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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 04-002303PL Visitors: 14
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: West Palm Beach, Florida
Filed: Jul. 02, 2004
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, December 20, 2004.

Latest Update: Mar. 12, 2025
STATE OF FLORIDA ey DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION kp . ie ”) FLORIDA REAL ESTATE COMMISSION * oo FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE, Petitioner, 04-23 ( 3 p ( vs. FDBPR Case N° 2002000446 ALFONSO CORREA, Respondent. / ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate (“Petitioner”) files this Administrative Complaint against Alfonso Correa (“Respondent”) and alleges: ESSENTIAL ALLEGATIONS OF MATERIAL FACT 1. Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the responsibility and duty to prosecute Administrative Complaints pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, in particular Section 20.165 and Chapters 120, 455 and 475, of the Florida Statutes and the rules promulgated pursuant thereto. 2. Respondent is and was at all times material hereto a licensed Florida real estate sales associate, issued license number 676693 in accordance with Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes. 3. The last license issued was as an involuntary inactive sales associate at 7641 S. Dixie Hwy. #220, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405. FDBPR v. Alfonso Correa Case No. 2002000446 Administrative Complaint 4. On or about October 21, 2001, Respondent facilitated a purchase and sale contract between Dakota LLC (“Dakota”) and Clifford Richards II (“Buyer”) regarding real property commonly known as 1182 Periwinkle Place, Wellington, Florida. A copy of the contract is attached and incorporated as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 1. 5. On or about October 24, 2001, pursuant to the contract, Buyer delivered a check to Respondent payable to Dakota for $2000 as an earnest money deposit. A copy of the check is attached as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 2. 6. After accepting the deposit, Respondent endorsed the check and deposited it into a bank account at Bank of America of whom he is the sole signatory. 7. At all times material, the contract failed to close. 8. In and around November 30, 2001, Buyer made various unsuccessful attempts to contact Respondent regarding the disposition of the deposit. 9. Atall times material, Respondent ceased communications with Buyer. 10. On or about April 30, 2002, after Buyer sent a written complaint to Petitioner, Respondent returned the deposit funds to Buyer. 11. At all times material to the transaction, Respondent did not have an employer registered with Petitioner. COUNT I Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of culpable negligence, or breach of irust in any business transaction in violation of Section 475.25(1)(b), Florida Statutes. COUNT II Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of failure to account or deliver funds in FDBPR v. Alfonso Correa Case No. 2002000446 Administrative Complaint violation of Section 475.25(1)(d)1., Florida Statutes. COUNT III Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of having operated as a broker while licensed as a sales associate in violation of Section 475.42(1)(a), Florida Statutes and, therefore, in violation of Section 475.25(1)(e), Florida Statutes. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Florida Real Estate Commission, or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as may be appropriate, to issue a Final Order as final agency action finding the Respondent(s) guilty as charged. The penalties which may be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of the offense(s), include: revocation of the license or registration or permit; suspension of the license, registration or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, imposition of an administrative fine of up to $1,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance of a reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee, registrant or permitee to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; or any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See