Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Miami Springs, Florida
Filed: Apr. 19, 2005
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, May 11, 2005.
Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
_MAR-2s-2008 FRI 09:25 AN Shutts aad Bowen FAR NO, 3053819982 P, 06
AFICA Case Numbers
Petitioner, 2005001930 and
CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, Od a | (6 5
(hereinafter AHCA or the Agency], by and through its undersigned counsel,
and in consultation with opposing counsel, hereby files and serves this its
CENTER CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, d/b/a THIRTY SIX
MEDICAL CENTER [Respondent], pursuant to Sections 120.569 and
120.57, Florida Statutes, and alleges:
1, This Administrative Complaint [AC] consolidates and pleads two
AHCA cases in this one multi-count pleading, by agreement of the parties.
4AR-25-2005 FEL 9:25 AM Shutts and Bowen FAK HO. 305381 3982 7 P, 87 .
The consolidated cases are AHCA Case Number 2005001930 and AHCA
Case Number 2005002166. This AC supercedes and replaces the original
Notice of Intent to Revoke License, etc., dated January 26, 2005, served
upon Respondent under the first case number, 10 which Respondent timely
responded by Petition requesting a formal administrative hearing. The
second case arose separately. The parties contemplate Respondent’s similar
Petition for formal administrative hearing as to the consolidated cases.
2. By and through this administrative action, AHCA seeks:
a. to revoke Respondent’s standard license (Count I) for
Respondent’s actions and conduct, including false representation to
the Agency of a material fact, which involves an act of forgery of a
medical doctor’s signature;
b. to impose administrative fines upon Respondent totaling
$10,000 (counts II and IIT), or $5,000 each for violation of two
specified provisions of the Act as alleged herein; and
c. to assess a complaint investigation fee against Respondent
pursuant to §400.9915(4), Florida Statutes (2004).
_ TAr-25-2008 FRE 03:23 AM Shutts and Bower FA NO, 3053819982
3. AHCA has jurisdiction in these cascs pursuant to its regulatory
authority under the Health Care Clinic Act [Act], Chapter 400, Part XI,
Florida Statutes (2004). The Division of Administrative Hearings [DOAH]
will have jurisdiction pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida
Statutes, upon the occurrence of the anticipated events (a) that Respondent
will request a formal hearing in the consolidated AHCA cases, and (b) that
AHCA thereafter will refer the consolidated AHCA cases to DOAH.
4. Venue shall be determined pursuant to Rule 28-106.207, Florida
Administrative Code.
5. AHCA is the regulatory agency responsible for the licensure of
Florida health care clinics and for the enforcement of the Act, governing
Florida’s non-exempt health care clinics.
corporation [also sometimes referenced hereinafter as the corporate
licensee], owns, operates and is doing business as THIRTY SIX MEDICAL
CENTER [hereinafter the Clinic] under AHCA License # HCC 5991. The
Clinic is a health care clinic as defined by the Act and is located at 4471 NW
_MeP-25-2005 FRI 09:26 AN Shutts and Bower FAX HO, 3053819982
36thth Street, Suite 240, Miami Springs, Florida 33166, At all times
material hereto Respondent was required to comply with the Act.
Revocation of License for False Representation of Material
Fact and Other Violations of the Health Care Clinic Act
7. AHCA re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs one (1)
through six (6) above as if fully set forth herein.
8. On or about June 28, 2004, Respondent submitted its application
for licensure to operate the Clinic at the address referenced above. Based
upon the representations and information furnished by Respondent, in due
course, on or about September 9, 2004, the Agency issued standard AHCA
License # HCC 5991 to Respondent for operation of the Clinic.
9. §400.99i(5), Florida Statutes, requires that an application for
licensure include, among other things, “the name, residence and business
address, phone number, social security number, and license number of the
medical or clinical director. . . . ” Respondent named a medical doctor
(known to Respondent and hereinafier referenced as Dr. R) as its medical
director. Respondent provided all required information to the Agency
pertaining to Dr. R. This included information necessary to perforin the
required background screening of Dr. R for any criminal reco:d that would
preclude the issuance of a clinic license to Respondent.
MAR-25-2005 FRI 09:26 AM Shutts and Bowen
FAK HO, 3053819982
10. On or about November 10, 2004, by letter of that date, the
Agency notified Respondent that the Agency's Background Screening Unit
had received information trom law enforcement agencies that called into
question whether Dr. R could be cleared as meeting background screening
(BGS) requirements. The Agency advised the Clinic that it required further
information in order for the Agency to make a “final determination” as to
Dr. R’s status, to wit: whether he was duly-qualified to serve as the Clinic’s
medical director. The Agency thereafter received no additional information
‘om Respondent, including to the date of the filing of this AC, about Dr. R
that would enable the Agency to clear Dr. R as meeting BGS requirements.
