Respondent: *
Agency: Department of Environmental Protection
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Feb. 28, 2006
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, October 31, 2006.
Latest Update: Feb. 25, 2025
Sy, 4
Pursuant to §403.508(6), Florida Statues ("F.S. ") the administrative law judge
CAL) in this Cause issued an order on October 31, 2006, granting the request of the
parties to cancel the certification hearing. Therefore, the Department of .
Environmental Protection (DEP") i is required to Prepare and issue a final order in
accordance with §403. 509(1)(a), F.S. On November 13,2006, DEP and the co- .
applicants, Orlando Utilities Commission ("OUC") and the Southern Power Company-
Orlando Gasifi cation LLC (“Southern”), submitted their Joint Proposed
Recommended Order in this case. The matter i is now before DEP for i issuance of the
final order.
Pursuant to §403.508(4), F.S., the parties are OUC and Souther as co-
applicants (collectively, “Applicants”); DEP; the Florida Department of Community,
Affairs ("FDCA"); Orange County; and the Florida Department of Transportation
("FDOT"). No other person or agency filed a notice of intent to be a party or’a motion
to intervene under §403. 508; F.S.
' The issue to be decided in this proceeding is whether DEP, acting in lieu of the
Siting Board, should Approve | certification in accordance with the Florida Electrical
Power Plant Siting Act, §§403.501, et seq., ES., authorizing OUC and Southern to
construct and operate a new integrated gasification combined cycle unit ("GCC
Project” or “Unit B"), providing an additional nominal 285 megawaits ("MW") of power
at QUC's existing Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center in Orange County, Florida.
On February 17, 2006, Applicants jointly fi filed a Supplemental Site Certifi cation
Application ("SSCA") to construct and operate a new electrical power plant unit (Unit
B) in southeast Orange County, Florida. The project site is located. approximately ten
. miles southeast of Orlando, approximately 6ne mile north of the Bee Line Highway
and eight miles south of State Road 50 (Colonial Drive). |
The application for Unit B included a request for unit capacity determination of
nominal 285 MW in total. DEP determined the SSCA to be sufficient on June 7, 2006.
Several reviewing agencies have submitted reports on the |GCC Project and have
proposed Conditions of Certification. On August 48, 2006, DEP issued its Staff
Analysis Report (“SAR”), incorporating the reports of the reviewing agencies. The
SAR recommends certification of the proposed Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center Unit
_ BIGCC Project subject toa comprehensive set of Conditions of Certification.
No party to this proceeding is recommending denial of certification for the
IGCC Project or denial of a nominal unit capacity determination of 285 MW. The
parties agree that the Site Certification Application, as supplemented by the
Applicants’ Suffi iciency Responses fi led on May 8, 2006, in reply to agency deficiency
questions, and the agreed-upon Conditions of Certification, provide reasonable
assurance that construction and operation of the: proposed Unit B Project will comply
with all applicable agency standards.
Public notice of the Filing of Supplemental Application for Electrical Power
. Plant Site Certification was published by the Applicants in the Orlando Sentinel on
March 18, 2006, and by the Department on March 10, 2006, in the Florida
Administrative Weekly ("FAW"). Pursuant to §403.54 18(1)(e), F.S., notice of the ~
certification hearing schéduled for November 27 and 28, 2006, was published by
DEP on October 6, 2006, in the FAW and by the Applicants on October 13, 2006, in
the Orlando Sentinel.
, On October 19, 2006, the Applicants, DEP, Orange County, FDOT and FDCA
filed a Joint Stipulation addressing certifi ication issues. In the Stipulation, all parties
have agreed that the IGcc Project should be certifi ed, subject to appropriate
Conditions of Certification, which have been agreed fo by all parties. All parties have
also agreed on the nominal unit capacity determination of 285 MW.
Pursuant to §403.508(6)(a), F.S.,a certifi cation hearing may be cancelled if,
no earlier than 29 days prior to the certifi cation hearing, DEP or the applicant
requests that the ALJ cancel the certification hearing and relinquish jurisdiction to
DEP. The Joint Stipulation of October 19, 2006, included such a request, and
stipulated that there are no disputed i issues of fact or law to be raised at the hearing.
Sufficient time remained for the applicant or ‘DEP to publish public notices of the
cancellation of the hearing at least three days prior to the scheduled hearing date.
Pursuant to §403.508(6)(b), F.S:, the ALJ issued an order on October 314,
2006, granting the joint request to cancel the certification hearing. DEP published
notice of cancellation of the certification hearing in the FAW on November 22, 2008,
and the Applicants published similar notices on November 17, 2006. - |
Background :
1, The Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center site was initially certified by the Siting
Board on December 15, 1982, for an ultimate site capacity of 2,000 MW. On that
date, the Siting Board also approved the coal-fired Unit 1 with a nominal capacity of
465 MW. On December 17, 1991, the Siting Board certified OUC's supplemental
application for Stanton Unit 2, another coal-fired unit. On September 11, 2004, the
- Siting Board certified a supplemental application filed by OUC along with Kissimmee
Utility Authority, the Florida Municipal Power Authority and ‘Southern-Florida, LLC for
a natural gas-fired Combined Cycle Unit A at-the Stanton Energy Center site (SAR at
2). .
PSC Need Determination
2. On May 24, 2006, the Florida Public Service Commission ("PSC") issued
an Order Granting OUC's Determination of Need for the Stanton 3 1GCC electrical ° -
power plant unit (Order No. 06-0457-FOF-EM, PSC). In its Order, issued pursuant to
§403.519, F.S., the PSC determined there is a need for the Project, taking into
account electric system reliability and integrity (SAR, Appendix il-1 ). The PSC
determined that OUC needs the Stanton B IGCC Project to satisfy forecast capacity |
requirements to maintain its 15 percent reserve margin criteria beginning in the
summer of 2010. The PSC further determined that the Project is the best,-most cost-
effective alternative available (id)
The Existing OUC Power Plant Site
' +3. The OUC Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center certified site encompasses
3,280 acres. Approximately 1,100 acres of this is occupied by the power block and
‘associated facilities (SAR at 2, 22),
4, Approximately 36 acres of the site will be developed for Unit-B's permanent
power generation facilities (id. at 22). Ninety-three acres are currently used for the
‘existing cooling water supply pond, which will also supply Unit B. (id. at 2, 22). These
are wholly within OUC's existing 3,280-acre Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center site and
they also lie within the 1,100 acres which have already been scheduled for use for
- power development. Most of the remaining 2,180 acres of the site has been left j in its
preexisting natural: condition and provides buffer between the main generating units _
and the surrounding area. Approximately 2,000 acres are set aside for red-cockaded
woodpecker habitat and buffer areas (id. at 22). ‘The Curtis: H. Stanton Energy Center
now includes Units 1 and 2, two coal-fired generating units producing a nominal, net
886 MW of electric power as well as Unit A, a combined cycle gas-fi red unit |
producing a nominal, net 633 MW of electric power. Therefore, the site generating
capacity is currently at a nominal 1519 MW (id. at 2).
5. Existing facilities on the Stanton site include the two coal-fired units and
associated natural draft cooling towers, and Unit A, a two-on-one combined cycle-
" gas-fi red unit consisting of one combustion turbine with heat recovery steam
generation, one steam electric generating turbine, a six-cell wet evaporative
mechanical draft cooling tower, a coal pile, a natural gas pipeline and ancillary
equipment including process water treatment (id.)
The Proposed Unit B, IGCC Project Area
6. The construction phasé of the proposed Unit B IGCC Project will involve
most portions of the Stanton site already developed (i.e., within the 1,100 acre
developed area) for energy production. in general, the project will take advantage of .
the existing overall infrastructure (e.g., plant Toads and onsite electrical substation)
provided by the Stanton Site (/d. at 22). The project will benefit from the existing coal
delivery and handling facilities; the existing potable water, cooling water and
‘ wastewater systems; and the existing solid waste landfill (SSCA, Vol. | at 2-2).
Land Use Compatibility
7. The entire Curtis H. Stanton Energy Genter site is zoned Farmland Rural. A
1981 resolution by the Orange County. Board of County Commissioners granted a
special exception permitting the construction of the Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center
and-associated facilities within the A-2 zoning district. The special exception was
applied to the entire 3,280 acre site, including its application to future. units such as .
Unit B (id. at 2-15).
. 8. Land use/zoning consistency and complianée with the Orange County’
Local Comprehensive Plan has already been determined for Unit B. No expansion to
the boundaries of the certified site is proposed (id.) Because the previous certified
ultimate site capacity is not exceeded and the lands required for the construction and
operation of the power plant are within the boundaries of the previously certified site,
a new land use determination is not applicable to the instant proceeding
1$§403.517(2), F.S.]
9. There are three aquifers beneath the proposed site for Unit B: the ©
uncontfi ned, intermediate secondary artesian, and Floridan aquifers. At the site, the
bottom of the unconfi ned aquifer was encountered at depths ranging from 32 to 71
: feet below ground Surface (bgs), the ‘op of the intermediate cohesive layer. Beneath
the Antermediate cohesive layer; there 2 are approximately 80 feet of sand underlain by
the lower cohesive layer (id. ‘at 2-55).
10. The intermediate secondary artesian aquifer under the site has a
thickness ranging from 125 to 156 feet, which includes the intermediate cohesive
layer, lower sand layer, and lower cohesive layer. Due to the absence of the
intermediate cohesive layer at some boring locations, the continuous lower cohesive
layer is believed to act as the primary aquitard between the unconfined and Floridan
aquifers underneath the site. The lower cohesive layer has a thickness of
approximately 50 feet (id.),
11.. The Stanton site is located in an area where the potentiometric surface is
‘near the land surface and the clastic overburden is greater than 100 feet thick, A
sinkhole evaluation study performed during the original site evaluation for certifi cation
of the entire Stanton site concluded that the potential for sinkholes is very low. No-
sinkholes have been reported at the site since the original site evaluation, and
sinkholes are not expected to occur at the site in the future (id.)
Ecological Impacts
12. ) The Stanton Energy Center.was studied rigorously for ecological
resources in preparation for filing the SCA for overall site certification and for Unit 1.
For the permitting of Stanton Unit A in 2001 and supplemental amendments,
additional ecological studies were performed. Results of those studies appear in the
Unit A Supplemental SCA, the erivironmental resource permit (ERP) application for
’ Unit A, and the ongoing ecological monitoring reports for the entire property. The
engolng ecological studies at Stanton are primarily associated with the required
monitoring of the endangered red cockaded.woodpecker populations onsite (id. at 2-
74). .
13. The predorninant upland vegetation cover type is pine flatwoods, an
upland, fire climax community with flat to slightly sloping topography and well to
"moderately well drained soils. The pine flatwoods onsite are being burned at periodic
intervals to maintain their natural state. Saw palmetto (Seronoa repens) is the most
abundant shrub in the flatwoods. Other common Florida shrub species are found
within the pine flatwoods. Other upland: vegetation cover types include improved
pasture, herbaceous upland non-forested, shrub and bushland, and mixed upland
non-forested area (id. at 2-77, 78). No wetlands appear within the developed portion
of the Stanton site upon which Unit B will be constructed (id. at 2-82). A short
transmission line within the Stanton site will connect Unit B with an existing
_ Substation and will impact approximately four acres of wetlands [Applicants’
Sufficiency Responses, ‘May 8, 2006 (‘Sufficiency Responses”), Attachment _
CENTRAL FDEP.-C.1 (Joint Application for Environmental Resource Permit, “Joint
Application’) at 16].
14. Common wildlife species found in central Florida occur over the entire
acreage and diverse habitats of the Stanton site. ‘However, the total acreage
encompassed by the UnitB Project footprint contains power plant facilities, managed
landscapes, and ruderal communities. Wildlife usage is therefore expected to be
lower than in natural habitats occurring over the remainder of the Stanton site outside ~
of the power production area (SSCA at 2-94),
Archeological and Historic Sites
15. In March 1981, the Florida Department of State, Division of Archives,
History, and Records Management determined that the existing site did not represent
significant archaeological or historical resources. Construction of Stanton Unit Bis .
’ unlikely to affect any properties listed, or r eligible for listirig, in the National Register
(id. at 2-26).
Socioeconomic Impacts
16. Construction of Stanton Unit B will have a significant positive impact on
the local economy, providing approximately 700 construction jobs at the peak of
construction during the 28-month construction. period. The vast majority of the
construction work force is expected to consist of workers already residing in the study
area (Brevard, Osceola, Orange, Lake, and Seminole Counties) (id.) The estimated
annual construction payroll is $64 Million (in 2006 dollars): In addition, 53 permanent
Jobs and an annual payroll of $6 million are expected from the construction of Unit B
(id. at 4-11; 7-3).
17. Mobilization and physical construction of Stanton Unit B are scheduled to
begin in the fourth quarter of 2007, with commercial operation scheduled to
commence June 41,2010 (id. at 1-1). .
Stanton Unit B Project Design: Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle 3 (IGCC)
18. Powder-River Basin ("PRB") coal is the feedstock to used produce
synthetic gas ("syngas") (id. at 7-9). |
19. The purpose of the Unit B design is to integrate a transport gasifier with a
new combined-cycle unit (id. at 3-4 and 5). Unit B will be a ixi F-class IGCC unit
with a nominal rating of 285 MW on syngas and 229 MW when burning natural gas.
Unit B will consist of one combustion turbine with heat recovery ‘steam generation,
one steam electric generating turbine, a multi- cell mechanical draft cooling tower, a
gasification island with flare, a coal pile, a natural gas pipeline and ancillary
- equipment including process water treatment. Natural gas may be used as an
alternative fuel (SAR at 2).
' 20. The primary combustion turbine unit to be installed is a General Electric
"F” Class (PG7241 FA) combustion turbine-electrical generator, fired with pipeline
natural gas or syngas and equipped with evaporative coolers on the inlet air system.
The project includes one heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) with a.205 foot high
stack and one-steam turbine electrical generator. Duct burners will be installed in the
WRSG for supplemental firing (natural gas only) ‘to achieve peak output (id.)
21. A multi-cell, mechanical draft, counter flow cooling tower will be used for
plant cooling. The cooling tower will be of fiberglass construction and will be installed
on a reinforced concrete basin, which will include a pump intake structure housing
two 50 percent capacity circulating water pumps and two 100 percent capacity
auxiliary circulating water pumps (id.)
22. The auxiliary closed loop cooling water system will include three 50
percent capacity plate and frame heat exchangers. A circulating water chemical feed
system will also be included. The cooling tower will be equipped with drift eliminators
(id.) .
Construction of Unit B Facilities
23. Stanton Unit B will not. require the use of explosives for any portion of the
construction work (SSCA, Vol. | at 4-3).
24. Laydown areas for storage of construction materials and plant equipment
components will be required for the construction of Unit B. Approximately 20 acres of
land will be needed for storage and staging of materials and equipment. The laydown
area will be graded for proper drainage, and a course of gravel-based material will be
applied if hecessary. Wood timbers will be used, as appropriate, to help keep plant
equipment components and materials stored safely off the ground. After construction
is complete and laydown areas are no longer needed, wood timbers will be removed
and the surface areas will be graded for drainage and planted with grass (id.)
Construction Impacts ,
25. The existing terrain is essentially flat. The contours of site terrain will not
be altered to any significant degree by Unit B construction activities (id. at 4-5).
26. Access for the construction activities will be provided by the existing
access road and site entrance. No new roads.are proposed for construction as a
result of this project (id.) , )
27. An erosion contro! plan will be implemented to-minimize impacts on
surface water bodies during construction (id. at 4-6).
28. The potential effects ori existing water quality of the surficial aquifer due to
earth-moving and dewatering activities during site preparation and construction are
| anticipated to be minimal and temporary. This is due to low groundwater flow
. velocities in the area and the fact that any surficial-aquifer drawdown impacts will be
localized on less than 25 acres within the Stanton. Energy Center site: boundaries (id.
at 4-6 and 7).
- 29. No forested areas of natural communities will be affected by‘construction .
‘of the Unit B power block or placement of the coal pile. The entire footprint of the Unit
B facility will occur on previously altered habitats. While these land cover types will
remain within the current Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System
(FLUCFCS) designations after construction of Unit B, some remnant ruderal habitats
will be petmanently displaced. The displaced habitats include approximately 35 acres
used for the power block and coal handling facilities. These areas are managed
lawnscapes. Gradually, additional solid waste disposal areas will be prepared for
operation of Unit B, also displacing ruderal communities (id. at 4-9). A short
transmission line within the Stanton site will connect Unit B with an existing
substation and will impact approximately four acres of wetlands (Joint Application at
30. Although wildlife usage of these habitats is limited, the project will result in
a net decrease of these ruderal areas. This will cause relocation of these wildlife
species to other similar habitats on the Stanton property. Constrtiction of the Unit B
power block and coal pile ‘is not expected to affect any important habitats for state or.
federally listed plants or wildlife. Regional populations of wildlife or listed species will
not be affected by construction of Unit B. Unit B construction may, however,
temporarily displace some wildlife species in the immediate project vicinity due to
increased noise, dust and human presence (SSCA, Vol. | at 4-9 and 10).
Surface Water Impacts and Stormwater Management
31. The Unit B Project does not propose surface water diversions,
- interceptions, additions to surface ‘water flow, or withdrawals or consumptive use of
surface waters. Unit B’s use of groundwater will be carefully limited to ensure that
draw down does not affect surface waters. Accordingly, Unit B construction and
operation will not affect surface water quantities or qualities, or affect the natural
hydrological process of the areas on or surrounding the site (id. at 5-4; 5-5),
' 32. Stormwater from the Unit B construction area will ultimately flow into the |
existing Stanton stormwater management system and will be contained within the
developed, previously impacted power production portion of the Site. Stormwater
’ runoff from the coal storage pile associated with Unit B, and from the landfill where
, gasification ash and sulfur will be stored, will be handled as it is for existing Stanton
facilities (id.) Following construction, the stormwater management plan will take
advantage of existing systems and.will protect adjacent water bodies from the
stormwater runoff associated with Unit B (id. at 5-6). In addition, while constructing
the individual transmission line tower pads, the construction crew will utilize Best
Management Practices ("BMPs") (e:g., silt screens, hay bales, atc.) to minimize
runoff. Thus no additional significant impacts are expected from the management of
stormwater from the Unit B construction area (id. at 4-7).
Solid and Hazardous Waste Disposal
33. The principal by-product that will be produced by the operation of Unit B is
gasification ash [approximately 68,000 tons per year (TPY)] (SAR at 4.) Elemental
sulfur will also be generated by the gasification process, but in substantially lesser
quantities (approximately 2,800 TPY). The original Stanton Conditions of Certification
do allow-for the disposal of ash in the on-site landfill. Thus; both the ash and the
elemental sulfur may be land-filled into the existing, permitted Stanton landfill,
although markets for other, beneficial uses will be sought for each byproduct (id.)
Prior to disposing of new gasification ash in the landfill, the existing Waste
management plan will be amended to include gasification ash disposal (Sufficiency
Responses at 53). .
34. Gasification ash will be subjected to-a controlled test, analyzing for
. constituents of concern to DEP (id.). The Applicants will work with DEP to identify an
appropriate monitoring plan based on the results of this test (Sufficiency Responses
at 47). Any hazardous wastes generated during operation, potentially including spent
sorbents, will be properly manifested and disposed of according to state regulations.
As the quantities and types of hazardous wastes are expected to be ordinary and of
low volume, no significant impacts are expected to result to any existing regional
hazardous waste disposal facilities (SAR at 5).
Water Use and Sources
35. Unit’B will obtain all necessary water for operations from existing Stanton
systems or sources. The principal sources of water used at Stanton are reclaimed
water (treated effluent) from the County's nearby Eastern Water Reclamation Facility,
a county-owned wastewater treatment plant in proximity to the site, and groundwater
from onsite wells. The addition of the new Unit B at Stanton will require a greater
supply of reclaimed water. On an annual average basis, approximately 2.6 MGD of
reclaimed water will be drawn from the onsite storage pond. On a short-term basis,
water use can change due to changes in ambient temperatures and/or relative
humidity, both of which affect consumption of water. Other variables that impact
water use are plant load and cooling.tower cycles of concentration (SSCA, Vol. | at 3-
47). |
36. The cooling water system at Stanton Unit B will create the largest-demand
for water. One of Stanton Energy Center's prominent features is the use of treated
effluent to supply makeup water to the cooling systems, thereby recycling this water
and displacing the need for higher quality water. More than 80 percent of the cooling
system demand is related to the combined-cycle unit's operation, while less than 20
percent is attributable to the gasification processes. Makeup water must be supplied
to this system to replace cooling tower evaporative losses and blowdown, water )
discharged from the system to maintain water quality in the cooling tower at levels
necessary for the system's proper functioning. Non-cooling water requirements will |
include makeup to the HRSG, ‘makeup to the CT evaporative cooler, and potable
water. (id. at 3-48).
37. The source of makeup water for the new cooling tower will be the
reclaimed water supplied ‘to OUC at the site boundary from Orange County's Eastern
‘Watér Reclamation Facility (id. at 3-47, 48). A maximum of 2.6 million gallons per day
(mgd) of makeup water is expected to be required for Stanton Unit B (id. at 3-55 and. )
) 38. Unit B will use groundwater for processes requiring higher quality water.
Demineralized makeup water and potable water will be supplied from existing OUC
systems which utilize groundwater from onsite wells tapping the Upper Floridan
aquifer. The total groundwater withdrawals for all uses on the Stanton site will remain
within previous limits established in the existing Conditions of Certification for the -
Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center (SAR at 4).
39, Currently, groundwater withdrawals to support the three existing units
‘average 0.5 mgd. Another .2 mgd will be needed to support new Unit B. The currently —
permitted maximum daily level of groundwater withdrawal (2.0 mgd) was evaluated in
the application for Unit A and found to result in acceptable levels of impact to the
aquifer. No.changes to the permitted limits will be required for the Unit B project (id.)
"40, The noise levels at and near thé Stanton site are a product of operation of
the power plant, other human activity, and natural sources. Noise attributable to
construction activities is highly variable, depending upon the location and operation
7 load of the construction equipment. Noise during site cleating and will be dominated
by diesel engine noise. Site clearing and facility start-up will generally result in
minimal noise. A onetime significant source of noise associated with facility start-up
will be steam blowout of the HRSG and steam fines and of the gasifier lines.
Construction activities will be scheduled during daytime and evening periods (7:00
a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) to the fullest extent possible, Any nighttime construction will be
limited to low noise activities as much as possible (SSCA, Vol. | at 4-1 5).
41. Noise levels are regulated under Chapter 15, Article V, of the Orange
County Code (id. at 2-131). Background noise level was measured at several
_ locations on the Stanton site and in the immediate vicinity, with measured noise
levels in the area of the Stanton Energy Genter that may be characterized as typical
of an urban area (id. at 2-1 32 to 2-135). The predicted A-weighted noise emissions
will satisfy the code. criteria at.the nearest residential locations (id. at 2-131 - .
Impacts from Flooding and Hurricanes ;
42. The 100 year flood élevations on the Stanton Energy Center property vary
from approximately 60 feet mean sea level ("MSL") at the northeast corner of the
property to approximately 90 feet MSL at the southwest comer. All Stanton Unit B
facilities will be located above the 100 year flood elevation. No construction of any .
facilities associated with the Project will occur within any area designated asa flood
zone (id. at 2-8). Thus no impacts on the 100 year flood plain upstream, downstream
or at the site will result from the Unit B Project (Sufficiency Responses at 42.) —
Public Services
43. Public services including police, fire, and emergency medical services aré
available and sufficient to meet the needs of Stanton Energy Center (SSCA, Vol. | at
On-Site Transmission Line
44, Stanton has an existing, onsite 230-kV electrical substation. Only a short,
onsite transmission line will. be needed to connect Unit B to the electrical grid. No
new offsite associated transmission facilities need to be constructed. The close
proximity of Unit B to this existing substation will minimize the potential for energy
losses, expenses, and environmental impacts associated with the project's .
interconnection to the State's transmission grid (SAR at 13). -
Variances 7
45. No variances will be required for operation of the Stanton Unit B and its
associated facilities (SSCA, Vol. | at 4-23).
| 46. FDOT reviewed the impacts of Unit B-on area highways, including Natya
. Trail and Avalon Park Boulevard and submitted its Conditions of Certification,
including a recommended Construction Impact Mitigation Program for the Applicants
to develop and implement in consultation with FDOT (SAR, Appendix | at 104). ;
Because a majority of the heavy construction vehicles are expected to remain on site
for the duration of the initial construction and thus will not make daily trips to and from
the site, the potential traffic impacts from these vehicles are expected to be minimal
on the regional road network (SSCA, Vol. lat 5-27). The completion of Innovation .
Way, expected in 2008, will also greatly improve traffic flow and reduce the impacts
of Unit B construction traffic on area roadways (id. at 4-49 to 4-21).
Air Emissions and Air Quality Impact Analysis
AT. Air emissions from the Stanton B IGCC Unit are expected to cause only
minimal or insignificant impacts on vegetation, wildlife or soils (SAR at 33).
48. A regional haze analysis showed that operation of the Stanton B IGCG
: Unit will not result in adverse impacts on visibility in the vicinity (id. )
49. The Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air Resource
Management ("DARM”) conducted a review of an application fora Prevention of
Significant Deterioration (“PSD”) permit (id. at 3).
50. The Stanton Energy center is located in Orange Couinty, an area .
designated as an attainment area for all criteria pollutants (Rule 62-204.340, F.A.C.;
SSCA, Vol. II at 6-1).
51. The Unit B Project i is subject to pre- construction review requirements
under,the provisions of Rule 62-212 A00, FA. C.
52. A preconstruction monitoring analysis is done for those pollutants with
listed de minimis impact levels. DARM determined that the maximum predicted
impacts for all pollutants with listed de minimis impact levels were less than the de
minimis level. Therefore, DARM determined that no preconstruction monitoring is
required for those pollutants (SAR at 29).
53. DARM determined that the emissions of NO, in the Unit B Project as
ultimately proposed will be sufficiently offset by reductions in NO, emissions at the
existing Stanton generating units, so as to obviate any requirement to perform a PSD
Review for NO, under Rule 62-212. 400, F.A.C. (id. at 20). However, DARM
determined that the Stanton Unit B is subject to PSD review, because. the potential
emission increase for particulate matter/particulate matter less than 10 microns ,
(PM/PMyp), carbon monoxide ("CO”),volatile organic compounds ("VOC"), sulfur ,
dioxides (802), and sulfuric acid mist ("SAM") exceed the significant emission rates
‘given in Chapter 62-212, Table 62-212.400-2, FAC. (id. at 24). The PSD feview
consisted of a determination of Best Available Control Technology ("BACT") for
_ PM/PM4o, CO, VOC, SOz, and SAM; an air quality impact analysis; and an
assessment of the impact of Unit B on general commercial and residential growth,
soils, vegetation, and visibility pursuant to Rule 62-212.400 F.A.C. (id. at 27-28, 32-
33). . |
5A. DARM's analysis (undertaken in accordance with computer modeling
procedures approved in advance with the Department) indicated that.the Stanton
Unit B Project resulted in no Significant Impact Levels (‘SILs") i in the area
‘ surrounding the proposed facility. Therefore, DARM determined that further air quality
‘impact studies, which would include ambient air quality standards (AAQS) and PSD
increment analyses for these pollutants, were not required (id. at 27-28). -
Best Available Control Technology
- 56. BACT is a pollutant-specific emission limit that provides the maximum
degree of emission reduction, after taking into account the energy, environmental,
economic impacts and other costs [Rule 62-210.100(39) F.A. C.] |
56. In its analysis of the Project, DARM determined the emission limits that
represent BACT (SAR, Appendix 1, Attachment Aat 12-14).
57. DARM determined preliminarily that the Unit B project will comply with all
applicable state and federal air pollution regulations, provided that the BACT
determination is implemented (id. At 39)
Agency Positions
58. On August 18, 2006, DEP filed. its Written Analysis of the site certification
application with the following recommendation: "If ouc and Southern Power
Company-Orlando Gasification LLC agree to abide by the conditions of certification, ©
attached and incorporated herein as Appendix 1, the Department of Environmental
Protection would recommend certification of the Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center
Combined Cycle Unit 13 for the 285 MW to’be generated primarily by syngas.” (Id.)
59. The Public Service Commission found the project to be needed (id. at 39
and Appendix Il-1). )
60. The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission found that Unit B would
have no 0 signifi cant impacts to fish and wildlife resources under its Jurisdiction. (id. at
39 and Appendix {I-2) .
| 61. The St Johns River Water Management District recommended approval of
the Project subject to compliance with the District's recommended conditions of
certification (id. at 39 and Appendix II-3). .
62. On May 18, 2006, FDOT submitted its report siating: "The Florida
Department of Transportation recommends the certification of the. proposed power
plant expansion. This recommendation is made contingent upon the conditions of
Section VI being addressed/met." (/d. at Appendix 1-4).
63. The DCA did not issue an agency report on the Curtis H. Stanton Energy
Centér Unit B Project. However, the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council
submitted a report on June 12, 2006, finding no issues pertaining to its Strategic
Regional Policy Plan (id. at Appendix 11-5).
64. The Orange County Board of County Commissioners ratified its Agency
Report for Stanton Energy Center, Unit B on June 13, 2006 (id. at Appendix li-6).
65. These findings of fact are not intended to conflict with the facts and
statements contained in the Conditions of Certification, and any conflict between —
them should be resolved in favor of the Conditions of Certification to the maximum
extent possible. )
66. Pursuant to §403. 508(6), F. S., the ALJ issued. an order granting the joint
request by Applicants and DEP to cancel the certifi cation hearing within five days
after receipt of the request. DEP and the Applicants published notices that the
certification hearing was cancelled, in accordance with §403.5115, F.S. Furthermore,
because the ALJ granted the request, DEP must prepare and issue a final order in
accordance with §403.509(1)(a), F.S. Therefore, DEP has jurisdiction over the:
parties to and the subject matter of this proceeding.
67. In accordance with Chapters 120 and 403, F.S. and Chapter 62-17,
F.A.C., proper notice was accorded to all persone, entities, and parties entitled to
such notice, and appropriate notice was provided to the general public: by both DEP
and the Applicants. All necessary and required governmental agencies participated,
-and the general public had an opportunity ’to fully participate in 1 the certification
process. Reports or studies were issued by DEP, the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission, the St. Johns River Water Management District, FDOT,
and the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council i in accordance with their .
various statutory duties under the PPSA.
68. The PSC has issued its affirmative determination that a need exisis forthe
electrical generating facility and the electricity it will produce, in accordance with
§402.519, F.S.
69. There is reasonable assurance that construction and operation ‘of the
Project will comply with all applicable standards of jurisdictional agencies, and that no
variances or other relief from non- procedural agency standards are requested or
necessary for the construction and operation of Unit B.:.
70. The evidence in the record reveals that the Applicants have met their
: burden of proof to demonstrate that Unit B meets the criteria for certification under
‘the PPSA. The evidence shows that the location, construction, and operation of the
electrical power plant and directly associated facilities will (a) provide reasonable .
_ assurance that operational safeguards are technically sufficient for the. public welfare
and protection; (b) comply with applicable nonprocedural requirements of agencies;
(c) be consistent with applicable local government comprehensive plans and land
development regulations; (d) meet the electrical energy needs of the state in an
orderly and timely fashion; (e) effect a reasonable balance between the heed for the,
facility as established pursuant to §403.519, F.S. and the impacts upon air and water
quality, fish and wildlife, water resources, and other natural resources of the state
- resulting from the construction and operation of the facility; (f) minimize, through the
use of reasonable and available methods, the adverse effects on human health, the
environment, and the ecology of the land and its wildlife and the ecology. of state _
waters and their aquatic life: and (g) serve and protect the broad interests of the
71. foperated and maintained in accordance with this Final Order and the
Conditions of Certification contained in the SAR, the certification of the Project will
fully balance, the increasing demand for the siting, operation and output of electrical
power plants in the State with the broad interests of the public that are protected by ~
the PPSA.
Having reviewed the matters of record and being otherwise duly advised, DEP
concludes that, if constructed and operated in accordance with the evidence
presented in the record and the Conditions of Certification,-the project will serve and
protect the broad interest of the public and should be approved.
Site certifi cation of Orlando Utilities Commission and Southern Power
Company - Orlando Gasification LLC, Unit B, as described in the Site Certification
_ Application and the record as a whole, is hereby APPROVED. The Project is s subject
to the Supplemental Conditions of Certification, modifi ied August 47, 2006 (SAR,
Appendix |) which is attached (Exhibit A) and incorporated by reference herein. .
Any party adversely affected by this Final Order has the right to ‘seek judicial
review of it under §120.68, F.S. Judicial review must be sought by filing a notice of
appeal under Rule 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, with the Clerk of the
Department in the Office. of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail
Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, and by filing a copy of the notice of
- appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of
appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days after this Final Order is
filed with the Clerk of the Department.
ah .
DONE AND ORDERED this Fie day of December, 2006, in Tallahassee
Leon County, Florida.
COLLEEN M. CAS Ve Secretary
._3900 Commonwealth Bivd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000
* FILED on this date pursuant to §120.52
Florida Statutes, with the designated
Department clerk, receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged.
| HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct
U.S. mail to the following listed persons this
James V. Antista, Esq.
General Counse!
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission .
620 South Meridian Street
Tallahassee, FZ 32399-1L600
Kelly Martinson, Esq.
Assistant General. Counsel,
Department of Community Affairs:
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
‘ Tallahassee, FL 32399-2 100
Tasha O. Buford, Esq.
Attorney for OUC & Southern Power Co.
225 South Adams Street Suite 200 -
. Tallahassee, FL 32304
Kris Davis, Esq.
_ St. Johns River Water Mgt. District
P.O. Box 1429 .
Palatka, FL 32178-1429
Frederick M. Bryant, Esq.
Florida Municipal Power Agency
2061-2 DeltaWay .
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Jeff Jones
East Central Florida Regional
Planning Council.
631North Wymore Road, Suite 100
Maitland, FL 32751
Sheauching Yu,Esq. -
Department of Transportation
Haydon Burns Building
* 605 Suwannee Street, MS 58
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
copy of the foregoing has been sent by
_day of December, 2006:
Martha Brown, Esq.
Florida Pubic Service Commission
Gerald Gunter Building
2540 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850
Anthony J. Cotter, Esq.
_Assistant County Attorney .
Orange Couniy
- P.O. Box 1393
Orlando, FL 32802-1 393
Dan Hendrickson, Esq,
Sierra Club
P.O. Box 1201
Tallahassee, FL 32302
Charles Lee :
Florida Audubon Society
1101Audubon Way
Maitland, FL 32751
Scott A. Goorland, Esq.
Department of Environmental
*3900 Commonwealth Bivd. MS 35
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
Senior Attorney
3900 Commonwealth Blvd. MS 35
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000
‘PA 81-14/SA3
Table of Contents ,
L ‘CERTIFICATION. CONTROL ecssssssssssssseunssssssssslissssseccessnssscen vasenanee svecneasantusnenees aT
HI. = DEFINITIONS... .cseeseee
IV... GENERAL CONDITIONS .......ccsssessseeeses
A. > Facility Operation .......ecssserseseerseseeee
_ B. ~ Records Maintained at the Facility... wD
Cc. Change itt DiSCHArGe ...uss01ssseeeee 10
D. Noncompliance Notification .. 10°
E. . Adverse Impact... setteessvscesses 10
F. __ Right of Entry... 10
G. Enforcement. .ccccssecsseecenes of
H. Revocation or SUSPENSION. ...cccsssescsssarssesseseessecsees sonnnosseaneontuoseuraneneresens 1
I Civil and Criminal Liability ..ccoscscesssessssoeresssssssssssessessassesosstsneassnsseceneee 12.
J, Property Rights... teovenesarenenees » 12
K. — SeVerabiility.eccstceccoesesnes 12
L Review of Site Certificationn.......sesssssesserssersessceverseeereseesees 13
M.- Procedural Rights........... . «13
N. Modification of Conditions. 13
O. '. Transfer of Certifi cation...... 14
P, SAPCtY..csvcsernenssssensenssssscessavsosssossnevsnsnovsevanssatssssnscnessnssececatsosersssuvaneessessntn 14
Q. - SCLCOMIIG -eecssovsccsrsssnsevenssersssssnsssiuntsusnessscencessusensasessarsesnserasensanvecseranee seowe 14°
' R.. Toxio, Deleterious or Hazardous Materia s.. 14
Ss. NOISEC...nscrssannennes \evssasensozessersaseacnesrensnaresencocces 15
T. Flood Control Protection.......00-+00 15 |
“U. Historical or Archaeological Finds.. 15
V. Endangered and Threatened Species. 15
W. Dispute ReSOLUtION.........100s-0ressseeersesoven - 16
Xx, Laboratories And Quality Assurance......0..0.+.. - 16
Y. Procedures For Post-Certification Submittals... 16
V. CONSTRUCTION. . ss neosansvaccocesacnanenaracsoussnssesensseosenvenne 18
‘ A. Standards and Review. of Plans. 18
B. Control Measures .....0.serescescernseee 19
Cc. Environmental Control Program perenoseessecsess 20
D. —— REPOF ENG... see-senssvscssossersersssscsescsnsessasnessssstesssessssscenersessaness .- 20
E, Pond Perimeter Berms. 20
F. Wetland Vegetation... ae 20°
G. Stormwater REVICW.......1.scsseresecscvesesssescensursocsosssssnelvasesecesssassssenesees eanenes 21
AIR fone
PermitSsomssesseinsosicssssssssssesessisiesesescivuvassocssssssssesssisieeseerenssinenesnesseecessaes 22
*- Construction .........000
Vil. wo 52
IX. COOLING TOWER..sessscssssserssesssesnsensnrenenneess oe 56
A. Makeup Water Constituency... 56
B. ~ Chlorination.......0 tesasaseranes )
' . ¢, ° Special Studies.....
A.. Surface Waters..
B. COMPLIANCE: ...ssssrensevecsransnenrseanconsenentsonasnnenrarenanes
Cc. Plant Effluents and Receiving Body of Water..
1. Receiving Body of Water. Rew) sesvecsuceeeseecacessueancaecacesseseaaenesessesaes
Point of Discharge (P.O.D. Doors dleeseceneereteaenanenenee .58
_ Chemical Wastes ........ feats .58
Coal Pile............++ a 58
LDH ceceeeecssseaselevssceseseestesnensensearsnqansenersapenneasencesensaieeses 58
Polychlorinated Biphenyl COMPOUNGS........:.-eeseeeleeeeeeeeeeees .. 58
Metal Cleaning and Bottom Ash Sluice System Blowdown.. .. 58
Solid Waste and Limestone Storage Areas seneteceeeseaseensessenses .. 59 -
" Storm Water Runoff........... Sennssosebactsseesceeesroes 59
D. Water Monitoring Prograrn....ccscssscsesserssnensnesapeneecesesenensnsnuorsconsnnnesennens 59 -
4. Chemical Monitoring ...... 59:
2. Groundwater Monitoring... ..60
3. Surface Water Monitoring .. 61
GROUNDWATER .....0..+++ cesersueanesegsoeneratsnesssnensusuesarsnesusenmrantansausarnerdaesseeousnonsas 61
A. GENCY Al .esesoscscossrsernssssseresnseresersvosorsssnsennesssssasanrrossssvarsensnssuranesnarcutineneatan 61.
B. Pump Test Program and Well Field Construction we 61
C. . | Water Use Restriction. ...ccrcsssesseeersseorgrnecceinensess w+ 62
D. — Monitoring and Reporting..... seseresnarere -. 62
E._ . Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Wells... svusanonseren ..- 63
F. L@AChAtE .....cecssrsecnerssencsereenssereneees . won 64
1. Zone of Discharge... . 64
2. ‘Corrective Action... Jesasereses ... 64
G. Construction Dewatering. Effluent......++« woe GS
SOLID WASTES ovi..eesesscsienesssssersceeceneesenss wae 65:
POTABLE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM wescssccosssesssveessesees 2 65
XVI. ALAFAYA TRAIL EXTENSION sehevennusananeeennnaueunsseanenssisepsnanenaneascosasssereseeenessects OO!
, AL © CONSETUCTION cecssesssessecessesssestsessesessssapestesssssotesssiarisistusstngsopeseesscescecce.., 66 .
‘B. . on ater Management And Erosion Control For The Alafaya Trail
Extension :
an onan
AL GON ll srssiesesoessssensessovssarssosssotssscassssosrassssesnsestvinatesiapassnssonssosccesse,
B. Other Construction Activities... aoe As)
»C. Mainterianice....essesessevscussosessensosssessnsserssssensnessnessasssstsesiuestisssissoessassesscess 75
D, © Archaeological Sites........scseisssssescsessssssssonssseissssessnesaesoes desc, 76
E. * ROA Crossing, 76
Fe” Emergency Reporting, ..cscsssessscessssseresettinieecccccc 76
G, Final Right-Of-Way Location..sssecsssessesssssesvessssisvssisisessespssoessoesces..c, 76.
© Ae © COMPVIANCE .eessecsssesscssssssesessessreserssssrersnssssansssstisinisitinisssssigessoessesscos..c, 76
L CONSEUCTION PLANS .esssssssessoessernesierstssiscissnssnesssseisasetiutsassiessessessesesseesg. 77
XXIV. COAL PILE ..........2.. saps tearsennasaeensaeventeentessaraeaeenaestsneeneeenaas
| A. . Wildlife Survey
B. _ Nestirig Sandhill Cranes.
C.° Management Plan vanevete
1. Compliance. Requirements
2. Off-Site Impacts oo. el epesccecsesessseceses sesesserseee OO
3. - Post Certification Information Submittals «00.0000... vena BB.
Be. Processing Of Information REQUESES....oscssccsssssrssssesersssseressnssnssssenentote 85
1. Right-of-way Modifications....... sasseessaahioesossacsencasersstevensanes 85
2. Completeness and Review ......:...ccccsscssschessciecssecsssutesssescustessecesses 86
3. Compliance Review and Confirmation .......cccccccsseccssssessssessleccsoeess, 86
4, Revisions to Site Specifi ic Design Authorizations .3.0......ceseeecese 86
5.. Dispute Resolution... pesteeenscessssensbecesstaseatersnaeoes 86
6. Objections ooo. cccsecesesesessneees . 86
_ 7. _ Changes to Information Requirements................. .
A. General 87
1..-. Professional Engineer Certifi cate : Sanenvevcacsssoseusevearancenaeseescetarseeenennes 87
Impacts of Fish, Wildlife, Natural Environment Values and Water
UAIIY. ce sseessssesssesssesssecsncessecessesensseqavecesscbeves Sn ererreererereerreteriyy 87 .
Correction of Water Quality Problems.. seegesereeeesees 87
_ Off-Site Conveyance ois. eeeeeeeees ... 88
‘Additional Water Quality Requirements 1 88
AcCOSS ROAdS ........:cceseteccreescesesneneeeeatenenensnsarensnaeoneess .... 88
Correction of Drainage Problems............. sactcsesescnenenees ... B8
Modifications v.00... sseecseeteeeeeeees : ... 88
ite Specific Design Authorizations. .......nnne wee OD
Access/Maintenance.Road and Structure, Pads............ eeeeeaseeeeeeets 89
Authorized Receiving Water (Transmission Line Access ,
aintenance Roads only) ..
