Respondent: A. HUSSAM ARMASHI, M.D.
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Brooksville, Florida
Filed: Apr. 05, 2005
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, April 28, 2005.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
Vv. CASE NOS. 2005-01806
A. HUSSAM ARMASHT, M.D., 2000-08620
Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through undersigned
counsel, files this Administrative Complaint before the Board of Medicine
against Respondent, A. Hussam Armashi, M.D., and in support thereof
1. The Department of Health (“Department”) is the state
department charged with regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to
Chapters 20, 456, and 458, Florida Statutes.
2, At all times material to this Complaint, Respondent was a
licensed physician within the state of Florida, having been issued license
number ME 66828.
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ea:rst so0z ¢ dy
HOH 61:S7t SeBe—-Se-Ad
3. Respondent's address of record is 12228 Cortez Boulevard,
Spring Hill, Florida 34613.
4. Respondent is board certified in anesthesiology.
5. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD”) is a syndrome involving -
pain, stiffness, swelling, and discoloration of the hand.
6. “Trigger point” is the name generally given to a localized area
of pain, frequently soft tissue which may have become irritated by the
action of weakened or damaged muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments.
7. Fibromyalgia syndrome is generally characterized by pain in
numerous trigger points, non-refreshing sleep, and appears to affect the
entire body
8. Fascial tissue is a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue
enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft
structures of the bady.
9. Myofascial pain is a musculoskeletal syndrome characterized by
painful areas in trigger points located on muscle tissue and/or the junction
of muscle and fascial tissue.
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eorst so0z S dy ERE SE SCA
States. Abuse of Fentanyl may lead to severe physical and psychological
15. Epinephrine is a chemical which narrows blood vessels, opens
airways in the lungs, counteracts low blood pressure, and relieves itching
and hives.
16. Bupivacaine is an anesthetic agent available in suspension form
for intravenous injection that causes loss of feeling in the skin and
surrounding tissues.
17. Lidocaine is an anesthetic agent available in suspension form
for intravenous injection that causes loss of feeling in the skin and
surrounding tissues.
18. Depo-Medrol (methylprednisolone) is an anti-inflammatory
corticosteroid available in suspension form for intravenous injection.
CASE NO. 2005-01806
19, In or about September 1997, Patient B.K., a female, presented
to Respondent for treatment of chronic pain. Respondent treated her with
intravenous injections and oral narcotic medication until approximately May
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6a:SsT $o0z ¢ dy
20. In or around February 1998, Patient B.K. presented to
Respondent in his brother-in-law’s office after normal office hours.
Respondent gave her a sheet to cover herself and she kept her underwear
on under the sheet.
21. Respondent administered injections to Patient B.K. which
produced a euphoric effect, unlike any injection he had previously
administered. Respondent kissed Patient B.K. while she sat on the
examining table. She rejected this advance and stated that she was
married. Respondent replied that he was also married.
22. Patient B.K. lay back on the table as a numbing effect from the
injections ensued. Respondent kissed her breasts. She told him not to do
this. He urged her to be quiet and told her that she would enjoy it.
23. Respondent removed Patient B.K.'s panties and his own shirt
and pants, and rubbed his penis on her vagina. Respondent penetrated
her vagina with his penis while Patient B.K. cried. He ejaculated and wiped
her off with a towel. Respondent informed Patient B.K. that if she told her
husband what had occurred, her marriage would end and she would not
get custody of their children due to her addiction to the pain medications
Respondent was prescribing for her.
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98° HOH Best SeBe—-Se-sdy
6a:SsT $o0z ¢ dy
24. At some point in 1998, Respondent moved to a new office.
Patient B.K. presented to this office in the evening and was the only
patient present in the office. Patient B.K. requested a gown and
Respondent replied that he did not have any in the new office.
Respondent administered injections and had sexual intercourse with
Patient B.K. on the floor. She told him to stop and that he was hurting her.
Patient B.K. experienced bleeding due to this intercourse.
25. Approximately fifteen to twenty incidents involving sexual
touching and/or contact took place between Respondent and Patient B.K.
while she in his office and under his care for pain management treatment.
