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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 06-001611 Visitors: 1
Respondent: SUBWAY NO. 31507
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Port St. Lucie, Florida
Filed: May 08, 2006
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, June 13, 2006.

Latest Update: Jan. 02, 2025
May 8 2106 12:58 85/88/2606 48:55 8564146749 DBPR O0GA PSGE @3/89 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ne Patitianer, = ve, Ol- Jl | Licanse No. 6602710 SUBWAY 431 nd di Licensa Type 2010 espondent Case No. 2006011190 / ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIV:SION OF HOTELS ANI: RESTAURANTS, ("Petitioner"), fllas this Administrative Complaint against SUBWAY #31507 ° Respondent’), and says: 1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public iadging estabish nents and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes 2 Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subyect to the jurtsciction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business address of record is 121 SW CASHMERE BLVD, PORT ST LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986. The mailing address of record is SUBWAY #31507, at 287 SW PT, ST. LUCIE BLVD., PORT SAINT LUCIE, FLORIDA 34984, 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec. 509 032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter $09, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated therato governing Operation of the establishment. The violation(s) found and applicable law are described ip Exhiblt “A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are altachea as Exnibit ‘B incorporated herein by reference, WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following Penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1 .000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondart's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Ecucation Program, suspension, revocation, or rafusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other rehef authorized by Chapter 509, Flarida Statutes, or the-rulas promulgated thereto. Signed March C2 2006 ae VU eR LOK chy Valerie Freeman, D:strict Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Holels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professioral Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT Charles F. Tunniclif, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No, 0153834 Depariment of Business & Professtanal Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1907 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: a : ; | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and Correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this dayof , 2006 Received by: . _ Inspector's Signature Operator's Signature Title Title ~ Case Number 2006011190 Form raviaad 12 26 05 License Type: 2010 Permanent Fond Sorvice Sestrict Number Ca SUBWAY 431507 (icense Number; 6602710 May 8 206 12:58 @5/@8/2686 48:55 8564146749 DBPR OGA PAGE 84/89 Exhibit A License Number: 6602710 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number: 2008011190 “FC” as cited herein refarances spacific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Orug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative Code. "NFPA as citad herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Assaciation | fe Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 4A-3, “Fira Pravention, General Provisions”, Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1,004(5), Florida Administrative Cade. “denotes a critical violation. It is allaged that on January 17, 2008 the licensee was In violation of Florida Statute SQQ(FS) ang/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), In the following particulars Copy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by refarance as Exhibit B. " 4. 