. Adjacent Weilands .......2 . .
dditional Information. Requirements .risieo supensnaenserssseesssonsnennrnasagees ‘vate 89
‘Access/Maintenance Road and Structure Pad Construction Plans:
SFWMD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ausevanensuecersorsesonnatsnousensonenuanane 90
GONCL al .cesissveessssssesensnrsssuvensnronensntsseneesenias 90
1 Wetland AVOIdANCE .......ccccccsssssseseeceestersseeererensseneereseesaneagenseeseeer 90
Fill Materials veveeateaee we
Additional Wetlands Mitigation ..... 91
4, Additional Environmental! Review. 91
5. Mitigation Areas 00.1... 91
ite Specific Design Authorization
4... Authorized Wetland Impacts ...
2. Sandhill Crane Nest Protection “
Additional Information Requirements........... . van 92
1. Wetlands Protection
2. Mitigation Plan
sateceaeceesnasseneacbeneseneneusseesenenees® . 92
Water SHOrtages ...sesscscesssevssersessenseesvesarerasssserenenenees +. 93
‘Well Construction, Modification, Or Abandonnient. seeeeveree 93
Well Maintenance....csessssessssesssoesessssenneecisenrenctscssnenensssieassonsnesnennsavenmnacees 94
‘Mitigation Of Impacts On Adjacent Land Uses
_Maximum Daily Withdrawals...
‘OFF-Site DiSCHArGeS....:.-secsiqrssccsserersssuanstecnrsvonsen
Mitigation Of Withdrawal Impacts On: Existing Legal Users...
Identification TaQS .......:0cseossscssserenssseseonerennensenrescesonsersenaaens i 95
SUDMIttal’...cssccoccessverevsseneninessdesssseanersessnsnersecanecesovenssnsessoneey 95
Maximum Annual Withdrawals
Limitation On Uses Of Water... sassnbonnseees 96 ;
De@WAterinG .1-.--sssessereeesesnveusnaresenrsnrerssssronsnesnnecsroans one OF
Discharges From Make-Up Water Supply Pond... aan OT
Well Water Quality Sampling srccpecsssecsersorcreeceores segs OT
- Water Treatment Plant Reports... - 98
Well Water Flow Monitoring.........+. seseeosocrscrsessuasoroenenseneree avsnersesecennens 98 .
Conservation Plan ....esssevcsiesseessssssssssssersessssersussssinstsinisspresecssseseeeses. 99
R. . Maintenance And Calibration Of Flow Meters weteneee . 99
Ss. OFF-Site DiSCharge.....cssvesssessessssossessesessssosssssocsoeess, 99
T. Use of Lowest Quality Water .....sesssssssssssesssssssssessssseisieniessssecccc, 99
U. . EMWanCeMennt .eseseisssissssosssessersessssiecssecess 100
Od Delineation Of Limits Of Construction 0... ecco. sreseee .. 100
2. Background Assessment PIAn :....c....csscscssecsssseescescssecsososes 100.
3. Completion Of Background Assessment................... . 100
4. Initiation And Completion Of Enhancement Mitigation Plan. --. 100
5. Criteria For Success Of Enhancement And Mitigation.........,....... 100
6. Monitoring Plan For Enhancement And Mitigation .. ;
7. Survey Of Enhancement Areas......c..cccsceesssssesssssesessesoeseeeceseccccc,
8. Roveoring Reports For The Enhancement And Mitigation Areas 101
Construction Impact Mitigation Program ..
‘ Unit A - Post Certification Review Of Specific. Problems one
1. Pipeline eibicrid of State Highway 2) Ct + 105
2.°- Traffic Control... » 105
3 Access Roads .- 106
4. Grossing Federal Facilities. etteeetesees 106 ©
£5 Standards... iicesccscsssssssesesessssensseseslesstunneteeestescrssecccn, 106
6 Monitoring ... seeeessneneneaes + 106°
7 Placement...... : + 106
8. OVErSIGHE..... eee esecleesecsceesseseee ... 107
9. Natural Gas Pipeline Location... Slecteesesene ... 107
10. - Borings..... ele ceeeeseeeee Wseateevetenssceerenasesseses .. 107
11. Transportation Projects ssseescasenrsccseesentoslecsenteseeezes
12. Access Management to the State Highway System wed
13, Drainage: o..eectecssssssssssssserssssstsesssesisstsessseeeenn, «. 108
" 14. Overweight/Overdimensional Vehicles:.........0... .. 108 -
D. Best Management Practices.
XXXI. ORANGE COUNTY......scsssssssssscapececsssiscsssensssscceseoes Pe |
- A.* Building And Construction Requirements sarees oe 110°
B. ' Gonservation Area
Cc. Mitigation
D. Public Works Pepa. avreeersercrenecsrenneerensenseeni sosueeeners peveneesnenne Saaceneeonee 110
E.. Cooling Water «1... woe 10
Fi. Aitessssssresssssssonerenericones cengusreneaessesunessecsunentatsvsssenansvssnegsnservanenonanae® 110
HiSTOLY «---cseeeeeneeeees auonesenensuceaseastectenseaseeeneedznnsnennanes
Note: Changes to the existing Conditions of Certification are-identified as either
. additions or deletiers. ;
A. Pursuant to s. 403.501-518, F.S., the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting
Act, this certification is issued to Orlando Utilities‘ Commission, Florida Municipal Power
Agency,. Kissimmee Utility Authority and Southern-Florida; LEC as joint owner/operators
of Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center. Under the control of these Conditions of ~
‘Certification the OUC will operate a 930 MW (nominal) facility consisting of two coal-
fired Units No. 1 and No. 2, and ancillary equipment. Southern-Florida'LLC will ;
construct and operate a 633 MW gas-fired combined cycle facility known as Combined |
Cycle Unit A. Southérn Power Company — Orlando Gasification LLC will construct and
“operate a 285 MW syngas-fired integrated Gasification Combined Cycle unit known as
IGCC Unit B. These units are located on a 3280-acre site which is located at ‘Township
238, Ranges 31E and 32E, Orange County, Florida. UTM coordinates are: Zone 17;
’ 483.61 km East; ‘3151.1 km North. : ; “
‘B. The general and specific-conditions contained in these Conditions of _
Certification, unless specifically amended or modified, are binding upon the licensees
and shall apply to the construction and operation of the certified facility. If a conflict
should occur between the design criteria of this project and the Conditions of
Certification, the Conditions shall prevail unless amended or modified. ~~
THe construction and operation of the certified facility shall be in accordance with
all applicable provisions of Florida Statutes and Department and Water Management . _
District rules, including the following regulations: [St. Johns River WMD; 40 C-2, 40C-3,
40C-8, 40-C21 ] [South Florida WMD: 40E-1, 40E-4, 40E-40, 40E-41,] 62-4, 62-17, 62-
' 256, 62-296, 62-297, 62-301, 62-302, 62-531, 62-532, 62-550, 62-555, 62-560, 62-600,
62-601, 62-604, 62-610, 62-620, 62-621, 62-650, 62-699, 62-660, 62-701, 62-762, 62-
‘767, 62-769, and 62-770, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), or their suecessors as
they are renumbered. :
The meaning of terms used herein ‘shall be governed by the definitions contained
in Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and any regulation adopted pursuant thereto. Inthe -
event of any dispute over the meaning of a term used in these general or special
conditions which is not defined in such statutes or regulations, such dispute shall be
resolved by reference-to the most relevant definitions contained in‘any other state or
. federal statute or regulation or, in the alternative by the use ofthe commonly accepted
meaning as determined by the Department. As used herein: -.
> OA "Application" shall mean the Site Certification Application (SCA) for the
certified facility, as supplemented. : _
. B. "DEP" or Department shall mean the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection. : : :
C.. ."DHR" shall mean the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical
” Resources. .
D “Emergency conditions" shall mean urgent circumstances involving
potential adverse consequences to human life or property as a result of weather.
conditions or other calamity, and necessitating new or replacement gas pipeline,
_ transmissiori lines, or access facilities: : .
; E:; . “Facility” hall mean the certified electrical power generation facility and all
associated structures, including but not limited to: combustion turbine generators, heat
recovery steam generators, duct burners, fossil steam boilers, steam turbine :
. generators, selective catalytic reduction units, transformers, associated transmission
lines, substations, fuel and water storage tanks, natural gas delivery metering station,
air and water pollution control equipment, storm water control ponds and facilities,
cooling towers, and related‘structures. oe
Fz "Feasible" or "practicable" shall mean reasonably achievable considering
a balance of land use impacts, environmental impacts, engineering constraints, and
costs. ° : , ; ae
+ G_ "FFWCC" shall mean the Florida Fish and Wildlife Consetvation
Commission. ,
7 H.. "Licensee" means an applicant that has obtained a certification order for
the subject project. . i. ‘
I. “NPDES permit’ shall mean the federal National Pollutant Discharge
Permit System permit issued in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act.
J. “Power plant” shail mean the electric power generating plant and
associated structures to-be modified or constructed on the certified site, as generally
. depicted in the Application. ©. ; . ,
K. "Project" shall mean the electrical power generating facility and ali
associated facilities. ; mo, . , 7
L. “PSD permit” shall mean the federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration
air emissions permit issued in accordance with the federal Clean Air Act.
_M. "NWF, SR, SUR, SWF, or SF WMD" shall mean the Northwest Florida,
Suwannee River, St. Johns River, Southwest Florida, or South Florida Water
-Management District.- 0
N. “Title V permit” shall mean the federal permit issued in accordance with
Title V of the federal Clean Air Act. :
A. Facility Operation
; 4. The Licensee shall at.all times properly operate and maintain the .
facility and related appurtenances, and systems of treatment and control that are :
installed and used to achieve compliance with the conditions of this certification, and are
required by Department rules. This provision includes the operation of backup or.
auxiliary facilities or similar systems when necessary to achieve compliance with the
conditions of the approval and when required by Department rules.
2. In the event of a prolonged [thirty (30) days or more] equipment -
malfunction or shutdown of pollution control equipment, facility operation may be’ resume and continue to.take place under an appropriate Department order,
___ provided that the licensee demonstrates. that such operation will be in compliance with
all applicable ambient air quality standards and PSD increments, water quality
- standards and rules, solid waste rules, domestic wastewater rules and industrial
wastewater rules. During such malfunction or shutdown, the operation of the facility
shall comply with all other requirements-of this certification and all applicable state and
federal emission and effluent standards not affected by the malfunction or shutdown,
‘B. '. Records Maintained at the Facility
4. These Conditions of Certification or a copy thereof shall be kept at
‘the work site of the approved activity. . - . Oo
2. The licensee’ shall hold at the. facility, ar other location designated
by this approval, records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and
maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring
instrumentation required by this approval, copies of all reports required by this approval,
and records-of all data used to complete the application for this approval. These
materials shall be retained at least three (3) years from the date of the sample,
measurement, report, or application unless otherwise specified by Department rule.
The licensee shall provide copies of these records to the Department upon request. If
the licensee becomes aware of relevant facts that were not submitted or were incorrect
in any report to the Department, such facts or information shall be promptly submitted or
corrected. ; : . oo .,
C.. ‘Change in-Discharge
L. , .
All discharges or emissions authorized herein shall be consistent with the
terms and conditions of this certification. The discharge of any pollutant not identified-in
the application, or more frequently than, or at a level in excess of that authorized herein,
shall constitute a violation of the certification. Any anticipated facility expansions,
production increases, or process modifications which may new, different or
_ inereased discharges or pollutants, change in fuel, or expansion in steam generating
capacity must be reported by submission of a new application for amendment or
modification pursuant to Chapter 403.516, F.S.. us
D. —Noncompliance Notification
{f, for any reason, the licensee does not coriply with or is unable to
cornply with any limitation specified. in this certification, the licensee: shall notify the
Central District Office of the Department by telephone during the working day that said
noncompliance occurs. After normal business hours, the licensee shall report any
condition that poses a public health threat to the State Warning Point-at telephone
number (850) 413-9911 or (850) 413-9912. The licensee shalt confirm this situation to
the DEP District Office in writing within seventy-two (72) hours of becoming aware of
suich conditions and shall supply the following information: .
1. A description of the discharge and cause of noncompliance; and,
2. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times; or, if
not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue, and,
rn: Steps being. taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent recurrence of
the non-complying event. : .
E. Adverse Impact
- ‘The licensee shall take all reasonable stéps to minimize any adverse
impact resulting from noncompliance with any limitation specified in this certification,
including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to determine the
- nature and impact of the non-complying event. -. :
F. __ Righit of Entry.
* The licensee shall allow authorized Department personnel, including
"- guthorized representatives of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
Water Management Districts, and/or United States Environmental Protection Agency,
when applicable, upon presentation of credentials or other documents as may be
required by law, and at reasonable times, depending upon the nature of the concern
being investigated: ' : .
OO ft. To enter upon the licensee's premises where an.effluent'source is
- located or in which récords are required to be kept under the téeris and conditions of
this permit; and,.-. .
; : 2. To have access to and copy any records required to be kept under
the conditions of this certification; and, rn Cee
. 3 . To inspect and observe the permitted facilities, equipment, ,
practices, or operations regulated or required under these Conditions to determine -
compliance with the approved plans, specifications and conditions of this certification;
and, | - ; : :
; A. To sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location
necessary to assure compliance with thése Conditions or Department rules..
G . Enforcement
: ‘1. ° +The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations and restrictions set
forth in these Conditions of Certification aré binding and enforceable pursuant to
Sections 403.141, 403.161, 403.514,. Any noncompliance with a Condition of
Certification or condition of a federally delegated or approved permit ‘constitutes a
violation of chapter 403, F.S., and is grounds for enforcement action, permit termination,
* permit revocation, or permit revision. The Licerisee is placed on notice that the
Department will review this approval periodically and may initiate enforcement action for
‘ any violation of these-conditions. oO
. 2. All records, notes,. and other information relating to
the construction or operation of this certified-source which are submitted to the
_ Department may be used by the Department as evidence in any enforcement case
involving the certified source arising under the Florida Statutes or Department rules, .
except where such evidence shall only be used -to the.extent it is consistent with the
Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and appropriate evidentiary rules. i
HH... Revocation or Suspension
ee This certification may be suspended or revoked pursuant to Section
403.512, Florida Statutes, or for violations of any of these Conditions of Certification.
This approval is valid only for the specific processes and. operations applied for and
indicated in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unauthorized deviation from the
approved drawings, exhibits, specifications, or conditions of this approval may constitute
grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the Department. oO
I. Civiland Criminal Liability
: 1. This certification does not relieve the licensee from civil or criminal
~ penalties for noncompliance with any conditions of this certification, applicable rules or
- regulations of the Department, or Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, or regulations
thereunder. , :
2. ‘This certification does not relieve the licensee from liability for harm
or injury to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property caused by the
construction or operation of-this permitted source, or from penalties therefore; nor does
jt allow the licensee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and
‘Department tules, unless specifically authorized by an order from the Department. .
3. As provided in Subsections 403.087(7), 403.511, and 403.722(5),
F.S., the issuance of this certification does not convey any vested rights or any. . .
exclusive privileges. Neither does it authorize any injury to public or’ private property or
any invasion of personal rights, nof any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or: °
regulations. This approval is not a waiver of any other Department approval that may
be required for other aspects of the total project under federally delegated programs.
4. Subject to Section 403.511, Florida Statutes, this certification shall
not preclude the institution of any legal action. or relieve the licensee from any
responsibilities or penalties established ‘pursuant to any other applicable State Statutes
or regulations. - : ; .
J.‘ Property Rights
. ‘The issuance of this certification does not convey any property rights in .
either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any
injury to public. or private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any -
infringement of Federal, State or tocal laws or regulations. The applicant shall obtain
title, lease or right of use from the-State of Florida, to any sovereign submerged lands
utilized by the project. : . Lo ,
'K. Severability
The provisions of this certification are severable, and if any provision of ©
this certification, or.the application of any provision of this certification to any :
circumstances, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances
and the remainder of the certification shall not be affected thereby: ,
Jk Review of Site Certification |
The certification shall be final unless revised, revoked or - suspended
pursuant to law. At least every five years from the date of i issuance of certification the
Department will review all monitoring data that has been submitted to it during the .
pieceding five-year period for-the purposes of determining the extent of the Licensee's
compliance with the conditions of this certification and the environmental impact-of this”
facility. The Department will submit the results of its review and recommendations io
the Licensee. Such, review will be repeated at least every five years thereafter,
M. Procedural 1 Rights
. Except as s specified i in Chapter 403, F.S., or Chapter 62-17, F.A.C., no
term or condition of certification shall be interpreted to preclude the post-certifi cation
exercise by the licensee of whatever procedural rights‘it may have ‘under Chapter 120,
FA 8., including those related to rule-making proceedings...
N. Modification of Conditions
The conditions of this certification may be modified in the following
" manner: ”
1 “The licensee shall comply with rules,. adopted by the” Department the i issuance of the certification, which prescribe new or stricter criteria to
the extent that the rules are applicable to electric power plants. Except where express _
variances, exceptions, exemptions, or other relief have been granted, subsequently
adopted rules which prescribe new or stricter criteria shall operate. as automatic
modifi cations to the certification.
2. The licensee may choose to operate jn compliance with any rule
- subsequently adopted by the Department which prescribes criteria more lenient than the
criteria required by the terms and eondibons f in the certification which are not site
3. The Siting Board hereby delegates to the Secretary 0 of the ¢
‘Department of Environmental Protection the authority to modify, after notice and
opportunity for hearing, any conditions pertaining to monitoring or.sampling and
‘ conditions of Certification pertaining ‘to consumptive use:of water, monitoring, sampling,
* specifi ication of control equipment, related time schedules, effluent‘or emission .
standards or limitations, groundwater, mixing zones, zones of discharge, leachate
- control programs, railroad spur, transmission lines, access roads or pipeline
construction, source of-treated effluent cooling water, mitigation, transfer or assignment
of the Certification or related federally delegated permits, or any special studies -
conducted , as necessary to attain the objectives of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes,
which are not in conflict with Condition of Certification Part VII.
Oo. Transfer of Certification
This certification is transferable only uf upon Department approval in ©
accordance with Section 403.516, F.S., and Rules 62-17:214(3) and 62-730.300,
F.A.C., as applicable. The licensee shall be liable for any noncompliance of the
approved activity until the transfer is approved by the Department.
P. Safety —
The overall design, layout, and operation of the facilities shall be such as
to minimize hazards to humans and the environment. Security control measures shall
be utilized to prevent exposure of the public. to hazardous conditions. The Federal
Occupational Safety and Health Standards shall be complied with during construction °
and operation. —
Q. - Screening
The Licensee shall provide screening of the site to the extent feasible
through the use of aesthetically acceptable structures, vegetated earthen Walls and/or
existing or planted vegetation
RR. Toxic, Deleterious or Hazardous Materials |
1. ‘The Licensee shall: not discharge to surface waters wastes which’
are acutely toxic, or present in concentrations which are carcihogenic, mutagenic, or
_ teratogenic to human beings or to significant locally occurring wildlife or aquatic species.
The Licensee shall not discharge to ground waters wastes in concentrations which,
alone or in combination with other substances, or ‘components of discharges (whether
thermal or non-thermal) are carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, or toxic to human
beings (unless specific criteria are established for such components i in Section 62-
520.420, F.A.C.) or are acutely toxic to indigenous species of significance to the aquatic
community within surface waters affected by the ground water at the point of contact
’ with surface waters.
2. The licensee shall report all spills of materials having potential to
significantly pollute surface or ground waters and which are not confined to a building or
similar containment structure, by telephone immediately after discovéry of such spill.
The licensee shall submit a written report within forty-eight hours, excluding weekends,
from the original notification. : The telephone report shall bé submitted by calling the .
DEP District Office Industrial Wastewater Compliance/Enforcement Section. After
normal business hours, the licensee shall contact the State Warning Point by calling
(850) 413-9911 or (850) 413-9912. The written report shall include, but not be limited:
to, a detailed.description of how the spill occurred, the name and chemical make-up
(include any MSDS. sheets) of the substance, the amount spilled, the time and date of
the spill, the name and title of the person who first reported the spill, the size and extent
' of the spill and surface types (impervious, ground, water bodies, etc.) it impacted, the
cleanup procedures used and status of completion, and include a map or aerial _.
photograph showing the extent and paths of the material flow. Any deviation from this
requirement must receive prior approval from the Department.
Ss. Noise —
. Construction noise shall not exceed noise criteria or any applicable
requirements of Orange County. The licensee shall notify area residents in advance of
the onset and.anticipated:duration of the steam blowout of the facility's heat recovery
‘ steam generator and steam lines. Such steam blowout shall be conducted between
7:00 A.M. and sunset. .
tT. Flood Control Protection -
The plant and associated facilities.shall be constructed in such a manner
- as to comply with the appropriate County flood protection requirements, either by flood
proofing or by. raising the elevation of the facilities above the 100-year flood level.
U. Historical or Archaeological Fi Finds
If historical or archaeological artifacts, such as Indian canoes, .are
discovered at any time within the project site, the licensee-shalll notify the DEP District .
‘office and the Bureau of Historic Preservation, Division of Historical Resources, R.A.
Gray Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, telephone number (850) 487-2073.
V. . Endangered and Threatened Species
Prior to start of construction, the licensee shall survey the certified site for
endangered and threatened species of animal and plant life. Plant species listed as
endangered or threatened by the federal government and plant species listed as
endangered by the state shall be transplanted to an appropriate area if practicable.
Gopher tortoises and any commensals on the rare or endangered species list shall be
relocated aftér consultation with the FFWCC. A relocation program, as approved by the
FFWCC, shall be followed.’ Entombment of goplier tortoises shall not be ‘allowed.
W. Dispute Resolution
; If a situation arises in which mutual agreement cannot be reached
between the Licensee and an agency exercising its regulatory jurisdiction, then the
matter shall be immediately referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH)
for disposition in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 120, F.S.
x. Laboratories And Quality Assurance
1. “The licensee shall ensure that all laboratory analytical data
submitted to the Department, as required by this Certification, are from a laboratory
which has a currently valid and Department approved Comprehensive Quality
Assurance Plan (CompQAP) or a CompQAP pending approval for all parameters being
reported, as required by Chapter 62-160, E. AC. ;
2.) The licensee shall ensure that all samples required pursuant to’ this
certification are taken by an appropriately trained technician following EPA and
Department approved sampling procedures and chain-of-custody requirements in
accordance with Rule 62-160, F.A.C. All chain-of-custody records shall be retained on-.
site for at least three (3) years. arid made available to the Department Immediately upon ~
request. .
3.7 Records of monitoring information shall include:
a, the date, exact place, and time of sampling or
; measurements;
b.. the’ person responsible for performing the sampling or
” measurements; :
Cc. the dates analyses were performed;
d. the person responsible for performirig the analyses;
_@. the analytical techniques or methods used; and,
fi, ‘the results of such analyses.
Y. Procedures For Post-Certification Submittals
1. . Purpose of Submittals: Conditions of Certification: which provide for
the post-certification submittal of information to DEP or other agencies by the licensee.
are for the purpose of facilitating rmonitoring by the Department of the effecis arising
from the plant facilities. This monitoring is for DEP to assure, in consultation with other -
‘agencies with applicable regulatory jurisdiction, continued compliance with the
conditions of certification, without any further agency action.
: 2. Filings: -All. post-certification submittals of.information by the _
licensee are to be filed with DEP. Copies of each submittal shall be simultaneously
submitted to any other agency indicated in the Specific conditions requiring the post-.
certification.submittals. - . ;
: . ‘3... Completeness: The DEP shall promptly review each post-
certification submittal for completeness. : This review shall include consultation with the.
other agencies receiving the post-certification submittal. For-the purposes of this
condition, completeness shall mean that-the information submitted is both complete and |
sufficient. If the submittal is found to be incomplete, the licensee shall notified.
_ Failure to issue such a notice within forty-five (45) days after filing of the submittal shall
constitute a finding of completeness. . wt :
; 4. -Interagency Meetings: Within sixty (60) days of the filing of a
complete post-certification submittal, DEP may conduct an interagency meeting with.
other agencies which received copies of the submittal. The purpose of such an —
interagency meeting shall’be for thé agencies with regulatory jurisdiction over the ©
matters addressed in the post-certification submittal to discuss whether reasonable
assurance of compliarice with the conditions of certification has been provided. ° Failure
of any agency to-attend an interagency meeting shall not be grounds for DEP to ;
withhold a determination of compliance with these conditions nor to‘delay the time < .
frames for review established by these conditions. .
. - 5... Reasonable Assurance of Compliance: Within ninety (90) days of
- the filing of a complete post-certification submittal, or 45.days after a submittal is made
- py the licensee, or unless another date is specified herein, DEP shall give written
‘notification to the licensee and 'the agencies fo which the post-certification information
was submitted of its determination whether there is reasonable assurance of
. compliance with the conditions of certification: If it is. determined that reasonable *
assurance has not been provided; the licensee shall .be notified with particularity and
possible corrective measures suggested. Failure to notify the licensee in writing within
ninety (90) days of receipt of a complete post-certification submittal shall constitute a .
determination of reasonable assurance of compliance.
A. Standards and Review of Plans
4. All construction. at the facility shall be pursuant to the design .
- standards presented in the application or amended application and the standards or
plans and drawings submitted and signed by an engineer registered in the state of
Florida. Specific Central DEP District Office acceptance of plans will be required based
upon a determination of consistency with approved design concepts, regulations, and
these conditions prior to injtiation of construction. of any: industrial waste treatment
facility; domestic waste treatment facility; potable water treatment and supply system;
‘ground water monitoring system, storm water runoff system: solid waste disposal area;
and hazardous or toxic handling facility or area. The Licensee shall present specific
plans. for these facilities for review by the DEP Central District Office at least ninety (90)
days prior to construction of those portions of the facility for which the plans-are then
being submitted, unless other time limits are specifi ied in the following conditions herein.
Review and approval or disapproval shall’be accomplished in accordance with Chapter
120, F.S., or these conditions of certification as applicable.
2. The’ Department must be notified in writing and prior written
approval obtained for any material change,. modification, or revision to be made to the
_project daring construction whichis in coriflict with these conditions of cértification. If
there js any material change, modification, or revision made to a project approved by:
the Department without this prior written approval, the project will be considered to have © -
been constructed without departmental approval, the construction will not be cleared for -
service, and the construction will be considered a violation of the conditions of -
certifi cation. .
3. Ninety (90) days prior to the anticipated date of fl rst operation, the
Licensee shall provide the Central District and the Siting cdordination Office of the
Department with an itemized list of any changes made to the facility design and
operation plans that would affect a change in discharge-as referenced in Condition IL.
since the time of the approval of these conditions. ‘This pré-operational review of the |
final design and operation shall demonstrate continued compliance with Department
‘tules and standards. .
- 4. Final drainage plans illustrating all stormwater treatment
facilities and conveyances for construction phases and ultimate operations for the entire
Curtis H.’ Stanton Energy Center site shall be submitted to the DEP Central District
’ Manager, the Orange County Pollution Control Department, and the SJRWMD or ~
SFWMD as applicable for review and approval prior to construction of any such
conveyance or facility. The Department shall indicate its approval or disapproval within
60 ) days of the submittal. Lo,
B. Control Measures
4; To control runoff which may reach and thereby pollute waters of the
‘state, necessary measures shall be utilized to settle, filter, treat or absorb silt containing
or pollutant laden storm water to ensure against spillage or discharge of excavated
material.that-may cause turbidity in excess of 29 Nephelemetric Turbidity Units (NTU) °
above background in waters of the state at the POD to Hart Branch or Cowpen Branch.
Oil and grease shall not exceed 5 mg/l at any discharge-from water storage ~
supply pond or any other pond. Control measures: may consist of sediment traps,
barriers, berms, and vegetation plantings. Exposed or disturbed soil shall be protected
and stabilized as soon as possible to minimize silt and sediment-laden runoff. The pH
of the runoff shall be kept within the range of 6. 0 to 8.5. The Licensee shall comply with .
' the applicable nonprocedural requirements in Chapter 62-25, F:A.C.
2. Any open burning in connection with initial land clearing shall be in
accordance with Chapter 62-256, F.A.C., Chapter 51-2, F.A.C., Uniform Fire Cade
Sectiori 33.101 Addendum, and any other applicable County regulation. Any burning of
construction-generated material, after initial land clearing that is allowed to be burned in
accordance with. Chapter 62-256, F.A.C., shall be reviewed by the DEP Central District
Office in conjunction with the Division of Forestry and any other county regulations that
‘may apply. Burning shall not occur if not approved by the appropriate agency or if the
Department or the Division of Forestry has issued a ban on burning due to’‘fire safety ..
conditions or due to air pollution conditions.
3... Disposal of: sanitary wastes from construction toilet facilities shall
be in accordance with applicable regulations of the appropriate local health agency. The’
“sewage treatment plant shall’ be operated | in accordance with Chapters 82-600 - 699,
F.A.C. . .
4, Solid wastes resulting from construction shall be disposed of in
accordance with the applicable regulations of Chapter 62-701, F.A.C.
5. :Construction noise shall not exceed noise criteria or any applicable.
requirements of Orange County. To mitigate the. effects of noise produced by the steam
blowout of steam boiler tubes, the licensee shall conduct public awareness campaigns
prior to such activities to forewarn the public of the estimated time and duration of the
. - 6." The licensee shall employ proper odor and dust control techniques
to minimize odor and fugitive dust emissions. The applicant shall ‘employ control
. techniques sufficient to prevent nuisance conditions which interferé with enjoyment of. -
residents of adjoining property:
T°. . Directly associated transmission lines from the facility electric
switchyard to existing transmission lines shall be maintained in’accordance with the .
application.and the appropriate state and federal regulations concerning use of-
herbicides. The’ Licensee shall notify the Department of the ‘ype of herbicides to be
used at least 60 days prior to their first use.
8. The licensee shall develop the site so as to.retain the buffer of |
natural vegetation as described in the application and in Condition IV.Q. Screening.
9. Dewatering operations during construction shall be carried out in. a
accordance with Rule 62-621. 300(2), F.A.C.
Cc Ensim Control | Program
An environmental control program shall be established under the
. supervision ‘of a Florida registered professional engineer or other qualified person to
assure that all construction activities confotm to applicable environmental regulations
arid the applicable conditions’of certification: If a violation of standards, harmful effects
or irreversible environmental damage not anticipated by the application or the evidence
presented at the certification hearing are detected during construction, the Licensee
shall notify the DEP Central District Office as required by Condition IV. D.,
Noncompliance Notification::
D. _Reporting
Notice of commencement of construction shall be s submitted to the Siting
Coordination Office and the DEP Central District Office within fifteen (15) days of
initiation. Starting three (3) months after construction commences, a quarterly
construction status report shall be submitted to the DEP Central District Office. The
report shall be a short narrative describing the progress of construction.
E. Pond Perimeter Berms
; Construction of the water storage pond perimeter berms shall be in .
conformance with the provisions of Chapter 62-672, F.A.C, regarding earthen dams,
and should be inspected regularly bya licensed engineer.
F. Wetland Vegetation
A non-disturbed area shall be maintained around the-oak hardwood
swamp area of Hart Branch for a distance of 300 feet during the construction and
operating phase of the Stanton Plant.
G. Stormwater Review.
1. - Atleast ninety days prior to the commencement of construction, the .
licensee shall provide _all_information necessary for_a complete Environmental
Resource Permit application including _the engineering drawings and supporting
documentation necessary: to_ demonstrate that: ‘the- stormwater_runoff_from the
proposed project will be tr eated and attenuated in accordance with Rules 40C-4, 40C-
41 and 40C-42,.F.A:C. The drawings and documentation shall be signed, sealed and
- dated by.a professional engineer registered in the State of Florida.
2. Prior to the commencement of construction, the Depariment shall
conduct a timely review of the submitted information and request the correction of any
errors and omissions and any additional_informnation necessary’ to “complete the
application. This shall be done in accordance with timeframes established in Chapter
120. Bo E.S. and Rule 62-4.055, F. A. Cc.
‘ 3, The‘ Department_shail_ notify the ‘licensee in writing that the -
: application i is complete upon review of all requested information and the correction of
any errors or omissions. Construction shall not begin until the Department. ‘has
provided such ‘written notifi cation,
4.” Turbidity and sediments must be controlled to prevent violations of
_ water quality pursuant to Rule 62-302.500, 62-302 .530(70) and 62-4.242 Florida
Administrative Code (FAC). Best Management Practices, as.specified in the Florida
Stormwater, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspectors Manual. shall be
installed and maintained at all locations where the possibility of transferring -
suspended solids into wetlands and/or surface waters due to the permitted activity.
site-specific conditions require additional measures, then the Applicant shall
implement them as necessary to prevent adverse impacts” to wetlands and/or
surface waters. : .
5. The existing ambient water quality within outetaning Florida Waters
_ shall not be lowered as a result of the proposed acti iuity, except as authorized by the
EDEP under 62-4.242(2) FAC.
6. - At least 90 days prior to start of construction on-Unit B a copy of the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Notice of intent (NOI) to
- usé a Construction General Permit (CGP) for stormwater discharges shall be ~~
submitted to DEP and a copy shall also be submitted to the Orange County EPD
and copied to the. Orange, County EPD NPDES Admiriigtrator,
A. Permits’
The Licensee shall apply for and obtain a revision to any Départment issued PSD
or Title V permit in accordance with Department Rules in Chapter 620-4.030, Florida
Administrative Code, before beginning construction of any planned substantial
modifications to the permitted facility. A revised permit shall’be obtained before
construction begins except as provided in the applicable portions of Chapter 62-4.030,
F.A.C. : ;
B.. Existing Units
. The ‘construction and operation: of all existing units (Units 1,2,A and auxiliary) at
the Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center (CHSEC) steam electric power plant site shall be
in accordance with all applicable provisioris of Chapter 62, Florida-Administrative Code-
including all requirements of the State of Florida State Implementation Plan and
approved Title V-permit program where applicable. The current Title V Air Operation
Permit (0950137-006-AV) i is attached as Appendix 1, and is incorporated by reference
herein as part of this Certification. In addition, the construction. and operation of the
units shall be in accardance with 40°‘CFR Part 60 and the provisions of PSD permits
FL-084 and FL-343 and of Air Construction Permits 0950137-008-AC and 0950137-
009-AC, incorporated by reference herein as part of this Certification and attached as -
Appendix 2.and 3 respectively. The provisions of ‘the Title V Air Operation Permit and
of the Air Construction Permits shall be conditions of this certification. The licensee
shall comply with the substantive provisions and limitations. set forth i in the Title V Air
- Operation Permit and the. Air Construction Permits as part of these Conditions of :
Certification, and as those provisions may be modifi ied, amended, or renewed in the
future by the Department. - Such provisions shall be. fully enforceable as conditions of
this certification. Any violation of such provisions shall be a violation of these ~
Conditions of Cértification.
Cc. New Units Unit B)
The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions.set forth in draft Permit
PSD-FL-373, [Attached as Attachment 4] and any final issuance, modification, or
amendment to such PSD permit, are incorporated by reference herein, and are binding
and enforceable Conditions of this Certification. The Licensee is subject to and shall .
comply with the terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions sét forth in
Attachment A and any final issuance modification or amendment thereto. A violation. of
the terms conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions in Appendix A is a
_ Violation of these Conditions of Certification. The Licensee is also obligated to comply:
with any air operation permit issued pursuant to Chapier 62: 213, F.A.C.
. 26
- 29
. 33°
A. The proposed transmission line from the Stanton Energy Center to the
Mud. Lake transmission line and the proposed alternate access road to the Stanton
- Energy Center from the south shall be routed as shown in the supplemental application.
Prior to construction, the licensee shall submit drawings on 8.5" by 11” paper, showing
the final design, including planviews and cross-sections for each area of filling or.
clearing in.wetlands. The drawings shall show the existing and proposed ground.
elevations and all existing and proposed structure location, sizes and invert elevations.
B. All clearing and construction.activities shall be confined to the limits. of the
clear zorie necessary for the transmission line as shown on Figures 6.1-5 and 6.1-6 of
the application drawings. Within 30 days of the completion ‘of construction, the licensee
shall arrange a site. visit by DEP District personnel from the Central District office in —
Oflando to verify that no wetland damage has occurred outside the transmission line
-* clear zone. If wetland damage occurs outside the transmission line clear zone during .
construction, the licensee shall submit to the DEP Central District Office for review a
plan to restore the wetland area which was damaged and to provide mitigation for the
“damage. The plan shall be implemented within 30 days of the Department approving
the restoration and mitigation plan. This condition does not preclude the Department
from taking enforcement action if unauthorized activities occur. , oe
Cc. _ Prior to initiating construction, the licensee shall submit a map and aerial
photographs showing the location of all staging areas for the transmission line and
alternate access road construction to the DEP's Central District Office for review and
written approval. These areas shall be upland areas-which are not currently providing
red-cockaded woodpecker nesting or foraging habitat. The Staging areas shall not’be
used prior to receiving DEP approval. soe uo .
D. | Drainage structures shall be placed in thé transmission line ROW and .
under the alternate access road-at.thesame locations where drainage structures
currently exist under the CSX Railroad berm, The drainage structures shall provide at
least the same efficiency as the corresponding drainage structure currently existing in
the CSX Railroad berm. 7 ; . me
. EL The forested areas to be cleared shall be cleared using low-impact ;
equipment so as to minimize soil disturbance. The rootmats and tree stumps shall be -
left in place to provide soil stabilization. : a .
F. During construction, best management practices, including but not limited
to-staked hay bales and filter cloth, shall be utilized to control erosion and turbidity. All
side slopes shall be seeded and mulched within 72 hours of the final grading.
G. Construction of the transmission line and altemnaté access road will result
in the filling of 4.12 ac. of the herbaceous wetlands the permanent clearing of 13.19 ac.
of forested wetlands. The licensee shall provide mitigation to offset. the wetland loss
and habitat degradation resulting from the construction of this project. Prior to
construction, the licensee shall propose a mitigation plan and shall provide the following
information to the DEP Central District Office to allow the Department to review the
proposed. mitigation plan:
a1. detailed description of each wetland impact area;
te 2.. acreage of the type and quality of wetland being impacted at each
site; ooo : . . :
3. narrative, drawings and aerial photographis showing and explaining
the proposed mitigation;
“AL detailed description of the existing conditions-at the mitigation area:
5. acreage of the proposed mitigation by mitigation and wetland type;
6, - documentation providing reasonable assurance that the proposed
mitigation will be successful.
. If the mitigation ‘submittal i is, deemed by the Department to provide
insufficient information for review, additional information requested by the Department
shall-be submitted. Upon receiving complete information, the Department will assess |
.the mitigation plan within 90 days. .
lf the Department, upon review. of the proposed mitigation, ;
determines that the proposed mitigation is inadequate to offset the wetland loss and
- habitat degradation from this project, the licensee shall propose. additional mitigation.
H. Combined Cycle Unit A ‘Transmission Line
1. Within 90 days after receiving certifi cation, the Licensee shall meet,
“with the DEP- Céntral District Office and Orange County to-discuss alternative routes for
the on-site transmission line from Unit'A to the Stanton Energy Center Substation with
the intent to minimize impacts on the cypress dome in Wetland 3.
2. Once the final route has been established for the transmission line
the applicant/licensee shall proposed mitigation to offset the proposed wetland impacts,
. 3. Prior to construction of work authorized by this certifi cation, the.
licensee shall provide written notification of the date of commencement of construction
to the Central District Office of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
331 9 Maguire Boulevard; Suite 232, Orlando, FL 32803-3767.
_ 4. Turbidity controls’shall be utilized around the entire work area. The
turbidity controls shall be maintained throughout the duration of the project, and shall be
effective in preventing soil from the fill pad from eroding into the adjacent wetlands and
conservation easement. . ; se . . . ;
. 5. Within 30 days, of completion of work authorized by this .
’ certification; the licensee shall provide written notification of the date.of completion of
construction to the Central District Office of the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection, 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232, Orlando, FL 32803-3767. :
a 6. The limits ‘of construction within the wetlands shall be delineated by
a continuous plastic flagging tape and. with a turbidity barrier/control. The licensee shall-
bear the responsibility of notifying all construction workers that the flagging and barriers
represent the limits of all construction activities: The licensee shall bear the
responsibility of keeping all construction workers and equipment out of the wetland or
- gurface water areas, which has not been permitted for impacts.
7 . There shall be no storage or Stockpiling of tools or materials within
. the wetlands..- Lo mT , : . .
8. lf any damage occurs to wetlands or surface waters as a result of
any construction activities, the licensee shall be required to restore the wetland area(s) -
of surface waters by regrading the damaged areas back to the natural preconstruction
elevations and planting vegetation of the size, densities and species that exist in the
adjacent areas pursuant to a consent order. Thie restoration shall be completed within
30 days of completion of the construction and shall be done to.the satisfaction of the
Department. - .
we 9. All material. used as fill shalt be clean material and shall not be
- contaminated with vegetation, garbage, trash, tires, hazardous,.toxic waste or other
_ materials that are not suitable for road construction within waters of the State as so.
determined by the Department. . sO
: 10. The fill and associated side slopes (for example for the key-hole
pads). that will be placed in wetlands on the property shall be stabilized with sod
immediately (within 48 hours) following completion of the placement and compaction of
the fill material. . — a . oo . .
|. ‘°° The project shall comply with applicable state water quality standards,
including: . Lo. , ,
4.. 62-302.500 - minimum Griteria for all surface waters at all places -
and at all times, wees . na
2. .62-302.500 - Surface waters: general criteria, :
3. 62-302,400 - Class Ill Waters - Recreation, Propagation and
. maintenance of a-healthy, well balanced population of Fish and Wildlife, and
4, ‘62-302.530(70) - Turbidity shall not ‘exceed 29 Nephelometis
Turbielty Units above background. ;
J. Dredging and filling in association with the installation of the natural. ‘gas or or
’ water pipelines shall be limited that only that necessary to install the pipeline.
, 1.- All disturbed areas shall be restored to their pre-existing ground
‘surface conditions and elevations.
2. Construction techniques necessary for the installation of the gas
- pipeline, including. transport and placement of material shall not disturb ‘adjacent
wetlands or surface waters and’shall not adversely affect water quality.
3. During construction and while conducting normal maintenance |
activities, the applicant/licensee shall eradicate all Brazilian pepper, Australian pine and
Melaleuca trees from the wetland portions ‘of the right-of eway.
K. The applicants shall diligently and in good faith pursue an agreement with
Orange County to obtain surface water from the adjacent Orange.County Landfill _
‘property for useat the Stanton Energy Center Facility. The route for any necessary
. pipeline shall avoid and minimize wetland and surface water impacts to the extent
practicable, The proposed construction and clearing shall be coordinated with the DEP -
in accordance with Condition V and shall be conducted in a manner r that does not
adversely affect threatened’ or endangered, species. :
L. The surface water management system for Units A and B will consist of
. modifications to an existing wet detention system. The control structure will be modified as
necessary to meet final design calculations for Unit B submitted pursuant to Condition
VII.N below or otherwise to incorporate a 5" circular orifice with an invert of 75.20 feet
NGVD anda rectangular weir with invert elevation of 76.80 feet NGVD.
