Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: Jul. 08, 2002
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, September 3, 2002.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
° - C2 JUL ~g p
vs. FDBPR Case N® 2001500819
State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real
Estate (“Petitioner”) files this Administrative Complaint against Damaris Ramos Gomez
(“Respondent”) and alleges:
1. Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the
responsibility and duty to prosecute Administrative Complaints pursuant to the laws of the State of
Florida, in particular Section 20.165 and Chapters 120, 455 and 475 of the Florida Statutes, and the
rules promulgated pursuant thereto.
2. Respondent is and was at all times material hereto a licensed Florida real estate broker,
issued license number 560938 in accordance with Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes.
3. The last license issued was as an active broker at Coldwell Banker Residential Real
Estate, 15500 New Barn Road #210, Hialeah, Florida 33014.
FDBPR vs Damaris Ramos Gomez : FDBPR Case N° 20015090819
Administrative Complaint
4, Atall times material hereto, Damaris Ramos Gomez (Respondent) was and is a licensed
real estate broker.
5. At all times material hereto, Respondent was doing business as Damaris Realty.
6. On or about October 1, 2001, Petitioner’s investigator conducted an audit of Respondent’s
business records. A copy of the audit form is attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Administrative Complaint Exhibit 1.
7. The audit revealed Respondent had not registered Respondent’s current business address
with the Petitioner.
8. The audit revealed that at no time material hereto did Respondent or Damaris Realty
maintain an escrow account.
9. During the audit, Petitioner's investigator obtained copies of contracts that Respondent
facilitated for the following properties:
a. 9260 SW 56th Terrace, Miami, Florida.
b. 681 West 63rd Drive, Hialeah, Florida
c. 2133 SW 99" Avenue, Miami, Florida
d. 9925 Sw 215" Street, Miami, Florida
10. None of the contracts obtained by Petitioner’s investigator from Respondent’s files
reflect an escrow deposit for the properties. Copies of the contracts obtained from Respondent’s
files are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 2.
FDBPR vs Damaris Ramos Gomez . FDBPR Case N° 2001500819
Administrative Complaint
11. After the audit, petitioner’s investigator obtained copies of the contracts from the original
sellers of the above listed properties.
The original seller of 9260 SW 56" Terrace, Miami, Florida provided Petitioner’s
investigator with a contract for the property that reflects Damaris Realty as escrow agent for a $500
deposit Respondent received. A copy of the contract is attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Administrative Complaint Exhibit 3.
13. The original seller of 681 W 63rd Drive, Hialeah, Florida provided Petitioner’s
investigator with a contract for the property that reflects Damaris Realty as escrow agent for a $500
deposit Respondent received. A copy of the contract is attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Administrative Complaint Exhibit 4.
14. The original seller of 2133 SW 99" Avenue, Miami, Florida provided Petitioner’s
investigator with a contract for the property that reflects Damaris Realty as escrow agent for a $500
deposit Respondent received. A copy of the contract is attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Administrative Complaint Exhibit 5.
15. The original seller of 9925 SW 215" Street, Miami, Florida provided Petitioner’s
investigator with a contract for the property that reflects Damaris Realty as escrow agent for a $500
deposit Respondent received. A copy of the contract is attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Administrative Complaint Exhibit 6.
16. On or about October 16, 2001, Respondent notified the Petitioner of Respondent’s
FDBPR vs Damaris Ramos Gomez . FDBPR Case N° 2001500819
Administrative Complaint
current business address. A copy of the form is attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Administrative Complaint Exhibit 7.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment,
dishonest dealing by trick, scheme or device, culpable negligence, or breach of trust in any business
transaction in violation of Section 475.25(1)(b), Florida Statutes.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of failure to account or deliver funds in
violation of Section 475.25(1)(d)L., Florida Statutes.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of having made or filed a report or record which
the licensee knows to be false in violation of Section 475.25(1)(1), Florida Statutes.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of failure to notify the Petitioner, in writing,
of the current mailing address and any change in the current mailing address, within ten days after the
change, in violation of Rule 61J2-10.038 of the Florida Administrative Code and, therefore, in violation
of Section 475.25(1)(e), Florida Statutes.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Florida Real Estate Commission, or the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as may be appropriate, to issue a Final Order
FDBPR vs Damaris Ramos Gomez . FDBPR Case N° 2001500819
Administrative Complaint
as final agency action finding the Respondent(s) guilty as charged. The penalties which may be
imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of the
offense(s), include: revocation of the license or registration or permit; suspension of the license,
registration or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, imposition of an administrative fine
of up to $1,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance of a reprimand;
imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee,
registrant or permitee to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; or
any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See Section 475.25(1), Florida Statutes (1999)
and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-24.001. The penalties which may be imposed for
violation(s) of Chapter 455 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of the offense(s),
include: revocation of the license, registration, or permit; suspension of the license, registration, or
permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years; imposition of an administrative fine of up to $5,000
for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance of a reprimand; imposition of
probation subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee, registrant, or permitee
to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; restriction of practice;
injunctive or mandamus relief; imposition of a cease and desist order; or any combination of the
foregoing which may apply. See Section 455.227, Florida Statutes (1999) and Florida
Administrative Code Rule 61J2-24.001.
FDBPR vs Damaris Ramos Gomez FDBPR Case N’ 2001500819
Administrative Complaint
SIGNED this_2.1 dayof___|>, , 2001.
of Business and
Professional Regulation
Director, Division of Real Estate
Juana Watkins
Florida Bar N° 0192112
Senior Attorney
Department of Business and
Professional Regulation,
Legal Section - Suite N 308
Hurston Bldg. North Tower
400 West Robinson Street
Orlando, Florida 32801-1772
(407) 481-5632
(407) 317-7260 FAX
PCP: MP/CV 12/01
PLEASE BE ADVISED that mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes
is not available for administrative disputes involving this type of agency action.
FDBPR vs Damaris Ramos Gomez - FDBPR Case N° 2001500819
Administrative Complaint
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that pursuant to this Administrative
Complaint you may request, within the time proscribed, a hearing to be conducted in this
matter in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes; that you have the
right, at your option and expense, to be represented by counsel or other qualified
representative in this matter; and that you have the right, at your option and expense, to take
testimony, to call and cross-examine witnesses, and to have subpoena and subpoena duces
tecum issued on your behalf if a formal hearing is requested.
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that if you do not file an Election of Rights
form or some other responsive pleading with the Petitioner within twentv-one (21) davs of
receipt of this Administrative Complaint, the Petitioner will file with the Florida Real Estate
Commission a motion requesting an informal hearing and entry of an appropriate Final Order
which may result in the suspension or revocation of your real estate license or registration.
Please see the enclosed Explanation of Rights and Election of Rights form.
Division of Real Estate ->:) ,. ~
* fos 1
“OPH o. 5
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“DATE bfifat 2.
N An
name or sroKer “KIS, AMOS Name of BROKER Ae MSISN pe
Dames peagy La 5} 476 1226
20! AIMERIA NE “ao Corl Gali $l 3334
OFFICE (RULE 6112:10.022 & 023 [bov'g AMhless : # eA ¥ bam4ns PRACT?
REQUIRED OFFICE SIGN (RULE 6112-10.024) Jpgrig Aine ¥ 7 Aa?) ASSOCATE
(3.475.278, F.S.)
LagieS blanch of horbose Crteats Or Si ME 3d Pace 2133 IPA
P12 Sud ST 3 C5! be OP IY anl@O Pup $2 Fer. Exerous Crew. )
M/ 30, tofyo,
fe ony Rete ; cae
Shstion Xe j A !) COMPLAINT corer A he «__72 BLOM AAD
Pursuant to s. 455.225 (3), F.S., and s. 120.695, F.S. the Commissioh sets forth rules which are considered minor violations for which the OBPR shall
provide a licensee with a notice of noncompliance. A violation of a rule is considered a minor violation if it does not result in economic or physical harm
to a person or adversely affect the public health safaty, or welfare or create a significant threat of such harm. The notice of noncompliance shall_be
Issued only for an initial offense of a minor violation, e ply,
viocation:_f, OF CE ARES HET RRA STERED, A. Mo. Dischsys pa ale Ales.
corrective action: é. Ress ler olLice loc libn' glove - £4 ( We usc losers .
— 4
See BeeeeH Se ye
Qseas casesseegarg
Demarts Realy HOH Admects Av Care Cable FL 3:
aaiae sel and buy on the tens and condttons spectied below the propery described ae
Address: 2133 3.m. 99 AVENUE , MIAMI, FL 33166
County: DADE
Legal Description: __WESTHROOKE GARDENS 187 ADDN PA 82-39 LOT 26 BLK 5 LOT sIzE 75.000 x 100
OR 16268-1198 0998 4 Tax iO No; 3040080130490
The folowing attached ters ara axcuded from the purchase;
The rea and sonal property described “above as Included In the purchase is refered to as the “Property.” Personal ert
Pectis uded (n prepay
Usted in this Cont the sales price, haa no. contributory value and Is baling lef for Seller's convenience.
2, PURCHASE PRICE; . $ 222,500.00 Payable by Buyer In U.S. currency as follows:
as " Deposit received {checke are subject to clearence) : by
or (Escrow Agent’)
Speirs Tame Company
(b) § N/A Additonal depostt io ba made by
(c) 100% Total Financing (see Paragraph 3 below) {express as 8 dollar amount or percentage)
{d) § Other,
i) $ Balance to dose (not Including Buyer's clos! Costs, prepaid items and provations). AN funds
paid af closing must bald by locally drawn c: 'S chock or wired funds,
3. FINANCING: (Check as appicable) C2 (a) Buyer wal pay cash for the Property with no financing contingency.
[Q (b} This Contract is contingent on Buyer qualifying for and obtaining (1) andlor {2) below (the "Financing”) by
Rr ih slak ten Casing Data cr wtin 30 day hom Etectin Dat, wichaver occurs fe! [nanny Fodad)
© (1) A commitment for new (8 conventional QEHAQ VA financing for $ OF (400.000 %of the purchase price (plus
any ar gcle PMI, MIP, VA funding fea) at the Pravaliing Interest rats and loan costs or VI see attached addendum).
Qa Approval for Salar fancing or ansumption of mortgage {tee attached addendum).
Buyer wit for Financing within days km Effective Date (5 days X tefl tank) and will tmely provide and at credil,
employment Beant ‘and other \nformiaBOT raquted by the lender, ber Perty may cared this conbect f q Buyer, after using
diligence and good fath, cannot obtain the Financing, or fil) tha Financing is denied because the Property appratses below the
Cancolton Buyer ME ier Se rad yfteoed a the pares ae nave fo rnegnias be nate oie Upon
evidence, surveys and assoclation documents and Buyer's deposit(s) wil be
returned after Escrow Agent receives proper authorization from a interested partes,
4 CLOSING DATE; OCCUPANCY: This Contract wil be closed and the deed and possession delivered on MAY 14TH, 2001
(‘Closing Date’), unless extended by other provisions of this Contract. ‘The Property will be swept clean and Seller's personal items
Tamoved oor before Closing Data on Closing Data lasurance undecwring fs suspended Buyer may postpone closing up to § days,
equal to the assessment: r
) Buyer Costs: Buyer wit pay taxes and recording feea on notes” and mortgages: recording Tees on he deed and
ean expenses; pending apecial assessment fens; lender's tte policy, Inspections; survey, flood
Insurance; home warranty plan; Other,
(c) Tithe Evidence and Insurance: Check (Hor Ha
O (t) Setter wi Provide a Paragraph 10(aX(1) owner's Ute insurance commitment as tite evidence. C) Seller Q Buyer wit
D (2) Seller wit provide tite evidence as specified in Paragraph 10{a}(2).Q Salter @ Buyer wil pay for the owner's dite
potcy and telect the tite agent. Seller wil pay fees ior ttle sec! S prior $0 dosing, Including {ax seach and fen
Search foes, and Buyer wil pay foes for tte searches aftr closing ff any}, ite examination fees and closing fees.
(d) Protations: The folowing Items wil be made current (if sppficabie) and prorated as of the day before Cosing Date: rea
estate taxes, Interest, bonds, assessments, association fees,
the Property. if taxes and Bssessments for the curent year cannot be determined, tha previous years rates will be used with
‘adustment for exemptions and Improvements. Buyer Is responsible for property tax Increases due to change in ownership.
¢ Tax Withholding: Buyer and Seller wil peel with the Foreign Invesimen in Real Property Tax Act, which may require
lier to provide ad Cash at closing f Seller is 2 foreign person" as defined by federal law.
4. INSPECTION PERIODS: Buyer wit complete any and a Inspections of the Property by
{witin 15 dave tom Effective Date lett blank) (Inspection Period’); and ‘the wakitrough Inspection on the day belore
Casing Date or any alher be agreeable to the parties,
Buyer aie and Sefer: EL wane cat car hs pa, wk Paget Pages.
“RENETITING ©1906 Florida Aamociston of REALTORS® MI Righte Reserved
Fant Sa Derm Wy Re Feet LG LRH Fede We Reed, Cte Towratty, Mehian co (0) 300.0008 R aim
4 Pome 17618 Far: sosarein caer.
41, EFFECTIVE DATE; TIME: The’ .ctive Date’ of this Contract is the date ony 0 the last of the parties initials or signs
the latest offer. Time is of the essence for ait provisions of this Contract. All time periods wil be computed in business days (a
“business day’ is every calendar day axcept Saturday, Sunday and national ‘egal holidays). any deadline falls on a Saturday,
Sunday or national legal holiday, performance will be due the next business day. AU time periods wil end at 5:00 pm. local
time (meaning in the county where Ihe Property is located) of the appropriate day.
12, NOTICES: AN notces will be made to the parties and Broker by mail, personal delivery or electronic medib. Buyer's failure to
dellver timely written notice to Seller, when such notice is fequired by this Contract, regarding any contingencies will render
that contingency null and void and the Contract will ba construed as if the contingency did not exist.
13. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: This Contact is the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller. Except for brokerage
aproements, no pror or prosent agreements will bind Buyer, Saller or Broker unless Incorporsted Into this Contract,
Modifications of Ihis Contract wil not be binding unless in wiiling, signed and delivered by the party to be dound. Signatures,
initials, documents referenced in (his Contract, counterparts and written modifications communicated electronically or on paper
wil be acceplable for all purposes, including delivery, and will be binding, Handwritten or typewritten terms inserted in or
attached lo this Contract prevail over preprinted terms. If any provision of this Contract is or becomes invalid of unenforceable,
ail remaining provisions wil continue lo be fully effective. This Contract will not be recorded in any public records.
14, ASSIGNABILITY; PERSONS BOUND: Buyer’ may not assign this Contract without Selter’s written consent, The tems
“Buyer,” “Solles," and "Broker? may be singular or plural. This Contract is binding on the heirs, administators, executors,
personal representatives and assigns (if permitted) of Buyer, Seller and Broker,
15, DEFAULT: {a} Seller Defauit: I for any reason other than fadwe of Seller to make Seller's file marketable ater diligent effort,
Seller fats, reluses or Iaplects fo pertorm this Contract Buyer may choose fo receive a return of Buyer's deposit without
waiving the right fo seek damages of to seek specific performance as per Paragraph 18. Seller wit also be liable to Broker for
the full amount of the brokerage fee. (b) Buyer Default: if Buyer fails to perform this Contact within the time specified, including
tmely payment of ait deposits, Seiler may choose to ratain and collect af deposits paid and agreed to be pad as Nquidated
damages or to geek specific perfomance as per Paragraph 16; and Broker will, Gemand, receive 50% of all deposits
paid and agreed to be paid (lo be spit aqually among Cooperating brokers) up to the full amount of the brokerage fee.
16, DISPUTE RESOLUTION: This Contract wit be construed under Florida law. AN comroversies, claims, and other matiers in
quastion between the parties artsing out of or relating to this Contract or its breach will be setted as foltows:
(8) Disputes conceming entittement to deposits made and agetad to be made: Buyer and Seller wil have 30 days from
the data conflicting demands ae made to ater to resolve the dispute twough mediation. if that fails, Escrow Agent
wil submit the dispute, it so required by Florida law, to Escrow Agent's choice of abittation, a Florida cout or tha Flonda
Real Estate Commission. Buyer and Seller will be bound by any resutting settement or order.
(b) All other disputes; Buyer and Seller wil have 30 days from tha date a dispule aises between them to attempt to
Fesolve the matter through mediation, faling which tha parties will resolve the dispute through neutral binding arbitration
in the county whera the Property is locatad, The arbitrator May not ater the Contract tems or award any remedy not
Provided for in this Contract The award will be based on the Heater weight of the evidence and wil state Andings of fact
and the conbactua authority on which it Is based. If the parlles agree to use discovery, a wil be in accordance with the
Flotda Rules of Civt Procedure and the arbitrator will resolve af discovery-related disputes, Any disputes with a rea
estate fcensea named in Paragraph 19 wit be submitted in abitation only # tha licensee's broker consents in writing to
become a party to the proceeding. This clause wit survive closing.
(c) Mediation and Arbitration; Expenses: ‘Mediation’ is a Process In which parties attempt to rasole a dispute by
submitting H to an impartial mediator who facilitates the resolution of the dispute dul who is not empowered to impose a
Sattement on the partes. Mediation wil be In accordanca with the rues of the American Mediation Association of other
medator agreed on by the parties, The parties will equally divide the mediation tee, any. ‘Arbitration’ is a process in
which the parties resolve a dispute by a hearing before a neutral person who decides the matter and whose decision is
binding on the parties, Arbitration wil be in accordanca with the mules of the Amencan Arbitration Association or other
arbtator agreed on by the partes. Each party to any aritration wil pay its own fees, costs and expenses, including
attorneys’ fees, and will equatty split the arbitrators’ fees and administrative fees of arbitration.
17, ESCROW AGENT: Buyer and Seller authorize Escrow Agent to seceive, depos and hold funds and other items in escrow
and, subject to clearance, disburse them upon proper authorization and in accordance with the lems of this Contract,
including disbursing brokerage fees. The parties agree that Escrow Agent will not be fable to ny person for miscelvery of
escrowed items lo Buyer or Seller, undess the misdelivery is due to Escrow Agent's willlul dreach of this Contact or gross
negligence. If Escrow Agent interpleads the subject mattar of the escrow, Escrow Ager wil pay the filing fees and costs from
the depost and wil recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs to be paid fom Ihe escrowed funds or equivalent and
charged and awarded as court costs in favor of the prevailing party. AN claims against Escrow Agent wif be arbitrated, so
Jong as Escrow Agent consents to arbitrate.
18. PROFESSIONAL AOVICE; BROKER LIABILITY: Broker advises Buyer and Seller to venty all facts and representations that
ae important to them and to consult an appropriate professional for Segal advice {for example, interpreting contracts,
determining the effect of taws on the Property and transaction, status of ttle, foreign investor reporting requirements, etc.) and
for tax, property condition, environmental and other specialized advice. Buyer acknowledges that Broker does not reside in the
Property and that aff representations (oral, written or otherwise) by Broker are based on Seller representations or public records
unfess Broker indicates personal verification of the representaton, Buyer agrees to rely solely on Seller, professional Inspectors
and governmental agencies for verification of the Property condition, square footage and facts that materially affect Property
value, Buyer and Seller respectively wit pay all costs and expenses, including reasonable attomeys' fees at all levels, incurred by
Broker and Broker's officers, directors, agents and employees In connection with oF arising from Buyer's or Seller's misstatement
or falue to perform contractual obligations, Buyer and Seller hold hamless and release Broker and Broker's officers, directors,
agents and employees from al liability for loss or damage based on {t) Buyer's or Seller's misstatement or failure to perform
contractual obligations; (2) Broker's performance, at Buyers andor Salles request, of any task beyond the scope of services
feguiated by Chapter 475, F.S. as amended, including Broker's referral, recommendation or tetention of any vendor, (3) products
or servicas provided by any vendor, and (4) expenses incurred by any vendor. Buyer and Seller each assume full responsibility for
selecting and compensating the respective vendors. This paragraph will oot relieve Broker of statutory obligations. For purposes
of this paragraph, Broker will ba treated as a oe to this Contract This paragraph will survive closing.
Buye (£67) KAP and sae sproweie receipt of a copy of this page, which is Page 3 of 4 Pages.
x 1200 ©1996 Florida Avanciaton of REALTORS® AI Rights Reserved
Produced mh gf orm iy RE Formetet, LUC 10025 F Rage Wn Rowe, Cinsen Towne, MMchigan 8035, (957) 383-0808 vera.
7, REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE Ua ‘represents that Seller does not know ¢ facts that materially affect the value of
the Property, including violations oF eovernmental laws, rules and regulations, other ian those that Buyér can readily observe
Or that are known by or have been disclosed to Buyer,
{a} Energy Efficiency: Buyer may, within the laspection Perlod, have the Property's. energy efficiency rating determined, but
0 contingency or repair obligation is connected with the outcome. Buyer acknowledges receipt of the Floida Building
Energy-Efficiency Rating System brochure. If this is a new home, the builder's FL-EPL card is attached as an addendum,
{b) Radon Gas: Radon is a Naturally occuring radioactive gas thal, when it has accumulated in a@ building in sufficient
quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon thet exceed federat ang
state guidelines hava been found in buildings in Florida Additional information Tegarding radon and radon testing may be
obtained from your county public health unit Buyer may, within the Inspection Penod, have an appropriately licensed
person test the Property for radon. '
(¢} Flood Zone: Buyer is advised to verify by survey, with the fender and with appropriate government agencies which food
zone tha Property is in, whether flood insurance is tequired and what fesiictions apply to improving ihe Property and
Febuilding in the event of casualty.
