Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Sarasota, Florida
Filed: Oct. 25, 2004
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, December 2, 2004.
Latest Update: Feb. 08, 2025
vs. Case Nos. 2003006065
by and through the undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint against
hereinafter referred to as “Respondent,” pursuant to Sections 120.569, and 120.57, Florida
Statutes (2003), and alleges:
1. This is an action to impose an administrative fine in the amount of $12,500.00
against the Respondent, pursuant to Sections 400.23(8)(b), Florida Statutes (2003) [AHCA Case
No. 2003005694].
2. This is an action to assign a conditional licensure status pursuant to Section
400.23(7)(b), Florida Statutes [AHCA Case No. 2003006065}.
3. This court has jurisdiction pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida
Statutes (2003) and Rule 29-106, Florida Administrative Code (2003).
4. Venue shall be determined pursuant to Rule 28-106.207, Florida Administrative
Code (2003).
5. AHCA is the regulatory agency with regard to nursing home licensure pursuant to
Chapter 400, Part II, Florida Statutes (2003), and Chapter 59A-4, Florida Administrative Code
6. Village on the Isle is a 60-bed skilled nursing facility located at 910 South
Tamiami Trail, Venice, Florida 34285 and is licensed under Chapter 400, Part Il, Florida
Statutes, and Chapter 59A-4, Florida Administrative Code (2003)
7. Village on the Isle currently is licensed by AHCA as a skilled nursing facility
having regained standard licensure on August 28, 2003, had been issued conditional license
number SNF1509096, certificate number 10520, with an effective date of July 24, 2003, and an
expiration date of July 31, 2003. Following the expiration date of the facility’s license, the
conditional license was re-issued with license number SNF1509096, certificate number 1.0523,
an effective date of August 1, 2003, and a license expiration date of July 31, 2004. This assigned
conditional license is enclosed herewith and a copy attached hereto as Composite Exhibit “A”.
Exhibit “A” is incorporated by reference as if it were fully stated herein.’
| The Standard license subsequent to Composite Exhibit A is Standard license number SNF1509096, certificate
number 10524, with an effective date of 8/28/04, and a license expiration date of 7/31/04. This assigned standard
license is attached as Exhibit B.
8. Village on the Isle is and was at all times material hereto a licensed skilled
nursing facility required to comply with Chapter 400, Part 11, Florida Statutes and Chapter 59A-4,
Florida Administrative Code (2003).
Title 42 §483.13(a), Code of Federal Regulation (2003)
Rule 59A-4.1288, F lorida Administrative Code (2003)
8. AHCA repeats, re-alleges, and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through seven (7)
as if fully set forth herein.
9. Village on the Isle participates in Title XVI or XIX requiring compliance with
the certification rules and regulations found in Title 42, Code of Federal Regulation §483.13(a);
and as incorporated by Rule 59A-4.1288, Florida Administrative Code.
A. Summary of Charges
10. During the annual survey conducted from July 21, 2003 through July 24, 2003
and based on observation, review of clinical records, administrative, nursing, and therapist staff
interviews, the facility:
a. Failed to allow residents to be free from physical restraints that were used
for mere staff convenience, indiscriminately applied restraints without adequate and
appropriate assessment, reassessment, and care planning for all devices used as restraints;
b. Failed to disconnect and release restraints per facility protocol and as
planned which resulted in actual harm and substandard quality care as evidenced by
decline and physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of residents.
pertinent here to Respondent and to operation of its facility as a long te!
regulations are applied in Florida pursuan
The regulatory provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations that are specifically
rm care facility, which
t to Rule 59A-4.1288, Florida Administrative Code,
include, but are not limited to, the following:
[42 CFR] Sec. 483.13 Resident behavior and facility practices.
(a) Restra
imposed for purposes 0
ints. The resident has the right to be free from any physical or chemical restraints
f discipline or convenience, and not required to treat the resident's medical
B. Summary of Findings
12. The findings include the following:
A. Resident #4:
Review of the Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Side Rail Update
dated 10/30/02, 1/16/03 and 4/03 indicated that the resident was
independent with mobility, ambulation, and transfer with a rolling
walker and a Wanderguard.
Review of the clinical record revealed that the resident was
admitted to the hospital on 5/28/03 after an un-witnessed fall the
previous evening.
Per the hospital History and Physical Exam, dated 5/29/03, x-ray
demonstrated a right hip fracture and a fractured right arm.
The resident returned to the facility after surgery on 6/6/03 with a
decline in ambulation and transfer.
Review of the Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Side Rail Updated
dated 6/6/03 indicated that following the return from the hospital it
was determined that the resident needed side rails X 2, a lap buddy
in the wheelchair, and a bed and a wheelchair alarm to prevent
unsupervised ambulation and bed mobility.
Review of the physician's telephone orders dated 6/9/03 revealed
an order for the lap buddy when up in the wheelchair to maintain
the order for weight bearing as tolerated with supervision.
Review of the nurse's progress notes revealed the following:
a. 6/25/03 at 8:00 p.m. (late entry), revealed that at 3:00 p.m., the
resident was found on the floor near her bed. No injuries were
b. 6/26/03 at 10:00 A.M., indicated that the resident was placed in
bed with long pillows beside her for safety.
6/26/03, the Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Side Rail Update
indicated, “Attempts to get out of bed - bed alarm." The
recommendation was a low bed to prevent injury.
6/27/03, a communication form was sent to the Physical Therapist
regarding the resident's fall on 6/25/03. The therapist
recommended, "use a low bed with high hand rails on both sides.
Proper bed positioning with adequate supports should be
6/28/03, nurses progress notes at 3:30 p.m., indicated that the
resident was lying on the floor in her room beside the bed and was
bleeding from a laceration on top of her head. The resident was
sent to the hospital emergency room for staples to her head.
6/29/03, nurses progress notes revealed the following:
a. 2:00 p.m. the resident's daughter visited the facility to talk to
the Director of Nursing (DON) about getting a restraint.
b. 4:30 p.m. a staff member had been put 1:1 with the resident.
6/30/03, a physician's telephone order was obtained to:
a. Discontinue the lap buddy due to the resident removing it and
attempting to stand-alone.
b. A lap belt when up in a chair.
c. Aroll belt when in bed due to not asking for assistance or
using the call system.
d. Ambulation with supervision only.
7/1/03, nurse's progress notes at 2:15 p.m., indicated:
a. The resident was monitored frequently while in bed.
b. There was no indication that the 1:1 staffing continued after the
initiation of the rol] belt.
Review of the July 2003 Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Side Rail
Update indicated:
a. “6/30/03 Roll belt in bed and lap belt in W/C (wheelchair).
D/C (discontinue) lap buddy removes. SR (side rails) up X 2.
Bed and W/C alarm. Low bed. Body pillows - bed along wall.
Floor matt L (left) side.”
b. The goal was to prevent independent ambulation to decrease
falls and injury.
c. The next review date was October 2003.
6/30/03, a Restraint Utilization Assessment was completed for the
roll belt and the lap belt. There was no assessment for the low bed,
the body pillows or the bed against the wall.
7/2/03, Nurse’s Progress Notes at 12:30 p.m., revealed:
The resident needed extensive assistance with Activities of
Daily Living.
b. The nurse noted that the resident was continuously yelling out,
"Hey, come here.” when up in the wheelchair with the lap belt
c. It was noted that Ativan was given at noon as ordered.