M. Before any offsite discharge from the stormwater management system .
occurs, the detention storage must be excavated to rough grade prior to building
construction or placement -of i impervious surface within the area served by those systems.
1. Adequate measures must be taken to prevent siltation of these.
- treatment systems and control structures during construction’ or siitation must be removed
prior to final grading and stabilization.
2. ; The location of at least one banch mark (and it corresponding
elevation) per stormwater pond should be placed in the vicinity of each inlet or outlet
structure and will be clearly shown on the as-built’ plans provided tothe Department.
N.__Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Unit B
= 1 At least ninety days -prior to the commencement_of construction,
‘provide _all_ information necessary for a complete Environmental Resource “Permit
application . including the engineering drawings and supporting documentation
necessary fo demonstrate that the stormwater runoff from the proposed project will
- be treated and attenuated in accordance with Rules. 40C-4, 40C-41 and 40C-42,
FA.C._ The drawings and documentation shall be signed, sealed and dated by a
professional engineer. registered-in-the State of Florida. _ , :
2 ‘Prior to the commencement of construction, the Department_shail
conduct a timely review of the submitted information and request the correction of .
any’ errors and omissions and any additional information necessary to complete the
application. This shall be done in accordance with timieframes established in Chapter
errors_or_ omissions.‘ “1
provided such written notification.
The associated iransmission fines shall comply with the requirements of Ch, 62-
814, FAC. ° . an oo .
A. | Makeup Water Constituency —
_ The CHSEC shail utilize treated’ sewage effluent, treated wastewater,
onsite re-use water, landfill stormwaterlleachate, stormwater runoff, or direct’
precipitation to the makeup water supply storage pond, as cooling tower makeup water.
- The effluent shall have received prior to use in thé tower sufficient treatment from the
-source of cooling water, “a sewage treatment plant”, but as a minimum, ‘secondary
treatment, as well as-treatment described in Condition 1X.B. below. Use of.waters other
than treated sewage effluent, or storm water, i.e., higher quality potable waters, or lower
quality less-than-secondarily-treated sewage effluent, will require a modification of
_ conditions pursuant to condition IV.N.3. .
’ B. Chlorination
; Treated sewage effluent used as cooling water makeup shall be treated-to
maintain a 1.0 mgjlitér free chlorine residual for a 15 minute contact time, or alternately
* 56
a demonstration that a viral concentration of less than one PFU per 25 gallons can. be
achieved at lower levels of chlorination. Chlorine levels shall be mortitored continuously
at ihe sewage treatment plants.
Cc. Special Studies
Upon satisfactory demonstration to the Department that the number of
viruses entering the towers in the can be reduced to an undetectable .
. level with the use of a lesser amount of chlorination or alternative treatment, the above -
requirement may be altered. This demonstration may occur through performance of :
special studies approved by the Department. Alteration of the-chlorination requirements -
‘must still insure adequate treatment for the control of bacteria or viruses in 1 the cooling
water. : .
A Surface Waters
Any discharges from the site storage ponds or wastewater treatment
system via any emergency overflow structure which result from any event LESS than a
25 year, 24 hour storm (as defined by the U.S. Weather Bureau Technical‘Paper No.
40, or the DOT drainage manual, or similar documents) shall méet State Water Quality
Standards, Chapter 62-302, F.A. Cc.
. B. Compliance
Any discharges into any Waters of the State during construction and operation of
CHSEC Unit 1 shall be in accordance with all applicable provisions of Chapter 62-302;
F.A.C., and 40 CFR, Part 423, Effluent Guidelines and Standards for Stream Electric
; Power Generating Point Source Category, except as provided herein.
C. _ Plant Effluents and Receiving Body of Water .
For discharges made from the Power plant t the following conditions shall
1. Receiving Body of Water (RBW)
The receiving body of water has been-determined by the
Department to be those waters of the Hart Branch, Cowpen Branch, or any other waters
affected which are considered to be waters of the State. within the definition of Ghapter
403, Florida Statutes. ;
2... Point of Discharge. . O.D.)
‘The point of discharge. has been determined by the Department to
be where the effluent physically enters the waters of the State in’ Hart Branch or
Cowpen Branch.
3. Chemical Wastes.
. All discharges of low volume wastes (demineralizer, regeneration,
floor drainage, lab drains, FGD blowdown and similar wastes) and metal cleaning
wastes shall comply with Chapter 62-302. If violations of Chapter 62-302 occur,
_ corrective action shall be taken. Thése wastewater shall be directed to an adequately
; sized and constructed treatment and detention facility. ° .
During periods when, treated wastewater does | not comply with pH
discharge limitations, the treated wastewater may be fecycled to the recycle basin, -
except when the recycle pond has insufficient capacity to retain the recycled wastewater °
and the runoff from a rainfall event equai to or less than a 25 year-24 hour storm.
4. 0 Coal Pile
. , Coal pile runoff shall be directed to the recycle basin and shall not -
be ‘directly discharged to surface waters, except that discharge of stormwater runoff
from the coal pile is allowed only during periods of high rainfall i in excess of the 25 year-
24 hour storm.
5. pH
. The pH of the combined discharges shall be such that the PH will |
fall within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.
6. . Polychlorinated Biphenyl Compounds
os . . There shall be ho net discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl |
compounds. ~ . ,
7. Metal Cleaning and Bottom Ash Sluice System Blowdown
Blowdown from the metal cleaning wastes and from the bottom ash
‘sluice system shall be treated as appropriate prior to reuse and retention.
8. Solid Waste and Limestone Storage Areas
. _ There shall be no direct discharge of stormwater runoff to surface
waters from the solid waste and limestone storage areas priorto treatment.
9. Storm Water Runoff
a During.plant operation, necessary measures shall be used to settle,
filter, treat or absorb silt-containing or pollutant-laden stormwater runoff to limit the
_ suspended solids to 50mg/1 or.less at the POD during rainfall periods less than the 25
: year, 24 hour rainfall, and to prevent an increase in turbidity of more than 29°
Nephelometric Turbidity Units above background in waters of the State.
: Control measures shall consist at the minimum of filters, sediment
traps, barriers, berms or vegetative. planting. Exposed or disturbed soil shall be
” “protected as saon as possible to minimize silt- and sediment-laden runoff. The PH shall
be kept within the-range of 6.0to8.5 atthe POD. °° ©° =, :
D. Water Monitoring Program
‘The licensee shall monitor and report to the Department the listed
parameters on the basis ‘specified herein. The methods and procedures utilized. shall
recéive written.approval by the Department. The monitoring program may be reviewed
’ annually by the Department, and a determination may be made as to the necessity.and
extent of continuation, and may be modified in accordance with Condition No. 1V.N.
4: Chemical Monitoring
_ The following parameters shall be monitored during operation as -
shown, commenicing with. the start of commercial operation of CHSEC and reported
quarterly to the Department's Central District Office: ee : vs
Parameter | Location. . Sample Type.
Frequency |.
Flow, Wellfield Pipeline Pump Logs Continuous
groundwater . . = - : a
Flow, Cooling Intake Pump Logs Daily
| Water. Makeu .
TSS Sewage and Treatment - | 8 Hour Composite Monthly
"| Facili
| Chlorine CHSES Sewage | Grab _ | Weekly: ;
Treatment Plant
‘The following parameters shall be monitored quarterly at any on- ~
site generated wastewater discharge pipe into the makeup water storage supply pond
DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT form or monitored i in appropriate groundwater
monitoring wells.
Arsenic ; 7 . Radioactive Substances:
Barium Gross Alpha:
Cadmium . Combined Ra?5 and Ra?28
‘Chromium Selenium
Fluorides —-= . Silver
Lead . , 2,4,-D
Mercury. - 0 * .2.4,5,-TP -
Methoxychlor an . Toxaphene
Nitrate Benzene ,
Chlordane 1, 1 dichloroethylene
bis- ( 2-Chloroethyl)- ether ; 1,1,1 trichloreethane
1,2 diphenylhydraxine = ‘Vinyl Chloride -
_Dichloromethane ~~ . _ . . Trichloroethylene
Tetrachloroethylene : ‘Chloroform
1,2 dichloroethane
“2.0 Groundwater Monitoring
“The groundwater levels shall be monitored continuously at selected
wells: ‘as approved by the Department and the St. Johns River Water Management
District.. Chemical analyses shall be made on samples from ail monitored wells
identified in Condition XI.E.-below. The location, frequency, and selected chernical
analyses shall be given in condition XI.E.
The groundwater monitoring program shall be implemented at least”
one year prior to operation of CHSEC Unit 1.and shall be in conformance to DEP Rules
62-520 and 62-522, F.A.C. The chemical analyses shall be in accord with the latest
edition of Standards Methods for ‘the Analysis of Water and Wastewater. ‘The data shall
. 60
be submitted within 30 days of collection/ analysis to the St. Johns River Water
Management District, and the DEP- Central District Office. ©
Conductivity shall be monitored I in wells around all lined solid: waste
disposal sites, coal piles, and wastewater treatment and sedimentation ponds.
3. __ Surface Water Monitoring |
. : The surface waters leaving the CHSEC shall be thonttored monthly
when flowing at on site locations as approved by the Department, the St. Johns River ~
Water Management District and the Orange County Pollution Control Department. The
locations shall include Hart Branch and Cowpen Branch which may contain leachate,
surface drainage or other surface water discharges.
The surface water monitoring programs shall be implemented at
laste one year prior to operation of CHSEC Unit 1. Monthly data shall be submitted
within 30 days of collection/analysis to.the Department, the St. Johns River Water
Management District and the Orange County Environmental-Protection Department.
The chemical analyses shall be in accord with the latest edition of Standards Methods
for the Analysis of Water and Wastewater and shall include at least the following
chemical water quality parameters. . .
Conductance -
Sulfate |
A. General “
The use of groundwater from the wellfield for plant service 5 water for CHSEC shall _
be minimized to the greatest extent practicable, but in no case shall withdrawals exceed
2,00 million. gallons per day from the Floridan aquifer, nor r shall maximum annua!
- withdrawals exceed 321.20 million gallons.
B. Pump Test Program and Well Field Construction |
60 days pitor: to construction of the wellfi eld the applicant shall ‘submit final
_ wellfield. construction plans to.the SJRWMD for approval. A pump tést program shall be
performed to obtain aquifer parameters necessary for proper wellfield planning and
construction. The proposed test program shall be submitted with the wellfield
.construction plans so that the SJRWMD in conjunction with the DEP can approve the
adequacy of the program. The utilization of the test well as a production well is
allowable provided the well is constructed to the standards provided in 40C-3, Part Il,
Construction plans shall incorporate the appropriate aquifer parameters
determined in the pump test program. The applicant shall submit all well logs and
locate, design and construct all wells in accordance with 40C-3, F.A.C.
ome ' Water Use Restriction
. - Groundwater is restricted to uses other than cooling water make up. Any
changes in the use of said water will require a modification of this condition. «
D. Monitoring and Reporting
ouc shall, within the time limits hereinafter set forth, complete the
following items.
4.” The applicant shall install a flow meter for the production wellfield the inlet to the plant service water pretreatment system. The applicant will
’ maintain pump logs for operation of each production well in compliance with SJRWMD
specifications. The pump logs will show the rating of each pump and record the length
of time each pump is used. Well pumps will be calibrated on a yearly | basis, and the
calibration certificate shall be submitted tb SJ RWMD.
. "2. ouc shall submit to SJRWMD,’ on forms available from: the District,
a record of pumpage for each log used in D.1 above. Said pumpage shall provide on
-monthly basis, and shall be submitted by April 15, July 15, October 15 and yanuary 15, |
for each preceding calendar quarter.
3. - OUC shall mairitain and operate a continuous water level;. ‘recorder
on either the standby, production well or a specially constructed observation weil located
at the Stanton site in Orange County, Florida. Detailed hydrographs of water level
fluctuations shall be constructed with the data collected from the water level recorder
and shall be submitted to SJRWMD by April 15, July 145, October 15, and January 15 for
_ each preceding calendar quarter for the year prior to operation and the year after the
initiation of operation. From the second year of.operation on, water levels shall’ be
: reported twice a year (May and September).
4, Water quality analysis shall be performed 0 on water withdrawn from
each production wellfield pipeline at the inlet to. the plant service water pretreatment .
system. The water samples collected shall be collected after the well field-has been
pumping for-at. least 30 minutes, The water quality analysis shall be performed
quarterly during the year operation, monthly during the first year of operation,
quarterly during the second year and twice each year (May and September) thereafter.
Results shall be the SJRWMD within 45 days after such analyses were
-performed. !f SJRWMD, DEP, or the applicant determines there is a significant change -
fn-water quality, then the applicant shall sample each individual well. The following
parameters shall be analyzed: ” . ; .
Calcium: . - Magnesium Sodium
_ Potassium ’ Bicarbonate. Sulfate. ; ,
Chloride - . (Nitrate .. - Total Dissolved Solids .
Hardness: ; Color Total Phosphate. a
Gross Alpha. Fe, Ag, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Se, Cr, As, Be, Hg, Pb, Mn, Al, Ba, Mo,
. V, Co, SO3 vo Se coe
Specific -
Conductance .
All chemical analyses shall be performed in accordance with the
latest edition of Standard Methods for the Analysis of Water and Waste-Water. The
_ staff of the SJRWMD may adjust the parameters and intervals to be analyzed in ~
accordance with hydrologic conditions determined by well logs and operating records.
’ 5, Inthe event SJRWMD determines there is a sufficient change
quality (substantially caused by CHSEC and causing a potentially significant effect‘on
water use), the Department may propose pursuant to Section 403.516, F.S., that the
licensee be required to reduce or cease withdrawal from these groundwater sources
and/or that additional parameters be monitored. — o oR
E. ‘Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Wells
.. After consultation with the DEP and SJRWMD, OUC shall install a
monitoring well network to adequately monitor. groundwater quality horizontally and
vertically from the ground to the bottom of the Hawthorne Formation. Groundwater,
levels and flow-directions will be determined twice a year (May and September) at the
site through the preparation of seasonal piezometric contour maps. From thesé:maps,
the water quality monitoring well network will be located. Monitoring well locations and
designs shall be submitted to the Department and SJRWMD for review and approval.
Approval or disapproval of the locations and design shall be granted within 60 days.
-Monitoring wells of adequate design and number shall be installed up gradient and
down gradient from each solid waste disposal area, each liquid waste pond and each
coal pile storage area. An additional monitoring well will be placed immediately down
gradient of the first section of each solid waste landfill to be utilized. The water samples
collected from each of the nionitor wells shall be collected immediately after removal by
pumping of a quantity of water equal to two casing volumes: The water quality analyses
shall be performed monthly during the year prior to commercial operation and quarterly
thereafter. Results shall be submitted to the Department and the SJRWMD by the
fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month during which such analyses were
performed. Testing for the following constituents | is required:
TDS Zinc
Conductance Copper
PH | Nickel,
- Sulfate : Selenium
Color c Arsenic
Nitrate. — : Beryllium
Chloride - ; Mercury
‘Tron ‘ Lead .
Aluminum * ’ Gross Alpha, Ras (when Gross-
Lo, - Alpha activity exceed 15 pCi/4
Cadmium Total Phosphate
Silver : Calcium
_'Manganese . Magnesium,
’ ‘Barium Potassium
Molybdenum Sodium
Conductivity shall be monitored in wells around all lined ponds.
F. ° Leachate
4. Zone of Discharge
; Leachate from the. combustion waste landfills, coal storage’ piles,
wastewater ponds, or storage ponds shall not contaminate waters of the State .
(including both surface and groundwater) in excess of the limitations of Chapter 62-302,
or the Primary and Secondary Drinking Water parameters included in Chapter 62-550,
F.A.C., beyond the boundary of separate and individual zones of. discharge extending
50 feet below the ground surface and 100 feet from the edge of each individual pile or
pond, except as provided in Condition XXII: The zone of discharge is defined in
. chapter ¢ 62-520., F.A.C.
72. Corrective Action . °
When the groundwater monitoring system shows a violation of the
groundwater quality standards of Chapter 62-550, F.A.C., from this facility the-
appropriate. ponds, combustion waste landfill, or coal pile’ shall be bottom sealed,
relocated, fixed or the operation of the affected facility shall be altered in such a manner
-_ as to assure the Department that no violation of the groundwater standards will occur
_ beyGnd the boundary of the zone of discharge. In addition, contaminated leachates
- shall be removed from ground waters. ;
G. Construction Dewatering Effluent
Construction dewatering effluent shall be treated when-appropriate to limit
surface water.discharges of suspended solids to no more than 50 mg/. The discharge
of construction dewatering liquids shall not cause turbidity in excess of 29 -
Nephelometric Turbidity Units above ambient beyond a 20 meter radius from the point
.of discharge. Weekly grab samples will-be collected and analyzed for suspended
solids. . :
A program for controlling the groundwater impacts of construction
‘ dewatering shall be submitted to the Department and the SJ RWMD for review and |
_ approval prior to implementation. th, | co ,
_ Solid wastes resulting from construction or operation shall be disposed of in
accordance with the applicable regulations of Chapter 62-701, F.A.C.: The licensee _
shall submit a program for approval outlining the methods -to be used in handling and .
disposal of solid wastes. Such a program shall indicate at the least methods far erosion’
control, covering, vegetation, and quality control. ° . : : :
; _ Open burning in ‘connection with land clearing shall accordance with ~
Chapters 62-256 arid 51-2, F.A.C. No additional permits shall be required, but the
Orange County Pollution Contro!‘Department shall be notified prior to burning. Open
_ burning shail not occur if the Division of Forestry has issued a ban on burning due to fire
hazard conditions. “
: The potable water supply system shall be designed and operated in conformance
with Chapter 62-555, F.A.C. Information’as required in 62-4 and 62-555, F.A.C. shall
be'submitted to the Department prior to construction and operation. The operator of the
potable water supply system shall be certified in accordance with Chapters 62- |
- §55.35062-602.400, and 62-699, F.A.C. . ae
“The foundations for transformers, capacitors, and switching gear necessary to
-" connect any CHSEC Unit to existing transmission and distribution system shall be ~ |
constructed in such a manner as to allow complete collection and recovery of any spills
or leakage of oily, toxic, or hazardous substances. .
A. ‘No construction on sovereign submerged lands shall commence without
obtaining |ease, easement or title from the Department and/or Trustees of the Internal
Improvement Trust Fund.
'B. Construction of pilings, railroad right-of-way, culverts, access roads, .
pipelines, and transmission towers shall be done in a manner to minimize turbidity.
Turbidity screens stiould be used to prevent turbidity in excess of 29 NTU's above
background beyond 40 meters fram the excavation, right-of-way, pile driving, or
construction site. - : 7
All spoil from construction of the CHSEC and related facilities shall be
trucked to an upland disposal site of sufficient capacity to retain all material.
A. Construction :
: 1: The proposed Alafaya Trail Extension shall be routed as shown
‘in Attachment A to these Conditions of Certification. Prior to construction of any of the
projects referenced above, the licensee shall submit drawings on 8:5" by 11" paper,
‘Showing the final design, including plan views and cross-sections for each area of filling
or clearing in wetlands. The drawings shall show the existing and proposed ground:
elevations and all-existing and proposed structure location, sizes and invert elevations. -
. 2. For the Alafaya Trail Extension, all work shall be confined to the
road right-of-way (which term is deemed:to include the stormwater ponds numbers 1
through 6 and the pond 4 outfall structure as shown in Attachment B to these Conditions
of Certification and the combustion waste storage relocation area. Within 30 days of the
“ completion of construction, the licensee shall arrange’a site visit by DEP District
personnel from the Central District office in Orlando to verify that no wetland damage
‘has occurred outside the transmission line clear zone or the road right-of-way. If.
wetland damage occurs outside the transmission line clear zone or the road right-of-way
. during construction, the licensee shall submit to the Central District office in Orlando for _
review a plan to restore thé wetland area which was damaged and to provide mitigation
for the damage. The-plan shall be implemented within 30 days of the Department
approving the restoration and mitigation plan. This condition does not preclude the
Department from taking’ enforcement action if unauthorized activities occur.
- 3. Prior to initiating construction, the licensee shall submit a map
and aerial photographs showing the location of all staging areas for the Alafaya Trail
Extension, transmission line and alternate access road construction to the Bureau of
Wetland Resource Management for review and written approval. These areas:shall be
upland areas which are not currently providing red-cockaded woodpecker nesting or
foraging habitat. The staging areas shall not be used prior to receiving DEP approval.
. oo 4, The final two lanes of the proposed four-lane Alafaya Trail .
Extension are approved conceptually, although detailed plans for these two lanes must
be submitted to the agencies for review pursuant to the conditions of céttification. The
conceptual approval is contingent on the road design being acceptable and acceptable ©
mitigation being proposed. to offset the impacts of the final two lanes. The mitigation for
the final two lanes shall provide benefits for RCW habitat in east Orange County and
RHPZ and wetland habitat of the Econlockhatchee River. The mitigation plan shall -
-contain the information listed in Condition C of this sectionand shall be.submitted to the
Department, SJRWMD and the FFWCC for review. Construction of the final two lanes
shall not be initiated until the road design and a mitigation plan has been approved.
~ B: “Stormwater Management.And Erosion Control For The Alafaya Trail
Extension | . a
“4. For the portion of the Alafaya Trail Extension that parallels the
railroad berm, drainage structures shall be placed under the road at the same location .
where drainage structures currently exist.under the CSX Railroad berm. . The drainage
structures shall provide at least the same efficiency as the corresponding drainage |
structure currently existing in the CSX Railroad berm. | . .
: 2. Within 30 days after cornpletion of the stormwater management
system, OUC must submit to the SJRWMD Form EN-45 (As Built Certifi¢ation Bya
Registered Professicnal); signed and sealed by an appropriate professional registered
in the State of Florida, and two sets of "As Built" drawings if: (a) the professional uses
"As Built" drawings to support the As Built Certification, of (b) the conipleted system
substantially differs from permitted plans. . : : . .
; 3. One year after completion of the stormwater management
system, and every two years thereafter, OUC, its successors, or assigns shall submit
inspection reports to the SJRWMD on SURWMD Form EN-46. The inspection form -
must be signed and-sealed by an appropriate, registered professional, 7
“ 2 4, All wetland areas or water bodies that are outside of the specific
" limits of construction authorized by this certification must be protected from erosion,
siltation, scouring or excess turbidity, and dewatering. Lo
. . 5, OUC must construct and maintain a permanent protective’
vegetative and/or artificial cover for erosion and-sediment control on all land surfaces
exposed or disturbed by construction or alteration of the certified project. This
protective cover must be installed within foutteén (14) days after final grading of the
_ affected jand surfaces. A permanent vegetative cover must be established within 60 _
days.after planting or installation. OUC must maintain cover on adjacent ground
surfaces which may be impacted by construction activities until the SJRWMD receives
the P.E. certifi cation Mat the project i is constructed according to the permitted plans.
6. Prior to beginning construction, QUC shail submit. to the
SJRWMD plans, data analyses, and other similar information demonstrating that the
construction of the roadway and associated stormwater management facilities meet
SJRWMD's criteria and requirements with. regard to water quality and water quantity
impacts. ;
C. _ Mitigation Criteria For The Alafaya: Trail Extension
1. -The proposed mitigation plan submitted to SJIRWMD by OUC
for the Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center, Unit 2, dated June 21, 1991, July 20, 1991;
September 11,1991, September 18, 1991, and September 19, 1991 and the proposed
mitigation plan submitted to SURWMD for the Alafaya Trail Extension dated October 5,
1992, and subsequently modified on May 5, 1993, which is attached hereto, are
incorporated as a condition of this certification except where specifically ‘ Superseded ‘by
certifi cation conditions.
2, Mitigation for the impacts. of the first two lanes of the proposed :
four-lane road shall ber accomplished through t the’ implementation of one of the following
two options:
a: The'37. 31 ac. wetland creation and upland enhancernent
plan proposed i in the original October 5, 1992, Request to Modify the ‘cettification and
’ subsequently modified in a May 5, 1993, submittal to SJRWMD, which is attached
hereto. | .
b. Lipon approval by ACOE, USFWS, EPA, and SJURWMD
the 37. 31 ac. mitigation area shall bé placed under a conservation easement to the
’ Department and $430,000, shall be contributed toward the purchase of lands deemed
acceptable:for mitigation by SJRWMD with an effort towards locating such mitigation
“parcel(s) within. Orangé County, if feasible. The land purchased with the money would
be conveyed to SJRWMD. This option may be.exercised up to 30 days priortothe .
“commencement of construction of the roadway...
: 3. ° If mitigation is. performed pursuant to the proposed 37.31 acre.
’- wetland creation and adjacent upland enhancement plan submitted to SJRWMD for the
Alafaya Trail Extension dated October.5, 1992, and subsequently modified on May 5,"
1993, which | is attached hereto, the following. conditions. shall apply to thése areas: |
4. OUC must submit to the Department and SJRWMD two copies .
of an as-built survey of the wetland creation and. upland enhancement areas certified by
‘a registered surveyor or professional engineer showing dimension, grades, ground
elevations, ‘and water surface slevations. This as-built survey must be submitted with
the first monitoring head :
5. Within the wetland creation areas, non- -native vegetation,
cattails (Typha spp.) and primrose willow (Ludwigia peruviana), must be controlled by
hand clearing or other methods approved in writing by the Department. and SJRWMD so
that they constitute no more than 10% of the areal cover in each stratum at any time.
6. - The wetland création and upland enhancement areas’ must be
planted prior to use of the infrastructure for its intended purpose.
7 _ Within 30 days: of any monitoring event that indicates 50% or
greater mortality of planted wetland and upland species in any stratum within the
mitigation area, OUG must submit a remediation plan to the Department, SSRWMD and
FFWCC for review. The plan shall not be implemented until written approval h has been
issued by the Siting Coordination Office.
. 8, QUC must furnish the Department SJRWND, and EFWcc two
copies of monitoring reports for the wetland creation and upland enhancement area
describing: .
oo a. Percent survival and recorded growth via established
parameters for planted trées and shrubs; .
‘b. =. Percent cover for all species within eacti stratum; "
C. Total percent cover of herbaceous species;
d. Ground and surface water monitoring data including:
(1) ‘Surface water elevation N.G.V.D., or
if surface water | is not present, ground water elevation referenced to N. G V.D.;
(2). Location: of staff gauges and piazometers; and,
(3) Date and time of measurements.
‘e. Observations of wildlife utilizations;
.. of Panoramic photographs of the mitigation site taken from
approved permanent stations; . ; .
, g. A description of any problems encountered, including
removal of any non-target species, replacement and maintenance dates, and solutions;
; - ‘he Any sniceted work for the successive six month period
following each.assessment. . © ee . ; ;
The data must be collected and submitted semi-annually, once
during the. wet season ‘(August - September) and once during the dry season (Maich -
April) until the created and enhanced areas achieve the success criteria.
9. Successful establishment of the planted vegetation i in the
wetland creation and upland enhancement areas will have occurred when:
a. At least 80 percent of the planted individuals in each
stratum have.survived and are showing signs of normal annual growth for three -
consecutive years, based upon standard growth. parameters such as height and base
diameter, or canopy circumference; .
.b. At least 80 percent cover by appropriate wetland
herbaceous species in the wetland creation area has been obtained; and,
c.° The above criteria have been achieved. by the end of a’
five (5) year period following initial planting.
10.. If successful establishment has not occurred as stated above, or
is unlikely based: upon the monitoring reports or trends, OUC must; within 30 days,
submit a-mitigation correction plan to the Department, SJRWMD, and FFWCC. The
mitigation correction plan must include a narrative describing the type and causes of
failure and contain a complete set of plans for the redesign and/or replacement planting .
of the wetland creation or upland enhancement areas so that success criteria will be
achieved. Within 30 days of approval of the-mitigation correction plan by the Siting
Coordination Office, OUC must implement the redesign and/or the replacement
planting. Following completion of such work, success criteria as stated above or as
modified by the mitigation correction plan must again be achieved. In addition, the
monitoring required by these certification conditions must bé’ conducted.:
11. OUC must plant herbaceous wetland species; approved by the
Department.and SJRWMD, to: ‘Supplement, ground cover, if natural recruitment of
desirable species does not occur in the cover stratum of the wetland creation area. If
planted, such species must achieve 80 percent coverage after a three year period.
12. Irrigation-and fertilization of the wetland creation or upland
enhancement areas may occur in the first year after initial planting in accordance with
Rule 40C-21, FAC. .
13.. The use of non-native grasses, or the. placement of sod, in the
wetland creation or upland enhancement areas is specifi ically prohibited.
14, ~ Within 30.days of completion of initial planting, OUC must
submit to the Department, SJRVWMD, and FFWCC for review and approval a plan
detailing the site-specific, methods to be used for monitoring the wetland-creation and -
upland enhancement areas so that.achievement of success cfiteria can be clearly.
demonstrated. The plan must include such information as the size, location, and .
‘ number of monitoring quadrants, the location and number of photographic stations, and
other pertinent factors to demonstrate achievement of success Criteria.
15. Prior to initiating any construction, OUC must record a
conservation easement in favor of the Department and SJRWMD over the wetland
- creation and upland enhancement areas prohibiting. all construction, including ‘clearing,
dredging, or filling, except that which is specifically authorized by this certification. The.
easement must contain provisions as set forth in paragraphs 1(a) - (h) of section
704.06, F.S. ; . .. : . ‘ .
.16. Within 30 days of the date of issuance of this certification and
_ prior to recording, the conservation easement language must be submitted to the
Department, SJRWMD, and FFWCC for approval. The easement shall not be recorded
until the proposed language has been approved in writing by the Siting Coordination
Office. So ; , :
. . . 17. Within 30 days of receipt of the Siting Coordination Office's
approval, OUC must provide the Department with the original recorded conservation
" easement and provide copies of the same to SJRWMD and FFWCC. The copies of the
recorded easement must show the date the consérvation easement was tecorded and °
the official records book and page number. : , :
; “18: Legal access, at least 15 feet in width, must be provided to the
wetland creation and upland enhancement areas for the Department and SJRWMD
staff and equipment. ‘ 7 .
A. _ . The proposed solid waste landfill area shall be monitored and studied
pursuant to an adequately detailed groundwater testing and monitoring program as
defined in Condition IV, D. and E. The results of this detailed groundwater testing and
monitoring program.will be used by the Department in determining whether QUC Shall
affirmatively demoristrate that Florida’ Waiter Criteria (Chapter 62-550, F. -A.C.) will not be
violated. , Se ‘
B. ° Before construction of the solid waste landfill or any expansion thereof .
commences, Karst features interfering with the hydrogeological integrity of the site in
the vicinity of the solid waste landfill shall be adequately stabilized both physically and ©
hydraulically against, respectively, collapse and unusual downward transport of '
groundwater. a .
€. - .QUC shall-select and adopt one or more of the following mitigative
measures for controlling water quality beneath the solid waste landfill:
1. . Use of an adequate chemical fixation process:on the solid wastes
to achieve a uniform layer at least 18 inches in thickness across the cell with a
permeability of 1 x-1 O0’cmisec or less. _ . .
: 2. Use of an adequate chemical fixation process on the solid wastes
to achieve solid waste permeability of 5 x 10°cm/sec or jess, The top of each .
‘completed cell shall be constructed with a Slope of 0.75% and an effort will be made to
decrease the permeability of the top layer of fixed FGD material to less-than 5 x 10%
cm/sec. mo : . .
D. Ninety days prior to operation of Unit 1, OUC shall submit a program
demonstrating how the fixed FGD waste landfill permeability will be maintained at or
below a level of 5 x 10%cm/sec, The DEP will indicate its approval or disapproval of the
program within 60 days. OUC shall implement an approved program: a
E. — OUC shall adopt in addition. all of the following mitigative measures for
further controlling water quality beneath the solid waste laridfill: ‘
: 1.. Use. of adequate ramp-slopes over combustion waste storage cells
and an adequate perimeter toe ditch and interceptor ditch system for controlling and
concentrating rain runoff within the solid waste landfill area. -
a 2. Use of adequate and systematic measures for compacting all solid
wastes as they are emplaced within the landfill. - : .
3. _- Maintenance of a.soil cover and a viable community of grasses,
‘which wouid eventually extend over the entire solid waste landfill area.
. F. Prior to the commencement of operation of solid waste disposal areas or
expansion thereof, the following shall be submitted to the Department and the St. Johns
River District Manager for review and approval consistent.with other conditions of this -
certification: . - . :
1. Plot Plan - should be drawn on a Scale not greater than 200 ft. to
the inch showing the following: . . a
. a Dimensions and legal description of’
b. Location and depth cofrected to MSL of soil borings
c. - Proposed trenching plan . .
5 qd. Cover stockpiles
e. ° Fencing or other measures to restrict access -
f. Cross sections showing both original and proposed fill
elevation : : .
; ‘g. Location, depth corrected to MSL, and construction details of
monitoring wells or ditch monitoring ‘points
2, Design Drawings and Maps - may be combined with plot plan and
‘should be drawn ona scale no greater than 200 ft to the inch showing the following:
a Topographic map with five foot contour intervals
b. _. Proposed fill areas
GC Borrow area
‘d. Access roads
e. Grades required for proper r drainage
f. Typical cross sections of disposal site including lifts; borrow
areas and drainage controls
“g. _ Special drainage devices
23. Soil map, Interpretive Guide Sheets and a report giving the
suitability of the site for such an operation.
a Operation plans to direct and control the use of the site.
5. “An indication by discussion or drawings or both of how is
designed to meet water quality standards of Chapter 62-302 and 62-550, F.A.C, at the
waste site boundary or the boundary of the zone of discharge. Adequate indications
above would include discussion of each mitigative water ‘quality control measure that
would be employed, including but not limited to: liners, chemical fixation process,
compaction, under drains and chemical treatment facilities, impermeable stay caps, soil
and-grass communities.
Based on the Department's reviews of the above, additions to or
modifications of the.overall monitoring program may be required for monitoring of runoff,
groundwaters, and surface waters which. ‘may be affected by the various land filling
The Departrrient shall indicate its approval or disapproval of the
submitted plans, drawings, maps, analyses and contingency plans within 60 days.
A. General ©
2. Placement of fill in wetland areas shall be minimized by spanning
such areas with the maximum Span.practicable. Borrow pits shall not be'located in
waters’ of the State”.
ae ‘The Department may determine that any fill-required in wetlands for
construction but not requited for maintenance Purpose shall be removed and the ground
restored to its original contotirs after transmission line, roadway or rail spur placement.
Placement and removal of any such temporary fill shall be coordinated with the DEP.
' District Office. ° - : u .
4. Where fil in wetlands is necessary for access, keyhole fills from
upland areas should be oriented as nearly parallel to surface water flow lines. as
possible. ; oo . .
5. Sufficient size and number of culverts or other structures shall be
, placed through fill causeways to maintain Substantially unimpaired sheet flow.
“6,” ‘Turbidity control measures, including but not limited-to hay bales,
turbidity curtains, sodding; mulching, and seeding, shall be employed to prevent
- Violation of water quality standards. - ; a :
7. The Rights-of-Way shall be located so as to minimize impacts in or
on streambeds such as the removal of: vegetation, to-the extent practicable. For
: 7 B. Any necessary water quality certifications which must be made to
the Corps of Engineers shall be made at the time of a finding of compliance for specific
work at specific locations. .
9. ‘Construction activities should proceed as much as practicable —
during the dry season.
_B. Other Construction Activities
1. " Maintenance roads under control of the licensee shall be planted
with native species to prevent erosion and subsequent water quality degradation where .
drainage from such roads would impact waters of the State significantly.
2. - Good environmental practices such ais described in Environmental
Criteria for Electric Transmission Systems as published by the U.S. Department of
’ Interior and the U.S, Department of Agriculture shall be followed to the extent
practicable. . Ls
3. Compliance with the most recent version of the National Electric -
Safety ( Code adopted by the Public Service Commission i is required.
4. Fences running paralle! to the transmission line which may become
‘conductive shall be grounded at appropriate intervals; fencés running perpendicular to:
the line shall be grounded at the edge of the right-of-way.
5. Field reconnaissance of rare and endangered species shall be
. performed i in order to minimize impacts on these species.
6,- " Open burning in connection with land clearing shall be in -
accordance with the applicable rules of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer .
Services. No additional permits shail be required, but tlie Orange County Pollution
Control Board shall be notified prior to burning. Open burning shalt not occur if the
Division of Forestry has. issued a, ban on burning due to fire hazard conditions.
Cc. Maintenance
1. Vegetative clearing operations for maintenance purposes to be’
_ Carried out within ‘the corridor shall follow the general standards for clearing right-of- "way:
for overhead transmission lines as referenced in Sections XIV.A.7 and XIV.B.2.
Selective clearing of vegetation i is preferred over" cléaring and grubbing or'clear cutting.
2. If chemicals or herbicides are to be used for vegetation control, the
name, type, proposed use, locations, and manner of application shall be provided to the
Department prior to their application for-assessment of compliance with applicable
regulations. ~
D.. Archaeological Sites
: Any archaeological sites discovered during construction of the
transmission lines, access roads or rail spurs shall be disturbed as little as possible and
such discovery shall. be communicated to the Department of State, Division of Historical
Resources (DHR). Potentially affected areas will be surveyed, and if a significant site is
located, the site shall be avoided, protected, or excavated as directed by DHR:
E. Road Crossing. .
_For all locations where the transmission line, the rail spur or gas pipeline
will cross State highways, the applicant will submit materials pursuant to the
Department of Transportation’s (DOT) “Utility Accommodation Guide” to DOT's district
office for review and approval. All applicable regulations pertaining to roadway
crossings by rail or transmission lines shall be complied with. Crossing of county roads
shall be coordinated with the County Engineer. . ;
‘F. - Emergency Reporting
areas or alteration of archaeological or historical resources.
G. Final Right-Of-Way Location
A map of 1:24000 scale.showing final location of the right-of-way shall be
submitted to the Department upon completion of acquisition.
H Compliance
. . Construction and maintenance shall comply with the applicable- tules and
' regulations, of the Department and those agencies specified iri 62-17.54(2)(a) and. (b),
F.A.C. te, . : . ,
|. - Construction Plans
. All proposed transmission line ROW areas, plant access roads and
railroad lines which are designed to, traverse a stream, lake, pond, canal, swamp, marsh
or other natural or artificial system which functions to store or convey water and would
_require a permit'under Chapter 40C-4 or 40C-6, F.A.C., shall have said design plans
and specifications reviewed by the SURWMD or SFWND staff. The staff shall
determine if such plans are consistent with the Site Certification Application, the
Recommended Conditions of Certification and applicable District rules. To determine.
stich consistency, information to include but not be limited to the-following items shall be
" submitted to the District 60 days prior to construction: . oe
“4. A centerline profile of existing topographic features along proposed
- access road (s). a .
_ 2. Preliminary design of proposed access road (s) with elevations
marked. . * . : . ;
3. Typical cross-section of access road {s).
4. Cross-section of each stream of creek at those points to be crossed
by access road (s) or other facilities.
5. Specifications showing size and type of water control structure
_ (pipe, culvert, efc.) to be placed within or on waters of the District, with proposed flow-
~ line elevations marked: , .
. 6. Specifications showing design capacity of all water control
structures to be employed. _ co :
. 7. Specifications showing location and type of each transmission
tower and access road (s) to be constructed within or on the waters of the District.
; ; 8. Computer rates of flow for streams or water courses before and
- _ after construction during a one hundred (100) year flood. ar
; 9. ‘Any other information needed by OUC to show compliance with .
standards in Rule 40C-4 and 40C-6, Florida Administrative Code.
The plant and associated facilities shall be constructed in such a. manner as to.
comply with the Orange County flood protection requirements. a
. Modifications to the railroad spur liné presented in the Site
Certification. Application would require that the modifications be reviewed by the South
‘Florida Water Management District's staff for concurrence, and approved by the
Secretary. , . “ ..
. +A.» Implementation.OF Red Cockaded:-Woodpecker Management Plan
The management plan for the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, as described in
‘XXI.D. below, shall be implemented for the life of the facility. The monitoring program -
shall be extended to cover the first five years of plant operation unless the Florida Fish
‘and Wildlife Conservation Commission should recommend a termination of the
monitoring program. : : A
B. © Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Management Area Identification
. Alllands depicted in-the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Management
Plan, Figure 4-2, except for the area specifically identified as “construction impact of
proposed generating Units 1, 2, 3; and 4" constitute the red-cockaded woodpecker
management area‘subject to the Management Plan,
. C. Use And Limitations Of The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Management °
Area ; , oo. .
; With regard to the red-cockaded ‘woodpecker management area, in.
addition to Condition XXL.B., above: Lo : :
‘1... OUC may conduct activities within the-red-cockaded_ ;
woodpecker management area which are provided for in the Siting Board's certification ~
‘ - orders for Units 1 and 2, including without limitation the execution of habitat restoration,
enharicement, and creation required as mitigation.
2.. .QUC may conduct management, including maintenance in their
existing configuration and condition, of existing unpaved private roads utilized‘by ‘OUC, ©
maintenance of existing water and sewer lines, of existing transmission lines and
substation, and other maintenance and management activities which are consistent with:
its purposes, within the red-cockaded woodpecker management area.
; 3. | OUC shall take appropriate action to ‘manage the red-cockaded ~
woodpecker management area to achieve thé purposes required by Condition XXI.B.,
above, with regard to the red-cockaded woddpecker, and in.general to preserve the
natural conditions of the area, including other protected species of native wildlife,
vegetation, wetlands, and particularly the tributaries and headwaters of the
Econlockhatchee River. OUC may act to implement the red-cockaded woodpecker
management plan, to monitor its effectiveness, and to react to fire, flood, or other
.unforeseeable natural or manmade disturbances. Any reports generated by OUC
conceming activities within or management of the red-cockaded woodpecker
management area-shall be provided to the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish
Commission. --. S ot
. 4, -OUC:shall allow only those activities of others within the red- -
. cockaded woodpecker management area which are consistent with its management in .
a natural state. Such activities shall be limited to environmental restoration, scientific
research, habitat management (such as controlled burning) and nature study. ;
: 5. Unless specifically authorized by an order of the Siting Board,
dredging, filling, construction of buildings, road-ways, dumping of.debris, excavation, .
and clearing of native vegetation shall be prohibited in the area defined by Condition
XXI.B., above. The provisions of Sections 403.516(1)(a) and (b), F.S., notwithstanding,
OUC agrees that any activity prohibited-in this paragraph within the area described in
the red-cockaded woodpecker management area shall be authorized only by affirmative -
vote-of the Siting Board. — , ‘ . .
; ‘6... OUC hereby stipulates as a factual matter, which shall be
binding on it, and all of its officers, agents, attorneys, and employees, that the "alternate
access road" authorized by this supplemental certification completes the necessary
. toadway access for Units 1 and 2, to allow the full development thereof. Any additional
access for. electric power generation, and any additional facilities necessary for the.
‘construction of Units 3 and 4 will be the subject of a comprehensive Supplemental
’ Certification’ Application or applications for Units 3 and4. 2 :
oe eo lf OUC determines to pursue a modification of its certification
with regard to the easement recorded.December 30, 1987, at ORB 3946, Page 3187,
Orange County; Florida, it shall do so as a ministerial act only and shall not actively
utilize its resources, funds or personnel to support such an application. .