8. As ts With Right to Inspect; Seller makes no warranties other than marketability of tte Seller will keep the Property in the
sama condition from Effectve Date until closing, except for norma wear and tea ("maintenance fequirement’), and will
convey the Property in its “as Is’ condition with no. obligation to make any repairs.
(a) Inspection Right; Soller Obligations: ‘Buyer may, at Buyer's expense, conduct Professional and walk-Ihrough inspections
as described below. If Buyer fais to timely conduct any inspection which Buyer is enttled to make under this Paragraph,
Buyer waives Ihe right to the inspection and accepts the Property ‘as is. Seller wil prowde access and uliliies for Buyer's
inspectons, Buyer wil repay at damages to the Property ‘esulting from the inspections and return the Property to its pre-
inspectan condition. .
{b) Professional Inspections: The Inspection(s} wit be by a person who specializes in and holds an Occupational license (if
Tequired by law) lo conduct home Inspections or who holds a Florida license to fepalt and maintain the tems inspected,
{c) Cancellation Right Buyer may cancel this Contact by written notice to Seller within § days from the end of the
Inspection Period # the estmated cost of weatment and repairs determined to ba necessary by Buyer is greater than
$500 this amount is greater than $0 (zero), for the cancellation to de effective, Buyer must include in the
written notice a copy of the inspector's written fepor, if any, and weatment and repar estimates from the inspector or
person(s} holding an approprate Florida license to fepair the items inspected. Any conditions not teported in a timely
manner wil be deemed acceptable to Buyer.
{d} Wath-through Inspection: Buyer may walk through the Property solely to verity that Seller has fulfited the contractual
‘Obkigatons, No other issues may ba raised as 3 resutt of the walk-through inspection. ,
% RISK OF LOSS: if any portion of the Property ts damaged by five or other Casualty before closing and can be testored
within 45 days from the Closing Date io ‘substantially the same condition as 4 was on Etectve Oate, Seller wif, at Sellers
expense, restora the Property and the Closing Oate wilt be extended accordingly. 1 the restoration cannot be completed in
time, Buyer may accept the Property ‘as is" with Seller assigning tha Insurance proceeds for the Property to Buyer at closing,
faiting which either party may cancet this Contract
10, TITLE: Seller wil convey marketable title to the Property by statutory waranty deed or trustes, personal representative or
Quardian deed 2s appropriate to Seller's status. ”
which prevent rasiential use of the Property: covenants, easements and restrictions of fecord, matters of plat existing
zoning and goverment regulations; o¥, gas and mineral fights of record if there Is no Fight of entry; current taxes:
Mongages that Buyer wil assume, and encumbrances that Soller will discharge at or before closing. Setler wil, prior to
Closing, deliver to Buyer, Seller's choice of ona of the following types of ttle evidence, which must be generally accepted in
he county where the Property is located (specify in Peragraph 5{c) the selected type). Seller wit use option (1) in Palm
Beach County and option (2) in Dade County.
{1) A tte Insurance commitment issued by a Floidalicensed tte Insuer in the amount of the purchase price and
‘subject only to tite exceptions set forth in this Contract.
(2) An existing abstract of {itis from a reputable and existing abstract finn (if fim is not existing, then abstract must ba
certified as corect by an existing fm) purporting to be an accurate synopsis of the instruments affecting tite to the
Propesty recorded in the public records of the County where the Property is focated and certiied to Effective Cate.
acceptable to Buyer's closing agent from the policy effective date and certfied wo Buyer or Buyer's closing agent,
Woether with copies of all documemts recited In the prior policy and in the update. If a. prior policy is not available to
Seller then (1) above will be the tite evidence. Tite evidence will be delivered no tater than 10 days before Closing Oate.
(b) Tite Examination: Guyer wil examine tha tte evidence and deliver written notice to Seller, within 5 days from receipt of
file evidence but ao later than closing, of any Gefects that make the tile unmarketable, Seiler will have 30 days fom
feceipt of Buyer's notica of defects (‘Curative Pertod"} to cure the defects at Sellers expense. If Selter cures the defects
within the Curaove Period, Seller will deliver writen notica to Buyer and the partes wil close the transaction on Closing
Oate of within 10 days from Buyer's receipt of Selle’s notice if Closing Date has passed. if Seller is unable to cure the
Gefects within the Curative Period, Seller wil deliver written notice to Buyar and Buyer will, within 10 days from receipt of
Seller's notice, either cancel this Contract or accept tite with existing defects and close Ihe transaction.
{c) Survey: Buyer may, prior to Closing Date and at Buyer's expense, have the Property surveyed and deliver written notice
to Salle, within 5 days fom feceipt of survay but oo later than dosing, of any encroachments on the Property,
encroachments by the Property's improvemenis on other lands or deed restriction of zoning violations. Any such
‘encroachment or violation will be teated in the same manner as a title delect and Buyer's and Saller’s abjigatons will be
delesined in accordance with subparagraph {b} above. If any pat of the Property tes seaward of the coastal construction
control line, Seller will provide Buyer with an affidavit or survey as required by law delineating the line's location on the
Property, untess Buyar waives this requiramerd in writing,
> ae Bayer LET) (AA and Setter ‘knowledge receipt of a copy of this page, which is Page 2 of 4 Pages,
ASIS-Ix $206 ©1906 Fionde Association of REALTORS® AN Righia Reserved
Preauced wit Lprorm™ vy RE Formate, LLC 18024 F heen itm Reed Cinten Tewatep, Michigan M05, (80D) 382-9008 ouisiar?. ue
2a 19. BROKERS: The Soensee(s) and ‘kerage(s) named below ae collectively re d to a5 “Broker.” Seller and Buyer
210. ackhowledge that the brokerage(s) nam velow are the procuring cause of this fansa . Instruction to Closing Agent: Seler
zo and Buyer drect closing agent to dsbuse at closing the full amount of the brokerage fees as specified in separate brokerage
721 agreements with the parties and cooperative agreements between the brokers, unless Broker has retained such fees from the
222 escrowed funds. In the absence of such brokerage agreements, losing agant will disburse brokerage lees as indicated below,
724 Real Estete Leonean Row Estale Licensee
Ze Broker / Brokerage fe: 3% Broker / Brokerage feo: 38.
76 20. ADDENDA: The following additional terms are Inctudad in addenda and incorporated Into this Contract (check if applicable):
zz O1A Condo, Assn. (2 G. New Mort Rates OM. Housing Cider Persons OS. Sale of Buyer's Property
zr OB. Homeowners’ Assn, Stas ts-wiRightteinspect— QUN, UnimprovediAg. Prop QT. Rezoning
mr OC. Seller Financing =). Setfsinspections QO. Interast-Bearing Account «=U. Assignment
nx OD. Mort Assumption © J. insulation Disclosure OP. Back-up Contract OV. Prop. Disclosure Sbmt.
za QE. FHA Financing OX. Pre-1978 Housing Somt(L8P} OQ. Broker - Pars. tat in Prop, Othar
ae OF. VA Financing OL Fiood Insurance Reqd, OR Rentals OQ other
™ THs is Intended to be a legally binding contract. if not fully understood, seek the advice of an attorney prior to signing.
269° (Check if appiicable: (©) Buyer received a written mat Droperty disclosure statement from Selier before making this Offer.)
a4 Buyer offers to purchase tha Property on the above terms and conditions, Uniess this Contract is signed by Sailer and a copy
zest dalivered to Buyer no later than QO am Opmon . this offer will be revoked
206 and Buyer’s deposit refunded subject {o clearance of funds,
27 Date: 05/04/2001 Buyer: & Tax ID/SSN:
260° Prick name: E. TH ESCOBAR TELLES
nee Date: 05/04/2001 Buyer: ea 7527 Tax IDISSH:
2 Print nama: NM RODRIGUEZ
av Phone: Address:
mr Fax a"
ay Date: Sete (SOLA. Zien Larkie ly Ta 0B8N
ae Print ni IAT BONICH
zs Date: Seller: Tax IDSSN:
ae Print name:
at Phone: Address:
are Fax
are O Soller counters Buyer’s offer {lo accept the counter offer, Buyer must sign or initial the counter offered terms and dallver a copy
). OQ Seller rejects Buyer's offer,
20" of the acceptance lo Seller by 5:00 p.m. on
zy Effective Date: (The data on which the last party signed or Initaled acceptance of the final offer.)
zr Buyer An (Bia Band Sallerd acknowtedge receipt of a copy of this page, which Is Page 4 of 4 Pages.
Tha Florkie Aemociaton of REALTORS snd lodat Boesd/Aupociation af REALTORS mate no represents oF adaquecy of eny provision of the form
lo any spacitic banaactan Thiw sandardized form whauld not be used in cacgex Taneacuore or a 16 Thie form 10 evavable for use by fr
SORE EL eee rchusty and t6 ral intanded w kientty the user as a REALTOR REALTOR ie a reqetered colective membership mark tut may be used only by ces!
otal Kearney who are mambere of fhe Natana! Apwociation of REALTORS and who subscribe t tts Code of Eitues
The copyrigyt lew af the Untied Btries (17 U 8. Code) forbid the unauthorized reproduction of blank forrm by any means inching tacairvie or computerized form
“ASO r—HAMed 61908 Florida Association of REALTORS® Al Righta Remecved
(Predvoed wan Ze orm™ by ME Parmatet, ULC 18028 Few Mp Reed, Girton Tonetip, Mctgan AM, (200) 363-820 ougiar PD
- i .
Barter From
siddntla! Salo and Purchay ( pteast :
| 3ALE ANO PURCHASE: KILDA goea _t Salter)
3164 19 call und buy 00 Ihe terme and condtlons soacihad below the property ers
“County pas
arn TaxlONo 9 3b-0d7-186y
AD NM merovamenis ang attached eins, Inciuding Mawes, tartkin fumanings. dustin wpphanidy cainy tans ight
‘Wisk alachiad waibtu-wall caipeuing, tage, drapenes eng Cinal window guvailaye {he ortly wuier claims vnuewed wm Me
cer y .
He Ong aluched tame
excluded rom the purchase: HONE.
teal s S'pamanal propery desciibad above ve Included In iha pureh
+O: acd He Included inthe Buranase price, hi
le raterted lo 8a ine Propany ~Perainas Dichanty iniga
NO Garteldulory value and 16 Doing taft for Seller's convenieince
PURUN «SE PRICE; $4dd, sav : Payable by Buyer in US curtenay a6 follows
os o
eee PB acres Age
ws ne NLA Adaitondaapost to be meds by , nee
vo 29 Vout Financing (see Paragraph 2 Oaiaw) (aapra 4 dollar amount a parceritmyer
Hy 109 4 a f
. BO a
vs 8 Balwnce to close (not Inauaing Buyer's oul 0 COMA, pregard terme ung proratonst Alita is boy
ah dosing ual be paid Uy locally dawn cavers hack oF oMcis! wane cnece ERE ERRanTY
FING td, (Check ab apphcanie) of} le) Buyer will pay cash for ihe Prepany wih na financing contingency
AU (uF a Conwacl va conungent an Buyer quahtyny toy and Obloning [1) andtcr (2) dehow (die “Finwacisig’) by ces an
+ a, WAN Blank Wren Cloang Dale of within 30 daye hun Eflective Date whichever occurs fail emer jhe ea y
G1) Acomtarment tor noe XJ conventional | FHA AVA Kaan for § a= AND WE HOP ee ae weep a
Wy dp picaore PM) MIP, VA funding lee) at ine prev. Nig AOI O81 Fade and loan Come (i FFIA oF VA see oliacned wera
lit) -pproval tor Satler Anancing or Aseumplian of mongage (see altechad addendum), \
Suyer wall apply for Financing within 2... daya from Ettecuve Date (5 deys H tan blank) and witl timely DIGHOE wiry and gr ceat
IMB!Oy Ned, Anancal and other information requitad dy Ihe landar Either party May CANCAl Ihe Contact it (A) buyer utter une
{idenee 9 1d Goad Fault cannal oblan Ihe Financing lincluding ine ng Ie terms of tna comimumant), of {iy ine Finanung:
400 99 Cacuuaa the Propeny APEC AROS OGlow Ihe purchase price ang eutier Buyar elacia not to proceed or ind LOVES ate LAK
» talay hale (Ne PUrcdee pee. pon Guncalialon, Guyer will return all Seiler proviond tle eenlenbe bude unde
GOCUMen!s Nd Buy are deposits) will be elumed Otlar Escrow Agent tacaives BOper aUhonration tum all inter
CLOMING UAFED OCCUPANCY: Tew Cun md wit be CoM od ne Srl OP) ponesaion Jelweie on
Dhl Gate bute ve extended by odwe provisiane of thre Contract. The Propecty vall Be tment eur wi
COE Fee ORG Ome. I on Clowng Dale inautanca vadwimiling ws susventey Buyer May paripone Vase) uf to Says
SOSNO PAC EQUAL; COSTE: Cloging will lake place kn Ihe County where ie Propeny is localed ria ny ances ysey
yor lor iia selects aneng Delwead Ihe tlhe Dinaal wMacve O4i8 ano facording of Buyers deay < AQ ayer wits
sing (ha @ sala wrocaeda lo Galler and bronstage (wen to Broner as ger Parsgraph 18. In aduition ta ater PIpr rere)
(18 Conus. Sellar und Guyer wil pay the coals indicated beigw
(4) Galle: ( sete: Gellar will pay taxes end aurien
SOMMe! wind fahbied special easenament Hane Rlwcie Gate an
DG ant 6 jai 10 Ihe In6t ealmate Of Ihe basecam UP IO 4A (16% i dwt blank) of te urciagy Pee Kor terace ie
afanies dots (Repate Laut), and up to «4 (158 i alt blank) cf the purchase BOCs OF WEOE dy stopny angen sm
Newt Vid ws fepaue ("Tatmite Repare Limit! f, Othe
(i Goye, Cate Buyer wil pay tax
. as mee 1
AGAQEL. recaruing tas an the dee and hig:
cleletinies ven aapariaa: penging spacial Fepesement tens We poncy, mapectons survey! tucd wince
(0) The & le oioe aad lnwuranes: Cheek Tor ay: “ a
SUS} cotae will prouge & Paragraph 10(a)(1) owner's te Insurance comMmmeant BA lie evidence wt Sajiee ) Buyer wl
pele ie wie agent _) Seiler al Suryer will pay for the owners ile DONCY, SeBrCh, wramrauon and tedted charges.
Fach juts, will pay Xs dwn dosing Jaas
GiI2t Salle will proviga tile eviaance A) bpacified in Paragraph 10ta}(2) al Seller x) Buyer ait pay Feb ne Ovwrce
BGNGY ons salaci a Ulla agent Syller wall pay teas for tile vearchas Pret 1a Busing se wary tat Oa
one) ind Buyer wail pay aes for tia aeaiches ahar closing il any} tale Eeamimanon tees laid voaay ters
a Prone es The following iteme wil bd made cuirent if ppheaule) ana prareted ay al ine Gay re Cosng Gute see
alah tuawe. volareat, Bonad, aaneaamanta, paecciation 6 IMAUTANCA, Feria aad other cUrrerl evoensed afd tecen .€4 yl
‘na Froaalt, flexes und aaseasmanta far thy curcent yeur Cannol be dutwccined. thu previous year's Ialad wll Le vaed wt
stiustinent fer adempuons and Improvernenie, Buyar la sosponsibis for DrOpeity lax Increased due io chaiye in owneisn.g.
#) Tax Watatataing: Buyer and Seiler will comply wiih the Foraign inveatenant in Real Proparty Tax Act whan Mey requity
Sellar ta prenue guditional cash st dang if Seller is “foreign person* as uelinad Ly faders! law
UU} home Wartanty: y Buyer JSelies Ky WA wil pay for a home wacradly plan itaved by es wa
sus FOG enue & a A home warranty clan prowdas lar impart oF faplacament uf yba tees ectancas
JUN ES (81 Burlttn, appiances in ine event of breandawn duv to movinal weer ANd tout dung inu dgrewiient Caco
soPtC On KeRIOOS: Guyer will complata ine. Inspections ralarenced in Paragraphs Yana Blar2y ay 7
-. faltun 10 days from Effective Oala if it Ulank) (inspection Facog’). ihe wood do staying Or Jatuain intiy chs
(D/lat 19 using, iT teh diana), and the walk Uvougn mepecuon oti ine day velure Croaing
1) wn Satter was acknowledge lecaipl of ¥ copy of thie page, which Pyyy | of 4 Pagus
mm ~™
7 REAL PROPERTY DISCLOGU” —'—reprasania that Salles dows net hnoy a "Scda thal enaterany allect aby yalue 1!
ina Property, induiding viclabana L. yuv@r.ianial laws, ules wnd regulation, of the, one that Buyer cart fagaity abserve
at eal ate known by of have bee disclosed to Buyer.
(a} Energy Etficlency: Buyer acknowledges receipt of tha Floride Auikiing Energy EMiaency Raleg System brochure Ifttus 1s a
fuew Noma, tw Duided's FL-EPL card ie adached 64 $n addendum
(>) Radon Gas: Radon 1s & naturaty occuring radigactive gan that, whan thew
Quantines, Mey present health isks to persons wha ate axpored lo IM over Hine. Lavala of tadon that axcacd federai and
fa Quidaines hava been found In buddings in Flonda. Adaitional informalon tegasding ‘aden and tadis tesung may be
ainad from your county public haath unit. Buyer (nay wiihin the Inspection Period have an woiunnnaraly licensed fervor
esl Ihe Progeny for radon It the radon lwvel sccuade acccplotild EMA ylanueide, Seller inay chcore ti cusen
tevol lo an accaplabla EPA tavel, tuilng which aiinet party may ownce! Ihie Conttact
{¢} Flaod Zone: Guyer is edviaad lo venfy by antvay, Wn the Wades ard wit) appropriate yovernman! agenuus which feed
iene Ihe Property la in, whether food Ingurancs ia required and what resincaions apply lo improving Ihe Piudey and tabuilling
10 {he event of camuaity Mine Praparty 1 ln @ Spacud Floud Haag Arce of Cuselal High Hazard Area ang he budding
belw Ihe minumuth Mood stevation, Buyer may cancal tua Conuad by delvaring wilten notice to Balted winin 20 day
Etlacive Data (aling which Buyer eccepte the exbaing elevation of the builings and zone designation of the Progeny
(a} Homeowners Association: If membermup Wa honégwnere seeocutun le mandatory, an aaauceued cieciese
funaary 1a attached and incorporaled daw thu Contact BUYER SHOULO NOT BIGN THIS CONTRACT Ultic
4. MAINTENANCE, INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR: Baller will Koop Ine Hropany In the sama condition hem tMactve Date wrth
dosing, except for normal wear and war Crwintenance rquitemant’) and repaire tequned by live Conract Setter wil provide
accass and uibli¢a for Buyera Inspections, Buyer will repak al) damages lo the Properly resuming from (he inspactions ard
tetum tha Property to its prednapection condition if Bellet ia unable to compete required tegany of Ueaungnls pice to
dosing, Sauer wil give Buyer a cred yl Closing Kir the cost of Ue (épalis Sellar was obligaled 10 make Balter alll aatign ay
asegnadie fapae and ireatment contracts 1a Buyer at chasing, .