7/2/03, Nurse's Progress Notes revealed the following:
a. 8:00 p.m. continuous yelling out while up in the wheeichair
with the lap belt on.
b. 8:30 p.m. the nurse received an order for Haldol for "increased
c. The resident was given Restoril at 12:30 a.m. (midnight) on
7/14/03, Nurse's notes at 6:30 a.m., indicated the following:
a. Calling out
b. Attempting to get out of bed and throwing body pillow on
c. The roll belt was rearranged.
d. There was no documentation that the resident was toileted or
offered fluids.
e. At 8:00 a.m., the nurse gave the resident Ativan.
Nurse's notes dated 7/9/03 and 7/14/03 at 4:30 a.m., indicated that:
The resident was restless when in bed with the roll belt on and
throwing the pillows on the floor.
b. The nurses gave the resident Restoril on these dates.
Review of the resident's Care Plan #2, updated 7/10/03 revealed:
It was not updated regarding the discontinuation of the lap
buddy. The approaches included
e 2. make sure call system is available,
observe frequently for need of assistance,
6. answer call bell promptly,
8. wheelchair alarm (6/23/03) and bed alarm,
9. side rails up in bed,
10. long pillows (6/25/03),
e 1]. low bed (6/26/03),
12. roll belt in bed - release every 2 hours and position (6/30/03),
e 13. lap belt when up in geri chair or wheelchair - release every 2
hours, mealtimes and activities (6/30/03) reassess need and
effect every 3 months and as needed, and
e 14. Move bed against wall. Right side. Mat on floor left side
On 7/14/03, an evaluation was done for the rol] belt and lap belt.
a. The resident's behavior/response to restraint usage was
documented as "no adverse reaction.” However, the form also
documented that the resident will try to get up from chair/bed,
increased confusion at times with restless behavior at times.
b. Under the section "Any new alternatives tried?" it was
documented, "No."
c. The plan was to continue to use the lap belt and roll belt
secondary to increase confusion at times and restlessness. Not
easily redirected.
d. There was no indication that the restraints were being used to
treat a medical symptom, nor was there an assessment for the
low bed or the bed against the wall.
Observation of Resident #4 on 7/21/03 at 1:50 p.m., revealed the
a. The resident was in a low bed that had been placed in the
comer of the room.
b. Both side rails were in the up position in the middle of the bed.
c. The resident was tied in the bed by the left side strap of a roll
belt that was wrapped around his/her waist and tied to the side
rail on both sides.
d. The roll belt was not properly positioned around the resident's
e. A bed alarm was attached to the headboard.
f. A long body pillow was on the right side of the resident near
the wall, between the resident and the side rail.
There was no mat on the floor next to the bed.
h. The resident's call bell was out of reach of the resident.
A Foley catheter bag was hanging off the left side of the bed
and dragging on the floor, partially filled with urine.
The resident stated, "No one comes to help you go to the
bathroom!" The resident then asked the surveyor what was
tied at his/her waist, pulling on the roll belt strap that was
wrapped around his/her waist. The resident stated, "Why do I
have this? I can't get out of the bed. I'll have to crawl over
these,” pointing to the side rail. The resident then proceeded to
kick off his/her blanket and attempted to get his/her legs out of
the bed, but his/her movement was restricted because his/her
slacks were down around his/her ankles.
A skin tear was observed on the resident's left knee and the
resident was wearing an adult brief.
Interview with the staff nurse who was standing outside the
resident's door at the medication cart on 7/21/03 at 1:55 p.m.,
The resident was "tied up because she crawls out of the bed.”
The nurse stated that the body pillow is "used to keep her in
bed" but she "throws it."
The nurse proceeded to look at the resident and indicated that
the body pillow is placed on the left side of the resident
between the resident and the side rai] so that she can't climb out
of that side of the bed.
When the nurse saw that the body pillow was on the resident's
right side, the nurse stated that the resident must have moved it
his/herself. The nurse then returned to her medication cart and
did not assist the resident to the bathroom.
A Certified Nurse's Assistant was found at 2:00 p.m. to assist the
resident. The aide confirmed that the resident uses the bathroom
for bowel movements.
Observation of the resident on 7/22/03 at 8:50 a.m., revealed:
The resident was alone in his/her room in a wheelchair with a
waist restraint on that was criss-crossed behind the wheelchair
and attached at the bottom of the chair.
An alarm was clipped to the resident's sweater.
The resident was observed pushing his/her feet into the
wheelchair pedals and lifting his/her backside off of the chair
several times in a row.
The resident appeared uncomfortable in the wheelchair.
At approximately 9:30 a.m., the resident was taken to physical
Observation of the resident on 7/22/03 at 11:45 a.m., revealed:
The resident was in the dependent dining room in his/her
wheelchair with the waist restraint and wheelchair alarm on.
The waist restraint was not released during the meal.
At 12:32 p.m., the resident finished his/her meal and was taken
to the TV lounge by an aide and left alone in the room.
The waist restraint remained in place.
Observation of the resident on 7/22/03 at 1:10 p.m. revealed that
the resident was pulling at his/her waist restraint.
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The resident asked the surveyor to remove the restraint and
take him/her back to his/her room.
b. The Activity Director was passing through the lounge and
assisted the resident back to his/her room where he/she sat with
him/her waiting for staff to return to the unit from the dining
room to assist the resident.
c. The resident stated, "Come on! Put me to bed!"
d. The Activity Director wheeled the resident back to the TV
lounge and left him/her there.
e. Astaff person came to get the resident at 1:41 p.m. and put the
resident back to bed.
Observation of the resident on 7/22/03 at 2:45 p.m., revealed:
The resident was in the low bed with the bed locked and up
against the wall in the corner of the room.
There was approximately a 4-inch space between the bed and
the wall.
The side rails were in the middle of the bed in the up position.
d. The roll belt was around the resident and tied to the bed frame.
There were no pads in the room to place on the floor next to the
side of the bed that was facing the room.
Observation of the position of the bed with 3 surveyors, 2
maintenance personnel and the Unit Charge Nurse revealed
that the bed had to be moved out from the wall to raise it and
get it out of the locked position.
The Charge Nurse stated that she didn't know why the bed was
against the wall.
The Charge Nurse was asked to demonstrate how the side rails
worked when the bed was in the low position.
The nurse proceeded to lower the rails and they hit the floor as
they were lowered and remained halfway up on the side of the
The maintenance staff confirmed that these were not the
correct side rails for this bed, but not all of the low beds came
with side rails so they used what they had when the nurses
requested that they put them on the beds.
k. The maintenance staff person removed one of the side rails
from the bed.
29. Further observations of the resident on 7/22/03 throughout the
afternoon revealed that he/she remained in bed until dinnertime.
Observation of Resident #4 on 07/22/03 at 5:45 p.m., revealed:
a. The resident was in the dependent dining room in his/her
wheelchair with the waist restraint on and an alarm attached to
his/her sweater.
b. The restraint was not released during the meal.
31. Interview with the Director of Nursing (DON), MDS (Minimum
Data Set) Coordinator, and Unit Charge Nurse on 7/22/03 at 7:20
p.m. revealed the following:
a. The DON was asked to explain why the Resident #4’s bed was
pushed up against the wall and why the resident was being tied
in bed with a roll belt.
The DON replied that:
i. There was not enough space in the room to place 2 floor
mats on both sides of the bed, so the bed was put up
against the wal] with one floor pad on the opposite side.
ii. There were not enough floor mats to place them on both
sides of the bed and that they were on order.
iii, The only reason that the bed was in the left side corner was
because of the layout of the room.
iv. That they worked from the least to the most restrictive
restraint with this resident after finding him/her on the
floor with injuries and decided to put the bed against the
wall on 7/10/03.
vy. She could not explain why the team kept adding devices to
the resident rather assessing which devices worked and
discontinuing those that were not effective.
vi. She stated that they were not aware that the bed against the
wall was a restraint.
vii. The DON confirmed that an assessment was not done for
placing the bed against the wall and stated that she didn't
know that it was required.