“Dd. Management Plan For The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (Originally
Published June 29, 1981) . , ;
1.: Introduction
: . A management and monitoring plan will be adopted to ensure
long-term.presence of red-cockaded woodpeckers on the OUC Stanton site. The
following description relates recommended procedures for the proposed management
plan. The major emphasis of this plan is protection of existing colonies and provision for
adequate foraging range. .
, For details of the study which is the basis for this. management
plan, see Attachment 5.7A of the Site Certification Application for OUC Unit 1, dated:
1981. - . oo -
; _ Approximately 2,000 acres will be managed for the benefit of
~’ the red-cockaded woodpecker. This acreage will include both existing colonies and
approximately 222 acres of foraging habitat for each on-site clan. Within the managed
area, theré are 1,753 acres of pine flatwoods, 217 acres of cypress dome, and 29 acres
of wet prairie. oe .
The mean basal area in pine flatwoods for the entire site is
approximately 10 f2/acre. The United States Fish’ and Wildlife Service (1979) oe
recommends that a basal area of 40 to 60 f/acre and a stem density of less than 200
stems per acre. represent better quality foraging habitat for red-cockaded woodpeckers.
Because of relatively unproductive soils and other factors, it may not be possible to
attain these conditions on the Stanton site. However, with a proper timber-management
_ plan, the basal area and stem density for on-site flatwoods could be substantially
increased during the next 20 to 30 years. In addition, cypress. domes apparently — :
constitute an important feeding site for on-site red-cockaded woodpeckers, particularly
during the fall. These forests are greatly stressed by frequent muck fires. With a better
‘controlled fire program, these detrimental effects could be substantially reduced.
2 Recommendations” ..
- To meet the above-stated goals, the following procedures are
recommended: , :
a. Maintain all remaining cavity trees (active and inactive);
oo b. Protect colony sites, including surrounding trees, to
ensure future replacement cavity trees and to serve as a buffer zone; :
.c. , Construct two artificial start holes for each cavity tree :
removed during construction activities; :
d. Thin colony sites for habitat management purposes only;
-e@ Maintain other potential stands for future colony sites;
. f. Mariage approximately 2,000 acres of foraging habitat for
on-site clans; - ‘ . .
g. Conduct a regular, prescribed burning program;
. h. _ Provide contiguous habitat between colonies and
foraging habitat and between adjoining. clans; : ; :
. i." Prohibit indiscriminate logging and other detrimental
disturbances in exclusive areas to be managed for red-cockaded woodpeckers;
; j. Allow all previously disturbed areas (pre-construction
activities) within the managed area to reseed naturally with longleaf pine: and,
‘k. Conduct on-site monitoring of territorial behavior of clans
during pre-construction and ‘construction phases of the proposed power plant.
‘ : .°.’ Any variation in the above procedures must be approved bya
qualified biologist. - . . a a
3. Implementation
; _ The following schedule is proposed to implement the
procedures recommended in Condition XXI.D.2.:° .
a. ' Construction contractors will be briefed as required on
their legal obligations under the Endangered Species Act and regulations of the Florida
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. This briefing will include information and
limits of construction activities which meet compliance.with stated impacts described in
‘this. document. Construction activities will be monitored by Orlando Utilities -
- Commission. Construction activities are described in the Site Certification Application
(SCA) for the State of Florida. The area disturbed by the proposed action will be
consistent with the area displayed in Figure 4-2, attached. :
. b. ~° All colony areas and buffer zones will be conspicuously
marked prior to construction. Endangered species posters: will be attached to active
cavity trees. Potential replacement cavity trees and younger pines within each colony
area will be retained. No harvesting of pines will be scheduled for colony areas except
- for habitat management purposes. A 200-foot buffer zone will be established around
each active cavity tree during construction activities. Currently all cavity trees are
located in open stands of pines with relatively few second-growth pines or hardwoods. -
Thus, there should be no immediate need for stand improvements (thinning) in colony
sites. Attempts should-be made, however, to promote a basal area of 50 to 80 ff2/acre
‘in colony trees, Abandoned cavity trees and dead snags in the managed area will not *
be disturbed to provide roosting and nesting sites foe competitive species.
. ' C. - Prescribed burns should be conducted on a regular basis
in boffi colony sites and foraging habitat. Prior to prescribed burns, a 6-foot buffer zone
around each cavity tree should be cleared of excess resin, litter, and other debris.
Burns should be scheduled from August to.February so as not to interfere with the
nesting season (March through July). Local foresters should be consulted on the time
" of year and weathef conditions appropriate for burning. During normal fire schedule,
prescribed burns should be conducted on a 2- to 3-year rotation. Burns will be
controlled in order to prevent extensive muck fires in cypress. domes and to preclude hot
: burns in pine flatwoods. ; : .
: _ Itis recommended that no more than one-half of the.
2,000 acres be burned during any yearly cycle. Within this yearly burn cycle, it is
advisable to burn approximately one-fourth of the site: during the October/November.
period with the remaining portion to be burned during the January/February period.
. . Production of seedling pines is low in many stands on the ~
_ Stanton site. To stimulate pine regeneration, a fire suppression period’should be.
scheduled for at least 4 years. The fire suppression period should be initiated following °
’ a year of peak cone production in on-site flatwoods. However, during this peak
production year, a burning cycle should be completed by late August. Subsequently,
the suppression period would follow for the next 4 years. Following this ‘period, the fire
schedule should be conducted on the normal 2- to 3-year rotation.
; 7 F Many of these recommendations were obtained from the
Florida District Forest Ranger. ‘It is recommended that he/she be consulted on the
appropriate sequence of the previously stated fire schedule, —
- 7 d. No unapproved timber harvesting within the managed:
area will be scheduled. Stands of pine will be allowed to mature and die. The United
States Fish and’ Wildlife Service (1979) recommends a 50-percent balance between
older dge classes and younger-stands of pines. As previously stated, the burning
‘ program will be manipulated in orderto stimulate natural regeneration. This action will
_produce better quality foraging habitat and a more ‘even distribution of age classes.
Co, e. Pesticides toxic to wildlife will riot be used in any part of
the clans’ home ranges. - . . a
ae ) f. - Potential colony sites have been mapped. These .
potential sites within the managed area will be protected from future development.
: Burning and rotation should follow procedures outlined for present colony sites.
Lot, . g. Monitoring studies will be conducted during the pre-
construction and construction phases of the proposed action. Monitoring activities will
consist of collecting baseline data for 1 year, including evaluation of home range and -
reproductive success. Range data will be collected for a minimum of 140 hours per
clan. Reproductive success will be evaluated during two nesting seasons.
. . Construction monitoring will include evaluation of home
range and reproductive success. The evaluation of home range will be conducted
during the first and third years of the construction phase. The third-year of monitoring
will include the initial period of plant operation. Monitoring for range data purposes will
consist of 140 hours of observation per clan during the construction phase. .
. Reproductive success will be evaluated during each year of construction. The major
activity affecting red-cockaded woodpeckers (land clearing) will occur during the first
year of construction. However, the peak of construction activities will occur during the
third year. : ; : vO .
Clans A, B, C, D, and H have been selected for home
range study. The first-four-clans. will receive the greater impacts.from the proposed
action. No habitat alteration will occur in Clan H's home range; therefore, any impacts
would reflect only indirect influence from the proposed action. Reproduction will be
monitored. for all on-site clans. In the event that monitored colonies are deserted,
surrounding areas on the site,as well as some adjoining lands, will be surveyed. A
‘number of areas apparently suitable for red-cockaded woodpeckers, but-which did not
contain colonies, have been located. These areas would be surveyed. 2
OUC shall monitor nitrate levels in Hart Branch at the site boundary during
construction to establish background levels of that parameter. Monitoring of nitrate shall
~ continue during plant operation. If nitrate levels exceed 1.0 mg/l or if preoperational ;
background levels of NO3 exceed 1.0 mg/l and plant operation causes the NOs levels to
tise more than 25% above background, OUG shall take appropriate action to control the
NOs, Nitrate and. other contaminants-from the water supply pond will be’ monitored at .
_ incremental distances from the pond-in‘a program-to be submitted by OUC and
appraved-by the DEP and SJRWMD to determine the dispersion and diluting
characteristics of nitrate in the non-artesian groundwater aquifer. Based on the results
* . of the monitoring, a projection of nitrate concentration at 500 feet from the pond will be
made. If-these projections indicate that at 500 feet from the pond the ground water
_ hitrate concentrations will be at or above 10’mg/l, then OUC will develop a program of
corrective action. Such corrective action will be prepared by OUC and implemented .
after approval of the DEP, SJRWMD, and Orange County. Other contaminants shall be
_allowed a zone of discharge 50 feet deep-extending 250 feet from the pond. .
. OUC shall consult with the Florida Fish-and Wildlife Conservation Commission
and, if possible, implement a fish and wildlife management plan as discussed in the
Commission's letter.of February 12, 1982. ,
Thie coal pile shail be lined witha material with a permeability not greater than 1
x 10° cm/sec. or the leachate shall be controlled to prevent violation of water quality
criteria beyond the zone of discharge. .
A. | Wildlife Survey
Prior to the construction of the proposed facility, a wildlife survey,
consistent with methodology prescribed by the FFWGC, shall be conducted for the’
presence of listed species (endangered, threatened, or species concern) and suitable .
habitat for samé within the site: The results of said survey shall be submitted to the
DEP, the FFWCC, and the United States Fish and Wildlifé Service. If construction of the -
proposed facility will impact any listed species, other than the previously identified
_impact on the foraging habitat of the red-cockaded woodpecker resulting from the
clearing of the transmission line right-of-way, the Licensee shall consult with the DEP
and the:-FFWCC to determine the appropriate steps to avoid, minimize, mitigate, or.
- otherwise appropriately address any adverse impacts within each agency's respective
_ Jurisdiction. . .
B. ‘Nesting Sandhill Cranes
. Nesting sandhill cranes shall be avoided by limiting installation of
"transmission lines over wetlands utilized by nesting cranes to periods. outside of the
nesting season, which tuns from January through June.
C. _ Management Plan
Before construction, a management plan for the preserved « areas shall be
presented to the FFWCC for review and. approval. At a minimum, this plan shall include
-a statement of what habitat function the preserve is expected to provide; a schedule of
fire management through a certified burn specialist and including, but not limited to,
burn conditions, burn frequency, and measures taken to avoid spread of wildfire;
measures.taken to remove exotic vegetation from both wetlands and uplands; and the
responsible entity. — .
D. '. Natural Gas Pipeline
In order to minimize impacts to the red-cockaded woodpecker, we
recommend that the construction of the natural gas pipeline in the vicinity of the red-
cockaded woodpecker cavity trees occur outside the nesting season (April through
June), or a determination be made by a qualified biologist that nesting is not occurring in
any cavity tree within 200 feet of the edge of the construction. tight- -of ‘way prior to
initiation of pipeline construction activities. .
A. General
1. Compliance Requirements
; This project must be constructed, operated and maintained in ;
compliance. with and meet all non-procedural requirements set forth in Chapter 373,
F.S., and Chapter 40E-4 (Surface’'Water Management), FAC.
2. Off-Site Impacts
it is the responsibility of the Licensee to ensure based on o
information provided that adverse off-site water resource related impacts do not occur -
during the construction,.operation, and maintenance of the transmission line and
associated transmission line access roads within SFWMD. __- i
3. Post Certification Information Submittals
Information submitted to the SFWMD subsequent to Certification, in
compliance with the conditions of this Certification, shall be for the purpose of the :
SFWMD determining the Licensee's compliance with the Certification conditions and the
non-pfdcedural criteria contained in Chapter 40E-4, F.A.C., as applicable, prior to the
commencement of the subject construction, operation and/or maintenance. activity
covered thereunder. ee : ‘
B. Processing Of Information Requests
de Right-of-way Modifications
At least ninety (90) days prior to the commencement of construction
of any portion of the transmission line, the Licensee shall submit any proposed
modifications to the transmission liné right-of-way, identified on. Exhibits 2, 3 and 4
(Figures-6.1-2, 6.1-3, and 6.1-4),-to the SEWMD staff for review and approval. If the
SFWND staff does not issue a written request for additional information and/or an
objection to the proposed right-of-way modification within thirty (30)-days, the
modification shall be presumed to be complete and acceptable, :
* §5
20°. Completeness and Review .
At least ninety (90) days prior to the commencement of construction
of any portion of the linear facilities located in the SFWMD, the Licensee shall submit to
SFWND staff, for a completeness and sufficiency review, any pertinent additional
information-required under the SFWMD's Conditions of Certification for that portion ."
_ - proposed for construction, If SFWMD staff does not issue a written request for
’ additional information within thirty (30) days, the information shall be presumed to be ;
complete and suffi cient. ;
3. Compliance Review and Confirmation
. “Within sixty (60) days. of the determination by SFWMD staff that the
submitted information is complete and sufficient, the SFWMD shall determine and notify
the Licensee in writing whether the proposed activities conform to SFWMD criteria, as
required by Chapter 40E-4, F.A.C., and the Conditions of Certification. lf necessary, the
SFWWD shail identify what items remain to be addressed. No construction activities
shall begin until the SFWMD has determined either in writing, or by failure to notify the
Licensee in writing, that the activities are in compliance with the applicable SFVWWMD
criteria. :
4. Revisions to Site Specific Design Authorizations
- The Licensee shall submit, consistent with the provisions: of
Condition IV/L.B, any proposed revisions to the site specific design authorizations
” specified in this Certification to the SFWMD for review and approval prior to ;
‘ implementation. The submittal shall include all the-information necessary to support the
. Propesed request, including detailed drawings, topographic maps, average wet season
water table elevations, calculations and/or any other applicable data. Such requests .
may be included as part of the appropriate additional information submittals required by
this Certification provided they are. clearly identified as a requested modification to the.
previously authorized design.
5. Dispute Resolution
Since this Certification is the only form of permit required from any
agency, it is understood that the ‘Licensee and the SFWMD shall strive to resolve
disputes by mutual agreement. .
6. . Objections
Objections to modifications of the terms and conditions of this
‘Certification shall be resolve through the process established in Section 403.516, F.S.
7. Changes to Information Requirements
; The SFWMD and the Licensee may jointly agree to vary the
informational requirements. se .
A General Conditions
1. ' Professional Engineer Certificate
. The operation of the surface water management system authorized
under this certification shall not become effective until a Florida Registered Professional
Engineer certifies, upon completion of each phase, that these facilities have been
constructed in accordance with the design approved by the SFWMD. Within 30 days
after completion of construction of the surface water management system, the Licensee
or authorized agent shall submit the engineer's certification and notify the SFWMD Field
Engineering Division that the facilities are ready for inspection and approval. Such’
notification shall include as-built drawings of the site which shall include elevations,
locations, and dimensions of components of the surface water management system. .
2. Impacts of Fish, Wildlife, Natural Environment Values and Water :
Quality . ., mo, :
; The Licensee shall prosecute the work authorized under this. °
Certification in a manner so as to minimize any adverse impacts of the authorized works -
on fish, wildlife, natural environment values, and water quality. The Licensee shall ,
institute necessary measures during the construction period, including necessary
compaction of any fill material.placed around newly installed structures and/or the use
' of silt screens, hay bales, seeding and mulching, and/or other similar techniques, to
“reduce erosion, turbidity, nutrient loading and sedimentation in the receiving waters.
3.. Correction of Water Quality Problems
The Licensee shall be responsible for the correction of any
sedimentation, turbidity, erosion, shoaling and/or maintenance of the works authorized
under this Certification. - i . .
4. Off-Site-Conveyances
Ce, . Alloff-site conveyances during construction and development of the
transmission line and associated access roads shall be made only through the
conveyance facilitiés authorized by this Certification. No roadway or structure pad
construction shall commence on-site unless in conjunction with the construction of the
permitted conveyance facilities and any associated detention areas. Water conveyed °
from the project shall be through facilities having a mechanism suitable for régulating
upstream water stages. Stages may be subject to operating schedules satisfactory to
the SFWMD.
5. Additional Water Quality Requirements
“ : The Licensee may be required to incorporate additional water
quality treatment methods into the surface water management system if such measures
are shown to be necessary. -_— a : Lot : :
6. Access Roads _
. . The Licensee shall, whenever available, utilize adjacent existing.
roads for access to the transmission line. right of way for construction, operation and/or
maintenance purposes. Finger roads connecting the existing roads to the structure pads
and access roads which must be constructed in areas where an existing road is not
available shall be constructed in a manner which does not impede natural drainage
flows and minimizes impacts to on-site and adjacent wetlands.
7. Correction of Drainage Problems
. The Licensee-shall be responsible for the correction of any adverse
_ of-site, upstream, and/or downstream drainage and/or wetland impacts which may
occur as a result of the construction of the proposed access road and/or structure pads.
These may include the placement and/or removal of culverts and/or other structures to
remedy the impact. ° : : : ;
8. Modifications
. Subsequent modifications to the drawings and supporting
calculation submitted to the SFWMD which may alter the quantity and/or quality of
waiers discharged off-site shall be made pursuant to Section 403-516, F.S., and Rule
62-17.211, F.A.C: They shall also be submitted to the SFWMD for a determination that.
the modifications are in compliance with the non-procedural requirements of Chapters
AOE-2 and 40E-4, F.A.C., prior to the commencement of construction.
-B. Site Specific Design Authorizations
1 Access/Maintenance Road and Structure Pads
: The Licensee is authorized to construct an access/maintenance
‘road and associated conveyance facilities-for the transmission line in the areas
Specifically identified on Exhibits 2, 3, and 4 (Figures 6.1-2, 6.1-3, and 6.1-4). Areas
where an access/maintenance road is not proposed will be accessed from existing
roads, °° os ‘ oo
2. ‘Authorized Receiving Water (Transmission Line Access
Maintenance Roads. only) ,
3. Adjacent Wetlands °
C. __- Additional Information Requirements :
4 Access/Maintenance Road-and Structure Pad Construction Plans
. Prior to the commencement of construction of any portion of the
transmission line which affects the movement of waters, the Licensee shall submit plans
for any construction ‘activities for that Portion of the transmissidn fine which may
obstruct,.divert, control, impound or cross waters of the state, either temporarily or
‘ permanently, to the SFWMD, consistent with the provisions of Condition IVALB, for a
- determination of compliance with the non-procedural réquirements of Chapter 40E-4,
F.A.C., in-effect at the time of submittal. "Construction activities" in this situation ‘shalt
include the placement of access/maintenance roads, culverts, and/or fill materials,
excavation activities, and any related activities. All plans, detail sheets and calculations
shall be signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Professisnal Engineer: For. all °
" construction activities, the following information, réferenced to NGVD, shallbe
submitted: Lo vee : ‘
. (1) A centerline profile of existing topographic features along the
proposed access/maintenance foad(s); ~ . .
; (2) A design of the proposed access/maintenance and finger
road(s) with finished elevations marked; = 7
es - * + (3) Atypical. cross-section of the proposed access/maintenance.
and finger road(s), including relative dimensions and elevations;
. ee (4). - A cross-section of each’stream or creek at the poirit(s) to be.
crossed by the proposed access/maintenance and finger road, and/or other facility;
(5) Identification of wet season water table elevations for each which facilities will be located; : . . ,
(6) Specifications, including supporting assumptions and
calculations, showing the-type and size of water control structures (pipe, culvert,
equalizer, etc.) to be used, with proposed flow-line elevations marked, drainage areas
identified, and design capacity verified; , “ -
os . (7). “A cross-section of any proposed excavation areas showing
the proposed depth of excavation; “ ue .
(8) ‘Calculations and supporting documentation which °
demonstrate that the proposed construction and/or excavation activities.associated with
the transmission line will not have an adverse water quantity and/or water quality impact
on adjacent wetlands and/or permitted surface water management systems;
. (9) _. lf construction of the transmission line contributes to the
_ necessity for future modifications-to adjacent/existing roads, water quality treatment
requirements of the requested road modifications must be addressed in the surface
water management system desigri for the transmission line. “:
A. ° General
: 1. . Wetland Avoidance
. The Licensee shall avoid impacting wetlands within the
transmission line corridor wherever practicable. Where necessary and feasible, the.
location of the structure pads, other related facilities and/or the transmission line’
alignment shall be varied to eliminate or reduce wetland impacts. The Licensee shall
work in accordance with the submitted plans in the supplemental site certification
application as supplemented by final approved construction plans. Clearing and -
construction activities shall be confined to the limits of the clearing zone.
2.. Fill Materials
: _ No fill materials shall be obtained from excavated wetlands or
within 200 feet of functional wetlands, unless in accordance with a mitigation plan-
submitted in compliance with the conditions ‘of this Certification. .
“3. Additional Wetlands Mitigation
; The Licensee may be required to provide additional mitigation °.
and/or other measures if wetland monitoring and/or other information demonstrates that
adverse impacts to protected, restored, incorporated, and/or mitigated wetlands have .
" occurred as a result of project-related activities. ,
4. Additional Environmental Review
; The Licensee-shall submit any proposed chariges in land use,
project design, and/or the treatment of on-site wetlands to the SFWMD for additional
’ -environmental review in order to determine whether any additional mitigation. activities ;
will be required..’ , .
. 5. .Mitigation Areas
‘ . "Mitigation crédits shal! be given for mitigation areas within both the
SFWMD and the SJRWMD. Mitigation credits shall, be given for acreages and activities
which have also been accepted by the DEP as mitigation for impacts in areas. of joint
jurisdiction. an 7 Co ; ‘
i . Any acreages or activities proposed by the mitigation plan and its
addendum which exceed the mitigation requirements of the SJRWMD, and meet the
non-procedural requirements for wetland mitigation of the SFWMD, shail be credited as
mitigation for impacts within the SEWMD. . ss
. . lf required by SFWMD, OUC agrees to provide additional acreages
“and activities to ‘offset impacts within SFWMD not credited by the Mitigation Plan (June
1991) and its addendum (Sept 1991). ~ .
B. Site Specific Design Authorizations
1.- Authorized Wetland Impacts
The Licensee is authorized to construct an access/maintenance
road and associated conveyance facilities for the transmission line and structure pads in
the wetland areas Specifically identified on Exhibits 2, 3, and 4 (Figures 6.1-2, 6.1-3,
and 6.14), . ;
:. 2.” Sandhill Crane Nest Protection
: . The Licensee shall protect the active sandhill crane nest located in
the 0.58-acre marsh situated between stations 125 and 126 in accordance with the
following requirements: , :
. (1) The transmission line poles and structure pads shall be
positioned so that the transmission line spans the marsh; : -
- (2) " Construction’shall be scheduled to avoid the nesting season
for sandhill cranes; : . ss oo an :
(3) ° The marsh shall not be disturbed in any way;
Coo (4): ‘The access road shall be located in the swale adjacent to
_ the railroad rather than in the marsh. : ot ,
C. ‘Additional Information ‘Requirements
1. - - Wetlands Protection.
. Prior to the commencement of construction of any portion of the
-transmission line which will be located adjacent to the wetlands identified for,
preservation, the Licensee shall: ; . ,
(1) Stake and rope off the protected wetlands and buffer zones
to prevent encroachment during construction. The stakes and ropes shall rernain in
- place until all adjacent construction activities have been completed. Verification of
staked areas by SFWND staff shall be required prior to the commencement of and upon
completion of any construction activities. - : wet
; (2). Install silt screéns, turbidity barriers and/or hay bales prior to
‘any construction in or, alteration of any wetlands within the project site in order to
prevent adverse water quality impacts-to wetlands. These barriers shall remain in place
until fill stabilized and turbidity has returned to background levels.
2. Mitigation Plan
: ; Prior to the commencement of construction of any portion of the
transmission line which may affect wetlands, the Licensee shall submit a mitigation and
monitoring plan to the SFWMD for a determination of compliance with the non-
procedural requirements of Chapter 40E-4, F.A.C., including Appendix 7 (Isolated
" . Wetlands Rule) of the Basis of Review for Surface Water Management Permit
Applications in the SFWMD, in effect at the time of submittal. At a minimum, the plan
shail include the following information: ‘
— 92
, 2 (Yo: Locations and sizes of all Proposed mitigation areas, species
to be planted, planting densities, details of the proposed hydrologic regime, cross-
sections showing the proposed elevations and water depths, and an estimated time
schedule for completion of the ‘construction of the mitigation areas. ,
(2) -Awetland mitigation ‘and/or restoration work schedule: which
details each specific mitigation task (e.g. grading to proper elevation,-mulching, planting,
regulatly scheduled maintenance and monitoring, etc.) and the calendar dates for the
Start and completion of each task. oe : :
a ; (3) Provisions for both quantitative and qualitative observations '
of wildlife utilization and the vegetative community, monthly water level readings, °
panoramic photographs documentirig the condition of the mitigation areas, and
evaluation of the success of the mitigation effort, and an annual report incorporating this
information and any other relevant information. The water level readings will be taken
weekly for sampling ‘points that are accessible uniil demonstrated to.the appropriate
agency that,less frequent water level readings are sufficient to demonstrate compliance.
uy (4) ‘Documentation that sufficient areas have appropriately
worded conditions of certification within the SFWMD and/or the SJRWMD to
compensate for the proposed wetland impacts with both ‘the water management i
districts: . ; . us
A! Water Shortages
SJRWMD to declaré a water shortage and issue orders pursuant to Section 373.175,
Florida Statutes or to formulate a plan for implementation during periods of water
shortage, pursuant to Section 373.246, Florida Statutes. In the event of a water _-
‘shortage, as declared by the SJRWMD Governing Board, the Licensees must adhere to
‘reductions in water withdrawals as specified-by the SJRWMD. Pursuant to Section.
403.516, Florida Statutes, in the event of a water shortage as declared by the SJRWMD
governing board, DEP may seek a modification of the terms and conditions of this
certification to implement the water: shortage declaration and the licensees must adhere
to reductions in_water withdrawals as specified by SURWMD.
B.” Well Construction, Modification, Or Abandonment
Prior to the construction, modification, or abandonment of an on-site well,
- the Licensees must submit-a completed application form for a Water Well Construction
Permit to DEP and SJRWMD. All construction, modification, or abandonment of water
wells must be conducted under the supervision of a licensed water well contractor and _
must be perfarmed in accordance with Chapter 40C-3, F.A.C. Construction of a well will
require modification’ of the. certification when such construction is other than that
specified and described in the Site Certification Application. Prior-to modification or
abandonment of a well, the Licensées must file an amendment to the site certification
application with DEP and SJRWMD. Upon completion of the construction, modification
‘or abandonment of each well, the Licensees must submit to SJRWMD and DEP a ~
completion report.for the well. : “
[Paragraphs 16.0(c); 10.3(b)(d)(h)(j), A.H.]
. C... Well Maintenance -
Leaking or inoperative well casings, valves, or controls must be repaired
or replaced as required to put the system back in an operative condition acceptable to’
the SURWMD. Failure to make such repairs will be cause for deeming the well .
abandoned in accordance with Part ! of chapter 373, F.S., and chapter 40C-3, F.A.C., °
and the rules promulgated thereunder. , ,
[Paragraphs 16.0(d); 10,3(b)(d)(h)(i), A.H.1
D,’- Mitigation Of Withdrawal Impacts On Existing Legal Users:.
OUG_etal,; Licensees must mitigate any adverse impact caused by
- withdrawals permitted herein on legal uses of water existing at the time of the initial -
‘application for the Stanton Energy Center. /tunanticipated-significantadverse-impacts
. egeurthe DEP has the right to curtail permitted withdrawal rates or water allocations if
the withdrawals of water cause an adverse impact on legal uses of water which existed
at the time of application. Adverse impacts are exemplified by but not limited to:
; *4.. -. Reduction of water levels in an adjacent surface water body
resulting in a significant impairment of the use of water in that water body.
. 2 Saline water intrusion or introduction of pollutants into the water: .
. supply ofan adjacent water use fesulting in a significant reduction of water quality; and _
. 3...’ Change in water quality resulting in either impairment or loss of use
of a well or water body. i | Lo .
[Paragraphs 9.2; 10.3(b)(d)(h)(i), A.H.7
EB Mitigation Of Impacts On Adjacent Land Uses.
' QOUC etal, Licensee must mitigate any adverse impact caused by
withdrawals permitted herein on an adjacent land use which existed at the time of
Supplemental Site Certification Application for Stanton 2 and any subsequent unit. f ~
DEP has the right to curtail
‘permitted withdrawal rates or water allocations unless the impacts can be mitigated by
QUG;etal licensee, Adverse.impacts are exemplifi ied by, but not limited to
Poy 4, ” Signifi cant reduction i in water levels in an adjacent surface water
body: ,
2. Land collapse or sane ote scunes bya reduction in-water
levels; or « . , ,
3. Damage to crops and other types of off-site vegetation,
, [Paragraphs 9.4.3: 10. 3(b)(d)(h)(i), AH.]
Fa Identification n Tags
A SJRWMD- issued identification tag must be prominentiy displayed at .
each by permanently affixing such tag to the pump, head-gate, valve or
other withdrawal facility as provided by Section 40C-2.401, Florida Administrative Code.
. OUG-etak, Licensee must notify the SJRWMD j in the event thata replacement tag i is
[Paragraphs 16.0(h); 10.3(b)(d)(h}(i), AH] - ,
. CG Submittals
All submittals made to demonstrate compliance with the consumptive use
.and water well construction conditions of this certification must have the ceri cation ©
-number plainly labeled on the submittal.
[Paragraphs 10.3(a)-(h)(i), A.H.
H. ° Maximum Annual Withdrawals
Maximum annual withdrawals from the Floridan aquifer for.
demineralizer/steam cycle makeup, general service water, heat recovery steam
generation, wash-down, injection and power augmentation, and domestic uses
combined must not excéed 321.2 million gallons per year.
[Paragraphs IO, :(a)(b)(c)(e)(f(g), A.H.}
1 : Maximum.Daily Withdrawals
Maximum daily withdrawals from the Floridan aquifer for
demineralizer/steam cycle makeup, general service water, heat recovery steam .
generation, wash-down, injection and power augmentation, and domestic uses -__
combined must not exceed 2.00 million gallons per day. .
[Paragraphs IO.:(a)(b)(c)(e)(f\(a), A.H.]
J. __ Limitation On Uses Of Water
_1. - The maximum anrual ground water withdrawals fromthe Floridan
Aquifer for fire protection-(essential use) must not exceed 2:48 million gallons per day.
[Paragraphs 10,3(a)(b\(c)((I1 )Q), A.H.]
. 2. The annual allocation of reclaimed water from the Orange County
Easterly Water Reclamation Facility and surface water (stormwater and ‘surficial
groundwater) fromthe Ordnge ‘County Landfill for power plant cooling and other power
plant uses is: Le ;
4745.0 million gallons in 2006;
" 5,694.0 million gallons in 2007 and beyond, |
; : Licénsees must use available surface water to the maximum extent -
possible prior to using reclaimed water.. : . 7 :
' [Paragraphs 10.3(a)(b)(c)(f\(k), A.H.]
_ 3." Withdrawals from the Floridan aquifer wells must not be used
directly for cooling tower make-up water. The CHSEC shall utilize treated sewage
effluent, treated wastewater; onsite re-use water, landfill stormwater/leachate,
stormwater runoff, or direct precipitation to the makeup water supply storage pond, as
. cooling tower makeup water. oa oo .
.4 If unacceptable saline water intrusion occurs at the on-site welifield
as a result of the withdrawal authorized by this certification, DEP will revoke the allocation
of ground water in this certification in whole or in part to curtail or abate the impact
‘caused by the saline water intrusion. :
[Paragraphs 10,3(b)(c)(d)(h)(i),A.H.]
“5. _ Licensees shall diligently and in good faith pursue an agreement
with Orange County to transfer up to 8.0 million gallons per day of surface water
(including stormwater/surficial groundwater) from the adjacent Orange County Landfill
property for use at the Stanton Energy Center facility. Once an agreement i is entered
into by Licensées and Orange County, Licensees shall utilize surface water from the
Landfill to the maximum extent feasible to meet the water needs of the facility. The
" Licensees shall submit written reports to the Departrient and the SJRWMD six months
‘fromthe date of certification and every six months thereafter until a‘final agreementis
reached, regarding the-status of negotiations and any draft or final agreements with
Orange County. .Licensees shall diligently and in good faith pursue a revised cooling
water supply agreement with Orange County to obtain the additional reclaimed water
and surface/stormwater needed for cooling Unit B. Upon execution of the revised ;
agreement, licensees shail provide DEP and SJRWMD with coples of said agreement
[Paragraphs 10.3 (b)(d)(Q(g)(k) A. H. 1
K Dewatering.
All withdrawals from the surficial aquifer for dewatering to facilitate
construction of Unit A must be retained within the Unit A:stormwater detention pond.
L Off-Site Discharges
* No offsite discharges are approved from this facility, except as provided -
for by the overflow structure ih the make-up water supply pond and. the natural drainage
for the duration of this certification. .
M. Discharges From Make-Up Water Supply Pond — . ,
’ - All off-site discharges, as provided for by the overflow structure inthe ~
make-up water supply pond (#20, OUC, et al.’s Figuré’3.2-1), must be in compliance .
with water quality standards as set forth in Chapters 62-4, and 62-302,; F.A.C., or such»
standards as issued through a variance ‘by DEP.
_N. Well Water Quality Sampling © ~
Water quality samples must be taken in April and October ‘of each year
from each production well. The samples must be analyzed for the following parameters:
Calcium Chloride
Magnesium | Sulfate
Sodium . Carbonate .
Potassium Bi-Carbonate (or alkalinity if pHi is 6.9 or lower)
; All-major ion analyses must be checked for anion-cation balance and must
balance within 5% prior to submission. it is recommended that duplicates be taken to
allow for laboratory problems or loss. The sample analyses must be submitted to the °
SJRWMD by May 16 and November 15 of each year. Prior to sample collection, a
minimum of 3-5 casing volumes must be removed from each well. All sampling and
‘water quality analyses shall be performed by organizations with approved :
comprehensive or generic quality assurance plans on file with the DEP ora laboratory
- having HRS. certification. . : : .
O.- Water Treatment Plant Reports:
; By January 31 of each year, OUG, et al., must submit to the SJRWMD_
.copies of the previous year (12 months) DEP monthly water treatment plant operating
m report data showing total flow from the 2 Floridan wells going to the potable water ©
treatment plant on-site. The project name and certification number must be.attached to
‘allreports.. ; . ves : ot,
' PP. Well Water Flow Monitoring
' Reporting Period - ‘Report Due Date:
January - June | . duly 34.
July - December . January 31
Paragraphs 10.3(a)(b), AH. *
Q. Conservation Plan
Ouc, et al., ‘must implement the conservation plan submitted to the .
SJRWND in accordance ‘with the schedule contained therein.
R Maintenance And Calibration Of Flow Meters
. 1. The Licensees must maintain the meters. In case of failure or
_ breakdown of any meter, DEP and SJRWMD must be nofified in writing within 5 days of its
discovety. A defective meter must be repaired or replaced within 30 days of its discovery.
[Paragraphs 6.7. 4:10. Sahib). A. .
. 2. OUGC, et al., must have all flow. meter (s) calibrated once every 3
‘years within 30 days of the anniversary date of certification issuance, and recalibrated if
the difference between the actual flow and the meter reading is greater than 5%.
SJRWMD form EN-51 must be submitted to DEP and SJRWMD ‘within 10 days.o of the |
inspection/calibration. ~~
* [Paragraphs6.7. 4 10. 3(a)(b), AH. 1.
' S: Off-Site Discharges
1. No off-site discharges from this facility are approved, except as
_ provided for by the overflow structure in the makeup water supply pond, and the natural
drainage patterns for the duration of. this certification.
Paragraph 10. 3(k), AHI ,
“2. All off- site discharges, as provided fc for by the overflow / structure i in
the makeup water ‘pond, must-be in compliance with water quality standards as set forth
_ in Chapters 62-4 and 62-302, F.A.C., or such other standards, which may be imposed,
pursuant to a variance issued by DEP..
[Paragraph 10.3(k), A.H. 1.
T. Use of Lowest Quality Water
The Jowest quality water.source, such as reclaimed water and surface/storm,
water, must be used when deemed feasible pursuant to District rules and applicable
state law.
[Paragraphs 40.3(f)(g), A.H.]
U. . Enhancement
1. Delineation Of Limits Of Construction
. : Prior to construction, OUG, et al., must clearly delineate the limits of
construction on-site. OUC, et al., must advise the contractor that any work within the
Riparian Habitat Regulation Zone outside the limits of construction, including clearing, is
a violation of this certification order. oo . : .
"20 C Background Assessment Plan
; . Prior to commencement of construction; a Background Assessment
Plan of the aréas to be enhanced: or mitigated must be submitted to the SJRWMD,
- DEP, and SFWMD for-review and joint approval. Data obtained: through the Background
Assessment.Plan must include the following: (a) site specific topographic survey -. ,
. information referenced to NGVD; (b) survey of historic and existing ordinary high;
normal or chronic pool water elevations referenced to NGVD based upon
biological/physical wetland indicators; (c ) a narrative describing the species ~~ -
composition, health and extent of pre-enhanced areas; and (d) quantitative information :
regarding thé species composition including coverage and composition of under-story, '
mid-canopy and canopy species. . : mo,
3. Completion Of Background Assessment
: The background assessment must be completed pursuant to the .
approved Background Assessment plan prior to construction, , ;
4.. Initiation And Completion Of Enhancement Mitigation: Plan 7
roads, planting and construction associated with the approved Enhancement Mitigation
Plan must be initiated, ‘and then must be completed within 12 months after initiation.
"5, ; Criteria For Success Of-Enhancement And Mitigation
Following completion of the background assessment, before any °
- planting in the mitigation and enhancement areas, OUC, et al., must submit for the joint
approval of SJRWMD, DEP; and SFWMD a plan setting forth appropriate criteria for
. determining success of all wetland and upland enhancement and mitigation areas.
OUC, et al., shall implement and maintain the mitigation and enhancement areas to .
ensure that the success criteria are achieved, .
6. Monitoring Plan For Enhancement And Mitigation
Within 30 days of completion of the inital planting: OUC, etal.,
must submit to the SJRWMD, DER, and SFWMD for review and joint approval, two
.- copies of a monitoring plan detailing the site specific methods to bé used for monitoring
_ the enhancement and mitigation areas, so that the achievement of the success criteria
* canbe quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrated. The monitoring plan must include
the location, size and number of monitoring quadrants or transect lines, the location and
number of photographic stations, the location of the wetland(s) to be enhanced and
’ mitigated, the location of staff gauges and/or piezometers, and other pertinent factors.
- OUC,-et al., shall monitor. the enhancement and mitigation areas until the approved
success criteria has. been achieved. ,
. 7. _, Survey Of Enhancement Areas
OUC, et al., must submit to the SJRWMD, DER, and SFWMD two
(2) copies of an as-built survey of the enhancement areas certified by a registered .
surveyor-or professional engineer showing dimensions Of all planted areas, invert (s) ~
elevation of the proposed culvert in enhancement area 3.6 (A), and the fi nal grade of all
plugged ditches. An inventory of the planted species within the wetland enhancement -
areas will be shown on the survey. In areas where planting occurs, the inventory must
include the type, number, distribution, and size of the planted vegetation, and must be
referenced to the as-built survey.: The as-built survey must be submitted to the
referenced agency parties within thirty (3) days of completion of the initial planting.
8... . Monitoring Reports For The Enhancement And Mitigation Areas
Following joint approval of the plan referenced i in Condition No. 26,
OUC, et al. , must furnish the SJRWMD, DEP, and SFWMD with two copies of all. .
~ :‘Monitoring Reports for the enhancement and mitigation areas describing the status of
_ the mitigation and enhancement areas until the enhancement and-mitigation areas *-
achieve the success criteria.
9. Revisions To Enhancement And Mitigation
If iti is determined that successful enhancement i is not occurring
based on the monitoring reports or trends, OUC, et al., must, within 30- days, provide the .
SJRWMD, DER and SFWMD with a narrative describing the type and causes of failure
with a complete set of ‘Plans for the redesign and/or replacement planting of the
plan must again be achieved. In addition, the monitoring required by the conditions-of
V. Erosion And Sediment Control During Construction
OUC, et al., must select, implement, and Operate all erosion and sediment
control measures required to retain sediment.on-site and ta prevent violations of water
quality standards as Specified in Chapters 62-302 and627-4, F.A.C. OUC, et al., is
encouraged to use appropriate Best Management Practices for erosion and sediment -
control as‘described-in the "Florida Land Development Manual:.A Guide to Sound Land
X. Incorporation Of Mitigation Plan
The proposed mitigation plan submitted to SURWMD by OUC for the Curtis.H. Stanton
September 18, 1991, and September 19, 1994 is incorporated as a condition of this
certification except where Specifically superseded by certification conditions.
Y. _ - Completion Of Surface Water Management System
Construction or alteration ofthe surface water Management system must
. be completed and ali disturbed areas must be stabilized in accordance with the
. submitted plans and certification conditions Prior to use of the infrastructure for its. .
intended purposé. © , :
z. _Retention/Detention Storage Areas
“Ata minimum, all retentionidetention storage areas 5 must be constructed
to rough grade prior to the placement of impervious surface within the area to be served
by those facilities. To prevent reduction in storage volume and percolation rates, all
accumulated sediment must be remove from the storage areas prior fo final grading and -
stabilization. .
AA. Access Road And Transmission Line Construction Plans
’ Final Access Road and Transmission Line construction plans must be
submitted to the SJRWMD al least 30 days prior to commencement of construction. The
final plans must be consistent with the plans and calculations received by the SJRWMD
_on July 22, 1991, such that the requirements of Chapters 40C-4, 40C-41 and 40C-42,
F.A. C. continue to be met.
-BB. Access ‘Road Fill
’ The fill material for the access roads must satisfy the soil properties ~~
assumed in the calculations received by the SJRWMD on July 22, 1991. If fill is to be.
acquired on site, a plan depicting the location of the area to be used for fill for the
Access Roads must be submitted to the SJRWMD at least 30 days prior to
_commencement of construction. Access to the on-site fill. material must be shown on the
CC. Contractor Review And Posting OF Conditions Of Certification
OUGC, et al., must require the review and maintain a copy ‘of
this document, complete with all conditions, attachments, and exhibits, in good condition
and posted on the construction site.
DD. Landfill Gas And Condensate Pipeline Construction
OUC and its contractors will maintain in situ flow conditions within the . |
upland cut ditches located approximately at stations. 42+50 and 44+75 during |
construction of the landfill gas‘and gas candensate pipelines. Upon completion of .
construction at each of these locations, OUC and its contractors shall restore the banks
of the ditches to natural grade and will allow the ditches to re-vegetate naturally.
EE. Right to Enter
: A. Construction Impact Mitigation Program
whom it obtains construction services, and OUC shall further explore with appropriate ~ .
public mass-transportation providers in the area ttie possibility of park-and-ride service ©
to the site. - , , . _
2,__ OUC ét al shall utilize to the extent practicable the existing railway
access to the Stanton site for the delivery of equipment and materials needed for the
project construction. oo,
' 3. OUC etal will explore with its contractors and subcontractors the .
