Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jan. 21, 2005 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jan. 20, 2005 |
Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice (filed by Petitioners).
Nov. 22, 2004 |
Notice of Telephone Conference filed.
Nov. 22, 2004 |
Petitioners Response to City of Riviera Beach`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioners D.G. DiMeo and G.E. Rowse filed.
Nov. 17, 2004 |
Respondent`s Proposed Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Nov. 17, 2004 |
Respondent`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Nov. 12, 2004 |
Petitioner`s List of Wintesses and Exhibits filed.
Nov. 09, 2004 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (C. Gauthier) filed via facsimile.
Nov. 04, 2004 |
Order (Petitioner`s motion to compel denied).
Nov. 02, 2004 |
Notice of Hearing on Pending Motions (hearing set for November 4, 2004; at 2:00 p.m.) filed via facsimile.
Nov. 01, 2004 |
Letter to Judge Stampelos from R. and R. Butts regarding a withdrawal of the administrative complaint (filed via facsimile).
Oct. 29, 2004 |
Motion to Compel Response by Respondent, The City of Riviera Beach, to Petitioners Dimeo and Rowse`s Second Request to Produce Including a Request to Produce Trial filed.
Oct. 29, 2004 |
Petitioners Motion for Court Appointment of Mediator filed
Oct. 28, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Motion to Request Assignment of Mediator (filed via facsimile).
Oct. 28, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Supplemental Response to Petitioners Dimeo`s and Rowse`s Request to Produce filed.
Oct. 12, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Response to Petitioners Dimeo and Rowses` Request to Produce Including a Request to Produce Trial, and Second Request to Produce Including a Request to Produce at Trial filed.
Oct. 07, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Notice of Serving Interrogatories to Petitioners D. G. Dimeo and G. E. Rowse (filed via facsimile).
Oct. 07, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Notice of Serving Interrogatories to Petitioners Robbie Butts and Roger Butts (filed via facsimile).
Oct. 04, 2004 |
Second Request to Produce Including a Request to Produce at Trial filed by Petitioner`s.
Sep. 24, 2004 |
Request to Produce Including a Request to Produce Trial filed by Petitioners.
Sep. 23, 2004 |
Order. (motion granted)
Sep. 23, 2004 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Sep. 23, 2004 |
Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 30 through December 2, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Riviera Beach, FL; amended as to dates of hearing).
Sep. 20, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Response to Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 20, 2004 |
Motion Requesting Order of Referral to Formal Mediation filed by A. Malefatto.
Sep. 17, 2004 |
Motion Requesting Order of Referral to Formal Mediation (filed by A. Malefatto via facsimile).
Sep. 15, 2004 |
Letter to Judge Stampelos from R. and R. Butts requesting a continuance filed.
Sep. 15, 2004 |
Letter to Judge Stampelos from D. Demeto requesting a 45 day postponement filed.
Aug. 30, 2004 |
Letter to Judge Stampelos from R. and R. Butts regarding response to letter dated August 6, 2004 filed.
Aug. 06, 2004 |
Order (City of Riviera Beach`s Motion to Dismiss Denied without prejudice, and Petitioners are required to prove standing).
Aug. 05, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Response to City of Riviera Beach`s Motion to Dismiss filed.
Jul. 30, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Supplemental Statement in Regard to its Motions to Dismiss the Petition (filed via facsimile).
Jul. 29, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Supplemental Statement in Regard to its Motions to Dismiss the Petition (filed via facsimile).
Jul. 29, 2004 |
Order. (Petitioners` may file a written response to the City`s Motion to Dismiss their Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing on or before August 9, 2004)
Jul. 29, 2004 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jul. 29, 2004 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 19 through 21, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Riviera Beach, FL).
Jul. 28, 2004 |
City of Riviera Beach`s Motion to Dismiss and Accompanying Memorandum of Law (filed via facsimile).
Jul. 28, 2004 |
Supplemental Response to Initial Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Jul. 26, 2004 |
Response to Initial Order (filed Respondent via facsimile).
Jul. 20, 2004 |
Order (Petition to Intervene granted and the City of Riviera Beach is recognized as an Intervenor in support of Respondent).
Jul. 20, 2004 |
Order of Consolidation. (consolidated cases are: 04-002473GM and 04-002474GM)
Jul. 19, 2004 |
Initial Order.
Jul. 16, 2004 |
Petition to Intervene filed.
Jul. 16, 2004 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Jul. 16, 2004 |
Notice of Intent to Find the City of Riviera Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment in Compliance Docket No. 04-1-NOI-5033-(A)-(I) filed.
Jul. 16, 2004 |
Agency referral filed.