The DON further stated that the staff had been instructed
on the application of the roll belt and she would provide
the survey team with the in-service education
Interview with the Unit Charge Nurse revealed:
i. That the staff did not walk the resident.
ii. The resident was walked once a day by physical therapy
and they were hoping that with therapy the resident would
regain his/her strength and begin walking again.
32, Interview with the MDS Coordinator on 7/22/03 at 7:35 p.m.
That the fall committee met weekly and discussed falls and the
restraints that were going to be used.
The restraints are documented on the back of the fall
Review of Resident #4's clinical record with the DON and the
MDS Coordinator on 7/22/03, revealed that a Screening for
Fall Potential was completed on 6/6/03, but there was no
documentation on the back of the form that indicated that the
team had met and discussed the resident's restraints in relation
to his/her falls.
Interview with the resident's family member on 7/23/03 confirmed:
That the resident was ambulating with a walker prior to
breaking her arm.
She said she came in one day and found the resident in a low
bed with side rails.
She said the staff told her that they do this after a fall.
She confirmed that she signed a permission slip for the
restraints about 1 to 2 weeks ago.
She stated, "After 3 falls I didn't know what else to do.”
She stated that the resident seemed calmer lately and she had
questioned if the restraints were still necessary.
She also stated that the resident was attending therapy and was
now walking 25 feet with assistance and had 1 to 2 more weeks
of therapy to go.
In-service Training Report, provided to the survey team by the
DON on 7/23/03 revealed the following:
Conducted on 7/22/03 regarding in-services for the nurse's
aides on how to apply the roll belt and other restraints and
when to release the restraints.
The in-services included information on not pushing beds up
against the walls.
The DON confirmed that she could not find any prior restraint
in-service education session that had been given to the staff.
Observation of the resident on 7/23/03 at 2:04 p.m. revealed:
That the bed had been moved out from the wall and out from
the corner of the room after the discussion with the survey
team on 7/22/03.
The bed was facing out into the room with the headboard near
the wall.
The inappropriate side rails had been replaced on the low bed
and placed in the middle of the bed.
The roll belt was tied loosely around the resident's waist, with
enough space for the resident to slide down towards the end of
the bed and out of the waist restraint. The restraint was tied to
the bed frame.
A long body pillow was placed between the resident and the
side rail on the left side.
There was no mat on the floor on the left side.
g. On the right side a second mattress had been placed on the
floor next to the bed.
h. A foam raised roll was next to the bed and not in use.
Observation of Resident #4 on 7/23/03 at 3:55 p.m. revealed:
a. The resident laying awake in the dark in bed.
b. The restraints were in place as observed earlier in the day.
The resident told the surveyor that he/she wanted to get up out
of bed. .
d. The surveyor went to find an aide to assist the resident.
The aide went into the room and asked the resident what he/she
f. The aide then walked out of the room.
g. The resident began yelling, "Help me! Help me!" which could
be heard in the hallway.
h. The aide eventually returned to the resident's room to assist
him/her to get up for the evening meal.
Observation of the resident on 7/24/03 at 7:35 a.m. revealed:
That the resident was up in a wheelchair in the depenclent
.dining room eating breakfast.
b. One strap of the restraint had been untied from the wheelchair
and was lying on the floor.
The restraint was not completely loosened around the resident's
Interview with the Activity Director on 7/24/03 revealed:
That she has activities for low functioning residents at 10:00 in
the morning after breakfast "when these residents are awake.”
b. She confirmed that these residents are put back to bed after
lunch and are sleeping in the afternoon, hampering afternoon
activities with the residents.
Review of Resident #4's Activity Record for July 2003
revealed that the resident attended morning exercise once
during the month, attended hymns and devotionals twice
during the month, attended sing along and music connection
twice during the month, attended special entertainment 3 times
and had outside strolls twice.
d. It was documented that the resident refused to attend activities
on 7/22/03 and 7/23/03.
The resident was not observed attending any activity program
during the 4 days of the survey.
f. After breakfast the resident attended therapy, at noon she was
medicated with psychoactive medications, and after lunch the
resident was put to bed until dinnertime.
Observation of the resident on 7/24/03 at 9:45 a.m., in therapy
a. The resident sitting in his/her wheelchair with the waist
restraint completely removed and an over bed table in front of
him/her placing blue pegs into a board.
b. Interview with the Physical Therapist revealed he/she would
walk approximately 60 feet "when he/she has a good clay.”
The therapists confirmed that the resident was walking
independently throughout the facility prior to his/her falls and
B. Resident #10:
Has a history of dementia and numerous falls.
Observed on 7/21/03 through 7/24/03 in a wheelchair with a pelvic
slide restraint crisscrossed in the back and tied down at the wheels of
the chair.
a. The resident was propelling him/herself throughout the facility by
pushing him/herself along with his/her feet.
b. His/Her position was noted that he/she sat on the edge of the
wheelchair seat with his/her head resting on the back of the chair.
c. A pelvic slide is to correctly position a person in an upright
position while sitting, it goes around the waist and between the
legs and is tied at the base of the wheelchair in the back, making it
impossible for the resident to untie.
According to the Occupational Therapy Assessment dated 6/20/02
he/she is able to follow simple instructions and is cooperative.
His/Her Restraint Utilization Assessment dated 3/19/03 stated unable
to use the merry walker, attempt to use a lap buddy.
There was no documentation in his/her chart that a lap buddy was
Interview with the MDS Coordinator on 7/24/03 revealed:
"We changed her restraint from the merry walker to the wheelchair
with the pelvic slide in April.”
b. According to the quarterly assessment of restraints it was February
26, 2003 that the pelvic slide was first introduced.
Review of the clinical record revealed:
a. The healthcare surrogate was not sent a letter when the resident’s
restraint was changed from a merry walker to a pelvic slide and
b. The only letter the healthcare surrogate received was dated 12/4/01
asking for permission to use the merry walker when up except for
7. During an interview on 7/24/03 with the Director of Nurses, she stated:
“It is our policy that a new restraint letter should be sent out when
a restraint is changed."
b. After that interview the facility brought the surveyor a letter, not
dated, stating permission to: Inability to ambulate with merry
walker. Pelvic slide in use to prevent sliding down in wheelchair.
8. Observation of Resident #10 on 7/23/03 at 12:40 p.m.:
a. In bed with 2 large body pillows, one on each side, 2 side rails up,
and his/her pants down around his/her ankles.
b. This resident was not care planned for the use of body pillows.
9. Interview with the MDS (Minimum Data Set) Coordinator revealed:
a. "The falls committee decides to use body pillows to keep the
residents from falling out of bed."
C. Resident #13:
1. On 7/21/03, during the initial tour of the facility, it was observed that
Resident #13's bed was positioned against the wall.
2. Record review indicated:
a. The resident had fallen on 7/9/03 with no apparent injuries.
b. On 7/10/03, a note was made on the back of the Screening for Fall
Potential sheet stating: "Move bed by wall and place mats on
3. A bed positioned close against the wall is considered a physical
restraint because it prevents the resident from voluntarily gettirig out of
4. A Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Siderail Update was written in July
a. The remarks were: wheelchair and bed alarms required. Forgets
to ask for help.
b. Recommendation: Continue with alarms.