_ practicability of staggering construction employee work. schedules, and encourage the
staggering of shifts to the extent feasible to mitigate peak hour traffic congestion
Expressway and State Road 50.
5 ouc et al shall suggest and encourage the use by construction ,
personnel of alternate public road access to the Stanton site as appropriate to alleviate
traffic congestion. ; to .
'B. UnitA ~Post Certification Review Of Specific Problems
1. Pipeline Crossing of State Highway System
The applicant will comply with the requirements of the Florida Department of.
Transportation's Utility Accommodation Manual, Chapter 14-46, Railroad/Utilities
Installation or Adjustment, Florida Administrative Code, specifically to the alignment of
the pipeline in conjunction with limited access facilities, method and techniques of road
crossings, requirements for permits, materials used, pavement cutting, mitigation of -
damages to and restoration of the facility and its environment, maintenance and safety
of traffi ic flow and operations.
Detailed construction plans have not been provided. According to
State law as well as the October:3, 1983 agreement between Orlando Utility
Commission (OUG) and Orlando- -Orange County Expressway Authority (OOCEA), .
these plans must be submitted by the applicant prior to the review and permitting of the
proposed gas pipeline under State Road 528. The detailed construction plans must be
submitted to the Florida Department of Transportation and OOCEA and shall *
demonstrate compliarice with all requirements of the Department's Utility
Accommodation Manual and other requirements of the Department and OOCEA.
Please note the following i in ‘the preparation of the detailed
consteuétion ‘plans for the pipeline: .
a. The pipeline ‘should be placed as far as possible from any
structural components of the bridge. It appears that the rail lines are currently located
under Span 3 and are offset to the west. If so, it is recommended that the pipeline be
located to the east side of the rail right of way. :
b. Due care will need to be exercised when excavating beneath .
the bridges. The minimum vertical clearance is 23 feet.
men Any damage-to the bridge structure caused by construction
activity. shall be repaired by the OUC at its $ expense:
2. - ‘Traffic Control! -
Traffic contro! will be maintained during natural gas pipeline
construction and maintenance in compliance with the standards contained in the
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Chapter 14-94, Florida Administrative Code;
Florida Department of Transportation's Roadway and Traffic Design Standards; and
Florida Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge’
Construction, whichever | is more stringent. ©
3. Access Roads
No access roads which, create new connections to the State
Highway System will be created for the construction and maintenance of the natural-gas
contained in Chapters 14-96, State Highway System Connection Permits, and .14-97,
: Access Management Classification System and Standards, Florida Administrative
Code. Right of way cannot be used for staging, parking or other activities associated
with construction and maintenarice of the pipeline without special use ‘permission.
Ae Crossing Federal Facilities ”
: ; “All crossings and encroachments of limited access, federally ;
. funded fatilities are variances from standards and policy and will be Subject to the ;
review and approval of the Federal Highway Administration. (U.S.C. 23)
5.. Standards
Highway System and other transportation facilities, (Chapters 14-96 and 14-97, Florida
Administrative Code). . te Cor, :
6, Monitoring
Highway System. The Florida Department of Transportation will be corhpensated by
the applicant for such monitoring. Lo . .
7. _ Placement
ae if the pipeline is placed in any area designated for development,
improvement or expansion and has been identified as such ina Master Planor.- ~
approved environmental documents have been filed at the time of such placement, the
subsequent cost of maving the pipeline shall be at the cost of the applicant.
8. Oversight
Oversight for the permitting of individual crossings or any type of
- encroachment on the State Highway System shall rest with the Florida Department of |
Transportation. | _
9. Natural Gas Pipeline Location
a:. The natural gas pipeline shall not be located nearer than
2,500 feet from the nearest point of any runway of an airport.licensed by the State of
Florida, listed in the Florida section of the current edition of "United States Goverment
Flight Information Publication, Airport/Facility Directory Southeast United ‘States",
operated agency of the Federal Government. The pipeline will not be located
. nearer than 1,500 feet from the nearest point, of take-off and landing area, listed in the
preceding | documents. Any above-ground facility associated with the pipeline shall-be
located no closer than 5, 000 feet from any of the aviation facilities referenced above.
b. . , Ifthe final chosen alignment for.the pipeline necessarily .
traverses an existing fixed- guideway transit facility, the pipeline shall be buried and the
_. applicant shall. comply with the requirements of the American Railway Engineering
Association for uncased gas pipelines (Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 4, Part
5, Pipelines) unless stipulated to be encased by the Florida Department of
Transportation. .
-c.’ . Ifthe final chosen alignment: for ihe pipeline necessarily
traverses a Florida Department of Transportation owned and operated or abandoned |
rail corridor, the applicant shall comply with the Florida Department of Transportation's’
Utility Accommodation Manual and the American Railway Engineering Association,
Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter.1, Part 5, Pipelines, for uncased gas pipelines
unless otherwise stipulated to be encased by the Florida Department of Transportation.
10. ° -Borings
All borings under state roadways will maintain a minimum depth of
cover as stipulated in each site permit. if the-bore should fail, the applicant will abandon
the effort'and backfill the entire bore with materials as specified by the Florida
Department of Transportation.. If the bore should fail, the applicant shall stop all efforts
and appraise the Florida Department of Transportation District Maintenance Engineer of
the situation and any proposed action prior to attempting to recover ‘equipment or
initiating another bore. -
_ 11.” Transportation Projects
; ; Attention must be given to transportation projects currently being ©
designed and likely to beig under construction at the same time as the pipeline.
Special provisions must be included in the transportation project contractor's contract to
allow any utilities on the right of way. Tee “ . :
42. Access Management to the State Highway System: ‘
oe "If new access is proposed, access permitting as.defined in Rule
Chapters 14-96, State Highway System Connection Permits, Administrative Process,
and 14-97, Access Management Classification System and Standards, Florida
Administrative Code, wiil be required. ; ,
*. 43, Drainage:
“ Any drainage onto State of Florida right of way and transportation
. facilities will be subject to the requirements of Rule Chapter 14-86, Drainage
. Connections, F lorida Admiristrative Code. , :
14. " Overweight/Qverdimensional Vehicles:
Operation of overweight/overdimensional vehicles by the applicant
Cc. Unit B - Post Certification Review of Specific Problems
an Access Management to the State Highway System:
Any access to the State Hi
requirements of Rule Chapters 14-96, State Hi
Administrative Process
Standards, Florida Administrative Code.
“2, ., Overweight or Overdimensional Loads:
Statutes, and Rule Chapter 14-26, Safety Regulations and Permit Fees for Overweight
and Overdimensional Vehicles, Florida Administrative Code. a
3.. _ Use of State of: Florida Right of ‘Way. or Transportation Facilities:
Any use of State of Florida right of way and certain activities on
State transportation facilities will be subject to the requirements of the: Department of
Transportation's Utility Accommodation Manual (Document.710- 020-001), Rule Chapter
14-46, Utilities Installation or Adjustment, Florida Administrative Code, and Section -
337. 403, Florida Statutes.
4, Drainage:
Any drainage onto State’ of Florida right of way and transportation
. facilities. will be subject to the requirements of Rule Chapter 14-86, Drainage ,
Connections, Florida: Administrative Code,. including the attainment of any permit °
required thereby. : . ;
‘B Use of Air Space:
Any structures proposed in the application which exceed 200 feet in _
height will be subject to an aeronautical study by the Federal Aviation Authority under
the provisions of 14 CFR Part 77. If the aeronautical study finds an adverse effect on
the safe ‘and efficient use of navigable airspace, the project will require the issuance ‘ofa
. variance by state s or local government.
D. “Best ¢ Managenent Practices
Traffic control will be maintained during plant construction and.
maintenance in compliance with the standards contained inthe Manual of Uniform
Traffic. Control Devices: Rule Chapter 14-94, Statewide Minimum Level of Service
Standards, Florida Administrative Code; Florida Department of Transportation's
Roadway and Traffic Design Standards; Florida Department of Transportation's
Standard Specifications.for Road and ‘Bridge Construction; and the Department's Utili
Accommodation, Manual, whichever is more stringent. ‘It is recornmended that the
applicant encourage transportation demand management techniques by doing the
A Placing a bulletin board on site for car pooling advertisements.
Requiring that heavy construction vehicles remain onsite for the
* duration of consnicon. : .
' Ifthe applicant. uses contractors for the delivery of any: overweight 0 or + overdimensiénal a
loads to the site during construction, the applicant should ensure that its contractors
A. Building And Construction Requirements _
; ' +. The licensée shall comply with the building and construction requirements
. Of Chapter 9, Orange County Code. The licensee shall Pay all appropriate fees for °
- required building and. construction permits, including inspection fees. The licensee shall
not commence operations of Unit A until it receives a Certificate of Occupancy from
Orange County. . . .
B, Conservation Area
_ ° ‘Prior to initiation of construction (including any impacts to wetlands), the ©
. licensee shall have:a formal conservation atea determination approved by Orange
County. Dos So
_C. Mitigation
lication for CAI 5
regulations and these conditions of certification. ;
regulations-and these conditions of
to commencin construction of
certification for the con
Unit B. Project. Within si
3) At least forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of construction .
activity for Unit B, the licensee shall submit to the Orange County Environmental -
Protection Division (EPD), aConstruction Notice" (form CN - 001-04) indicating the -
actual start date and expected completion date of the construction activities. ‘
4) Prior to construction, the licensee must clearly designate the limits of -
' constructior-on-site. The licersee-must advise the contfacfor that any work outside the.
limits-of construction, including clearing, may-be a violation of these. conditions of
certification. ; ; - ae ; :
. , 5) The licensee must require the contractor to maintain a copy of the .
conditioris of certification, complete with all approved drawing, plans, conditions,
' ‘attachments, exhibits, and modifications in good condition at the construction site. The
licensee must require the contractor to review the County's determination of compliance
rior to commencement of the activity authorized by this conservation area impact
" review. The complete conditions of certification must be available upon request by. .
- Orange County: staff, a : . ;
. 6) Orange County's review does not release the licensee from complying
with all other federal, state, and local government rules and requlations. If these
conditions conflict with thosé.of any other regulatory agency, the licensee must. comply
with the most stringent conditions. - . 7 a : . ; .
_. 7) Shout other regulatory agency require changes to the conditions
of certification, the licensée shall provide written notification to the Orange County EPD.
of the change prior to implementation so that a compliance review canbemade. .-
. 8). The.Orange County EPD must be furnished-"as built" drawings to
ensure that no modification has been made during the construction plan process,
.9) The licensee shall immediately notify the Orange County EPD in writin
Teviously submitted information that is later-di
Orange County EPD. - oo.
; . 13) Aco 1
regulations must be
d with signage that idéntifies the wetland and upland buffer. These signs
must be installed every 50 feet on any open space and on every individual lot or parcel
line. Th '
ne. The signs must be installed prior to issuance of a plat certificate of completion, or
issuance of building permits, whichever is first.
_ 415) Any-wetland and upland buffers shall be monitored on a bi-annual
basis with monitoring reports submitted to the Orange County EPD no later than oné
month after the on-site evaluation has occurred,
an ater ihe on-site evaluation has occurred.
, 2 Licensee and its contractors must adhere to applicable Florida
Department of Transportation an r 'y rec
d Orange-County regulations when transportin
materials and equipment to the site. _
E. Cooling Water -
~ Licensee will receive the additional 2.6 million gallons of cooling water
ly to-be p by-Or Cc _B h essary ji re
based projects. ‘The ten-year beriod will begin on January 1, 2008, or the start of
construction of Unit B, whichever occurs first.
- Licensee agrees to co sponsor with Orange County mutually agreed upon qualified
Renewable Energy projects within Orange County. These projects will be mutually
“ agreed-upon and Licensee agrees to fund $1,000,000 over a ten-year period for this -
purpose. _The ten-year period will begin January 2007 or upon receipt of regulatory
approval for the project, whichever occurs first.
The Licerisee shall develop. a comprehensive ‘hurricane preparation and recovery
plan for the Stanton Unit A generating unit as a component of the Stanton Energy
. Center. The plan shall be submitted to the Department of Community Affairs and the .
-Orange County’ Office of Emergency Management no later-than commencement of
construction of Unit A. The Licensee Shall formally-update the plan every 5 years
. following commercial operation of Unit A or whenever an additional electrical generating
_ unit is brought'into commercial service at Stanton Energy Center and shall submit these °
updated versions of the plan to the Department of Community Affairs andthe Orange:
_ County Office of Emergency Management. : an ‘ ot :
if the Department of Community Affairs deems the plan or any’ of its periodic
updates not to be in compliance with the requirements of this condition, it may petition
for enforcement of this condition pursuant to the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting
* History
Certification for Unit 1.issued 12/15/82; signed by Governor Graham
Certification for Unit 2 issued 12/17/91; signed by Governor Chiles .
Modified 04/05/93; signed by Secretary:Wetherell ee
. Modified: for Alafaya Trail Extension 07/24/95; signed by Governor Chiles
Modified to merge ‘certification for Unit 1&2 12/24/97; signed by Secretary Wetherell
‘Modified 08/07/98; signed by Secretary Wetherell : . cS
Supplemental Certification for Unit A 09/21/01; signed by Governor Bush
: Modified 02/24/03; signed by. Siting Administrator Oven
113 —
se 114. oe
Department of -
y ee partim MUL 27 2005
Environmental Protection
os - Twin Towers Office Bulidirig : .
Jeb.Bush - 2600 Blair Stone Road . Colleen M. Castille
Governor Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Secretary
Telephone: (850) 488-0114: FAX: (850) 922-8979
July 26, 2006
Mr. Frederick F, Haddad Jr., VP. Power Resources
Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) .
Post Office Box 3193
Orlando, Florida 32802. .
Re: Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center Unit’ .
Integrated Coal Gasification and Combined Cycle *
. DEP File No. 0950137-010-AC (PSD-FL-373, PA’81-148A3)
Dear Mr. Haddad: Ce . Co
Enclosed is the Department's preliminary determination to issue & permit pursuant to the rules for the
Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD) to, OUC and. Southern Company —- Orlando *
Gasification LLC to construct a nominal 285 megawatt integrated coal gasification and combined cycle
Saw’, Evaluation and Preliminary Determination”, and “Addendum to the Technical Evaluation and Preliminary
: Determination”; and the revised Draft Permit, This action withdraws the action of June 16, 2006,
The PUBLIC NOTICE must be published one time only ina newspaper of general circulation in the
area affected, pursuant to’ Chapter’50, Florida Statutes, According to Paragraph 62-17.135(1)(c), FAC,
the applicant shall have published the notice no later than 10 days after the preliminary determination has
Please submit any written comments you wish to have considered concerning the Department’s
Proposed action to A. A, Linero at the above letterhead address, Ifyou have any questions, please call
Debbie Nelson at 850/921-9537 (meteorologist), or Cindy Mulkey at 856/921-8968 (review engineer), -
_ Trina L, Vielhaver, Chief
. Bureau of Air Regulation
TLV/om . : ,
OUC/Southem Power Company ~ Orlando Gasification, LLC.
5100 South Alafaya Trail
Orlando, Florida 32831
Authorized Representative: . , .
Frederick F, Haddad, Jr,,’V.P. Power Resources 907,05 0+
This permit authorizes the construction of a nominal 28.
cycle electric utility Steam generating unit at the existing C
located southeast of Orlando, in Orange County, ‘The project is a
funds from the Department of Energy under the
This construction permit is issued under the provi
62-4, 62-204, 62-210, 62-212, 62-296, and 62-297
‘was processed in accordance wi:
ida Statutes (F.S.), Chapters
five Code (F.A.C.).. The project
A.C., the preconstruction review
F.A.C. and Chapter 403 Pail, F, Bhyoject i al s ject to Electrical Power Plant Siting. The permittee is
authorized to install th i i
Joseph Kahn, P.E., Acting Director
Division of Air Resource Management
Date: Mes :
The regulated emissions units at the existing Stanton Energy. Center include two coal fired boiler steam electric
generating stations; Solid fuels, fy ash, limestone,
8ypsum, slag, and bottom ash storage and handling facilities;
two combustion turbine electrical generator combined cycle units capable of | fring either natural 888 or fuel oj};
and one distillate fuef‘oil Storagetank, . . .
Combined Cycle GGCc) . ”
gawatt (net) integrated Gasifj
i auxiliary equipment, The Project consists of: a no General Electric 77
combustion tarbine-electrical Benerator capable of firing synthesis Bas (s upplementary-fired heat
recovery steam generator (RSG); anominal 135 MW steam-electrical 205-foot stack: a
mechanical draft cooling tower with drift eliminators; a gasification sy¥} blown coal Basification
Teactor/s (KBR Transport Gasifier), a multipoint ground flare,
tack, anda coal and
noval system, a
Unit B Integrated i
FA gas turbine electrical generat
enclosed in a 20 foot thermal
the gasifier switches fuels from
‘Orage — including coal crushing, and crushed coal Storage, coal
ation, : : :
including fly ash storage silo and baghouse, *
OUC Stanton Energy Center
IGCC Unit'B - ,
Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
- Project No; 0950137-010-AC
Page 2 of 29
PSD: The facility is located in an area that is designated as “attainment”, “maintenance”, or “unclassifiable” for,
each pollutant subject to a National Ambient Air Quality Standard. It is classified as a “fossil fuel-fired steam -
electric plant of more than 250 million BTU per hour of heat input”, which is one of the facility categories listed
at 62-210.200(definitions, Major Stationary Source) with the lower PSD applicability threshold of 100 tons per
year. Potential emissions of at least one regulated pollutant exceed 100 tons per year, therefore the facility is |
Classified as a “Major Stationary Source” with respect to Rule 62-212.400 F.A.C., Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD). ° :
NSPS: The following New Source Performance Standards of 40 CFR 60 may b
IGCC Unit B as described in'Section Ti, Subsection A, Federal-Requirements
* Subpart Da (Standards of Performance for Electric Utility Steam {
* Construction is Commenced After September 18, 1978). i
* Subpart KKKK (Standards of Perfortnance for Stationary
The coal storage and handling facilities of Unit B are subi
Coal Preparation Plants), ,
NESHAP: The facility is a “Major Source” of HAPs and’Un ji i ments of 40 ©
CFR 63, Subpart YYYY (NM ational Emissions Standard for Ha !
Gas Turbines) as described in Section I, Subsection A, Federal Ri
CAIR:. As an electric geiterating unit, Unit B ots subject to the C Interstate Rule pending the
finalization of DEP rules. ’, ’ 7 :
‘CAMR; Unit B is a new coal-fired power plant ant
tially applicable to the
emit. © .
finalization of DEP rules.
Siting: The facility is a steam
Chapter 62-17, F.A.C,
Ali documents related to dpp!
submiitted to the Bureau of Air F& epartment of Environmental Protection (DEP) at
32399-2400, Copies of all such documents shall also
All docum : i to ce Bee activites such as reports, tests, and notifications shall be submitted to the
Fane ion Central District, 3319 Maguire Bouleyard, Suite 232, Orlando, Florida
32803-3767, ; OO ‘
The following Appendic attached as part of this permit.
* Appendix A BS.and NESHAP Subparts A, Identification of General Provisions
Appendix BD Final BACT Determinations end Emissions Standards .
- Appendix Da *' NSPS Subpart Da Requirements for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units
AppendixGC. General Conditions
AppendixKKKK NSPS Subpart KKKK Requirements for Stationary Combustion Turbines
Appendix SC Standard Conditions -” ;
OUC Sianton Energy Center 7 - >. Dyalt PemitNo, PED EES73
IGCC Unit B . Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 3 of 29
Appendix Y NSPS Subpart Y- Requirements for Coal Preparation Plants ;
Appendix YYYY NESHAP Subpart YYYY Standard for HAPs for Stationary Combustion Gas Turbines
The documents listed beléw are nota part of this permit, however they are specifically related to this permitting
action and‘are on file with the Department, . mo :
** February 17, 2006; Received Site Certification Application (SCA) includ
, * April 5, 2006: Sent Sufficiency Issues to DEP Siting Coordination O
© April 10, 2006; SCA determined to be Insufficient by SCO.
* May 8, 2006: Received Sufficiency Responses from Applicant
« May 26, 2006: Sent, Status Letter on Sufficiency Respo
© July 26, 2006: Intent to Issue PSD Permit distribute
* Department’s Final Determination and Best Avaifé
‘concurrently with this Final Permit:
PSD application.
~ n Energy Center
: OUC Stanton Energy Center : . . : : Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B . Project No. 0950137-010-AC
. Page 4 of 29. - .
‘1. | General Conditions: The permittee shall operate under the attached General Ci
‘ta . * 5 ee .
[Rules 62-204,800, 62-210.300 and 62-210.900, FAC]
Construction and Exp’ fration: Ati
within 18 months after.receipt it} f is di: 2 peri Shths or
more, or if construction is not is ision ply to the time
Period between Construction o; ( ject c that each phase
". must commence construction withi the Department in
the permit. The ‘Department that an extension
(BACT) for emissions ‘units
at this PSD air Construction permit be
ape of Air Regulation at least sixty (60)
7-080, 62-210.300(1), and 62-- -
adequacy of any previous determination of Bedi
“regulated by the Project. For good cause, the pel
submitted to 1!
nit. [Rules
‘sa7" days prior to the expir
4. New or Additionavt'et notice and an administrative hearing, if
Tequested, the Departin to new or additional conditions, The
Department shall a 0 conform to the new or additional Conditions, and
Brant additional time,. [Rule 62-4.080, F.A.C]
nodification becomes a major stationary source or major
m vere defined at the time the source obtained the enforceable Limitation)
fo in any enforceable limitation which was established. after August 7,
ource or modification otherwise to emit a pollutarit, such as a restriction on
Tequirements of subsections 62-212.400(4) through'(12), F.A.C,, shall apply
hon as though construction had not yet cominenced on the source or’
commenced on the source or modification,
[Rulle 62-212,400(12), FAC] | ; :
6. Modifications: No emissions unit or facility subject to this permit shall be constructed or modified without.
OUC Stanton Enerpy Center Drait Permit No. PSD-EL-373
IGCC Unit B To : Projecto. 6950137-010,AC
: . Page $ of 29 o . .
construction or modification: This permit authorizes construction of the referenced facilities,
{Chapters 62-210 and 62-212, FAC] :
ized for regular operation —
& V Operation permit in
nit, the applicant shall
‘sw’ OUC Stanton Energy Center : . i Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
iGCCUnitB | 7
Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 6 of29 . | ; :
. A. Unit Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
The specific conditions of this subsection apply to the fe
‘ollowing emissions
unit after construction is complete,
The integrated Basification combined cycle unit contains the following en
Emissions Point Description
“4 BACT Determinations: .A determination of the Best Avail
path OES .
carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM/PM 1»), sulfuri
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs). [R: 2
J Teck nology (BACT) was made for °
ist (SAM), sulfur dioxide (SO,), and
2. NOx Emissions Cap: An emissions cap ont
respect to NOx emissions, thus avoiding a BAST d
wwe 3. NSPS Requitenients: This unit may be subject
: 0
E'60, listed dnd as described below.
adopted by reference in Rujp.62.. determines that the BACT
- missions performance limits imposed by-the
applicable NSPS pro
the individual sub
: These provisions include
005. Subpart KKKK may
A, Federal Requirements
Se : _ .
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IGCC Unit . - , :
. Project No. 0950137-010-AC
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4, NESHAP Requirements: The combustion turbine is subject to 40 CFR 63, Subpart A, Identification of
General Provisions and 40 CFR 63, Subpart YYYY, National Eniissins Standard for Hazardous Air
an Pollutants for Stationary Combustion Gas Turbines as described in Section I, Subsection A, Federal
Requirements of this permit, , ; so Oo
5. Combustion Turbine: The pérmittee is authorized to install, tune, opetate, and maintain one General
r bzle quiet combustor
(MNQC), and an inlet air filtration system with evaporative coolers, bustion turbine will be
designed for operation in an IGCC mode, will have dual-fuel capab; 1 be designed for a :
maximum héat input rate of 1,942 mmBtu per hour when firing na mmBtu per hour when
firing syngas (based ona cotapressor inlet air temperature of 2 © hi value (HEV) of the
fuel, and 100% load), Heat input rates will vary depending yf cha tics, ambient *
conditions, alternate methods o ati) ovide
itting and ;
. data may be
equations on
ia maximum heat input rate of
ew - 531.5 mmBtu per hour based on the higher hea al pas, [Application; Design]
7. Generating Capacity: Unit;
firing syngas and 310
consisting of air
cooler, ah
performance tests required for the gas turbine, the steam injection system shall be tuned to achieve
pennitted levels for CO and sufficiently low NOx values to mest the NOx limits with the additional
SCR control technology described below, Thereafter, the system shall be maintained and tuned in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. : -
OUC Stanton Energy Center Draft Pennit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B ”
* Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 8 of 29- .
A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
b. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System: The permittee shal} install, tune, operate; and maintain an
SCR system to control NOx emissions from the combustion turbine when firing natural 885, synthesis
gas, or a combination thereof, The SCR system consists of an ammonia (NF;) injection grid, Catalyst,
ig and other ancillary equipment, The
the permitted levels of NOx and NH;
ammonia storage, Monitoring and control system, electrical, pipin;
SCR system shall be designed, constructed and Operated to meet
emissions, coe
ia shall comply with all
CFR 68,
in of all initial compliance .
aintain an oxidation catalyst
hen firing Natural gas, ~
SG distretion, b
pr Catalyst prior to the end y two year period
any DOE demonstration obligations. 1
& sample of the catalyst to the vendor fo
efforts to provide the Department with-s
wa . (Design; Rules 62-210.200(PTE, and BACT),
3D), F.A.C,; Chapter 403.062,
10. Gasification System:
Wand Operated for each gasifier train for
treatment of the s i :
‘ombustion turbine, ;
uittee shail install, operate, and maintain a mercury removal system -
yyp-from the synthesis Bas stream to achieve the Permitted levels
system." .
permittee sail install, Operate, and maintain a sulfur Temoval system to
@f sulfir from the synthesis gas stream'to achieve the permitted levels of
Temove'a suffici lount of ammonia from the
levels of Ni Or,
Ammonia Storage: In accordance with 40 CFR 68.130, the storage of ammonia shall comply with alt
applicable requirements (of the Chemical Accide
nt Prevention Provisions in 40 CFR 68,
(Design; Rule 62-212.400(Psp), FAC] .
OUC Stanton Ea
ery Center Draft Permit No. PSD-FL973
: ‘Project No. 0951 0137-010-ACc
- + Page 9 of 29 :
A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
11. Hours of Operation: The Basification system and/or gas turbine may operate throughout the year (8,760
_ hours per year). Restrictions on individual methods of operation are Specified in separate Conditions,
~ [Rules 62-210.200@TE, and BACT) and 62-212.409 SD) FAC] . .
12. Authorized Fuels:
© a synthesis gas/natural gas
subject to the BACT
d. Coal— When burning synthesis gas in the combust
der ;
% Combined Cycle Operation: The comb
' shaft-driven electrical Power and steam-ge
8enerator as a combin cycle unit subject tah
» the SCR'@tem, shall, 10 the extent practicable
be on linefand functioning properly during ©
si Permittee shall keep records
system is not in operation, These
. /
combined cycle g
documenting #4
fre natural gas inthe duct burners to Provide additional steam.
Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
Project No. 0950 137-010-AC
Page 10 of 29 : 7
atl A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle EU 030) :
combustion turbine may be accomplished by mixing the synthesis bas with natural gas. Synthesis gas
may be directed to the flares: during upset conditions such as trips of the CT/HRSG system to allow safe
release of the pressurized gas. . Lote
c. Integrated Operation: The gasification system lay operate to produce synth
_ ¢ombustion of the synthesis gas in the combustion turbine shall be on Jine and functioning Properly, in
accordance with the specifications of the manufacturers, during the integrated operation of the
gasification and CT/HRSG systems, - Uy
[Application; Rules 62-2 10.200 (PTE, and BACT) and 62-212,400 esp
15. Emission Standards: Emissions from the turbine/HRSG syste
ema rae
: 30-dayrolling
. ¥ 10 % opacity, 6-minute block average pom |
aa Complies wi'S0, | a}
___ Ammonia’ ES 7
“wa . __
OUC Stanton Energy Center Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
_ IGCC Unit B : . ,
Project No.-0950137-010-AC
Page 11. of 29
i [ reme@ sic, | “ty | Gail aca
Rage [ise
Nox + Fame [ane]
Natural Gas/Synpas | 10 x 19% Ib/MWh
a, For purposes of meeting the BACT limits of this subsection, an hour
fel mixture js fired, is subject to the BACT limit for natural gas ¥
75% natural gas (by heat input), and subject to the BACT limit fo
. 75% or less natural gas (by heat input) for that hour. Any ho
are combusted in the combustion turbine dire to fuel switch
Bas firing. . . , .
#8 Syiithesis pas/natural Bas
Mure contains greater than
auch the mixture contain
is gas and natural gas
its ‘for synthesis
€ potential
emissions of SO, and SAM f; BACT for
these pollutants, Compliance it uirements in
Condition No. 49 of this subsection, BACT for ermined as 2,7
Ppmvd and 35.5 lb/hr, Compliance with
while firing synthesis gas. , ;
c. ‘The fie! sulfur Specifications for natural gas Bs combined with the efficient
combustion design and o for PM/PM,y emissions,
Compliance with the tions standards shall serve as
imit of no more than's Ppmvd
corrected to 15% Notivithstanding this ovision, ammonia slip
may excéed’§ ppnivd id to 15% O, when the SCR system is
voluntarily , ’
6. pased on 100 percent full load operation an ambient
¢ mass emission rate may be adjusted from actual
file with the Department.
£. In accordance with Condition
{Permitting No lectively limit annual potential emissions Srom the
combustion turd
yi 156 tons/year of PMIPMya.}
Rules 62-4.070(3), 62.2 (BACT), and 62-212.400(Ps), FAC] -
16, Carbon Monoxide Emissions of CO from the CT/ARSG system shall not exceed the following
BACT limits on a 24-br rolling average as measured by the required CEMS' and during the required stack
tests, . , :
a While firing natural gas CO emissions shall not exceed: -
Duct burners on -27.2 ppmvd @ 15% O, and 138.0 ityhe
Duct buraers off~20.5 ppmva @ 15% 0, and 79.0 to/he .
Page 12 of 29.
-OUC Stanton Energy Center : , Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B : ; Project No, 095 0137-010-AC
. - Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
However, beginning with the 10 calendar year after the co
for each calendar year thereafter, if, excluding startup,
turbine for the prior 48 months exceeds 50% of the to
period, then CO emissions thereafter for the life of th
mpletion of the initial compliance tests, and
the total ziatural gas heat input to the combustion
tal heat input to the combustion turbine for that
le permit shall not exceed: .
Duct burners on — 4,1 Ppmvd @ 15% O, and 20.8 Ib/ar
* Duct burners off — 4,1 ppmvd @ 15% 0, and 15.8 lb/hr
b. While Jiring synthesis gas CO emissions shall not exceed:
_ Duct burners on-20.5 ppmvd'@ 15% O, and 140.5 Ib/nr
* Duct bumers off ~ 15.8 ppmvd @ 15% 0, and 90.7 lb/hr
" [Rules 62-4.070(3), 62-210.200 (BACT), and 62-212.400(PSD), FONE
17. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCS): Emissions of VO
following standards as determined by data collected duri
a. While firing natural &as, VOC emissions shall ng
Duct bumers on-6.5 ppmvd @ 15% O, and 19.0
Duct bumers off -2.4 ppmvd @ 15% O, and 5.3 lb/hr
'b. While firing synthesis gas, VOC emissit
, Duct bumers on—4.6 ppmvd @ 159
Duet burners off ~ 2.4 ppmvd @ 15%
[Rules 62-4.070(3), 62-21 ;
12 of this subsection, of 2.0 grains per 100
issions Of SO. while firing natural gas from the
Of 0, from the CI/HRSG system shall not exceed 2.7 ppmvd @
ng average as measured by the required CEMS and during the ~
CT), and 62-212,400(PSD), F.A.C]
Ps): Sulfuric acid mist js effectively limited by the
ile burning natural gas and synthesis gas respectiy
Uutant. [Rules 62-4:070(3), 62-210.200 (BACT),
fuel sulfur specifications
ely. These requirements
and 62-212.400(PSD), F.4.C] -
Tepresént BACT for
20. Particulate Matter (PY
a. While burning natural gas:
i t t CO standards, and visible
emissions standards shall serve as indicators of good combusti
on. Visible emissions shall not exceed 10
% opacity as observed during the required visible einissions tests, : :
OUC Stanton Energy Center a LO Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-973
IGCC Unit B : :
ae Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 13 of 29
A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Gey 030)
b. While burning synthesis gas: . oa
The SO, standard for synthesis gas, combined with the efficient combustion design and Operation of the
* combustion turbine Tepresent BACT for PM/PMi, emissions, Compliance with the SO, and CO
standards, and visible emissions standard shall serve as indicators of good combustion. Visible
emissions shall not exceed 10% Opacity as observed during the required visible emissions tests, Results
from the particulate matter stack tests, as required in-Conditions 39 of this subsection, shall be Teported
to the compliance authority, . : .
(Permitting Note: _ The SO; limit Of 2.7 ppm is approximately equal to
sulfur dioxide Fuel specification of 60.49Dalj
* [Rules 62-4.070(3), 62-210.200 (BACT), and 62-212,400(PSD), F. DEDR 60.49, and Chapter.
(Rules 62-4.070(3), and 62-212.400(12)PSp Avoidance), F
23, Nitrogen Oxides (NO. + Emissions of NO
standards as measured by the required C]
- Tequired stack tests, .
a. While burning natural Bas;
15 ppmvd @ 15% ,
d 40 CER 60.45a (b) and 60.50Da(g)]
not exceed the: following
fed, and as Measured during the
-E.A:C, Applicant Request, and 40 CER 60.4325]
emissions from existing coal fired boiler steam electric
is subsection,
QUC Stanton En Draft Permit No, PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B. -Project No. 0950237-010-ac
an Page 14 of 29 . .
A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
‘subsection, All valid hours of data (including startup and shutdown) must be included in the rolling 12-
month totals. Also, the data substitution-procedures of Part 75 for missing data shall Dot be used in
these calculations, : : , :
[62-210.200 (net emissions increase), 62-210.370 (emissions computation), and 62-212,400( 12) (Source .
’ Obligation), F.A.C] , . .
{Permitting Note: This ‘Project did not trigger PSD for NOy due to a NOx emissions cap taken on existing
coal fired boiler steam electric &enerating Unit I and Unit 2. The above coi Hans establish the .
requirements for meeting the NOx emission limitations for Purposes of avoiggie PSN reconstruction
review, These requirements in no way supersede any federal requiremeyG8T the applicable NSPS or
NESHAP provisions. }
25, Unconfined Particulate Emissions: During the construction period ticulate matter emissions
shall be munimized by dust Suppressing techniques such as co p, Sori lying ‘water or
Description of Method and Comments “8 i
Determination of Traverse Points, Veloci
Content. Methods shall b:
Determination of Particulate
standard cubic feet,
Rate, Gas Analysis, and Moisture
ipport other methods, :
emissions testing shall be conducted | -
ssible during the test.
hest heat inptft po.
ns (Instrumental), The method shall be based on
oncentrations (Flame Ionization — Instrumental)
Analysis of Ammonia in Stationary Source .
test method, The minimum detection limit shall be 1 ppm, *
bn EP*¥S Technology Transfer Network Web Site at ;
html”. The other methods are deséribed in 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, and
rol F 204.800, F.A.C, No other methods may be used for compliance testing
unless prior wri val ge received from the administrator of the Department’s Emissions Monitoring.
{Rules 62-204.80 40 CFR 60, Appendix Aj
firing natural gas, when firing Syngas, and when using the duct buiners ‘while Gring each fuel in the CT. For
each run during tests for visible emissions and ammonia slip, emissions of CO and NOx recorded by the
CEMS shall also be Teportéd, Particulate matter testing and Teporting shall include front and back half ©
Gatches. Data collected from the reference method during the required CEMS quality assurance RATA tests
OUC Stanton Energy Center . Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B . : Project'No. 0950
o 137-010-AC
. Page 15 of 29
28, Initial Compliance Demonstration:
[Rules 62-4.070, 62-2973 10(7)(a), F.A.C. wand 40 CER 60.8]
* : s sts : NOx, ammonia slip, Voc,
and visible emissi ean yer 1"! to September 30",
- Annual testing to determin i > Vie 5 :
and 62.297" 10(7)(a)4, F.A.C, and 40 CER 60.50Da],
ed subsequent compliance testing, particulate matter testing .
firing synthesis 8as and the results shall be reported to the
permit Statidards for emissions of CO, NOx, and
spe ms
“be demonstrated with data collected in accordance
OUC Stanton Energy Center . Draft Permit No, PSD-FL-373
IGCCUnitB ; .
. . ; ; Project No. 0950] 37-010-AC
Page 16 of 29 .
"35, Excess Emissions Prohibiied: Excess emiss
A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
{Permitting Note: The following conditions apply only to the SIP-based emissions standards Specified in
Condition No 15 of this subsection, Rule 62-210.700, F.A.C. (Excess Emissions) cannot vary or supersede any
federal provision of the NSPS, ‘NESHAP, or Acid Rain programs,} .
33. Operating Procedutes: The Best Available Control Technology (BACT) determinations established by this
. penmit rely on “good operating practices” to reduce emissions, Therefore, all operators and supervisors
shall be properly trained to operate and ensure maintenance of. the gas turbine, HRSG, gasification system,
and pollution control systems in accordance with the guidelines and procedures,established by each
manufacturer, The training shall include good operating practices as well asaseith
.emissions, [Rules'62-4.070(3) and 62-210.200(BACT), FAC] i
34, Definitions: - a 7 :
a, Startup is defined as the commencement of operation of any e
+ ceased operation for a period of time sufficient to catse te
control device imbalances, which result in excess erni:
b, Shutdown, is the cessation of the operation of, an en
c. Malfunction is defined as any unavoidable mech
equipment or process equipment or of a process resultin
manner, ‘
Rule 62-210.200(164, 241, and 257), F.AN
Sor maintenance, poor
operation or any other equipment or process fa vented during startup,
shutdown or malfimction shall be prohibited, - emissfons shall be included in an
compliance determinations base; FAC]
36. Data Exclusion Proced: t i i CEMS emissions data collected during
startup, shutdown, ow, may be excluded from the :
corresponding SIPs d that best operational practices to minimize
emissions are adhered to; B imized, and the Procedures for data exclusion
listed below are fol: in Rule 62-210.700(5), F. -A.C., these conditions
wpliance calculation using all the CEMS emission data indicates that
fo CEMS data shall be excluded from the compliance —
‘e must bean underlying event (startup, shutdown, or malfunction) in ‘
is no underlying event, then no data may be excluded,
a shall be excluded.on a continuous basis. Data from discontinuous periods
the same underlying event, .
ygons: The following data may be excluded from the corresponding SIP-based
compliance demonstration for each of the events listed below: . . :
a. Steam Turbine/HRSG System Cold Startup: Up to sixt-hours (in any 24-hr period) of excess emissions
|. from the.conibustion turbine/ERSG system due to cold startup of the steam turbine/ERSG system may '
. be excluded. A “cold Startup of the steam turbine/HRSG system” is defined as startup of the combined.
cycle system following a shutdown of the steam turbine lasting at least 48 hours.
~ QUC Stanton Energy Center -- Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B, Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 17 of 29
b. Steam TurbinestiRsG
System Warm Startup; Up to four hours (in any 24-by Period) of excess emissions
from the combustion turbine/HRSG system due to warn Startup of the steam turbine/HRSG system may
+ be excluded. A “warm startup of the steam turbine/HRSG system” is defined as a Startup of the
combined cycle system following a shutdown of the steam turbine lasting
48 hours,
’ - turbine/HRSG system due to a documented malfin
38. ‘Ammonia Injectio
tumoma Injection
39. Notification Requiren
Working day of disg
Within one working d.
malfunction ragulti ig in th
mpliance Authority within one
ate. ance for a given averaging period.
Or shal] notify the Compliance Authority of any
le 62-4.070, FAC] 0
Cuality assurance Procedures shall Conform to the Tequitements of 49 CER 60,
A tests required for the CO monitor Shall be performed using EPA Méthod 10 in
} 60 and shall be based on a continuous Sampling train, The CO monitor span
values shall be set §ppropriately, considering the allowable methods of Operation and Corresponding
emission standards; . : :
b. NOx Monitor: ANOx monitor installed to meet the requirements of 40 CFR 75, and that is continuing
, iremi iré this permit and 49
OUC Stanton : Draft Pennit No, PSD-FL373
Project No, 0950137-01 0-AC
Page 18 of 29 .
- UnitB Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
in Subpart D of Part 75, nor shal! the data have been bias adjusted according to Part 75. °
&. SO; Monitor: The SO, monitor shall be installed pursuant to 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance
’ ” Specification 2. Quality assurance procedures shall conform to the requirements of 40 CER 60, |
Appendix F. The RATA tests required for the SO, monitor shall be performed using EPA Method 7 or
uirements of 60.51Da
g the missing data procedures
to Part 75, *
41, Mercury Monitoring: Mercury emissions shall be monito;
60,49Da. [Rules 62-4,070(3),
; 3 BY monitor, a firel low
monitoring system certified and operated accofging Tue ireme peppendix D-of 40 CFR Part 75
i UO CFR 60.49Da and Subpart 75] _
L S electrical output of the unit in
megawatt-hours must b, iby i efated in accordance with the,
Hall install'a system to determine the moisture -
ble correction of the monitoring results to a dry
45.-Amm HE Aonite i accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, the permittee
a ammonia flow meter to measure and record the ammonia
permitted NOx
[Rules 62-4,070( ya
OUC Stanton Energy Canter Draft Permit No. PSD-FL373
IGCC Unit B "
Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 19 of 29 :
A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
“46. CEMS Data Requirements for BACT Standards; -
{Permitting Note: The Sollowing conditions ‘apply only to the SIP-based emissions standards Specified in
Condition Nos, 15. 24 of this section, These requirements Cannot vary.or supersede any federal provision
‘of the:NSPS, NESHAP, or Acid Rain Programis, ‘Additional reporting and monitoring may be required by
the individual subparts} ‘ sO me ;
a Data Collection: , Except for continuous monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and
Zero and span adjustments, emissions shal! be monitored and Yecorded d uése all operation including
Startup, shutdown, and malfunction, ;
b, Operating Hours and Operating Days: ‘An hour is the 60-minute
hour. Any hour during which an emissions unit is in operation
hour for that emission unit. A day is the 24-hour Period from
least one Operating hour for an ernissions unit is an Ope
4.070, F.A.C.]
&. Valid Hour: Each CEMS shall be designed and
Spaced over the hour at a minimum of one measyfetty
. during an hour shal! be'used to calculate a 1-hour block}
. 1) Hours that are not operating-hours
2) For each Operating hour, the 1
"points separated by aminimum
: there is insufficient data and the
. 3) During fuel Switching an hour in
"* permit standards for
Rolling 24-Hour A
eginning at the top ofeach
Han 15 minutes is an operating
omputed from at least two data
Such data points are available,
d is attypiited towards compliance with the
etermined affeF each yalid hourly average is obtained
urly average and the Previous 23 valid hourly
than one-2438ur compliance demonstration required for CO
i Of operation} . .
