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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 05-004425 Visitors: 26
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Dunedin, Florida
Filed: Dec. 07, 2005
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, December 20, 2005.

Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
Dec 7 2005 10:50 12/87/2685 16:45 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, Vs. License No. 6209914 FRITZEE FREGZE d License Type 2010 Permanent Food Service espondent, Case No. 2005054050 f ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, ("Petitioner’), files this Administrative Complaint against FRITZEE FREEZE, (‘Respondent’), and says: 1. Patitioner ig the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public ladging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20, 165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business address of record is 398 PATRICIA AVE, DUNEDIN, FLORIDA 34698.The mailing address of record is FRITZEE FREEZE, at 368 PATRICIA AVE, DUNEDIN, FLORIDA 34698. 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec, $09,032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and /or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment. The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "B’, incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program, suspension, revocation, of refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto, Signed October 18, 200g. C stl ae oe Perez, Pistrict Manager xT By delegation of the Director, or designe Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation A i COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No. 0153831 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street " Certified Article Number Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 ALO 250) 38459 3032 853 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SENDERS. RECORD BY CERTIFIED U.S, MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: | HEREBY GERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the faregoing "ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this, day of , 2005. Received by: Inspector's Signature Operator's Signature Title Title Case Number: 2006054050 Form revised 08,13.05 License Type: 2010 Permanent Feed Service District Number. 03 License Number; 6209914 FRITZEE FREEZE a4/12 Dec 7 2005 10:50 1l2/a7/28e5 1e:45 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 5/12 License Number: 6209914 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number: 2005054050 Exhibit A “EC? ag cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative Code. "NFPA" as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 4A-3, “Fire Prevention, General Provisions’, Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code. Its alleged that on August 31, 2005 and October 3, 2005 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s) of the repart(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. . “94. 53A-07-1 61C0-4.023(1) FAC: (1) EACH LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE CERTIFIED FOOD PROTECTION MANAGER RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERIODS OF OPERATION. NO CERTIFIED FOOD MANAGER FOR ESTABLISHMENT. “ 9.53B-01 609.049FS FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEE TRAINING. THE DIVISION SHALL ADOPT, BY RULE, MINIMUM FOOD SAFETY PROTECTION STANDARDS FOR THE TRAINING OF ALL FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STORAGE, PREPARATION, DISPLAY, OR SERVING OF FOODS TO THE PUBLIC IN ESTABLISHMENTS REGULATED UNDER THIS CHAPTER. THESE STANDARDS SHALL NOT INCLUDE AN EXAMINATION, BUT SHALL PROVIDE FOR A FOOD SAFETY TRAINING CERTIFICATE PROGRAM FOR FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES TO BE ADMINISTERED BY A PRIVATE NONPROFIT PROVIDER CHOSEN BY THE DIVISION. ANY FOOD SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM ESTABLISHED AND ADMINISTERED TO FOOD HANDLER EMPLOYEES PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ACT SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE OPERATOR TO THE DIVISION FOR ITS REVIEW AND APPROVAL. IT SHALL BE THE DUTY OF THE LICENSEE OF THE PUBLIC FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT TO PROVIDE TRAINING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESCRIBED RULE TO ALL EMPLOYEES UNDER