Ll. Instead, by and through a completed Agency licensure applica-
tion form dated November 26, 2004, which form the Agency received on or
about December 8, 2004, Respondent sought to “add” one Michael
Formisano, a licensed Florida medical doctor, as its medical director. This
application included not only the apparent signature of Dr. Formisano as
accepting his appointment as the medical director of the Clinic on 11/26/04,
but also other required documentation in the form of a copy, not the original,
ofa fingerprint card for Dr. Formisano, of a photocopy of his signed
Department of Health license, of a copy of his social security card and of a
copy of his Florida driver’s license.
—_MAR-26-2005 FRI 09:26 Al Sautts ard Bowen FAK NO. 3053819982
12. The form used by Respondent in its application of 11-26-04
complies with §400.991(4), Florida Statutes (2004), in providing that the
statement as to the truth of the information furnished in the application be
notarized. One Babette Sosa signed the application under oath as president
of the corporate licensee, with her statement being notarized.
13. In due course the Agency received, approved and duly noted in its
records the change in the Clinic’s medical director lo Dr. Formisano. The
Agency relied on such information as rendering moot any need for
immediate action by the Agency pertaining to the unresolved background
screening situation and related question as to whether Dr. R was qualified to
serve as the Clinie’s medical director under the Act (and correspondingly,
whether the Clinic was operating and had been operating prior to 11-26-04
without a qualified medical director). That is, the Agency accepted Dr.
Formisano as “the” qualified medical director of the Clinic as of the
11/26/03 date provided to the Agency as the date of his ostensible
acceptance of that role.
14. By letter dated December 23, 2004, the Agency formally advised
both the Clinic and Dr. Formisano of such receipt, approval and change of
the Clinic’s medical director.
MBP -25-2005 FRE 99:26 AM Sautts ard Bowen FaX NO. 3053819982
15. Under the Act, a clinic’s medical director is the person “who is
employed or under contract” with the clinic, who “maintains a full and
unencumbered physician license” [see §400.9905(5), F.S.] and who, as the
clinic’s duly-appointed medical director, has explicit legal responsibility for
a number of activities conducted on behalf of the clinic. The latter are as set
forth in §400.9935(1) (a) — (g). F-S.
16. Under the Act, the failure of a clinic to employ a qualihed
medical director or clinic director constitutes a ground for emergency
suspension of the license by the Agency. See §400.9915 (3). F.S. This
provision reads:
400.9915 Clinic inspections; emergency suspension: costs.—
ek Oe
(3) Failure by a clinic licensed under this part to allow full and
complete access to the premises and to billing records or information
to any representative of the agency who makes a request to inspect the
clinic to determine compliance with this part or failure by a clinic to
emplov a qualified medical director or clinic director constitutes a
ground for emergency suspension of the license by the agency
pursuant to s. 120.60(6). [Emphasis added.]
17. Thus, the Agency asserts here that the factual representations
made by Respondent about the appointments and service first of Dr. R and
thereafter of Dr. Formisano, that both doctors were duly-qualified medical
directors who had consented to serve and then did serve as the qualified
2105 FRI 29:28 AM Shutts and Bewen FAX KO, 3053819982
medical director of Respondent's Clinic, constitute material representations
under the Act.
18. By and through submission to the Agency on an Agency form
Utled “Change of Medical or Clinic Director Form,” dated December 21,
2004, but not received by the Agency until January 11. 2005, the Clinic
informed the Agency of a second change of medical director, trom Dr.
Formisano to Dr. §. That signed form, signed by Dr. S, indicates that the
“last date of affiliation” of Dr. Formisano as the medical director of the
Clinic was 12/21/04.
19. Upon receipt by Dr. Formisano of the Agency's above-referenced
letter of December 23, 2004 and his thus learning of his reported
appointment as the medical director of the Clinic, Dr. Formisano contacted
the Agency. He unequivocally stated that he never was employed by or
served as the medical director of the Clinic, that he never authorized anyone
to sign his name on his behalf as the medical director and that the signature
on the application fumished to the Agency by Respondent, purportedly
constituting his acceptance on | 1/26/04 of his appointment as medical
director of the Clinic, is not his signature.