27-16-1 5-202.12(A) AND (B) FC:: ~HANDWASHING FACILITY, INSTALLATION. (A) A HANDWASHING LAVATORY SHALL BE EQUIPPED TO PROVIDE WATER AT A TEMPERATURE OF AT LEAST 100 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT THROUGH A MIXING VALVE OR COMBINATION FAUCET (B) A STEAM MIXING VALVE MAY NOT BE USED.AT A HANDWASHING LAVATORY NO HOT WATER WAS PROVIDED AT THE EMPLOYEE HAND SINK BY THE THREE BIN SINK (THE WATER RAN FOR FOUR MINUTES). Form revised 03 06 06 District Number 04 SUBWAY #31507 Case Number. 2006011180 Licansa Type: 2010 Permanent Food Senice Lieanas Number: 602710 May 8 2106 1 DBPR O64 65/08/2606 48:55 6564146749 PAGE 65/89 Mar 27 O68 11:40Da DBPR wer 40724500. Pagel STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT GF BUBINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATEO DIVISION OF HOTELS AND REBYALIRANTS IBIT B wun myfiorde.com/mbpr CALLBACK INSPECTION REFORT LEGAL NOTICE Feifure to compty with this Notice may Inhiabe an admigletrative complaint that may result In eoapamdan ox revoeution of your Hoense and finex, SEAT PUNyOS 4253:22 PM Warring a HAT Callback inspecton Orme md Tene Inspection Rasen ma Nu RATESH PATEL UNIQUE KARINA, INC. [AENTNISTRATIVE EOVPLAINT exonmin ded, 772-370-8113 _ 7 Oemer Nema won ve INT reson Bai Codaf Telephone Number SUBWAY 831507 Burinens Nore tngpection Real Fed _ Number of Unite Requested Callback Dita/Thne Tnitial Waring Data 121 SW CASHMERE BLVD : PORT ST UCLE Al. 34985 ; a Addvess | Uhty | State ] Zip | atc. : Comments Pestaurant fot in ommplaice-na hot water at alnk usod By ernployess: [- They fojioweing ners) have beon recomended for Administrative Compkant: water not provided/siut off ac cmployer hand wash sink-by tres ban sink. Stil} na hot water aftar 4 pclnutes of wator running, 13065 Date Signature af Recipiant : Inepeetor Sknature lant Mary Duparte For futher Information plaptc contact: Tie, esletant a wpe axsletant manager Sanitation and Sefivty Spuclilist 400 Wast Roblhean Se, Phone: 2611-9 Sulte B02 N Onande, Rarita 32801 850.487.1395 DEPR For KR HOGS May 8 206 95/88/2886 98:55 8564146749 DBPR OGA& PAGE Mar 27 O06 11:41a DBPR _ler . 40724500 p.d STATE OF FLORIDA Paget OEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVIGION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, sweeper eryfinrida scomidopr EXHIBIT B FOOP SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Faure tp comply sith this NoGae may bata on adminiainstiva comptatnt that mey result th suspengion ar revocanion of your Noansa arid Anes 117/06 9:36:59 AM Rowtine 6602730 SEAT. Inepaction Date and Tens inspeclne Reazon License Numoar RAJESH PATEL UNJQUE KARINA, INC. WARNING: Owner Name \nolatlona in the openalion of your T2a:270-81) os SUBWAY #31807 : Arse Code/Talephone Numbar Buolress Name ‘Weapecttan Resul a2 0/1 5/2006 08:00 AM 4-1-2006 Number of Unie Calinack Date/Time Linerise Expiration 1217 SW CASHMERE BLVD PORT ST LUCIE FL 74986 Address! Chy / Stale /Zip/ atc. ham 03: Food Temperatures Nem Sa, Carl Food Managers teem 20° Warowashing Sanitzation | tom 45: Fim Extinguishers ano Muara ger Nae Gren rence Centicinton | Santis Tyrer Mar Ser ps3 Hn pew A Cimes ABC type Fin Extnga ines, Roane inten Dave Mnimat 2004 Caniied by; Netiormt fam fnew Ren w GartttCarten tirin of cot 2105 Registry of Robt Suhaty Profereraiat A Chess ABC ype Fire Etngarnan tuna iat Tyvek dome han B cw etter cate of Age ZOU Roce, RAUL center, 28 Degree rreballa, eve In noaler, 1S Dagroras F Tunta paled, walk ht carota, 20 Ongraen F parhiry, tna Conse, 3 Onrgrecs F, roma bert, tan courte, 44 Dagar F, ttdien frord courte, 4¥ Dagan F wth teeny, and choeeioe rumen orn bert om <2Depranr NOTE: Tart matted above with wr axtoriak (“) indicate a dolaton Inegactor’s Comments [Ris berg hand contact wih ready lo ert food, Gloves and ulanclls ate ured. Teal KL quat & used. and ahalnich poste, calibrated trermometer, and] rapier GOD Flarida Statutes ae avatable. OBPA wobolle: reww,hospltalltycducation.crg OTE: Any naw managers fed to be contfind in 90 days trom dam of hire and any new employers rend mints npproved program training in 60 days, | Water Bource. Mimicipal/Uiity. Sewage! MunicipaVUniity, Sard Conex. Juctin Perce, Aanlay Posoa Employees trained by Florlda Aereurer | lation-agte sta? Provided! Osher Information, Pravided Wob Slim: wave.myfloride.convddpr | Lacknowedge nepotp| of this inspection farm ard comments. Vi78 Date Signoturs of Recipient Incpector Signaiune . Recipient: Jugiln Peron Far funher Informaton please contac. ‘ Dina Ops Tilo Parson m charge Bartenton wed Swery tree tail 400 Whaat Aadinpon tir fren 302 09 Phoww: 772-82)-4822 wwo8, SQUACE PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL "Ojo Approved ROUT e Toto Whalasoms, esund concilesy 02 Ongina! purtsine; propany beled, date mondny PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL 03a Cold food al proper mperaturas during storagn, aplay, service, transpon, and cold holding *O.3t Hot land 9 propa’ tamperatute 04c Foods properly cookmd/retremtwd “US Feads properly cooled "04 Factitlas to mainte product lamporgiira “Of Thermameters provided and conspleyourty plhyond “06 Potunvally haznigouy fgods properly tRawad ‘Vietaions matiad «ih an medesink wre cole! viclalions, ams muykad YES are tn compilince, Rotts Marked NO are vicletlans, Bpecific retntte of wintation are hstad an pubaptuem paper. Mare mario WA mie Nol Applicable, itntas Mafteed ae NIO mre Nol Obpuesd and were nol Delng cnnducied #1 tha time of inepaction. DBPR Fan HA S0Z2-015 66/89 85/68/2006 46:55 8504146749 May oo 2b oL DBPR OGA PAGE Mar 27 06 11:412 D ~~ . BPR —ser “40724500. _ pia STATE OF FLORIDA Page2 OEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFERSIONAL REGULATION {conan sumber DIVISIGN OF HOTELS AND REBTAURANTS SBAT = BeO7TTE anyuonidmcanvénpe Intpoction Cate FOOD BERVICE INSPECTION coe {| BIT B 1708 8.36.5. A LEGAL NOTICE Fetus to cormply with flu Notoe rusy inflas an sdentalstralive complaint that mary result In supengion of revocation of your Ueeree and finns STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL STATUS GARBAGE AND REFUSEDIBPOBAL J Ves ho? Uriwupprd ot potentially huxatdous food not fa-served ver Isa Gonteinnra covered, adequaw aumbar, Insact ana rodant| f . Yee Saga Food protection during atorage, preparavion, display, Inoat, emptied 1 proper intarva}s, clean . . dervdes, rangportation Yuu ad Qutsiie storage areo clean, enclorure praperh, ormstructrd You eth Cros-contam{naUon, equipment, pwfkonnes, slorege a . Yau MOBe Potential for crosa-contarninaton: slorayte practicas: STATUS. y DI cl a idamogas (oad aagrageted Yeu +355 Prarencs of Insacizrodentx, Animals prahbiied Yous "05 Foods bandied wlth minkmun contact Mu +36 Cuiey opamings provcrad from Inercts rodent proot Yea 10 my ure food dlspencing yjansite property stored STATUS FLOORS. WALLS, CEILINGS aTATUR PERSONNEL Yea 5 Fioom property consmuctad, clog, diinow. caved | | vam +11 Pernonne! wih infacions casiricted Yos 37 Walla, calling; and etechad uquipment, comsiucted Yeu 428 Honds washad snd clean, good hygienic practices pan j (abmerved), siternaitve operatic” plan Yon 58 Ughting provided a required, Flutes shisided 7 You M42 Proper hypienic practices, watiig/drinking/smoking Yeu 39 Roary and equipment - vented we requires (eeidencal BTATUS OTHER AREAS _. : No 13 Clean clottem, hair reclatniy, Yon 40 Employes fackars provided and used, tleeq STATUS FOOD EQUIPMENT ANO UTENSILS. Yas Aya Tose items prpperly stored . ‘Yes 14 Food contact surfacec derigned, consiucied, Yaw tay Talc items labeled and used property. | rainiaines, Inetatied, toasted Ver AZ Promises matrtatned, tree af litter, unnecessary artictes 415 Nomtpad contact nufaces dealgned, conatucted, leuning ond maintenance equipment proporly stored malrtstned, installed, toce ted Micha restricted 1p nulhonzed personel “16 Dishwoshing (aclittes designed, canstructed, aperetad [Ves da Complete apparation from (hing/sinaping pres, ‘laundry 1. Warn 2, Rinse 3. Senlice Yes 44 Claan and gollad linen segragalad ard property stored | a M8 Preflushed, wcmpeg, soaked SAFETY M65 Fire axtinquishers - praper and suffictont mfinquisthe oper 10 Wash, tinge water cleep, proper tempersure [Yea 46 Exting system - pdaquate, good repat | rade Sunitiaing cancentrstion Yos 47 Electrical witing - wdequate, qood reaalt 2ub Bunltizing tomporaiire You hg Gus applignees » propally Instatied, malniained | 21 Wiging clotht clapn, used propery, stored Vox 49 Floyymable/combustible matorlaly - propady stared + 22 Food contac surtacgs of equipment and Ulensits chan STATUS GENERAL _ 3 Non-f9ad cantatl aurtanes claon Yer +50 Curent inense properly dlgnisyed 4 24 Storggwhonoling af clegn equipmant, utonelle No 51 Other condilors wanitary snd sale operalign _ SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES ah) §2 Falaofmisteading slaloments publiehad or adverived 25 Sewvice items propaty stored, handled, cuepansed rataling w tood/bevarngy | 2B Single servicy avticda not re-used es hS3e Food management rartiicatlon vata WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING Yes Sb Employee mining yalksaton . | "27 Water source mada, hot and cots under pressure Yor 54 Florida Chsan induor Air Act ee M7 Sewage and wasts water ditpaeed propetty Yas 55 Automatic Gromulty Notice al vis Plumbing instafied Ee) malnieined ven 5k Cony of Cheplar 409, Fiodda Statutes, avallante "30 Crogs-connstilon, back sipronsgg, backiiow STATUS GENERAL . TOILET ANO HANDWABHING FACILITIES Yes 57 Mosptiatity Equestion Program Information provided | 231 Tonet pnd handwsshing factlliles, number, conventen, [Yes 68 Smoke Free designed, installed ~ 7 Sd Aetrrooma veh xei-rinéing doert, aurea operas prosesip. mciity chan, eupphed wan Repdosp, dypowkbhe tounts of hand ‘Tols| Number af COS Violatans: a drying ts tying deelcon, iste, covereo rea nle rece ation Tors| bor of Repeat Vislallons: 0 | Vbtptions marked with an asiste kare orlllond Wolationy lems mancad YES wie fh complignce. Ilana Marked NO aro viglauons. Spactic duvalis of violation ate iiuled on rubmqiest papas. Rams merked NIA are Nel Applicab's. Names Mafeac as MQ sro Not Observed, and were not bring enaducied af tho time pl laspechar DBPR Form HH ADZ2-018 87/09 May ¢ 206 12:54 85/08/2606 66:55 9564146743 DBPR OG. PAGE 08/89 Mar 27 OG 11: 4hes DBPR Waer AO724500n,.° Se pid Pages STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINERS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION brense Number DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Seat SBOITIG wee myfonide.comdbpr impaction Date. UTTO5 8'30:53 AM FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION woth Bt TR LEGAL NOTICE ve B Faure ® comply wih thi Notine may Init an pominiatative cainpial that may eau? in wuxpension of revongticn of your Doors ard fines. ‘Viotatlan(a)! 3-021. Obmerred employee with so alr emstraln§ oF Pal 27-\G-1 Hol empar mat pravidedsanut off al amployea hard eran alot by 3 bis rink, 2Q-18-1 No henchwpaning eign providad at a handylnk usu by food amplayner-hy thems bin alnie. 22-Va-} «Hand sna wink teddng ompar heed drying proviione-hy 3 pla tink, "2217-1 - Manctemabing cleanser backing at hinibanshing tiumlorstent counter, 51-11-9 - Carbon dloaldemetium tani not wdequately KBCUIG, 99-10-1- No copy ot lates! Ieepection npar DMPA Farm HA 32-015

Docket for Case No: 06-001611
Issue Date Proceedings
Jun. 13, 2006 Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jun. 12, 2006 Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Jun. 06, 2006 Notice of Telephonic Final Hearing (telephonic final hearing set for June 22, 2006; 9:00 a.m.).
Jun. 05, 2006 Petitioner`s Witness List filed.
Jun. 05, 2006 Petitioner`s Exhibit List filed.
Jun. 01, 2006 Petitioner`s Witness List filed without signature.
Jun. 01, 2006 Petitioner`s Exhibit List filed without signature.
May 17, 2006 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
May 17, 2006 Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 22, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Port St. Lucie, FL).
May 12, 2006 Response to Initial Order filed.
May 09, 2006 Initial Order.
May 08, 2006 Election of Rights filed.
May 08, 2006 Administrative Complaint filed.
May 08, 2006 Agency referral filed.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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