(6) Warranty, inepeations and Repalr:
(1) Warranty: Seller warrants that non-lessed major appilances ang feuling, cooing, mechanical etectacd. cacumy
WHNkiMr, weptic and plumbING eyelams, asewoll, dock aNd pual equipment, deny. are and will De IMadtenet woreng
ANGIE VA Casing, Wat the etuctures (incuding tovley and pout Woany are alructuratty aun) ard watertight, ond
Mal the Property has proper parrnia Sellar dows Not warrant end ie nol required to fapen Gommete Wondmans yniess
(he Commenc condiion seeuhed from a delucl in @ warrentad item Salter ie nul ubhywted ty Geng any tenn acto
compliance with @xiating building code saguiationa untase naceamary bo apa wo werranted fom Working condition
Means opersing in ihe manner in which the ilam was designed la operwle and “coamede cundHare’ Meare wOsthee
Waperecuons tat Go nul affect the wuskiny LOMMON Of Ite Nem, mUuUlp piled Mile Miaany vf lure KreErs,
kegyed windows, tears. won apola and Ulecoloration of Now coverligervalipauarswundaw tealtuns nal holes
sctatcnas, dents, scrapes chips and cauiking in balhroum cedlingAwalla/hooringydemaliresionruis a2 winor stacag ae
Naar WleaMrindow s/drivewsywiadewalhapod) Uackaperage und pallo Moore
(2) Profeeslonas Inapection: Guyar may have wasreiled Heme Mapected Ly a perio why tpunwreee of) and NUNS a
occupational Ileenne (f requied by few) iW cond! Rome Inspectons oF wnw holde a Florida huanse li epee aay Maittad
Ina itene Inepediad Cprofessianal Inspector), Buyer muat, widths 6 days from we eid al the Inepectun Porat denver
waitlan nobce of any hems thal are not wi the condWon warranied and a copy of Ine miapeticra willen recor Many tu
Sallac, if Buyer fade to daltves tunety wilten notice, Buyer waives Sellaca wattanty and acceyts Ine eine listed in
tusparageepn (3) In Uais “ea ia” condibons, excapt Ural Seller muni meat the malnionence requivarnynt
(3) Hapale: Sether ia cougatad only to make repava neceseay tO bing wairantad hedna Into ite cond non waanted. of
fo ihe Repair Lim Bollac may, wahin 6 days from receipt of Buyer's notica of itema thal are nut in the condhon
Wi(TeOled, Maye @ gecnnd Inapadtion Madey Ly 6 professional Inspector and wil ragarit seca entinales to Guyer if ine
fist und second Inspacbon reports atta: and the paruaa cannot (eeohe Ure dillorences, Buyar wna Salley together wi
choose, and equaty spit lho cost af, # third Wepecior, whose written capo will bw Dinding on the faites If the cost to
fem warruniad itenie aquate of is lase Chan the Rapa Limi, Geller will Nave (hu (epare made wi a acramianis a mance
by On eppropilauly loansed person. HW the cost to repel warrantad aeins excaeds me Hopaw Lunt either parly Moy
cancel Ihe Cone unless efthat pwity pays [he excaad Or Buyer dedijowler which repars to muse at a lolat cost to
Seller not axcaeding the Repew Limit and acoepta tha balance of tha Property in ita “as ts" congion
(b) Wood Deatroying Organiams: “Wood-destoying organism” meas ailluypod of plant ie inciudny tenes powdarpoul
beaias oldnouse borera and wooddecaying fungi, inal damaues OF infesls Leevetied woud in» atruchia excluding fences
Buyer nay, of Buyera expanse aid pri tu Gusta, have Uw Propa.ty Mepeced by a Flwide huensed pest conve! Guest to
Golarmue the axience of past or presen wood-dastroying orguntem Infestalion and damage caisad oy infesteiun It re
snapecion ings evidence ol Infestation of damnga, Buyer will delvar a copy of Ihe inspectors willen report ia Seller within $
Gays trom the até of the inspaction, Seiter is ol obliguted to trwal the Property # oll Dre funcwing anply (1) Here Ww HU ¥6.DIe le
infestation, (0) tne Property hee preveously bean ireatad, and (01) Mallar Vanchere a Curent hill reatment warrenty to Buyer a!
Covtig Oinwrwlad, Geller will have 5 vaya tom secalpt of the wspectors repsit lo have secured daiiaye estinaled dy ¢
Ncansed tuldvy pr general conlracior and corrective Veatmant estimated by # Wcanged past contyl Cusmess Seller wil Ravd
treatments and ropaks made by an appropriately cansed parson at Sallace aupanna up lo tha Tanne Repau Limit the cast
Yeat and napa tne Property exceeds the Tenmte Repair Lent adver party may pay Vt Qos WG mde ede Ob de
Cancel thie Contmct WU Buyer fede lo unary deliver tha napactor’s wrtlan fapurt, Buyer accapla the Propurty “au ie? with 1aqeed
tu woud-de mraying organiem Infestation and damage, subject (0 ine (maintenance requienent
{0} Walk-througt inspection: Buyer may walk through lha Propaity solely lo very thal Seller hae (nade repairs requis
1 Ue thie Contact and has met contvectual obligadons No clher ides may Da faded We a foul Uf Ihe walk (hough
+ napaction Wf Buyer fais to conduc tha wapecton, Ballers capsit and mawlenance ablyaluns with ba deemed hilthed
9 RISK GF LOSS: A any pamnon of Ine Property lu damaged by fire ov ciher caaually before Gloany and can be testorad «arin
1 49 days trem tha Cigeing Cate lo subatannally he same Condoon ab it was on ENuctve Oate. dellar vil of Salers eepense
) reawie the Propeity and tha Clowng Date will be extended accordingly tl (he restoration cannat be complete. in tre Buyer
) May OCCapl the Property “aa is” wih Baller asmgning ine tnpurunce procawds for Ine Property to Buyar a! ciusiiy, tihng wics
» anther party rary cancel tha Contract.
110, TITLE: Sailer will convay markatable ua w the Properly by stututury wartanty deed of tuslad persaial representative cr
! guardian ceed as eppiopnate (o Satheds statue
+ Go) Title Evidence! Tue erchacs wil slow lagal wes 10 Ne Plopesty ad mudetetdy Ulle ut Mevag m Sailer i aasaanco ver
4 currant (We stangucds adopted by Une Fhoade Bar, subject only to the lidlovang wile aaceptions, ene uf mtu peovent (asidartal
+ uae Of te Properly covenanla, easements and restiicons of racotd, matters of pial acting rung acd government,
S 4) fegulabora Ol, gRa Wid Mineral Nghia af record iH thera 13 no Nght of eviy curtenl tases montgayas (Mal Buyer will ageene Gms
pournulated a a bahinny in guttisacd
@ unl
cee seme a eee wncenteangea ttyl Sesler wil dhucharge at of balers cluung Baller will pid lo closing, dalver 10 Buyer Bellare Cruce ol cre af
a ne folowing lypas cf Ute Wedence, which must ba ganerally acceplad in ihe Counly whare Ihe Propeny ia licaied (specty
con coeereemeten = Patagiapn S(c) the selected type) Gellar wil vee opvon (1) in Palm Beach County and option (2) in Dade County .
. more 7) {1} A ide insurance commitment isausd by a Flotidaticensed ttle insurer in the amaour:t of ine purchuse once acd
SUNIEC Only Lo Une eacesilons eal forn In this Contact.
or Buyer (LAS LEADS acca Batter £9) (__._) weknomtaage receipt of a copy of Inlk gage when is Prye Zur4 Pages
FAW’ Rae 10m 1008 Kicrs Acaccsanion Of ABALTORAS Ag Aynid Ratarves
Pn md an Tak be ME Fabled HC 10S Th de Kaved Chen", Ne Ubargan ASG (800 20d Gad fe giegg Hen
og 01 of Ihe prevailing pany AU came
Se ee Se SY TC nO eo
‘Propany twostded In the put ' de of the couitly wre Ihe Propet Samfied tu Enecnue ti
Howevar if buch Af pdaUact ie Mot available 10 Beller, than a price ownws« fue polley accuptabe ty he f°9,
Aauter cea base fof farseuance of coverage. Sallar wil pay fof copies of wil policy wICEDNONE Hd an UpYaiN on a foftal
accaplaie lo Buyers closing agent Hom the poboy eMeclve date and cadifed ta Buyer or Buyar'e cosine agers
fogather with copies of BA documenta rected tn the prar paticy end In the updata if a pmo policy 4 cal avelage jo
Seller then (1) atove wilt be Ine Ute evidence Tie evidence will ba dellvared no later than 10 eye belore Cromiy Bar,
(a) Tite Examination: Muyer wall examine tne tite evidence and dalver wniten Aotea 10 Seller wiltun 8 days tum tece.ct
tity euigence bul nu later than cioaing, of may dufecte (nat make Whe title Unmerkaiabia Seller wil tuve 3) gays Man
taceot of Buyers nolice of detects (‘Curative Penod’) to cure the datucte at Bella’ dagenaa UW Seller cords tne deters
witia the Cursuve Parlod Seller will deliver wottan notice fo Buyer and Ine partion will close Ine Walsaclon on Ciesiag
Cate of winks 10 days trom Buyer's faceipl of Sellers notica if Closing Ovie has passage Hf Boller w unstie to cure ine
defects within We Cluetive Pertod, Selier wi dehvar wilien notice lo Birger and Buyer will, witha 10 gays fram racawt af
Saile?s notice, athe! cancal Ua Contract of accept tiie with extuiing defects und cage {he transaction
4s} Gurvey: Buyer inay, priot lo Closing Date and al Buyer's axpensa, have the Property suriwyed and Jolwar writer mance i
Salles, within 4 duys trom rece! of survey bul no tater than closing, of any encroacnimants On Ihe Property, aticragcnments oy |
Property's impravanienta on other bande of deed reainicton a zoning vidlationa Any auch ancroactment of wolean wii La teat
in ihe cama manner Uthe defect ond Buyers and Salie?s abdligatians will be determined in sccargunce vain subparagracn tbr
acave i any pen of (he Propeny lien seeward of tha donalal consituction Control hne, Balter wil provide Buyer wl an aMidaal cf
survey 86 foquited by lew delinaaling (he Ine's lagalan on the property, unless Buyer waives Iie (aquicaiant in whitey
Uf EFFECTIVE DATE: TIME: The "Bilective Oats’ of thle Contract is the dave on which Ihe leat of the joaithys wibals OF signe the
«teat offer Tima ta of: Ure eanerice for all prowlaians of thia Contract Ali lime panode wil be computed 0 Uumnest Says (a
DuEINebs day” ia avery calender day excapl Saiurdey, Sunday snd national agai Nolldays) If any Geadine fais on a Satcraa,
wwhday ar oauonel legal Nolday, performance wil be due Ine neni business day Ail ime pur cua vall end al SOG pm ota
rhe (maancg in tha county where lhe Property ta localad) of ine approprials day
12, NOTICES: Ai notions wit ba made to tha partes and Broker by mail, paracnal valivery oF vlacvonic mesa Buyer's failure
4 vives Umaly wantén nutica ta Maller, waen such nolice le requiced ay Ula Conlracl (eyaing any cuilngencies wal
Ades et CanUngency full end void and the Coniract will be conauued a6 il the coninyangy did nol anlat
12 COMPLETE AGREGMENT: Thi Contact 14 ihe aniie agreement detwaen Buyer and Selier, Kacept tor brokeraue
agreements, no prioti of present agraamanta will bind Buyer, Seller of Broker uniema Incorporated dite th:
Joucanone of Ina Coniracd wal nol be binding uniese in writing. sighed and déliverad by the panty 1 tw Gort
Me documenta felqrancad in Une Contrect, countwipatts and written modificadona cormmuncatod oe. tt a
vil be acceptanle tur! all purpeeds, loctuding detvery, and wil be binding Handwetlan of typawrtt
afached lo thle Contvact prevad over prapnatad tarma if any provision of thie Contract 18 of Decames wivaid of us
ail famaining praviaone will continue lo O64 fully atteciive. The Conv act will nal be recardud In anty publi (eco'ds
14, ASSIGNAHILITY; IPERSONS BOUND: Suyer may not assign Idle Contact withoul Sattare wonten caokont The teens
Buyer.” Nar,” and “Biokes” may be ainguier of plural This Cantract ie binding Gn Whe ee B74 seutare dew uiGls
Lernonal representatives and aasigna (H permitted) of Muyer, Baller and Brokar,
VA DEFAULT: (x) Ballar’ Default: if for any caston chee than ladure of Baller 0 make Sailers tla maseistic sty a gan aton Sour
tall, (eA868 OF Reghecie lo perform tila Conusal, Muyar may choose to receive a satu of Buyers depoet without warwing ine righ
00x epecthc periarmance as per Paragiaph 16, Beller will alsa Ce iuble to Broker for the lull amaun: oF ne
¢ Dataull: 1 Buyer fats to pecionn Unis Contract within ine tune species including unely payrrent of
Vepomle, Beller May hoods to falain ond COmeCt AM deposits Paid and ayreau 10 be pad a8 hquidated damages it to back ane fc
pataimanca per Pa ph 14, aad Brokaw will, upon demand, ruceive 60% af all depose pad acd agreed to ce pad ilo oe
Vou aquaily srogng Godperaling brokard) up to the full amount af tha brokerage lew.
My ur OF 5
Vi OISPUTE ABSOLUTION: This Contract will ba consiuad undar Florde law All contiaversies Gauns o-0 vlret inuttarg in
question ansing out of Of releUng to tha Lansacuon of (his Contract of ils Oreach wil be gelttod as loliows,
(a) Ose peat concafning ntittement to depoaita mage and agradd lo be made: Buyer and Salter wl nuce Su aay om I
dale confuctng demands ate made to attampt ia resoNve tha dispule through mydiation It tut lads Caceaw Agert wh
Wate Ine Giapwte, Wo ud maquied dy Fiouda tw, 0 Exton Agents ui A atliabon, a Fiutda Cowl oe in bogs mes
Enaia Commission ‘Buyer and Geller wit ba bound by any reaulting saltlernent of ordat
(b) All other dinpules: Buyer and Beller wit have 20 days from Ihe aste a dispule areas batwcen them ta attemet be
teacdve the matter though mediation, felling which lhe perles will raadive the dlopule tnrough Geulral Gurtuiy arbitration
ia the county where Ind Propedy fy localed Thu arbitrator may not alles tha Conliact tering ot award ery cemerty ‘«t
provided for in thlel Conuact, The award wil be based on Uw gr: ie wOQN Of Ine @vence and will stete biduiga Of (act
and the contvactusl aulharity on which it is besed. If ihe parties agrees lo Lee diecovery i will be in accortancay with Ine
Fonds Rules of Giil Procadure and the a(BHlalor will teagive alt diacovery-reluled Gupuled Any dipsies wilh a tea
eeivte licunmae named in Paragraph 18 will be submited to ertutialicn only if the licensees Lrower corsente in wing ts
become # party [0 He proceading. This Gauss wit survive dosing,
{e) Magialign and Arbivadon; Expense. “Madiation” (8 & procede in which pares atiampt 1s Swsoce a dif
subminiag it to antimpartal medlatar who lechtetes the sesdhliun of ine dispute bul wha jh nut einpoweres le mocee a
Heilamant on the pares, Mediauon wil be In accordance wilt the tulea of the Amante Maganic wast aicr at ute
mMadivtot agreed on by the perves. The parton wall equally doade tne medianon fae Ho wny “Arburaou” le a proces 4
which Ine pasion fesolve & dispute by a hearing before @ nauval parton who dacidaa te maiter and wresa gecision 5
dinding on (na patina Arbtsahon wit be In accordance wilh the rules of Ina Amancan Arbilrahon Asscralos ur site
arc tgread un by he paves. Ewch party to any acburation will pay 1s Own lees, Coplbs atd aaGenees -FoLaNy
alicinays' fews, andiell aquaty aplit le arbivatore’ tase and adminiatrative fees of esortraticn
17. @@CROW AGENTS Buyer and Galler eulhoiize Gecrow Agent lo receive, deposi and noid funds afd Other dens we weCtow Ord
subject 10 Clearance, diadurse them UpOd proper auiNUrEslan wid in accordance willl sin terns Of tra Canigal neudag
dubureng Dickerege Mee, The paruve agree inet Escrow Agent wit) noi be table lo any person for medulewry uf esr owed tems
Guyer of Sallar, unluas [he misdaivery is due to Escrow Agent's wilful breach of this Contant cr grose heghgance If Bactaw Agent
mlarplaads the subject matter of tha eacrow, Eacrow Agent wit pay Ine filing fees and costa trom the depos! and wilt reen.e-
tessonucie atlorneys' fees and cose 1 06 pad from the etcowed funds of equivalent and Gh3rgcd ANG mwuraes 44 COUT Costs
inal Escrow Agenl wal ba wibtraled 60 long a6 Ferow Agent uiisunta io enlace
+ wuyer GLAS) ETL OD and Selter Not) ) acknowledge fecaipt of m copy of this page, which is Pays Sof 4 Pages
2 Abe 1000 O08 Floris Autaaanon af AEALTORSM Ad Aighis Revered a
emted oih hind em oy AA Fernation LLC HOE fpr Mle Rene Corner Feerthe Mar gan t801E (aCe MD ta enna
sake wary bergen Wl Me
th PHOFESSIONAL ADVICE, Hiv TAMNLIEY: omer etdewe Buyes and Bf wily an LIS and cepreaatitatuna int
ate mipodant to Wii and lo 2 A apploprate pioleaslonal foc lage tw fur example wileipretng contracts
determining Ina afact of laws on the Propaily and tansacton, slulus of tte, forwagn Investor fasting requtemante ets) ard
for Ux, property condilon, anwwonmantal wd alee specetied suvicg Buyer aanowtadgae Uist Bruker dues nal reside in thy
Propacy and thal all representations (oral, wrtter Of othacwibe) by Boker are based on Mailer teprobantattions oF gubhe meats
Unlees Brokes Indceled persanal veihcauon of the repreaantallon. Buyer agraee to rely waley On Beller, profeamiceal Clore
and governments agencies for varifigathat of the Property conaitiun, aquere foolege and lacts Uat materially atest Propet,
valua, Buyer and Salter respectively will pay ell cots and axpensas, including Maconubne stovnays’ tyes al all buy
Arokur arid Brokers officers, dinsctora, aganta and employees in connection with of anaing ham Buyers of Beller 6 imaciateinent
of fellure lo parform contrectiel obligations, Buyer und Geller hold hannduss and feleaed Bokar and Bich uiltuers ouactay
agents and employece from all Hablity for loan or damage Based on 11) Buyers or Salie'e masiatemant ut taiure to perform
roolacual obligations; (2) Broner's pertarmance, at Buyers andor Ballas lequadl, of any taer Dayar the scooe of serviced
tagutated by Chapter 478, F 9, ae amended, Indudlng Brokere referral, recommendabon of talantion of aly venger, (3) poduas
of sN\Ke6 provided by any vendor, and (4) expenses Incurred by any vendor, Buywr ad Galler aach exsume full responsiovty for
salanting and campankaing they respective vendors. This paragcaph wih not Ieleve Broker of slattory udhyations For purposes
ul thle pecag¢apn, Broker wik be Weaded aa # party to Unie Contract, This paragraph wall survive chasing
acusted by
19 BROKERS: The licensee(s) and trokaragu(s) named below are colluctivaly tefecad to as Broner” Sater and Buyar
acknowtadge Vial [ha brokelages{a) Nomad beluw a8 the proce cause of [hit Vensucion Inetuctoan lo Clusloy Agent Seller
und Buyer died closing agent to duburee al closing the full arnaunt of Ine Wroneraye fous ab epacfed 1 eepininty Drokaage
ayleeeots wilh Use parties and ols between the Lioness, uniess Hroker Naa retalied gues lees bem the
wiviowed funda In the absenun Nagieaments, ealng agent will disburse brokerage tein iw indiculad Calon
Ravi Eviate Licaneee Rael Kalate Ucannoe
wrae/Bronerega tea Bo. Broker! Wodempe Me Dene en
20, AQDOGNOA: The following editions! terme eve included in addenda any invorporalad iia Uile Contract (ate hf appire able
al A Conda Assn. J G. New Mon, Rates JM. Housing Older Persons} 5S Sala of Buyer'e Property
J 8 Homeowners’ Adan. WH As Is wiHight to inspect + JM UnunprovediAg Prop JT Rezoning
6 Sellar Finsnang aj |. Sattinepecvone od O. thterest- Bear Acwunt J U Asagnene it
J 0 Mort, Assumetion _) J Inauiation Otetosure iP Back-up Contract LIV Prop O:scicsura Simi
aE FHA Flusnang Ad OX, Pio 4076 Housing Sunt (LBP) oJ Q. Broder Pere Int Prop Owes
JFVAFinenong + 3 L Flood Inaurence Regd. HJR. Rentals od Omar
This la intendad to be «legally binding contract. H not fully unduretood, week the advice uf af attorney prior ta elgnuig
betcre caning mie Ofer!
J by Soler and a coe,
V detvered to Buyer Ao later than 40. J om, dpm oo June 2? 2000 thet offer wall ba reauked
+ ang Muyers dapoed mahinded subyecd bo de.
+ Date 96/27/3000 Buyer: ne, WrsA . a Vax 1OVSSN
‘ . Pree name, yk ALMEMDARK LE ne
v Date 6/27/2000) aryers
prone Adare!
shoe Z _ : aoe ~~
EM Poet nang HILDA 8CHA _
J Oats Soller: a a. Pee lQSSN
° Punt name. _ .
v prone fed DYE. Address __
ofan Lake 2700 .