5. There was no evidence in the clinical record that a restraint assessment
had been done for the bed being placed against the wall.
4. Resident #11:
1. Observation on 7/23/03 at 2:15 p.m. revealed:
a. The resident in a low bed with a scoop mattress.
b. One-half side rails were placed in the middle of the bed and in the
up position.
Mats were on the floor on both sides of the bed.
d. Long body pillows were placed between the resident and the side
rails on both sides partially covering the resident and restricting the
resident's movement in the bed.
Observation of the resident at meals on 7/22/03 at approximately 11:45
a.m. and on 7/22/03 at approximately 5:30 p.m. revealed:
a. That the resident was in the dependent dining room in his/her
wheelchair with the Velcro belt on.
b. The'belt was not released during either meal.
_ Review of the resident's clinical record revealed that there was no
order or restraint assessment for the use of the body pillows.
_ Review of the Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Siderail Update
a. That the form was completed in July 2003.
b. The form lists the restraints used as: low bed with concave high
side mattress, mats on floor, side rails up X 2, Velcro belt, bed and
wheelchair alarm.
The recommendation section stated, "No change."
d. There was no assessment regarding the need for the restraints or
documentation regarding whether the current restraints were
necessary to treat medical symptoms.
e. The goal was listed as "Continue to be free of injury.”
_ Review of the resident's Care Plan dated 8/16/01 with a target date of
6/19/03, revealed:
a. That there was no Restraint Care Plan.
b. Care Plan #1 for ADL's (Activities of Daily Living) listed the side
rails, Velcro belt in wheelchair, low bed, bed alarm, pads on floor
X 2 and wheelchair alarm under the "Needs/Problems" column.
There were no approaches regarding these devices.
d. Review of Care Plan #4 for "Potential for injury" dated 8/16/01
with a target date of 6/19/03, included the following approaches:
i. "4. Side rails up X 2 when in bed. Low bed."
i. "20. Velcro belt when in w/c. Release belt at meals and
activities and q (every) 2 hours and reposition.”
iii. "22. Concave Mattress with side elevation."
iv. " 23. Mats on floor at bedside X 2.”
y. "24. Bed alarm.”
i. The approach: "Assess q (every) 3 months and as needed for
restraint reduction and need," was "yellowed out" with
discontinue date of 11/14/02 written next to this approach.
6. Further review of the Care Plan revealed that it was not updated for the
current restraints being used after the completion of the quarterly
assessment on 6/19/03.
D. Resident #7:
1. Observation on 7/22/03 at approximately 11:55 a.m.:
a. Brought to the main dining room in his/her wheelchair.
2. At 12:25 p.m., surveyor asked a CNA (Certified Nurse's Assistant) to
check on the waist restraint of this resident.
a. The CNA checked and told the surveyor the clip belt for the waist
restraint had not been released for the meal.
b. The CNA released the belt after surveyor intervention.
3. During meal observations on 07/21/03 at approximately 12:30 p.m.
and on 7/22/03 at approximately 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., it was
observed that:
a. Residents #1, #3, #4, #7, #10, and #18 did not have their waist
restraints released for meals.
b. All residents were care planned to have their waist restraint
released during meals.
4. On 07/22/03 at approximately 4:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. Certified
Nursing Assistants were interviewed regarding restraint usage,
restraint application and the placing of beds against the wall:
The nurse's aides responded that they knew which residents get
restraints by checking the list at the desk or reviewing the picture
chart, which was hung on the residents' headboards.
b. They also stated that the nurses told them which restraint to use.
When questioned regarding the placement of the beds against the
wall, the aides responded:
i. Within the last 2 weeks, they came on duty and found some of
the beds pushed against the wall.
i. One aide stated, "It's silly to do it, it acts as a restraint."
i. Another aide responded that the body pillows and floor mats
are used for residents at risk of falls.
5. Review of the facility's Physical Restraints policy dated 1/2000
a. That the facility defined a physical restraint as "Physical restraints
are any manual method or physical or mechanical device, material
or equipment attached to adjacent to the resident's (patient's) body
that the individual cannot remove easily which restricts freedom of
movement or normal access to one's body. Those products, which
limit or deter the range of motion or the freedom to act on the part
of the resident. If a resident is able to apply or release a safety
device by himself or herself, it would not be considered a
b. The policy further stated that the Restraint Committee will meet
monthly after initial assessment to assess for the least restrictive
c. Goal will be to be restraint free.
d. The policy also stated that the Care Plan will show that the staff, in
consultation with the resident or the legal representative, weighed
the risks and benefits to the resident of using the physical restraint
and that the staff developed, implemented and evaluated less
restrictive solutions to manage the resident's problem.
E. Resident #1:
1. Observation during the tour on 7/21 and throughout the days on
7/22/03 and 7/24/03 revealed:
a. The bed of Resident #1 to be up against the wall on the resident's
left side.
b. The right side rail up.
c. One long blue pad was near the bed but not positioned next to the
2. Review of the resident's Care Plan revealed:
a. The resident to be at risk for falls.
b. Interventions included the low bed and matt but the residerit was
not care planned to have the bed against the wall.
F. Resident #12:
1. Observation on 7/22/03 at approximately 2:00 p.m. revealed:
Resident sleeping in bed on his/her right side.
The bed was tight against the wall on the resident's left side.
Both side rails were up and the bed was in a low position.
A blue matt was against the right side of the bed.
On the bed with the resident was a long body pillow situated
against the resident's left side.
PAs op
2. Review of the resident's Care Plan revealed:
a. When up, the resident will be in a Broda chair.
b. While in bed the resident will be on a low bed mats at bedside with
both side rails up.
c. There was no Care Plan for bed against the wall or body pillows.
13. For this deficiency, AHCA provided the Respondent a mandated correction date
of August 24, 2003.
14. The foregoing deficiency constitutes a Class II deficiency and warrants a fine in
the amount of $5,000, to wit:
(b) Class "II" violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation and maintenance
of a facility or to the personal care of residents which the agency determines directly threaten the
physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the facility residents, other than class I violations.
The agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited class II violation in an amount not less
than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation. A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the
correction of the violation. Section 400.419 (3)(b), Florida Statutes (2003).
15. Based on the foregoing, Village on the Isle violated §483.25, Code of Federal
Regulations as incorporated by Rule 59A-4.1288, Florida Administrative Codes, herein
classified as a Class II violation pursuant to §400.23(8), Florida Statutes, which also gives rise to
conditional licensure status pursuant to §400.23(7)(b), Florida Statutes.”
§ 483.25 (a-m), Code of Federal Regulations. (2003)
Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A-4.106(4)(aa) (2003)
16. | AHCA repeats, re-alleges, and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through seven (7)
as if fully set forth herein.
17. The regulatory provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations that are specifically
pertinent here to Respondent and to operation of its facility as a long term care facility, which
regulations are applied in Florida pursuant to Rule 59A-4.1288, Florida Administrative Code,
include, but are not limited to, the following:
2 Southwest Florida Retirement Center, Inc. d/b/a Village on the Isle, Respondent, AHCA Case No. 2003006065, is
the assignment of conditional licensure status case, pursuant to §400.23(7), Florida Statutes, [T]he Agency
[AHCA] shall [emphasis added]... assign a licensure status of standard or conditional to each nursing home. ...(b)
A conditional licensure status means that a facility, due to the presence of one or more class I or class II
deficiencies, or class Ill deficiencies not corrected within the time established by the agency, is not in substantial
compliance at the time of the survey with criteria established under this part or with rules adopted by the ugency.
The burden of proof in a conditional licensure case upon the Agency is a preponderance of the evidence standard.