Section 475.25(1), Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-24.001. The penalties which may be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 455 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of the offense(s), include: revocation of the license, registration, or permit; suspension of the license, Tegistration, or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years; imposition of an administrative fine of up to $5,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance of a reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not lintited to, requiring the licensee, registrant, or permitee to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; restriction of practice; FDBPR v. Alfonso Correa Case No. 2002000446 Administrative Complaint injunctive or mandamus relief; imposition of a cease and desist order; or any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See Section 455.227, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-24.001. SIGNED this 18 dayot LLL be , 2003. Te Sle. Department of Business and Professional Regulation By: Jason Steele Director, Division of Real Estate Depertment of p p . rofessj = ; Divis; onal Rae gd ion of Reaf Estate” FDBPR v. Alfonso Correa Case No. 2002000446 Administrative Complaint ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER CHRISTOPHER J. DECOSTA Senior Attorney Florida Bar N° 0271410 Division of Real Estate Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Legal Section - Suite N 801 Hurston Bldg. North Tower 400 West Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801-1757 (407) 481-5632 (407) 317-7260 FAX CD/k PCP: NH/LJ NOTICE TO RESPONDENTS PLEASE BE ADVISED that mediation under Section 120.573 of the Florida Statutes, is not available for administrative disputes involving this type of agency action. PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that pursuant to this Administrative Complaint you may request, within the time proscribed, a hearing to be conducted in this matter in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes; that you have the right, at your option and expense, to be represented by counsel or other qualified representative in this matter; and that you have the right, at your option and expense, to take testimony, to call and cross-examine witnesses, and to have subpoena and subpoena duces tecum issued on your behalf if a formal hearing is requested. PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that if you do not file an Election of Rights form or some other responsive pleading with the Petitioner within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of this Administrative Complaint, the Petitioner will file with the Florida Real Estate Commission a motion requesting an informal hearing and entry of an appropriate Final Order which may result in the suspension or revocation of your real estate license or registration. FDBPR v. Alfonso Correa Case No. 2002000446 Administrative Complaint Please see the enclosed Explanation of Rights and Election of Rights form. PUNE DAS OOH MCP nue BIG CRU AQQUUIAIIUN UP AGALIUNSY ANY PMG FLUMIUA DAN, 1g Phone) __. — _—. (Boyer), —-.f (hen) __ jocms and candillons of ve Contact d : » alle: edinii gall and Mayer shalt? PESCHIT ON: Deed fn) Legal dencrifsion af the Flenl Propariy incaind in fake B. 2x... Penis twiicle plea. wee ee, eee. PUTICHASE PHUCE PAVE (9) Deposit bald in escraes by 4eererAgent) it the amount of _- days niler Ellective Oalo (ren Pacageapts 5Il) in the amount of, (h) Ariditinaal ancrow depoait lo he ef 1a ALT aeiuiption cl oxistiig morigaga in gand stencting ta aver of _ _.. having an appres 9 Lander (sen Paragraph iV) ies the aout of 1, IMG TON ACCEP [ANCE OF OFTRA: Errgctive D the povlins oo or behia £O aq > Seqution, nating include Ruryer and Sailer oF anch of the sospaciiva Grok mcd ie alter, A fneainite “apy af this Contaet ate any signatures n TIANEHIG: {a) 7hls fs a enh I 11 will No cerlagancios for financing: 1} (h) Us Contract is canehitinnedd on Huyer obtaiodig a welttats loan commitennl wtley fixer! of neljustobla inte foan in thie prineijyal nanos of OF. days atlor Effective Dato for {CHIECK ONLY ONE}: CQ) o fixed; O an adjustable: of Da Inroxt 