20. Respondent, by and through its agents, servants or employees
falsely represented to the Agency that it had duly appointed Dr. Formisano
__ HAP =25-2006 FRI 02:28 AN Sautts asd Bower FAK NO. 3053819982
as its medical director with his consent, including that Dr. Formisano was
employed by or under contract with the Clinic as its medical director. This
conduct, as alleged herein, constitutes a false representation of material fact.
No such contract ever existed. Nor did Dr. Formisano ever accept legal
responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the Clinic or for performing
any of the several activities required by law of a clinic’s medical director, as
set forth in §400.9935(1) (a) -—(g), F-S.
21. §400.991(7)(e), Florida Statutes (2004), expressly authorizes
revocation under circumstances such as exist here. The statute reads:
400.991 License requirements; background screenings;
* 1 xe
(e) The agency may deny or revoke licensure if the applicant has
falsely represented any material fact or omitted any material fact
from the application required by this part. [Emphasis added.)
22. Upon amending its application to change its medical] director,
Respondent falsely represented as a material fact that Dr. Formisano
consented to serve as its medical director al the Clinic, and exacerbated that
false representation as a legal basis for licensure revocation by and through a
forgery of Dr. Formisano’s signature as part of such [alse representation.
23. Further, the Agency may revoke a license of “any clinic licensed
under this part (Chapter 400, Part XIII, Florida Statutes) for operating in
violation of the requirements of this part.” See §400.9935(7). Florida
MAR-25-2905 ERI 09:26 AM Shutts ard Bower FAA NO. 3963819982
Statutes (2004) (parenthetical added) and §400.995(1), Florida Statutes
(2004). Thus, in that such provisions serve as an additional legal basis for
revocation, AHCA hereby further alleges and incorporates herein by
reference as to this Count I, the allegations set forth both in Count IT and in
Count III below as to the alleged violations of the Act set forth therein.
$5,000 Fine for Failure to Appoint Medical Director
in Accordance With §400.9935(1), Florida Statutes (2004)
24. AHCA re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs one
(1) through six (6) and eight (8) through three (23) above as if fully set forth
25, The Act requires the appointment of a medical or clinic director
for each licensed Florida health care clinic as a critical requirement of the
Act, specifying a number of significant duties and obligations of each such
director at each clinic, as follows:
400.9935 Clinic responsibilities.--
(1) Each clinic shall appoint a medical director or clinic director
who shall agree in writing to accept legal responsibility for the
following activities on behalf of the clinic. The medical director or the
clinic director shall:
(a) Have signs identifying the medical director or clinic director
posted in a conspicuous location within the clinic readily visible to all
(b) Ensure that all practitioners providing health care services Or
supplies to patients maintain a current active and unencumbered
Florida license.
MArn-25-2005 FRI 03:26 AM Sautts ard Bowen FAK NO. 3053819982
(c) Review any patient referral contracts or agreements executed by
the clinic.
(d) Ensure that all health care practitioners at the clinic have active
appropriate certification or licensure for the level of care being
(e) Serve as the clinic records owner as defined in s. 456.057.
(f) Ensure compliance with the recordkeeping, office surgery, and
adverse incident reporting requirements of chapter 456, the respective
practice acts, and rules adopted under this part.
(a) Conduct systematic reviews of clinic billings to ensure that the
billings are not fraudulent or unlawful. Upon discovery of an unlawful
charge, the medical director or clinic director shall take immediate
corrective action. If the clinic performs only the technical component
of magnetic resonance imaging, static radiographs, computed
tomography, or positron emission tomography, and provides the
professional interpretation of such services, in a fixed facility that is
accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations or the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health
Care, and the American College of Radiology; and if, in the preceding
quarter, the percentage of scans performed by that clinic which was
billed to ‘all personal injury protection insurance carriers was less
than 15 percent, the chief financial officer of the clinic may, in a
written acknowledgment provided to the agency, assume the
responsibility for the conduct of the systematic reviews of clinic
billings to ensure that the billings are not fraudulent or unlaw ful.
26, Respondent’s conduct as alleged herein constitutes at least one if
not multiple violations of the above-referenced statute by Respondent.