THE LICENSEE'S SUPERVISION OR CONTROL, THE LICENSEE MAY DESIGNATE A CERTIFIED FOOD SERVICE MANAGER TO PERFORM THIS FUNCTION AS AN AGENT OF THE LICENSEE, FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES MUST RECEIVE CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION BY JANUARY 1, 2001. FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES HIRED AFTER NOVEMBER 1, 2000, MUST RECEIVE CERTIFICATION WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER EMPLOYMENT, CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION SHALL REMAIN VALID FOR 3 YEARS. NO PROOF OF REQUIRED EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROVIDED. * denotes critical violation Exhibit A Case Number: 2005054050 Page 1 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE License Number: 6209914 1l2/a7/28e5 1e:45 Fallura to comply with this Notice may initiate an administrative complaint that may result in suspen: 8/31/05 2:01:52 PM 8584146749 Dec DEPR OGA 7 2005 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS ANDO RESTAURANTS www myflorida.com/abpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Routine: 10:50 PAGE §6/12 Page 1 EXHIBIT B sion or revocation of your license and fines, 6209914 SEAT inspection Oate and Time DIMOVA VALENTINA Inspection Reason License Number WARNING: Owner Nama Viglatiana in tha operation of your 727-796-3006. FRIZEE FREEZE f acted by: Area Coda/Telephone Number Business Name inspection Result 24 10/01/2008 08:00 AM 02/01/08 Number af Units Callback Date/Time Licanse Expiration 368 PATRICIA AVE OUNEDIN FL34698 Address / City / State / dip / ete. ltem 03: Food Temperatures lam 53a; Cert. Food Managers hem 20; Warewashing Sanitization item 48: Fire Extingulshors and Elre Suppression Beef, reach in cooler, 41 Degree F, ten cmam mix, lea cream machine, 42 Degrees: F Haldags, reach In cooler, 42 Dagreea F, Sanitizer Type: Nal Set Up found at gonceniralion of 0 PPM. ‘A Claga K type Fire Extingylsher, Found vat Kitchon nas @ eerlification date at 4/05 A Claga GO type Fire Extingulsher, fours Inet kitchen hag 8 certification date of 4705 A Hoon Suppression tyoe Fire Exltngutaher, found invat kilchnn has a certificetion date af 4/05. NOTE: Items marked above with an asterisk (*} Indicate a violation Inspector's Gomments Provided Web Site: www. myflorida.com/dbpr | acknowledge recalpt of this Inspection form and comments. & pn 8/31/05 Date Signature of Recipient _ Inspector Signature Recipient: Valentina Dimova For further infarmation plaase contact. % PR. Bostater Title Owner Sanitation and Safely Specialist 3725 WGrare Slrapt #520 Tampa, FL. 23607 Phone: 727-796-3008 ecire ta STATUS SOURCE STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL Yes “Dia Approved source Yes *03b Mot food et proper temperature: _ Yes *O'1b Wholesome, sound congition Yes *03c Foods properly cooked/teheated Yen 02 Original container, properly labeled, date marking Yes "Dad Foods properly gaaled STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL ‘es “04 Facilities to maintain produet temperature Yes *039 Cold food at proper temperatures during storage, Yes “05 Thermometers provided and conspicuously placed display, service, transport, and cold holding Yes "06 Potentially hazardous fgeds properly thawed Violations marked with an asterisk pre critical vigiations. subsequent pages, Items marked N/A are Not Applicabl hems marked YES are In compllance, lams Marked WO are vislations, Specific details of violation are Iisted on ie, Items Marked as N/O ara Not Observed, and ware not balng ronducted af the time of Inspaction. 12/87/2885 Dec F 2005 10:51 18:45 © a5ad1 46749 DEPR OGA PAGE a7y/12 STATE OF FLORIDA ebXH IBI T B DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION icense Number DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS ; SEAT 6209914 www. myflorida.com/dbpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Inspection Date 8/31/08 2:01:52 PM Failure to comply with this Notlea may initiate an administrative complaint that may result in suspension or revocation of your license and fines. STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL [_staTUS GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL Yes “07 Unwrapped or potentially hazardous food not re-served es 3 Containers covered, adequate number, Insect and redent Yes "O8a Food pratection