She continued to present to Respondent because of both her addiction to
pain medication and his threats to tell her husband, causing the break up
of her marriage and loss of her children. Respondent also frequently told
Patient B.K. that she would go to jail if her drug use was revealed.
26. At some point in 1999, Patient B.K. presented to Respondent
for treatment. Respondent administered several injections in the back of
her head and back. Patient B.K. remained conscious, but became numb
and unable to physically stop Respondent's sexual advances. She told him
to stop, but he continued and had sexual intercourse with her while she
28"d HOH Bz:St SHBe—-SE-Ad
6a:SsT $o0z ¢ dy
was under the effect of the injection. Respondent ejaculated in and/or on
Patient B.K.’s vagina.
27, Patient B.K. inserted a tampon to prevent leakage of his
seminal fluid onto her clothing. She removed the tampon at home,
wrapped it in an empty toilet paper roll and placed it in a bag in a closet.
28. Patient B.K. made a criminal complaint of sexual battery against
Respondent to the Hernando County Sheriff's Office. She gave them the
tampon containing Respondent's seminal fluid. A DNA test on the tampon
indicated that the semen matched Respondent's DNA.
29, On or about November 13, 2001, the Hernando County State
Attorney's office charged Respondent with sexual battery upon Patient B.K.
30. On or about May 28, 2003, Patient B.K. provided a sworn
statement in the criminal case. She told the prosecutor that she did not
want the criminal prosecution to proceed because she could not physically
or emotionally endure a trial.
31. Onor about May 30, 2003, the prosecutor filed a nol/e prosequi/
in the criminal action against Respondent.
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QOHY Te:S) =6SRe-Se—-ad
OT:ST $o00z ¢ dy
32, Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through thirty-one (31) as if fully set forth herein.
33. Section 455.624(1)(u), Florida Statutes (1998), provides that
engaging or attempting to engage a patient or client in verbal or physical
sexual activity is grounds for disciplinary action by the Department. This
statute further provides that “For the purposes of this section, a patient or
client shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free, full, and informed
consent to verbal or physical sexual activity.
34. Respondent engaged or attempted to engage Patient B.K. in
sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice in one or more of
the following ways:
(a) By kissing Patient B.K. on the mouth while she was under his
care for purposes of pain management treatment;
(b) By kissing Patient B.K.’s breasts while she was under his care
for purposes of pain management treatment;
(c) By removing Patient B.K.’s panties while she was under his care
for purposes of pain management treatment,
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Ob:ST so0z S$ dy
HOH Te:S? = SBBe-Se-sdd
(d) By rubbing his penis against Patient B.K.’s vagina while she was
under his care for purposes of pain management treatment,
(e) By engaging in sexual intercourse with Patient B.K. while she
was under his care for purposes of pain management
35. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.624(1)(u), Florida Statutes (1998), by engaging or attempting to
engage a patient or client in verbal or physical sexual activity.
36. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through thirty-one (31) as if fully set forth herein.
37. Section 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (1998), provides that
the following is grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Medicine:
Exercising influence within a patient-physician relationship for
purposes of engaging a patient in sexual activity. A patient
shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free, full, and
informed consent to sexual activity with his or her physician.
38. Respondent exercised influence within the physician-patient
relationship for purposes of engaging Patient B.K. in sexual activity in one
or more of the following ways:
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ald QOHY Te:S) =6SRe-Se—-ad
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(a) By kissing Patient B.K. on the mouth while she was under his
care for purposes of pain management treatment;
(b) By kissing Patient B.K.‘s breasts while sne was under his care
for purposes of pain management treatment;
(c) By removing Patient B.K.’s panties while she was under his care
for purposes of pain management treatment;
(d) By rubbing his penis against Patient B.K.’s vagina while she was
under his caré for purposes of pain management treatment;
(e) By engaging in sexual intercourse with Patient B.K. while she
was under his care for purposes of pain management treatment.
39. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (1998), by exercising influence within a
physician-patient relationship for purposes of engaging the patient in
sexual activity.
CASE NUMBER 2005-01806
40. In or about January 2004, Patient J.W. presented to
Respondent for pain management of various conditions, including refiex
sympathetic dystrophy syndrome. Respondent initially treated Patient J.W.
with oral narcotic pain medication.