27. §400.995, Florida Statutes (2004) authorizes not only revocation
ofa license for the subject conduct, bui also in addition, an administrative
fine up to $5,000 per violation. This section reads:
400.995 Agency administrative penalties.--
(1) The agency may deny the application for a license renewal,
revoke or suspend the license, and impose administrative fines of up
WAR-25-2005 FRI 09:27 Al! Shutts and Bower FAK Ni
to $5,000 per violation for violations of the requirements of this part
or rules of the agency. In determining if a penalty is to be imposed
and in fixing the amount of the fine, the agency shall consider the
following factors:
(a) The gravity of the violation, including the probability that death
or serious physical or emotiona! harm to a patient will result or has
resulted, the severity of the action or potential harm, and the extent to
which the provisions of the applicable laws or rules were violated.
(b) Actions taken by the owner, medical director, or clinic director
to correct violations.
(c) Any previous violations.
(d) The financial benetit to the clinic of committing or continuing
the violation. {Emphasis added. ]
28. The Agency considered the enumerated factors and determined
that the maximum $5,000 fine is warranted here. This is due to the
egregious nature and gravity of the combination of Respondent’s actions
regarding its multiple appointments of a medical director, including: (a) first
and in particular, Respondent's false representation (including forgery) that
Dr. Formisano had consented to serve as its medical director; (b)
Respondent's inference that the Agency did not need to worry’ further about
whether Dr. R was a duly-qualified medical director; (c) the second false
representation in December that Dr. Formisano had served as the medical
director for nearly a month: and (d) at least one failure if not two failures of
Respondent to appoint a duly qualified medical director (i.e., as to Dr. R’s
appointment, Respondent’s attendant failure to provide information that
would show that Dr. S$ did not have a disqualifying criminal record, leaves
MAP-25-2005 FRI 09:27 AM Shutts and Bowen FAK NO. 3053819982
unresolved the background screening issue as to Dr. R). The Agency does
not view the Respondent’s actions favorably as to how it dealt with its
problems regarding its failed appointments of a duly qualified medical
$5,000 Fine for Failure to Comply with §400.992(4), Florida Statutes
Regarding Change of Ownership in Corporate Licensee
29. AHCA re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs one
(1) through six (6), eight (8) through twenty-three (23) and twenty-five (25)
through twenty-eight (28), as if fully set forth herein.
30. The Act specilically requires notice to the Agency regarding
certain changes in ownership related to licensed Florida clinics. This
includes a change in ownership of 45% or more in the corporate stock of a
corporate license, such as Respondent. The pertinent provisions of the Act
400.992 License renewal; transfer of ownership; provisional
(4) When transferring the ownership of a clinic, the transferee must
submit an application for a license at least 60 days before the effective
date of the transfer. An application for change of ownership of a clinic
is required only when 45 percent or more of the ownership, voling
shares, or controlling interest of a clinic is transferred or assigned.
including the final transfer or assignment of multiple transfers or
assignments over a 2-year period that cumulatively tota! 45 percent or
greater. [Emphasis added_]
MAR-25-2905 FRI 09:27 AM Shutts acd Bowen FAK NO, 3353819982
31. The importance of this required notice to the Agency by the filing
of an application for issuance of a license concurrent wilh the transfer, rests
in part upon the legislative requirement that the Agency use such application
to identify any new players in the operation of any licensed health care clinic
and then perform the required background screening as to such new owners.
32. The statutory requirement for the filing of the change of
ownership application and the subsequent issuance of a license based upon
that application (even ifa re-issue of a license to the same corporate
licensee) also is important in that it assures the public and all owners,
whether new owners or old owners who retain an ownership interest in the
subject clinic, that the clinic will continue to operate lawfully as a licensed
clinic, i.e. that the clinic did not become an unlicensed clinic upon the
change in ownership.
33. This latter factor is critically raised by the Act’s express
requirement as stated in the very next subsection of the Act after the above-
referenced change-of-ownership subsection. That is:
(S) The license may not be sold, leased, assigned, or otherwise
transferred, voluntarily or involuntarily, and is valid only for the clinic
owners and location for which originally issued. [Emphasis added. ]
34, On or about February 3, 2005, the Agency received a packet from
Respondent informing the Agency that a transfer of ownership of stock in
MAR-23-2005 FRI 09:27 AM Shutts and Bowen FAX NO. 3053819982
the Respondent corporation had occurred on or about January 26, 2005.
This transfer concerned more than 45% of the stock in the corporate
licensee. The packet did not include any application for change of
ownership (nor. obviously, any accompanying application fee).
35. The change of ownership does involve a new individual
shareholder. This individual must become the subject of background
screening for the existence of any criminal offense that would preclude the
issuance of anew license. The new license must be based upon a change of
ownership application, not yet filed by Respondent.