1ale not lo excnod ____%, viscounl and origination fees Hol Io excerd ____** of pMincipal amount, and tor a tenn of yanis, Buyor w days (5 days If lell blank) alter Elective Date and use ronsonabio dikgonce to obiain a can commitment and, Werealies, to satis nS and Conditions of the commiliment and close Ihe kan, Buyer shall Pay ail loan axponses. If Buyor fails to obtain a commitment or fnils lo waive Aryer's riyhls under this subparagraph swilbir tho tine for oblalning a commitnent or, atiar diligent atlott, tails to meet the terms nnd cordilions of tho commilmant by the closing date, thers either party thersatios, by wrillen netice Io the other, may canchl this Contact and Buyor shall ba sefurided tho daposil(s); or 12 to) Mie nxisting matigage, dosaibad in Parayiaph Itc) above, tas: |) variable intorast tat Qa fixed Intorast rate of % por annum, At tino of title Iransler, sons lixed Intevent inles nie subject fo inerease: M Inernaned, the inte shall Hot excoed ___% per annum, Solior shall furnish a slalement rom each morlgagso stating the principat batance, mretliod of payment, inerest rate and status of tnorigagn or authorize Buyer or Closing Agent lo oblaln a same. I Buyor has agroed lo assume a morlgaga which req. irs approval of Guyer by the morlgagnn for assumption, then Buyer sliatl promplly oblain lhe necessary applicalion and dttigenily completa and return it to the morlgngoo. Ai mortgages chaige(s), noble excrad $ ae (1% of amount assured if foll blank), sliall bo paid by Buyer. If Buyar is not acenplad by morlgages or the roquliemonts for assumption are ol in accordance will the tertus el this Couttact or morgngoo makes @ charga in axcess ol the staled amount, Selor or Buyer may rescind this Convact by written notic? to the other ravty unlers either olacts to pay the Increase In interast ia'e oF excess morigaga chugos. » TITLE BVIOENGE: Atleast <3 _ days botore closing Unto. {C2 IECK ONLY ONE) ‘AS Sonor stat, at Setar’s expanse, detivor to Buyor of Buyer's ntlornay: or C} Buyer shal at Buy's eponsn atid (CHECK OMLY ONES LJ nbstiact of tite: oF UX title msurnnce coumitiagnt (wilh tegible copies of insiruments iistad as exceptions allactad tlieteto} and, afer closing, an wnor'n pofiry of fin Inguranen, |. CLOSING DATE: This Iransnetion shall bo closod nnd the closing documents delivered on, nb AR 1 -3O~ © (_, untess moctties by otor provisions of ‘his Contact W any (Wf additions! ilains, Sou addetahun), =. Panyase(y) NI. OCCUPANCY: Satlar wartanis dual there ato oo purhes in occupancy other than Sellet; Lul if Property is bilunidud to bu twntod ar Decupled buyeind Cluniny, Ihe faut aed §attom iutwul nd tho lanant(s) or occupatis shall be disclosed pursuant lo Standard F Suller stall dolivor occupancy ol Prupurty tv Buyer af tino uf clusing Uniuss ollie stuled hufduy. 1 vu wpancy 0 ba dolivared belore closing, Biyyar assumes al risky of loss to Prosiorty trom date of uccupancy.slialt bo rasrxmatble and liably lot ivatuorsarice front thet age anid sii ba dewinetl Lo ave udcepled Property In ite axleting curdilion as of tine of taking occupancy unloss ulliuiwise stated hueetn 6 TYPEWRITTEN OF HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typevattion oF handwnillen provisions, ridois and addusata shall cont all pelatod gubvichonts Of fius Contact we cantina witty Wauete HIDES: (CHECK toga dusty which ara upplcuble ANU ary allached to thls Couliact) Q COMPRENENSIVE RIDER L) HOMEOWHENS' ASSU. C1 coasial Coms ru Hon Conti Link (3 Conporiniu *AS IS? Pasi anon CO Varia (1 EAD DASED PAINT Kose llon isc a MRRRIGRADILITY: (GUECK ONLY OE): Buyer Cl may aastyn and ihoroby be culuased from any huthye Wabinly uidur tia Contact: CY may wauige bel not ba teleasea hone halalty ndas this Contract; or MY tay not assign Wiis Contract. i. DISCLOSUNES: (a) Rindon bs & nitutally occuring radoauive gas thal when acchemlalud it a Labdng iv sadliont yuant that exceed ludera! and slate guidulines Jiavo boon fod ln buiblings fn Flotkls. Adil ial ltkutnsition 1 iS (nily pyleser ealil tisk be Porson Wes ute Ory Ooodl ly it aver nme be aula ofa rain ALidon oF Rudin uttiey any boy Ublaiied fant yout Cuudy Pulte: Moulits wt (b) Duyar acnowldyos tecoll of the Flurids Building Enoryy Ethichun.y [aling Systerm Deoclane : Kh (c) Ith taal propery includes pre-1978 sosidontial Housing thun a lead basod pastal silat is ny rats ny. ‘ (4) If Sella is» eraign person” as dulined by the Foreign Invusimont in Roal Propusly Tax ALL tho phallus slall Cosyily wills ul Act Z (u) H Buyer will bo obligated to bo # momber uf a humvowncrs’ associvlion, BUYER SHOULD HOF EXECUTE TIS CONTRACT UNTIL BUYER TtAS. HECEIVED AND feau TE < NOMEOWHERS' ASSOCIATION DISCLOSURE, a « Fee Cerjpean & 2 @ Dey 7 2402 ps Jj. Mh, MAXIMUM REPAUT COSTS: Selfar shall nol bu respunsiLte tor payments in excess of: Ace & ‘ , faa) 2) a eee sed 26.2 oe e a. (a) $0 Z tor reatout and vepate undut Stunditd O (it bisnls, thew te of thu Puichasy Pacey SE dA ./ lie Lacle % {te ray s WS Ee {ur copa and replacuant under Standard M2 (il Ulauh, den de of the Purchase Pcey POG va Clash. AP se oO i NV. SPECIAL CLAUSES; ADDENDA: i addnional torins ate 10 be provided, allach addendum aud CHECK nen Cen len tees have TH} bg 07) age) ave . (ee) oO ¥. STANDARDS FON HEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS: Slanduids A slvouglh W on ihe roverse aude or tilachied Brg wie orguusteed aw a prt ol fie Compact A aa = \ ~ gu tod te 2 ‘ 24 x, a Veni? cae | fae Pra bey. BN... ut THIS IS INTENDED 10 BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF Ali ATTORNEY Plidn TO Sidi wap > THIS FOR HAS GEEU APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION GF REALIONS ali Wt FLONIDA DAN “ — \ Approval does nol constitute an opinion that any uf the terms and canchtions mn dus Con'ract should be accepted by te paris i & prasticulse tencnctant Tetons aut Gos ndings daaciihe - ba negotiated based uoun the respuctey interests, objeclves and bargains pesos OF all mtorented persons ——— ROLLECIA 20011025 4034027910 OF JOB ECIA F ACCT 003101001 7973724 REQUESTOR THOMAS BE. FLANAGAN ATTN: Clifford C Richards II PAGE _--1 — CLIFFORD C RICHARDS If 14120 TECOMA DRIVE WELLINGTON FL 33414- boy (BIT 2 i) \f

Docket for Case No: 04-002303PL
Issue Date Proceedings
Dec. 20, 2004 Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Sep. 30, 2004 Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by October 29, 2004).
Sep. 29, 2004 Joint Motion to Hold Case in Abeyance (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 23, 2004 Petitioner`s Response to Pre-hearing Order (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 13, 2004 Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 30, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Sep. 08, 2004 Motion to Continuance and Re-schedule Formal Hearing (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Aug. 27, 2004 Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions to Respondent Alfonso Correa (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 27, 2004 Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions to Respondent Alfonso Correa (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 27, 2004 Petitioner`s First Interrogatories to Respondent Alfonso Correa (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 27, 2004 Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Petitioner`s First Interrogatories to Respondent Alfonso Correa (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 20, 2004 Petitioner`s Witness and Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 10, 2004 Petitioner`s Notice of Service of Petitioner`s First Interrogatories to Respondent Alfonso Correa (filed via facsimile).
Aug. 10, 2004 Petitioner`s Notice of Service of Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions to Alfonso Correa (filed via facsimile).
Jul. 16, 2004 Unilateral Response to Initial Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Jul. 13, 2004 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jul. 13, 2004 Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for September 9, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Jul. 08, 2004 Unilateral Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Jul. 02, 2004 Election of Rights filed.
Jul. 02, 2004 Administrative Complaint filed.
Jul. 02, 2004 Agency referral filed.
Jul. 02, 2004 Initial Order.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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