; 10
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41, Inoor around July 2004, Respondent began to administer nerve
block injections to Patient J.W. In or around September or October 2004,
Patient J.W. complained to Respondent that these injections had adverse
sexual side effects and asked him how this could be resolved. Respondent
bent Patient J.W. over the examination table and told her this was a new
sexual position.
42. Patient J. W. presented to Respondent again shortly thereafter
and became ill and dizzy during the office visit. She leaned forward and
Respondent placed his hand on her breasts to lean her back.
43. On or about January 14, 2005, Patient J.W. called Respondent
and asked if he would authorize treatment at a near-by hospital so that she
did not have to travel to receive his care. Respondent returned her call on
or about Saturday, January 15, 2005. He refused to authorize treatment at
the hospital and told Patient J.W. to come to his office for treatment.
44, ‘two of Patient J.W.'s friends drove her to Respondent's office.
She presented to Respondent at approximately 6:30 p.m. Respondent
directed her companions to the waiting room, turned on the television, and
he toak the remote control with him, leaving a Spanish cartoon playing at a
high volume.
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eld HOH ec:St 3 SHBe—-SA-Add
TE:Sk so0z g dH
45. Respondent administered intravenous medication and injections
to treat Patient 1.W.’s pain. Respondent pulled Patient J.W. between his
legs and rubbed his groin against her back. He told Patient J.W. that she
was beautiful, raised her shirt and brassiere and kissed her bare breasts.
46. Patient J.W. tried to push Respondent away. He grabbed her
left arm, pinned it to the table, and pulled down her pants and panties,
exposing her vagina. Patient J.W. jumped up, removed the IV, and fled to
the waiting room.
47, Patient J.W. reported Respondent’s conduct to the Hernando
County Sheriff’s Office. On or about February 25, 2005, Respondent was
arrested and charged with the sexual battery of Patient J.W.
48. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and forty (40) through forty-seven (47) as if fully set
forth herein.
49, Section 456.072(1)(u), Florida Statutes (2003) and (2004),
provides that engaging or attempting to engage in sexual misconduct as
defined and prohibited in Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes (2003) and
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TE:Sk so0z g dH
(2004), constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of
50. Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes (2003) and (2004), states
as follows:
Sexual misconduct in the practice of a health care profession
means violation of the professiona! relationship through which
the health care practitioner uses such relationship to engage or
attempt to engage the patient or client, or an immediate family
member, guardian, or representative of the patient or client in,
or to induce or attempt to induce such person to engage in,
verbal or physical sexual activity outside the scope of
professional practice of such health care profession. Sexual
misconduct in the practice of a health care profession is
51. Respondent engaged in or atternpted to engage Patient J.W. in
sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice in one or more of
the following ways:
(a) By kissing her bare breasts while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment;
(b) By pulling down her pants and panties and exposing her vagina
while she was under his care for purposes of pain management
52. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
456.072(1)(u), Florida Statutes (2003) and (2004), by committing sexual
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FTed QOHY co:st 8 S@e-Se-Add
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misconduct as defined and prohibited in Section 456.063(1), Florida
Statutes (2003) and (2004).
53. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and forty (40) through forty-seven (47) as if fully set
forth herein.
54. Section 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2003) and (2004),
provides that the following is grounds for disciplinary action by the Board
of Medicine:
Exercising influence within a patient-physician relationship for
purposes of engaging a patient in sexual activity. A patient
shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free, full, and
informed consent to sexual activity with his or her physician.
55. Respondent exercised influence within the physician-patient
relationship for purposes of engaging Patient J.W. in sexual activity in one
or more of the following ways:
(a) By kissing her bare breasts while she was under his care
for purposes of pain management treatment;
(b) By pulling down her pants and panties and exposing her
vagina while she was under his care for purposes of pain
management treatment.
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ST'd HOH fe:st SeBe—-Se-ady
ZE:ST $00z ¢ dy
60. Asa result of this conduct, Patient L. Bu. thereafter presented
to Respondent with a companion.
61. Approximately one or two months later, Patient L.B. presented
to Respondent without an appointment complaining of a severe headache.
She was unaccompanied because she did not expect administration of an
intravenous sedative.
62. Respondent locked the door of the examination room and
administered intravenous sedation to Patient L. Bu. Respondent untied his
scrub pants, revealing his white underwear or undershirt.
63. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and fifty-seven (57) through sixty-four (64) as if
fully set forth herein.
64. Section 455.624(1)(u), Florida Statutes (1998) and (1999),
provides that engaging or attempting to engage a patient or client in verbal
or physical sexual activity Is grounds for disciplinary action by the
Department. This statute further provides that “For the purposes of this
section, a-patient or client shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free,
full, and informed consent to verbal or physical sexual activity.
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QOHY fe:st SBee-Se—-H4.
ZEST soz S$ dy we
65. Respondent engaged or attempted to engage Patient L. Bu. in
sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice in one or more of
the following ways:
(a) By massaging her shoulders and saying she had a
beautiful and athletic back while she was under his care
for purposes of pain management treatment;
(b) By kissing her neck while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment,
(c) By fondling her breasts while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment.
68. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.624(1)(u), Florida Statutes (1998) and (1999), by engaging or
attempting to engage a patient or client in verbal or physical sexual
69. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and fifty-seven (57) through sixty-four (64) as if
fully set forth herein.
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dtd OHH Feist S6Be-Se-Add
ZEST soz S$ dy
70, Section 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (1998) and (1999),
provides that the following is grounds for disciplinary action by the Board
of Medicine:
Exercising influence within a patient-physician relationship for
purposes of engaging a patient in sexual activity. A patient
shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free, full, and
informed consent to sexual activity with his or her physician.
71. Respondent exercised influence within the physician-patient
relationship for purposes of engaging Patient L. Bu. in sexual activity in one
or more of the following ways:
(a) By massaging her shoulders and saying she had a beautiful and
athletic back while she was under his care for purposes of pain
management treatment;
(b) By kissing her neck while she was under his care for purposes
of pain management treatment;
(c) By fondling her breasts while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment.
72. Based -on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (1998), by exercising influence within a
physician-patient relationship for purposes of engaging the patient in
sexual activity.
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8T'd KOHY Ee:st SbGe-Se-Ad
ZE:ST $00z ¢ dy
CASE NUMBER 2000-08846
73. On or about June 24, 1999, Patient L. Ba., a thirty-four (34)
year-old female, presented to Respondent for treatment of pain related to
reflex sympathetic dystrophy (*RSD”) and fibromyalgia syndromes.
74. Respondent’s medical records indicate that he diagnosed
Patient L. Ba. with various conditions, including major depression, lower
back pain, sacroiliac joint osteoarthritis, myofascial pain, RSD, and
5. Respondent began a treatment plan including lumbar
paravertebral nerve block injection, sacroiliac joint injection, and trigger
point injections. The injections included a mixture of Lidocaine and Depo-
Medrol. On one or more occasions, Respondent also administered Versed
and Fentanyl to Patient L. Ba. at the time of injection.
76. Respondent treated Patient L. Ba. for approximately nine
months. On at least four occasions, Respondent sexually touched Patient
L. Ba. after administering an injection, fondling her breasts and vaginal
area over her clothes.
77. On or about January 28, 2000, Patient L. Ba. presented to
Respondent at approximately 7:30 p.m. Respondent administered
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HOH Pest SeBe—-SA-Ad
injections to her back, arm and Jeg which had a much stronger effect on
Patient L. Ba. than those administered on previous visits.
78. Respondent fondled Patient L. Ba.’s breasts under her shirt and
began to fondle her vaginal area, but she pushed his hand away. Patient
L. Ba. left Respondent's office as soon as she recovered from the effects of
the medication. On or about February 1, 2000, Patient L. Ba. and her
husband reported Respondent’s conduct to the Hernando County Sheriff's
Office. ,
79. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and seventy-three (73) through seventy-eight (78)
as if fully set forth herein.
80. Section 455.624(1)(u), Florida Statutes (1998) and (1999),
provides that engaging or attempting to engage a patient or client in verbal
or physical sexual activity is grounds for disciplinary action by the
Department. This statute further provides that “For the purposes of this
section, a patient or client shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free,
full, and informed consent to verbal or physical sexual activity.
