, 2001;
(b) Employee hired January 29,
Level U1 background screen
“requirements did not have a
submitted by March 7, 2001;
(c) Employee hired October 19,
Level I] backgrourid’ ‘screen
requirements did not have a request
submitted by March 7, 2001;
no evidence of a Le
March 7, 2001.
(2) Based on ‘record — review. of facility personnel hired
within the last six months, it w: j
violated 42 CFR’ 483.75(b), “Federal Regulations: Rule 59A- ;
4.1288, F.A.C., and Chapters 400.215(2}(b) & 435.04(1), :
F.S., for failing to follow state laws regarding background
screening for 4 of the 7 records reviewed. (Tag F492,
Original Cite).
6. On April 10-12, 2001 a survey tear from the Agency's Area
1 Office conducted a follow- -up to re-certification survey and the following
uncorrected Class lI deficiencies were cited.
6A. Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.20(k), the facility must develop a
comprehensive care plan for each resident that includes m asurable
objectives and time-tables to meet a resident’s medical, n
mental and psychosocial needs that are identified in the co :
assessment. This requirément was not,met 2
(1) Revie
2001 reveale
(April 6,
to have a
resident w
incidence of causing
Calcitab, and Dufagesic
include severe Rheumatoi
have decreased mobility adding to resident's h risk for
constipation as well as on a 1,000cc per 2
restriction. Review of the resident's record r vealed no
documentation where facility had developed a care plan for
_the prevention of constipation thereby leading to high risks
of fecal impaction. om
(2) Resident #3 was admitted to the facility on November
19, 1998. Review of the clinical record on April 11, 2001
revealed the resident had a Foley catheter until March 19,
2001. Review of the care plan dated Januaryeof 2001
revealed the facility failed to develop a care )
resident's incontinence. No assessment wi
address the now incontinent resident.
(3} Resident #13 was admitted,to the facility; January 6,
2000. This resident has a history of chronic
infections, with physician notes: and laborat
documenting infections January 12000, January 30, 2001,
and March 13, 2001. This resident has a Foley catheter for
renal failure and urinary retention. Review of the care plans
revealed the facility had developed a care plan to address the
“Bley Catheter in January 2000, but had discontinued the
care plan in April 2000. There were no care plan problems
with specific goals and approaches to address _ chronic
urinary tract infections.
a--- oe on ee ee ee ea eS IT.
was not met
(4y Based on ecord review, it was.
determined that the facility ated 42 CFR 483.
Federal Regulations» and Rule S9A- 4,109(1)(2}(3), RA, c
again failing to develop resident care plans for the preven
of avoidable decline with goals and objectives which reflect
current standards of practice and which enable the residents
to attain their highest level of well being for 3 of 16 sampled
residents (#2, 3, and 13). (Tag F279, Uncorrected from
March 5-8, 2001 Survey).
Pursuant to 42 CFR 483. 200949 3\(ii), the services
da problem ‘related to
saches for maintaining
an upright: position while _ fe
device to keep neck uprig
2001 confirms the need to pad the neck with towe
to maintain alignment. Observation of the resident on April
11, 2001 at 12:30 p.m. revealed the resident being fed lunch
with no towels or pads to maintain alignment. Observation
over the next thirty minutes revealed no padding :was ever
placed between the neck and wheelchair to correct the severe
head tilt.
(2) Resident #1 was admitted to the facility August 23,
2000. This resident had a history of pressure ulcers on the
heels. Observation of the resident's heels on Apri
at 10:15 a.m. revealed the resident had an alm
Stage | ulcer on the left heel, measuring approximy
centimeters. The right heel, 3
blanchable. Observation of the
9: 1S am, and again at 2:35
acm., “9:30 a.m., and at 10:;00'’a.m. on April»
revealed the resident lying in bed with both heels flat on the
bed, creating pressure on both.heels. Review of the care
plan originally dated Septemb 900 and revised March
ity violated 42 CFR
483. 20(k)(3)(ii}, Pec 3 3 and Rule 59A-4.1288,
F.A.C., for failing’ to follow w mn care plans for two: of
sixteen sampled residents (#1, 6). (Tag F282, Uncorrected)
Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.75(0 he facility must operate and
provide services in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and
local laws,
regulations, and codes, and with accepted professional
standards and principles that apply to professionals providing services in
such a facility. This requirement was not*met. as evidenced by the
following observations: -
(Florida Department
rse with the hire date
mber had a history of
ry) dated February 1,
. nd-screening unit on
April 11, 2001 revealed this is 61 a disqualifying event if
the victim is a minor. Review ofthe record and interview
with the Administrator failed to show the facility had
investigated the offense to find out the age of the victim. A
note on the record stated: “cleared from corporate", but did
‘not show the facility, nor did the corporate office further
investigate the offense. The nurse had been working
‘unsupervised in the facility without a letter of exemption or
farther explanation of the charges. The nurse was removed
“from the building on April 11, 2001 at 4:15 p.m. by the
facility staff, pending further investigation.