[42 CFR] Sec. 483.25 Quality of care.
Each resident must receive and the facility must provide the necessary care and services to
attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being, in
accordance with the comprehensive assessment and plan of care.
A. Summary of Charges
18. During the annual survey conducted from July 21, 2003 through July 24, 2003
and based on observation, review of clinical records, administrative, nursing, and therapist staff
interviews, the facility:
a. Failed to ensure residents receive care and services to prevent active aspiration
of food and fluids resulting in the inability to reach his/her highest physical and mental
and psychological well being.
B. Summary of Findings
19. The findings include the following:
A. Resident #1:
1. Admitted to the facility on 3/5/03 with multiple diagnoses including
Brain Disorder with VP Shunt Seizures, Syncope, Gastric Reflux
Disease and Antral Fibrillation.
2. Observation during lunch on 7/21/03 from approximately 12:40 p.m.
until 1:35 p.m. revealed the following:
The resident was seated in the main living room, which was being
used as the Dependent Dining Room at this time.
b. The resident was seated in a wheelchair with a padded armrest on
the left side.
The lunch tray included spaghetti with 2 whole meatballs, whole
Brussels sprouts, pudding thick milk and juice, and Italian ice.
d. The meal ticket read the meat was to be ground into the meat
The resident attempted to feed his/herself and was noted leaning
severely to the left.
f. The resident was holding food in his/her mouth.
At approximately 12:52 p.m., the CNA placed a whole meatball in
the resident's mouth.
h. At 12:55 p.m., the resident began coughing, choking, and gurgling.
The resident spat out two large pieces of meatball and sneezed a
large amount of mucous.
The CNA continued to feed the resident offering large spoonfuls of
pudding thick liquids and occasionally a large spoonful of Italian
k. During this time the resident occasionally coughed.
The CNA did not wait for the resident to swallow nor did she
encourage the resident to cough or clear his/her throat.
m. The resident was then given 1/2 of a meatball.
Again the resident started coughing and coughed out two marble
size pieces of meatballs.
At 1:13 p.m., the staff nurse interrupted the meal and gave the
resident a Dilantin 100 mg. pill.
i. She gave the pill in applesauce and offered approximately 3
ounce of a thin liquid supplement and left the room.
The pill stayed on the resident's mouth for approximately five
minutes until the resident finally swallowed what was left of
the pill.
The CNA continued to assist the resident to eat and drink.
From approximately 1:19 p.m. until 1:29 p.m., the resident held a
mouth full of melted Italian ice in his/her mouth.
The resident had a runny nose and was leaking fluids from his/her
s. The resident would speak with a gurgling voice.
t. The CNA repeatedly encouraged the resident to swallow but at
1:30 p.m. when the CNA asked the resident if he/she had
swallowed the resident stated "no" and all the fluid rolled from
his/her mouth.
u. The resident began coughing and gurgling and the meal ended.
At 1:35 p.m., the resident was placed in the hall front of his/her
room and the staff nurse then checked the resident's mouth.
. At this time the resident's mouth was clear and she was no longer
. Observation of lunch on 7/22/03 at approximately 12:15 p.m. until
1:25 p.m. and supper on 7/22/03 at approximately 7:00 p.m. and
breakfast on 7/23/03 revealed the following:
a. The CNA was feeding the resident.
b. The CNA continuously fed the resident without waiting for a
The CNA would attempt to give fluids even though the resident's
mouth was full.
d. The resident would chew and cough at the same time.
e. Liquids would ooze from the resident's mouth.
f. At times the resident's eyes and nose were runny.
. The resident was offered a health shake at both lunch and supper
meals on 7/22/03 but neither time was it thickened.
h. The resident was easily distracted and seated with 2 and 3 other
i. The resident would be looking around the room.
The resident would attempt to talk and his/her voice was gurgling.
The CNAs did not encourage the resident to clear his/her throat or
Clinical record review revealed the resident was to be on a mechanical
soft diet with nectar thick liquids, however the meal tickets and the
meal tray were sent with pudding thick liquids.
Review of the physician orders lacks an order for a downgrade in the
resident's liquid consistency.
Review of the CNA ADL (Activity of Daily Living) sheet reveal:
a. The resident has been fully dependent in eating for the last four
Prior to this, the resident only needed assistance.
The resident has been taking only 25% to 50% of foods and fluids
offered at meals the last seven days.
Review of the resident's weight revealed he/she has lost 4.8 ponds in
the last 4 weeks from 6/9/03 through 7/8/03.
A fax sent to the physician 4/03/03 revealed:
a. The physician desired gradual weight loss for this resident.
b. However, the weight on 7/23/03, taken per surveyor request,
revealed the resident to have lost greater than 4 pound since
c. Resident weight was 159.2 on 7/17/03 down to 154.8 on 7/23/03.
Review of the clinical record lacks any type of monitoring of total
calories or fluids consumed since the resident was taken off of tube
feedings on 4/1/03.
Review of dietary notes from 4/1/03 through 7/2/03 do not request a
calorie or fluid count even though the resident is losing weight.
A dietary progress note dated 4/30/03 reads:
a. The resident is on pudding thick liquids.
b. However, the last physician order dated 4/2/03 has the resident on
nectar thick liquids.
12. Review of a Speech Pathologist note dated 5/ 1/03 revealed:
a. ST tried the resident on pudding thick liquids.
The note did not reveal whether the physician was aware nor was
there a recommendation to the physician to downgrade to the
pudding thick liquid.
The note continues giving directions for resident's safe eating,
including maximal cueing and Italian ice imbedded in pureed food
to facilitate swallowing.
13. Occupational Therapist evaluation:
Evaluated the resident on 3/6/03.
Revealed therapist will be working on functional motor skills with
the resident.
The Occupational Therapist’s last note dated 5/22/03 reads:
i. Care is now transferred to nursing.
14, An interview with the Occupational Therapist (OT) and Restorative
Nurse on 7/23/03 revealed:
The OT stated she does not actually work with the residents
swallowing and feeding technique.
The OT's goal was to increase independent feeding.
Interview with the Restorative Nurse revealed at times she will
assist with feeding in the Dependent Dining Room but her main
function was ambulating the residents.
Both staff stated the Speech Pathologist is usually present Monday
through Friday at breakfast time and roams between the Main and
Dependent Dining Room.
However, the Speech Pathologist was on vacation this week.
The above meal observations were shared with the 2 staff members
at this time.
The OT stated the resident was to be on a pudding thick liquid for
dysphagia and would see why the orders had not been changed.
The OT and Restorative Nurse stated they would assist the resident
at lunch today.
Surveyor observation of Dependent Dining Room at approximately
1:30 p.m.
The OT and Restorative Nurse were seated with the resident.
The resident was through eating.
The OT stated the resident could definitely not handle nectar thick
liquids. The resident showed signs and symptoms of aspiration i.e.
The OT stated fatigue was a factor and the longer the resident took
to eat the slower the resident's swallowing capability but did not
feel the resident's status had changed from the last time she worked
with the resident. The OT stated she was not qualified to test the
resident for swallowing ability and would get an order for a speech
therapy evaluation.
A Speech Pathologist evaluated the resident during the evening
meal on 7/23/03.
i. The speech evaluation revealed the resident is not safe
swallowing any consistency of liquid including pudding thick.
Signs and symptoms of aspiration noted on all consistency
including cough, wet coughed, choking and tearing of eyes.
iii, The resident presented with severe oral pharyngeal dysphasia.
iv. Speech therapy recommendations "NPO (nothing by mouth)
with tube feed for nutritional and safety needs.