. be Hetermined after each operating day by calculating the
urly pverages from that Operating day and the prior 29 Operating
Amplian, C shall be determined after each calendar month by calculating the
padar month and the last 11 calendar months. :
the owner or operator has installed a CEMS to meet the
requirement ted'to show compliance with any SIP-based limit shal] not include
data subs: le missing. data Procedures. in Subpart D of Part 75, nor Shall the data have been
bias adjus’ ig to the procedures of Part 75.. :
OUC Stanton Energy Center
Draft Permit No. PSD-FLS73
IGCC Unit B:
oo Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 20 of 29 . .
* 52. Excess Emissions Regorting:
' A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
Tate Of the Bas turbine and
HRSG duct bummer syste: f hours of operation during
each day (including the ing). Such Monitoring shall
be made using a monito: nitoring daily rates of
consumption and heat co;
Appendix D. [Rules 62
ecord the
following for each fuel ina ROL operation:
fuel consumption, hours of otals for each.
Information recorded and st ting within at
least three days of a request by the Department, The fuel consut hall be monitored in accordance
. With the provisions of 40 CFR 75 Appendix -210.200(BACT), F.A.CJ
sulfur limits specified in this
permit by maintaining the following records o; with the fuel sulfur Jimit for
natural gas shall be demonstrated by keeping repfhrts endor indicating the average sulfur
content of the natural gas being: i th of operation, Methods for
determining the sulfur ci ids D4084-82, D4468-85, D5504-0i,
D6228-98 and D6667,
wx content in conjunction with the provisions of
(15), FAC]
40 CFR 75 Appen
BACT limit only,
an NSPS limit, or Ac
& Malfunction Notification: If emissions in excess of a stindard (subject to the Specified averaging
period) occur due to malfunction, the permittee shall notify the Compliance Authority within (1)
working day-of! the nature, extent, and duration of the excess emissions; the cause of the excess
emissions; and the actions taken to correct the problem. In addition, the Department May request a
written Summary report of the incident, : . .
Page 21 of 29 -
OUC Stanton Energy Center ; - . Draft Permit No. PSD-FL37a
- IGCC UnitB . Project No, 0950137-010-AC
J NN alendar quarter, the permittee shal] submit the Written,
- Teports required under 40 CPR 60.51Da for the i
i-annual period to the . ;
| oat semi-annual period, the
plicable, and defined by NSPS
period to the Compliance
Compliance Authority, Also, within 30 days follow,
permittee shall submit a Teport on any periods of
. Authority.
Rules 62-4.130, 62-204,800, 62-210.700(6), F
A.C.) and 40 OBR
& Operating repo:
ations of the various subparts that
ent status of each subpart and
54. NSPS Subpart Da: The provisions of Subpart povery sfam generators and the associated
i irbine(s) burning fuels ¢ heat input) or- more synthesis-coal
re syngas ona 12-month rolling
h the requirements of Subpart Da and
W, and details of the Subpart can
notKKKK, A; pli e
be found-in Append
- ai Raag “| —oag —J
i te Roling | Ss J
i D trates compliance with
quid or gaseous fuels,
[40 CFR 60 Subpart Da] . . ; :
55. NSPS Sub: : The proposed Provisions of Subpart KKKK apply to Stationary gas turbines
constructed after February 18, 2005 JUnit B burns
mply with the requirements of Subpart KKKK,
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IGCC Unit B : ; Project No. 0
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A. Unit B Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (EU 030)
and not Subparts GG and Da. Applicable requirements of Subpart KKKK.
‘ details of the Subpart can be found in Appendix KKKK of this pennit.
: . __NSPS Subpart KKKK Requirements
Applicable When Firing < 75% Syngas (12-manth rolling average)
Pollutant Method of : Limit
Or Lb/MWhr
are summarized below, and
“Method of
“0.43 ‘CEMS
0.060 Ib/mmBty Fuel Records
Or 0,90 Ib/MWh
_ {40°CFR 60 Subpart KKKK) «| : ;
56, NESHAP Subpait YYYY: ‘The contbustion turbine is subje
General Provisions and 40 CFR 63, Subpart YYYY,
Pollutants for Stationary Combustion. Gas Turbines,
effectiveness of this Subpart with respect to Jean prefi
Identification of
lous Air
nage on turbines
The project must comply with the Initial Notification tequire h if and comply
with any other applicable requirement of Subpart YYYY upon ‘action by EPA and publication in the
‘Federal Register. Subpart YYYY speci ¢ parts per billion (ppby) of
formaldehyde (CH,O) applicable to-stat . ; :
[40 CER 63 Subpart YYYY]
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Project No. 0950137-010-AC
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" IGCC UnitB
oe BACT Determinations: The is
ay . . *
. Technology (BACT) determin:
[Rule 62-210,200 (ACT), F.A.C]
2, Equipment: The permittee j
approximately 214 feet by 123 feet, en
designed to combust synthesis gas duri,
combustion turbine,
[Applicant Request; Rule 62-21 0.200(PTR), FAC]
' 3. Hours of Operation: The hours of Operati
- [Applicant Request; Rule 62.21 0.200(PTE),
4. Authorized Fuels: Only natural gas containing
of tiatural gas shall be fired in the pilot flares,
5. Is of O; ion: Swati
‘under the following mex
a, Pilot Flare:
natural gas,
: ot systems in accordance with,
: established ‘by each Manufacturer, The trainj
Practices as well as mi inimizi
- [Rules 62-4.070(3) anf
7. Pilot Flares: The 8 Pilot flares shall be oj
pilot flame shall be monitored using
8. Pilot Flare Records: .The
: Permittee shal} keep readily accessible records demonstrating the presence ofa
flame on the Pilot flares, . 7 . .
ouc Stanton Energy Center
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Project No. 0951 0137-010-AC
Page 24 of 29 - . : :
nw B. Unit B Flare (EU 031) . oo . .
9. Fuel Records: The permittee shall keep records sufficient to determine the annual throughput of natural gas
of this unit for use in the Annual Operating Report.
Rule 62-204. 800(7)(b)16, FAC]
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: Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page250f29 °
‘1. Cooling Tower; Tie Permittee is authorized to install one 6-cell mechanical Cooling tower with the
following nominal design characteristics: circulating water flow rate of 8 ma; & design air flow Tale
_ Of 1,361,880 actin Per cell; drift eliminators: and a drift rate of no mor 0,0005 percent of the
"circulating water flow. [Application; Design] Lg
2. Drift Rate: Within 60 days of commencing commercial hall Certify’ that the
cooling tower was constructed to achieve the specified S percent of the
circulating water flow rate; [Rule 62-210, 200(BACT) e
{Permitting Note: This work ‘Practice standard is establithed mn the cooling
tower. Based on these design criteria, potential emissions are Sof PM per year
and less than 6 tons Of PM per tes}
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IGCC Unit B-
Project No, 0950137-010-Ac
Page 26 of 29 .
. Unit B Materials Storage and Handling (Units 33, 34, and 35)
This section of the permit addresses the following emissions unit.
-| Emission Unit Description
Unit B Coal Mill and Coal Storage
pulverizing and feed preparation.
Point ID‘No,
~ including goal crushing, and crushed coal Storage, coal
Description , .
Coal Mill Silo No. 1 Baghouse
Coal Mill Silo No, 2 Baghouse .
Coal Mill Silo No, 3 Baghouse
Coal Mill Silo No, 4 Baghouse
lo and baghouse, -
Unit B Coal Handling z Including,
1. BACT Determinations: A determination of the
: pat echnology (BACT) was made for
rements Hy this unit the visible emissions limits,
articulate matter,
2. NSPS Requirem ents:
Provisions) and 40 C
np Screens, magnetic separator,
5 ed pulverizers; four Surge bins; a high pressure coal feeder System; and all
associated conveyo . . . ye
4. Baghouse Controls: Biteh coal mill silo and each pulverized coal storage bin will be controlled bya
baghouse system. Each required baghouse shall be designed, Operated, and maintai:
’ design specification of 0.01 gr/dscf and a PM,, design specification of 0.0085 gr/dscf.
[Rules 62-4.070(3), and 62-210.200 (BACT), F.A.C] .
3. Hours of Operation: The hours of operation for this emissions unit are not limited (8760 hours per year),
[Rule 62-21.200 (TE), FAC] . .
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IGCC Unit B ;
: . Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 27 of 29 :
Reasonable Precautions shall include the following:
qd) Landscaping and planting of vegetation,
(2) Application of water to control fugitive dust from activities suc
grading roads, construction, and land clearing,
(3) Water supply lines, hoses and sprinklers shal] be located g
and petroleum coke, .
(4) All Plant Operators shall be trained in basic enyir,
T emissions
G) Water spray shall be us herent moisture and moisture from
wetting the storage pil ; ed particulate matter emissions,
(6) As necessary, applications of asph o uppaved toads, yards, open.
"stockpiles and similar activities, . :
(7) Paving of access Toadways, Parking
el storage'yard, :
(8) Removal of dust fia
der the control of the owner or
vecoming airborne, ,
t from paved roads, parking, and other work areas,
‘practicably feasible,
missions S: Visible emissions from each baghouse, and visible emissions from all coal
Processing and conve & equipment, coal Storage Systems, or coal transfer and loading systems and not
controlled by a baghouse, shall not exceed 5% Opacity,
8 Testing Requirementy: Each emission point shall be tested to demonstrate initial compliance with the
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Project No, 0950137-010-AC
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' D. Unit B Materials Storage and Handling (Units 33,34, and 35) °
Appendix C of this permit as well as the applicable NSPS provisions,
{Rule 62-297,3 10(7)(a), F.A.C., and 40 CFR 60.252]
. TestReports: For each test conducted, the permittee shall file a test report including the information
specified in Rule 62-2973 10(8), F-A.C, with the compliance authority no later than 45 days.after the Jast
zun of each test is completed. [Rules 62-297,310(8), FAC] . .
OUC Stanton Energy Center - Draft Permit No. PSD-FLS7a
_ IGCC Unit B
Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page 29 of 29 , .
Appendix A NSPS Subpart A, Identification of General Provisions ©
-AppendixBD. —- Final BACT Determinations and Emissions Standards
_ AppendixDa | NSPS Subpart! Da Requirements for Duct Burners
Appendix GC General Conditions
Appendix KKKK NSPS Subpart KKKK Requirements for Stationary Combustion Turbines
Appendix SC Standard Conditions |
. Appendix Y NSPS Subpart Y Requirements for Coal Preparation Plants.
Appendix YYYY - NESHAP Subpart YYYY Standard for HAPs for Stationary Combustion Gas Turbines
OUC Stanton Energy Center . - ’ Draft Peimit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Emissions units subject ta a New Source Performance Standard of 40 CER 60 are also subject to the applicable
requirements of Subpart A, the General Provisions, including:
§ 60.1 Applicability.
5 60.2 Definitions. : ,
§ 60.3 Units and abbreviations: °
§ 60.4 Address.
§ 60.5 Determination of construction or modification.
§ 60.6 Review of ‘plans. .
§ 60.7 Notification and Record Keeping.
§ 60.8 Performance Tests.
§ 60.9 Availability of information.
§ 60.10 State Authority.
§ 60.11 Compliance with Standards and Maintenance ® Requirements,
* § 60.12 Circumvention. -
§ 60.13 Monitoring Requirements.
— § 60,14 Modification.
§ 60.15 Reconstruction.
§ 60,16 Priority List.
§ 60.17 Incorporations by Reference.
§ 60.18 General Control Device Requirements.
§ 60.19 General Notification and Reporting Requirements.
Individual subparts may exempt specific equipment or processes from: some or all of these requirements. The general
* provisions may be provided i in full upon request. .
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. Draft Pennit No. PSD-FL-373
Project No. 0950137-010-AC .
Page A-1
Refer to the.draft BACT proposal discussed in the initial Technical Evaluation for this project and to the ©
Final Determination issued with the
Final permit for the rationale regarding the following BACT
determination. : : : :
- Insert Emissions Limits From Final Permit
OUC Stanton Energy Center ; ; : . . . Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B :
Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page BD-1 .
P.E., Program Administrator , :
South Permitting Section
. Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Air Regulation
2600 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400
. Recommended By: ‘Approved By:
. Trina L. Vielhauer, Chief Joseph Kahn, P.E. . Acting Director
’ Bureau of Air Regulation 7 Division of Air Resources Management
Date . ' * Date.
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IGCC Unit B Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page BD-2
When burning 75 percent (by heat input) or more synthesis coal gas, on a 12-month rolling average, Unit B heat recovery steam
generator and the associated stationary combustion turbine are subject to NSPS Subpart Da (Standards of Performance for Electric
Utility Steam Generating Units for Which Construction is Commenced After September 18, 1978). :
{Permitting Note: Numbering of the original NSPS rules in the following conditions has been preserved for ease of reference.
Paragraphs that are not applicable have been omitted for clarity and brevity. When usedin 40 CFR 60, the term “Administrator” shall
mean the Secretary or the Secretary's designee.} : :
§ 60.40Da Applicability and designation of.affected facility.
, (a) The affected facility to which this subpart applies is each electric utility steam generating unit:
(1) That is capable of combusting more than 73 megawatts (250 million Btu/hour) heat input of. fossil fuel (either alone or in
’ combination with any other fuel); and .
(2) For which construction or modification is commenced after September 18, 1978.
(b) Heat recovery steam generators that are associated with stationary combustion turbines burning fuels other than 75 percent (by heat
input) or more synthetic-coal gas on a 12-month rolling average and that meet the applicability requirements of subpart KKKK of this
part are not subject to this subpart. Heat recovery steam generators and the associated stationary combustion turbine(s) burning fuels
containing 75 percent (by heat input) or more synthetic-coal gas on a 12-month rolling average are subject to this part and are not subject
to subpart KKKK of this part. This subpast will continue to apply to all other electric utility combined cycle gas turbines that are capable
of combusting more than 73 MW (250 MMBtu/h) heat input of fossil fuel in the heat recovery steam generator. If the heat recovery
steam generator is subject to this subpart and the combined cycle gas turbine burn fuels other than synthetic-coal gas, only emissions
resulting from combustion of fuels in the steam-generating unit are subject to this subpart. (The combustion turbine emissions are subject
to subpart GG or KKKX, as applicable, of this part). . . , ,
[44 FR 33613, June 11, 1979, as amended at 63 FR 49453, Sept. 16, 1998. Redesignated at 70 FR 51268, Aug. 30, 2005, as amended at
71 FR 9876, Feb. 27, 2006] .
§ 60.42Da Standard for particulate matter.
(b) On and after the date the particulate matter performance test required to be conducted under §60.8 is completed, no owner or operator *
subject to the provisions of this subpart shall cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any affected facility any gases which
exhibit greater than 20 percent opacity (6-minute average), except for-one 6-minute period per hour of not more than’27 percent opacity.
(c) On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted under §60.8 is completed, no owner or operator subject
to the-provisiens-of this subpart shall cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any affected facility for which construction,
Teconstruction, or modification is commenced after February 28, 2005, except for modified affected facilities ‘meeting the requirements of
paragraph (d) of this section, any gases that contain particulate matter in excess of either:
(1) 18 ng/J (0.14 Ib/MWh) gross energy output; or ‘ , ,
(2) 6.4 ng/T (0.015 Ib/MMBtu) heat input derived from the combustion of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel. ;
(d)-As an alternative to meeting the requirements of paragraph (6) of this section, the owner or operator of an affected facility for which
construction, reconstruction, or modification commenced after February 28, 2005, Tay elect to meet the requirements of this paragraph.
On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted under §60.8 is completed, the owner or operator subject to
the provisions of this subpart shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any affected facility for which construction,
* reconstruction, or modification commenced after February 28, 2005, any gases that contain particulate matter in excess of:
(1) 13 ng/J (0.03 Ib/MMBtu) heat input derived from the combustion of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel, and
(2) 0.1 percent of the combustion concentration determined according to the procedure in §60.48Da(o)(5) (99.9 percent Teduction)
for an‘affected facility for which construction or reconstruction commenced after Fi ebruary 28; 2005 when combusting solid fuel or.
solid-derived fuel, or .
(3) 0.2 percent of the combustion concentration determined according to the procedure in §60.48Da(o)(5) (99.8 percent reduction)
for an affected-facility for which modification commenced after February 28, 2005 when combusting solid fuel or solid-derived fuel.
[44 FR 33613, June 11, 1979, Redesignated at 70 FR.51268, Aug. 30, 2005, as amended at 71 FR 9877, Feb. 27, 2006]
§ 60.43Da Standard for sulfur dioxide. .
@) On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted under §60.8 is completed, no owner or operator subject
to the provisions of this subpart shall cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any affected facility.for which construction,
reconstruction, or modification commenced after February 28, 2005, except as provided for under paragraphs (j) or (k) of this section,
any gases that contain sulfur dioxide in excess of the applicable emission limitation specified in paragraphs (i)(1) through (3) of this
section. :
(1) For an affected facility for which construction commenced after February 28, 2005, any gases that contain sulfir dioxide in
excess of either: . .
(180 ng/t (1.4 Ib/MWh) gross energy output on a 30-day rolling average basis, or
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Project No. 0950137-010-AC
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i) 5 percent of the potential combustion concentration (95 percent reduction) on a 30-day rolling average basis.
[44 FR 33613, June 11, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 6663, Feb. 14; 1989: 54 FR 21344, May 17, 1989; 65 FR. 61752, Oct. 17, 2000.
Redesignated and amended at 70 FR 51268, Aug. 30, 2005; 7] FR 9877, Feb. 27, 2006] . .
§ 60.44Da_ Standard for nitrogen oxides.
me) NOx reduction requirement, ;
Fuel type Percent reduction of potential combustion concentration
Gaseous fuels . : 25 :
| Liquid fuels 30
| Solid fuels : : 65
(c) Except as provided under paragraph (d) of this section, when two or more fuels are combusted simultaneously, the applicable
standard is determined by proration using the following formula: . .
_ En=[86 w+]130*+210 y+260 24340 vy/100°
where: .. . . . . .
En is the applicable standard for nitrogen oxides when multiple fuels are combusted simultaneously (ng/J heat input); ~ °
’ wis the percentage of total heat input derived from the combustion of fiels subject to the 86 ng/J heat input standard;
x is the percentage of total heat input derived from the combustion of fuels subject to the 130 ng/J heat input standard;
y is the percentage of total heat input derived from the combustion of fuels subject to the 210 np/T heat input standard;
zis the percentage of total heat input derived from thé combustion of fuels subject to the 260 ng/J heat input standard; and
vis the percentage of total heat input delivered from the combustion of. fuels subject to the 340 np/J heat input standard,
(c) On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted under §60.8 is completed, no owner or operator subject
to the provisions of this subpart shall cause to be discharged itito the atmosphere from any affected facility for which construction,
reconstruction, or modification commenced after F ebruary 28, 2005, except for an IGCC meeting the requirements of paragraph (f) of
energy output on a 30-day rolling average basis, except as provided under §60.48Da(k).
[44 FR 33613, June 11, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 6664, Feb, 14, 1989; 63 FR 49453, Sept. 16, 1998; 66 FR 18551, Apr. 10, 2001; 66
FR 42610, Aug. 14, 2001. Redesignated and amended at 70 FR 51268, Aug. 30,2005; 71 FR 9878, Feb. 27, 2006] ° : :
§60.45Da Standard for mercury.
(b) For each IGCC electric utility steam generating unit, on and after the date on. which the initial performance test required to be *
condueted under §60.8 is completed, no owner or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart shall cause to be’ discharged into the
[70 FR 28653, May 18, 2005. Redesignated and amended at 70 FR 51268, Aug. 30, 2005]
§ 60.48Da Compliance provisions. , .
(a) Compliance With the particulate matter emission limitation under §60.42Da(a)(1) constitutes compliance with the percent reduction
requirements for particulate matter under §60.42Da(a)(2) and (3). .
(b) Compliance with the nitrogen oxides emission limitation under §6 0.44Da(a) constitutes compliance with the percent reduction
requirements under §60.44Da(a)(2). : : Jf : 208
(c) The particulate matter emission standards under §60.42Da, the nitrogen oxides emission standards under §60.44Da, and the Hg
emission standards under §60.45Da apply at all times except during periods.of startup; shutdown, or malfunction.
(e) After the initial performance test required under §60.8, compliance with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations and percentage
OUC Stanton Energy Center : Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B | Project No. 0950137-010-AC
: Page Da-2 .
obtained during startup, shutdown, malfanction (NOX only), or emergency conditions (S02) orily. ;
(2) Compliance with applicable SO2 Percentage reduction requirements is determined based on the average inlet and outlet SO2
(i) The emission Tate (E) of NOX shall be computed using Equation 1 of this section:
E= [(Csg x Qsg)-(Cte x Qte)}/(Osg x h) (Eq. 1) :
Where: : - my
E=emission rate of NOX from the duct burner, ng/T (ib/Mwh) gross output
- CSg= average hourly concentration of NOX exiting the steam gctierating unit, ne/dscm (Ib/dsef)
Cte= average hourly concentration of NOX in the turbine exhaust upstream from duct bumer, ng/dscm (Ib/dscf)
" Qsg= average hourly volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas from steam generating unit, dscn/hr (dscf/hr)
Qte = average hourly volumetrié flow rate of | exhaust gas from combustion turbine, dscm/hr (dscf/hr)
Osg = average hourly gross energy output from steam generating unit, J (Mwh)
h= average hourly fraction of the total heat input to the steam generating unit derived from the combustion of fuel in the
affected duct burner . i .
(2) The Owner or operator of an affected duct bummer used in a combined cycle system may elect to determine compliance with the
applicable NOX emission limitation in §60.44Da(d)(1) or (2)(1) on 8 30-day rolling average basis as indicated in paragraphs
()(2)@ through (iv) of this section. ’ . . .-
Where: .
E = emission rate of NOX from the duct burner, ng/J (Ib/Mwh) ‘Bross output
Cbg = average hourly concentration of ‘NOX exiting the steam generating unit, ng/dscm (b/dscf)
“OUC Stanton Energy Canter , ; Draft Permit No. PSD-FL-373
IGCC Unit B ; ; .
Project No. 0950137-01 0-AC
Page Da-3 .
Qsg = average hourly volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas from steam generating unit, dsem/hr (dscffhr)
Occ = average hourly gross energy output from entire combined cycle unit, J @Miwh) an
(ii) The continuous emissions monitoring system ‘specified under § }60.49Da for measuring NOX and oxygen shall be used to
determine the average hourly NOX concentrations (Cég). The continuous flow monitoring system specified in §60.49Da(])
shall-be used to determine the volumetric flow rate (Qsg) of the exhaust gas. The sampling site shall be located atthe outlet
from the steam generating unit. Data from a continuous flow monitoring system certified (or recertified) following procedures
specified in 40 CFR 75.20, meeting the quality assurance and quality control requirements of 40 CFR 75.21, and validated
according to 40 CFR 75.23 may be used. ” . :
. (if) The continuous monitoring system Specified under §60.49Da(k) for measuring and determining gross energy output shall
be used to determine the average hourly gross energy output from the entire combined cycle unit (Occ), which is the combined
output from the combustion turbine and the steam generating unit.
(iv) The owner or operator may, in lieu of installing, operating, and recording data from the continuous flow monitoring system
specified in §60.49Da(J), determine the mass raté (Ib/hr) of NOX emissions by installing, operating, and maintaining. =~
continuous fuel flowmeters following the appropriate measurements procedures specified in appendix D of 40 CFR part 75. If
this compliance option is selected; the emission rate (Z) of NOX shall be computed using Equation 3 of this section:
B= (ERsg * Hec) /Occ (Eq, 3} .
Where: ; : ; .
E = emission rate of NOX from the duct bumer, ng/J (1b/Mwh) gross ontput ;
UERsg= average hourly emission rate of NOX exiting the steam generating unit heat inpit calculated using appropriate F-
factor as described in Method 19, ng/J (ib/miillion Btu) :
Hec = average hourly heat ixiput rate of entire combined cycle unit, nr (million Btw/hr)
Occ = average hourly gross energy output from entire combined cycle unit, J (Mwh)
() Compliance provisions for sources subject to §60.45Da. The owner or operator of an affected facility subject to §60.45Da (new
sources constructed or reconstructed after January 30, 2004) shall calculate the Hg emission rate-(Ib/MWh) for each calendar month of
_ the year, using hourly Hg concentrations measured according to the provisions of §60.49Da(p) in conjunction with hourly stack gas
volumetric flow rates measured according to the provisions of §60.49Da(1) or (m), and hourly gross electrical outputs, determined
according to the provisions in §60.49Da(k). Compliance with the applicable standard under §60.45n is determined on a 12-month rolling
average basis. 7 : : : . : -
(m) Compliance provisions for sources subject to §60.43Da(i)(1)(i) or (7)(1)@). ‘The owner or opérator of an affected facility subject to
§60.43Da(i)(1)(i) or (7)(1)() shall calculate SO2 emissions by multiplying the average hourly SO2 output concentration, measured
according to the provisions of §60.49Da(b), by the average hourly flow rate, measured according to the provisions of §60.49Da(1), and
divided by the average hourly gross energy output, measured according to the provisions‘of §60.49Da(k), ,
(x) Compliance provisions for sources subject to §60.42Da(c)(1). The owner or operator of an affected facility subject to §60.42Da(c)(1)
shall calculate particulate matter emissions by multiplying the average hourly particulate matter output concentration, measured =”
according to the provisions of §60.49Da(t), by the average hourly flow rate, measured according to the provisions of §60,49Da(]), and
divided by the average hourly gross energy.output, measured according to the provisions of §60.49Da(k). Compliance with the emission
limit is determined by calculating the arithmetic average of the hourly emission rates computed for each boiler operating day.
(0) Compliance provisions for sources subject to §60.42Da(c)(2) or (d)- Except as provided for in paragraph (p) of this section, the owner
or operator of an affected facility for which construction, reconstruction, or modification commenced after February 28, 2005, shall
demonstrate compliance with each applicable emission limit according to the requirements in paragraphs (0)(1) through (0)(5) of this
section. . : .
(1) Conduct an initial performance test according to the requirements in §60-50Da to demonstrate compliance by the applicable date’
specified in §60.8(a) and, thereafter, conduct the performance test annually, and . . . on
(2) An owner or operator must use opacity monitoring equipment as an indicator of continuous particulate matter contro] device
performance and demonstrate compliance with §60.42Da(b). In addition, baseline parameters shall be established as the highest
* hourly opacity average measured during the performance test. If any hourly average opacity measurement is more than 110 percent -
of the baseline level, the owner or operator will conduct another performance test within 60 days to demonstrate compliance. A new
baseline is established during each stack test. The new baseline shall not exceed the opacity limit specified in §60.42Da(b), and
(3) An owner or operator using an ESP to comply with the applicable emission limits shall use voltage and secondary current
monitoring equipment to measure voltage and secondary current to the ESP. Baseline parameters shall be established as average
rates measured during the performance. test. If a 3-hour average voltage and secondary current average deviates more than 10
- percent from the baseline level, the owner or operator will conduct another performance test within 60 days to demonstrate
compliance. A new baseline is established during each stack test, and , 7
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Page Da-4 ;
(i) Install and operate a bag leak detection system for each exhaust stack of the fabric filter.
_ (i) Each bag leak detection system must be installed, operated, calibrated, and maintained in a manner consistent with the
manufacturer's written specifications and recommendations and in accordance with the guidance provided in EPA~454/R-98-
015, September 1997. ve
(iii) The bag leak detection systemrmust be certified by the manufacturer to be‘capablé of | detecting particulate matter emissions
at Concentrations of 10 inilligrams per actual cubic meter or less, .
engaged for more than 5 percent of the total-operating time on 8 30-day rolling average, 8 performance test must be performed
within 60 days to demonstrate compliance, : . : :
(vii) For positive pressure fabric filter systems that do not duct all compartments of cells to a common stack, a bag leak
detection system must be installed in each baghouse compartment or cell, :
, §60.49Da(y).
(3) The initial performance evaluation shall be completed no later than 180 days after the date of initial startup of the affected
facility, as specified under §60.8 of subpart.A of this Part or within 180 days of the date of notification to.the Administrator Tequired
under paragraph (p)(1) of this section, whichever js later. . .
average emission concentration shall be calculated using EPA Reference Method 19, section 4.1.
(5) At a minimum, valid continuous Monitoring system hourly averages shall be obtained for 90 Percent of all operating hours on a
30-day rolling average. , : . .
(i) At least two data points per hour shall be used to calculate each 1-hour arithmetic average,
(i) [Reserved]
data points required under §60.13 (e)(2) of subpart A of this part,
(7) Al valid-continuous monitoring system data shall be tised in calculating average emigsion concentrations even if ‘the minimum
continuous emission monitoring system data Tequirements of paragraph @)(5) of this section are not met, oO
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Project No. 0950137-010-AC
Page Da-5
[44 FR 33613, June 11, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 6664, Feb..14, 1989; 63 FR 49454, Sept. 16, 1998; 66 FR 18552, Apr. 10, 2001; 66
FR 31178, June 11, 2001. Redesignated and amended at 70 FR 28653, 28654, May 18, 2005, and further redesignated and amended at
70 FR 51268, Aug. 30, 2005; 71 FR 9878, Feb. 27, 2006] 0 Lo . .
§ 60.49Da Emission monitoring.
(a) Except as provided for in paragraphs (t) and (u) of this section, the owner or operator of an-affected facility, shall install, calibrate,
moaintain, and operate’a continuous monitoring system, and record the output of the system, for measuring the opacity of emissions
discharged to the atmosphere, except where gaseous fuel is the only fuel combusted. If opacity ‘interference due to water droplets exists in
the stack (for example, from the use of an FGD system), the opacity is monitored upstream of the interference (at the inlet to the FGD
system). If opacity interference is experienced at all locations (both at the inlet and outlet of the sulfur dioxide control system), alternate
parameters indicative of the particulate matter contro! system's performance are monitored (subject to the approval of the Administrator).
(b) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a continucus monitoring system, and record
the output of the system, for measuring sulfur dioxide emissions, except where natural gas is the only fuel combusted, a8 follows:
_ (1) Sulfur dioxide emissions are monitored at both the inlet and outlet of the sulfur dioxide control device.
(2) For a facility that qualifies under the numerical limit provisions of §60.43Da(q), @, @, or Qo) sulfur dicxide emissions are only
monitored as discharged to the atmosphere. . .
(3) An “as fired” fuel monitoring system (upstream of coal pulverizers) meeting the requirements of Methad 19may be used to
determine potential sulfur dioxide emissions in place of a continuous sulfur dioxide emission monitor at the inlet to the sulfur
dioxide control device as required under paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(c)(1) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall install, calibrate, aaintain, and operate a.continuous monitoring system, and
record the output of the system, for measuring nitrogen oxides emissions discharged to the atmosphere; or .
(2) If the owner or operator has installed a nitrogen oxides emission rate continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) to meet
the requirements of part 75 of this chapter and is continuing to meet the ongoing yequirements of part 75 of this chapter, that CEMS
-may be used to meet the requirements of this section, except that the owner or operator shall also meet the requirements of
§60.51Da. Data reported to meet the requirements of §60.51a shall not include data substituted using the missing data procediires in
subpart D of part 75 of this chapter, nor shall the data have ‘been bias adjusted according to the procedures of part 75 of this chapter.
(a) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a continuous monitoring system, and record
the output of the system, for measuring the oxygen or carbon dioxide content of the flue gases at each location where sulfur dioxide or
nitrogen: oxides emissions are monitored. , . .
(c) The continuous monitoring systems under paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section are operated and data recorded during all periods
of operation of the affected facility including periods of startup, shutdown, malfunction or emergency conditions, except for continuous
monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero and span adjustments. :
(Q(1) For units that began construction, reconstruction, or modification on or before February 28, 2005, the owner or operator shall
obtain emission data for at Jeast 18 hours in at least 22 out of 30.successive boiler operating days. If this minimum data requirement
cannot be met with a continuous monitoring system, the owner or operator shall supplement emission data with other Monitoring systems
approved by the Administrator or the reference methods and procedures as described in paragraph (h) of this section.
(2) For units that began construction, reconstruction, ot modification after February 28, 2005, the owner or operator shall obtain
emission data for at least 90 percent of all operating hours for each 30 successive boiler operating days. If this minimum data
requirement cannot be met with a continuous monitoring system, the.owner or operator shall supplement emission data with other
monitoring systems approved by the Administrator or the reference methods and procedures as described in paragraph (h) of this
section. * . :
(g) The 1-hour averages required under paragraph §60.13(b) are expressed in ng/J (1b/million Btu) heat input and used to calculate the
average emission rates under §60.48Da. The 1-hour averages are calculated using the data points required under §60.13(b). At least two
_ data points must be used to calculate the 1-hour averages. ;
(bh) When it becomes necessary to supplement.continuous monitoring system data to meet the minimum data requirements in paragraph
(6 of this section, the owner or operator shall use the reference methods and procedures as specified in this paragraph. Acceptable
alternative methods and procedures are given in paragraph {j) of this section. :
(1) Method 6.shall be used to determine the SO2 concentratio’ at the same location as the SO2 monitor. Samples shall be taken at
60-minute intervals. The sampling time and sample volume for each sample shall be at least 20 minutes and 0.020 dscm (0.71 dscf).
Each sample represents 2 1-hour average. : ;
(2) Method 7 shall be used to determine the NOX concentration at the same location as the NOX monitor. Samples shall be taken at
30-minute intervals. The arithmetic average of two consecutive samples represents a 1-hour average.
(3) The emission rate correction factor, integrated bag sampling and analysis procedure of Method 3B shall bé used to determine the
02 or CO2 concentration at the same Jocation as the O2 or CO2 monitor. Samples shalll be taken for at least 30 minutes in each
hour. Each sample represents a 1-hour average. “ 7 .
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(4) The procedures in Method 19 shall be used to compute each ]-hour average concentration in ng/J (1b/million Btu) heat input.
(2) The owner or operator shall use methods and-procedures in this paragraph to conduct monitoring system performance evaluations
under §60.13(c) and calibration checks under §60.13(d). Acceptable alternative methods.and procedures are given in paragraph (j) of this
section. ne
(1) Methods 38, 6, and 7 shall be used to determine 02, SO2, and NOX concentrations, respectively. -
(2) SO2 or NOX (NO), as applicable, shall be used for preparing the calibration gas mixtures (in N2, as applicable) under
Performance Specification 2 of appendix B of this part. : . .
’ (3) For affected facilities burning only fossil fuel, the span value for a continuous monitoring system for measuring opacity is
between 60 and 80 percent and for a continuous monitoring system measurinig nitrogen oxides is determined as follows:
Fossil fuel : ‘ Span value for nitrogen oxides (ppm)
| Gas ‘ : 500 :
Liquid + | 500
Solid. 1,000
Combination . _[ 500 (x+y) +1,000z
xis the fraction of total heat input derived from gaseois fossil fuel,
y is the fraction of total heat input derived from liquid fossil fuel, and
"gis the fraction of total heat input derived from solid fossil fuel. :
(4) All span values computed under paragraph (b)(3) of this section for burning combinations of fossil fuels are rounded to the
nearest 500 ppm. : - , . ; :
(5) For affected facilities burning fossil fuel, alone or in combination with non-fossil fuel, the span value of the sulfur dioxide
continuous monitoring system at the inlet to the sulfur dioxide control device is 125 Percent of the maximum estimated hourly
potential emissions of the fuel fired, and the outlet of the sulfur dioxide control device is 50 percent of maximum estimated hourly
Potential emissions of the fuel fired, . .
(j) The owner or operator may use the following as altematives to fhe reference methods and procedures specified in this section:
(1) For Method 6, Methad 6A or 6B (whenever Methods 6 and 3 or 3B data are used) or 6C may be used. Each Method 6B sample
obtained'over 24 hours represents 24 1-hour averages. If Method.6A or 6B is used under paragraph (i) of this section, the conditions
under §60.46(d)(1) apply; these conditions do not apply under paragraph (h) of this section. o ;
(2) For Method 7, Method 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E may be used. If Method 7C, 7D, or 7E is used, the sampling time for each run shall be
1 hour. , my
(3) For Method 3, Method 3A or 3B may be used if the sampling time is 1 hour.
(4) For Method 3B, Method 3A may be used. .
(k) The procedures specified in paragraphs (k)(1) through (3) of this section shall be used to determine gross output for sources
demonstrating compliance with the output-based standard under §60.44Da(d)(1). . :
* (1) The owner or operator of an affected facility with electricity generation shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a wattmeter
measure gross electrical output in megawatt-hour on a continuous basis; and record the output of the monitor.
(2) ‘The owner or-operator of an affected facility with process steam generation shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate meters
for steam flow, temperature, and pressure; measure gross process steam output in joules per hour (or Btu per hour) on a continuous
basis; and record the output of the monitor. , . ;
(3) For affected facilities generating process steam in combination with electrical generation, the gross energy output is determined
from the gross electrical output measured in-accordance with paragraph (k)(1) of this section plus 75 Percent of the gross thermal
output (measured relative to ISO conditions) of the Process steam measured in accordance with paragraph (k)(2) of this section.
(m) Alternatively, data from a continuous flow monitoring system certified according to the requirements of 40 CFR 75,20, meeting the
applicable quality control and quality assurance Tequirements of 40 CFR 75.21, and validated according ta 40 CFR 75.23, may be used,
” (n) Gas-fired and oil-fired units. The owner or operator of an affected unit that qualifies as a gas-fired or oil-fired unit, as defined in 40
CFR 72.2, may use, as an alternative to the Tequirements specified in either paragraph () or (mm) of this section, a fuel flow monitoring
system certified and operated according to the requirements of appendix D of 40 CER part 75.
(9) The owner or operator of a duct bumer, as described in §60.41Da, which is subject to the NOX standards of §60.44Da(a)(1), (d)(1),
or (e)(1) is not required to install or operate a continuous emissions monitoring system to measure NOX emissions; a wattmeter to
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Measure gross electrical output; ineters to measure steam flow, temperature, and pressure; and a continuous flow monitoring system to
measure the flow of exhaust gases discharged to the atmosphere. . Oo : .
(p) The owner or operator of an affected facility demonstrating compliance with an Hg limit in §60.45Da shall install and operate a
continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) to measure and record the concentration of Hg in the exhaust gases from each stack
according to the requirements in paragraphs (p)(1) through (p)(3) of this section. Alternatively, for an affected facility that is also subject
to the requirements of subpart I of part 75 of this chapter, the owner or operator may install, certify, maintain, operate and quality-assure
the data from a Hg CEMS according to §75.10 of this chapter and appendices A and B to part 75 of this chapter, in lieu of following the
procedures in‘ paragraphs (p)(1) through (p)(3) of this section. _ :
(1) The owner or operator must install, operate, and maintain each CEMS according to Performance Specification 12A in appendix
B to this part. “ i .
(2) The owner or operator must conduct a performance evaluation of each CEMS according to the requirements of §60.13 and
Performance Specification 12A in appendix B to this part. . , .
(3) The owner or operator must operate each CEMS according to the requirements in paragraphs (p)(3)(i) through (iv) of this
section. : mat ’ ,
(i) As specified in §60.13(e)(2), each CEMS must complete a minimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and
data recording) for each successive 15-minute period. : .
(ii) The owner or operator must reduce CEMS data as specified in §60.13(h).. ‘ _
Gil) The owner or operator shall use all valid data points collected.during the hour to calculate the hourly average Hg
concentration. a .
(iv) The’ owner or operator must record the results of each required certification and quality assurance test of the CEMS,
(4) Mercury CEMS data collection must conforin to paragraphs (p)(4)(i) tlirough (iv) of this.section.” ;
(i) For each calendar month in which the affected unit operates, valid hourly Hg concentration data, stick gas volumetric flow
rate data, moisture data (if required), and electrical output data (i.e., valid data for all of these parameters) shall be obtained for
at least 75 percent of the unit operating hours in the month. , . . .
(ii) Data reported to meet the requirements of this subpart shall not include hours of unit startup, shutdown, or malfimetion. In
addition, for an affected facility that is also subject to subpart lof part 75 of this chapter, data reported to meet the
requirements of this subpart shall not include data substituted using the missing data procedures in subpart D of part 75 of this
chapter, nor shall the data have been bias adjusted according to the procedures of part 75 of this chapter.
(iii) If valid data are obtained for less than 75 percent of the unit operating hours in a month, you must discard the data. -
collected in that month and replace the date with the mean of the individual monthly emission rate values determined in the last
12 monihs. In the 12-month rolling average calculation, this substitute Hg emission rate shall be weighted according to the
number of unit operating hours in the month for which the data capture Tequirement of §60.49Da(p)(4)(i) was not met,
(iv) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (p)(4)(iii) of this section, if valid data are obtained for less than 75 percent
of the unit operating hours in another month in that same 12-month tolling average cyclé, discard the data collected in that
month and replace the data with the highest individual monthly emission rate determined in the last 12 months. Inthe 12- .
. Month rolling average calculation, this substitute Hg emission rate shall bé weighted according to the number of unit operating
hours in the month for which the data capture requirement of §60.49Da(p)(4)(i) was not met. :
(q) As an altemative to the CEMS required in paragraph (p) of this section, the Owner or operator may use a sorbent trap monitoring
system (as defined in §72.2 of this chapter) to monitor Hg concentration, according to the procedures described in §75.15 of this chapter
and appendix K to part 75 of this chapter. , vo . .
* (*) For Hg CEMS that measure Hg concentration on a dry basis or for sorbent trap monitoring systems, the emissions data must be
_ corrected for the stack gas moisture content. A certified continuous moisture Monitoring system that meets the Tequirements of §75.11(b)
of this chapter is acceptable for this purpose. Alternatively, the appropriate default moisture value, as specified in §75.11 (b) or §75.12(b)
of this chapter, may be used. . —— : :
(s) The owner or operator shail prepare and submit to the Administrator for approval a unit-specific monitoring plan for each monitoring
system, at least 45 days before comimencing certification testing of the Tnonitoring systems. The owner or operator shall comply with the .
yequirements in your plan. The plan must address the requirements in paragraphs (s)(1) through (6) of this section. .
(1) Installation of the CEMS sampling probe or other interface at a measurement location relative to each affected process unit such
that the measurement is representative of the exhaust emissions (e.g., on or downstream of the last control device);
(2) Performance and equipment specifications for the sample interface, the pollutant concentration or parametric signal analyzer,
and the data collection and reduction systems; : :
(3) Performance evaluation procedures and acceptance criteria (e.g., calibrations, relative accuracy test audits (RATA), etc.); .
(4) Ongoing operation and maintenance procedures in accordance with the general Tequirements of §60.13(d) or part 75 of this
chapter (as applicable); . . :
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(5) Ongoing data quality assurance Procedures in accordance with the general requirements of §60.13 or part 75 of this chapter (as
applicable); and ; . . a) :
(6) Ongoing record keeping and reporting procedures in accordance with the requirements of this subpart.