(2) Based on record review of facility personnel hired from
March 8, 2001 to present, it was determined that the facility
violated 42 CFR 483.75(b), Federal Regulations: Rule S9A-
4.1288, F.A.C., and Chapters 400.215(2}(b) & 435.04(1),
F.S., for failing to follow state laws regarding background
screening for one of four records reviewed. (Tag F492,
Uncorrected). : :
483.15(h)}(2} and Ru
trative fine imposed for
59A- 4,122(2){a), F.A.¢
this repeat violation is :
c) Tag. F279 incorporates 42 CFR 483. 3,20(k) and Rule
59A-4.106(2), F.A.C. The administrative fine imposed for
this repeat and uncorrected violation is $2,000.00;
dj Tag F281 incorporates 42 CFR 483.20(k)(3)() and Rul
59A-4.107(5), F.A.C. The administrative fine imposed for
this repeat violation is $1,000.00, _
e) Tag F314 incorporates 42° CFR 483.25(c) and Rule
59A-4.1288, F.A.C. The administrative fine imposed for this
repeat violation is $2,000.00;
483,25(i}(2) and Rule
ve finé imposed for this
S9A-4. 1288, F.A.C. The adininist
repeat violation is $1,000.00;
g) Tag F441 incorporates 42 R 483.65(a)(1-3) and Rule
59A-4.106(3)(4)(), F.A.C. The administrative fine imposed
for this repeat violation is $1, 000. 99;
h) Tag F282 incorporates 42 ‘CER 483.20(k}(3) Hii) and
Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C. The administrative fine imposed for
this uncorrected violation is $1,000.00; and
i) Tag F492 incorporates 42 CFR 483.75(b), Rule S9A-
4.1288, F.A.C., §400.215(2)(b), F.S. and §435.04(1), F.S. The
administrative fine imposed for this uncorrected violation is
8. The above referenced violations constitute grounds to levy
this civil penalty pursuant to Section 400.23(9)(c), Florida Statutes, in
that the above referenced conduct of Respondent constitutes a violation
cor ee
bbc aaa ee:
ie RE eS
. Attorney, 2 a7 27
of the minimum standards, rules, and regulations for the operation of a
Nursing Home,
gg Teht to request an
Respondent is) notilie
be represented by counsel a
cross-examine witnesses, to
tecum issued, and to present written evidence or-argument if it requests
a hearing. -
In order to obtain a formal proceeding under Section 120.57(1),
Florida Statutes, Respondent’s request must state which issues of
material fact are disputed. Failure to dispute material issues of fact in
the request for a hearing, may be treated by the Agency as an election by
Respondent for 2 an ‘informal proceeding under Section, 120.57(2 ), Florida
Statutes. All requests for hearing should be. made to the Agency for
_ Health Care Administration, ‘Attention: Sam Power, Agency Clerk, Senior
allahassee, Florida 32308.
All ¢ Saymen of fines should ‘be inade by check, cashier’s check, or
money ‘order and payable to the Agency for Health Care Administration. ©
All checks, cashier's checks, and money orders should identify the AHCA i
number and facility name that is referenced on page l of this complaint.
othe Agency for: Health Care
All payment of fines should b
orrweme ~
Deo ®
Administration, Attention: Christine T. Messana, 2727 Mahan Drive,
Mail Stop #3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403.
Issued this day of |
nah Heiberg.
Field Office Manger, Area #1
Agency for Health Care
Health Quality Assurance
2639 N. Monroe Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
| HEREBY CERTIFY that the original complaint was sent by U.S.
Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to: Administrator, Cross Creek Nursing
& Convalescent Center, 10040 Hillview Road, Pensacola, Florida 32514
on this Sxday of | re In Np 2001.
(Least § Ia
Christine T. Messana, Esquire -
Office of the General Counsel
em em mar ahd
Docket for Case No: 01-003137
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Dec. 18, 2002 |
Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
Dec. 17, 2002 |
Notice of Voluntary Dismissal (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Aug. 05, 2002 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by September 3, 2002).
Aug. 01, 2002 |
Motion to Continue Abatement (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Jun. 18, 2002 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by August 1, 2002).
Jun. 03, 2002 |
Motion to Continue Abatement (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Apr. 02, 2002 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by June 3, 2002).
Mar. 28, 2002 |
Motion to Hold Case in Abeyance (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Mar. 07, 2002 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by March 28, 2002).
Feb. 08, 2002 |
Status Report (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Jan. 09, 2002 |
Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by February 8, 2002).
Dec. 21, 2001 |
Status Report (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Dec. 11, 2001 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for January 31 and February 1, 2002; 10:00 a.m.; Pensacola, FL).
Nov. 30, 2001 |
Joint Status Report (filed via facsimile).
Oct. 25, 2001 |
Status Report (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Oct. 25, 2001 |
Motion to Consolidate and Motion for Continuation of Final Hearing (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Oct. 19, 2001 |
Order Granting Continuance filed.
Oct. 15, 2001 |
Motion for Continuance (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Sep. 07, 2001 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for October 18 and 19, 2001; 10:30 a.m.; Pensacola, FL).
Aug. 22, 2001 |
Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 14, 2001 |
Initial Order issued.
Aug. 13, 2001 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Aug. 13, 2001 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Aug. 13, 2001 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.