¥ J Ballae courilers Buyers otter (to accept the courtar offs, Buyar mus! sigtt or inal the counter cMered tatrcs aMd dauvae 4 cols
4° of the acceptance (0 Seller by 5.00 pin un _. ) a] Yetler ropocts Muyer'a ctter
NEAL TORS and local tuardeAcaucani of ARAL TORS ints no repre neansan a6 10 Dra bagel serumy 2 edeaecs df
of wich Gusradre Of adhere Tray FO"
ered CORD amon aig AT at
of dee
seruea iors
Tia opyngme thw of 4 Urvied Aaatnn (47 A Conde) hated ine wbarmonned repraout Un OF Wee fam by any wimg wmnaiy Ha6 aN 6° Cont
TAA 6 Ray 1A. O1900 Phere Anacmaiun of MEAL TIORIAS AN Fgiita Haserved
HD Ree 10:08 CVE Plousd Asucadan of REALTORS® Al Righn Reserved .
| Prmaamet wit bt ate by IO Feta, LC TRS war Be Re, Grae Tomita, Magi 48058, 197, 1 oS cee ID
votes wary ween SG ALOUD MOS
°6 CC 4d 8 Gelow ‘all Be INCOrpulat 1 Conued petwaen \
W RESTOR Arendal Wad cand. sha a EN
PPE ROR AMANOAWES 6 Tie A ORTIZ, (Buyer condariing tha rion, Beto
LION 04° 20-36-007-1340
Hales (Tews Ah Gy wo) HL. Aw be With Rigitt to Inepeat: This cl
Mae Fophrcare Paragraphs dwt ot ihe Contact
sell and Duy op the terms anc concitions specif ect Leiow ihe pronerty tessnbed as
Kae 9928 sw 21S st rawr, pL 33ie9 cee >
ty ; - . . County’ MIAMI ~DADE _
s Legal Description mectee ceeunee oon -GUTLER RIDGE SEC 7 PRO6O-5 _,
~~ _ Tax 'D No a
furvspmgs, builtin apotiances, ceiling fans
cw cavenngs The e¢nly other items -nc'uced
together with ail imprcverrents and atachec items, imevudi
ight fotures, attached wall-io-wall carpe rods, dvanenes
sor in tha purchase are’ RANGE, WATER HEA
‘xy The attached items ava exciuded ‘rom. ine purchase
1s The teal and personal Greperty cescnbed sccve as mauded im Mme pusiase s TeROT IO BS the “Property” Perseral propery
13 listedin ‘this mes in Me sales price has no conuiautory value acd 's de:9g ‘eX ‘or Seller's convenience
ve° 2, PURCHASE PRICE: $g8.e09.00 _. Payaole vy Buyer n U.S curency ae follows DOO Lf,
we (a) $ __\._ 590 Deposit received ‘Checks a’é sunject tc ciearance) _ Septenhbe 6 O06 “oy
4 => :
2 — ror
rae =
a (by ¢ N/A Additonal deposit ts be mace ny
Wane si Company
ae (te) 1005 Total Financing (see Paragrach 3 De'CHi} (Bxp’ASS 28 a dolar amount cr Daccentage)
ze (dy § Other .
a fey Ss —— Balance to case nat including Buyer's closing costs. prepaid items and prorations). All funds
a : baid at closing must te pad by ‘ocauly drawn casnier's check or wired funds
v {the “Firancing”) by
cours frst ("Financing Period’)
Of _100 c00 % of the purchase price (pius
ot VA" Se@ ariached accenaum)
iS gays if ief blane) anc wit limaly provide any and alt credit,
Ertner pary may cancel this Contract if (i) Buyer, ater using
ig 1S cered necause the Property appraises beicw the
uaabe I renegotiate te purchase pace Upon
cancelation, Buyer will retum ati Sellar-p-s dence, surveys anc essccaion cccuments and Buyer's deposit(s} wi! 3e
: CLOSING B) b- 24,2000 LC
40" 4. CLOSING DATE; OCCUPANCY: This Contract will Dé closed and tre deec anc possession delivared on opty xe at £300
« (Glosing Date"), unless extended by other provisions of ths Contract The Property wil be sweoi clean and Sellers persona! nems
$2 removed on or before Ciosing Date. # on Closing Céte :nsurance underanting is suspended. Buyer may postpone closing up to 5 days
42 8, CLOSING PROCEDURE; COSTS: If tite insurance insures Buyer
“ and recording of Buyer's deed Gosing agent wil aisburse at Siosing the net saie oreceeds :¢ Seller and brokerage fees tc Eroker
48 as per Paragraph 19. In addition to otner exoenses crovided in tha Contract, Seller anc Buyer wil! pay ne ecsts indicated nolow.
ae (a) Seller Costs: Seller wit Pay taxes and surtaxes on the ceed anc fecorairg iees for Gocuments reeded ' cure title, certified,
a7 confirmed and tatified soecial assessment tiers and, if an improverrent ig Svostathally completed as of SAecnve Cae, an
48° amount equal te the last estmate of the assessment, Otner.
“a (b) Buyer Costs; Buyer wil nay taxes arg fecording ‘ees “On Noles ara “mcrigages, recording Teas on The deed ard
oS) financing statements; loan expenses; peraing special assessmen! liens iender’s ‘le policy’ “inspecsons, survey, ‘ooc
insurance; rome warranty plan; Other. .
(c) Title Evidence and Insurance: Check (7) ar
ad (1) Seller will provide a Faragrapn 1Xayil) cwners tile iMsu‘ance co’
select the tile agent ._} Seller a] Buyer wil pay for ine owners
Each party wili pay ts own coy "¢ fees
ime detects ansing between the title binder effective date
bur %_ (2) Seller will provide tite aviderce as sosciies Paragraph t0lali2. _) Setter % Buyer wil pay for the owner's tte
s7 Sclicy and setect tne tide agent, Seller wii pay ‘ees for ite searones ona te Ciosing, inciucing taa search and jen
58 Search fees, ana Buyer will pay ‘ees for tite ssarcr es ater closing ‘if a 1 bile exer rasan feas and clo:
58 (4) Prorations: Tne foilovarg tems wil be made Cu cable) and rear
oe estate taxes, interest, bonds assessmenis, iMBuraree vents expenses and feverves of
e the Prooery. taxes and ass: sments ear cannet re detarn:
adiustrent (or axe~ptions and ieprovemonte uyer's reasonsbte fo:
ay {e) Tax Withholding: Buyer avi Seller acd comely with tre
5a Seller <0 grovige acz.tional cash Seller's a “cre gr person” 3
we predous year's fates wit de usec wir
Sue io change ir Ownership
i Rea Froveny Tax Act wren may require
eral ‘aw
us: 6. INSPECTION PERIODS: uyer ww complete any arg ail insce B
fwihin 1§ days fom &4 let Tank) ingest.
68 Cigsing Qe any cing; tine
os Buyer! Se. and Setler
ota copy of
ASI (26S C106 F cima Asscoration
Gaon Reem 11 Alwar «Aveta Catt
ate ER,
SIS tZiyy,
Buyer Kay, (ZEy and Seller!
Neen muss: y LISCLOSURE aller 4
he Os certy, Wouerrs viciatons of youre
Sr hat 2°2 SOW" by oF Lave Seen nisciogag ‘5 Buyer
ia) Energy EMficiency: Buyer May, mthir. the inspection Pescd Nave the Property's ana
nO contingency or renaw obligation is correciec with che ome — Buyer acknowedges receipt of ine Flonda Buriaing
Energy-Eticrency Rating System Drochure i ths 1s a Tew hore. the o WEP card is attached as an addendum,
18) Radon Gas: Racon 5 a Faturally occumrg radoactve gas that. wrer at has Betumuiaied in a building in sufficient
Guantities, May present healin risks to Perscrs who are ExCOseS '0 It Ove: me Levels of radon that exceed federal ans
Stata Guidaines nave seen found in buisings in Fisnea Avutena, Slant ane regaiuing radon and radon testing snay ce
odtained = from yOur COUN? puale neath unt Buyer May wine the inspection Parod, nave an apcroprataly licansee
Person test the Property ‘or redan
{c) Flood Zone: Guyer is advised tc verify by survey with the erser ana with appropriate government egencies which Roos
zone the Property is in, wnether ficce ingurance g required anc what resinstions apply 19 improving the Fropery anc
febuilding in the event of Casually
“ese"is at Selter
avs Ses ara
“7 ets chat mater ally aect the yatue of
7° Sose thar Buyer can ‘wacly coserva
"gy effcianc, Tating daterrined, but
8 As Ia With Right ¢o Inspect: Seller maxes 70 wartanties ster than Markeleruty of tia Seller will keep the Preventy in the
same Condition trom Effective Date until Gosing, except for asrmal wear arc tear Cmaintenance requirement), and will
convey the Property in its “as is” congition wat ne obligation to make any repars
(a) Inspection Right; Sefler Obligaticns: Buyer vay. at Buyer's expense, coCuct orofessicnal anc ‘wark-through inspections
as described below if Buyer fails to timely conauct any fspecion wach Buyer 1s entities (9 make under this paragraoh,
Buyar waives the gn f te inspection and akents the Property “as is Seller will provide access and utilities for Buyer's
inspections. Buyer will recar all damages to the Propeny fesuting far: the insoecnons and feturn tne Property to its pre-
Wispection condition,
{b) Profassional Inspections: Tha "spectionis! wil oe oy a sargen wie soecializes in and nods an Occuraticna! bcense (if
fecuited by jaw} to conduct some inscections ar who hsies a Fionigs Heense to repay ans Maintan the items inspected
(c) Cancellation Right: Buyer May cance this Co-tact ®y wees notice to Seller within 5 days ‘fom tte end of the
‘aspection Feriad if the esumated Ces! ol Meatment and repars determned to be necessary by Buyer is greater than
3509.00 If tis amount is Greater than $0 (zer0}. for the Sancptauon to be etectve, Buyer must inciuge in the
wotten notice 3 soapy of the IMspectors wetter raport, if ary, and treatment and + a estimates ‘rom inspector or
Ferson(s) holding an apzroonate Florida cense tg (apa the ems inspe-teg Any cdnditiars not feperted in a timely
manuer will be deemed acceptacle tc Buyer,
{¢) Watk-through Inspection: Buyer may walk througa the Property solely to verty that Seller has ‘ulfileg we contacual
Cdigations No other issues May de raised as a result of mn walk-through nspection
9. RISK OF Loss: 1 ary portion of tre Propery :¢ wemaged dy fire or otros casualty before elesing and can be restored
wihit 45 cays tom the Closing Gate to SLostantally the same ecncinon a5" was on Effective Date, Seiler will, at Sellers
expense, restcre the Property and the Closing Date wis de extandad accoraircy. if tne restoration cannot be comcieted in
time, Buyer may avcent me Propeny “as is” with Seller assigning ve insurance proceeds for the Property ts Buyer at,
faiiing which e:tner barty may cance tnis Conzract
1O.TITLE: Seller witl convey marcetable tile tc ‘he Progeny py Siavutory warranty deed ar trustee, personal representative of
Guardian deed as aporcorate ‘0 Seller's status
(a) Title Evidence: Title evidence yall show legal access 19 te Freperty and marketable tle cf record -n Sellar in
accordance win current title stancards adocted by the Fogg Sar, sugecs chly to the following tile exceptions, rene of
which prevent residential use of tne Property covenants. easements and resinctors of fecord, matters of piat existing
zoning and goverment reguiations, ci gas and rnergl tights of record if tere is 70 Fgh of entry: current taxes:
mortcages that Buyer will assume: anc encumbrances that Seller wil discharge at or petore ciosing Seller wk, prior to
closing, deliver io Buyer, Seller's choice of cne of tne following 'ypes of tite eucence, wnich Must De generally accepted in
te county wnere the Property :$ located (specty in Paragraph Sic the Seeciad ivpe! Seller will use Optor (ty) in Palm
Beach County and optor, 2) in Dade Coumy
(1) A. title insurance commitment issued by a Floricadicansed tle insurer in the amount of the purchase Price ang
SLDIECE Only to title SXxCEGUONS Set forth in thie Contract
(2) An existing abstract of titte from a reputable AiG evisirg abstract frm if firm is not exisung, thes abstract must de
certified as correct by an existing fies Purperting fo be an accurate Sy7cosis of tre insirzments affectrg wlie to the
Property recordes in $e pubic recads uf the county where the Property :¢ tocated and ceniied to Effective Date
Hewever if such an aostract is not svailanle to Seller, then 2 Prtor owner's title Policy acceplanie to the Prapased ‘sure:
a8 a base for reissuarce of coverage. Seiler yi pay ‘or espes of all Policy exceptions ang an update ft a foreva:
acceptable tc Buyer's clesing egent tram he poley effective Tae arc cermfed to Buyer or Buyer's closing agent
together with copies of ai documents rected wn ine peor 4 and in the update f @ Dror policy '$ not available 3
Seller then (1) above wit be the Ue evigence “We eviderce wil pe Osiveres no tater inan 49 Says defore Closing Date
{b) Title Examination: Buyer wil examine We Me evitence ang gewer wiles rotce t9 Seller, within § TAys tom receipe oF
"He evidence but no tater than closing, af ary vefects thel mane the tile uamatnetabie Seller will have 39 days “om
receipt of Buyer's rotice of defects (Curatve Pence’) to cue the Gefects ai Seller's expense if Seller cures tne detects
wiuhin the Curate Penag Seller will asiver artten rorse io Buyer arg the series Ww" Giese the vansaction or Closing
Date or witnn 18 days Fam Buyer's of Seller's nevcg # Slesng Date vas passed Seller +s unable tc cure the
Celects wittin the Curatve Peruc, Seller wil delves writen notes ‘6 Buyer s¢ Buyer wi, within iC days from recep: of
Seller's notice. ermer Carce this Conteget or ACCert Lie vit exsting defects anc close the vansacven
{c) Survey: Buyer may stich to Cosing Gate ang at Buyer's aveense have he Property surveyed ana deliver wattan notre
1 Seller, wirin § Cays ‘en receipt nf survey Sta ran closing eneraachments on the Prozery
Encrogehrrar ss Dy Me Property's Ipreverents on other cr aees oF Zoning widtat-ans, Ay seen
encrozchrent or soaticn wil! te ‘rested we same ~a aS @ tle de! axa Buyer's ana Seller's SoagahINs will be
serermmed in acecroesce with Susparagrenn (b! acsye if ary patt of the Procery lies seawarg of the coastal construction
centro! fine Seller yait brovce Buyer win an alticaut co SUEY 2S requires ty ocaw delineating tre une's alton on the
Property uniess Buyer waives try SquiTEm ent a wenng
| : : o
/ Um Alar Owlesge ‘ of 3 pony cf tis page wiser is Page 2 af 4 Pages
FOGG F erita Agereonce ce REALTURSE 1 F ans Gave vee l
ERE eatin SFE Etat he eat Ome, tentang We dod SRE
ASIS 15262 51996 Fonga Asccciatio: oF REALTORS® a, Fegnis Hesenvag -
ECTIVE CATE, TIME. Tne -ertec Dee" ms
“fer Time is of the essence for all Provisions of th
$ Cay" § every caenza day axcent Saturday, Sunaay and as
Surtay er national ‘egal Acicay zerfermarce will be due he next bs
re (meating a me county whera ‘the Property 5 lecalge} cf ine appreaiiate day
12. NOTICES: All notices we! be made te ‘he artes anc Broker oy val persona, deivey 37 elecronic media Buyer's failure to
deliver timaly written notice to Seiler, when such netice is required by this Contract, tagarding any contingancios will randar
that contingency null and void ang tha Contract will be construed as if he contingency did not axist.
13. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: This Contract is the vate agreerant between Buyer anc Seller. Except for brokerage
agreements, no prior or present agreements will bind Buyer, Sailer or Broker unless incarporated into this Contract.
Modifcations of ims Cortract will not ca binging uniess cn was %3 sigrad and gelveres by the dary to be tourd Sigzatures
inbals, documerts -eferenced in this Conrect, courterparts anc wnter medications commuricated eloctrenicaly or on pepe
wi be acceviatle for all purcoses, incucing deuvery, and will be Sincirg. Pandwnties. cr typewriter toms inserted in or
aitached to this Contract srevai over Preorimed terms. i any proviece of ths Contract 13 or becomes vad or unenforceacie,
ali remaining provisions will continue fo ce fully efective This Contract wu! ft 2a racareed 4 any public records
14. ASSIGNABILITY; PERSONS BOUND: Buyer may not assign ts
“Buyer.” “Seller.” and “Braker’ may te singular or piura, This Cor
Gersccam repvesentadves and assigns j.{ oevmittac) of Buyer, Sailer are Broxer
15. DEFAULT: (a) Sellar Default: if for any feaser. oiner than failure of Seller tc make Seiler’s tte markatabie ater diigant effort,
Salter fails, refuses cr negiects tc perform this Contract, Buyer may cncoss :o recene a return of Buyer's degosit without
watwng the right to seek damages or ic seek Speciic ceformanca as oer Paracrapn 16. Seller will also be lable to Broker tor
te (ull amcunt of the brokerage ‘se, {b) Buyer Default: it Buyer fais to cedorm ims Contract within the ime specified, inctuaing
timeiy cayment of ail decosits Sellar May choose %0 retain and covect alt deccsits gad and agreed 19 te pad as iquidatec
camages or tc sea< specific performance as pe: Paragrash 16 ars Brake: wi upon demand, receve 0% of an decasits
Paid anc agreed to be paid f:¢ be split equally ariang COoGeraum:) brokers) uo towne ful! &ir3u0i of the brokerage fas
minals or signs
wear busness days ‘a
any deadhre falis on a Satureay.
Gerces wil end at $2 pm, local
without Seller's written consart. The terms
PIS on the ners. admmistraters, executors,
16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: This Contract wn! 3¢ consiues urder Forca law Ail controversies claims and other matters in
weston between ihe parties arising out of or felaung to this Contact or ts breacn will be setied as follows:
{a) Disputes concerning entitlement to deposits mada and agreed to be made: Buyer anc Seller ai have 30 days from
ihe gate corfictng demands are mace ‘o attempt to tesolve tne aspute thrcugh mediation. Yt that fats, Escrow Agent
wil submit the dispute. if so requiree by Fiorda law. to Escrow Agert's coke ot arbitration, 3 Fleriaa count er the Flonda
Rea; Estate Commission. Buyer and Seller wil be toune dy any rasulung se:tlement or graer
(b) All other disputes: Buyer and Seller wii have 30 Gays from the gale a dispute anses between ment tc anempi to
resclve the matter through mediation failing whien the Peries mil resolve tse dispute through neural Sinding arbitration
in the county where the Prozerty is ocated The arbitrator may nat aster me Contract terms or award any remedy not
giovidee fer im this Contract The award mill de basec cn the greater weight cf the evidence and wit State findings of fact
ans the contractual authanty cn whicr it og dased f the partes agree to use discovery, it will be in accordance with the
Ficr¢a Rules of Civil Procedure ana ine arbitrator will vesclve ail discevery-related disoutes Any disputes ath a feal
estate licansea named in Saragrapn 19 wil be Suomited to arbitrator coy if the icensee's drake: consents 19 writing to
Become a party tc the praceecing Tris clause wil! Survive closing
(¢) Mediation and Arbitration; Expenses: “Meaiaton’ “is 4 pracess in which parties attempt ta resolve a disoute by
submitting it t¢ an impamai mediater whe faciitates the fesaluticn of ne Gispute but who 's not empowered to impose a
settament on the parties, Medation will be i accordance with ne rues tt Amencan Mediation Assccatior: Oo other
mediator agreed on by te parties The Parves wii equally divae tne meg; n fee. if any “Aroutration’ sa process in
which the parties resolve a discute by a hearing before a Aeutral persor Ceciges tne matter and whose Gecision ig
oincing on the parties Arditration will te in accordance with tte ‘yes cf the Amercan Aiuitration Assocation er ather
arbitratar agreed on by the Parties. Each party sc any arhiatcn wut pay its own fees, costs and expenses including
attorneys! fees, anc wil! equally split the aruirators’ fees and administrative tees of arbiraton
17, ESCROW AGENT: Buyer and Seller authorze Escrow Agent to recawe, Gepost anc noid funds and other items in escrow
and, subject to clearance. disburse ther upon proper authonzates anc in accordance with the ferms of ths Contract,
ncuding disbursing brokerage fees. The partes agree tal Escrow Agent wit not be tiable fo any person fer misdalivery of
Sscrowed items tc Buyer cr Seller, uniess me Misdelivery is que ts Escrow Agen’s wilful breach of ths Contact or gross
Negligence. if Escrow Agent interpleads the subject mstter of the escrow Escrow Agert will oay the filing fees and costs fom
Te deoasit anc will recover reasonabe attorreys’ fees ang costs to se Fad from the escrowee funds or equivalent and
charged and awarded as court costs 'n favor of ine Prevailing party AH claims against Escrow Agen! wil ne arbitrated so
long 3s Escrow Agent consents 'o arbitrate .