D/T (Due to) family wishes continue with po (per mouth) diet
of puree and pudding thick liquids..."
16. Review of the clinical record on 7/24/03:
a. Lacks any documentation of what the family was actually told
about the resident's condition.
Neither speech therapy nor nursing staff documented whether or
not the family is aware the resident is actually actively aspirating.
17. Interview with the Unit Manager and the DON on 7124103
Confirmed the lack of documentation
Interview revealed the daughter of the resident was going to
accompany the resident to the physician today but they would call
her to make sure she understood the consequences of continuing to
feed the resident.
The Unit Manager called the daughter at this time and explained
the speech pathology evaluation in detail including the risk of
choking and filling the lungs with food and fluid.
The daughter agreed not to feed the resident.
The resident returned from the physician visit with new orders to
maintain resident NPO and restart tube feedings.
The DON revealed she had stayed last evening and in-serviced
CNA on proper feeding techniques for Resident #1.
A binder was put together for CNA staff to instruct specific
feeding techniques for residents who have speech therapy
18. During the survey, the CNAs had no guidance as exhibited by the
incorrect feeding techniques used on Resident #1 and the lack of
skilled supervision for all residents in the Dependent Dining Room.
B. Resident #8
Observation on 7/22/03 at 5:55 p.m.:
Resident was eating dinner at the Restorative table in the Main
Dining Room.
b. The resident had drunk her glass of juice and cup of coffee.
c. He/She was observed picking up his/her empty glass several times
and trying to drink from the empty glass.
d. The staff in the dining room came over to the table throughout the
meal but they did not offer the resident any additional juice during
the meal and they were not observed cueing the resident to eat
his/her meal.
2. Review of the resident's Care Plan #11, revised 7/3/03
a. Indicated that the resident was at risk for weight loss due to varied
intake and confusion.
b. The approaches included:
i. Encourage intake to be at or above 50% or more most meals
ii. Staff to assist resident at meals as needed
iii. Encourage self-feeding and redirect to eating as needed during
Cc. Resident #20:
1. 7/22/03 at 6:28 p.m., observation of the evening meal for the first service,
in the Naomi Dining Room
2. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) feeding, was observed to force fluids
into the resident's mouth while he/she was still chewing his/her meal.
3. Resident #20 was identified on his meal ticket as Aspiration Risk.
Dz. Observation of the Restorative dining table in the Main Dining Room on
722/03 and 7/24/03
1. During the noontime and evening meals, revealed no cueing for 8S
(random sampled) Residents #27, #28, #29, and #30.
20. For this deficiency, AHCA provided the Respondent a mandated correction date
of August 24, 2003.
21. The foregoing deficiency constitutes a Class Ii deficiency and warrants a fine in
the amount of $5,000, to wit:
(b) Class "II" violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation and maintenance ofa
facility or to the personal care of residents which the agency determines directly threaten the physical or
emotional health, safety, or security of the facility residents, other than class I violations. The agency shall
impose an administrative fine for a cited class II violation in an amount not less than $1,000 and not
exceeding $5,000 for each violation. A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the correction of the violation.
Section 400.419 (3b), Florida Statutes (2003).
22. Based on the foregoing, Village on the Isle violated §483.25, Code of
Federal Regulations as incorporated by Rule 59A-4.1288, Florida Administrative Codes,
herein classified as a Class II violation pursuant to §400.23(8), Florida Statutes, which
also gives rise to conditional licensure status pursuant to §400.23(7)(b), Florida Statutes?
§ 483.25 (h)(2), Code of Federal Regulations (2003)
Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A-4.1288 (2003)
23. | AHCA repeats, re-alleges, and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through seven (7)
as if fully set forth his/herein.
A. Summary of Charges
24. During the annual survey conducted from July 21, 2003 through July 24, 2003
and based on observation, review of clinical records, administrative, nursing, and therapist staff
interviews, the facility:
a. Resident #5 experienced 4 falls from 1/03 to 7/03 with a pelvic fracture
resulting from a fall in 3/03. The facility continued to use siderails and a bed alarm as
assistive devices to prevent accidents after his/her fracture even though it was
documented that the resident was crawling out of the bottom of the bed and removing the
bed alarm clip.
b. Resident #11 who was at risk for falls due to a history of falls with injury
and failure to use call system or ask for assistance did not have his/her bed alarm on as
ordered when observed on 7/23/03.
c. The facility's falls assessment and matrix procedure was not individualized
and ineffective in preventing further falls in residents.
3 Ibid.
25. The regulatory provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations that are specifically
pertinent here to Respondent and to operation of its facility as a long term care facility, which
regulations are applied in Florida pursuant to Rule 59A-4.1288, Florida Administrative Code,
include, but are not limited to, the following:
Sec. 483.25(h) Quality of care.
Each resident must receive and the facility must provide the necessary care and services to attain or
maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being, in accordance with the
comprehensive assessment and plan of care.
(h) Accidents. The facility must ensure that--
(1) The resident environment remains as free of accident hazards as is possible; and
(2) Each resident receives adequate supervision and assistance devices to prevent accidents.
B. Summary of Findings
A. Resident #5:
1. Experienced 4 falls from 1/03 to 7/03 with a pelvic fracture resulting
from a fall in 3/03.
2. Review of nurse's progress notes dated 1/2/02, 1/27/02, and 3/8/02
revealed that Resident #5 had experienced falls on these dates.
a. On 1/2/03 at 8:30 p.m., the nurse's note revealed the resident was
found on the floor with head resting on footrest of the wheelchair.
b. The resident's back was red but no injury was noted.
3. The facility continued to use siderails and a bed alarm as assistive
devices to prevent accidents after his/her fracture even though it was
documented that the resident was crawling out of the bottom of the bed
and removing the bed alarm clip.
a. Review of the Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Side Rail Update
dated 1/16/03 noted that the facility continued to use side rails and
a wheelchair pad monitor was added secondary to being found on
the floor on 1/2/03.
b. On 3/21/03 at 6:40 a.m., the nurse's progress note documented that
the resident was found lying on his/her side on the bathroom floor.
It was noted that the resident removed the bed alarm and
ambulated to the bathroom.
A 2-centimeter skin tear was noted on the resident's right
elbow and the resident complained of hip pain at 7:05 a.m.
iii. The resident was sent to the emergency room at 9:55 a.m. for a
hip x-ray and found to have a pelvic fracture.
The Quarterly Addendum Restraints/Side Rail Update dated April
2003 indicated:
i. Continued non-compliance by the resident with asking for
There was no documentation that the team discussed the use of
other devices, such as a low bed, to prevent further falls with
The recommendations were to continue the use of the 2 side
rails and a bed and wheelchair alarm.
Resident's Care Plan revealed that the fall was noted and the
intervention of "toilet upon arising, after meals, HS (hour of sleep)
and PRN (as needed)" was added.
i. There were no additional approaches added nor was a change
in the assistive devices considered even though the bed alarm
and side rails remained ineffective in preventing falls.
4. Review of the RAP (Resident Assessment Protocol) for falls dated
4/3/03 indicated that the resident now requires total staff assistance
and uses a Geri chair for comfort following the fall. It was noted that
the resident was at risk for further injury related to decreased safety
awareness and unaware of limitations.
5. Review of Care Plan #7 for Resident # 5, updated 4/3/03, indicated:
Resident at risk for falls secondary to history of falls;
Requires staff assistance for transfers;
Does not always ask for assistance.
The interventions included a bed alarm and a Geri chair for
positioning and comfort.