during storage, praparatian, display, proof, emptied at praper intervals, clean service, transportation __ ves 44 Outside storage area clean, enclosure properly [Yes 08h Crosa-contamination, equipment, personnel, storage constructed Yes *O8c Potential for cross-contamination; storage practices; SrATUS | INSECT.AND RODENT CONTROL damaged fuod segregated Yes '95a Presence of Insects/rodents. Animals prohibited Yes _[ "09 Foods handled with minimum gontact Yes 35h Quier openings protected fram insects, rodent proof No 10 in use food dispensing utensils properly stored STATUS FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS STATUS PERSONNEL ~_ [ves 36 Floors properly constructed, clean, drsined, coved ‘Yes +411 Personnel with infeglions restricted ‘Yes 37 Walls, ceilings, and attached equipment, constructed, Yes *42 Hands washed and clean, goad hygienic practices clean (observed), alternative operating plan ves 38 Lighting provided ag required, Fixtures shielded Yes *12b Proper hygienic practices, eating/drinking/smaking Yas 35 Rooms and equipment - vented as required (evidence) STATUS T OTHER AREAS Yes {4 Clean clothes, hair restraints Yas 40 Employee lockers provided end used, clean STATUS FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS Yes 419 Toxic ttems properly stored Yes 14 Food contact surfaces designed, constructed, Was *A1b Toxte Items labeled and used properly maintalned, installed, located _ hs 42 Premises maintained, free of litter, umacessary articles. Yes 15 Nor-food contact surfaces designed, constructed, Cleaning and maintenance equipment properly stored, maintained, installed, located Kitchen restricted to authorized personnel sume —— Yes "46 Dishwashing facililes designed, constructed, operatad ae 43 Completa separation from living/sleeving area, laundry 1. Wash 2, Rinse 3, Sanitize Yes |44 Clean end soiled Jinen segregated and properly stored | ‘Yos "47 Thermometers, gauges, test kits provided STATUS SAFETY Yes 18 Pre-flushed, scraped, soaked Yes *45 Fire extinguishers - proper and sufficient Yes 19 Wash, rinse water clean, proper temperature Yes 45 Exiting system + adequate, good rapalr Nes *20a Sgritizing congantration ‘es *47 Electrical wiring - adequate, good repair . Yes *20b Sanitizing temperature Ses "48 Gas appliances — properly installed, maintained as 21 Wiping claths clean, used preperly, stored Yes +49 Flammable/combuetible materials - properly stored No 22 Food contact surfaces of equipment and ytensils clear STATUS GENERAL No 24 Non-foodl contact surfaces clean Yes "0 Current licange properly displayed Yes 24 Storage/handling of clean equipment, utensils Yes {51 Other conditions sanitary and safe bperation | STATUS SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES Yes 52 False/misleading statements published or advertisad Yas 25 Service items properly stored, handled, dispensed relating te food/beverage Yes 26 Single service artigles not reused No _|53a Food management certification valid STATUS WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING No *53b Employee training validation Yes +97 Water source safe, hotand cold under pressure {Yes 54 Florida Clean Indoor Air Act Yes *28 Sewage and waste water disposed properly, yas 55 Automatic Gratuity Natice Yes is Plumbing installed and maintained __ [Yas 56 Copy of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, available yes #30 Grosg-connectian, back siphonage, backflow STATUS GENERAL STATUS TOILET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES Yes {57 Hospitality Edunation Program Information, provided Yes *4] Toilet and handwashing facilities, number, convenient, [Yes 58 Smoke Free | designed, installed with ps ity » Fixt te HY, Ne See og wil hone, siepossbie Towel oh Total Number of GOS Viclations: o drying devices, tlssve, coverad waste receptacles Total Number of Repeat Violations: 0 Violations marked with amt asterisk are critical violations, ltems fm gubgequent pages, llama marked N/A are Not Applicable. tems Marked es N/Q are Not OBER Form HR 5022-015 arked ‘YES are in compliance. items Merkad NO ara vidlations, Specific details of viotation are listed on Observed, ang were not being conducted at the time of Inspection, Dec 7 2005 10:51 1l2/a7/28e5 1e:45 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 8/12 Page 3 STATE OF FLORIDA RB DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION — License Nurn tl IT B DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS SEAT www. myflorida.com/dbpr Inspection Date ‘ 8/31/05 2:01:52 PM FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Failure to comply with this Notice may Initlate an administrative complaint that may result In suspension or revocation of your liganse and fines, Warning (aj: 10-024 - Observed inyee utensil used with molst food not stored in running waler of sufficiont velocity.lce cream scoons. 