18. PROFESSIONAL ADVICE; BROKER LIABILITY: Broker zgvises Buyer and Seller ic venty att facts ana representati
are important ‘0 them and te consult an appropriaie professicra’ for legal advice (for exampie intespretiig cor
Selemining the effect of taws on the Progety ana. transaction Status of ce fcraign investor reporting requirements, etc.) and
fer tax, orcperty condition. environmental ara other apecia‘izes aavice Buyer zcxnowlecges that Smoker does not fesice in de
Property and that all fepresentatans (oral. wiitien or otnerwsa) by Broker are based on Selier fepresentatons or puble acorns
unless Broker indicates Personal verification of the fepresentaiicn Buyer agrees to rely solely on Seller, profassional inspectors
and governmental agancies for verification of the Property condition, square footage ard facts that materially affect Property
value. Buyer and Seller Fespectvely will pay all costs anc errerses includirs reasorasle attsrneys’ fees at ail levels incurred by
Broxer and Broker's affcars avectors agents ang emoloyees in 26: wih or arising “om @uyer's or Setters mssiater a
or fa: tc periorm contracuat obugaticrs Buyer and Selier fclt harmass a°g teteasa Broxar and Brekers officers, airee:
agenis ang emsinyees from ail liability for toss or Gamage cased co: (3) Buyar’s or Seller's musstatemen' or fature to pero
Comractual oo.gaties {2) 2rokar's perfcrmance. at Buyer's andor Seller's tezvest. of any task veyerad tne scope 3f Seraces
seguiaced by Chapter 475. £3. ag amendes including Brekers refer-at, fecamrencatsr cr retan cf amy venice (3} orcaucts
OF sereces growdes by any venzer and (4) expenses Ircurree by any vender Buyer ard Seller a83ur2 full -esponsibility for
selecting and compensating ther rescective vendors Thug Parag apr wil not -eliewe Araker of statutory ehigaions For purposes.
of tts oaragrach, Braker wi. he ineat@y as a party '0 this Contrac: Ths paragragh will survive casing,
Buyer ($ID ZS 5 ont Setter;
—) Ahi Acanoweoge recect ofa csoy of ang Sage which 's Page Zc’ 4 Pages
MONA a Bie «my EE oratent LCS IDO" Eten Aten OTe ane eee gat tee Be tRNA SF a tarne pe,
as “Groner” Seller arc Buyer
c1 Instruction to Closing Agant: Solier
2. e fees as spectied in separate orokerage
se ard. rants bet en me stckers, uciess Becxer nas retainen sucn fees fram Ine
‘ kerage fees as indicated delow.
cave: tes colen
obs v
49. BROKERS. Tre
some 5
heat S8ing
it tof "d ccoperaiwe agree
zi aueevawls ert ine pares and ccoperaive agreeranis be broker
a eseaved funds, in the absence cf such brokerage agreements, closing agent wil +stuse
Ry - an — _
zis Real Esrata Licensee
2an- Broker: Ertxarege ‘ee: $2,550 06
pe 20 ADDENDA: The following acaitional terms are included in addenda and incarcerated inte ths Contract (cneck 4 aol )
on JA Condo. Assn. J G New Mor, Rates oJ Mi Hevsing C.ce’ Persens 5S. Sate of Buyer's Praperry
al 2. Homecwners’ Assn. ab rtrwiRignttc nscess— tN. Un moreveaa. 3 Reson
Ac Seller Financirg al i Seif-inspections + v Beeguer sum
mz 1G Mert Assumouon al J Insutation Oscasure : .
mar} 3 FA Rnancing AK Pre-3978 Ycusing Sirti 52) lO Sroxer- Pers oot in Prop at Other _
3 = z 33 Othe
gar al F OVA Financing AL Fecd insurance Regd AF Reras A Other
‘ WA Financir
a ee
8: This is intandad to baa legally binding contract. If not fully understood, seek the advice of an attomey prior to signing,
263" (Check if applicable: J Buyer
terms and ceng.ticns. Unless this Contiget is signed by Selier and 2 capy
s6s* delivered te Buyer mo later shen al am. Bam oa —Septeber Teco hs offer wl pe reuckey
268 8nd Buyer's ceposit refunded subject to Clearance of
as7* ate. —_— Buyer: TaxiDISSN. —~
290° Prat na _
zea" Date, _ _. Buyer: Tax IDISSN:
20" Prat name ~~
are Phone: . Address
ara Fax - ma on ns
Pr Cate P-12-00 ater MisGan* Tar IOISSN
ara . Pant name, RIC:
vs Dae P-/r 700 . Salter: Mn Tax IOUS
eer Fret name: SELMA JOHNSON ~
Aodress ee .
al Seer San "50 Sept te Taner Ghee Bayer i wey ma
ian al i cunters Buyer's offer vO accept the counter oer Buyer must SG0 It r'hal the counter aered tems arg deliver a ccoy
OF he acceptance 'c Seller cy Sco 9m on we. a } Ad Seller recess Buyer's offer,
} acknowleage racerpt of a ceay of tng
fot be used wr
SE Walch is Page 4 of 4 Paces
3510 9 ga satdey 27 wceauary at any yey
APSE OATS Ie add hans M
ro "epresert,
OUR transactions or
Of hs term
r3 forms avatagie tor use sy sho
; EMacla Pemesrie rare Mat ~ay te sac one Te
MG SUBS. he te rg Ty: Emin had Yr ae
TRE SSONITR awe of a United States “47 8 Soae;
PTI er@uinauzee teprodueian 3! siaeK te:
TERY a9 Mears mciucng tacnende oF computahleee foans
ASS. “298 91498 Fr ga ASSCCAAUCA Ot REALTORS, ay Prgnis Rese vec bee,
SAO FOF = Oy BE Fate LS HONS § nga tha nas ol
FE AEN Jae aS AS nae '
camited @@ SOV EC: Dy &) Maye ALT, dl ym we a ee oe oe
3a -onety racaded in tha pul 3a Of the County wrere iXe Sropet fac ans
aa stoweverf $UCM BN BDRITEC! 16 Aol avmnecie (8 Beller, then a griar owns. « hus policy
4? maurer aa @ babe fOr serksuarca of coverage. Beller wil ogy for of a! DOucy axCeLtiars and any:
"$4 acceptable lo Buyere downy agent from te poley stlective cate ond cadified to Guyer or Buyer's
a) logetner with coos of af Gocumerts recited in the priar policy and in tne update. If & pnor gohe, “a ni
vee Seder then (1) adowe will be Ine Ute evidence Tile evidence wil 0¢ Geilverad Ao mer inan *O cays nalore
vy (po) Tite Saamination: Auyer will examme ine tite evidence and calver writer solee lo Sater waitin £ says trom
“72 Whe svidenca but no ister than Closing, of any defects that maka ine Lue unmartatable Seller wei “ave 3} 12y5
93 reempe of Buyers notion of detects (Curative Penod’) 16 cure the ce at Sailesa axcanaa Mf Sater curas ne
ie win ine Cutatve Period, Seller wil aeiver winter notice io Buyer and Ihe parties will Close Ine Wansaciio~ an
“76 Data ar wihks 10 days from Buyerta teceini of Seller's notice if Cioaing Dele hes passed. if Salier is urate ‘o
178 defects within the Clirathve Period, Setler will deliver written notiog lo Buyer and Buyer will, writin 12 cays fron recast of
‘77 Sailers notice, attner cancel ine Contract of accept title with existing ¢ and dose the (ramaction.
‘78 {6} Survey: Buyer may, prior to Closing Oste and at Buyer's expensa, have the Progeny aurvayed and delve’ wities tance 4
7% — Seiter, within 5 days Irom raceept of survey Dut Ao leter than casing. of any enceoachments on Ihe Propeny Sacha Cy Ihe
Property's Improvements On otfer lance OF ces fasinictian o zoning vouatlans Any such atcroachmenl of viclelon wil Ce heated
SHG agen
avatlaoa to
181 nthe same manner pa 8 tile defect ond Buyers and Sellers adiigauone wil 68 determined in accoronace wilh Weosaregragn (ob
ve2 acove. If any part of (he Property lies saewerd of the comets! conairucion control ine, Seller wit oravde Buyar wih ae aMdauil
°83 survey an required by law delinaating the Ine's location on the property uninss Buyer waives Ihis requirement in a7iag
185 14, BFFECTIVE OATE: TIME: The “Effective Oates” of this Corwact is he date on which ine jeal of the BOOS Pals OF Bgte Ine
188 iateat ofar Time |e of! the essartce for ali provisions of thig Contract. Ail me penods will ba comoutad 9 buenese cays (a
187 “business day” is avery calendar day except Saturday, Sunday and neonal Wega’ Nofidaye) If any deagure fais 04 4 Saicctay
189 Sunday of national legal Noltoay. performance wil be due ine next bueiness day Ali hme peroda wih eno at SSiar ate
18a tne (meaning in the county where the Property is located) of ine ODprooriate day
100 12. NOTICEA: Alt notions wit be made to the parties ang Broker by mail, personal dalivary of gectrome aca Su;
‘G1 wm detwer Umely written notion te Beller, when such neues is required by thie Contract, sagarding any continge
102 NanGer What Contingency null sod wold ane the Contract will be oonanrued a0 if the Contingency did not enist.
16) 13, COMPLET@ AGREGMENT: Tra Contract le ine antie agreement between Buyer ana Seiler, Excent for broxersge
194 agreements, no prior er present agreements will bind Buyer, Seller or Braker uniems Incorporated Into this Canirect
{85 Modioanans of ine Cantract wil not be binding untess :n wiiting, agned and delivered by tha party 10 90 cout Signates
186 (tase, GOCUMBNIs feferanced in Une Cantract, sounterparte and writen modiAcations communicalad mecirs 30 taper
197 wit 5@ acceptable for! al purposes, mduding deivery, snd wil be Binding, Handwritten af typewnitio: “ os
‘a8 anscned 10 inla: Contract prevad over preponted terme tt any provision of thip Contract 1@ of Decames nvand Ci
“99. all remaining provisions will continue to be fulyaffective, Ths Contract wil nat be recorded In any public reco’ds
200 14, ASSIGNARILITY; PERSONS GOQUND: Suyer May not assign ins Conirect-witnout Seller's wetter coxsay Tre tits
201 “Buyer,” “Beller.” and ‘Brokes* may be @nguier or plural. This Contract i DINdiNg on the Aerg, adm aNWlOrh sracuia’s
202 Personal representatives and assigns (i permided) of Buyer, Seller and Broxer.
ice lain tonsey olen ont # oy meson coher han (ature of Bader to mare Sekar iG mareelacte ana d-geni atin Seller
ws i conus wees nat oot lo perform Centrex, Buyer May chogee io receive @ return of Buyers depout winour waiving he ‘ight
107 trowerage fee. (b} Buyer Default: 1 9 or tent 0 park mae a0 Het a cn Bueker fore at amas, tie
Laan a att 12 parr this Contract within ine time specified, irctudirg te'y caymen: af a”
202 depouts.
2090 partarm d $6 be pala a8 liqudated DBMAQSE Gt 1S ANed Iter he
210 spi equally among coaperaung broxara) up to ai of ei daposta pad ara ag‘eec It 02 cad is be
0 fee
2:7 94, QigeUTeE
and agresd to be made: B c
ig date + Buyer and Seiler wi nave Jo uayt him ine
i en oa anos ’ Saute threugn mediation tt that faas Escrow Agert wi
2? (by ay one ae ene OF wbiewon, a Fonca coun o ine ‘onda Raa:
a er dispute: Buyer f lement or ardar
‘a #0 Colter wil
AH ane nt Penh na pants fsa the gate # aispute ances Barwees tnem 19 atleme: eg
cant Property fa located. Tha arpiamy nt (etOve Ne dispute trough mevira omnaing aroiraton
226 submining it
to an‘ impa:
Fest satvemant on the padien 4 Medanen” at bea”
295 TAiator agreed cn dy the barton.” re gene
229 Bett! 9 Parties Nesoie » Gapen
> nding on the partion Artraton
" wb tvator tyread a4 by the
atorney 4 fees, andi tat
"6 & oracesy 4
C38 desis, 4
ation ASSOciano: ar the:
J4 17. #ac
18 subject Io
743 ata mporant to tem snd to 5 Neoroorata protaacne for mys om (for examole contracts
244 coterrining Ine ettect of unws on the Property and Waneaston, Gaius of te foregy investor feooring mauwemarts a) anc
<45 for tax, property condiuan, enuronmantal snd omar specAMed savice Buyer ecknowradgal tna? Rroker dose nal readin the
246 Prooety and inet od representations (oral, whten or Othecwisa) by Broce are baned on felier Teprotentauans or Oudie recoras
247 Unleas Boxer indicates personal verthemtion of the 1 . Buyer agrees to rely aaley on Bellas, professional inapectars
248 and govienmantes agencies far verification of the Property cenaitian, square footage and tacts that materially atte: Property
248 value. Guyer ant Seller reapactively will pay of cous and expenses, INGLGING ragsonable amorneys’ feos at ail leven Aeuited by
250 Groner and Brokers offiaers, dinsctors, agente arct empicyecs i connector with of arleng from Quyere of Setters M.oklatamert
28) or feiture to partorm convachuel obiigetions, Ruyer and Beller hold herniese and rebease Broke and Ambare offices, director
212 egerts and amployoes from ail Nabiity for ea oy damage based on (1) Buyers or Sellers mastatement or flare 10 oartorm
753 convackiai onugations, (2) Broxew's performanca, a Buyers accor Seller's MeGvest, Of any Wer bayone the scoce of aervices
234 reguistad by Chapter 475, F.S., a8 amended, incuding Brokers reterrs! tecommendenon of ratantion of ary vendor. (3) wodues
248 of serdans provided by any vendor: and (4) exneneas incurred by sny vendor, Buyer and Galler asch assume fui! “asponubiity tor
256 salecting ang compansating thes fespective vendors. This Paragragn wil not revere Broker of salutory obhgstians Far on -peses
287 of nis paragraph, Broker wit be rweted a4 a party to the Contract Thie paragraph wall survive closmg
258 19, BROKERS: The licensees) and brokerage(e) named below are collectively refartad tc aa ‘Brower ” Sailer and Buyar
250 scxnowtedge thal (he broketagea(s) named Selow ace tha Brocuning cause of this transaction. Inatruction to Claeing Ayent Seltar
280 and Buyer direst closing agent to dubure ot ctoming tha full amount of the brokerage feat a6 apacfad 1 cepacate Orakarage
261 agreements with the parties ond
262 escrowed funda. In tha abeence
SD, 3 __.
264 Ase Emote Loanere Rael Euate Ucanees
266° Brower | Brokerage fea a Sroaer / Brokerage tee, 3
263 26. ADORNOA: The foewing sadiional terme are inciudad in Sddenda ang incomorated into tha Cant-act (check +t eaoicanie:
280° LI A. Cando, Assa. at G. New Mort. Rates al M. Housing Older Persons a} §. Sale of Buyer's Peeper
770° J A. Homeowners’ Asan. 1 H. Aa 1s wiRighi to inspect ‘al N Unimprovediag, Prop aT Rezoning
ar 4G. Selier Finanang aj |. Settinepectons wl Interest-dessing Account J U Aaaignmesi
27" 10. Mart. Assumeton J J. inaudation Otaciosure inj P Back-up Contract JV Pros O:scosue Sim
21Y JE FHA Finanong dX. Pre-1978 Moving Suri.(LBP) JQ, Broner - Pers Int in Prop _) Oiner .
274" JF. VA Finanong @ L Ficod Ineurence Regd. ‘ad R, Rentate Other
278" CLOMIMG COgTs Lee
2as This |e intended to be «legally binding contract. # not fully understood, seek the advice of an attornay pror ta gi
287° (Chack if applicable: 1 Buyer received a vwrttian 188i property discioaure statement from Seiler detore making ine Otter:
708 Buyer offre to purchase the Property on the above terms And conditions Uniess this Contract ie wore by Selier ant a cory
200 End @uyer's deposit mfunded subject to
391" Date: 96/27/2000 Bayer, Tax ID/SSN: $91-99-294;
292° Prat nama: 7 en
283" Cave: 96/27/2900 Sayer: ——~. Tax O/SSN 590-G4-45 ae
2a" Pret name: THANTUBKA ORTIZ
295° Phone : Adoress:
ne nee
290° Fer
207" Cate. 5k = ~9 Sy) Setter: a Z
298° Pant name. Lin
299° Date Salter:
300" Pred name: ——.—...
C1 Prone f, f- 7 (47 Addreas:
102° Fax
303° | Seiler counters Buyer's offer (to ScCept the counter offer.
1C4* of ine secepance to Betler by 5.00 p.m. on tB'm$ ane denver a cory
t ) acanowedga Feceipt of 9 copy of ins page.
eed A rp eae pretreat a1 athe heton e -ste RT
FOR REACTOR vay mera Oe madame ENN tem 4 ave reore
STEAL! OR ane wr evencron 83 Soe of Cone TNR UTE UNIT May Oe sap
PPR Oe FTE Oy ay a sac cng
whicn ia Page « of 4 Pages
“a arme "Sr Once Tea Igemy
L_ gua —
jaened ne
JA- 25-96-9072 1 840 ee
G& PROPERTY Porayrepne & a
; : As Je With Right to Inagect: Twa cause replaces Perey
Hes ae) aa and Termite Reper Umit an UA. Beer Manes no coon ie Then meen Yet net
: condition from Efective Oete unit cong, axcoct bor normal mene ad ty
* kees the Property in the same Efe comme Baye mg ae ence
weve cnn profane ha eg tage neon A 0, OBEN Make ey Sa ty tet
+ ties Buyer le endged 10 mae under thie peragreph Guyer warves ine right to the inapaction and acosots the Propeny ‘an a
'\ Seller wali provide access and ubtties for Buyers mapectora. Buyer will moau ail damages fo the Propeny feguting Hom tne
“% Aepactone and Faw the Property 10 fs pre-inepaction Conditon. Buyer may, by ee men MMADOCHION
‘a Paned’), maxe any and alt inepectiona of the Progeny The Inapection(s) will ba Dy & SarBOn Who Epeaelzes A end holds av
< Staipatonal hoenee (if fequied by law) lo conduct home imapections of who holds a Floitds icense 19 tebat and mains
‘S$ derme wazectaa. Buyer may cancel this Coma dy written notice to Seiler wrnin § Gaye fram the end of ing lospoction >,
i 2
5° the asumated ocst of lrealment and repairs dalermined tn be necesaary by Buyer ie greater than eee eee
” emout is greater than 80 (zet0), for the canosttation fo be effective, Buyer must inchde In the wiiten Notice a cpy of tne
‘4 napectars written raport, if any, and (reatment and reper estimates from the inmpector or persen{a) hoiding ar spn prune
~ rionda heense to repair tne teme inapected Any conditions not reported i a bmety mariner wit be oeamed sodeptacic a Beyer
» Buyer may. an ine dey betore Cloaing Osta or any otne: time agrecebie to the partes, waik through the Property olay to vers
st that Seder hay fultilag Me comractual Obligations No other issues May be raised ae a resunt of Ine wulk TRrOUgh Inspect-on
. INAUSY ihe aartes
a rn -¢ d¢ ) |. Belf-inepeotion: Buyar and Seller Bofce that Unioeimed persons in: ‘
3 Ronreves may canduct tne inspections {except for Buyer's Wood-dastroying organism inspecton) permed 1A Paragracn
a 8 of th Camract or Paragreph Hoof this Adcendum. However, ft the imapection findings differ ar Paragraph & af tha Comract whose report will be binding on ine parties.
(Cd CL) CL _) J. neutation Blacioeure (New Homee Only) insulation has pewn of wul be AMA IOS In tte rte
A tesaence as tallowa
“9 Location Tyg Trexness PUNPOOTN .
AG INteOr Walls
yt Flat Ceiling Aree
3* Shaped Ceding Aton
4° Common Walle Batwean hause & Garage
o Extanar Walls
ae Omar
ws S] Cul) i. Peeters Housing Lasd-Based Paint Warning Statement: “Every purchaser of any .Atares!
vu ty ON wich @ federal dwelling wan built ror to 1078 le mottled that such property muy present
Mo exposure to tead trom leud-Dused putt that May piece Oevaioning lead Pomoung eed pomaniag ip
w fo UdINg beam Cieebikhee rectuced WtEINQe@nce quoter!
ia ’ ! i Dertiauer nex to pregnant women The sane 9 any
Ny informetion on fead-based pair! nazerds trom toe
Wadnaced peat hazaris 4 The
sdcanduin, 'aad-nased paint will be referred to as "LA « Dei Hazara wit de referred (0 aa “LBPH ”
() GGP/LBPH in Mousing: Sailer hea no ing wd HO BvElLEtee LBP LBPH twee 4g 5;
‘0018 except a4 indicated: (descrpe ak avatladie ducumoaty META Mg or
LSA. SPH and pv
{i} Lasd-Gased Paint
Ine pei
COMdut wos.
aisy2) ara (a ony) ‘warranted deme” for purpoeay 3 DAMAQADK.
e Q) Cactifteation of Accurn’ i
‘ “Protect Yi Farrity F i Your _
' and al of the intonmnon specified In ragrapn (1) above, Licandee has nosed Galler o Belars consign, ‘te proves
regarcing of aac har oy at paint Nezerde in te aroperty ag 'eguited Oy tagara
ation to ensure COmplenos with federat | ‘
hee 1 CAC-DASEd Der! ‘ay,
nd en al Han shove and certies to the Dest ol mee or ner kermmadge
96/26/2000 / oy th
bee cffulde drs weceae sa ~ HOV
; rips ,
or Chz a, 96/24/2000 “ae
Silo Uegie—ne 06/2
Seiting Ueansee EMOKEO RAE at S/2000 Lon Lebar . 98/46
a \ ating Ucmemeg OLIVEA Gamaba TTT az
. ¢ LL. Fleet .
# defined Acodaole ares. ond Food !neurence Required: Buyer ig Nolified th,
inrawved 4
Pay at (ha Property v= FOCMU@U 1 4 arma ings aa
eCard! disaster rales meastance on inet , Od deaste: area ator Se o :
‘ " 1@ ‘condni Bemor: 23 1984 gas
federal ‘aw Buyer \§ required to obtam suon Meee ntOR that toad Ineurance ba Odfaines in BQIOA ACE ent!