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@2"d HOH Pest SeBe—-SA-Ad
el:st so0z S$ dy
81. Respondent engaged or attempted to engage Patient L. Ba. in
- sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice in one or more of
the following ways:
(a) By fondling her breasts while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment;
(b) By fondling her vagina while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment.
82. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.624(1)(u), Florida Statutes (1998) and (1999), by engaging or
attempting to engage a patient or client in verbal or physical sexual
83. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and seventy-three (73) through seventy-eight (78)
as if fully set forth herein.
84. Section 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (1998) and (1999),
provides that the following is grounds for disciplinary action by the Board
of Medicine:
Exercising influence within a patient-physician relationship for
purposes of engaging a patient in sexual activity. A patient
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Te'd QOHY Pre:st SGe-Se-Add
el:st so0z S$ dy
shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free, full, and
informed consent to sexual activity with his or her physician.
85. Respondent exercised influence within the physician-patient
relationship for purposes of engaging Patient L. Ba. in sexual activity in one
or more of the following ways:
(a) By fondling her breasts while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment,
(b) By fondling her vagina while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment.
86. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (1998) and (1999), by exercising influence
within a physician-patient relationship for purposes of engaging the patient
in sexual activity.
CASE NUMBER 2000-08620
87. On or about October 7, 1999, Patient R.V., a thirty-year-old
female, presented to Respondent for treatment. She was referred by her
psychiatrist for pain management.
88. Respondent diagnosed Patient R.V. with fibromyalgia and
chronic lower back pain and began a treatment plan including trigger point
3:\PSU\Medical\ Bolivar\cases\armashi\Armashi AC.L.doc
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el:st so0z S$ dy
injections. Respondent administered injections containing a mixture of
Lidocaine, epinephrine, Depo-Medrol and Fentanyl.
89. On or about Patient R.V.’s second visit, Respondent instructed
her to remove her brassiere in order to administer the injections. Patient
R.V. also had to remove or lower her pants. Respondent never had an
attendant in the room during these sessions, never gave her a gown or
provided any other means for her to cover herself, and would remain in the
treatment room and watch her while she undressed.
90. Respondent sexually touched Patient R.V. numerous times after
administering the injections. On one or more occasions, Respondent
fondled Patient R.V.’s bare breasts, rubbed her vaginal area, stroked her
hair, and told her she was beautiful. He also pressed his erect penis
against her back.
91. Respondent asked Patient R.V. to wear “t-back” panties when
she presented for the injections and informed her that he preferred pink
panties. Patient R.V. often presented for injections and medication refills
on a weekly basis. Respondent would see Patient R.V. without an
appointment and/or after hours for the injections.
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PLIST soz S$ 4dy
HOH Sé:STt = SHBe—-SE-Ad
92, Patient R.V. continued to present to Respondent until
approximately May 2000.
93. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and eighty-seven (87) through ninety-two (92) as if
fully set forth herein.
94. Section 455.624(1)(u), Florida Statutes (1999), provides that
engaging or attempting to engage a patient or client in verbal or physical
sexual activity is grounds for disciplinary action by the Department. This
statute further provides that “For the purposes of this section, a patient or
client shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free, full, and informed
consent to verbal or physical sexual activity.
95. Respondent engaged or attempted to engage Patient R.V. in
sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice in one or more of
the following ways:
(a) By fondling her breasts while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment;
1:\PSU\Medical\Bolivar\cases\Armashl\Armashi AC.1L.doc
QOHY Se:st S6@e-Se-Ady
PLIST soz S$ 4dy
By stroking her hair and telling her she was beautiful while she
was under his care for purposes of pain managernent
By asking her to wear “t-back” panties to office visits while she
was under his care for purposes of pain management
By telling her he liked pink panties while she was under his care
for purposes of pain management treatment;
By pressing his erect penis against her back while she was
under his care for purposes of pain management treatment.
Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
455.624(1)(u), Florida Statutes (1999), by engaging or attempting to
engage a patient or client in verbal or physical sexual activity.
Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and eighty-seven (87) through ninety-two (92) as if
fully set forth herein.
Section 456.072(1)(u), Florida Statutes (2000), provides that
engaging or attempting to engage in sexual misconduct as defined and
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HOH Se:st SHBe—-SE-Ado
PLIST soz S$ 4dy
prohibited in Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes (2000), constitutes
grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Medicine.
99. Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes, states as follows:
Sexual misconduct in the practice of a health care profession
means violation of the professional relationship through which
the health care practitioner uses such relationship to engage or
attempt to engage the patient or client, or an immediate family
member, guardian, or representative of the patient or client in,
or to induce or attempt to induce such person to engage in,
verbal or physical sexual activity outside the scope of
professional practice of such health care profession. Sexual
misconduct in the practice of a health care profession is
100. Respondent engaged in or attempted to engage Patient R.V. in
sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice in one or more of
the following ways:
J:\PSU\Medical\Bollvar\casas\Armashi\Armashi AC.1.doc
(a) By fondling her breasts while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment;
(b) By stroking her hair and telling her she was beautiful while she
was under his care for purposes of pain management
(c) -By asking her to wear “t-back” panties to office visits while she
was under his care for purposes of pain management
QOHY 9e:57 SBGe-Se-AHdy
SI:ST soz S$ dy
(d) By telling her he liked pink panties while she was under his
care for purposes of pain management treatment,
(e) By pressing his erect penis against her back while she was
under his care for purposes of pain management treatment.
101. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
456.072(1)(u), Florida Statutes (2000) by committing sexual misconduct as
defined and prohibited in Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes (2000).
102. Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through eighteen (18) and eighty-seven (87) through ninety-two (92) as if
fully set forth herein.
103. Section 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2000), provides that
the following is grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Medicine:
Exercising influence within a patient-physician relationship for
purposes of engaging a patient in sexual activity. A patient
shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free, full, and
informed consent to sexual activity with his or her physician.
104. Respondent exercised influence within the physician-patient
relationship for purposes of engaging Patient R.V. in sexual activity in one
or more of the following ways:
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de'd QOHY 9e:57 SBGe-Se-AHdy
ST:ST $o0z ¢ dy
By fondling her breasts while she was under his care for
purposes of pain management treatment;
By stroking her hair and telling her she was beautiful while she
was under his care for purposes of pain management
treatment; |
By asking her to wear “t-back” panties to office visits while she
was under his care for purposes of pain management
By telling her he liked pink panties while she was under his
care for purposes of pain management treatment;
By pressing his erect penis against her back while she was
under his care for purposes of pain management treatment.
Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2000), by exercising influence within a
physician-patient relationship for purposes of engaging the patient in
sexual activity.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
Medicine enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:
permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's ‘license, restriction of
J:\PSU\Medical\Bolivar\cases\Armashi\Armashi AC.1.doc
HOH 92:57 SHBe-Se-Ado
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practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand,
placement of Respondent on probation, corrective action and/or any other
relief that the Board deems appropriate.
SIGNED this _/! day of __M#ch , 2005.
John ©. Agwunobi, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H.
Secretary, Department of Health
DEPUTY CLERK Maus Wo Keo Casper
CLERK J focus Colmar Maura M. Bolivar
DATE 3~1Y-05 Assistant General Counsel
eS ek oe
DOH Prosecution Services Unit
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3265
Florida Bar No. 0295840
(850) 414-8126 (telephone)
(850) 414-1989 (facsimile)
MMB: jes
Reviewed and approved by: o (initials) 2 los (date)
PCP: march 11, 2005
PCP MemberSizi-pahri, McCoy, Dyches
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Docket for Case No: 05-001231PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Apr. 28, 2005 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Apr. 28, 2005 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Apr. 13, 2005 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Apr. 13, 2005 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 11 through 15 and 18 through 22, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Brooksville, FL).
Apr. 13, 2005 |
Order on Motion to Expedite and Expand Discovery.
Apr. 13, 2005 |
Administrative Complaint (with missing pages) filed.
Apr. 07, 2005 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Apr. 07, 2005 |
Petitioner`s Motion to Expedite and Expand Discovery filed.
Apr. 05, 2005 |
Notice of Appearance of Co-Counsel filed.
Apr. 05, 2005 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by M. Bolivar, Esquire).
Apr. 05, 2005 |
Petition for Expedited Hearing Involving Disputed Issues of Material Fact filed.
Apr. 05, 2005 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Apr. 05, 2005 |
Agency referral filed.
Apr. 05, 2005 |
Initial Order.