(t) The owner or operator of an affected facility demonstrating compliance with the output-based emissions limitation under ~
§60.42Da(c)(1) shall install, certify, operate, and maintain a continuous monitoring system for measuring particulate matter emissions
*. according to the requirements of paragraph (y) of this section. An owner or operator of an affected source demonstrating compliance with
the input-based emission limitation under §60.42Da(c)(2) may. install, certify, operate,.and maintain a continuous monitoring system for
measuring particulate matter emissions according to the requirements of paragraph (v) of this section in lieu of the Tequirements in
§60.48Da(o). ; ot . . oO :
(u) An owner.or operator of an affected source that meets the conditions in either paragraph (u)(1) or (2) of this section is exempted from
the continuous opacity monitoring system requirements in paragraph (a) of this section and the monitoring requirements in §60.48Da(o).
(2) A continuous monitoring system for measuring particulate matter emissions is used to demonstrate continuous compliance on a
boiler operating day average with the emissions limitations under §60.42Da(a)(1) or §60.42Da(c)(2) and is installed, certified,
operated, and maintained on the affected source according to-the requirements of paragraph (y) of this section. .
(2) The affected source burns only oil that contains no more than 0.15 weight percent sulfur or liquid or gaseous firels that when °
combusted without sulfur dioxide-emission control, have a sulfur dioxide'emissions rate equal to or less than or equal to 65 ng/J
(0.15 Ib/MMBtu) heat input. , .
(v) The owner or operator of an affected facility using a continuous emission monitoring system measuring particulate matter emissions
every 3 years..
[44FR 33613, June 11, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 6664, Feb, 14, 1989; 55°FR 5212, Feb. 14, 1990; 55 FR 18876, May 7, 1990; 63 FR
49454, Sept. 16, 1998; 65 FR 61752, Oct. 17, 2000; 66 FR-18553, Apr. 10, 2001. Redesignated and amended at 70 FR 28653, 28654,
May 18, 2005, and further redesignated and amended at 70 FR 51268, Aug. 30, 2005; 71 FR 9880, Feb. 27, 2006] ,
§ 60.50Da_ Compliance determination Procedures and methods. ut
(@) In conducting the performance tests required in §60.8, the owner ot operator shall use as reference methods and procedures the
methods in appendix A of this part or the methods'and procedures as specified in this section, except as provided in §60.8(b). Section
60.8(f) does not apply to this section for $02 and NOX. Acceptable alternative methods are given in paragraph (e) of this section.
(b) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the particulate matter standards in §60.42Da as follaws:
(1) The dry basis F fuctor (02) procedures in Method 19 shall be used to compute the emission rate of particulate matter.
(2) For the particular matter concentration, Method 5 shall be used at affected facilities without wet FGD systems and Method 5B
shall be used after wet FGD systems. . . . “ ;
(i) The sampling time and sample ‘volume for each run shall be at least 120 minutes and 1.70 dscm (60 dsef). The probe and
filter. holder heating system in the sampling train may be set-to provide an average gas temperature of no greater than 160 +14
°C (320 +25 °F). . :
(ii) For each particulate run, the.emission rate correction factor, integrated or grab sainpling and analysis procedures of Method
3B shall be used to determine the O2 concentration. The O2 sarnple shall be obtained simultaneously with, and at the same
traverse points as, the particulate run. If the particulate ran has more than 12 traverse points, the O2 traverse points may be
reduced ta 12 provided that Method 1 is used to locate the 12 O2 traverse points. If the grab sampling procedure is used, the
O2 concentration for the run shall be the arithmetic mean of the sample O2 concentrations at all traverse points.
(3) Method 9 and the procedures in §60.11 shall be used to determine opacity. .
(c) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the SO2 standards in §60.43Da as follows:
(1) The percent of potential SO2 emissions (%Ps) to the atmosphere shall be computed using the following equation:
%Ps=[(100—Y%RA) (100 —%Re)y/100
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%Ps=percent of potential SO2 emissions, percent.
%RE percent reduction from fel pretreatment, percent.
“Rg=percent reduction by SO2 control system, percent. ;
(2) The procedures in Method 19 may be used to determine percent reduction (%Ré) of sulfur by such processes as fuel pretreatment
(physical coal cleaning, hydrodesulfurization of fuel oil, etc.), coal pulverizers, and bottom and flyash interactions, This
determination is optional. . : . .
3) The procedures in Method 19 shall be used to determine the percent SO2 reduction (Rg) of any S02 control system.
.. Alternatively, a combination of an “as fired” fuel monitor and emission Tates measured after the control system, following the
procedures in Method 19, may be used if the percent reduction is calculated using the average emission rate from the SO2 control
device and the average SO2 input rate from the “as fired” fuel analysis for 30 successive boiler operating days.
~(4) The appropriate procedures in Method 19 shall be used to determine the emission rate, co
(5) The continous monitoring system in §60.49Da (b) and (d) shall be used to determine the concentrations of SO2 and CO2 or
o2, =; , .
(d) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the NOX standard in §60.44Da as follows:
(1) The appropriate procedures in Method 19 shall be used to determine the emission rate of NOX.
(2) The continous monitoring system in §60.49Da (c) and (d) shall be used to determine the concentrations of NOX and C02 or 02. .
(D Electric utility combined cycle gas turbines are performance tested for particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides using the
procedures of Method 19. The sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emission rates from the gas turbine used in Method 19 calculations are
generating unit); 73 MW input to the electric utility ‘steam generating unit is equivalent to 25 MW output from the boiler electric -
utility steam generating unit; therefore, 250 million Btu input to the electric utility steam. generating unit is equivalent to 25 MW
output from the electric utility steam generating unit), . mo, , : .
* (2) Use the Equation 1 of this section ta determine the cogeneration Hg emission Tate over a specific compliance period.
=o sae
Oe (Vga 10.75% Vn } et >
through (3) of this section. : .
(1) The initial performance test shall be commenced by. the applicable date specified in §60.8(a). The Tequired continuous
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performance test, the minimum data capture requirement in §60.49Da(p)(4)(i) is not met, the owner or operator shall report a
substitute Hg emission rate for that month, as follows. For the first such month, the substitute monthly Hg emission rate shal] be the
arithmetic average of all valid hourly Hg emission rates recorded to date. For any subsequent month(s) with insufficient data
capture, the substitute monthly Hg emission rate shall be the highest valid hourly Hg emission rate recorded to date. When the 12-
month average Hg emission rate for the initial performance test is calculated, for each month in which there was insufficient data
capture, the substitute monthly Hg emission rate shall be weighted according to the number of unit operating hours in that month.
Following the initial performance test, the owner or operator shall demonstrate compliance by calculating the weighted average of
all monthly Hg emission rates (ix tb/MWh) for each 12 successive calendar months, exeluding data obtained during startup,
shutdown, or ‘malfunction.
(2) Ifa CEMS is used to demonstrate compliance, follow the procedures inperngeanie (h)(2)() through (iif) of this section to”
determine the 12-month rolling average. .
(} Calculate the total mass of Hg emissions over a month 0, i in pounds (1b), using either Equation 2 in paragraph .
(h)(2)(i)(A) of this section or Equation 3 in paragraph @)(2)@O@) of this section, in conjunction with-Equation 4 in
paragraph (h)(2)(i)(C) of this section.
(A) If the Hg CEMS measures Hg concentration onawet basis, use Equation 2 below to: calculate the Hg mass emissions
for each valid hour:
#,-KC,O4, (a. 2)
Where: ~
_ Eh=Hg mass emissions for the hour, (1b)
K= Units conversion constant, 6.24 x 10-11 Ib-som/jg- sof
Ch = Hourly Hg concentration, wet basis, (ug/scm)
_ Qh=Hourly stack gas volumetric flow rate, (seth)
th = Unit operating time, i.e., the fraction of the hour for which the unit operated. For.example, th= 0.50 for a half
hour of unit operation and 1.00 for a full hour of operation.
@) If the Hg CEMS measures He | coincentration on a dry basis, use Equation 3 below to calculate the Hg mass emissions
for each valid‘hour:
A, - KC Qt, (1-B,,) a, 3)
. Eh = Hg mass emissions for the hour, (ib)
. K=Units conversion constant, 6.24 x 10-11 Tb-scm/pig- sf
Ch=Hourly Hg concentration, dry basis, (1g/dscm)
Qh = Hourly stack gas volumetric flow rate, (scth)
th = Unit operating time, i.c., the fraction of the hour for which the unit operated .
Bws = Stack gas moisture content, expressed as a decimal fraction (e.g., for 8 percent H2O0, Bws = 0.08)
© Use Equation 4, below, to calculate M, the total mass ss of Hg emitted for the month, by summing the hourly masses
derived from Equation 2 or 3 (as applicable):
M= Sa Ea. 4)
Where: :
M= Total Hg mass emissions for the month, (Ib)
Eh= = Hg mass emissions for hour “h", from Equation 2 or 3 of this section, (b)
n=The number of unit operating hours in the month with valid CEM and electrical output data, excluding ! hours of
“unit startup, shutdown and malfunction
(ii) Calculate the monthly Hg emission rate on an output basis Qb/MW) using Equation 5, below. For a ‘cogeneration
unit, use Equation 1 in paragraph (g) of this section instead.
; Me
ER=— (Eq.5)
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ER = Monthly Hg emission Tate, (b/MWh)
M = Total mass of ‘Hg emissions for the month, fiom Equation 4, above, (1b)
P = Total electrical output for the month, for the hours useil to calculate M, (MWh) ;
(iii) Until 12 monthly Hg emission rates have been accumulated, calculate and Téport only the monthly averages. Then, for
S129) a
Where: :
Eavg = Weighted 12-month rolling average Hg emission Tate, (Ib/MWh)
(ER)i = Monttily Hg emission tate, for month "i, (b/MWh)
u= The number of unit operating hours in month i” with valid CEM and electrical output data, excluding hours of
unit startup, shutdown, and malfunction ,
(3) Ifa sorbent trap monitoring system is used in lieu of aHg CEMS, as described in §75.15 of this chapter and in appendix K to
BgCl2 standards, as described ‘in section 8.3 of Performance Specification 12~A in appendix B to this part (note: Hg® standards may be
- used if the Hg monitor does not have a converter). Alternatively, the owner or operator may implement the applicable daily, weekly,
quarterly, and annual quality assurance (QA) requirements for Hg CEMS in appendix B to part 75 of this chapter, in lieu of the QA
. Procedures in appendices B and F to this part. Annual RATA of sorbent trap monitoring systems Shall be performed in accordance with
appendices A and B to part 75 of this chapter, and all other quality assurance requirements Specified in appendix K to part 75 of this
chapter shall be met for sorbent trap monitoring’systems. uo
[44-FR 33613, June 11, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 6664, Feb, 14, 1989; 55 FR'5212, Feb. 14, 1990; 65 FR 61752, Oct. 17, 2000.
Redesignated and amended at 70 FR 28653, 28655, May 18, 2005, and further redesignated and amended at 70 FR 51268
(a) For sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and Hg emissions, the performance test data from the initial and subsequent.
' | performance test and from the Performance evaluation of the continuous monitors (including the transmissometer) are submitted to the:
Administrator. . : :
(b) For sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides the following information is Teported to the Administrator for each 24-hour period.
(1) Calendar date, ,
(2) The average sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emission rates (ag/J or Ib/miltion Bin) for each 30 successive boiler operating: .
- days, ending with the last 30-day period in the quarter; reasons for nou-compliance with the emission Standards; and, description of
corrective actions taken: - . Lo .
(3) Percent reduction of the potential combustion concentration of, sulfur dioxide for each 30 successive boiler operating days,
ending with the last 30-day period in the quarter; reasons for non-compliance with the standard; and, description of | corrective
actions taken.: . : .
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(4)'Identification of the boiler operating days for which pollutant or dilutent data have not been obtained by an approved method for
at least 18 hours of operation of the facility; justification for not obtaining sufficient Gate; and Gescription of corrective actions
(5) Identification of the times when emissions data have been excluded ftom the calculation of average emission rates because of -
startup, shutdown, malfunction (NOX only), emergency conditions (SO2 only), or other reasons, and justification for excluding data
for reasons other than startup, shutdown, malfunction, or emergency conditions.
(6) Identification of “F” factor used for calculations, method of determination, and type of fuel combusted.
(7) Identification of times when hourly averages have been obtained based on manual sampling methods.
(8) Identification of the times when the pollutant concentration exceeded full span of the continuous monitoring system.
(9) Description of any modifications to the continuous monitoring system which could affect the ability of the continuous
monitoring system to'comply with Performance Specifications 2 or 3.
(c) If the minimum quantity of emission data as Tequired by §60.49Da is not obtained for any 30 successive boiler operating days, the
following information obtained under the requirements of §60.48Da(h) is reported to the Administrator for that 30-day period:
(1) The number of hourly averages available for outlet emission rates (no) and inlet emission rates (ni) as applicable.
(2) The standard deviation of hourly averages for outlet emission rates (so) and inlet emission rates (si) as applicable.
(3) The lower confidence limit for the mean outlet emission rate (Eo*) and the upper confidence limit for the mean inlet emission
rate (Ei*) as applicable, .
(4) The applicable potential combustion concentration.
(5) The ratio of the upper confidence limit: for the mean outlet emission rate @o*) and the allowable emission rate (Estd) as
applicable. .
(d) If any standards under §60.43Da are exceeded during- emergency conditions because of contro! system malfunction, the owner or
operator of the affected facility shall submit a signed statement:
(1) Indicating if emergency conditions existed and requirements under §60. A8Da(d) were met during each period, and
(2) Listing the following information: :
(i) Time periods the emergency condition existed;
. Gi) Electrical output and demand on the owner or operator's electric utility system and the affected facility;
Gif) Amount of power purchased from interconnected neighboring utility companies during the emergency period;
(iv) Percent reduction in emissions achieved;
(v) Atmospheric emission rate (ng/J) of the pollutant discharged; and
(vi) Actions taken to correct control system malfunction:
1 If fuel pretreatment credit toward the sulfur dioxide emission standard undér §60.43Da is claimed, the owner or operator of the
affected facility shall submit a signed statement:
(1) Indicating what percentage cleaning credit was taken for the calendar quarter, and whether the credit was determined in ‘
accordance with the provisions of §60.50Da and Method 19 (appendix A); and -
” (2) Listing the quantity, heat content, and date each pretreated fuel shipment was received during the previous quarter; the name and
location of the fuel:pretreatment facility; and the total quantity and total heat content of all fuels received at the affected facility
during the previous quarter.
(f) For any periods for which opacity, sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides emissions data are not available, the owner or operator of the
affected facility shall submit a signed statement indicating if any changes were made in operation of the emission control system during
the period of data unavailability. Operations of the contro] system and affected facjlity during periods of data unavailability are to be
compared with operation of the control system and affected facility before and following the period of data unavailability.
(g) For Hg, the following information shall be reported to the Administrator:
(1) Company name and address;
(2) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period;
(3) The applicable Hg emission limit (Ib/MWh); and |
(4) For each month in the reporting period:
(i) The number of ‘unit operating hours;
(ii) The number of unit operating hours with valid data for Hg concentration, stack gas flow rate, moisture (if required), and
electrical output;
(iif) The monthly Hg emission rate (Ib/MWh);
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* (iv) The numhber of hours of valid data excluded from the calcnlation of the monthly Hg emission Tate, due to unit startup,
shutdown and malfimction; and mo fo
(v) The 12-month tolling average Hg emission rate (lb/MWh); and
(5) The data assessment report (DAR) required by appendix F to this part, or an equivalent summary of QA test results if the QA of
part 75 of this chapter are implemented. .
(h) The, owner or operator of the affected facility shall submit a signed statement indicating whether:
(4) Compliance with the standards has or has not been-achieved during the reporting period.:
(i) For the purposes of the reports required under §60,7, periods of excess emissions are defined as all 6-minute periods during which the
average opacity exceeds the applicable opacity standards under §60.42Da(b). Opacity levels in excess of the applicable opacity standard
G) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit the written reports required under this section and subpart A to the
Administrator semiannually for each six-month period. All semiannual Teports shall be postmarked by the 30th day following the end of
each six-month period. . , : .
(k) The owner or operator of an affected facility may submit,electronic quarterly reports for S02’ and/or NOX and/or opacity and/or Hg
in lieu of submitting the written reports required under. paragraphs (b), (g), and (i) of this section. The format of each quarterly electronic
[44 FR 33613, June 11, 1979, as amended at 63 FR 49454, Sept. 16, 1998; 64 FR.7464, Feb. 12, 1999. Redesignated and amended at 70
FR 28653, 28656, May 18, 2005, and further redesignated and amended at 70 FR 5 1268, Aug. 30, 2005) -
-§ 60.52Da. Recordkeeping requirements, *
accordance with §60.7(a) and shall maintain records of all information needed to demonstrate compliance including performance tests
monitoring data, fuel analyses, and calculations, consistent with the requirements of §60.7(). .
{70 FR 28656, May 18, 2005, Redesignated and amended at 70 FR 51268, Aug, 30, 2005) °°
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The permittee shall comply with the following general conditions from. Rule 62-4.160, F.A.C.,
The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth in this permit are . "Permit Conditions” and are
binding and enforceable pursuant to'Sections 403.161, 403.727, or 403.859 through 403.861, Florida Statutes. The
permittee is placed on notice that the Department will review this permit periodically and may initiate enforcement
action for any violation of these conditions.
This permit is valid only-for the specific processes- -and operations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings or
exhibits. Any unauthorized deviation from the approved drawings, exhibits, specifications, 0 or conditions of this permit
may constitute grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the Department.
As provided in Subsections 403.087(6) and 403.722(5), Florida Statutes, the issuance of this permit does not.convey
and vested rights or any exclusive privileges, Neither does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any’
invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of federal, state or local Jaws or regulations. This petmit is nota
waiver or approval of any other Department pennit that at may be Tequired for other aspects of the total Project which are
not addressed in the permit.
. This permit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute State recognition ¢ or acknowledgment of title, and does
not constitute authority for the use of submerged lands unless herein provided and the necessary title or leasehold
interests have been obtained from the State. Only the Trustees, of the Internal il Improvement Trust Fund may express .
State opinion as to title.
This permit does not relieve the permittee from liability for harm or injury to human health or welfare, animal, or plant
life, or-property caused. by the construction or operation of this permitted source, or fiom penalties therefore; nor does it
allow the permittee to cause pollution in contravention of. Florida Statutes and nd Department mules, unless specifically
- authorized by an order from the Deparimient.
The permittee shall properly operate and maintain the facility and systems of treatment and control (and related
appurtenances) that are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit, as.
. required by Department rules. This provision includes the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems
wiien necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit and when required by Department rules,
- The permittee, by accepting this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel, upon
presentation of credentials or other documents as may be required by law and at a reasonable time, access to the”
premises, where the permitted activity is located or conducted to:
a.’ Have access to and copy arid records that must be kept under the conditions of the pemnit;
' b. Inspect the facility, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit, and,
c. Sample: ‘or monitor any substances or parameters at any location reasonably necessary to assure compliance with
' this permit or Department rules,
Reasonable time may depend on the nature of the concern being investigated.
_ Lf, for any reason, the pennittee does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any condition or limitation
specified in this permit, the permittee shall immediately provide the Department with the Following i infonmation:
a. A description of and cause of non-compliance; and
b. The period of noncompliance, including dates and times; or, ifnot corrected, the anticipated time the non- *
compliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the non-
+ compliance.
The permittee shall be responsible fot any and all damages which may result and may be subject to to enforcement action
by the Department for penalties or for revocation of this permit.
_ Inaccepting this permit, the pemnittee understands and agrees that all records, notes, monitoring data and other
information relating to the construction or operation of this permitted source which are submitted to the Department
_ Taay be used by the Department as evidence in any enforcement case involving the permitted source arising under the '
Florida Statutes or Department rules, except where such use is prescribed by Sections 403.73 and 403.111, Florida
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Statutes. Such evidence shall only be used to the extent it is Consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and
appropriate evidentiary tules. : . : : .
10. The permittee agrees to comply with changes in Department rules and Florida Statutes after a Teasonable time for
compliance, provided, however, the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or
Department mules, ; . on m ; ;
11. This permit is transferable only upon Department approval in accordance with Florida Administrative Code Rules 62- °
4.120 and 62-730,300, F.A.C,, as applicable, The permittee. shall be liable for any non-compliance of the permitted
activity until the transfer is approved by the Department. .
12. This pemmit or a copy thereof shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity.
13. This permit also constitutes: ; . Lo
a. ‘Determination of Best Available Control Technology &);
b. Determination of Prevention of Significant Deterioration &);
c. Compliance with National Emssion Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (X); and
d. Compliance with New Source Performance Standards (X).
14. The pemmittee shall comply with the following: . ;
a. Upon request, the pemnittee shall furnish all records and plans required ‘under Department rules. During ;
enforcement actions, the retention period for all records will be extended automatically unless otherwise stipulated
by the Department. . : ; : ;
b. The permittee shall hold at the-facility or. other location designated by this permit Tecords of all monitoring
information (including all calibration and main tenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous
monitoring instrumentation) required by the pemnit, copies of all reports required by this permit, and records of all
data used to complete the application or this Permit. These materials shall be retained ‘at least three years from the -
date-of the sample, measurement, report, or application unless otherwis specified by Department mule,
c. Records of monitoring information shall include: a :
1) The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements;
2) The person responsible for performing the sampling or measurements;
3) The dates analyses were performed;
4) The person responsible for performing the analyses;
5) The analytical-techniques or methods used; and
6) The results of such analyses,
15. When requested by the Department, the permittee shall within a reasonable time furnish any information required by
law which is needed to determine compliance with the permit, If the permittee becomes aware that relevant facts were
not'submitted or were incorrect in the permit application or in any Teport to the Department, such facts or information
shall be corrected promptly.
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‘When burning less than 75 percent (by heat input) synthesis coal gas, on a 12-month rolling average, Unit B heat recovery steam
generator and the associated stationary combustion turbine are subject to NSPS Subpart KKRK (Standards of. Pecfingnance’ for Stationary
Combustion Turbines).
§ 60.4300 What is the purpose of this subpart?
This subpart establishes emission standards.and compliance schedules for the control of emissions from stationary combustion turbines .
that commenced construction, modification or reconstruction after February 18, 2005.
§ 60.4305 Does this subpart apply to my stationary combustion turbine?
(a) If you are the owner or operator of a stationary combustion turbine with a heat input at peak load equal to or greater than 10.7
gigajoules (10 MMBtu) per hour, based on the higher heating value of the fuel, which commenced construction, modification, or
reconstruction after February 18, 2005; your turbine is subject to this subpart. Only heat input to the combustion turbine should be
included when determining whether or not this subpart is applicable to your turbine. Any additional heat input to associated heat .
recovery steam generators (HRSG) or duct bumers should not be included when determining your peal heat input. However, this subpart
does apply to emissions from any associated HRSG and duct bumers.
) Stationary combustion turbines regulated under this subpart are exempt from the requirements of subpart GG of this part. Heat
recovery steam generators and duct burners regulated under this subpart are exempted from the requirements of subparts Da, Db, and De
of this part.
§ 60.4310 What types of operations are e exempt from these standards of performance?
(a) Emergency combustion turbines, as defined in §60.4420(i), are exempt from the nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission limits in §60.4320.
(b) Stationary combustion turbines engaged by manufacturers i in research and development of equipment for both combustion turbine
emission control techniques and combustion turbine efficiency improvements are exempt from the NOX emission limits in §60.4320 ona
case-by-case basis as determined by the Administrator.
(c) Stationary combustion turbines at integrated gasification combined cycle electric utlity steam generating units that are subject to
subpart Da of this part are exempt from this subpart.
(@ Combustion turbine test cells/stands are exempt from this subpart. .
Emission Limits "
§ 60.4315 What pollutants are regulated by this subpart?
The pollutants regulated by this subpart are nitrogen oxide (NOX) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).
§ 60.4320 What emission limits must I meet for nitrogen oxides (NOX)?
(a) You must meet the emission limits for NOX specified in ‘Table 1 to this subpart.
{b) ifyou have two or more turbines that are connected to a single generator, each turbine must meet the emission limits for NOX.
§ 60.4325 What emission limits must I meet for NOX if my turbine burns both natural gas and distillate oil (or some other
combination of fuels)?
‘You must meet the emission limits specified i in Table J to this subpart. If your toial heat input is greater than or equal to’50 percent
natural gas, you must meet the corresponding limit for a natural gas-fired turbine when you are burning that fuel. Similarly, when your
total -heat input is greater than 50 percent distillate oi) and fuels other than natural gas, you must meet the corresponding limit for
distillate oi! and fuels other than natural gas for the duration of the time that you bum that particular fuel.
§ 60.4330 What emission limits must I meet for sulfur dioxide (S02)?
(&) Ef your turbine is located in a continental area, you must comply with either paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section. If your turbine is
located in Alaska, you do not have to comply with the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section until January 1, 2008.
(1) You must not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from the subject stationary combustion turbine any gases which
contain SO2 in excess of 110 nanograms per Joule (ng/J) (0.90 pounds per megawatt-hour (Ib/MWh)) gross output, or
* (2) You must not bum in the subject stationary combustion turbine any fuel which contains total potential sulfur emissions in excess
of 26 ng SO2/3 (0.060 Ib SO2/MMBtu) heat input. If ‘your | turbine simultaneously fires multiple fuels, each fuel must meet this
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(b) If your turbine is located ina noncontinental area or a continental area that the Administrator determines does not have access to
natural gas and that the removal of sulfixr compounds would cause more environmental harm than benefit, you must comply with one or
the other of the following conditions: . : .
emissions in excess of 180 ng SO2/T (0.42 Ib SO2/MMBtu) heat input. If your turbine simultaneously fires multiple fuels, each fuel
Tmust meet this requirement. . . : .
General Compliance Requirements
§ 60.4333 What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?
(a) You must operate and maintain your stationary combustion turbine, air pollution control equipment
(1) Determine-compliance with the applicable NOX emissions limits by measuring the emissions combined with the emissions from
the other unit(s) utilizing’ the common heat Tecovery unit; or . .
(b) Alternatively, you ‘May use continuous émission monitoring, as follows:
(1) Install, certify, maintain, and operate a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) consisting of aNOX monitor and a
diluent gas (oxygen (02) or carbon dioxide (CO2)) monitor, to determine the hourly NOX emission rate if Parts per million (ppm)
or pounds per million British thermal units (Ib/MMBtu); and =~ , .
(3) For units complying with the output-based standard, install, calibrate, taintain, and operate'a watt meter (or Meters) to
continuously measure the gross electrical output of the unit in megawatt-hours; and .
(4) For combined heat and power units complying with the output-based standard, install, calibrate, maintain, ‘and operate meters for
uéeful recovered energy flow Tate, temperature, and pressure, to continuously measure the total thermal energy output in British
thermal units per hour (Btwh). : .
§ 60.4340 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance for NOX if I do not use water or steam injection?
test), ; 'y subsequent performance test exceed 75
percent of the NOX emission limit for the turbine, you nmst resume annual performance tests.
(b) As an alternative, you may install, calibrate, maintain and operate one of the following continuous monitoring systems:
(1) Continuous emission monitoring as described in §§60.4335(b) and 60.4345, or ,
(2) Continuous parameter monitoring as follows:
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() For a diffusion flame turbine without add-on selective catalytic reduction (SCR) controls, you must define parameters
indicative of the unit's NOX formation characteristics, and you must monitor these parameters continuously.
(ii) For any lean premix stationary combustion turbine, you must continuously monitor the appropriate parameters to determine
whether the unit is operating in low-NOX mode.
(iid) For any turbine that uses SCR to reduce NOX emissions, you must continuously monitor appropriate parameters to verify
the proper operation of the emission controls.
6) v) For affected units that are also tegulated under part 75 of this chapter, with ‘tate approval you can monitor the NOX
emission rate using the methodology in appendix E to part 75 of this chapter, or the low mass emissions methodology in
§75.19, the requirements of this paragraph (b) may be met by Performing the parametric monitoring described in section 2:3 of
. part 75 appendix E or in §75.19(c)(1)(iv)(A).
§ 60.4345 What are the requirements for the continuous emission monitoring system equipment, if I choose to use this option?
If the option to use a NOX CEMS is chosen:
(a) Each NOX diluent CEMS must be installed and certified according to- Performance Specification 2 (PS 2) in appendix B to this part,
except the 7-day calibration drift is based on unit operating days, not calendar days. With state approval, Procedure 1 in appendix F to
this part is not required, Alternatively, aNOX diluent CEMS that is installed and certified according to appendix A of part 75 of this
chapter is acceptable for use under this subpart. The relative accuracy test audit (RATA) of the CEMS shall be performed on alb/MMBtu
(b) As specified in §60.13(e)(2), during each ful unit operating hour, both the Nox monitor and the diluent monitor must omplete a
toinimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each 15-minute quadrant of the hour, to Validate the
hour. For partial unit operating hours, at least one valid data point must be obtained with each monitor for each quadrant of the hour in
which the unit operates. For unit operating hours in which required quality assurance and maintenance activities are performed on the
CEMS, a minimum of two valid data points (one in each of two quadrants) are required for each monitor to validate the NOX emission
rate for the hour. .
(c) Each fuel flowmeter shall be installed, calibrated, maintained, and opérated according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Alternatively, with state approval, fuel flowmeters that meet the installation, certification, and quality assurance requirements of appendix
Dto part.75 ofthis chapter are acceptable for use under this subpart.
(d) Each watt meter, steam flow meter, and each pressure or temperature measurement device shall be installed, calibrated, maintained,
and operated according to manufacturer's instructions. .
(e) The owner or operator shall develop and keep on-site’a quality assurance (QA) plan for all of the continous monitoring equipment
described in paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) of this section. For the CEMS and fuel flow meters, the owner or operator may, with state
approval, satisfy the requirements of this paragraph by implementing the QA program and plan described in section 1 of appendix B to
part 75 of this chapter, :
§ 60.4350 How do I use data from the continuous emission monitoring equipment to identify excess emissions?
For purposes of identifying excess emissions: : : . ,
(a) All CEMS ‘data must be reduced to hourly averages as specified in §60.13(h).
(b) For each unit operating hour in which a valid hourly average, as described in §60.4345(b), is obtained for both NOX and diluent
monitors, the data acquisition and handling system must calculate and record the hourly NOX emission rate in units of ‘ppm or
Tb/MMBiu, using the appropriate equation from method 19 in appendix A of this part. For any hour in which the hourly average 02
concentration exceeds’ 19.0 percent O2 (or the hourly average CO2 concentration is less than 1.0 percent CO2), a diluent cap value of
19.0 percent O2 or 1.0 percent co2 (as applicable) may be used in the emission calculations.’
(c) Correction of measured NOX concentrations to 15 percent O2 is not allowed.
(d) If you have installed and certified a NOX diluent CEMS to meet the requirements of part 75 of this chapter, states can approve that
only quality assured data from the CEMS shall be used to identify excess emissions under this subpart. Periods where the missing data
substitution procedures in subpart D of part 75 are applied are to be reported as monitor downtime in the excess emissions and
monitoring performance report required under §60.7(c).
(e) All required ‘fuel flow rate, steam flow rate, temperature, pressure, and megawatt data must be reduced to hourly averages. —
(£) Calculate the hourly average NOX emission rates, in units of the emission standards under §60.4320, using either ppm for units
; complying with the concentration limit or the following equation for units complying with the output based standard:
(1) For simple-cycle operation:
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1,0), * (2,
ns ae
E=hourly NOx “emission rate, in Ib/MWh, (NOX)h = hourly NOX emission Tate, in Ib/MMBtu,
(EDh = hourly heat input rate to the unit, in MMBtuw/h, measured using the frel flowmeter(s), .
e.g., calculated using Equation D-15a in appendix D to part 75 of this chapter, and
P= Bross energy output of the combustion turbine in MW.
(2) For combined-cycle and combined heat and power complying with the output-based standard, use Equation 1 of this subpart, -
except that the gross energy output is calculated’as the sum of the total electrical and mechanical energy generated by the
combustion turbine, the additional electrical or mectianical energy (if any) generated by the steam turbine following the heat
Tecovery steam generator, and 100 percent of the total useful thermal energy output that is not used to generate additional electricity
or mechanical output, expressed in equivalent MW, as in the following equations: :
[P= (Pe), +(Pe) +Ps+Po (Bq. 2)
Where: ° : .
P= gross energy output of the stationary combustion turbine system in MW.
(Pe)t = electrical or mechanical energy output of the combustion turbine in MW,
(Pe)c = electrical or mechanical energy output (if any) of the steam turbine in Mw, and
a (24.3)
* Where:
Ps = useful thermal energy of the steam, measured relative ta ISO conditions, not used to generate additional electric or
mechanical output, in MW, . ‘ ‘
Q= measured steam flow rate in Ib/h,
H= enthalpy of the steam at measured temperature and pressure relative to ISO conditions, in Btu, and 3.413 x 106 =
conversion from Btu/h to MW.
Po = other useful heat Tecovery, measured relative to ISO conditions, not used for steam generation or performance
enhancenient of the combustion turbine. ,
(3) For mechanical drive ‘applications complying with the output-based standard, use the following equation:
“ (NO,
“Where: :
E=NOX emission rate in Ib/MWh,
(NOX)m=NOX emission rate in Ib/h,
BL = manufacturer's base load tating of turbine, in MW, and
AL = actual lead as a percentage of the base load.
(g) For simple cycle units without heat recovery, use the calculated hourly average emission rates from paragraph (f) of this section to
assess excess emissions on a 4-hour rolling average basis, as described in §60.4380(b)(1).
(h) For combined cycle and combined heat and power units with heat recovery,
paragraph (f) of this section to assess excess emissions on a 30 unit operating day rolling average basis, as described in §60.4380(b)(1).
performance test data with engineering analyses, design specifications,
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to define the acceptable parametric ranges more precisely. You must develop and keep onsite a parameter monitoring plan which
explains the procedures used to document proper operation of the NOX emission controls. The plan must:
(1) Include the indicators to be monitored and show there is a significant relationship to emissions and proper operation-of the NOX
emission controls, .
(2) Pick ranges (or designated conditions) of the indicators, or describe the process by which such range (or designated condition)
will be established, . : :
(3) Explain the process you will use to make certain that you obtain data that are representative of the emissions or parameters being
monitored (such as detector location, installation specification if applicable), . ;
(4) Describe quality assurance and contro} practices that are adequate to ensure the continuing validity of the data,
_ (5) Describe the frequency-of monitoring and the data collection procedures which you will use (e.g., you are using a computerized
* data acquisition over a number of discrete data points with the average (or maximum value) being used for purposes of determining
whether an exceedance has occurred), and : , ‘ ‘
(6) Submit justification for the proposed elements of the monitoring. If a proposed performance specification differs from
manufacturer recommendation, you must explain the reasons for the differences. You must submit the data supporting the
justification, but you may refer to generally available sources of information used the justification. You may rely on
engineering assessments and other data, provided you demonstrate factors which assure compliance or explain why performance
testing is unnecessary to establish indicator ranges. When establishing indicator ranges, you may choose to simplify the process by
treating the parameters as if they Were correlated, Using this assumption, testing can be divided into two cases: . ,
@ All indicators are significant-only on one end of range (e.g., for a thermal incinerator controlling volatile organic compounds
(VOC) it is only important to insure a minimum température, not a maxirnum). In: this case, you may conduct your study so that
each parameter is at the significant limit of its Tange while you conduct your emissions testing. If the emissions tests show that
the source js in compliance at the significant limit of each parameter, then as long as each parameter is within its limit, you are’
presumed to be in compliance. . an . .
- (ii) Some or all indicators are significant on both ends of the Tange. In this case, you may conduct your study so that each
parameter that is significant at both ends of its range assumés its extreme values in all possible combinations of the extreme
values (either single or double) of all of the other parameters. For example, if there were only two parameters, Aand B, and A
had arange of values while B had only a minimum value, the combinations would be A high with B minimum and A low with
Bminimum. If both A and B had a range, the combinations would be A high and B high, A low and B low, Ahigh and B low,
A low and B high. For the case of four parameters alll having a range, there are 16 possible combinations. .
(b) For affected units that are also subject to part 75 of this chapter and that have state approval to use the low mass emissions
methodology in §75.19 or the NOX emission measurement methodology in appendix E to part 75, you may meet the Tequirements of this
paragraph by developing and keeping onsite (or at a central location for unmanned facilities) a QA plan, as described in §75.19(¢)(5) or
in section 2.3 of appendix E to part 75 of this chapter and section 1.3.6 of appendix B to part 75 of this chapter. - .
§ 60.4360 How do I determine the total sulfur content of the turbine's combustionfuel?
You must monitor the total sulfur content of the fuel being fired in the turbine, except as provided in§60.4365. The sulfur content of the
fuel must be determined ‘using total sulfur methods described in §60.4415. Alternatively, if the total sulfur content of the gaseous fuel
during the most recent performance test was less than half the applicable limit, ASTM D4084, D4810, D5504, or D6228, or Gas
Processors Association Standard 2377 (all of which are incorporated by referencé, see §60.17), which measure the major sulfur
compounds, may beused, ~ co , : .
§ 60.4365 How can Ibe exempted from monitoring the total sulfur content of the fuel? ~
You may elect not t6 monitor the total sulfur content of the fuel combusted in the turbine, if the fuel is demonstrated not to exceed
+ potential sulfir emissions of 26 ng SO2/J (0.060 Ib SO2/MMBtu) heat input for units located in continental areas and 180 ng SO2/J
(0.42 Tb SO2/MMBtu) beat input for units located in noncontinental areas or a continental area that the Administrator determines does
not have access to natural gas aid that the removal of sulfur compounds would cause more environmental harm than benefit. You must
use one of the following sources of information to make the required demonstration:
(a) The fuel quality characteristics in a current, valid purchase contract, tariff sheet or transportation contract for the fuel, specifying that
the maximum total sulfur content for oil use in continental areas is 0.05 weight percent (500 ppmw) or less and 0.4 weight percent (4,000
ppmw) or less for noncontinental areas, the total sulfur content for natural gas use in continental areas is 20 grains of sulfur or less per
* 100 standard cubic feet and 140 grains of sulfur or less per 100 standard cubic feet for noncontinental areas, has potential sulfur
emissions of less than less than 26 ng SO2/J (0.060 Ib SO2/MMBtu) heat input for continental areas and has potential sulfur emissions of
less thin less than 180 ng SO2/J (0.42 Ib SO2/MMBtu) heat input for noncontinental areas; or :
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ig frequency descrilied in sections 2.2.3,
.1,, and of appendix D to part 75 of this chapter (Le, flow Proportional sampling, daily sampling, sampling from the
ombining it with fuel oil already in the
ecutive unit operating days, using the
the required frequency for
subsequent monitoring of the fuel's total sulfur content shall be as specified in Paragraph (c)(1)(ii), (iii), or (iv) of this section,
as applicable. : . of 0
(i) Ifnone of the 30 daily measurements of the fuel's total sulfur content exceeds half the applicable standard, subsequent
sulfur content monitoring may be performed at 12-month interyals. Ifany of the samples taken at 12-month intervals has a total
sulfur content greater than half but Jess than the applicable limit, follow the procedures in paragraph (©)(1)Gii) of this section.
. Ifany measurement exceeds the applicable limit, follow the Procedures in paragraph (©)(1)Gv) of this section,
(ii) If at least one of the 30 daily measurements of the fuel's total sulfur content is greater than half but less than the applicable
limit, but none exceeds the applicable limit, then: on
(A) Collect and analyze a sample every:30 days for 3 months, Ifany sulfur content measurement exceeds the applicable
_ limit, follow the procedures in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section. Otherwise, follow the procedures in Paragraph
()(1)@if)(B) of this section.. : ‘
(if) If the maximum fuel sulfur content obtained from any of the 720 hourly samples exceeds 20 grains/100. sef, but none of the
sulfur content values (when converted to weight percent sulfur) exceeds half the applicable limit, then the minimum required
sampling frequency shall be one sample at 12 month intervals.
(iii) Ifany sample result exceeds half the applicable limit, but none exceeds fhe applicable limit, follow the provisions of
Paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section. . . .
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(iv) If the sulfur content of any of the 720 a samples exceeds the applicable limit, follow the provisions of paragraph
-(c)(1)(iv) of this section. .
§ 60.4375 What reports must I submit?
(a) For each affected unit required to continuously monitor parameters or emissions, or to periodically determine the fuel sulfur content
under this subpart, you must submit reports of excess emissions and monitor downtime, in accordance with §60.7(c). Excéss emissions
must be reported for all periods of unit operation, including start-up, shutdown, and malfunction.
(b) For each affected unit that performs annual performance tests in accordance with §60. 4340(@), you must submit a written report of the
_ Tesults of each performance test before the close of business. on the 60th day following the completion of the performance test.
§ 60.4380 How a fire excess emissions and monitor downtime defined for NOX?
For the purpose of Teports Tequired under 560 -7(c), Periods of excess emissions and monitor downtime that must be reported are defined
as follows:
(a) For turbines using water or steam to fuel ratio monitoring:
(1) An excess emission is any unit operating hour for which the 4-hour rolling average steam or water to ‘fuel ratio, as measured by
the continuous monitoring system, falls below the acceptable steam or water to fuel ratio needed to demonstrate compliance with .
§60.4320, as established during the performance test required in §60.8. Any unit operating hour in which no water or steam is
injected into the turbine when a fuel is being bumed that requires water or steam injection for NOX control will also be considered
an excess emission.
(2) A period of monitor downtime is any unit operating hour i in which water or steam is injected into the turbine, but the essential
parametric data needed to determine the steam or water to fuel ratio are unavailable or invalid.
(3) Each report must include the average steam or water to fuel Tatio, average fuel consumption, and the combustion turbine load
‘during each excess emission.
(b) For turbines using continuous emission monitoring, as described in §§60. 4335(b) and 60. 4345:
+ (Re An excess emissions is any unit operating period in which the 4-hour or 30- -day rolling average NOX emission Tate exceeds the
applicable emission limit in §60.4320. For the Purposes of this subpart, a “4- hour rolling average NOX emission rate” is the
arithmetic average of the average NOX emission rate in ppm or ng/J (b/MWh) : measured by the continuous emission monitoring
equipment for a given hour and the three unit operating hour average NOX emission rates immediately preceding that unit operating
hour. Calculate the rolling average if a valid NOX emission rate is obtained for at least 3 of the 4 hours. For the purposes of this
subpart, a “30-day rolling average NOX emission rate” is the arithmetic average of all hourly NOX emission data in ppm or np/}
(b/MWh) measured by the continuous emission monitoring equipment for a given day and the twenty-nine unit operating days
immediately preceding that unit operating day. A new 30-day average is calculated each unit operating day as the average of all
hourly NOX emissions rates for the preceding 30 unit operating days if a valid NOX emission rate is obtained for at least 75 percent
of al] operating hours.
(2) A period of monitor downtime is any unit operating hour in which the data for any of the following parameters are either missing
or'invalid: NOX concentration, CO2 or O2 concentration, fuel flow rate, steam flow rate, steam temperature, steam pressure, or
megawatts. The steam flow rate, steam temperature, and steam pressure are only required if you will use this information for
compliance purposes.