30 fequired 20 mauntaln ineurance ie eccotdance Ot RO weurad as af ine ume co tm
J. MM. Houeing ¢, 7
7 t 7 tiene tna a pa Older me myer SCANOWIECO¥S that the Own K aasouiytion Covetapes
we rene | that oe Bo phos nd f oder persons es Gained by federa tau While Setter
SU8Ng for Dersens wig are 2) a2 of eve et i Oke pareone. he Nene
8 Bruwar nag
Ces Te id
TH TEM eae, 2
S%2G¢< Ree
" 2. o
RTC AL Mat nc, am frie Oru tevty ‘ Tew ary
774 7487
hy by POV
a, > el 2 armas C2eT32> gas taazsiz ssa —_
rae 615 Oo T2rr36ssace + fel wWay sang, Bre eO:zE teez- 19.97
Pd Wdet:20 1292 19 “199 TEPPSSSSOS : "ON yang S234" aS aHye : WOdI-
oa “~ a
MTNAV@C rraroeeT
386, Creel Repo te ee
$95. Pronmmaing Fee . UNION MORTGAGE | 7806 |
20H. Feed Cartan s Aetree te FIDELITY NATIONAL 30.00 |
$07, Yim Servien Fev nm FIRST FRAN FIRST FRANIQUN FINANGAL $39.09 |
LON, Haaeirg Carafes
190 ed LA
ir Fae ry _—___|
[et seenet ates
[freien stent ooo Eran Py
3108, Londen's cs $1ea oe) 0 120.00 za a
J110_ Gamer’ 69 £33,000 9 1290.06 pata: ae a
bie. enters: Fe ine Fe er]
1209 Amare Fate: CT eS ee [ase TF
{OR Chyenerty worsen: Owed 4 1410.09: Mortgage 9 8 00 | ___ 658.00 | {410.00 |
iat. r le MARIO SRATS & ASSOCIATES 300.90
"Un Sere rs BGO SERVICES ING. 65.00
fname cerahaly rommns Bes WI ) Sesiement eng (0 (os ent Oy Ine ys AD Bd, UNS Pew wed uma GONE AP
me OWracSiOn, | Per mY at | Saray -ocarene 6 mney #4 AUD} Bam oemer, SALSA
Breen 8. tavacct
19048 Tee binder ie Keith 0. Diamong, Pa, {____ 200.00 [7]
PORTE Ord Om eornamnents wecls p= iy REWER We
_—__ ue
GOO | am ramen 8 U8 8 ete SCONE NS BPD OM read 084 8 Ye We Ot abe Op Oo
RE Te oem no Mate Cer {> Prev srend Hoare om thet OF gry ether Dewey Mere, Aen ta 6m Cea an 4h Smahare 6 Hen te rerterenet Per ames
Nat Core te et te
Tene ATTA eal
20S TIPrIERGOCS © SAIL TWSs SIAR! ML Z07t raz 10/0"
Sd Wd8T:29 1eaZ 19 “399 TEPPoSSSOl : ‘ON Xw4 SIABA aI Rl + MOAI
fe ld rylivab Pde?
we co ewe fogiae 752227 Camerrs Rla_ry Pe3t Og
Residential Sale and Purchase contract Te
* {. SALE AND PURCHASE: Hip, SC9A ('Saler")
| agree 10 well and ‘Buy on the terms and Conditions spectied belpw the property descrided ac.
" Addrags: 681 W 63 on RIALEAH. FLORIDA 33012-6582
. ee County: DADE
* Legal Oescripiion Paw SPRINGS 3£C £ LOT: 14 LX: 62
: ——______ — Tax ID Ne. O4+20~36-007-1560
together with ail improvements and ailacned lems. Incluaing fixtures, Duillsin furmgnings, dudtan Spoliances. carting fang, ligne
fixtures, altnened walkio-walt carpeting, rods, drapenes sna other window ceverings Tha Only other tems included in the
"The follawing antached items are excluded from tha purchase: NONE
The real and personal prapeny descrided above as included in the Purchase ig referred lo ae the "Propeny " Personal proneny usted
ih ines Contract ig inctuded in (he purchase price, has no conitibutary value ang 13 Being left for Seller's convenience
Payable by Buyer in US. Currency as follows:
Che Bre Sudjedt to Clearanca) June 26 + 2900_ oy
ps poly hoary:
a for DAMARIS REALTY © TRUST (Escrow agent’j
{bi $ NLA Addition,
Nana or BM DANY
posi to be made by
(e) 109 Total Financing (eee Paragrapn 3 Dalow) (exprass as q dollar amount ar percentage:
(a) 5
(8) §
Balance to dose (not in
lt cloging must be paid by locally drawn Cashier's check or official bank check, of wired funds
4. FINANCING: (Checx ag aophicable) _) 1a) Suyer wilt Day Caen for the Property wih ng financing contingency
MY (d) This Conteact is Conlingant on Buyer auantying far and obtaining (3) and/or (2) besow (tha “Financing”) oy
_ (bled aank then Closing Oste er within 30 days from Etective Cate whichever accurs first) (Financing Panag’)
ELC) A commtmeni tox naw convenional _) FHA VA financing for § OF 100.900 ol ine nrcrase PCE (Ohuy
1 the prevailing wnterest rae and ican Corie (UFIMA oF VA. see ouacned audenduin,
(2) Approval for Sailer financing or astumption of Mortgage (see altached addendum).
Suyer will apply for Financing within 2_ days from Ettecive Date {5S days ifler Blank} and will timely provide Any aed al credit,
employment, financial and oiher information required by the lender Cures ary may cancel ins Cantract (1) Buyer, ater using
dilgenca ang good faith, cannoli obtain ine Finanang {including Meaung the terms of the commument), of (11) ne Financing 16
doniad because the Propany @ppraises celow tne purchase orice and exher Buyar elects not io Proceed or tne pares are unadla
to ranagchate tna purchase Srice, Upon cancellauon, Buyar will return all Saller-provigag tile avicance Surveys and ascocianon
documents and Buyer's deposie) will be ratumed ater Escrow Agent receives pfOper authorization from all inlerestad danien
2. PURCHASE PRICE: $154,500
ia) s $00.00 0
" —wuly172. 2000.
(“Closing Oate’). unless extended by other provisiane of this Contract. The Property will be swept clean and Seller's personal wems
5, CLOSING PROCEOURE; COSTS: Closing will take o1ace In the county where Ine Propeny is located if ile msurance insures
Buyer (ar tle gefecis Sriaing Between the thle binger @Mactive date ang facording af Buyera deeg Clasiag agent will crsburse an
{a) Galler Coates: Setter will Dey lexo6 end sunaxes on the deed and re
confirmad and ralifind Special assassment liens and, if an imorovement 'S SUOSIantBily compte
a» BMOuNt equal (6 the last estimate of Ma assessmag: up to % (1.5% if lan Blank) of tne purchase pce for tapars te
and upto wo 4 (1 5% iTtah plank; of ine purchase price for waad-dasiroying organism
{eeaiment and repaira “Termite Repair Limit’), Olner
(o} Buyar Costs: Buyer will pay taxes and recording fees on nates and mongagas teas on the deed and financing
slalementa; laan expenses: pending sgaciat TS6Ctamont hens, landers tle Policy, inspections, survey, flood insurance,
XJ Buyer will pay for ine Owner's ile
ent. Salles will Pay fees for tile Searches prior to closing including lax searen anc her
Search fees, and Buyer will pay foes for tile searches ahar closing (if any) ita Sramination fees and closing lees
(t) Prorations: The foHlawearg tame wal Qo made current (f appieaotay ang Crorateg
@3tate taxes, interest, bonds, ansacemenia, ascocation fees, insurance, renis and other current expanses and revances af
(na Progeny. if taxes and assessments for the current year cannat be Getarmined. Ine previous yaars rates will be user wut
adiusimeni far oxempllons and improvemante. Buyer is fasponsible for Brogerty tax increases due ta change in ownersnig
(a) Tax Withhalding: Buyer and Sitar will comply with the Foreign inveaument in Real Propeny Tax Ad wnieh may require
Sellar to provde additional cash a Closing if Saltar is a “foreign perscn" as defined by federal law
(fh Home Warranty: Buyer J Seiler X) N/A wall pay lor a home warranty pian issued oy re (a)
GOSt nal to excead § ——_-~___ .Ahome warranty plan provides for fep are or replacement of many of a home's Mechanical
fytioms ang mayor ouilt-in apalancas in ine evant of breaksown gue to formal wear ana gar Guring tha agraement Fened
. {prior to ciasing, f lef, blank): and tne ‘walk-snrougn inspection on tne Gay vefore Closing
0 OF any othar temo agroaabie to ine are
‘er ds ¢ Ton and Seller acknowledge receipt of 9 Copy st ihis page. whieh eg Page 1ofa Pages
TONE ONIN Fiona Arsocaton of REALTORS® 44 Rights Reserved
aman RFI Dy RE Ferma LLG 10023 Prtban kee Roda, Caner Tomnenw, Memapen ers aber
14 Almera dee Cor) Gables tite
Co oho \e tte rs Ala ite att P. O05
A SETTLEMEN” STATEMENT U5 Cepscuman of Houniag
and Woan Oeveiopman
——___. ~—_ — _. OMS No_2502.0765
8. Type ot Luan
TPAD tak Came Vine 8 Fae Numi T Vaan snares Bhar g8 Wide Ne Ne
&. Nama and Adaress af Seuey F Name tnd Adarese af tender
681 W 63 ORIVE
700 W HILLSBORO BLVO. 819204
IG Propeny Locaion MH Scwement Agent
641 W 63 DRIVE
Praca of Seniement
BankAuantic Busiding, 4th Floor
46 Soulnwest First Street
Miam, Flanda 33130
490._Groea Amount Mue Sellar
wf ee ——— |
100._Gross Amount Oue Fram Bortower
101 _ Conyac asies price
Patsooal property
103 _Seivlemont chiryer ta dasrowvas (Iwee 1400)
Seller in advance
Adlusin ents far tame paid b:
4a ca erry
Adjusinents far teas Paid by belles ist advance
o >
200 Amounia Faia by af in Behalf af Barcower
Adjusimanis for itavas unpaid by saiter b ‘
241 Cowny unex 0100 1001007727400 854 86] 511 County wees 054 86)
212 Assess wo S12 __Aasseumence to
213 Wate few e, 319 Wats Pee :
ia $14
15 . 515
28 $16
27 ET)
Par TY
29 310
220 TOTA, PAO By POR DCAROWER 182 741 75] 920 ToTAL ReEOUcTION AMOUNT OVE SELLA 125,900 15
300. Casn At Seitiement From af To Bavtawer $00. Can Ai Suttiement To of From Seller
301 Grane amount dus tram taut ower (une 120) 163.088 87} 80) Groes amauni due co seeet (one 420; 134.500 00
2A2__bers amrownte pund utter barsowas jlina 230) . 362,711.75] $02 Lean teucuan amauni dua veller (wre $205 125.908 15
30) Casn PROM SORACWER 31.276 82} 3 Case ro SEWER 32650? a5,
You aes
M8 Be te tu prone Ne O Dianened PA. wikn pin Conn Lenpeper BeNM ahem aint N70 83 O04 Gt AY Cuainee PA aun Wot coeree)
Oma Goadtons SO-pONEG Br om CLATIFICALION Unaer gandties Pty 1 COnuhy Unt ine fhaniie! shown
HUF Deed Caaayes init ots onesies
SECA INSTRUCTIONS due rea Ende 46 pnd venue Hada, be Ferme 2149, Son 66 baer 400 WA poet incone Lie veut foe
SINE RAL SHAAN COnnqmale Use apticabre Bash Off
SUBS THUTE LOGY Ine , 4) 0 Herta Coe sorter Ane eg
“ : 139
ioe VE §4lsva Food
. - PGE?
70) TOTA. SALESMAACKER'S COMMNSSION pesad oa pine scancwen's aausan'e
Bergan of commission une 700) 46 Josowa fuuas at Fumba az
$4635 00 o OAMARIS REALTY SETI Lement Prise ig
Lamevssian paid a Sealemont
B01 Loan Quginavon F 1 0
802 Grokacs Pee ‘3 ry UNION MORTGAGE & INV
Appraisal Fea o CASSANORA LOPE2 (275 O¢FOC)
sats : -——
Aamausuauan Poe 0 FIRST NLC 743.00
208 Foes Caruficauant veune Cy FIRST NLC 14.00 {+
Tas Setrme Feo ie
$04 Coe Geuvary ve 6 FIRST NLC soo { J]
10 nue! Places i FIRST NLC
an Indieci Maker Comp} 1 ia {UNION MORTGAGE § MV (2477 0POK, PROM FAST NGS
90) Uuerest ham O12800 16 ow0100 gii~ 40a
R02 Monyage inawance Prema far ry
Hazard naw ance Prantawn bor 4
Proce Wisurance Pramnan for $
YOOt Metad ewsance
BAe gele Croc los Matar load tne Ca;
iainond PA
$104 Tale winder to. Kelh O Oiamong PA 200.00
3108 Cacumer Prapatsilan te FIRST NLC | _75.00 |
Wwichedey above Adare No
106 Tide Inautance « Keith D. Diainong. PA
(ehatea above dam No )
[109 Lender's coverage $ 123,600 00 150 00
LITO Ouners cure age $ 154 $00 05 847 50
L11) Endorsement FLA Form 9 BN ta 1 169.75
{113 Muccauaneous: Fed Exp Comes, Fas
1201 Recotaing Fees Qoed $10 50 _Mongege $ ?a.00 i Retasee $600
4202 Caycouniy laveunge Dees $877 00 origage 1 42 60 432.60 [$27.00 |
1203 State Tawetamon Coed $ Mangage $ 247 20 247.20
1204 Asasqaman af Marigage
ts i
ul |
1203 Recoveing of Athiaaes 6.00
1301 Survey cy BLANCO. DANIEL & ASSOCIATES 275.00
1302 Peel thepecuaa to AMERI SERVICE
1303 isn Samcen to P 4&0 SERVICES INC 100.00
3304 Rao! Wepecon C) AMER SERVICE
1205 Salter Documents 0 Keak O Oumons PA 175.00
1400 TOTAL SETTLEMENT CHARGES (arte: oe wae 103 and SO? Secon 4 ang ) $3,468.67 40,854.00
Thave ea
$e ed ae eataia sLaveenend oh ab raCwgin wong aunbatmmenie moms wr Wy accanard Oy om
{rowed tN MUG Seuisonand ond Ge he eal amy Srecage oa cater
Yfe NAA Rae Laken «CABG 8 We AUD 1 Setter! fussamners
Lid Mowdeee Whe hore
Thantzea Bp
Mti0 na eg -av TOM
Date £0 for fot
Number of pages including cover sheat
to: LZ. DK Y4 the
Fax Phone S ~VWiaIe.
TEL. 305 8855045 F001
Principal Properties, Inc. Realtors
3295 West 4th Avenue
Hialeah, Florida 33042
From: Mr. Juan A. Rodriguez
ee ee
Phone 305) 883-7555
Fax Phone (305) 883.5046
O Reply ASAP
O Please comment
Juan A. Rodriguez
Wie Mortgage Sronar
Businans (303) 009-7555
Fax (305) 889-5045
Sma Old @
‘: “bbe s 3 eat | ‘ ‘s “2
and ‘H_E. TRLLES NM 2 (“Buyer”)
bore © est and buy on the terns and candiions apacified below the property described aq
Address: 2233 6.8. 99 AVEO | Mra ort, 33166
County: QaDE
—.,.@.0.->-2O02-—-—- —-—--00--2=
Legal Oescrizson: WESTBROOKY GAROENA 1 | 38 LoT 26 rx § T_ er: 75 9 oO:
OR 10268- ooo8 4 Tax iD No: 30400001
gether with all improvements and attached items, including fatures, buen fnishings, buitin appllencas, caiting fans,
ligm forures, attached wall-to-wall Carpeting, ods, Oreparies and otter window Ooverings, The ony other items included
tr The following attached idems ara excluded fran the purchase: Deer Was} legeedd .
2 The reat and roperty desorbed above ‘ss included in the puttheso m teetad maa tie “Property.” Personal property
ro keted In ts PL lod in the sales price, haa ao cantioutory value and ie being lett tr Seller’s
1a* 2. PURCHASE PRICE: $ 222,500,00 beyedte by Buyar in U.S. currency am follows:
To im $ 500,00 We subject 0 Clearance) MAY. '# 00.
—————__PAY_ PTH, 200, by
x for DAMARIS REALTY {Escrow Agent”)
zw hh NZA Additional dapca fo ba made by
a (e) 3.209 Total Financing (toe Paragraph J defow) (exprens as a dodar amount or parcentage}
Prgete wares
ue (a) $ Other.
a Ca 9 Balance to close {nat Inctudeng Gosing costs, prepaid meme and grorations), All funds
"7 pad cong meat be pag y eae amen Cagtwer’s Ghack O¢ wired funda.
mm $, RMANCING: (Crack as applicabta) (a) Buyer wi pay Cash for the Property wAn Aa financing condngency,
~ @ (©) Thia Contract ft coniingent on Buyer qualifying for and obtaining (1) andi (2) below fhe "Financlng’ by
oa OF an hank then Cloaing Ose or within 30 days from Entechve Date, wtichever occurs fet) (‘Financing Period?)
0" Q (1) commitment for new @ conandonal QFHA TVA financing for § OF 390.000 % of the purchame price (plug
j cable PMI, MIP, YA funding fea) at the prevesting intereet 1 an costa (FRA or VI, addend
Ca Approval ter Gear trarcing ar meee ye mat am an a edoandun). OVA. so “my
Buyer wid apply for Financing wienin days kom Ettactive Data (5 days X ie LiANK! 66d wil tmely provide any and of credit
; rey itd eter Foy te ca he CORI fy fale weing
aligance and good fath, cannot obtain the Financing, of (I) the Financing is because the Pi aporaiews deiow the
purchame price and ether Buyer elects not 10 OF the partes are unable © renegotst purchase price. Upon
Cancelation, Buyer wit retun a! Seler-provided tvicence, surveys and amsacciation documenta and Buyw's dapccnt{s) wil be
ceturned afer Escrow Agent receives proper authorization trom all iMarseted parties.
4. CLOSING DATE: OCCUPANCY: This Contract wil be closed and the deed and possession deliverad on Hat hate 4901
(Oosing Dame), urdeas extanded by ther provisions of this Contract Tha Property wil be swegi Gian partons hare
removed on or before Closing Data. ¥ on Closing Date ingurance underwrting it eumpended. Guyer may postpone closing un fo § days,
5. CLORING PROCEDURE; COSTS: wT tile insurance inures Buyw for He defeca. ating betwsen the tide tinder eflectve date
ind recording of Buyw's deed, closing agent wil Ganune i closing the net cate proceeds 1 Baller and brokerage fen 1 broke
$4 pat Parag ga Bae ey ace aa Dis ona Set and Buyer wt pay te coed odemed Deo.
Sater Coote: Beller wil 1aXOs ard gurtaxes on the Ceed and recording fees % A
Sire raled_ sped eueuane Sct ea i a Pi ate a aa eg en! Patt ones
amourh equal to the lest estate of the assesement Other
) Buyer Coste: wil Day twee and reconéng ; on mi
Ing statements; Qxperses, pending special meeceement fens: lender's policy, inspections: survey. flood
warrenty Other
‘3 () Setter wh provide a Paragraph 1a!) owne‘a tie Ineurance corriment as te evidence) Seller) Buyer mi
select the te agent OC} Seller C) Buyer wil pay for the owners ttle policy, search, examination and retated cherges,
Each party wil pay tz own cloeing fees, p a te wh ,
Seller wil provide tte evidence a speciied In wayagn 1X42). 2 Seiter wil pay oe Owned'a tle
a are orien Eater wll pay loos, Wy We dacthea: rere ey ned Be owners te
Soech fee, and Bryer wil pay fees for toe searches ater closing 0 any), ale examination fees end closing fee.
a of the day before Cloning Date: real
other current expenses and revenues of
i nt for enemetions and improvements. Buyer is msaponsibte for tex Increanes due to change in ownership.
(a) Tm Winnowing: Buyer ore” eter ei cose ‘oreign Investment in Ree Property Tax Act which may
to provide caah at closing d Beller ia » Foreign person” as detined by federal Law
Casing Qass or any ather time agreaable to the part
oye WBE ad Bate NCE) skool resi of # copy ofa pga, whch is Pag of & Pages ;
B10 118 COOK Fonds Aenpcadon AREALTORS® All Hignm Reastved
Pracad vin TOP em by FL Peernaheat. LC |S Been Mite Read, CRe Tomei, meng OM BOD pee, | Ae
wre Reetty Mii Alavects Awe Carat Chablan PIL 39S Pacem: SAI fey ise1D?