The approaches included: frequent observation, remind to use call
system, scheduled toileting, remind to ask for assistance with
constant cues.
6. The Physical Therapy Evaluation dated 4/9/03 indicated that Physical
Therapy was not recommended because the resident had "poor"
rehabilitation potential.
7. The nurse's progress notes dated 5/2/03 at 4:45 a.m. revealed:
Resident climbed out of the bottom of the bed;
Attempted to stand and was unable to without assistance.
The resident was found laying her back.
It was noted that the resident stated that he/she removed the bed
monitor clip from his/her gown.
The resident was placed back in bed with the bed monitor
The staff noted that they encouraged the resident to use the call
8. The nurse's progress notes dated 7/16/03 at 4:30 a.m. documented:
Resident #5 was found lying on his/her back in the bathroom.
It was noted that the resident stated that he/she had to urinate and
lost his/her balance.
It was also noted that the bed monitor was attached to the resident's
i. The mattress alarm did not ring;
ii. The resident had crawled out of the foot of the bed.
The nurse documented that the nurse reminded the resident to use
his/her call light.
There was no documentation regarding the staff checking the
functioning of the mattress alarm before placing the resident back
to bed.
9. Nursing/Rehabilitation Communication Form dated 7/16/03, addressed
to the Physical and Occupational Therapists requested:
A recommendation regarding the resident's fall. The nurse noted
the fall on 7/16/03 at 4:30 a.m.
It was noted, “all ready has bed against wall", "mattress alarm" and
"side rails up."
The recommendation from the Registered Physical Therapist was
"Continue above set-up. Recommend PT (Physical Therapy)
Further review of the Care Plan revealed:
The fall of 7/16/03 was not addressed and no additional
interventions were added.
There was no indication in the Care Plan that therapy was
10. Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Side Rail Update dated July 2003
a. Resident "Continues to attempt to get out of bed."
The recommendation:
i. Continue to have side rails up X 2;
ii. Continue bed monitor;
iii. Continue cues to ask for assistance;
iv. Continue wheelchair monitor when up in wheelchair.
There was no documentation that alternate assistive devices were
discussed or attempted even though the current devices were
The next evaluation was scheduled for October 2003.
11. Observation of the resident on 7/23/03 at approximately 2:00 p.m.,
a. Resident was in a regular height bed with full side rails up X 2.
b. The bed was close to the wall.
c. Every time the resident moved in bed, the mattress alarm sounded.
d. The resident stated, "Can't they tum this thing off, it keeps me up
all night!"
When the nurse responded to the alarm, he/she stated that the
resident did not weigh enough for the alarm to work properly.
Resident #11:
1. Was at risk for falls due to a history of falls with injury and failure to
use call system or ask for assistance did not have his/her bed alarm on
as ordered when observed on 7/23/03.
a. Observation of Resident #11 on 7/23/03 at 2:15 p.m. revealed:
i. Resident in bed.
ii. His/Her bed alarm was not attached and was lying on the table
next to the bed.
b. Review of the 7/03 physician orders revealed:
i. A bed alarm was ordered for the resident.
ii. Review of the Resident #11's Care Plan #4, which addressed
potential for injury secondary to history of falls indicated that a
bed alarm was one of the approaches that the facility was using
for fall prevention.
The facility's falls assessment and matrix procedure was not individualized
and ineffective in preventing further falls in residents.
Interview with the Director of Nursing (DON) and the MDS (Minimum
Data Set) Coordinator on 7/22/03 revealed:
1. The facility had begun to work on a "Falls Project" in 6/03.
2. The Director of Nursing stated that their initial plan was to implement
specific assistive devices after the first, second, and third falls.
3. The DON then stated that after discussion with the survey team, they
realized that this wouldn't work because the approaches had to be
"individualized" for each resident.
4. The DON stated that the team met weekly to discuss falls but had not
been documenting their meetings.
5. She further stated that they just began writing notes on the back of the
Screening for Falls Potential form regarding what interventions they
would use.
6. Review of the back of the forms for Residents #5 and #11 revealed
that they were blank.
For this deficiency, AHCA provided the Respondent a mandated correction date
of August 24, 2003.
27, The foregoing deficiency constitutes a Class Ill deficiency and warrants a fine in
the amount of $5,000, to wit:
(b) Class "II" violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation and
maintenance of a facility or to the personal care of residents which the agency determines directly
threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the facility residents, other than
class I violations. The agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited class II violation in
an amount not less than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation. A fine shall be
levied notwithstanding the correction of the violation. Section 400.419 (3)(b), Florida Statutes
28, Based on the foregoing, Village on the Isle violated §483.25, Code of Federal
Regulations as incorporated by Rule 59A-4.1288, Florida Administrative Codes, herein
classified as a Class II violation pursuant to §400.23(8), Florida Statutes, which also gives rise to
conditional licensure status pursuant to §400.23(7)(b), Florida Statutes.*
29. AHCA repeats, re-alleges, and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through seven (7)
as if fully set forth his/herein.
A. Summary of Charges
30. During the annual survey conducted from July 21, 2003 through July 24, 2003
and based on observation, review of clinical records, administrative, nursing, and therapist staff
interviews, the facility:
a. Failed to ensure that the resident's ability in activity of daily living does not
diminish. This is evidenced by 1 (Resident #10) of 17 active sampled residents not
receiving appropriate treatment to maximize the resident's functional abilities.
* Ibid.
B. Summary of Findings
31. The findings include the following:
Resident #10:
1. Observed on 7/23/03:
a. Resident #10 was observed self-propelling his/herself through the
facility in his/her wheelchair with a pelvic slide in place.
b. The pelvic slider was to be used for positioning, however the
resident was observed sitting on the edge of the wheelchair with
his/her head resting on the back of the chair.
2. Review of the Quarterly Addendum Restraint/Side Rail Update/Lap
Buddy for January 2003 it states:
a. Resident #10 ambulates throughout the facility with merry walker.
b. The goal states to continue use of the merry walker and to promote
independent ambulation, no falls, no injury.
3. The nurse's notes read the resident ambulates with the merry walker
throughout the facility and in and out of other residents’ rooms.
4. Resident #10's MDS dated 11/6/02 noted 0-1 for ambulation denoting
independent ambulation.
5. Quarterly Addendum Update for February 2003 stated:
a. Decreased ambulation poss. second to dementia.
b. Asses use of wheelchair with clip belt.
c. The goal was to prevent injury.
6. Weekly summary dated 2/22/03 reads:
a. Needs assist of one for ambulation,
b. The resident is no longer using merry walker re: difficulty
transferring him/her-re: refusing to stand to transfer.
7. Nurse's notes dated 2/26/03 stated:
a. Resident up in w/c (wheelchair) at nurses station.
b. Slipped down in w/c under safety belt onto floor.
c. No apparent injuries.
8. Quarterly Addendum Update dated 2/26/03 stated:
a. Slide out of w/c with clip belt.
b. Assess the use of pelvic slide (this is a restraint that goes around
the waist and through the legs to keep a person upright when
c. Goal prevent sliding.
9. The doctors order for 3/19/03 read:
a. Pelvic slider when up in w/c for proper positioning.
b. D/C (discontinue) merry walker R/T inability to ambulate in merry
c. Decrease safety awareness diagnosis dementia.
10. Restraint Utilization Assessment dated 3/19/03 stated:
a. Restraint presently used was a pelvic slider,
b. Unable to use merry walker,
c. Attempt to use lap buddy.
d. Consideration stated:
i. Has used merry walker for independent ambulation.
ii. Unable to use merry walker - decline in condition possible
improvement, and to check activity notes.