22.174 - Cheerved golléd ita cream cooler gagkets, 2 units for soft serve and 1 unit for hard service [ce cream. 29-08, - Food-eantact surfaces not cleaned afer being contaminationad.TOp plate over ice craarm blender blades, located on ice cream mixer/blender, 23.05-1 - Chserved residue bulld-up on nonfood-contact surface of ie cream machines. Topside. 2206-1 - Observed bulld-up af food debris, dust or dirt on nonfond-contact surface of cup dispenser. 32024] - Observed bathroom doors left open other than during eleaning of maintenance. 32-18-1 = Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions.Loeated in the kllghen. 32-17-1 - Handwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory.Located In the kitchen. 4a-4 10] — Observed unnecessary itams on ihe premise.ice cream machine,soda dispanser, Incated In parking let, 5394-07-17 » No Cerlified Food Manager for establishment. 5368-08-1 -No proof of required employee training previded. Alt public food service establishments must provide’the division wilh proof of employee training upan raquest, Ineluging, bul nat timitad to, at the tlm of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro Dec F 2005 10:51 1l2/a7/28e5 1e:45 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 9/12 ~ 7 EXHIBIT B Page 1 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS www, nyfloride.com/dbpr CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Failure to comply with this Notice may inltlata an administrative complaint that may result in suspansion or revocation of your license and finas. 10/3/05 {11:00:04 AM Warning SEAG298 14 SEAT Callbeck inspection Date and Time inspection Reason License Number DIMOVAVALENTINA ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT 727-736-2008 Owner Name recommended. Area Code/Talaphone Number FRITZE E FREEZE Businass Neme Inspection Result 24 08/31/2005 Number of Units Requested Callback Date/Time Initia] Warning Date 388 PATRICIA AVE DUNEDIN FL 34698 Address / City / State / Zip / etc. Comments The following Har(s) have baan recommended for Administrative Complaint: Inlation: 534-07=4 io Cartifiad Food Manager for establishment, Nolation: S38-08-1 la proaf of required employse Iraining provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proaf of employee tralning upon request, Including, but et limited to, al ha time of any division Insaection of the establishment, CR haf amma 10/3/05 ec eee eens eee memes geen Date Signature af Recipient __ Inspector Signature Recipient: Valentina Dimava For further information please contact: Title R. Bostater ' Owner Sanitatian and Safely Specialist 3725 W Phone: 7a6-736-3008 Grace Street Tampa, FL. 33607 350-487-1385 OBPA Form HR 5022-005 1l2/a7/28e5 1e:45 8584146749 DEPR OGA www. myflorida.com/dbpr LEGAL NOTICE CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT Dec F 2005 10:52 PAGE 16/12 License EXHIBIT B STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION SEAT SEAGR0a974 DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Business Name FRITZEE FREEZE Inspeation Date 10/3/05 11:00:04 AM Fallure to comply with this Notics may Initiate an administrative complaint that may rasult in suspension or revocation of your licanse and{ines, rc [The follawing Item(s} are in compliance: ioletion; 10-03-1 iglatlon: 2208-1 lojalion; 22-17-1 Hbgerved solled Ice cream cooler gaskets, 2 units for soft serve and 1 unit for hard service Ice cream, folatlon; 23-05-1 bbserved residue build-up on nonfood-coniaet surface af ite cream machines.Top,sides. Inlation: 23-06-1 [observed build-up of food debris, dust or it an nonfoad-cantact surface of cup dispenser. lolation: 32-02=4 bpseved bathroom deers left open other than during cleaning of maintenance, folation: 32-181 Hand wash sink tacking proper hand crying provisions. Located in the kitchen, lolation: 32-17+1 Handwashing cleensér lacking at handwashing lavatory.Located in the kitchen. lotation: 42-141 bpserved unnecessary items on thé promise.ice cream machine.soda dispenser, located In parking lot. Dbserved in-use utensil used with molst food not stored In running water of sunficient velocity, ce cream sroops. Food-cantact surfaces not eleaned after being contaminationed.top plate over Ice cream blender blades, located on ice craamn mixar/blenger. 