14. INGPECTION PERIODS: Buyer wil complete any and all inspections of the by
(wihin 45 daye from Effectve Dew 1 ‘eft diank) Cinapeciion Period"); and the wak:- Inepection on the day before
Tr Buy CLT) MR ana Gener Tt Horvonieton real of» ony of is page. whch is Page 2 9f # Pages:
NS-te 1206 COUR Fonte semelalion af MEALTOAS® af Aigne Reserved
7. REAL PROPERTY OXSCLOBURE: Sellar reorecars that Sele dots fot know of wy facta that matertaty sect he value of
tne Property, including violationa of govemmentel wa, rulen snd reguiapoms. other then thote thet Guyer can ready obsone
of that are known By or have been dactosed 6 Suysr.
(a) Energy Efficiency: Buyer may. within the inspection Poriod, have the Property's anergy efficiency rating determined, but
fo contingency or reper obligation is connected wth the ovcane. Buyer acknowledges recent of the Flonda Buidag
Energy-Etinency Rating System brochure 1 this is anew home, the bubder’s FL-EPL, card le attached a an addendum
(0) Radon Gas: Radon wa naturally occuring redoactve gf thal when f hag secunuaied ins building n° suffigant
quarities, may presen hearth meke to penton who afe axpcead fo 1 ower ima Lavels of radon that excted federal and
state quidelines have been foutd in buildings in Flonda Additonal information TeQMang fadon Bhd fedon lectng may be
obtsined from your county public heath unt. Guyer may within the Inspection Pened, have an appropristely licensed
parton teat the Property for radon.
(¢} Flood Zona: Buyer ic advieed t verty by survey wth the lender: end with appropriate goverment agencies which food
Pore the Property Is Jn, whetner flood insurance Is requiad end what rmeticiona opply to improving the Property ocd
reduilding in the event cf camustty.
§, Ae le With Right to inepect: Seller makes no wartandes otter then merketabty of ube, Rotier will keep the Propany in the
same condition from Effective Oate uni closing. esoapt for notmal weer and lea (‘maintenance requirement’), and wl
convey the Property in tts ‘as te’ condition with no oblgaton to maka any rep ain.
(a) Inspection Right Galler Oniigadons: Ruyer may. a Buyer's expense, cont prefesmonal and walk-through inspections
at ceccrbed deiow. if Guyer fats to Umely conduct any inspectcn whicn Buyer ls enttied to make under ths paragraph,
Buyer weves Ihe ngit 1m the inspector and acces te Property ‘as ua Beller wi provide access and ullites lor Buyer's
inspections Buyer wil repay ad samages (© the Property resting from me Ineoections and retum the Property i itt pre
inapectan dondition.
{b} Proteselanal Inspections: The inapecton(s) wal be who spec
fequirad by law) to conduct home Inspectons or who hdlds a Flora leeree fo Peout and masts The Rerre repetaad ht . ye tt
{e) Canesilation Right: Buyer may cancel this Contract by wntten notice to Setter within ow the
Inapecton Pafod the extmaod cost of musmrwrt and fate domwmined tbe, nococa Pon iver eater than
Dervon(a) holding an aopropriste Flordda licsnae to reper the items inspected, Any conditions nat reported in a tmaty
manner wil be deemed acceptanie io Buyer.
(6) Walkthrough inepestion: Buyer may wak though the Property sotly io very thet Salar hes Aultied the contractual
atligadons. No other lanuea may be raed as 3 resul of the wisk-Cvough ngpection
§. RISK OF LOSS: It any porton Of the Property is camaged by fre or otter casunty before closing and can be restored
within 46 days from the Ciceing Oam to sudctandaty the came condition a x wae on Effective Date, Seller wh m Sellers
expense, restora the Property and the Closing Dao wi be extended accordingly. if the rastoradon cannct be completed in
tne, Suyer may eccapt the Property ‘ is" with Seller assigning the Inaurance proceeds ite the Property to Buyer at dosing,
Fading won etter sarty may cancel Inte Conpact
SO. TITLE: Seller wic convey marketable fo to the Property stattory warrenty eed of GuytDE, permonal representative or
Guardian deed as appropiiste to Bellare status, "
which prevent residential use of the Property: covenants, aacemems and mewictons of record, mations of pat
zoning and gewamment regulators: of, gas and mineral dghta cf record ¢ thee is no fight of envy, current taxes;
mongages thet Buyer wil assume, sod encumtrances tha Sater wil Gachage a or before closing, Geter wi. prot
Gocing, daiver to Buyer, Better‘s choice of one of the fohowing Qyee of fie evidence, which must be generaty accopied in
tha county where tha Property is loceted (apecity in Paragraph &c) the selected type). Seiler will use option (1) in Pan
Bauch County end option (2) n Dade County.
(1) A ttle Insurance sommitment issued by a Floideticensed tiie insurer in the amourl of the purchase price and
subject only to tile exceptions set forth in this Contract
a policy exceptions and en update in a format
eccoptacie 0 Buysr'a cloalng agent from the policy efectve dete ant certfed
fo Buyer or Buyer's desing agent
foyather with Copies of af documents recited in the prior pokoy ond in the update. a prior pokey if not avaiable to
Setler thon (1} above wil be Te tin evidence Tie evidence wi de deivered no later than {0 days before Cioting Cate
(0) Tite Examinetion: Buyer wit axemine the tte evidence and deiver writen notice {© Seller, within 5 days forn rece
tle evidence bd fo later than closing, of any defects that make the te unmunketetle. Sefer wit have
receipt of Buyer's nodce of dafects (‘Curt Peridd’) © cure tho defects
within the Curative Period, Sailer will salver whiten notca to Quyer and
Date or within 10 days from Buyer's recapt of Sellars notice 1 Closing Oste has paneed. Seiter
defects within the Curative Period, Seller wil dover writion notiee io Buyer and Buyer will, within 10 days from recent
Sailers rotoe, ether cancel fra Contract or sccagt tite with existng defects and close the tranzaction
{0} Survey: Buyer may. pror to Closing Ome and at Buyer's expense, Rave the Property surveyed and deliver written notes
to Seer, within & days from recempt of survey Dut mp ‘emer than doaing, of any encroecnmants on the Property,
oreroactimerts by the Property's improvements on other lances or deed resmicton or soning vidletong Any such
encroachment or violaton wit be treated in the sane manner as a tite defect wid Buyers and Belles cbligatons wit be
Getermined in accordance wath subparagrach (b} above. H any pan of the Property hes sagwerd of the cosstal constuction
Property, unless Buyer waives this reguiremant in writing.
Pretted aN Tig arn ™ ey AE Farernted SOFIE Ones. nie Rend, Caran Townarig Uiemgnn a0 (80D) 1O-e00s
NOW 1206 C1 Dike Roney semrcaton of REALTORS As Wighen Rewerues
. OFF DATE; TIME: The Elective Dawe’ of tia Combact la the daw on which the Inst of ce partes: Mit or agne
th imal of Tima ie of We ease for af provaione Of f¥e Comat Ae fons, te mats Bea tet
“business day" is every calendar day except Saturday, Sunday and naponal ieqai Potdays] Hf any deadline fale on @ Sauuctay,
Sunday or national legal hotiday, performance wil ba due the next dusneet day. Ml time periods will end at 6:00 p.m local
Ome {mearung in the county where the Property is located) of the appropriate day
3; Al notcas wil be fo the porves end Broker by mew, personal delivery or stectronic mecta Buyer's tuiure to
fae en wee notice to Peel when oe Rdtlow Is pole by tia Contract, regerding any contingencies will render
that comingency null and vold and the Contract will be conetrued a: I the condngency did net exist,
MPLETE AGREEMENT: Ths Convex i the entre agreement between Bu and Setter, Except for brokemnge
2B coue no aan or ren egreamants will bind Ewe, Seller or Broker Teleee tncorporsted Into tte Contract
Modifications of the Contract wil not de binding unless in witng, signed and delivered ty the party to be Daun. Signatures,
indatt, documents referenced in tis Contract, countypars and written modificatons communicated secyonicaly or on paper
will be “acceptable for of purposed. inciuang celivery, and wih be binding. Handeriton or typeertian terms inened in of
attacnad jo thie Contract preval over prapnnted terme. if any provision of ths Coneact is or becomes invalid of unenforceable,
all remaning provisions will continue to be fully effectve, This Contract wal not be recarded in any public records,
14 ASSIGNABILITY, PERSONS BOUNC: Guyer may not aasign ths Contract without Sellers written consent The lems
“Buyer,” “Seller,” and “Broker? may be singuiar or pra. This Contract is binding on the hews, sominstrators, axecuiors,
Persona representatives and assigns (if permitted) cf Buyer, Seller and Brokiy,
15. DEFAULT: (a) Seller Oefeutt: if fov any reason other ier Noid Gf Getler to make Beller's tte maretsbie attr Spent sto,
Sellar fail, refuses of facta % perform ths Contract, may choose to receive a retum Buyers depost wt
waving the gM © seek Jamages OF to week spechc performance as per Paragah 18, Seller wit sive te Vobe my trcee
tha full amount of tha brokarage fee (b} Buyer Ovteutt: if Buyer tals to perform irs Contract wit the ene spectied. lauding
Gmety payment of ai deposits, Setter may choose to retain mic coltect af cepoets pad and agreed to be pad as foudemd
pala tnd agreed to be pls Be C0 coy er CARTER A and rckar wl. ypen demand, recwie 50% of al cepoute
Pald and agreed to be paid {to be apht equally among cooperating brokers) up to the ful amount the brokerage fee. :
18. OLSPUTE RESOLUTION: ‘This Contract wil be construed uncer Floida jaw. All controversies, claims, and other matters in
question beween the parties ariaing ou of or relating to this Contract or tx breach wit be asttied an follows:
{4) Dleputws gonowning enttionem to depoeite mada end agreed to be made: Buyer and Selier wit have 30 days fom
the date conficting demandes are mada to tt resolve the diapuss through mediation. that falls. Escrow Agent
wit aude the drapute, if so required by Flotds law, te Escrow Agents cholee of arbitration, a Florida cout o ine Fionds
Raw Estate Camminsion. Buyer and Sailer wit be bound by any raautting sattement of order
(h) AN other disputes: Buyer and Seller will have 30 days ftom the date 2 discule ates between thom to enemot ©
vescive the matter through meclaton, falling which the partes wil reacive the depute through newiral binding arbitration
In the county where the Pr \s located. The sorry may fot star the Contract terme or award any remedy not
provided for in the Contract, he award wit be besad on the roster wegt of the evidence and wil stete Sadings of fect
‘and the contractual authortty on which it is based 1 the partes agree to use discovery, ft wil be in accordance with the
Flonda Ruling of Civ’ Procedwe amd the arbitrator wil resolve af dicovery-(elated deputies Any dleputes with a rea
cciale conten named in Paragraph 18 wi be submited atiralon ony the foensae'e broker consend. in wing. t
become a party to the proceeding This clauea will surwve cloeing,
(c) Mediation and Artttration: Expenese: ‘Mediation’ ig a process in which partes attempt to reectve a dlapyte by
mediator eqreed on by the parties The partes wit aquetty divide the madiaton fee, i any, ‘Abivation’ is a process in
which the patties resoive 3 dleputa by a hearing batore @ neutral perton who decides the matter and whese ceciion {6
funding on the partes. Avttradon wil be in accordance with tho rules of the American Arbitstion Association or other
atwator agreed on by the parties. Each party t any wttration wil Day AS own fone, caste end expenses, inciudng
storeys’ feos, and wit equally split the aroromors’ feet and administrative lew cf arbrtration,
17. ESCROW AGENT: Buyer and Setter authorize Escrow Agent to receive, depoan and hold funds and other items in eecrow
ug Rab ee eee ioe UPR MeTozmen nd. in morderog wrt) the terme this
inet isbursing broker: . i Escrow Agent fi arson,
genre Reena to Buyer Setter, undersea, &8 dua to Pact eee See reach of this
Ragigence It Escrow Apert imerpieads the subject mater of the sacrow, Escrow Agent wit pay the fling fees and costs fom
De iapout and will recover reasonable ationeys! fees and costs to be pakd ftom the escrowed funds oF ecnivalent an
charged and awarded as cout costs in favor of the prevaling party, AN claims against Escrow Agam wil be abiremd, to
fong an Escrow Agent consents tn arbitrate,
14. PROFESSIONAL ADVICE: BROKER LIAQILITY: Broker advisers By: and Geller > verify all facta and representations thet
ae important fo them and to consut an appmortete profeealonal for lage advice (for example, interpreting condracta,
fererraning the effect of tawa on the Property and transacson, status of fe, foreign investor fecuirements, et.) and
for (ax, property condition, envirnnmomal and ther apecialized etoce. Buyer acknowledges that dose not reside in the
Property and that all represenutons (ora. wrtten or otnerwite) Broker ere based on Boler resentahons or public records
personal “baller, protassional Inspectors
and governmental ee for verification of the Property conditon, square footage and facts that Metetlalty affect Property
value, Buyer and fespectvely wil pey at costs and expenses, including featonatie sttomeyi’ fees at ai faves, incured by
Broker and Brokers officers, Grecters, mgems and amployess in connecton with or sing from Buyers or Selter's misetarerak
feguiated by Chapter 475, FS. ax amended including Broker's referral, recomemandation or retendon of any vendor: (3) products
Of sotreda provided by any vendor: and (4) expenses incumed by any vendor Buyer and Seller each assume fl lity for
selecting and compensating their respectve venders, TMG paragraph wi not relive Broker of Stattory obligations. For purposes
Pratiened WOH DWP erm Wy OE Feeatiad LG SITS Fen Le Rese Caren Toomves rengan 400%, (my Sacer er
; Tha 8) ame Drokerage(s} named below ae comecovely aed at ‘Broker’ Seller and Buyer
a seiheoage at te yoreregta named below are the procuring cause of ine Banseeton. Inatructton to Closing Agent + lv
zo and Buyer direct closing agent tp diburie a closing me Na wrount of the brokerage ee oe spucited it separa broke soe
agreed: i ind cojpersive ageerents between the droxers, Broker
= i rate sone dawn bra qe ay ownang ging agent will disourea brokerage fees as indicated below.
! Ry fi cp Toareee
ai 8
Ie Broker / Bromerage (0 a eae a SO. tse fas fhice 0 rs Tigo
ma 20. ADOENDA: The folowing additional terme are inciuded in addenda and Incorporated Inic thie Contract (chock if appticatla)
ne QA Condo. Assn, OG. New Mort Rates IM. Housing Older Persons D5. Swe of Buyer's Property
De 2 8. Homecwnare’ Assn, ‘ ON. UnimprevedsAg. Prop. OT. Rezoning
rir QC. Setter Financing D |. Satt-inepections OQ. trtwrest-Searng Accout =. DU. Assignment
ze 02D. Mort. Aagunption LI. J. Insulation Diaciosura OP. Back-up Coneract AV Prop. Disetosure Som,
my OE FHA Financing AX. Pre. 1978 Housing S tn) Q. Broker - Pers. Int in Prop = 2) Other
ve CLF. VAFinancing Sr Sit-Pronciaawanes- Regd: DA. Rentals Other ————
rr ll,
Property on the above hms and Uniesa thie is ti
mt eh no late tha ee Smee Conwract is tigned by Seller and 9 copy
ze and Buyer's Gepoatt refunded subject fo clesrance of funds, ,
zor? Osta 05/04/2001
me Date: 08/04/2001
ree voce EAR ray mocetnn CLF EALTONS rete AG copremariaton eat the loyal aly ot age quscy of any pravmaan of Pee ferry
TARR Core of win erareve cost or fn Sa sicmlemle Ge vee by he
‘seer coneeee wine are mewrmarn ot 14 Na terel Ampedletan of REAL TOAB and wha tubbucrbe to ta cane ol Sree TOT a al ay be wena any By "al
IG 1208 61008 Fleride Assoaletion of REALTORGE Ad Alghe Reece b t . a
' i
Prmmcne WO Ef ere wy ME Farmeting, LC +0HZR Weed $04 Raed, Certan Teenie, Mahan 48038 (00m Deane ceisler UD
‘Paais” Sale and Pu
3 agree to soli and buy on the terms and Candhang spectied below the property described as
4° Address 9925 SW 215 ST | MIAMI FL 33189
: Counly: MIAMI-DADE
9° Legal Description: CUTLER RIDGE SEC 7 PB 69-5
r Tax !0 No
, 5 , Se
@ together with all improvements and attached items ieluding fixtures. built-in furnishings, oulltin appliances, cetling fans,
$ light’ fixtures, attached wall-to-wall Carpeting, ods, draperies and other window covenngs The only tar items included
tor inthe purchase are RANGE, WATER HEATER
te A
The following attacned lens are excluded rom the purchase.
1s The real aro persanal property descn3ed above as inciuded in Ihe purchase 1s feferrad fo as the ‘Property ~ Personal propery
te listed in this Contract is ‘ncluded im tne Sates price, Nas No contributory value and is baing ‘elt for Seller's converience
1a 2. PURCHASE PRICE: 3 98,600.00 payable by Guyer in US currency as Ichiows: x400 LY.
is (a) § 500.00 Depasitraceived (checks are subiect to clearance} September 06, 1569 by
za" for DAMARIS REALTY TRUST (Escrow Agent’)
i Signature Name of Company
2 (b) § N/A Adhtional deposi to he made by
Total Financing (see Paragraph 3 celow) fexpress as a dollar amount or percentage)
ax (e) 190%
we (dt) § Other:
a (e) § Galance to cose (not including Buyer's closing costs. prepaid items and prcrations) All funds
20 Pard a closing must be paid by locally drawn cashier's check or wired funds
1 FINANCING: (Check as applicable) _) (a) Buyer will Pay cash for the Property with no financing contingency
"&_ (d) Tus Contract is Conbagent an Buyer quatifying for and obtaining (1) and/or (2) below (the “Financing’) by
(eft blank then Closing Date or within 30 days from Effective Dale. whichever occurs first) ("Financing Penod")
or D (1) A commitment for new A eonventional 'JEHA J VA financing fer $ Of _100.000_ % of the purchase price (pis
n any applicable PMI MIP. VA funding fee) at the prevailing interest rate and foan cosis (if FHA or VA” see attached addendum}
arr (2) Approval for Setler finanedg or assumption of mortgage (see attacned Addendum)
39° Buyer will apply for Financing within i days from Effactve Oate (5 days if left blank) and wil timely provide any and all cradit,
he employment, financial and other information fequirad by the lender. Either party May cancel this Contract if (i) Buyer, atter using
as Giigence and good faith, cannot obtain the Financing, of {ii} the Financing ‘s dewed because the Property apprases below thg
26 purchase pnce and either Buyer: slects not la procesd or ‘he partes are unabie to fenagodate the purchase price. Uocn
av cancellation. Buyer will retum all Seller-provided title evidence, Surveys and association documents and Buyer's deposit(s) will de
Pr teturned after Escrow Agent receives Sroper authorization from all interested parties.
30 CLOSING HM, 2000 LY?
X00 .
40-4. CLOSING DATE; OCCUPANCY: This Contract will be closed and ihe deed and possession detvered on Sept =
41 ("Clasing Date’), unless extended by :olher grovisions of ths Contract, The Property will be swept clean an Seller's persona}
42 removed on or belore Closing Date. It oniCiosing Oate insurance underwnting is suspended, Buyer may postpone dosing up ta § days.
43 5. CLOSING PROCEDURE; COSTS: If litle insurance insures Buyor for ule defects arising between the tite binder effective date
+4 and recording of Buyer's deed, Clasing agent will disburse at closing the net sale proceeds to Seller and brokerage fees to Sroker
“5 as per Paragraph 19 In additon to other expenses Provided in this Contract, Seller and Buyer will pay the costs indicated below
46 (a) Seller Costs: Seller will Pay taxes and surtaxes on the deed and recording fees for documents needed to cure bile; ceriified,
ar confirmed and ratified special assessment liens and, if an improvemert is Substantially completed as of Effective Date, an
40" amount equal to the last estimate ‘of the @ssessment, Other
49 (b) Buyer Costs: Buyer will pdy taxes and recarding fees’ on “noles and mortgages, recording fees” on the ceed and
30 financing statements. loan Sapenses, pending special assessment liens, tender's die policy inspections; Survey; flood
se insurance: home waranty plan; Other
ch (c) Title Evidence and insurance: Cheek {1} or (2):
st id (1) Seller wit! provide a Paragraph 10(aj(1! owner's alle insurance commitment as lite evcence |) Seller | | Buyer witi
sar select the Wile agent '_J Selter it Buyer will pay for the owner's title pelicy, search, examination and related charges
2 Each party will pay its own closing tees.
56° %& (2) Seller will Provide tie evidence as specified in Paragraph 10(a)(2). |_y Setter %) Buyer wil pay for ihe owners tte
$7 policy and select the title agent. Seller will pay fees for ttle searches prior to Closing, including lax search and lien
98 Search fees, and Buyer will Pay fegs for litle searches after closing (if any), btle examination fees and closing fees
50 (d} Prorations: The follewing items will be made Current (if appticable) and prorated as of the day before Clasing Dale rea!
40 estate taxes. interest, bonds, assessments, association fees, insurance, rents and other current expenses and revenues c!
a the Property. if taxes and assessments for ‘he Current year cannct be detemined, the previous years rates will be usea with
2 adjustment for exemptions and improvéments Buyer is responsitie for orcperty (ax incraases due to chang@ in ownership.