36. The Agency is not aware at this time of any ongoing operation of
the clinic that would raise the issue as to whether such operation is an
unlawful operation without a current valid license. But, it is clear that in the
absence of Respondent's filing of the required application with the
accompanying payment of the requisite filing fee and background screening
fee, the Agency cannot proceed with the background screening of this new
individual shareholder.
37. Respondent’s actions herein, as alleged, constitute the violation of
§400.992(4), Florida Statutes (2004).
38. In the event that the facts reveal that Respondent continued to
operate the Clinic subsequent to the change of ownership, and under the
HAR-25-2005 FRI 09:27 AM Shutts and Bowen FAK HO, 3053819982
ownership of the stock of the corporate licensee that includes the new
shareholder, then the mandated amount of the administrative fine is $5,000,
as set forth in §400.995(7), Florida Statutes (2004), as follows:
400.995 Agency administrative penalties ——
Bd Bo as
(7) Any clinic whose owner fails to apply for a change-of-ownership
license in accordance with s. 400.992 and opcrates the clinic under the
new ownership is subject to a fine of $5,000.
WHEREFORE, the Agency respectfully requests that the
Administrative Law Judge enter a Recommended Order, as follows:
1. As to the licensure case, that the Agency should revoke the license
of Respondent.
2. As to the imposition of administrative fines, that the Agency
should impose administrative fines in the total amount of $10,000 upon
Respondent, that is, $5,000 each, respectively (a) for Respondent’s failure to
comply with §400.9935(1), Florida Statutes (2004), regarding appointment
of a medical director and (b) for Respondent’s failure to comply with
$400.992(4), Florida Statutes (2004), regarding a change of ownership of
more than 45% in the stock of a corporate licensee and then continuing to
operate after such change of ownership.
MAR-25-2005 FRI 09:27 AM Shutts and Bowen FAK NO. 3053819382 P, 22
AHCA, by and through iis undersigned counsel, hereby certifies that a
true and correct copy of the foregoing Administrative Complaint, with an
Election of Rights form and Explanation of Rights Under Section 120.569,
F.S.A. form, have been furnished by certified mail, return receipt requested,
to: Michael Gennett, Esq., of SHUTTS & BOWEN, LLP, Attorneys for
Respondent, Thirty Six Medical Center, Inc. d/b/a Thirty Six Medical
Center, at 201 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 1500, Miami, Florida 33131 on this,
the pant day of March 2005.
Tom R. Moore, Esquire
AHCA Senior Attomey
Mae-25-2905 FRI 29:27 AM Shutts and Bowen FAK NO, 3053819932 “P23
that the Agency should impose a comp!aint investigation fee regarding the
3. Further, as authorized by §400.9915(4), Florida Statutes (2004),
false representation that Dr. Formisano had agreed to serve as the medical
director of Respondent’s clinic (including the forgery of Dr. Formisano’s
signature), in the amount of the cost of the investigation (to be established
by the evidence).
Respectfully submitted this 20 day of March 2005.
Nowe we
Tom R. Moore, Esquire
AHCA Senior Attorney
Fla. Bar No. 097383
Agency for Health Care Administration
Building #3, MSC #3
2727 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32308
(850) 922-5873 (office)
(850) 413-9313 (fax)
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administra-
tive hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes
(recognizing that such request already has been made here as to the
licensure case). Specific options for administrative review of the fines
sought herein are set out in the attached Election of Rights form and
explained in the attached Explanation of Rights form.
All requests for hearing shall be made to the Agency for Health
Care Administration, and delivered to Mr. Richard Shoop, Agency
Clerk, Agency for Health Care Administration, Building #3, MSC #3,
2727 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32308. Picase also furnish a
copy thereof to the undersigned AHCA counsel.
Docket for Case No: 05-001463
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
May 11, 2005 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
May 09, 2005 |
Respondent`s Voluntary Withdrawal of Petition for Hearing filed.
May 06, 2005 |
AHCA`s Request for Production filed.
May 06, 2005 |
AHCA`s Notice of Service of AHCA`s First Interrogatories Upon Thirty Six Medical filed.
May 04, 2005 |
AHCA`s Request for Admissions filed.
Apr. 27, 2005 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Apr. 20, 2005 |
Initial Order.
Apr. 19, 2005 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Apr. 19, 2005 |
Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Apr. 19, 2005 |
Notice of Scrivener`s Error filed.
Apr. 19, 2005 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Apr. 19, 2005 |
Notice of Intent to Revoke License and to Impose Fine and Fee filed.
Apr. 19, 2005 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.