12/87/2085, 18:45 8584146749 pe Ie to DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Division of Hotels and Restaurants , CONTROL NUMBER INSPECTOR LICENSING AR EAR EERE mm DEPR OGA Dec 7 2005 10:52 PAGE OWNER CHAM OE 11/12 LEGAL NOTICE FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT Coury Fite Number pisTRiat =» G2 [© att 29 [owwer NAME C2 Catering roam oo ar KALEN TING armova Vending Rapes ag 2a BUSINESS NAME © MPV : Tommie 5 Theme Park (ign co th ea ag FRITZEE Pa. EEDF GS ahed can is @ oi Be ADDRESS DAA soae ream 3lof PATAICTH AWE 3 Temporary Paes | SS | lar Ti optont| > aPonn ES. mole amo a an Duwvéeh a 3464 F Reeves ae No. af Seats Gime ee 3 © Gareral GB Seating a tf mss moa ee Manch pay ae In Out Failure t ty with this N ; i é Al @o ‘ad failure to comply with this Notice may initiate an L [ L (2.6 +08 poutne = Of% administrative complaint that may result in alam) #] Os | Oe 3 (} Complaint suspension or revocation of your license and fines. @\aee | 2] oe mo 4 3) Information INSPECTION RESULTS we | mo @\ aoe | Ooo m 5 [3 Epidemiological 7 #5 ANY VIOLATIONS noted herein must ba ala@o)|al oe me SISPOSITION L- corrected by the NEXT ROLITINE INSPECTION, ir @ |) @| Ga exes) 6 © Pending 2 WARNING: ; A = Violationa in the operation ef your a & @ &B oe aatablighment must ba corrected by: GR @ @ ba Ga Plate. Tinie cc] isa oS @ @ a HACCP INSPECTION 43 ARMINISTAATIVE COMPLAINT recommended. fa ta fo aa) 2s i EI) Oa BB i 5 © Seasonal fe) (cil) - ry of Ga ae 3 8fD EMERGENCY ORDER recammended — based upon a severe and Immediate. threat te the public. A a TEM "03: FOOU TEMPERATURES. Fe : “ePa “ARE:O Tie ip t . Cireled tembaratures-areé th vighnlian . ORRTIFIED POOU MANAGER, Food Manager Na Type of Food Tereperature we Certificate Date BE CORGEGTED IMMEDIATELY. ; f ais inininierga Heian) mT Do. : "OD PAYS ‘See raverse side for explanation of citations. bed o ‘mag carta wf 29MM agli tataf 2 59h) . ‘ohE) nae} 1s} 2a] seme) sae pa iteent? 16td g5flitase (Tt aztd sat ee gee aeecitaaht] aa sm AELED ITEMS &RE IN VIOLATION coa(Toncl3 17} ze eet aa “san. NiEATON Ds "ag Bice > gory wid el) 3a aah, “sabi ) oC} wD BL) a} Les Sanitizing Concentration A¢G Fer-49 ppm re viet asc} 10fT} we Re ar cra) Sanitizing Tampsralure degroos F. Ca of rade) IC} eon} 29 BCS “6M 5507 _ fgaCci ize 3200+ aC) -7o3 se} COMMENTS - " pecnaecd ac cc) oc wr VO | Not Ass £D To Par aeCl 1307) 2 sf) Le {acknowledge receipt of this inspection form and comments. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ON ATTACHED COMMENT SHEET REMINDER: Your Ilcense explres —__-/ —__—/___-: — leciqient's Ment (PLEASE PRINT) KYATENT NA Dimov Ruetptent The , KONWER Ingpecion's Naat (PLEASE PRINT} Be tee Tite Juspector's a Bute amd Time fee pe erasficdantn Telepiirnae ee ae er]? on Coren fwd Office Telephenr Wz Date 3 OI SPT ELC qed tas” 12/07/2085 16:45 8584146749 DEFR con e209 10882 - PAGE 12/12 PopOrTEe as) (fF * [PA G2 Bw ke Cihtere State of Florida Control Number Department of Business and Professional Regulation ; Q g jue Division of Hotels and Restaurants e2-Otr 7 PRite2ke FREEZE ww hospitaltyeducation.org Bag’ parece Ave pede COMMENTS SHEET Page__( of & | Addendum to DBPR Forms HR 5022-005, 5022-014, 5022-015, 5022-082, or 502 ’ Food Service, 2-083, For comments to the Lodging, or HACCP Inspection, Call BackiReinspection Report, of HACCP Plan Verification. DASEEVEA THE Fg lta us (NP 32) re Haw WS SG Ertl MEWS Lert Bane G2 TRASA Meecog! terty € Li Ate T Cog Ed | (22 ZA6 OE 1c emAKER = Res aug Burka ¥P (23) Be tgmertteenT Srati ~ Atak matd rite Roschre Pus De Ce) Extk 1 ew Ate T UL peat Oy (GS) CO Tan es ALe T S 6e eed) Fo dpAYS TO ComPLere feod MANAGER TR Aare: Ce Go days Te ComPLe TE. Food frwobek Dane oops Green FIPT BORD. O42 , MyFlorida.com 2001 November 01

Docket for Case No: 05-004425
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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