63 (e) Tax Withholding: Buyer ard ‘Seller will comply with the Fareign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, which may require
44 Seller to provide additional cash at closing if Seller is 4 “foreign parson’ as defined by federat law
es" §. INSPECTION PERIODS, Guyer wil complete any and all inspections of the Property by
47 (within 1§ days from Efertiva Oate if te lank) (‘Inspector Perod’}, and the watk-ntough inspection én the day oefore
4a Closing Oate or any otper time agreeable je the par
aa* Quyer 7 Y ) 2 and Seller ( ) dp acknowledge receipt cf a Copy of tts page, which is Page 1 of ¢ Pages.
: ney ee ce aD
ASIS-11 198 61996 Flora Asgociasor
“Acree ABN3S .6uG) 52.4805
rte nia Bae me
mar Sener 2: MEL anOw S any
a ules ars regulatens, other (nan uae
ba (a) Energy Efficiency: Buyer may within tne Inspecton Fenod, have the Property's energy eticercy fang determined, but
ry NO canungency or fepa’ obligjian 1s connected wrh the outcome. Guyer acknowledges recent of ‘he Florida Bui'ging
is '§ anew Tome. the builder s FL-EPL card is attached as an adder-dum .
78 (b) Radon Gas: Raden 's 4 Aalurally occurring tadoactwe gas tnat, when it has accumsiated nm a budding in sufficient
7 Quanuties, may present raalth rises to persons who are excesed to it over time Levets of radon that exceed federal and
7 stal@ Guidelines nave teen fougz im buildings in Flonda, Adult onal information fegardag radcn and racon testing may te
7 oblamed from ycur county Public health unt Buyer may, wehin the Inspection Period Nave an acarcpnately licensed
1 persan ‘est the Property for radcn
at {c} Flood Zone: Buyer s advised to venty ty survey, witn the lender and with appropriate goverment agencies which food
42 zone Ihe Property is in, wheter food ‘insurance 1s required and what resinctions apply to ‘worowng the Property and
82 rebuilding in the event of casiza ty
t1 8 As Is With Right to Inspect: Seller makes na waranties ather than marsetability of title. Setler will kesp tne Properiy in ‘no
as same conditon from Effecive Oate until closing, except fcr normal wear ard tear (Cmaintenarce requirement’), and will
86 convey Ihe Property in ils “as $* condition with ao Obligation to make any repairs
Hr (a) Inspection Right; Setier Obilgatfons: Buyer may. at Buyer's expense, conduct Professional and walk-through snsoections
4 as descnbed below If Guyer fis lo timely conduct any inspection which Buyer is entitled to make under this paragracr,
8 Buyer waives the mghi tc the ‘nspection and aecects the Property ‘as is” Seller will provide access and utiities for Quyer's
cr inspections. Buyer ‘wil rszair att damages to the Property resuiting from the inspectiors and retuin the Freperty to its pre
8 inspection conditon :
a2 (b) Professionat Inspections: The inspection(s) wil te by @ person who specializes in and holds an occupational license (if
93 fequired by law) to conduct nome inspections or who holds a Florida license (9 repair and maintain the items inspected
ov (c) Cancellation Right: Buyer ‘may cancel this Cortract by writen notice to Seller within 5 days from the end of the
98 Inspention Pernod if Ine gsiimated cost ot treatment and repairs delermined to be Mecessay dy Buyer Is greater than
03° $590.00 sit iis. amount Is greater than $0 (zero), for the carceiiation to be effectve, Buyer must inctude in the
ar written notice a copy cf the dgpector’s written report, if any and ‘realmert and repay estimales from the Inspector or
98 Persen(s) halding an agoropriate Flonda ‘icerse ta repair the items inspected Any conditions not reported in a tnely
rT) manner wilt be deemed acceptable tb Buyer,
150 (d) Walk-through Inspection: @uyer may walk theugh be Property solely to verity that Seller has fulfilled the cortactval
11 obligations. No other issues may be raised as a result of the walk-through iAspection
1c2 9. RISK OF LOSS. If any porto of the Property is damaged by Fre or othe: casually pefore closing and ¢an be restored
169 within 45 days from the Ciasing Bate to Suosianiially the same condtion as it was an Effective Date, Seller will, at Sellers
“04 expense, restore the Procety and the -Clesing Date wil’ be extended accordingly {f the restoration cannot be completed in
tos lime, Buyer may accept ine Property ‘as is’ with Seller ass’gning the insurance proceeds fer the Properly le Buyer al closing
106 failing which eitner party may cancel ths Contract
107 : THLE
toe 10, TITLE: Setter wilt Convey markelstie litle to the Property by statutory warranty deed cr msiee. personal representative or
too guardian deed ag appropriate fo Seltar's status
110 {a) Title Evidence: Tile evidance ‘will show legal access to ‘he Property and marketable ttle of record in Seller in
wn accordance with current title standards adopted by the Florida Bar, subject cnly to the Icllowing tite exceptions, nore of
th which prevent residential use of the Property coveranis. easements and tesinctions of record malters of plat; existing
3 zoning and government regulations, oil, gas and muneral rights of record if there is no right of entry: current taxes:
wa Moastgages that Buyer wit assume; and encumbrances thal Seller will ascharge at or before closing Seller will, prior to
V5 Closing, daliver to Guyer, Sellers choice of one of the following types of Uile evidence which must be generally accepted in
116 the county where the Property jis located (specify in Paragraon §(c) the selected type}, Seller will use option (1) in Pam
"7 Beach County and option (2) In Dade County.
1a {1} A tide insurance comshitment issued by a Fiorida-licensed title msurer in the ameunt of the purchase price end
ng SuD,€ct only t0 title exceptions set forth in this Contract
129 (2) An oxisting abstract of ftitte from a reputable ard existing abstract fim (if firm is not existing. then abstract must be
wy certified as correct by an gusting fm) purporting to be ar accurate synopsis of the instruments affecting lille to the
122 Property recorded in the patlic records of the county where the Property 1s focated and certified to Effective Date.
422 However if sucn an abstract ¥s not available to Seliger, then a prior owner's title Policy acceptable to the proposed insurer
za as a tase for reissuance dt coverage. Seller will pay for copies of aft Pokey exceptions and ar update in a format
is acceptable to Buyer's closiag agent trom the poicy effectve date and certified to Guyer or Buyer's dosing agent,
126 fogetner with copes of all documents recited in the prior policy and in the update. Wa priv Policy § not availaple to
wz Selier then (1) above will be ine ttle evidence Title evidence will tbe delivered no later than 10 days before Closing Cate.
128 (b) Title Examination: Buyer wil examine [he tile evidence and deliver wrilten notice ta Seller, withir 5 days from recetot of
129 ttle evigence but no ‘ater that closing, of any delects that make the the unmarketable Seller will Nave 30 days trom
192 receipt of Buyer's nohce of defects (*Curalive Pened') lo cure tne defects at Seller's expense. if Seller cures the de'ects
191 within the Curative Period. Seller will deliver written aotce tc Buyer ano the partes will close the tansaction on Closing
$92 Oate or within 10 days from Suyers Feceipl of Seller's notce it Closing Date has passed. if Seller 1s unable to cure ine
133 defects within the Curative Period, Seller mi’ deiver written notice to Buyer and Buyer will, wittin 19 days from recent of
14 Sallar's notice, elthes cancel this Cantract ar accept tle with existing defacis and close (he transaction,
Vag {c) Survey: Buyer may. prior te Closing Date arc ai Buyer's expense, have the Preperty surveyed and deliver written ccuce
$36 fo Seller, within § days from receipt of suey but ro later than closing, of any encroachments on the Procerty.
7 encicachments by the Property's mprovemerts ar o'har lands of deed resincton or Zomng vigiauors Any such
12 encroachment or wiotatcn wi! te Wealed in the same manner as a tile defect and Buyer's ard Seller's obligaucns wil be
139 determined in accordance with Subparagraph (b) agove. i! any part of the Property hes seaward of the coastal construction
58 control ine, Seller will provide Buyer with an alfidat or Survey aS reoured by iaw delineating the line's location on the
tat Properly. unless Buyer waives this equirement in wn'ing
427 Buyor av) (wu S) and Sellar( ALT ( 4 ) acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page, which 1s age 2 af 4 Pages
! DV en, ‘
AGIS 14 1299 £1998 Fravda Assonanca Of REALTORS® All Rigs Sesqrved
fans eines
Brocuces adh Zofars™ by PG Fe: ate Vad aae rt Crean eet perion Yousatun kn AOI. PET AY GANS, vee
# vate’ of ths Contract 3 the gain cn which th wast ct Se yates nitials ev signs
Se su @ Tima ig of : for al provisions of this Contract, fl tims PENedS We Se COT LED in besaess days 43
146 ‘business day" is every cae sar day except Saturday, Sunday arg cahonal egal holidays). If any ceacine falls cn a Saturday,
147 Sunday or natorat legal bo-day. pbricrmance will be due ite next dusmess day Al ume pencds mi end at $0C PM toca
‘48 Bre (meaning in the county where the Prooerty 1s located) of he agprognate day.
+4912) NOTICES: AC noticag wi 22 M3de ‘0 the farues ard &oker by mail. personal delivery cr alecircnic media Buyers failure to
‘sa deliver timaly written Motice to Seller, when such notice is required by this Contract, regarding any contingencies will render
1st that Contingency null and voie and the Contract will be construed as if the contingsncy did not oxist.
sz 13. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: This Contras: is tne entira agreement belwaen Buyer and Sellar. Except for brokerage
181 agreements, no prior of Present, agreements will bind Buyer, Seller or Broker untess Incorporated into this Contract,
114 Modifications of ths Contras: wil apt be bindieg uniess in writng, signed ard delivered by the party lo be bound, Signatures,
15= imbals, documents references in this Cortract, counterparts and witlen modifications communicated electronically ar oq Paper
“s8 will Oe acceptable for ail curposes, including delivery, and will be birding =Handwnitten or tycewntten terms inseried ia ar
"37 attached to this Contract prevail over preprinted terms If any provision of this Cottract is er Cecemes invalid or unenforceatia,
tsa all remaining provisions will conrue to be fully effective. This Contract will nol de recorded in ary public records
189 14. ASSIGNABILITY; PERSONS BOUND: Suyer May not assga ths Contract without Sofler's written consent, The lerms
ree “Buyer,” "Sellar," and “Brreae* may be singular or glural This Contract is binding on the helrs, administrators, @xecu‘ors,
ver personal represeniatves and ass.gns (if perrvtted) of Buyer, Seler and Broker,
121. 15 OEFAULT: (a) Seiler Co’sutt: If. ‘or any reason other thar farure of Seller to make Seller's title marketatle after dilgent effort,
tor Seller fats. refuses or Megiecis tc) perform {ws Coavact, Buyer may choose {0 receive a retum of Buyer's deposit without
tes watving the right fo seek damages er to seek speciic performance as per Paragraph 16. Seiler will also be Fable to Broker for
vee tha full amount cf ina brokerage fee (6} Buyer Default: i Buyer fails to perform ths Contract within the lime spectied, including
“s7 bmely payment of at depos ‘3, Seller may choose to retain and Collect all deposits paid ard agreed to be paid as hqudated
18 damages or to sees sceciis performance as per Paragraph 16, and Broker will, upon demany, receve 50% of all deposits
a9 paid and agreed to be paid {'o be split equa'ly among cooperating brokers) up io the full amount of the brokerage fee,
170 4, DISPUTE RESOLUTION. This fortract will be corstued under Florida law All Controversies, claims, and other matters in
171 Quesucn between the parties ar Sing cul of or relating to this Contract or its dreach will be settled as follows:
m2 (a) Disputes concerning entitlement ta deposits made and agreed to be made: Buyer and Seller wil have 30 days from
3 the date conflicting demands are made to allempt to resolve the dispute threugh mediation if that fails, Escrow Agent
174 will submit the dispute if so raquired by Florida law, to Escrow Agent's choice of arbitration, a Ficnda cou't or the Flonda
175 Real Estate Commission Buyer and Sailer will be bound 9y any resulting settlement or order,
179 (b) Alt other disputes Buyer: and Seller will have 30 days from the date a dispute arises between nem to atiempt to
v7 tesolve the matter through mediason, faiting which the parties will resolve the dispute through neutrat binding arbitration
170 in the county where the Propéity is located The arbitrator May not alter the Contract terms or award any remedy not
179 Provided for in this Contract. The award will be based on the greater weight of the evidence and will state findings of fact
199 and the cantractual auimority oni which it 1s based tt the parties agree to use discovery, it wil be in accordance with lhe
194 Florida Rules cf Civil Frecedufe and the arbitrator will resolve all discevery-related disputes Any disputes with a real
192 estale licenaee named x Paragrach 19 will be submitted to arbitration only if the licensee's Soker consents in writing to
(92 become 2 party fo the procseding. Th's clause will survive dosing
194 (c) Mediation and Arbitration: Expenses: “Mediation” 15 a rocess in which parbes attempt to resaive a dispute by
vas submitting it to an impartial méciater who facilitates the resolution of tne dispute oul who 1s nol empowered to wmpose a
toa settlement on the partes. Mediation will be m accordance with the rules af the American Mecialion Assocation or other
187 medialor agreed on by the Parties The parties will equally divide the mediation fee, if any “Arbitration” is a process in
yea which {he partes resolve a dispute ty a hearing before a neutral person who Gecies the matter and whose decision is
tae bnding on the parties Actitration will be m accordance with ihe rules cf the Amencan Arbtraian Association or other
190 arbitrator agreed on by the parties Each pary to any atbitration will pay its own fees cosis and expenses, including
191 attomeys' fees, ard will equaily spiitthe arbitrators’ fees and admunistrative fees of arbitration
199 17, ESCROW AGENT: Buyar and Selter autrorize Escrow Agent {o rece:ve, depesi and hold finds ara other vems in escrow
194 and, subject {0 clearance. disburse them upsn proper authorization and in accordance with the terms of this Contract,
195 including disbursing brokerage fees.; The Parties agree that Escrow Agent will not be liatle to any perscn for misdelivery of
1s escrowed items to Buyer or Selled, usiess the misdelivery is due ta Escrow Agent's willl’ breach of this Cantact or grass
is? negligence. If Escrow Agent interplepds the subject malter of the escrow, Escrow Agen: will pay the fling lees and costs from
“oa the deposit and will recover reasqnapie attomeys fees and cosis to be paid from me escrowed funds or equivalent and
t99 charged and awarded as court cobs m favor of the prevailing party All claims against Escrow Agent will be arbitraled, so
290, long as Escrow Agent consents to arbiltgte
20" 18 PROFESSIONAL ADVICE; BROKER LIABILITY: Broker advises Buyer and Seller to verify all ‘acts and representations that
202 are important to them ard to rensult an appropraie professional for legal advice (for example, interpreting contracts,
201 determining the evtect of ‘ans on the Property and transaction status of title, foreign investor feporting requirements, etc.) and
zea for tax Prcperty candition, envonmtental and other speciazed advice Buyer acknowledges thal Sroker does Rot feside in the
208 Property and that ail representations (cral. wrilten or otherwise) by Broker are based on Seller regresentations or public tecords
205 unless Broker inaicates personal verification cf the tepresentaton Buyer agrees to raly solely on Seiler, professional inspectors
207 and govermmental agencies for verification of the Property condition, square footage and facts that materially affect Property
208 value. Buyer and Seller rescectvely ‘will pay ail cosis and exoenses, including reasonatie attorneys’ fees at a levels, incuned by
zea Broker and Gioker'y officers directors, agents ard amcloyees in connection with or arising from Buyer's or Seller's misstatement
re or failure to perform contractual oblgatons Buyer and Seller hold narmiess and release Broker and Groxer’s officers, directors
z11 agents and employees from. all liablity for loss or damage based on (1) Buyer's or Seller's misstaiement of failure to perform
2:2 Contfaclual abligaticns, (2) 2roker's performance, at Buyers and/cr Seller's request, of any task beycrd the scope of services
214° fegulated by Chapter 475. = 5. as amended, including Grokers referral, recommendation of tetention of any vendor, (3) orcducts
zs OF Servicas provided by any vendor, ‘and (4) excenses ncurres by any vendor Buyer and Seller eacn assume full responsibility for
218 selecting and Compensating ineir respective vendors This Paragraph will nat relieve Broker of Slatulory obligations. For curposes
214 of this paragraph, Srcker will be treated a5 a party to this Contract Ths paragraph wil’ survive closing
217 Buyer /*"* 5 2G ana Sete
# ) ackroviedge recerpt of a copy of this Page. which is Fage J of 4 Paces
ASIST 1276 O1969 Fina Assecianin s REALTCSO At @anls Reserepa lp
Pence sehoms rR ryt 6 hee AED in Grr am, yee note
nn ane
ae i ee
as wl Sever ard Buyer
vig 19 SROKE2S. Tre arc otroy ils) camed betow ate
Care are ise procunrg cause of Inetructcr te Closing Agent: Seiler
2290 acs Guyer aract ok Gisr."s@ at ugg the full amount of tne orseetaye tees as spacfed im senargie brokerage
22) ageements wilt the parties and copueralive agreements between the crokers, umess Brcker nas retained such fees from the
322 escrowed funds. In the absence of such Oickerage agreements, closing agent will disburse brokerage fees as indicated below, -
224 Raat Estata Urensae. ; Raat Estate Licencew
238° Broker, Sickerage fag. $2, $00.00 Broker: Browerage few, $2,500.00
ma 20, ADDENDA: The following additional terms are included in addenda and incorporated into this Contract (check if applicable):
223" CYA. Condo. Assn ‘dG. New Mort Rates '-1 M Housing Older Persang AIS Sale cf Buyer's Property
230" LJ &. Homeowners’ Agen, SH anwRentetnapee}— IN UnimprovediAg Prop, wT Rezoning
srr dC. Setier Financing ‘I Self-inspections JO Interesi-Bearing Account AU Assignment
zsz 1) OD. Mort Assumpton J J. insulaton Disclosure J Back-up Contract JV Frop Disclosure Simt
239° +) E. FHA Financing J % Pre-1878 Housing Stmt (LP) +1. Broker - Pars, Int. in Prop. +J Clher
zee (YE VA Financing J i Flood'insurance Regd '4A Rentals J Otner
01 This Is intended to be a legally binding contract. if not fully understood, seak the advice of an attornay prior to signing.
261" (Check if applicable; + _) Buyar received a written real property disclosure statement from Seller before making this Offer }
26s Buyer offers to purchase the Property on tha above terms and conditions, Unless this Contract is signed by Selter and a copy
298 delivered to Buyer no later than 10 J am, IM p.m.on _ September 077 19098 , this offer will be revoked
20 and Buyar's deposit refunded subject {o dearance of . 2&0 0h? .
267 Date Buyer: Y Tax ID/SSN.
2a" Frnt name, \ La
ay Dale: Buy Tax ID/SSN.
270 Pent game,
271° Phone: Address’
ary Fax’ wm"
rr Date F42-09 Soller: LAU TOBE. Tax IO/SSN:
arae Priet dame RIC: “
zy Date _ 9-12-09 Selter: To TacOSSN
ze Fontdarre SELMA JOHNSON”
217 Phone Address.
aver Fax ee
rar) Seller counters Buyer's offer {lo accept the counter offer, Buyer must sign or initial the counter offered terms and deliver a copy
zno* of the acceptance to Seller by 5 90 p m. on _. ) A Soller rejects Buyer's offer
21" Effective Date: (The date on which the last party signed or initialed acceptance of the final offer }
ver Buyer (EOE, *) ang Seller | ALF f } acknowledge receipt of a copy of his page, which is Page 4 of 4 Pages.
The Flonaa Assoc ation of REALTORS andfocal BeardiAssocation of REALTORS mane na sepresentution a6 to the legal validity oF adequacy of any prov sien of Gum for
any saeafe ianssclon This standardized form anauid not 96 used in Complex Uanwacuars ot snl cclene ce Fidere ar additions This farm Is aval aole for use dy Ihe
CNwee feal estale industry and rm not intended to identity tha usar ac a REALTOR REALTOR 1s 9 regigiered collective mambersnig mark that may bw used only by 7831
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Docket for Case No: 02-002718PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Sep. 03, 2002 |
Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
Aug. 30, 2002 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Aug. 22, 2002 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for September 11, 2002; 9:30 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Aug. 16, 2002 |
Joint Motion to Continue and Re-Schedule Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 09, 2002 |
Order Granting Motion for Enlargement of Time issued.
Aug. 06, 2002 |
Motion for Enlargement of Time in Which to File Pre-Hearing Stipulation (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Jul. 19, 2002 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Jul. 19, 2002 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for August 26, 2002; 1:00 p.m.; Miami, FL).
Jul. 16, 2002 |
Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Jul. 09, 2002 |
Initial Order issued.
Jul. 08, 2002 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jul. 08, 2002 |
Election of Rights filed.
Jul. 08, 2002 |
Administrative Answer and Affirmative Defenses filed.
Jul. 08, 2002 |
Agency referral filed.