Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: May 03, 2005
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, May 17, 2005.
Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
Date: 4178/2004 Time: 4:48 PM
Pages: 12 Duration: 3 min 41 sec.
Sender: 8505210521 Company:
Fav Numbhaor- Subiact:
qT Nov-08-2004 O08:3ipm — From-FLORIDA ENGINEERS MGMT. CORP. 8505210621 T-619 -P.0D6/012 F-DE4
ee se
Petitioner, { Uf Ae, x )
v. FEMC Case No. 03-0077
Petitioner, the Florida Engineers Management Corporation, files this Admainistrative
Complaint before the Board of Professional Engineers against Orlando A; Naranjo, hereinafter
referred to as “Respondent”. This Administrative Complaint is issued pursuant to Sections .
120.60 and 471.038, Florida Statutes. Any proceeding concerning this complaint shall be
conducted pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. In support of this complaint, Petitioner
alleges the following:
1. Petitioner is charged with providing administrative, investigative, and
prosecutorial services to the Board of Professional Engineers pursuant to Section 471.038,
Florida Statutes. The Board of Professional Engineers is charged with regulating the practice of
engineering pursuant to Chapter 455, Florida Statutes.
2. Respondent's Jast known address is 4645 S.W. 10” Street, Miami, Florida 33134.
3. At all times relevant to this Administrative Complaint, Respondent operated a
business office at 9300 NW 25th Street, #209, Miami, Florida 33172 (“Suite 209”).
Date: 41/8/2004 Time: 4:48 PM
Pages: 12 Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sender: 9505210521 Company:
Fev Numhor: Suihiact-
qt Nov-0892004 B:3tpm — From-FLORIDA ENGINEERS MGMT. CORP. 8505210821 T-BIQ -P.CO7/012 FeO54
ll “ ~~
4. On September 20, 2001, a Final Order was filed in Case Number 03-0077 against
the Respondent that revoked Respondent’s professional engineer's license number 32646.
5. After September 2001 and continuing through June 2003, Respondent maintained
a title on the door of Suite 209 that read “Naranjo + Associates, Mechanical, Electrical,
Consulting Engineers”.
6. . Petitioner realleges paragraphs one (1) through five (5) as if full set forth in this
‘Count One.
7. After September 2001, Respondent continued to accept compensation for and
deliver ‘plans on an existing engineering project identified as the Sanchez residence, SW 91st St.
and’ SW 68th Ave., Miami. %
8. After September 2001, for the Sanchez residence, engineering calculations and
plan drawings were performed in and maintained at Suite 209; and the Suite 209 address was
printed on the plans as the address for the engineer who signed and sealed the plans.
9. After September 2001, for the Sanchez residence project, Respondent had the
plans signed and sealed by a licensed P_E. who was not in responsible charge for the project and
who did not receive compensation in exchange for providing his signature and seal.
10. After September 2001, on the Sanchez residence plans, the initials “ON”, and
“PV”, appear printed on the plans as having checked the plans. “PV" is the initials of an
employee paid by Respondent.
11. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 455.228, Florida Statutes by
engaging in the unlicensed practice of engineering.
FEMC y. Orlando A. Naranjo, Case # 03-0077 2
INGUDIVGU Lv gig [enol yuvuucusYy
Date: 11/8/2004 Time: 4:48 PM
Pages: 12 Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sender: 8505210521 Company:
Fay Number: Suiact-
nN Nov-09-2004 08:33pm — From-FLORIDA ENGINEERS MGMT. CORP. 8505210521 T-612-P.008/012 = F054
“ae ~~
12. Petitioner realleges paragraphs one (1) through five (5) as 3f full set forth in this
Count Two, .
13. After September 2001, Respondent continued to accept compensation for and
deliver plans on an existing engineering project identified as the Sagaro residence, SW 67th Ave,
and SW 91st St., Miami
14. After September 2001, for the Sagaro residence, engineering calculations and plan
drawings were performed in and maintained at Suite 209; and the Suite 209 address was printed
on the plans as the address for the engineer who signed and sealed the plans.
15... After September 2001, forthe Sagaro residence, Respondent had the plans signed
and sealed by a licensed P.E. who was not in responsible charge for the project and who did not
receive compensation in exchange for providing his signature and seal.
16. After September 2001], on the Sagaro residence plans, the initials “ON”, and °
“PV”, appear printed on the plans as having checked the plans. “PY” is the initials of an
employee paid by Respondent.
17. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 455.228, Florida Statutes by
engaging in the unlicensed practice of engineering.
18, Petitioner realleges paragraphs one (1) through five (5) as if full set forth in this
Count Three.
19. After September 2001, Respondent continued to accept compensation for and
deliver plans on an existing engineering project identified as 11501 Old Culler Rd., Coral
FEMC v. Ortando A. Naranjo, Case # 03-0077 3
Date: 41/8/2004 Time: 4:48 PM
Pages: 12 Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sender: 8505210521 Company:
Fav Number: Snbiert
qT Nov-08-2004 05:31pm — From-FLORIDA ENGINEERS WGMT. CORP. 8505210521 T6198 -P.008/012 «F054
a . ‘woe
20. After September 2001, for the Old Cutler Road project, engmeering calculations
and plan drawings were performed in and maintained at Suite 209; and the Suite 209 address was
printed on the plans as the address for the engineer who signed and sealed the plans.
21. After September 2001, for the Old Cutler Road project, Respondent had the plans
signed and sealed by a licensed P.E. who was not in responsible charge for the project and who
did not receive compensation in exchange for providing his signature and seal.
22, After September 2001, on the Old Cutler Road plans, the initials “ON”, and “PV”, ,
appear printed on the plans as having checked the plans. “PV” is the initials of an employee paid
by Respondent.
23. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 455.228, Florida Statutes by.
engaging ia the unlicensed practice of engineering.
24. Petitioner realleges paragraphs one (1) through five (5) as if full set forth in this
Count Four.
25. After September 2001, Respondent continued to accept compensation for and
deliver plans on an existing engineering project identified as the Babun/Gomez residence, 5930
SW 79th Court, Miami.
26. After September 2001, for the Babun/Gomez residence, engineering calculations
and plan drawings were performed in and maintained at Suite 209; and the Suite 209 address was
printed on the plans as the address for the engineer who signed and sealed the plans.
27. After September 2001, for the Babun/Gomez residence, Respondent had the plans
signed and sealed by a licensed P.E. who was not in responsible charge for the project and who
did not receive compensation in exchange for providing his signature and seal.
FEMC v. Orlando A, Naranjo, Case # 03-0077 4
Date: 41/8/2004 Time: 4:48 PM
Pages: 12 Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sender: 8505210521 Company:
Fav Numbhar: Siibiant
T Nov-08-2004 O8:32em © From-FLORIOA ENGINEERS WGMT. CORP. 650521052) T-619 PP O10/DI2 = F054
28. After September 2001, on the Babun/Gomez plans, the initials “ON”, and “PV”, 7
appear printed on the plans as having checked the plans. “PV" is the initials of an employee paid
by Respondent.
29. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 455.228, Florida Statutes by
engaging in the unlicensed practice of engineering.
30. Petitioner realleges paragraphs one (1} through five (5) as if full set forth in this
Count Five. ,
31. After September 2001, Respondent submitted a proposal and accepted a pew
rons contract to perform engineering work for a project identified as Toras Emes Academy.
32. After September 2001, for the Toras Emes project, engincering calculations and
plan drawings were performed in and maintained at Suite 209; and the Suite 209 address was
printed on the plans as the address for the engineer who signed and sealed the plans.
33. After September 2001, for the Toras Emes project, Respondent had the plans
signed and sealed by a licensed P.E. who was not in responsible charge for the project and who
did not receive compensation in exchange for providing his signature and seal.
34, After September 2001, on the Toras Emes plans, the initials “ON”, and “PV”,
appear printed on the plans as having checked the plans. “PV” is the initials of an employee paid
by Respondent.
35. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 455.228, Florida Statutes by
engaging in the unlicensed practice of engineering.
36. Petitioner realleges paragraphs one (1) through five (5) as if full set forth in this
FEMC v. Orlando A. Naranjo, Cute 4 03-0077 45
te re ree Qe re eee
Date: 11/8/2004 Time: 4:48 PM
Pages: 12 Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sender: 8505210521 Company:
Faw Aumbor- Suhiart
T Nov-08-2004 05:32pm © From=FLORIDA ENGINEERS MGMT. CORP. 9508210521 T-619-P.ONN/012 F084
ee we
Count Five.
37. After September 2001, Respondent submitted a proposal and accepted a new
contract to perform engineering work for a project identified as Manatee Village at Ruskin. ;
38. After September 2001, for the Manatee Village at Ruskin project, engineering
calculations and plan drawings were performed in and maintained at Suite 209; and the Suite 209
address was printed on the plans as the address for the engineer who signed and sealed the plans.
39. _ Afier September 2001, for the Manatee Village at Ruskin project, Respondent had .
the plans signed and sealed by a licensed P.E. who was not in responsible charge for the project
and who did not receive compensation in exchange for providing his signature and seal.
: 40... After September 2001, .on the Manatee Village at Ruskin plans, the initials “ON”,
and: “PV, appear printed on the plans as having checked the plans. “PV” is the initials of an’
employee paid by Respondent. .
41. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 455.228, Florida Statutes by
engaging in the unlicensed practice of engineering.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner respectfully requests the Board of Professional Engineers
to enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties: permanent revocation or
suspension of the Respondent's license, restriction of the Respondent's practice, imposition of an
administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand, placement of the Respondent on probation, the
assessment of costs related to the investigation and ‘prosecution of this case, other than costs
associated with an attomey’s ume, as provided for in Section 455.227(3), Florida Statutes, and/or
any other relief that the Board deems appropriate.
FEMC v. Ortando A. Naranjo, Case # 03-0077 6
Pe ee ee Gee Ee
Date: 11/8/2004 Time: 4:48 PM
Pages: 12 Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sender: 8505210521 Company:
Fay Number: Ruhiart-
Th Nov-08-2004 08:32pm = From-FLORIDA ENGINEERS MGMT. CORP. 9505210521 T-810P.012/012 FeO54
. Me aed ‘
SIGNED this [day of b dat , 2004.
Paul J. Martin
Executive Director
fuk buds
BY: Bruce A. Campbell
Prosecuting Atforney
COUNSEL FOR FEMC: Departnent of Business and Professional Reguiation
Bruce A. Campbell
Prosecuting Attomey torre
Florida Engineers Management: Corporation
2507 Callaway Road, Suite 200 DATE ce OSE R004
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Florida Bar No. 191163
PCP: September 8, 2004
PCP Members: Matthews, Tomasino, Seckinger ‘
FEMC v, Orlando A. Naranjo, Casc # 03-0077 7
Docket for Case No: 05-001608
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
May 17, 2005 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
May 17, 2005 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
May 13, 2005 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
May 12, 2005 |
Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel filed.
May 05, 2005 |
Order Granting Request to Reopen Case (formerly DOAH Case No. 04-4048).
May 03, 2005 |
Agency referral filed.
Nov. 08, 2004 |
Election of Rights filed.
Nov. 08, 2004 |
Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Nov. 08, 2004 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Nov. 08, 2004 |
Agency referral filed.