(3) For operating periods during which multiple emissions standards apply, the applicable standard is the average of the applicable
standards during each hour. For hours with multiple emissions standards, the applicable limit for that hour is determined based on
the condition that corresponded to the highest emissions standard.
(c) For turbines required to monitor combustion paraineters or parameters that document proper operation of the NOX emission controls:
(1) An excess emission is a 4-hour rolling unit operating hour average in which any monitored parameter does not achieve the target
value or is outside the acceptable range defined in the parameter monitoring plan for the unit.
(2) A period of monitor downtime is a tinit operating‘hour in which any of the required parametric data are either not recorded or are
. invalid.
§ 60.4385 How are excess emissions and monitoring downtime defined for 802?
If you choose the option to monitor the sulfur content of the fuel, excess erhissions and monitoring downtime are defined’ as follows:
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(a) For samples of gaseous fuel and for oil samples obtained using daily sampling, flow proportional sampling, or sampling from the
unit's storage tank, an excess emission occurs each unit operating hour included in the Period beginning on the date and hour of any
sample for which the sulfur content of the fiiel being fired in the combustion turbine exceeds the applicable limit and ending on the date
and hour that a subsequent sample is taken that demonstrates compliance with the sulfur limit.
been bumed, you May Tesume using the as-delivered sampling option. .
(c) A period of monitor downtime begins when a required sample is not taken by its due date. A period of monitor downtime also begins
on the date and hour ofa required sample, if invalid results are obtained. The period of monitor downtime ends on the date and hour of -
the next valid sample. . “
§ 60.4390 What are my reporting requirements if X operate an emergency combustion turbine or a research and development
turbine? .
(a) Ifyou operate an emergency combystion turbine, you are exempt from the NOX limit and must submit an initial report to the
Administrator stating your case. . : . .
§ 60.4395 When must I submit my reports? . ; .
All reports required under §60.7(c) must be'postmarked by the 30th day following the end of each 6-month period.
Performance Tests , : : :
§ 60.4400 How do I conduct the initial and subsequent performance tests, regarding NOx?
(a) You must conduct an initial performance test, a8 required in §60.8. Subsequent NOX performance tests shall be conducted on an
annual basis (no more than-14-calendar months following the previous performance test); ‘
@) Measure the NOX concentration (in parts per million (ppm); using EPA Method 7E or EPA Method 20 in appendix A of
this part. For units complying with the output based standard, concurrently measure the stack gas flow rate, using EPA.
. Methods 1 and 2 in appendix A of this part, and measure and record the electrical and thermal output from the unit, Then, use
ee 107 * (NOs) * Qaat (B.5)
” Where: :
‘B= NOX emission rate, in Ib/MWh
1.194 * 10-7 = conversion constant, in Ib/dsc&ppm
(NOX)c = average NOX. concentration for the run, in ppm
Qstd = stack gas volumetric flow rate, in dscf/hr :
P = gross electrical and mechanical energy output of the combustion turbine, in MW (for simple-cycle operation), for
combined-cycle operation, the sum of all electrical and mechanical output from the combustion and steam turbines, or, for
(ii) Measure the NOX and diluent gas concentrations, using either EPA Methods 7H and 3A, or EPA Method 20 in appendix A
of this part. Concurrently measure the heat input to the unit, using a fuel flowmeter (or flowmeters), and measure the electrical
and thermal output of the unit. Use EPA Method 19 in appendix A of this patt to calculate the NOX emission rate in
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* probe, or, if. feasible, with a stationary multihole probe that saroples each of the Points sequentially, Altematively, a multi-hole
Probe designed and documented to sample equal volumes from each hole may be used to sample simultaneously at the Tequired .
- (3) Notwithstanding Paragraph (a)(2) of this section, you may test at fewer Points than are specified in HPA Method 1 or EPA
Method 20 in appendix A of this part if the following’conditions are met;
() You may perform a stratification test.for NOX and diluent Pursuant to -
(A) [Reserved], or’ .
(B) The procedures specified in section (a) through (e) of appendix A of part 75 of this chapter.
(ii) Once the stratification Sampling is completed, you may use the following alternative sample point selection criteria for the
performance test: Oo ; .
(4) Compliance with the applicable emission limit in §60.4320 must be demonstrated at.each tested load level. Compliance is
achieved if the three-run arithmetic average NOX emission rate at each tested Jevel meets the applicable emission limit in §60.4320.
GS) If you elect to install a CEMS, the performance evaluation of the CEMS may either be conducted Separately or (as described in
§60.4405) as part of the initial performance test of the affected unit
* (6) The ambient temperature must be greater than 0 °F during the performance test.
§ 60.4405 How do I perform the initial performance test if I have chosen to install a NOX-diluent CEMS?
Tf you elect to instal! and certify a NOX-diluent CEMS under §60.4345, then the initial performance test required under §60.8 may be
performed in the following alternative manner:
(a) Perform a minimum of nine RATA reference method Tuns, with a minimum time per run of 21 minutes, at a Single load level, within
Plus or minus 25 percent of 100 percent of peak load. The ambient temperature must be greater than 0 °F during the RATA nuns.
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.(b) For each RATA Tun, concurrently measure the heat input to the unit using.a fuel flow meter (or flow meters) and measure the
electrical and thermal output from the unit. : . °
: (c) Use the test data both to demonstrate compliance with the applicable NOX emission limit under §60.4320 and to provide the required
reference method data for the RATA of the CEMS described under §60.4335. , :
(d) Compliance with the applicable emission limit in §60.4320 is achieved if the arithmetic average of all of the NOX emission rates for
the RATA runs, expressed in units of ppm or Ib/MWh, does not exceed the emission limit.
i _ § 60.4410 How do J establish a valid parameter range if I have chosen to continuously monitor parameters?.
Ifyou have chosen to monitor combustion parameters or parameters indicative of ‘proper operation of NOX emission controls in
accordance with §60.4340, the appropriate parameters must be continuously monitored and recorded during each run of the initial
» -performance test; to establish acceptable operating ranges, for purposes of the parameter monitoring plan for the affected unit, as
specified in §60.4355. se : .
§ 60.4415 How do I conduct the initial and subsequent performance tests for sulfur?
(a) You must conduct an initial performance test, as required in §60.8. Subsequent SO2 performance tests shall be conducted on an
aimual basis (no more than 14 calendar months following the previous performance test). There are three methodologies that you may
use to Gonduct the performance tests. st : .
(1) If you choose to periodically determine the sulfur content of the fuel combusted in the turbine, a representative fuel sample
would be collected following ASTM D5287 (incorporated by reference, see §60.17) for natural gas or ASTM D4177 (incorporated
: by reference, see §60.17) for oil. Alternatively, for oil, you may follow the procedures for manual pipeline sampling in section 14 of
ASTM D4057 (incorporated by reference, see §60.17). The fuel analyses of this section may be performed either by you, a service
contractor retained by you, the fuel vendor, or any other qualified agency. Analyze the samples for the total sulfur content of the fuel
using: . . . . sot
(i) For liquid fuels, ASTM D129, or altematively D1266, D1552, D2622, D4294, or D5453 (all of which are incorporated by
teference, see §60.17); or . . Oo : : .
(ii) For gaseous fuels, ASTM D1072, or alternatively D3246, D4084, D4468, D4810, D6228, D667, or Gas Processors °
Association Standard 2377 (all of which are incorporated by reference, see §60.17). .
(2) Measure the SO2 concentration (in parts per million (ppm)), using EPA Methods 6, 6C, 8, or 20 in appendix A of this part. In
addition, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standard, ASME PTC 19-10-1981-Part 10, “Flue and Exhaust
Gas Analyses,” manual methods for sulfur dioxide (incorporated by reference, see §60.17) can be used instead of EPA Methods 6 or
20. For units complying with the output based standard, concurrently measure the stack gas flow rate, using EPA Methods 1 and 2
in appendix A of this part, and measure and record-the electrical and thermal output from the unit. Then use the following equation
to calculate the $02 emission rate: . .
_1,664 «107 * (§0,), *Q
E - - (B46)
‘Where: .
E=SO2 emission rate, in 1b/MWh
1.664 x 10-7 = conversion constant, in Ib/dscf-ppm
(S02)c = average SO2 concentration for the run, in ppm
Qstd = stack pas volumetric flow rate, in dsci/br
P= gross electrical and mechanical energy output of the combustion turbine, in MW (for simple-cycle operation), for .
. combined-cycle operation, the sum of all electrical and mechanical output from the combustion and steam turbines, or, for
combined heat ‘and power operation, the sum of all electrical and mechanical output from the combustion and steam turbines
plus all useful recovered thermal output not used for additional electric or mechanical’ generation, in MW, calculated according
. to §60.4350(0(2); or 7 : :
(3) Measure the SO2 and diluent gas concentrations, using either EPA Methods 6, 6C, or 8 and 3A, or 20 in appendix A of this part.
In addition, you may use the manual methods for sulfir dioxide ASME PTC 19--10-1981—Part 10 Gncorporated by reference, see
§60.17). Concurrently measure the heat input to the unit, using a fuel flowmeter (or flowmeters), and measure the electrical and
" thermal output of the unit. Use EPA Method 19 in appendix A of this part to calculate the SO2 emission rate in Ib/MMBtu. Then,
use Equations 1 and, ifnecessary, 2 and 3 in §60.4350(6) to calculate the SO2 emission rate in lb/MWh. :
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(b) [Reserved]
§ 60.4420 What definitions apply to this subpart?
As used in this subpart, al! terms not defined herein will have the meaning given them in the Clean Air Act and in subpart A (General .
Provisions) of this part. ; : ; .
Combined cycle combustion turbine means any stationary combustion turbine which recovers heat from the combustion turbine exhaust
Bases to generate steam that is only used to create additional power output in a steam turbine, ., vo.
- combustion turbine, internal combustion engine, kiln, etc., to allow the firing of additional fuel to heat the exhaust gases before the
exhaust gases enter a heat recovery steam Senerating unit,
Efficiency Tmeans the combustion turbine manufacturer's rated heat rate at peak load in terms of heat inpist per unit of Power output—
ting ai Je k per :
. turbine/generator set. For combined heat and power units, the gross useful work performed is the Bross electrical or mechanical output
Plus the useful thermal output (i.e, thermal energy delivered to & process),
Natural gas means a naturally Occurring fluid mixture of ‘hydrocarbons (eg. methane, ethane, or Propane) produced in geological
formations beneath the Earth's surface that maintains a gaseous state at standard atmospheric temperature and pressure under ordinary -
conditions. Additionally, natural 88s must either be composed of at least 70 percent methane by volume or have 4 gross calorific value
between 950 and 1,100 British thermal units (tu) per standard cubic foot. Natural gas does not include the following gaseous fuels:
digester gas, tefinery gas, sour gas, blast furnace gus, coalderived gas, producer gas, coke oven gas, or. any gaseous fuel
Produced in a process which might result in highly variable sulfur content or heating value. . , :
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combined cycle combustion turbine, and any combined heat and power combustion turbine based system. Stationary means that the
combustion turbine is not self propelled or intended to be propelled while performing its function. It may, however, be mounted on a
vehicle for portability.
Unit operating day means a 24-hour period between 12 midnight and the following midnight during which any fuel is combusted at any
‘time in the unit. It is not necessary for fuel to be combusted continuously for the entire 24-hour period. .
-Unit operating hour means a clock hour during which any fuel is combusted in the affected unit. If the unit combusts fuel for the entire
clock hour, it is considered to be a full unit
a partial unit operating hour. =~ .
operating hour. If the unit combusts fuel for only part of the clock hour, it is considered to be
Useful thermal output means the thermal energy made available for use in any-industrial or commercial process, or used‘in any heating or
cooling application, i-e., total thermal energy made available for processes and applications other than electrical or’ mechanical
generation. Thermal output for this subpart means the energy in recovered thermal output measured against the energy in the thermal
output at 15 degrees Celsius and 101.325 kilopascals.of pressure. , . . .
"Table 1_to Subpart KKKK of Part 60_Nitrogen Oxide Emission Limits for New Stationary Combustion Turbines
| turbine. os
Combustion turbine type Combustion turbine beat NOX emission standard
: input at peak Joad L “ .
os 9 |
New turbine firing natural gas, electric generating [le] 50 MMBtu/h... 42 ppm at 15. percent O2 or 290 ng/J
; _ Te : - of useful output (2.3 Ib/MWh).
New turbine firing natural gas, mechanical drive. fle] 50 MMBtu/h... 100 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 690 ng/J
. : . . . . . of useful output (5.5 Ib/MWh).
New turbine firing natural gas. > 50 MMBtu/h and [le] 25 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 150 ng/J
850 MMBtwh = * of useful: output (1.2 Ib/ MWh).
["New, modified, or reconstructed turbine firing natural gas. > 850 MMBtvh... 15 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 54 ng/J of
: . , - : useful output (0.43 Ib/ MWh)
“New turbine firing fuels other than natural gas, electric . fle] 50 MMBtwh... 96 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 700 . ng/J
generating , : . _ | of useful output (5.5 Tb/ MWh),
‘New turbine firing fuels other than natural gas, mechanical [le] 50 MMBtwh...” 150 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 1,100
drive. oe . : ng/J of useful output (8.7 Ib/MWh).
New turbine firing fuels other than natural gas > 50 MMBtwh and [le] | 74 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 460 ng/J
Lo . 850 MMBtu/h of useful output (3.6 Ib/MWh)..
‘New, modified, or reconstructed turbine firing fuels other than * > 850 MMBtwh... 42 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 160 ng/J
natural gas. ; : of useful output (1.3 Ib/MWh).
“Modified or reconstructed turbine. [le] 50 MMBtu/h... * 150 ppm at 15 percent 02 or 1,100
: ne , ng/J of useful output (8.7 Ib/MWh).
| Modified or reconstructed turbine firing natural gas. - r > 50 MMBtu/h and [le] 42 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 250 ng/J
. 850 MMBtu/h. of useful output (2.0 Ib/ MWh).
Modified or reconstructed turbine firing fuels other than natural | > 50 MMBtu/h and [le} 96 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 590 ng/}
gas. : : 850 MMBtw/h of useful output (4.7 Ib/MWh).
Turbines located north of the Arctic Circle (latitude 66.5 [le] 30 MW output. [150 ppm at 15 percent 02 or 1,100
degrees north), turbines operating at less than 75 percent of ng/J of useful output (8.7 Ib/M Wh).
peak load, modified and reconstructed offshore turbines, and ’ . .
turbine operating at temperatures less than 0 °F. .
Turbines located north of the Arctic Circle (latitude 66.5 > 30 MW output. 96 ppm at 15 percent O2 or 590 ng/J
degrees north), turbines operating at Jess than percent of peak of useful 75 output (4.7 Ib/ MWh).
Joad, modified and reconstructed offshore turbines, and turbine .
’ operating at temperatures less than O°F. .
Heat recovery units operating independent of the combustion ‘All sizes.........
54 ppm at 15 percent O02 or 110 ng/J
of usefuul output (0.86 Ib/MWh).
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Circumvention: The pemnitice shall not circumvent the air pollution control equipment or allow the emission of air
pollutants without this equipment operating properly. [Rule 62-210.65 OFAC] - .
- Excess Emissions Allowed: Excess emissions resulting from startup, shutdown or malfunction of any emissions unit
Exoess Eimissions - Notification: In case of excess emissions resulting from malfunctions, the permitee shall notify the
Denarhae aon: . . eat .
” Objectionable Odor Prohibited: No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit the discharge of air pollutants, which
cause or contribute to an objectionable odor, An ‘objectionable odor” means any odor present in the outdoor
atmosphere which by itself or in combination with other odors, is or may be harmfal Or injurious to human health or
Unconfined Particulate Emissions: During the construction period, unconfined particulate matter emissions shall be
minimized by dust Suppressing techniques such as covering and/or application of ‘water or chemicals to the affected
areas, as necessary. [Rule 62-296,320(4)(c), FAC] : se
10. Required Number of Test Runs: For mass emission limitations, a compliance test shall consist of three complete and
Separate determinations of the total air pollutant emission Tate through the test section of the stack or duct and three
complete and separate determinations of any applicable Process variables Corresponding to the three distinct time
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Operating Rate During Testing: Testing of emissions shall be conducted with the emissions unit operating at permitted
capacity. Permitted capacity is defined as 90 to 100 percent of the maximum operation rate allowed by the permit. [fit
is impractical to test at permitted capacity, an emissions unit may be tested at less than the maximum penmitted
capacity; in this case, subsequent emissions unit operation is limited to 110 percent of the test rate until a new test is
conducted. Once the unit limited, operation at higher capacities is allowed for no more than 15 consecutive days
for the purpose of additional compliance testing to regain the authority to operat at the permitted. capacity. Rule 64 62-
297.310(2), F-A.G.],
Calculation of Emission Rate: For each emissions performance test, the indicated emission rate or concentration shall
be the arithmetic average of the emission rate or coricentration determined by each of the three separate test runs unless
otherwise specified in a particular test method or applicable rule. [Rule 62-297.310(3), F-A.C.}
Test Procedures: Tests shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable requirements of Chapter 62-297, F.A.C.
a, Required Sampling Time. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable rule, the required sampling time for each
test run shall be no less than one hour and no greater than four hours, and the sampling time at each sampling point -
shall be of equal intervals of at least two minutes. The minimum observation period for a visible emissions
compliance test shall be thirty (30) minutes. The observation period shall include the period during which the
highest opacity can reasonably be expected to occur.
b. Minimum Sample Volume, Unless otherwise specified in the applicable tule or test method, the minimum sample
volume per run shall be 25.dry standard cubic feet.
c. Calibration of Sampling Equipment. Calibration of the sampling train equipment shall be conducted i in accordance
with the schedule shown in Table 297.310-1, FA.C.
[Rule 62-297: 310(4), FAC]
Determination of Process. Variables :
a. Required Equipment. The owner or operator of an emissions unit for which compliance tests are required shall
’ jxistall, operate, and maintain equipment or instruments necessary to determine process variables, such as process
weight input or heat input, when such data are needed in conjunction with emissions data to determine the
compliance of the emissions unit with applicable emission limiting standards. :
b. Accuracy of Equipment. Equipment or instruments used to directly or indirectly determine process variables,
including devices such as belt scales, weight hoppers, flow meters, and tank scales, shall be calibrated and adjusted
to indicate the true value of the parameter being measured with sufficient accuracy to allow the applicable process
variable to be detemnined within 10% ofits tre value.”
[Rule 62-297. 310(5), FAC]
Sampling Facilities: The permittee shall install permanent stack sampling ports and provide sampling facilities that
meet the requirements of Rule 62-297.310(6), F-A.C.
Test Notification: The owner or operator shall notify the Department, at least 15 days prior to the date on which each
formal compliance test is to begin, of the date, time, and place of each such test, and the test contact person who will be
responsible for coordinating and having such test conducted for the owner or operator. [Rule 62-297.310(7)(a)9,
Special Compliance Tests: ‘When the Department, after investigation, has ‘good Teason (such as complaints, increased
visible emissions or questionable maintenance of control equipment) to believe that any applicable emission standard
‘contained ini a Department rule or in a permit issued pursuant to those rules is being violated, it shall require the owner
or operator of the emissions unit to conduct compliance tests which identify the nature and quantity of pollutant
emissions from the emissions unit and to provide a report on the results of said tests to the Department, [Rule 62-
297.310(7)(b), F.A.C.] : ;
Test Reports: The owner or operator of an enussions wit for which a compliance test is required shall file a report with
the Department on the results of each such test. The required test report shall be filed with the Department as soon as
practical but no Jater than 45 days after the last sampling run of each testis completed. The test report shall provide
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sufficient detail on the emissions unit tested and the test procedures used to allow the Department to determine if the
roperly cond)
test was pi a lucted and the test results Properly computed. Asa minimum, the test Teport, other than for an
EPA or DEP Method 9 test, shall provide the following information: :
. 1) The type, location, and designation of the emissions unit tested.
2) The facility at which the emissions unit is located.
3) The owner or operator of the emissions unit, . : . .
4) The normal type and amount of fuels used and materials processed, and the types and amounts of fuels used and
. Tuaterial processed during each test run.
5) The means, raw data and computations used to determine the amount of fuels used and materials processed, if
: 4. :
6) The type of air pollution control devices installed on the emissions unit, their general condition, their normal
7) - A sketch of the duct within 8 stack diameters upstream and 2 stack diameters downstream of’ the sampling Ports,
(Rule 62-297.310(8), F.A.C]
RECorDS AND Revorts
records, or data are recorded, Records shall be made available to the Department upon request: [Rules 62-4.160(1 4)
20. Annual Operating Report: The permittee shall submit an annual report that summarizes the actual operating rates and
emissions from this facility. Annual operating reports shall be submitted to the Compliance Authority by March 1st of
each year. [Rule 62-210.370(2), FA : ;
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The specific conditions of this subsection app ly to the following emissions units.-
Emission Unit Deseription
Unit B Coal Mill and. Coal Storage — including coal crushing, and crushed coal storage, coal vrilvedzing and.
feed preparation.
Unit B Gasification Ash Storage — including fly ash storage silo end base
Unit B Coal Handling Including coal conveying and transfer.
1. NSPS Subpart A: The affected emissions units are also subject to the applicable General Provisions i in Subpart A of 40
CFR 60, as adopted by Rule 62-204.800(8), F.A.C. [40 CFR 60, Subpart Aj
2. NSPS Subpart Y: The affected emissions units are‘also subject to the applicable requirements for Coal Preparation
Plants specified in NSPS Subpart Y of 40 CFR 60, as adopted by Rule 62-204.800(8); F.A.C. [40 CFR 60, Siibpart Y]
{Permitting Note: Numbering of the original NSPS rules in the following conditions has been preserved for ease of
reference with the rules, Paragraphs that are not applicable have been omitted for clarity and brevity. When used in'40
‘CER 60, the term Administrator” shall mean the Secretary or the Secretary’ 's designee.}
§ 60.250 Applicability and Designation of Affected Facility.”
(2) The provisions of this subpart are applicable to any of the following affected facilities in coal preparation plants which
process more than 200 tons per day: thermal dryers, pneumatic coal cleaning equipment (air tables), coal Processing and
conveying equipment (including breakers and crushers), and coal storage systems. -
§ 60.251 Definitions. .
(a) Coal ‘preparation plant means any facility (excluding underground n mining operations) which prepares coal by one or
more of the following processes: breaking, crushing, screening, wet or dry cleaning, and thermal drying.
(b) Bituminous coal means solid fossil fuel classified as bituminous coal by ASTM Designation D3 88-77, 90, 91, 95, or 98a
(incorporated by reference; see § 60.17). |
(c).Coal. means all solid fossil fuels classified as anthracite, ‘bitmesinows, sub bituminous, or lignite by ASTM Designation
D388-77, 90, 91, 95, or 98a (incorporated by reference; see § 60.17).
(d) Cyclonic flow means a spiraling movement of exhaust gases within a duct or stack. ©
(e) Thermal dryer means any facility in which the moisture content of bituminous coal is reduced by contact with a heated
gas stteam which is exhausted to the atmosphere,
(f) Pneumatic coal-cleaning equipment means any facility which. classifies bituminous coal by size or separates bituminous
coal from refuse by application of air stream(s).
(g) Coal processing and conveying equipment means any machinery used to reduce the size of coal or to separate coal from.
refuse, and the equipment used to convey coal to or remove coal and refuse from the machinery. This includes, but is not.
limited to, breakers, crushers, screens, and conveyor belts,
(h) Coal storage system means any facility used to store coal except for open storage piles.
(i) Transfer and loading system means any facility used to transfer and load coal for shipment.
§ 60.252 Standards for Particulate Matter.
(a) On and after the’ date on which the performance test required to be conducted by 40 CFR 60.8 is. completed, all owner or
‘operator shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any thermal dryer gases which:
(1) Confain particulate matter in excess of 0.070 g/dscm (0.031 gr/dscf).
(2) Exhibit 20 percent opacity or greater.
(c) On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted by 40 CFR’60.8 is completed, an owner or
operator shall not cause td be discharged into the atmosphere from any coal processing and conveying equipment or coal
storage system, gases which exhibit 20 percent opacity or greater. [40 CFR 60.252(a) and. (o)].
60.253 Monitoring of operations.
(a) The owner or operator of any thermal dryer shall intl calibrate, maintain, and continuously operate monitoring
devices as follows:
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(1) A monitoring device for the measurement of the temperature of the gas stream at the exit of the thermal dryer ona -
continuous basis. The monitoring device is to be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within +1.7 °C (£3 °F).
(2) For affected facilities that use venturi scrubber emission control equipment:
@ A monitoring device for the continuous mmeasurement of the pressure loss through the venturi constriction of the
control equipment. The monitoring device is to be certified by ihe manufacturer to be accurate within +] inch water
gauge, . : m, : : : : mo
GA monitoring device for the continuous measurement of the water supply pressure to the control equipment.
The monitoring device is to be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within £5 percent-of design water
supply pressure, The pressure sensor or tap must be located close to the water discharge point. The Administrator
. may be consulted for approval of alternative locations. .
(b) All monitoring devices under paragraph (a) of this section are to be recalibrated annually in accordance with procedures
under §60.13(b). . . : , :
[41 FR 2234, Jan. 15, 1976, as amended at 54 FR 6671, Feb. 14, 1989; 65 FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000]:
§ 60.254 Test methods and procedures. ,
(a) In conducting the performance tests required in §60.8, the owner or operator shall use as reference methods and >
procedures the test methods in appendix A of this part or other methods and procedures as specified in this section, except
as provided in §60.8(b). i , :
(b) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the paiticular matter standards in §60.252 as follows:
each Tun shall be at least 60 mitmtes and 0.85 dscm (30 dscf). Sampling shall begin no Jess than 30 minutes after startup
and shall terminate before shutdown procedures begin. oo
(1) Method 5 shall be used to determine the particulate matter concentration. The sampling time and sample volume for
" (2) Method 9 and the procedures in §60.11 shall be used to determine opacity.
[54FR 6671, Feb. 14, 1989]
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§ 63.6090 What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?
’ This subpart each affected’ source.
(a) Affected source. An affected source is any existing, new, or Teconstructed stationary combustion turbine located at a major source of
HAP emissions. . :
[69 FR 10537, Mar, 5, 2004, as amended at 69 FR 51188, Aug.-18, 2004]
Emission and Operating Limitations es ;
§ 63.6115 When must I conduct subsequent performance tests?
Subsequent performance tests must be performed on an annual basis as specified in Table 3 of this subpart.
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§ 63.6120 What Performance tests and other procedures must I use? .
(a) You must conduct each performance test in Table 3 of this subpart that applies to you.
(b) Each performance test must be conducted-according to the requirements of the General Provisions at: §63.7(e)(1) and under the
specific conditions in Table 2 of this subpart. :
* () Do not conduct performance tests or compliance evaluations during periods of startup, shutdown, or malfunction. Performance tests
must be conducted at high load, defined as 100 percent plus or minus 10 percent.
(@).You:must.conduct three separate test mms for each performance test, and-each test run must last at least 1 hour.
these operating Parameters during the initial performance test and continuously monitor thereafter. Altematively, you may petition-the
Administrator for approval of no additional operating limitations. If you submit @ petition under this section, you must not conduct the
initial performance test until after the petition has been approved or disapproved by the Administrator. « sy
@®If. ‘your’stationary combustion turbine is not equipped with an oxidation catalyst and you petition the Administrator for approval of .
additional operating limitations to demonstrate compliance with the formaldehyde emission limitation in Table 1, your petition nuit
iticlude the following information described in paragraphs .(f)(1) through (5) of this section. : . .
(1) Wentification of the specific parameters you Propose to use as additional operating limitations;
(2) A discussion of the relationship between these Parameters and HAP emissions, identifying how HAP emissions change with changes
in these parameters and how. Limitations on these parameters will serve to limit HAP emissions; .
(3) A discussion of how you will establish the upper and/or lower values for these Parameters which will establish the limits on these
parameters in the operating limitations; ; ao mo, : ; .
(4) A discussion identifying the methods you will use to measure and the instruments you will use to monitor these parameters, as well as
the relative accuracy and precision of these methods and instruments; and 7
* (5) A discussion identifying the frequency and methods for recalibrating the will use for monitoring these parameters. ;
(g)-If you petition the Administrator for approval ofno additional operating limitations, your petition must include the information *
described in paragraphs (g)(1) through (7) of this section, , : . .
(1) Identification of the Parameters associated with operation of the stationary combustion turbine and any emission control device which
. Could-change- intentionally (e.g., operator adjustment, automatic controller adjustment, etc.) or unintentionally (e.g., wear and tear, error,
etc.) on a routine basis or aver time; . : . .
(2) A discussion of the relationship, if any, between changes in the parameters and changes in HAP emissions; .
(3) For the parameters which could change in such a way as to increase HAP emissions, a discussion of. ‘why establishing limitations on
the parameters is not possible; 7 ‘ , .
(4) For the parameters which could change in such a way as to increase HAP emissions, a discussion of why you could not establish
upper and/or lower values for the parameters which would establish limits on the parameters as operating limitations; .
’ (5) For the parameters which could change in such a way as to increase HAP emissions, a discussion identifying the methods you could |
use to measure them and the instruments you could use to-monitor them, as well as the relative accuracy and precision of the methods
(7) A discussion of why, from your point of view, it is infeasible, unreasonable or unnecessary to adopt the parameters as operating .
limitations, . . ” es
§ 63.6125 What are my monitor installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
(a) If you are operating a stationary combustion turbine that is Tequired to comply with the formaldehyde emission limitation and you use
-an oxidation catalyst emission control device, you must monitor on a continuous basis your catalyst inlet temperature in order to comply
(@) Ifyou are operating a Jean Premix gas-fired stationary combustion turbine or a diffusion flame gas-fired stationary combustion
turbine as defined by this subpart, and you use any quantity of distillate oil to fire any new or existing stationary combustion turbine -
which is located at the same major source, you must monitor and record your distillate oil usage daily for all new and existing stationary
combustion turbines located at the major source.with a non-resettable hour meter to measure the number of hours that distillate oil is
fired.- . .
§ 63.6130 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission and operating limitations? '
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iated repairs, and tequired quality assurance or quality control activities (including, aS
c ents of the monitoring system), you qnust conduct all parametric
monitoring at all times the Stationary combustion turbine is operating, . : :
§ 63.6145 What notifications must Isubmit and when?
(a) You must submit all of the notifications in §§63.7(b) and (c), 63.8(e), 63.8(H(4), and 63.9(b) and (h) that apply to you by the dates
, _ Specified,
(©) As specified it §63 -9(8); if you start up your new or reconstructed stationary combustion turbine on or after March-5, 200.
(d) Ifyou are required to submit an Initial Notification but are otherwise not affected by the emission limitation requirements of this
subpart, in accordance with §63.6090(b), your notification must include the information in §63.9(b)(2)(i) through (v) and a statement
that your new or reconsiructed stationary combustion turbine has no additional emission limitation requi
*(1) Company name and address. oe :
(2) Statement by a responsible official, with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the accura
(3) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.
(4) For each deviation from an emission limitation, the compliance report must contain the information in Paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through
(a)(4)Gii) of this section. i
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SECTION.FV..APPENDIX-¥YYY...9 -- = - -.--
(iii) Information on the number, duration, and cause for monitor downtime incidents (including unknown cause, if applicable, other than
downtime associated with zero and span and other daily calibration checks).. .
_(b) Dates of submittal for the semiannual compliance report are provided in (b)(1) through (b)(5) of this section.
(1) The first semiannual compliance Teport must cover the period beginning on the compliance date specified in §63.6095 and ending on
June 30 or December 31, whichever date is the first date following the end of the first calendar half after the compliance date specified in
§63.6095. :
(2)-The first‘semiannual compliance Teport-must be postmarked or delivered noaterthan July 31 or January 31, whichever date follows
the end of the first calendar half after the compliance date that is specified in §63.6095 . :
(3) Each subsequent semiannual compliance Teport must cover the semiannual reporting period from January 1 through Jime 30 or the
semiannual reporting period from July 1 through December 31. : :
(4) Each subsequent semiannual compliance report must be postmarked or delivered'no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date
is the first date following the end of the semiannual reporting period. .
(5) For each stationary combustion turbine that is subject to permitting regulations pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 71, and if the
permitting authority has established the date for submitting annual reports pursuant to 40 CFR. 70.6(a)(3)Gii)(A) or 40 CFR
71.6(a)(3)Gii)(A), you may submit the first and subsequent compliance reports according to the dates the pennitting authority has
established instead of according to the dates in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section. . .
(c) If you are operating as a stationary combustion turbine which fires landfil! gas or digester gas equivalent to 10 percent or more of the
gross heat input on an annual basis, ora stationary combustion turbine where gasified MSW is used to generate 10 percent or more of the
gross heat input on an annual basis, you must submit an annual report according to Table 6 of this subpart by the date specified unless
the Administrator has approved a different schedule, according to the information described in paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this
section, You must report the data specified in (c)(1) through (c)(3) of this section. : ,
(1) Fuel flow wate of each fuel and the heating values that were used in your calculations. You must also demonstrate that the percentage .
of heat input provided by landfill gas, digester 8as, or pasified MSW is equivalent to 10 percent or more of the total fuel consumption on
an annual basis. : , .
(2) The operating limits provided in your federally enforceable permit, and any deviations from these limits. :
(3) Any problems or errors suspected with the meters. . ;
@ Dates of submnittal for the annual Teport are provided in (€)(1) through (d)(5) of this section.
(1) The first annual report must cover the period beginning on the compliance date specified in §63.6095 and ending on December 31.
(2) The first annual report must be postmarked or delivered no later than January 31. :
(3) Each subsequent annual report must cover the annual reporting period from January 1 through December 31..
- 4) Each subsequent annual report must be postmarked or delivered no Jater than J fanuary 31. :
(5) For each stationary combustion turbine that is subject to permitting regulations pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 71, and if the
permitting authority has established the date for submitting annual reports pursuant to 40 CFR. 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR.
71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the first and ‘subsequent compliance reports according to the dates the permitting authority has
: established instead of according to the dates in paragraphs (d)(1) through (4) of this section. 2
(e) If you are operating a Jean premix gas-fired stationary combustion turbine or a diffusion flame gas-fired stationary combustion turbine
as defined by this subpart, and you use any quantity of distillate oil to fire any new or existing stationary combustion turbine which is
located at the same major source, you must submit an annual Teport according to Table 6 of this subpart by the date specified unless the
Administrator has approved a different schedule, according to the information described in paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this section.
You must report the data specified in (e)(1) through (e)(3) of this section.
(1) The number of hours distillate ofl was fired by each new or existing stationary combustion turbine during the reporting period.
(2) The operating limits provided in your federally enforceable permit, and any deviations from these limits.
(3) Any problems or errors suspected with the meters.
§ 63.6155 What records must I keep?
(a) You must keep the records as described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5). .
q) Acopy of each notification and report that you submitted to comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any
Initial’Notification or Notification of Compliance Status that you submitted, according to the requirements in §63.10(b)(2)(xiv).
(2) Records of performance tests and performance evaluations as required in §63.10(b)(2)(viii).
(3) Records of the occurrence and duration of each startup, shutdown, or malfunction as required in §63.10(b)(2)().
(4) Records of the occurrence and duration of each malfunction of the air pollution control equipment, if, applicable, as required in
§63.10(b)(2)(i). 7 .
(5) Records of all maintenance on the air pollution control equipment as required in §63.10(b){iii).
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(a) You must maintain all applicable records in such a manner that they can bereadily accessed and are suitable for inspection ‘according
to §63.10(b)(1).* , . . .
. (b).As specified in §63.10(b)(1), you must keep each record for 5 years following the date of each Occurrence, measurement,
maintenance, corrective action, report, or record. .
(c) You must retain your records of the most recent 2 years on site or your records must be accessible on site. Your records of the
remaining 3 years may be retained off site, :
1, alean premix gas-fired Stationary combustion turbine as” limit the concentration of formaldehyde to 91 ppbvd or less at
defined in this subpart, ‘15 percent 02.
2. a lean premix oil-fired stationary combustion turbine as
defined in this subpart, : .
* 3, a diffusion flame gas-fired stationary combustion turbine
. 48 defined in this subpart, or Loe
4. a diffusion flame oil-fired stationary combustion turbine as
defined in this subpart . ; , ;
Table 2 to Subpart 63—~Oper . .
1. each stationary combustion turbine that is Tequired to - maintain the 4-hour Tolling average of the catalyst inlet
comply with-the emission limitation for formaldehyde and is temperature within the Tange suggested by the catalyst
using an oxidation catal ™
2. each stationary combustion turbine that is required to ‘maintain any Operating limitations approved by the
comply with ihe emission limitation for formaldehyde andis Administrator. . 7 :
uot using an oxidation catalyst. : . -
rformance Tests'and Initial Compliance Demonstrations
‘ According to the following ~~
: uirements: : :
a. demonstrate formaldehyde . Test Method 320 of 40 CER part 63, appendix Fonmaldehyde concentration toust be
emissions meet the emission :A; ASTM D6348-03 provided an that %R as Corrected to 15 percent 02, dry basis.
limitations specified in Table 1 bya determined in Annex AS of ASTM D6348-03 is Results of this test consist of the
performance test initially andon -. equal or greater than 70% and less than or equal ° . average of the three 1 hour runs, Test
annual basis AND. to 130%; or other methods approved by.the must be conducted within 10 percent
: : : Administrator. : : of 100 percent load.
: . . . ifusing an air pollution control device,
b. select the sampling port . - . ee can
location and the number of traverse Method 1 or 1A of 40 CER part 60, appendix A the sampling site must be located at the
points AND... § OG. . Hae of the air pollution control
c. determine the 02 concentration . , * Measurements to determine O2
at the sampling port location Method 3A or3B of 40 CER part 60, appendix concentration must be made at the‘
: . Same time as the performance test.
d. determine the moisture content Method 4 of 40 CFR Part 60, appendix A or Test’ measurements to determine moisture
at the sampling port location for the Method 320 of 40 CFR Part 63, appendix A, or Content must be made at the same time
purposes of correcting the ASTM D6348-03. as the performance test, :
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formaldehyde concentration to a
dry basis. .
Table 5 to S subpart YYYY of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With Operating Limitations
For each stationary combustion turbine complying with the
emission limitation for formaldehyde
‘You must demonstrate continuous compliance by
1. with an oxidation catalyst
* continuously monitoring the inlet temperature to the catalyst
and maintaining the 4-hour rolling average of the inlet
temperature within the range suggested by the catalyst
2. without the use of an oxidation catalyst
continuously monitoring the operating limitations that have
been approved in your petition to the Administrator.
Table 6 to Subpart YYYY of Part 63—Requirements for Reports
“Ifyou own. or operate a
you must
According to the following
1. stationary combustion turbine which -
must comply with the formaldehyde
emission limitation,
report your compliance status
semiannually, according to the
requirements of § 63.6150.
2. stationary combustion turbine which
fires landfill gas, digester gas or gasified
MSW equivalent to 10 percent or more of
the gross heat input on an annual basis
_ 3. alean premix gas-fired stationary
combustion turbine or a diffusion flame
gas-fired stationary combustion turbine as
defined by this subpart and you use any
quantity of distillate oil to fire any new or
existing stationary combustion turbine
which is located at the same major source.
"report (1) the fuel flow rate of each fuel
and heating values that were used in
your calculations, and you must
demonstrate that the percentage of heat
input provided by landfill gas, digester
gas, or gasified MSW is equivalent to
10 percent or more of the gross heat
input on an annual basis, (2) the
operating limits provided in your
federally enforceable permit, and any
" deviations from these limits, and (3) any
‘problems or errors suspected with the
teport (1) the number of hours distillate
. oil was fired by each new or existing
stationary combustion turbine during
the reporting period, (2) the operating
limits provided in your federally
enforceable permit, and any deviations
from these limits, and (3) any problems
or errors suspected with the meters,
“annually, according to the requirements
in § 63.6150.
annually, according to the requirements
in § 63.6150
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Docket for Case No: 06-000735EPP
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Dec. 11, 2006 |
Final Order filed.
Oct. 31, 2006 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Oct. 30, 2006 |
Joint Motion to Cancel Certification Hearing and Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Oct. 24, 2006 |
Order (Joint Motion to Vacate Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction is granted). CASE REOPENED.
Oct. 23, 2006 |
Joint Motion to Vacate Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction filed.
Oct. 23, 2006 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction. CASE CLOSED.
Oct. 19, 2006 |
Joint Stipulation between the Parties filed.
Sep. 19, 2006 |
Order Granting Motion (hearing is rescheduled to November 27, 2006; Orlando, Florida; November 28 is also reserved).
Sep. 15, 2006 |
Joint Stipulation and Motion for Alteration of Time Limits filed.
Aug. 18, 2006 |
Department of Environmental Protection`s Notice of Filing of Written Analysis; Electric Power Plant Power Plant Site Certification Staff Analysis Report filed.
Jul. 18, 2006 |
Orange County`s Response to Second Joint Stipulation and Motion for Alteration of Time Limits filed.
Jul. 18, 2006 |
Order Granting Motion (hearing set for October 11 and 12, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Jul. 14, 2006 |
Second Joint Stipulation and Motion for Alteration of Time Limits filed.
Jun. 21, 2006 |
Orange County`s Response to Joint Stipulation and Motion for Alteration of Time Limits filed.
Jun. 19, 2006 |
Order Granting Motion (hearing set for August 15 and 16, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Jun. 16, 2006 |
Joint Stipulation and Motion for Alteration of Time Limits filed.
Jun. 14, 2006 |
Ratified Agency Report filed.
Jun. 05, 2006 |
Agency Report filed.
May 08, 2006 |
Supplemental Site Certification Application Sufficiency Responses filed.
Apr. 19, 2006 |
Department of Transportation`s Notice of Intent to be a Party filed.
Apr. 10, 2006 |
Determination of Insufficiency filed.
Mar. 29, 2006 |
Orange County`s Notice of Intent to be a Party filed.
Mar. 29, 2006 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by A. Cotter and A. Erickson).
Mar. 17, 2006 |
Supplemental Site Certification Application (Revision 03/17/06) filed.
Mar. 16, 2006 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 17 through 19, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Mar. 14, 2006 |
Order (Department of Environmental Protection`s Unopposed Motion for Alteration of Caption is granted).
Mar. 10, 2006 |
Response to the Initial Order filed.
Mar. 08, 2006 |
Department of Community Affairs` Notice of Intent to be a Party filed.
Mar. 06, 2006 |
Department of Environmental Protection`s Proposed Supplemental Site Certification Application Schedule filed.
Mar. 06, 2006 |
Motion for Alteration of Caption filed.
Mar. 03, 2006 |
Site Certification Application filed. |
Mar. 03, 2006 |
Notice of Filing of Site Certification Application filed.
Feb. 28, 2006 |
Notice of Filing of List of Affected Agencies filed.
Feb. 28, 2006 |
Notice of Receipt of Power Plant Siting Application and Request for Assignment of Administrative Law Judge filed.
Feb. 28, 2006 |
Initial Order.
Feb. 27, 2006 |
Supplemental Site Certification Application filed.
Feb. 27, 2006 |
Statement of Completeness filed.