Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jan. 18, 2005 |
Final Order filed.
Jan. 03, 2005 |
Order Closing Files. CASE CLOSED.
Dec. 30, 2004 |
Joint Motion for Relinquishment of Jurisdiction filed.
Dec. 22, 2004 |
Order (Delray Medical Center`s Unopposed Motion for Substitution of Party is granted).
Dec. 21, 2004 |
Delray Medical Center`s Unopposed Motion for Substitution of Party filed.
Dec. 20, 2004 |
Palm Beach Gardens` Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed.
Oct. 19, 2004 |
Notice of Supplemental Documentation in Support of Motion for Continuance (filed by M. Glazer).
Oct. 15, 2004 |
Indian River Memorial Hospital, Inc.`s Response to Motion for Continuance (via efiling by R. Rigsby).
Oct. 12, 2004 |
Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing. (October 20, 2004; 2:00 p.m.)
Oct. 08, 2004 |
Intervenors` Motions for Continuance filed.
Aug. 11, 2004 |
Order (all relief requested by Delray and PBGMC`s motion denied).
Aug. 03, 2004 |
Notice of Appearance and Substitution of Counsel (filed by R. Weiss and J. Parker, Esquire, via facsimile).
Jul. 30, 2004 |
Martin Memorial Medical Center, Inc.`s Supplemental Response in Opposition to Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction, Notice of Election of Remedies, and Suggestion of Mootness filed.
Jul. 30, 2004 |
Joint Response in Opposition to Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction, Notice of Election of Remedies, and Suggestion of Mootness filed.
Jul. 19, 2004 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction, Notice of Election of Remedies and Suggestion of Mootness filed by M. Glazer.
Jul. 16, 2004 |
Notice of Appearance and Substitution of Counsel (filed by K. Gieseking, Esquire).
Jul. 08, 2004 |
Notice of Withdrawal filed by R. Saliba.
Apr. 20, 2004 |
Mandate filed.
Apr. 02, 2004 |
Opinion filed.
Feb. 23, 2004 |
Reply to Joint Responses to Petition for Review of Non-Final Administrative filed.
Jan. 28, 2004 |
AHCA`s Response to Show Cause Order filed.
Jan. 27, 2004 |
Joint Response to Order to Show Cause filed.
Jan. 07, 2004 |
BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Respondent`s shall show cause within 20 days of date of this order why the petition for review of non-final administrative action should not be granted. Petitioner may reply to the response(s) within 20 days of service thereof.
Jan. 06, 2004 |
BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Respondent`s shall show cause within 20 days of date of this order why the petition for review of non-final administrative action should not be granted. Petitioner may reply to the response(s) within 20 days of service thereof. |
Jan. 06, 2004 |
Letter to R. Terry Rigsby from J. Wheeler enclosing attached Docketing Statement filed.
Dec. 31, 2003 |
Petition for Review of Non-Final Administrative Action/Appendix filed by Petitioner.
Dec. 31, 2003 |
Petition for Review of Non-Final Administrative Action filed by Petitioner.
Dec. 01, 2003 |
Order. (the final hearing in these consolidated cases shall commence on August 22, 2005).
Dec. 01, 2003 |
Order of Pre-Hearing Instructions.
Dec. 01, 2003 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 22 through 26, 29 through 31, September 1 and 2, 6 through 9, 12 through 16, 19 through 23, 26 through 30, October 3 through 7, 10 through 14, and 17 through 21, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, Florida).
Nov. 25, 2003 |
Indian River Memorial Hospital`s Memorandum in Support of Motion to Expedite Hearing filed.
Nov. 25, 2003 |
Martin Memorial Medical Center, Inc.`s Response to Indian River Memorial Hospital`s Motion to Expedite Hearing and Request for Initial Scheduling Order filed.
Nov. 20, 2003 |
Notice of Hearing filed by R. Rigsby.
Nov. 18, 2003 |
Indian River`s Motion to Expedite Hearing and Request for Initial Scheduling Order filed.
Nov. 18, 2003 |
Joint Response to Order Setting Final Hearing filed by R. Rigsby.
Oct. 28, 2003 |
Order. (Indian River Memorial Hospital`s Motion to Set the above-styled consolidated cases for Final Hearing is granted).
Oct. 22, 2003 |
Response of Delray Medical Center, Palm Beach Gardens Community Hospital, JFK Medical Center and Lawnwood Regional Medical Center to Indian River Memorial Hospital`s Amended Motion to Set Case for Final Hearing filed.
Oct. 21, 2003 |
Bethesda Healthcare System, Inc.`s Notice of Support for Martin Memorial`s Response in Opposition to Indian River Memorial Hospital`s Motion to Set Case for Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Oct. 20, 2003 |
Martin Memorial Medical Center, Inc.`s Response to Indian River Memorial Hospital`s Amended Motion to Set Case for Final Hearing filed.
Oct. 08, 2003 |
Indian River Memorial Hospital`s Amended Motion to Set Case for Final Hearing filed.
Aug. 14, 2003 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status no later than November 14, 2003)
Aug. 11, 2003 |
Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Set Case for Final Hearing filed by R. Rigsby.
Aug. 08, 2003 |
Indian River Memorial Hospital`s Motion to Set Case for Final Hearing filed.
Aug. 01, 2003 |
Joint Status Report filed.
Jan. 14, 2003 |
Notice of Appearance as Co-Counsel (filed by R. Newell, Jr.).
Jan. 10, 2003 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by August 1, 2003).
Jan. 06, 2003 |
Martin Memorial Medical Center, Inc.`s Joint Status Report filed.
Dec. 16, 2002 |
Order of Consolidation Case(s): 02-004272CON was added to the consolidated batch.
Dec. 13, 2002 |
Lawnwood Medical Center, Inc., d/b/a Lawnwood Regional Medical Center; Columbia/JFK Medical Center Limited Partnership, d/b/a JFK Medical Center; and Tenet Healthsystem Hospitals, Inc. d/b/a Delray Medical Center)
Dec. 13, 2002 |
Order Granting Interventions issued. (Intervenors, Palm Beach Gardens Community Hospital, Inc., d/b/a Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center etc.
Nov. 04, 2002 |
Order Placing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by January 6, 2003).
Nov. 04, 2002 |
Order of Consolidation issued. (consolidated cases are: 02-004033CON, 02-004034CON, 02-004035CON, 02-004036CON)
Oct. 30, 2002 |
Response to Initial Order filed by S. Ecenia.
Oct. 30, 2002 |
Response to Initial Order filed by S. Ecenia.
Oct. 30, 2002 |
Petition to Intervene filed by S. Ecenia.
Oct. 30, 2002 |
Petition to Intervene filed by S. Ecenia.
Oct. 29, 2002 |
Response to Initial Order (filed N. rodney via facsimile).
Oct. 29, 2002 |
Petition to Intervene filed by M. Glazer.
Oct. 29, 2002 |
Response to Initial Order filed by M. Glazer.
Oct. 28, 2002 |
Letter to Judge Hunter from R. Rigsby in reply to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Oct. 28, 2002 |
Letter to Judge Hunter from H. White (reply to Initial Order) filed.
Oct. 18, 2002 |
Initial Order issued.
Oct. 15, 2002 |
Certificate of Need Decisions on Batched Applications filed.
Oct. 15, 2002 |
Martin Memorial Medical Center, Inc.`s Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Oct. 15, 2002 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.