Activity notes for 1/28/03 state resident attends several out of
room activities.
f. Activities notes for 4/21/03 state resident has a decrease in
attendance in activities, but still escorted to several.
The Quarterly Addendum Update dated 3/19/03 stated:
a. Pelvic slider, effective,
b. Recommend continued use.
The restraint evaluation dated 4/4/03 for the pelvic slider states:
a. The resident continues to slide down toward edge of w/c.
b. Any new alternatives tried? No.
c. Continue restraint use? Yes
d. Reason: Maintain proper position prevent sliding.
The Quarterly Addendum Update dated April 2003 stated:
a. No adverse effects from use of pelvic slider,
b. Continue use.
The Weekly Assessments dated 4/5/03, 4/12/03, 4/19/03, noted:
a. Unable to ambulate.
The MDS dated 4/22/03:
a. Showed a significant change in ambulation to 8-8 (total
The weekly summary dated 5/17/03, and 5/25/03 noted:
a. Ambulation needs assistance of two.
The Quarterly Addendum Update for July 2003 states:
Independently propels w/c up & down hallway with no apparent
b. Pelvic slider effective.
The weekly summaries dated 6/8/03, 6/15/03, 6/22/03, 7/6/03,
7/13/03, and 7/20/03 show:
a. Inability to ambulate.
Occupational Therapy (OT):
a. 6/18/03, initial assessment due to recent numerous falls when
getting out of bed without assistants, treatment in merry walker,
according to nursing.
b. Cognition listed: follows simple instructions.
6/20/03, OT listed its role to be mainly to try various techniques
with this resident and recommend techniques and equipment to
nursing staff.
d. 6/26/03, the OT assessment read:
i. Resident seen by OT for skilled treatment/instruction in safe
transfers and positioning.
Safety awareness/ADL safety, and strengthening/active range
of motion.
iti. Minimal retention of instruction demonstrated.
iv. A program for the resident has been written up for restorative
The progress note from OT from 6/20/03-6/26/03 states:
On 6/24/03 at 2:30 p.m., resident found standing in doorway
of room with one foot in his/her trousers, which were
dragging behind him/her.
Resident assisted back to bed where the rails were up and in
His/her bed had not been lowered to the floor and his/her bed
alarm was not activated.
f. 6/26/03, resident had been seen by OT for safe transfers and
positioning instruction.
Due to dementia, minimal retention of instruction was
ii. The resident follows direction well.
ili. OT is now able to make recommendations to the nursing staff
to increase his/her safety and reduce his/her falls.
iv. Resident ambulates or sits in a merry walker, reportedly fell
in that. (No documentation was found to verify this.)
Plan: Discharge from OT with recommendations to the
nursing staff to increase resident safety and decrease falls.
The Restorative Program Plan instructions dated 6/26/03 state:
Ambulate patient from seat in dining room to merry walker using
a walker with assistance as needed.
h. From 7/21/03-7/24/03 the resident was observed:
In a wheelchair with a pelvic slider on propelling his/herself
throughout the facility.
The pelvic slider did not keep the resident from sliding as
he/she was observed sitting on the edge of the w/c with
his/her head leaning back.
iti. During all meal observations done during the survey the
resident was never repositioned to an upright positior:.
iv. On 7/23/03, his/her merry walker was located in the corner of
his/her room and his/her walker was leaning against the
dresser, the resident was never put in the merry walker, nor
was he/she walked in the dining room during the survey.
Interview with the MDS Coordinator on 7/23/03 revealed:
a. In April, due to a change in condition, it was required to change
the resident from a merry walker to a w/c.
Interview with the Occupational Therapist on 7/24/03 she stated:
a. The instructions given to the nursing staff are not documented.
Review of chart revealed:
a. A letter dated 12/4/01 to the legal representative asking for
permission to use a merry walker as a restraint except during
b. In an interview with the Director of Nursing on 7/24/03, she
stated that there should be another letter sent out when there is a
restraint change.
c. At 11:00 a.m., the MDS Coordinator brought this surveyor an
undated letter letting the legal representative know that due to
inability to ambulate with merry walker pelvic slide in use to
prevent sliding down in w/c.
For this deficiency, AHCA provided the Respondent a mandated correction date
of August 24, 2003.
33. The foregoing deficiency constitutes a Class II deficiency and warrants a fine in
the amount of $5,000, to wit:
(b) Class "II" violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation and maintenance of a
facility or to the personal care of residents which the agency determines directly threaten the physical or
emotional health, safety, or security of the facility residents, other than class I violations. The agency shall
impose an administrative fine for a cited class II violation in an amount not less than $1,000 and not
exceeding $5,000 for each violation. A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the correction of the violation.
Section 400.419 (3)(b), Florida Statutes (2003).
34. Based on the foregoing, Village on the Isle violated §483.25, Code of Federal
Regulations as incorporated by Rule 59A-4.1288, Florida Administrative Codes, herein
classified as a Class II violation pursuant to §400.23(8), Florida Statutes, which also gives rise to
conditional licensure status pursuant to §400.23(7)(b), Florida Statutes.”
Pursuant to §400.25(7), Florida Statutes, Village on the Isle shall post the conditional
license in a prominent place that is a clear and unobstructed public view where residents are
being admitted to the facility.
Copies of the conditional licenses are attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B” and
the standard license subsequent hereto is attached as Exhibit “C”.
5 Ibid.
WHEREFORE, AHCA demands the following relief:
1. Enter factual and legal findings as set forth in the allegations of Counts I, II, I,
and IV.
2. Assess a fine in the amount of $5,000.00, for each of the referenced violations for
a total of $15,000.00.
3. Enter factual and legal findings in favor of the Agency on Counts I, I, Ill, and IV
such that a conditional license is upheld.
4. Grant such other relief as the Court deems is just and appropriate.
Submitted on this ZA 3 day of September 2004.
Respectfully submitted.
Eric R. Bredemeyer
Fla. Bar. No. 318442
Senior Attorney
Agency for Health Care Administration
Office of the General Counsel
2727 Mahan Drive
Ft. Knox, Building #3, MS #3
Tallahassee, FL 32308
(850) 922-5873
The Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing
pursuant to Section 120.569, Florida Statutes. Specific options for administrative action are set
out in the attached Explanation of Rights (one page) and Election of Rights (one page).
All requests for hearing shall be made to the attention of: Agency Clerk, Agency for
Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg #3, MS #3, Tallahassee, Florida, 32308,
(850) 922-5873.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy his/hereof has been furnished to
Administrator, Southwest Florida Retirement Center, Inc. d/b/a Village on the Isle at 910 South
a veri 5g (lg OPE
Tamiami Trail, Venice, FL 34285, Return Receipt No. Fog312l03200 97 GY US. Certified
Mail and the Registered Agent for Southwest Florida Retirement Center, Inc. at 920 Tamiami
Sepden ber
Trail South, Venice, FL 34285 on this < ¢ day of Aygust 2004. \
PH 3 0/0 0000 FF ors ee
Eric R. Bredenieyer, Esquire
Docket for Case No: 04-003843
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Dec. 02, 2004 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Nov. 19, 2004 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Nov. 19, 2004 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 22, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL).
Nov. 01, 2004 |
Motion to Remand (via efiling by Jonathan Grout).
Oct. 26, 2004 |
Initial Order.
Oct. 25, 2004 |
Second Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 25, 2004 |
Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 25, 2004 |
Conditional License filed.
Oct. 25, 2004 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Oct. 25, 2004 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 25, 2004 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.